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Urgot Build Guide by ToHadesWithYou

Top Urgot Guide - Season 13 (13.1)

Top Urgot Guide - Season 13 (13.1)

Updated on January 13, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ToHadesWithYou Build Guide By ToHadesWithYou 29 11 116,401 Views 7 Comments
29 11 116,401 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ToHadesWithYou Urgot Build Guide By ToHadesWithYou Updated on January 13, 2023
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Runes: Standart

1 2 3
Press the Attack
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide

Urgot Guide - Season 13 (13.1)

By ToHadesWithYou
General Info
I really love to play Urgot. Thanks to him I managed to get to Gold (Not much but still). The first time I met with Urgot was, I was playing Garen and got my *** whoped by him. This was around the times I just started to game. So I desided to try him. And stick to him as my second main. There are a lot of potentials in Urgot. Good objective control, AoE CC, good 1v2 potential. I'll try to explain all of them one by one. Hope you'll enjoy it :).
Strong and Weak Points

Strong Points:


Strong Early Level: With Echoing Flames and Disdain, you deal high damage even at level 2.


Range: Most toplaners have 125 or 175 range. Urgot however has 350 range. So it is easier for you to poke many of them.


Objective Control: Urgot can take 1 or 2 plates really fast. Also if you have prio in lane, you can help your jungler to take Herald, especially after level 9.


Good CC: Stun, slow and fear. These are really important when laning. Also Urgot is good at 1v2 due to AoE of his Fear Beyond Death, He can target enemy top laner or jungler, kill him/her and kill the other one. Or if he is in no condition to fight the other one he can escape easily.


Also: Tower diving to Urgot is really dangerous due to his Disdain. Because:

-It gives sheild and deals damage.

-Stuns the target.

-Displaces the target.

This will cause the target to take at least 2 turret shots and will help Urgot to stay alive because of the shield.


Weak Points:


Immobile:His only mobile ability is his Disdain, which has a delay and not so fast. Also your Purge makes you slow while attacking, so if you get caught while farming or trading your escape will be hard.


Skillshot Reliant: Almost all his abilities are skill shots. If the enemy is prepaired for you to use them, they can easily dodge those.


Long CD on Passive Early: His main source of damage is his Echoing Flames. You can have good trades with them early but when they are on CD, you'll lose a lot of damage.


Long Ult Cast Time: He can make good 1v2 plays, but in order to do that, he needs a few seconds to execute someone. Which is pretty long in some cases.

Runes - Key Stones

:I find this keystone best for Urgot. You can choose Conqueror for more sustain and team fight. But it is harder for Urgot to get all the stacks and Press the Attack's damage is better.

:For harder lanes that you want sustain. It scales good too and gives good movement speed. But in the early game, you will lack a lot of damage.

:If you want more sustain for extended fights, this rune is good.

: I would recommened these runes for ranged champs and champs like Olaf. If you land your Corrosive Charge on the enemy, it will trigger Approach Velocity. Which will help you to proc Phase Rush. The reason for these runes against Olaf is, he will mostly look for an opportunity to land his Undertow on you. This will help him catch you and kill you. But with Phase Rush you can escape easily since it reduces slows. Note: Using these runes might help you to escape, but also it will decrease your strength greatly.

: Another option for hard matchups, especially against melees. Try to farm and proc this rune and try to reach you level 9/13 powerspikes.

Runes - Sub Runes


:Good for early lead. Also it help you to survive fights.

:Tenacity is good against champs like Jax, Renekton. You can also go Legend: Bloodline, but it is harder to stack and tenacity helps you in team fight when there are a lot when enemy team has a lot of CC.

:In 1v1, you can execute someone while they have 25% or less health and there will be fights you will be fighting with low health a lot. So Last Stand is a better option. Also Coup de Grace gives 8% extra damage, while Last Stand giving 11%. However Coup de Grace good against champs that can kill you on low health, such as Garen, Cho'Gath.


: Can be good against AP champs like Mordekaiser.

