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Choose Champion Build:
- Force of Nature
- Ready Your Engines
- Dichotomy (ADC)
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
A very scary matchup. He does so much damage and his stun is crippling. Play it safe and ask for ganks. If you can dodge his skillshots, go in for poke because he has no sustain. Be very careful once he hits six. Once he ults, shield yourself or your adc and either get the heck away from your allies or ult as well. You have the same AA range and his Sear (Q) is annoyingly long so proceed with caution.
Hey there! I'm Mozume, a support and ADC main. I started playing May 2017 and ended Season VII at Gold 1. Janna is my favorite champion by far, though Tristana is a close second. Janna is an incredibly versatile champion who works well in most team compositions. She is an easy to learn champion whose potential is maximized with practice. She’s also just so much fun.
Janna is the ultimate “oh no you don’t” champion. Want to jump my teammate and burst them? Nope, Janna will blow you away and shield the damage. Want to force an engage because our top laner is splitpushing? Not so fast, Monsoon. Think that last tic of Ignite/burn/poison will give you a 1 for 1 trade? Nope, super fast Janna is here and shield ready. Oh look, a lonely Janna caught deep-warding in enemy jungle, let's kill her. Nope, (insert some combination of her abilities here) and oh look she escaped. Granted, Janna is not without faults, but a good Janna has the potential to induce as much rage in the enemy team as a Teemo.
Guide Legend
I use a lot of abbreviations throughout the guide so here are the abbreviation meanings.
AA = Auto Attack AD = Attack Damage ADC = Attack Damage Carry AOE = Area Of Effect |
AP = Ability Power AS = Attack Speed CC = Crowd Control CDR = Cooldown Reduction |
CS = Creep Score H. Regen = Health Regeneration MR = Magic Resist M. Regen = Mana Regeneration |
Janna belongs to the Enchanter subclass. Enchanters amplify their allies’ potential and protect them from the enemy team, and Janna excels at both. She can also serve as a form of soft or hard engage for skirmishes.
Predicting damage and anticipating CC is the most important aspect of playing Janna, as her kit allows you to partially degate both. Thus, she requires a lot of game knowledge.
Janna synergizes with most ADCs and can do well against any matchup. That said, Janna is a team reliant champion. She does negligible damage on her own, and once she’s down, the overall survivability of her team drops sharply.
Zephyr W RANGE: 550 COST: 50/60/70/80/90 COOLDOWN: 8 |
Passively increases Janna’s movement speed, scaling with AP. While Janna has her elemental with her, she can move through units. Actively Janna can send her elemental to an enemy champion slowing and damaging them, both scaling with AP. This ability makes Janna a very high mobility champion. Its passive allows her to avoid unit collision which can be very useful in both escapes and engages. (A.k.a. No more minion blocks) The damage from this ability also should not be underestimated at early levels especially with her passive. With the Summon Aery keystone, getting early points in W signifigantly increases your poke. The trade-off for doing this is that your shield cooldown is ridiculously high. |
Monsoon R RANGE: 725 COST: 100 COOLDOWN: 150/135/120 |
Janna knocks back surrounding enemies by 875 units and stuns them for 0.5 seconds. Janna can channel the ability for for to 3 seconds to restore health per second. The heal scales with AP. Monsoon is the ultimate engage, disengage and reset. It is an AOE knock back and an AOE channeled heal. Its cooldown is relatively low especially with cdr and runes. Flash- Monsoon can work like an AOE Lee Sin ult and force a fight. It can also secure you a solo kill if you push an enemy into an allied tower. Pairing the knock back with a Q and W also keeps them in tower range longer. The heal, when fully channeled, rivals that of a Soraka Wish. This skill requires some smart positioning. Using the knockback to throw someone into a wall can work as a pseudo-stun. Also, while it can save your team, it can also save the opposing team. |
Flash is essential as it is your only true escape. Generally, you should save flash for defensive uses, either for yourself or your carry(s). Example: If your 2% health carry is being targeted by Ace in the Hole, shield yourself and flash save them. Early on, your shield alone likely won’t be enough. Offensively, a flash - Monsoon combo can be very effective as an engage or turnaround.
Ignite is still quite nice, and gives you early game pressure to secure kills in lane and help you snowball your carry. The meta is weird, but playing to win lane remains very true.
