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Udyr Build Guide by AJAW

AD Offtank Flaming the Jungle ~ Phoenix Udyr 4.18 Updated!

AD Offtank Flaming the Jungle ~ Phoenix Udyr 4.18 Updated!

Updated on September 26, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AJAW Build Guide By AJAW 96 5 2,834,165 Views 62 Comments
96 5 2,834,165 Views 62 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AJAW Udyr Build Guide By AJAW Updated on September 26, 2014
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  • LoL Champion: Udyr
    Standard Phoenix Build
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    New Udyr Players
  • LoL Champion: Udyr
    Trick2G Godyr


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

I run 9 Greater Mark of Attack Speed which help me in the first clear and allows for faster phoenix proc since it is every third attack. These runes work also with vi, xin zhao, nocturne and other attack speed reliant junglers.

90% of the time when jungling you will be using armor seals since it is essential for you to take less damage from the buffs and monsters. This may not be much but it is definately noticable in-game.

Magic resists glyps allow you to take less damage when ganking mid (most of the time midder is ap). It also helps later on in the game when teamfighting.

These help you get around the jungle faster, this also gives nice little bonus when chasing or escaping someone. Althought it might not seem like a lot, it is actually enought to give you this additional auto attack while chasing someone which might decide if you kill or not.

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

You can also take the Wingborne Storm third if you want but I recommend taking the Blazing Stampede instead because it grants ganking. Remember, don't take a point into Wilding Claw unless you are forced to. When you are going for a gank, run in with Iron Mantle for the shield, Blazing Stampede to stun the enemy and flame then with Wingborne Storm, repeat this unless they are not dead. If you want to tower dive them remember wbout your Iron Mantle to tank the turret.

If you would really like to go full offensive Udyr, you may like to use this skill sequence below.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
This is inspired from Trick2G. What he does is he maxes out 2 spells first (R,E). This gives him 25% movement speed while he switches to Blazing Stampede. This skill suequence is really good for fast jungle clear time and inredible ganks.
Here is the video from Trick2G:

I prefer playing Utility jungle Udyr since it provides enhanced ganking potential and better sustain in jungle. Runic Affinity gives you 20% increased buff duration which is a whole 36 seconds of your red and blue buff extended for just 1 point. Wanderer gives you decent movement speed buff which helps you in ganking and jungle clear. Alchemist is something which I really like because in the first jungle clear you will use all the five potions and this will give you the additional 10%.

Core Items

This item gives Udyr some really good stats. Attack speed is always nice to proc the phoenix faster and it gives 100 additional damage meaning the jungle clear will be insane. This will also give you sustain. The problem about this item is that you need to pretty much ignore your team and farm it up, that is why you only take feral flare junglers if you have strong laners. After the neft, you may wanna consider spirit items! Its up to your preference.

This item provides you "Tons of Damage" as well as the movement speed per attack which synergizes well with your Blazing Stampede. Sheen is also nice because you are pretty much doubling your phoenix initial damage. This item gives you all required stats.

With this item you will be able to tower dive with ease. It gives you nice amount of health, mana regeneration, health regeneration, cooldown reduction and many many more. It also grants tenacity which is really useful.

A good item if you feel you will want to play aggresive. You will lack in tankiness so I wouldn't suggest rushing Trinity Force right after unless you are doing extremely good and the enemies cannot kill you either way. Since this item doesnt give tenacity, I would recommend getting Mercury's Treads.

Really good choice if you are playing the ancient golem build. Since you already have tenacity, you will not need any more (They dont stack). The passive is also nice against marksman specifically.

This item provides you even better wave clear and dueling potential. It deals 40 magic damage per second which in a 5 second duel will give you additional 200 magic damage (without including magic resist). Also health and armor is also very important when building this item.

Helps when playing against high attack speed/movement speed champions such as Vayne, Hecarim (movement speed). It has a passive attack speed slow and active area of effect slow effect. This also grants nice health and armor bonus.

This item increases your healing effects by 20% which synergizes with your Iron Mantle passive. It also provides reasonable amount of health and magic resist. The cooldown reduction bonus is always appreciated.

It is a rare choice. Can be helpful if you are having hard time catching to some mobile champions like Zed, Riven or Vayne ( Tumble and Condemn). This comes in handy when you want to catch up to constant slow champs like Lulu with Glitterlance, Dr. Mundo or even Ashe with her Volley.

I don't really like this item that much on udyr. It is a built in red buff which adds you some health and damage. I don't really see the point if I have red buff most of the time in the game and my Blazing Stampede is a short cooldown stun. It could come handy against champions which are difficult to catch such as Singed or Dr. Mundo.

This is more like a Wilding Claw item but I see the potential on Wingborne Storm too. It grants you this additional movement speed which is great and it grants you some offensive statistics such as damage, attack speed. Tenacity is also very useful, but remember, IT DOES NOT STACK!, so sell or don't buy your Spirit of the Ancient Golem.