: You can pick Ghost and you will catch almost all enemies.

: Can be used for scaling.

:Not too good, but can be used for Q poke.


: Extra movement speed is usefull.

: Really usefull for catching enemies. Especially ranged ones.

:Good for early sustain.


: Extra Damage and defensive stats are really usefull.

: If you are building tank, this is really usefull.

: A usefull rune for scaling.

: Usefull against burst damage. Example: Renekton

: Good against poke. Example Teemo

: Can be used with Second Wind to improve sustain. Also works good with Eclipse.

:Good against heavy CC.

Summoner Spells

:Important for lane control and it will help you to join drake fights and helps you to gank bot lane.

:You can use this against champions that also runs Ignite, such as Garen, to counter them. Or you can pick this for harder matchups which you need extra damage. However your effect on map will fall off.

:Can be used against ranged top laners.



Urgot's six legs each conceal a shotgun that covers an arc, together forming a full circle of cover around him. Each shotgun has one shell and an individual reload timer.

The next basic attack in the direction of a loaded shotgun causes it to fire, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit within. The damage dealt is equal to 40-100% of Urgot's total attack damage (depending on level) plus 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6% of a target's maximum health, and is capped at 100-360 against monsters (depending on level).

Range: 490

Cooldown: 30 / 20 / 10 / 5 / 2.5

Your main damage source. You can have really great trades but when they are off, play passive. While farming, try not to activate more than one. At level 13, their CD will be 2.5 seconds, so when before you come to the first one you used, it will be on.


Urgot launches a canister at the target location that explodes after 0.6 seconds, dealing 25 / 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 (+0.7 per attack damage) physical damage and slowing all enemies hit by 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65% for 1.25 seconds.

Range: 800

Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8

Cost: 80

Good for poking enemy. If you land this, you can freely use your Purge on enemy. This also helps you to catch enemies. But don't use it too often cause it has high mana cost.


Passive: Urgot's other abilities apply Purge to enemy champions for a few seconds.

Active: Urgot autonomously attacks the nearest enemy for the next 4 seconds, without interrupting his movement, prioritizing enemy champions marked for Purging. Casting Purge also refreshes the duration of the locked-on debuff.

Urgot attacks with 3.0 attack speed but deals only 12 (+0.2 / 0.24 / 0.28 / 0.32 / 0.36 per attack damage) physical damage per attack, with only 50% on-hit damage and he cannot critically strike. Attacks deal a minimum of 50 damage against minions and monsters.

While active, Urgot also gains 40% slow resistance and ignores unit-collision versus non-champions but attacking reduces his base movement speed by 125 for 1 second.

Cost: 40 / 30 / 20 / 10 / 0

You can get early kills with your passive and E, but your main focus is to reach level 9 and max Purge. After your Purge becomes toggle; farming, fighting, objective taking will be much more easy. There is also a trick to improve your DPS. AA with Purge three times than turn it off, 1 normal AA, turn it on again.


Urgot shields himself for 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 (+1.5 per bonus attack damage) (+15% of bonus health) for 4 seconds. After a brief delay, he dashes in the target direction, dealing 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) physical damage to all enemies in the way and knocking them aside.

Urgot comes to a stop upon colliding with an enemy champion, stunning them for 1 second and flinging them over himself.

Range: 475

Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14

Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100

This ability is usefull in many ways. One of them is like I mentioned before, countering tower dive. It is also a good engage for ganks. But the important part is, you got a free chance to land your Fear Beyond Death. But be carefull of how much Tenacity your enemy has, you might end up missing it even after landing your Disdain. I also prefer to max this ability in melee matchups for lower CD.


First Cast: Urgot fires a chem-drill forward that impales the first enemy champion struck, dealing 100 / 225 / 350 (+0.5 per bonus attack damage) physical damage, leashing them for 4 seconds and slowing them by 0-75% (based on the target's missing health).

If the target is below 25% of their maximum health, Fear Beyond Death can be re-activated, and automatically does so after 3 seconds if the target is within the threshold.

