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League of Legends Forum: New Player Help

New to the game? Ask questions here! Players can also stop by to offer advice and mentoring.
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LF Mentor by caboosesam » Mar 7 @ 06:10pm Hello, I'm looking to... caboosesam Mar 7 @ 06:10pm 1,370 7
I need a Jungling mentor by TayTay29 » Mar 10 @ 08:40pm I am a Bronze IV and i main the... TayTay29 Mar 10 @ 08:40pm 913 5
Recommendations for my playstyle? by CrazyMBP » Feb 27 @ 05:37am 1 2 Hi everyone, So I'm finally... CrazyMBP Feb 27 @ 05:37am 3,670 13
Looking for a Mentor~ by Rhollback » Feb 12 @ 08:48am Well the title sates all I need... Rhollback Feb 12 @ 08:48am 919 5
Looking for mentor! by xxjayxx22 » Feb 28 @ 07:10am I'm looking for anyone that can... xxjayxx22 Feb 28 @ 07:10am 757 2
Last hit practice by NickkaJ » Mar 5 @ 10:46pm I play top and support and am... NickkaJ Mar 5 @ 10:46pm 6,369 7
Nami - Playstyle by MicciMicci » Mar 4 @ 04:51am Hello guys! :) I'm still a... MicciMicci Mar 4 @ 04:51am 2,866 8
Mentoring by ReagerC » Mar 4 @ 04:12am Hello my name is ReagerC and I... ReagerC Mar 4 @ 04:12am 743 2
Best Varus Build? by BigIce » Mar 3 @ 09:05am 1 2 Hey. New player here trying to... BigIce Mar 3 @ 09:05am 3,516 13
autocast? by Nezyel » Feb 10 @ 03:31pm hey, i need help with a... Nezyel Feb 10 @ 03:31pm 6,075 7
Little tips and tricks. by Jo3HooDYo » Feb 25 @ 06:28pm So I was playing as Jax last... Jo3HooDYo Feb 25 @ 06:28pm 1,271 9
Who should i play as..? by Aviddeath » Feb 20 @ 04:00pm So as the title states, I want... Aviddeath Feb 20 @ 04:00pm 1,117 6
I am looking for a mentor by Ryuk133 » Feb 24 @ 08:56am Hi my name is Valy and i'm play... Ryuk133 Feb 24 @ 08:56am 863 3
About Elise.... by MyLilRafalca » Feb 20 @ 06:19am So i always ALWAYS see her... MyLilRafalca Feb 20 @ 06:19am 1,093 5
JungleNaut Help by Mn9130 » Feb 18 @ 11:46am Looking for some help on how to... Mn9130 Feb 18 @ 11:46am 1,063 4
Champion choice by Jael98 » Feb 14 @ 04:29am 1 2 Hello. I'm new to making topics.... Jael98 Feb 14 @ 04:29am 2,137 12
Looking for Laning mentor by Lohpez » Feb 15 @ 06:42pm IGN:Lohpez. Apparently I'm... Lohpez Feb 15 @ 06:42pm 815 3
Your favorite city of Runeterra by Meiyjhe » Jan 4 @ 01:34pm 1 2 Ladies and gentlemen, Last... Meiyjhe Jan 4 @ 01:34pm 2,276 11

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