Heal is great for botlane since it will affect both you and an ally. It works well on Enchanter supports since it will give more healing. It also frees up the carry to take a more protective spell like Barrier, or have them take an offensive spell like Ignite
Exhaust is a good spell to have at any stage in the game, though you do lose some early game pressure. Using it smartly can be game-changing. Pop it on the main damage dealer to reduce the most damage.
Runes reforged gives us a lot of interesting ways to play Janna. The runes presented with the classic build is very versatile with primary Sorcery and secondary Resolve. She can also utilitze the Domination tree as secondary, as well as the Inspiration tree as primary or secondary.
These are my personal favorite runes based on my playstyle. I really love using active items, and they're a huge part of my power, so I favor the domination subtree. League is weird with the meta, but I still like this page. (Stats outdated)
Notice: I need to update the domination runes.
Averages from latest 10 (25-35 min) games space
Sample Rune Pages
Trait: Bonus 20 AP or 12 AD (adaptive)
(halved with Resolve secondary)
space Summon Aery is the best keystone rune for Janna from this tree, if not not in general. Aery adds both extra damage (flat + 10% AP) to early poke and strength (flat + 25% AP) to your shield, making it useful at all stages of the game.
Because Janna can make good use of 7/9 of the Sorcery runes, I will go through them in trios.
Manaflow Band is great for keeping your mana topped off during laning phase so you can spam abilities. Every 75 seconds, one of your abilities cost no mana and it restores 8% of missing mana. It pairs wonderfully with Spellthief's Edge and Scorch. It is so useful for spamming your abilities, and I rarely ever run out of mana in lane. I choose this rune 90% of the time since it gives you much more pressure during lane. |
The Ultimate Hat decreases your ultimate’s CD. At full stacks and max CDR, Monsoon (with 3 points) will be up every 54 sec. The rune is best suited for longer games. | Nullifying Orb can be useful against heavy poke mage comps. It is a much more situational pick, and is less useful considering you have a shield. |
Celerity has amazing synergy with Janna’s kit. The rune itself gives you 3% bonus movement speed which stacks on top of the movement speed from W’s passive. This gives every AA and W more damage because of Tailwind. Also, 8% of bonus movement speed is converted to adaptive damage. More AP means more poke, more powerful shield and more AD given by the shield. It’s like this rune was designed for us. |
Transcendence is a great situational pick. It gives you 10% CDR automatically at 10 minutes. Also, any extra CDR is converted to damage (1% CDR = 2AP). Janna works well with a lot of CDR heavy items, and this allows you to build items past the 40% CDR limit without guilt. (Example: If you’re already at CDR limit and you build a Frozen Heart, you get 40AP instead of the 20% CDR.) If you foresee yourself building a lot of CDR items, this rune is a good idea. |
It's a hard choice between these three runes for me. Currently, I prefer having the extra poke and pressure from Scorch so we can win lane. However, I think all three runes are viable.
Scorch deals bonus magic damage after you hit a champion with an ability. This can occur every 20 sec. This is wonderful extra poke damage. On top of Summon Aery and Spellthief's Edge’s passive, throwing W-AA on someone lvl 1 can be a nasty zap. (Nastier if you also took Celerity.) It gives you much more pressure during laning phase. I play Janna very aggressively, so this is a great choice. |
Waterwalking gives 25 extra movement speed in river along with extra adaptive damage. It works well for faster rotations, ganks and a bit more oomph in dragon or baron fights. I generally pick against harder matchups where poking is a bit more dangerous. |
Gathering Storm gives you more AP as the game goes on. Every 10 min, you get stacks of Gathering Storm, stacking infinitely. Every stack gives 8 AP. This rune gets more and more impactful as the game goes on, so if your team is a late game comp, this may be a good pick. (Alternatively, use Scorch to give your ADC breathing room to scale.) |
My personal ranking for if I have to choose between everything. Celerity just synergizes way too well with Janna’s kit, and I like to spam skills often in lane so Manaflow Band is amazing.
Janna benefits a lot from this tree as a secondary! It's also my favorite despite how amazing Resolve is. This tree is especially useful if you plan on using active items. Luckily, many of the items Janna usually builds have actives. Also, this tree amazing for vision.
