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Brand Build Guide by RedFire2055

Middle Brand The Fire God

Middle Brand The Fire God

Updated on January 29, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RedFire2055 Build Guide By RedFire2055 1617 57 3,340,905 Views 65 Comments
1617 57 3,340,905 Views 65 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RedFire2055 Brand Build Guide By RedFire2055 Updated on January 29, 2023
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Brand
    Brand Mid
  • LoL Champion: Brand
    Brand Bot
  • LoL Champion: Brand
    Brand Supp
  • LoL Champion: Brand
    Brand Jungle
  • LoL Champion: Brand
    Brand Top

Runes: F.G.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dark Harvest
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Manaflow Band

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3 4 5
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Brand The Fire God

By RedFire2055
Hi,I'm RedFire2055 from the EUW server, I have played from the end of Season 4 and I created this account in Season 5.
I started to play Brand because I always choose the element Fire character in videogames. The first game I did with him, I did a double kill so I decided to play him even more, consequently he became my Main.
At the end of Season 6 I was an Otp or "one trick pony" Brand in Plat 3.
In Season 7 I hit Diamond 4 for the first time and later on I deranked for negligence back to Plat 3.
In Season 8 I hit Diamond 4 again so then I decided to create this guide to give other people some tips about Brand.
Curiosity: Division 5 like Diamond 5 existed until the end of season 8.
In S9 i ended in Diamond 2 ; in S10 i hit Diamond 3 and ended in Diamond 4; in S11 i hit Diamond 3 and ended in Diamond 4.
I will try reach Master/GranMaster/Challenger.
Atm I'm one of the best Brand players in the world.
If you want more infos this is my OP.GG and this is my LeagueOfGraphs.
If you want see me in action , this is my Youtube Channel.
Brand is a mage. During the seasons 4-5-6 his main role was midlaner but after the rework his flat and scaling dmg got reduced and his percent dmg on maximum life got an exponential increment, so his role how midlaner was nerfed and his duo bottom mage version became meta; however, i didn't surrender to meta so i still play it in his true role: PlayMaker midlaner .
If you want have easy wins with no effort Brand midlane is not the champion that you want play ; try the support version ,it is rly comfortable , you don't need learn last hit minions, you have an allie that compense your lack of sustain and mobility , the enemies are 2 , so your Aoe(Area of Effect) abilities are more efficient; Brand is in a safer position when played in bottomlane ,like bottom carry or in support position , than midlane.
And now you'll be thinking why i should play Brand mid?
Brand is the best 1v9 mage of the game , from lvl 6 to lvl 18 he can literally do alone enough dmg to kill all 5 enemy champions , but at the same time he is very fragile , so he needs to earn gold faster and safer possible to complete his core items to make that 1v9 thing become true ; the best place to do that is the midlane where you can farm minions safer thanks to the shortlane ,you can control other lanes and jungle doing roaming, and not less important, compared to a duolane you are not reliant on another player , so you can decide the rhythm of the game without being forced to do actions to compensate the mistakes of others, at least during the laning phase 1v1.
Pros / Cons

+ High Dmg from Earlygame to Lategame
+ Great teamfight potential
+ Q: Sear can stun
+ Tank Counter
+ Versatile

- No sustain
- No mobility
- No Base defense
- Frontline reliant
- Relies on enemies movements
Passive: Blaze; this is the source of Brand's maximum health percentual damage. Every ability that Brand uses becomes stronger vs enemies under the effect of Blaze.
Tip: you should chain the spells every 3-4 seconds to maximize Blaze damage.

Q: Sear; this is your main CC ("crowd control"), a stun that grants the power of Snare+Disarm+Silence an enemy; use it to ablaze the enemies or to block the enemy more dangerous ;To stun an enemy you must ablaze him with another spell before use Sear.

W: Pillar of Flame; this is your main ability;it guarantees the control of waves and teamfights and the possibility of harassing safely and to start combos. When enemies are affected by Blaze , Pillar of Flame does way more damage on them.

E: Conflagration; this is the spell you use to proc Blaze , you should use it to boost up the other abilities or to do unavoidable dmg to enemies . If an enemy is affected by Blaze, using Conflagration on him will improve the spread of Conflagration .