Second Cast: Urgot begins channeling as he launches chains at the target, suppressing them on impact and reeling them in while making them untargetable by other effects.

The channel can only be interrupted by Urgot's death. If the channel is successful, the target is executed and surrounding enemies are terrified for 1.5 seconds.

Range: 2500

Cooldown: 100 / 85 / 70

Cost: 100

This ability makes Urgot in a 1v1 or a 1v2. However its recast time can be far too long to survive for you. Usage of this ability is mostly after Disdain. But make sure you have enough legs to kill the target. And also carefull pre 9 while using this. Cause your Purge might turn off right when you need it most. Don't forget to follow mid lane and your jungler, you might help them from far away with this ability. Champions that have self shield or increasing max HP can survive your ultimate. So it is better to damage them as much as possible before all in or just try to bait these abilities.



Doran's Blade I generally start with this item. It is great for early trades and sustain.

Corrupting Potion Good for health and mana sustain. Can be used for hard lanes.

Doran's Shield For hard matchups, especially for ranged top laners. With this you can farm a lot safely, due to its passive. Even they poke you or have better trades, you can stay in lane longer.


Caulfield's Warhammer If you have around 1400/1500 gold, you can buy this item and also buy Boots or Long Sword. You can buy Kindlegem instead of this if you want more safe laning.

Executioner's Calling Good for champs that has high sustain. Such as Fiora, Renekton, Darius. BUt it is better to get this item, if you have a lead. Or it would be better to buy Bramble Vest.

Cull This item's passive isn't reduced when your Purge is on. because of that it gives you good sustain. It is also affordable after a cheater reecall.

Plated Steelcaps I would buy this early against champs like Gnar or Lucian. It will reduce their aa damage a lot and also having more ms will help you catch them. If they don't bought boots themselves.

Tiamat Good for wave clear.

Crystalline Bracer If you want to build hearsteel first item, this is a good option. The difference between this item and Kindlegem is, I'd prefer this item for playing safe.


Black Cleaver It's stats are pretty fitting for Urgot. But there is anotheer reason to rush this item. After the Durability Patch, everything became a lot tankier. Making it's armor reduction more valuable. Also the extra movement speed really helps you to stick to enemies.

Eclipse I generally build this item for mythic. It has good sustain, it's shield and movement speed bonus is amazing, but more importantly, it increases your damage greatly. Any squishy champion will be deleted within seconds. Can be used for many matchups, but best used against tanky ones.

Prowler's Claw I buy this item if the enemy team has mobile champions or enemy is a ranged top laner.

Heartsteel Amazing scaling. The damage from its passive is insane. It works really well with Urgot too. You can poke your enemies with your aa's for massive damage and gaining permanent health. This item also works really well with Titanic Hydra and Gargoyle Stoneplate. Right now seems like best mythic for Urgot. But I still prefer to build this as second. Before you build this item, your damge is really low. And without its passive you have no extra damage. Still can be picked first tho.


Titanic Hydra My default 3rd item. Good for wave clear. Good damage. Also this item makes it really easy to poke enemies that are behind minions, especially with Eclipse

Sterak's Gage Really usefull for teamfights.

Maw of Malmortius Better if you want to surviving champs like Mordekaiser, Teemo.

Force of Nature Better against champions that has consistent magic damage. Such as: Cassiopeia, Malzahar.

Randuin's Omen Usefull for AA heavy toplaners and ADCs.

Serylda's Grudge Can be used if the enemy has heavy armor.

Gargoyle Stoneplate Together with Sterak's Gage, this item makes you unkillable.
Mythic Choices

When To Build

This item is good for extended fights and for frontlining. Since the stats you gain from its passive stays until the fight ends, you will be able to survive/out sustain your enemy. A great item against champions like: Shen, Tahm Kench, Nasus. Combined with Ravenous Hydra, you will get good amount of sustain and tankieness. It is also good for Flash + R plays and if you want enemy team to focus you for your own carries, this item is a good option.