It is a really great item, provides you all the essential statistics and grants you aura to your team mates. The active on it is very useful sometimes because it can save you from ignite of other damage over time effects such as brand's Blaze or singed's Poison Trail (Note: Also can save your team mates)

These boots can help you with your clear time, ganks and going around the map (well you dont say?!). It can be really good if you want to screw the enemy jungler even more if you are far ahead of him. I wouldn't suggest to buy these if you are behind.

It is really similar to Mobility Boots but the difference is that you are a little but slower. But to comensate that you gain the 'mini tenacity' is what I like to call it. Which is a passive which gives you a 25% slow resist. This can be useful against high slow champions such as Ashe, Dr. Mundo, Olaf, Singed with Rylai's Crystal Scepter and many more.

Can be nice to constant slow the enemies. Since it is a Sheen item it can replace Trinity Force. It can be pretty useful against champions such as Nidalee, if you hit them once they should not be escaping. The armor is always nice and it gives some ability power which I guess helps you with clear time?

Note: These items are the most common items that I build for Udyr. Request if you want me to complete any other sensible items.
This is a must on EVERY jungler. Helps you with the first clear, secure objectives such as dragon or baron, faster lane push when smiting the siege minion etc...

This is a good alternative in the current meta. It really helps to chase people down or to escape. This synergises well with your Blazing Stampede which will allow you to stun with ease. I would prefer to go for Flash since it has many more uses.

Flash can help you escape difficult situations such as getting caught in a baron/dragon pit or being surrounded by enemies. It also helps when playing against champions like jarvan and his Cataclysm , anivia and her Crystallize and trundle and his Pillar of Ice. This is a really good choice since most of the champions in the current meta are very agile.

Other spells
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In most scenarios what you have to do is stun as many memebers of the opposing team as possible, dont always rush for the enemy carries since you may find yourself out of position. Try to peel for your carries with your Blazing Stampede. When your carry kills the frontline try to rush to their carries and stun them. Switch between phoenix stance, turtle stance if getting focused and bear stance if you can stun them again. Try stunning them as frequently as possible to give your carries an advantage. With patch 4.8, it is very easy for newer players to get used to Udyr since now the added a QoL change which includes a timer around Udyr's targets to indicate when he can stun them again.

Remember to always use your actives such as Randuin's Omen. Use your Iron Mantle effectively and soak up damage for your team mates. Block ulti's for your carries such as Ace in the Hole or Chum the Waters. Some champions like Fizz are really reliant on their ultimates to kill someone instantly (Of course without being 20-0). If you manage to block his ultimate he would likely not kill you and will not decide to go onto your carry. If you see a wild Fizz trying to assasinate your carry, make sure to stun him and make his life difficult.

Regular Start
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From there I head over to my closest buff and take this, then I go straight to my other buff and kill this too. After that I start thinking where to gank, if I see enemy top lane over extending I see if they had a ward and head over to gank, and possibly securing a kill. If I see my ally over extending I try to be nearby for potentional counter-gank which could even result in a double kill.

If you are good on health, and no other lanes require help, try taking enemy wraiths, golems, wolves. Make sure to leave 1 little monster in order to deny the enemy jungler as much as possible. I aim to recall at 6th minute, 10th second to get my items and head over to the enemy buff (the buff the enemy started on) and possibly buy a ward for easy smite from behind the wall. I aim to get the enemy next buff to deny him as much as possible. After I have done I secure my buffs and give blue to the mid laner if he asks for it.

In this chapter I will be talking about what trinkets are best for Udyr and why.
Usually you will want to take this about at the time enemy support has a sightstone. It also allows you to make sneaky ganks. For example use it in places where you know the enemy has a ward when entering the lane, then ignore the ward and run past it as you would usually gank. You are not visible on enemy minimap unless you attack the ward. You are visible if the enemy look directly at the place which usually doesn't happen. This also allows for securing buffs/objectives and deny enemy vision.

I have tried using this trinket, it is really good for stealing objectives. At level 1, you head over to enemy buff (the one you think they will start with) and wait in a safe brush. At 2:02 +/- place the orb across the wall and smite steal it from the enemy. Usually it works out. You will need to know how fast the enemy jungler clears the buff. If it is Shaco it usually takes from 2-3 seconds to clear the blue buff. So make sure you time it right!

I tend to start with this item first. It is not as good since some patch because the initial ward you can place is at 2:00 which is already after the buffs are pretty much killed. It can have the same usage as Farsight Orb but it allows you to secure your own buffs from smite stealing. You can place a ward at enemy buffs to see when they spawn and quickly head over there if you struggle with remembering the respawns. I usually suggest using the Sweeping Lens after the enemy buys a sightstone.

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AJAW Udyr Guide
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