R: Pyroclasm; this is one of the best ultimates for teamfight of all League of Legends; it s also the insurance to do a kill 1v1. It slow enemies ablazed;
Tip: Pyroclasm will bounce onto minions and champions but it'll prioritize enemy champions first. If you are far from enemies you can use your ultimate on minions or monsters close to them to make sure that it'll jump on the closest enemy champion . You can also use Brand himself how support point for the jumps of the ultimate.

Brand is also a Combo Mage , indeed you can use his spells in so many different ways thanks to his passive Blaze and his empowering mechanics. To empower a spell Brand needs to use another one as a trigger.
Tip: Using R: Pyroclasm how a trigger to empower others Brand's spells should be used only in special situations or as a last resort.

Combinations of 2 skills

Empowered Q: Sear= Single Target Stun

Long Range Stun
W>Q applications

Medium Range Stun
E>Q applications

Emergency Stun
R>Q applications

Empowered W: Pillar of Flame= Extra Burst Dmg

Long Range Burst Dmg
Q>W applications

Medium Range Burst Dmg
E>W applications

Multi Target Burst Dmg
R>W applications

Empowered E: Conflagration= Spreading Conflagration and Blaze

Spreaded Dmg
Q>E applications

Double AoE Dmg
W>E applications

Double Multi Target Dmg
R>E applications

Empowered R: Pyroclasm: Slowing the Targets
Tip: R: Pyroclasm can slow at most 2 targets without using the other Brand's Spells how trigger.

Long Range Slow
Q>R applications

AoE Slow
W>R applications

Medium Range Slow
E>R applications

Another important thing about Brand Spells is that you can chain his spells not only in cast order but also in speed order.

Brand's Skills Range and Application Time

Here you can see some examples of how to exploit that information.

Istant Stun
Q>!E Applications

Skillshots Istant Burst Dmg
W>!Q Applications

Istant Burst Dmg
W>!E Applications

Melee Istant Burst Dmg
W>!R Applications

There are many combinations of 3+ skills but only some are really important to keep in mind, the others are generally inefficient or simply combinations of 2 spells with the addition of one last to reach 3 Blaze stacks.
Here i will show you the most important combinations.
Tip: R: Pyroclasm can sub E: Conflagration how initial trigger and Q: Sear how CC.

Combinations of 3 skills

Aoe Burst Dmg around a single target
Q>E>W applications

W>E>Q or W>E>R
From Aoe dmg to a single target explosion
W>E>Q applications

E>Q>W or R>Q>W
Single Target Burst Dmg
E>Q>W applications

Fake Stun

Combinations of 4 skills

Q>R>W>E or Q>R>E>W
Max AoE Dmg
Q>R>W>E Applications

R>E>Q>W or R>Q>E>W
Single Target Max Dmg
R>E>Q>W Applications

Tips for Brand Jungle Players
Jungle Interactions
Level of synergy with Brand:
Worthless (0) - Acceptable (*) - Decent (**) - Good (3*) - OverPower (4*) - Perfect (5*)

The strongest tree on Brand is Domination;

Domination tree

Brand is a Mage , so one of his best tree is Sorcery.

Sorcery tree

This is the sustained damage tree. It can be rly usefull to Brand.

Precision tree

This is the defensive Tree. Usefull if you're in a bad matchup.

Resolve tree

This tree is rly strange. Its runes can change the playstyle as well as evolving the mechanics of the game.

Inspiration tree

In addition to normal runes we can also choose minor runes called Stats Runes;

Stats Runes
Brand is a flat/life percent damage mage so he doesnt't need a great itemization to work, in fact his build is very flexible and it can vary from the defensive to the offensive.
Brand core item is Liandry's Torment; others rly good items are Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Void Staff , Sorcerer's Shoes, Oblivion Orb and Morellonomicon.