When To Build

If you want to play safe early and outscale your enemy, or just scale in general, this item is a good option. It's build path doesn't have any damaging items and it's only damaging tool is it's passive and it has 30s cooldown per target. Urgot is not a consistent champion pre 9, any champion that can survive his damage will be able to kill Urgot. And by going this item, your damage will be less. But it's not as bad as it sounds. Unless it's guaranteed, Urgot already don't want to fight those levels. So you can buy this item, play safe can scale. It is also a good item if the enemy has flat true damage. Good buy against: Tryndamere, Olaf.

When To Build

Another good item for teamfights. But it gives you temporal healing, it might be better to build Jak'Sho, The Protean over this item. However, this item can work well against champions with finisher. Like Darius, Cho'Gath. Since they deal a flat amount of true damage with their ultimates, a good timed R can help you survive that damage.

When To Build

If the enemy has a lot of armor or if defensive stats are not effective, you can build this item. Against champs like Ornn, Malphite. It is depends on your preference tho. You can still build Jak'sho and try to out sustain them if you want. A good time to build this item might be against Fiora. Since she has %Max Health true damage, none of the defensive items will help you fight her.

When To Build

If your enemy laner is a slipperey champion, like Vayne, Akshan, this item is really important. It will help you to stick to them.




Hate to play against him. If he lands his Undertow on you, he can run you down. He has good early game due to his Berserker Rage and Tough It Out. Due to these abilities, he is dangerous when he is low health. If he farms with his Q, don't let him grab it. And try to poke him away from minions if possible, cause he can heal himself really good. You can pick Ghost to stall his ultimate. You can still have kill pressure at level 1 and 2 with Ignite, but it would be better to chunk him down before all-in. After level 6, even if you have a lead, he can kill you.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:

A really hard matchup for Urgot. At level 1 and 2, you have kill pressure with Ignite. However after that and until level 9, it will be a really hard matchup. His main damage, Obliterate, and his Death's Grasp are both linear abilities. By moving sideways while farming or harrasing, you can juke them. However it's easier said than done. With Urgot's big hitbox, it is hard to dodge these. And also since he doesn't use any resource, missing his abilities are not putting him in a really bad situation, unless you are punishing him. And the more points he puts in his Q, the harder it gets to punish him. You can juke 1 or 2 Q's, but it will be back in short time. Giving you really small window to punish. His Indestructible also makes laning against him really hard. He can attack stock some stacks from minions and use it to either heal himself or trade. His Q already makes things really hard. Even if you punish him when he misses this ability, one succesfull hit can ruin all the hard work, especially if there were no minions to reduce the damage. But combined with his W's free sustain. It becomes almost impossible to punish him as Urgot. If you use your Corrosive Charge to punish, you will run out of mana. If you try to aa, he might grab you with his E. At level 6, you wouldn't want to fight him unless he is low and you are confident that you won't miss any ability. However, don't forget that he will steal health from you with his Realm of Death. Also a good Mordekaiser will keep his W to stall your Fear Beyond Death.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:

He can engage and escape really easily. He will come to you with his Slice and Dice, stun you with Ruthless Predator, after that he will attack with Cull the Meek and escape with Slice and Dice. The thing you can do to counter this is if you can time your Disdain right, you can stun him while he stuns you. So he can't escape without taking any damage. Try to stay away from his E range when he has fury stacked. He can use minions to gap close to you. Also try to bait his Dominus, or it will be hard to execute him with your Fear Beyond Death. And rush anti heal.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:

If he has fury, don't try to fight him. A few unnecessary crits can ruin your day. Also have good vision if you are gonna fight him, cause his Mocking Shout can stop your escape. They generally start with Spinning Slash to safely farm. A good Tryndamere wouldn't let you land Disdain. However you can still poke him with your aa's. His Undying Rage counters your Fear Beyond Death. Undying Rage lasts for 5 seconds, your ultimate executes target in 1.5 seconds after they are latched and your chem-drill lasts for 4 seconds. So in theory, if you use your ultimates at the same time you can kill him easily, right? Well... not that easily. The part "does so automatically if the chem-drill would kill the target" in Urgot's ultimate means: If the target has, let's say 50 Health and the drill will deal 100 damage. Then the target will automaticly reeled in. (At least that's why I think it means) So if you Ult a Tryndamere in this situation, the second cast will automaticly activate. Causing you to lose time. So it is better to force him to use his ultimate and wait a few seconds to use yours (Though it will not be easy. Cause even without items, his crit rate and Lethal Tempo can be enough to kill you. Second option is using it early to avoid auto cast, but you must be sure that you will get and keep him at the threshold. Third options is to keeping your E for later. After the reel you can try to catch him and it will help you stall his R. But than landing your R will be a lot harder. Note that they generally pick Ghost, so landing your R and E will be a little tricky.

Recommended Summoner Spell:


Recommended Build Path:

My permaban atm. Similiar to Mordekaiser, you have kill pressure at level 1 and 2. But later on, even when behind, he can kill you if you misplay. At early stages, his The Darkin Blade has high cooldown. So it is easier to punish. However it will be harder after each point he puts on his Q. Urgot's big hitbox makes it harder for you to dodge it. What you gotta do: You can try to sidestep 1st cast of his Q. But what you should consider is it's range, combined with Umbral Dash. 2nd cast has the largest area. Depending on your position, you can either keep your distance or stick to him to dodge the sweet spot. For 3rd cast you should always stay away from him. If you are not gonna all in him, keep your E to buffer his first Q. So he can't combo you. If he lands his 1st cast of Q, he will use his Infernal Chains for full combo. If you get hit by that, always go for sideways, cause they are shortest.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:

A good Vayne will make your laning phase a nightmare. She can poke you hard and is hard to get on to. If your jungler will come, let her push the lane. Give up cs to avoid being chunked hard. Getting Approach Velocity is really important for this lane. If you land your Q, you might be able to trade some auto attacks or force her to use her Condemn. But a good Vayne will always dodge your Q with her Tumble. So wait for her to go for cs or just try to bait it. Your Flash will be insanely valuable in this matchup. An E + Flash combo can be enough to take her down.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:

Build Path I Use:


Building Edge of Night first can be great against her. With this start, she can't condemn you. But it is still a risky start.


You need to play carefull in this lane. In early game, if you miss your Disdain, you are dead. They generally play pretty agressive, so it is better to freeze under your turret and wait for them to make a mistake. If you can time it right, you can buffer his Apprehend with your Disdain.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Build Path 1:

Build Path 2:

You need to play carefully early. She can poke you good with her Lunge. Also don't use your Disdain for engages if she can react it with her Riposte. Watch out for her passive, if it is in a easy position for her, don't get close. Play around walls to block her. For this matchup, if you can geet to level 9 without giving her a lead, you might bee able to fight her. In this senerio, when you fight her; she takes huge damage from your passive and uses Riposte. Thiss will give you an easy opportunity to use Disdain or Fear Beyond Death if you need to use them. You can bait her W by not aming her with your E. This will create a chance to use your R. But never underestimate her damage. If she is good at procing her R, you should be carefull about your positioning.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:

She can poke you with her Test of Spirit. Play behind minions or if she doesn't have tentacles around, damage her to turn it off faster. Clear her passive ASAP. If she lands her E while you are close or after you land your Disdain, she will mostlikely use her Leap of Faith. I highly recommend to escape cause even if you have lead or more health, her tentacles will deal insane damage and heal her a lot. It is better to not fight her when she uses her ult, especially in tight places. Don't recommend to gank her after level 6.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:

: After the Lethal Tempo changes. This lane became harder. You should try to kill her or deny her cs pre 6. She can't do much at those levels, that said you shouldn't fight her for too long. After level 6, she can kite you easily with her Radiant Blast and Celestial Blessing. If she has below 25% health, try to to land your Disdain first, then spam R to not let her use Divine Judgment.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:

: Try to trade whenever you see him uses his Ki Barrier. Don't play close to him when he uses his Twilight Assault. Its max health damage is really high. Don't start engages with Disdain. Let him use his Spirit's Refuge and after a little while use your Disdain to stall time. Warn your teammate when he is 6. You can cancel his ultimates channel with your E.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:

Early game I wouldn't recommend to fight too much. (Though you might get an early kill with Ignite, but it is risky) His Pit Grit makes him really hard to kill when he is low health. Also trading too much can be bad, since he doesn't use any resource. They generally start with Facebreaker which has around the same range as your aa range. You can bait it by pretending to aa him or minions. I usually keep my distance and try to dodge it by going opposite direction of him, but going sideways may still work. You should aim getting Black Cleaver and level 9 in this matchup. You can dodge his Haymaker with your Disdain, but timing it difficult. If you all in and don't have E, Try to move sideways as much as possible. Give up on a few W resets if necessary. His W doesn't have crazy damage, as long as you don't get hit by the middle part. Try to be carefull when you push the lane. He can Flash + The Show Stopper you into his turret. His R also makes him Unstoppable, so carefull when using your Fear Beyond Death.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:


If she doesn't have her passive stacks, you can fight her level 1 and 2. Pay attention to your minions. If she uses her Bladesurge on minions, punish her with Corrosive Charge or AA. Carefull fighting her pre 9, cause she can stall your Purge with her Defiant Dance. When she has full passive stacks, play safe. After level 9, try not to fight her when there are a lot of your minions. When fighting her, be patience. Wait for her to use her dash. As long as you don't miss your E and R, you'll be fine.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:

Unwinnable? No. Annoying? Definetly. After the buffs, he became a little hard to deal with. His Blinding Dart having mor duration is really bad for Urgot. Likee any other ranged champion, you need to avoid getting poked to death. Get Approach Velocity. If he uses his Q to poke you, use Corrosive Charge, get close to him, then activate Purge. Try not to chase him too much. He will mostlikely try to pull you to his Shrooms.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:

At early game, he can't do much to you. However, if he has Fleet Footwork, it will be really hard to kill him early if you don't chunk him hard. But the main problem his when he buys Divine Sunderer. His damage and sustain goes up really hard. His Wither is really dangerous. Can set up a gank easily./h3]

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:


You outrange him, so you can poke him easily and you can use your Disdain to counter his Decisive Strike. But his Courage gives him decent tankiness and his Judgment can cause a lot of damage. Whenever you see him farm with his Q and E, punish him. Than kill him. But it is better not to fight at anytime cause he can take damage and deal huge damage with his Demacian Justice. In lane try to cancel his passive with Q or AA. And don't let him get a lead or he will be a big trouble.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:

Her mobility is a bit annoying, but as long as you don't miss your Disdain you are fine. You can chunk her hard with your Passive early game. You can also buffer her cc. So it is harder fer her to punish you.

Recommended Summoner Spell:

Recommended Build Path:

Laning Phase
Urgot has one of the strongest Level 1 and 2 in the game. You can fight your enemies to chunk them hard or kill them. Tho he still struggles against champs like Trundle, Warwick and he should be really carefull fighting something like Olaf, Darius at level 1 and 2.

Slow pushing firs 2 waves, then crushing the wave under turret when cannon wave arrives is the best way. Getting a cheater recall will give you a small advantage.

If you are against someone can poke you or strong early game, just try to farm safely and reach your powerspike. You can wait in the bush and just come out to last hit minions if you are facing a ranged champion. If you are poked too much, just tr to soak some exp and give up on some gold. Also you can start with Q and last hit with hit but you might go oom too fast.

If you are looking for a trade after killing a few minions, try to attack from same position to not proc your passive. If you want to base you can use all your abilities to crush the wave. However if you want to roam,it is better to keep your passive and use other abilities to push cause your passive's CD is really high early.
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