This secondary tree makes you even more of a shielding and healing powerhouse. Recent average extra healing/shielding from Revitalize in ten 30-35 minute long games: 2709
Trait: +65 health
(halves trait of Sorcery primary)space
Revitalize makes your shields/heals more powerful by 5% passively. If the shield’s target is below 40% health, the strength is increased by 10%. It synergizes wonderfully with Janna’s E and R. This is easily the most powerful rune in the Resolve tree for Janna, especially since you have both shields and heals. |
Other options: Iron Skin and Mirror Shell can also be picked up if you’re worried about survival in the early game. They synergize well with Eye of the Storm as they give 5% armor/MR respectively when you’re shielded. However, the extra 5% only applies to you.
Trait: Potions and Elixirs last 20% longer
Janna can use every keystone in this tree. These runes present interesting and unique playstyle possibilities. The trait also synergizes with Refillable Potion.
Glacial Augment is a situational pick that synergizes wonderfully with Font of Life and Frost Queen's Claim. Every AA will proc Font of Life's healing, and Frost Queen's active can proc Freeze Ray, making a slow zone and potentially slowing down the entire enemy team. It's my current favorite Inspiration keystone. |
Kleptomancy is a very fun rune. It gives incentive to poke as often as possible. After using an ability, your next AA within 10 sec gives you 5 gold or a consumable. You can get extra gold, wards, potions and elixirs. Your W-AA combo is great for procing this. |
Unsealed Spellbook allows you to tailor your summoner spells to the stages of the game. For example, you can opt for Ignite over Exhaust for a more aggressive lane, and swap it out if needed later. space space |
Perfect Timing gives you a Replica Stopwatch, a.k.a. one use Zhonya's Hourglass. It pretty much got nerfed to the ground so I can't really recommend this right now. |
Future's Market means you can stop waiting for that extra 75 gold for a Control Ward. You'll hit power spikes more quickly too. This runes should not be underestimated. |
Cosmic Insight lets us have lovely 5% instant cd on everything (including active items and summoner spells). It also raises the CDR cap to 45%. More CDR is always nice, right? |
My personal ranking for if I have to choose between everything.
Team Composition
Janna works well on any team. She can back up any composition archetype, and you can realistically play Janna all the time, provided she is not banned. You bring an immense amount of utility to your team, both protective and offensive.
If your team has some CC, Janna is a great choice for CC chains. Janna also is amazing with Yasuo since the enemy team now has to dodge even more tornados. If you knock someone up, Yasuo can also follow with Last Breath.
Janna can work well on any team, but that doesn’t mean Janna is always the best choice. Before you pick a champion, you should always analyze what your team is missing.
If your team has no front line
If your team has no engage
ADC Synergy
Janna works well with any ADC because her shield also provides an AD buff. Shielding a Jhin on his fourth AA makes it even more terrifying. The same applies for Miss Fortune’s second bounce of Double Up. ADCs with reliance on attack speed like Ashe also benefit a lot from the shield. Different ADC style will require you to itemize differently.
I find Tristana and Vayne to both have great synergy with Janna in-lane. Both have weaker early lanes and benefit a lot from Janna’s added protection. Shielding Tristana during her Rapid Fire gives her even more burst potential with Explosive Charge.
Skill leveling
As always, you level up Janna's ultimate whenever possible at levels 6, 11, and 16.
There are two ways you can level your abilites. You can max W or E first. You want to max W first when you're able to poke. Zephyr (W) is my current favorite ability to max because of a) how much damage it does and b) how much pressure you generate.
You can max E first against a long range mage support who you can't get close enough to touch. Whichever skill you did not max first, max the other (E/W) second. You can also mix and match. I find myself often putting 3-4 points into W and then maxing E before finishing W.
In all cases, Q is maxed last as the AP scaling is not great and the cooldown and CC time remains the same at all ranks. You are using Q mainly for the CC anyway, and not the damage so you only need one point here.
Choosing which skill to get at early levels varies a lot. Any of Janna's three normal abilities might be the most useful to have at level 1 depending on circumstance.
Early Ability Leveling
What abilities you level up from levels 1-4 depend entirely on the circumstances of your game.
At level 1, I never level an ability until I need it. This is because a lot of things can happen from the start of the game to level 2 (i.e. invades, super aggressive lane opponents, a Rocket Grab that landed) and each of those need different abilities.