Liandry's Torment is the Brand best item and a mythic item. It gives to Brand the stats he needs : AP , mana and Ability Haste .
His buildpath is fine: 2 epic items, the Lost Chapter and the Fiendish Codex .
It owns a passive that on Brand is rly broken, Torment:
Dealing ability damage burns enemies, causing them to take extra dmg + a percentage of the target's maximum health in magic damage over time. This damage is amplified against enemies with a lot bonus health thanks to the passive Agony.
This passive is also applied by Blaze that then lengthens the duration of Torment.
Mythic passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with ability haste.
This item on Brand is virtually insane.
Tip: Liandry's Torment counters HP users.
Cons: Noone.
Curiosity: Noone.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is the best utility item of Brand and it is a legendary item; it gives AP and HP; it has good stats and a good buildpath: Amplifying Tome + Blasting Wand + Giant's Belt.
Most important this item owns the passive RIMEFROST that grants to Brand a soft CC(crowd control) on all his spells and especially on Blaze; this means one Brand spell will slow for a lot seconds an enemie while in a TF(team fight) Brand can virtually perma slow an entire team.
Then Rylai's Crystal Scepter reduce the Brand weaknesses about positioning (No mobility and Enemies movements reliant) .
Tip: RIMEFROST actives the passive COORDINATED FIRE of Imperial Mandate and it increase efficiency of Arcane Comet and Cheap Shot.
Cons: Phase Rush and Boots of Swiftness counter hard Rylai's Crystal Scepter.
Curiosity: Noone .

Void Staff is a stats inhibitor item and a legendary item.It gives a good amount of AP; it's rly cheap and it has a rly good buildpath: Blasting Wand+ Blighting Jewel.
The most important thing of this item is the magic penetration percentage that reduce enemies MR only for the Void Staff owner; this means Void Staff is a great item vs enemies with MR but weaker vs enemies without MR.
Why this item is so important for Brand ? When Brand has Liandry's Tormentand Void Staff he got all the offensive stats to kill whoever he faces. So after Void Staff he can flex his build on offensive or defensive items.
Tip: When enemies build MR in early game you can build this as second item.
Cons: weak in early game .
Curiosity: Void Staff is one of the cheapest legendary items of LoL but it is weak in early game and strong in late game.

Sorcerer's Shoes are a rly important item. It belongs to the tree of Boots so they grant a lot Movement Speed. We normally choose to take the Sorcerer's Shoes istead others because they grants the MP and then a big increase of the damage.
Tip: You can buy this First Item when you think you are going to win the lane.
Cons: they become less strong lategame.
Curiosity: Celerity works better on Brand when he owns Boots and their upgrades ;
Boots with Celerity grant 5 Movement Speed bonus.
Sorcerer's Shoes with Celerity grant 7 Movement Speed bonus.

Oblivion Orb is the Grievous wounds item for AP users. It's an epic item built from Amplifying Tome.
It grants AP and the passive CURSE : Dealing magic damage to enemy champions inflicts them with Grievous Wounds.
Grievous Wounds reduce the HP sustain of enemies.
Can be upgraded in Morellonomicon.
Tip: to own Oblivion Orb grants you indirect dmg to the enemies.
Cons: it's weaker vs enemies with few HP sustain .
Curiosity: Noone.

Morellonomicon is a rly good legendary item for Brand.It gives the Brand favorites stats: AP and HP.
His buildpath is rly good: 2 basic items , Blasting Wand and Ruby Crystal + an epic item , Oblivion Orb.
It owns the passive AFFLICTION: Dealing magic damage to enemy champions inflicts them with Grievous Wounds and if the target is below 50% of their maximum health , Grievous Wounds will be empowered, reducing more the HP sustain of enemies .
Tip: Morellonomicon is stronger vs high hp sustain based enemies (like Soraka, Vladimir, Dr. Mundo, etc ) and vs items and runes that grant hp sustain (like Vampiric Scepter, Spirit Visage, etc or like Conqueror, Ravenous Hunter, etc).
Cons: it's weaker vs enemies with few HP sustain.
Curiosity: Noone.


Demonic Embrace is a legendary item. It gives the Brand favorites stats: AP and HP.
Buildpath : 2 basic items, Amplifying Tome and Blasting Wand + an epic item Giant's Belt .
It owns 2 passives :
1)AZAKANA GAZE deals damage to enemies as a percentage of maximum health on spells. This passive is applied by Blaze that lengthens the duration of AZAKANA GAZE.
2)DARK PACT gives extra AP equal to a small percentage of bonus HP.
Tip: Noone.
Cons: Noone.
Curiosity: The first version of this item gave extra Armor and MagicResistance when you inflicted damage to enemy champions.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author RedFire2055
RedFire2055 Brand Guide
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Brand The Fire God

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