After level 1, if the enemy jungler is known to cheese gank at level 2, I grab Q to peel. If my lane opponents are super aggressive and we're clearly behind/pushed in, I would most likely take E > Q > E > W, getting 2 points in E early for the extra shielding and saving W for level 4. If I know we're pretty safe against ganks, I don't take Q until level 4 and get two points in W and one in E. The sequence for that is usually W > E > W > Q.
My personal go-to for general games is W > Q > E > W. W to start poking, Q to start zoning/potential disengage, and E to negate any enemy poke.
Once you have one point in each ability, putting points in abilities is more straight forward.
So what do you actually do as Janna? What are your key jobs throughout the game?
- You peel and you protect. Everything in your kit is good at saving your team.
- You buff and you secure. Your shield buffs allies and it is your job to help your carries secure kills (i.e. by knocking them up/back or slowing them) without taking the kills yourself.
- You get vision. The first two become much easier if you have proper vision. Vision gives your team more information about the game state. If you have enough vision, you can also deduce where an enemy is by where they are not. (Last sentence especially applies to junglers.) With that vision, since you're a support and not CSing, you can devote more energy to map awareness. Ping on the minimap at the danger location, and (if needed) ping the related laners as well when you see potential ganks.
- You deny vision. Just giving your own team vision is not enough, you need to also deny the other team vision. Keep them in the dark and stack the deck in your team's favor.
- You destroy the Nexus. Every single thing you do in the game is to set up for destroying that Nexus and winning the game. Every kill, every item bought, every trade is so that you can get the next objective more easily, whether that be a dragon, a tower, Baron, an inhibitor, or the Nexus. So, avoid chasing for kills and getting tunnel visioned when the enemy hands you a free objective.
Have fun doing the above! League of Legends is first and foremost a game. If you're not enjoying yourself, why play?
In Champion Select
The game doesn't start when you load into Summoner's Rift. It starts the moment you get into Champion Select. This is especially applicable now with Runes Reforged. A lot of runes that work on Janna are situational, and should be tailored to match both your team and the enemy team. You want to think ahead to what might happen in game.
If you were playing against your team, what would you do? Where is your team the most weak? What can the opponents capitalize on? Try to remedy that. Sometimes this means adapting your runes. Sometimes, this could even mean choosing another champion.
These are the kind of questions you want to consider. Plan 5 steps ahead of your opponents and get in their head.
Laning Phase
Macro during laning phase: always, always ping when someone is missing. Ping missing on your own lane and if your teammates are not the most aware, send a warning ping to mid as well.
Your goal during this early part of the game is to win lane. That doesn't have to be killing your opposing laners over and over. You could also win by denying farm because that also sets their ADC back.
There are three types of lanes you could be facing: Burst, Poke and Sustain. Janna herself is a poke champion that also provides preemptive sustain (aka shields).
You want to draw as much pressure to yourself as possible (without dying or taking too much damage) so that the ADC can farm. You also want to exert pressure by poking the enemy so that eventually, they are too low health to even farm. At that point, you and your ADC will be able to freeze lane and deny their ADC farm.
Remember that you are very squishy, so poke when their abilities are on cooldown, or when they are going in for a last hit.
Tips and Tricks for Abilities
Once you complete the support quest, and sometimes before, you want to start getting some deep wards into enemy jungle. The best times to do this is when your lane is pushed and you spot the enemy jungler somewhere else. This gives you a window of opportunity to ward his buff or by his raptors/wolves (depending on which side you're on).
Ideally, you can quickly go ward when you've seen everyone on the enemy team within the last 3 seconds. Otherwise, only deep ward when you have at least one summoner spell up. Also make sure that you have enough mana for a W-Q-E escape combo and you health is not under ~60% (ideally not under ~80%).
Always try to ward at intersections to get maximum benefit from your wards.
Of course, sometimes you don't get to go that deep into enemy jungle. In those cases, a ward by the Scryer Bloom or Blast Plant (if you're blue side), or warding over the dragon pit wall to that Blast Plant (if you're red) is nice.
Grabbing a Control Ward after your first back is a great way of maintaining good vision. Using the control ward to keep botlane safe from ganks allows you to use stealth wards for deep vision. Remember to only do this when it's safe!
Don't fight over your control wards unless you have backup and can see the enemy champion is outnumbered. The wards are there to protect you. Don't die from contesting them!
Rule #1 of Roaming: if your ADC dies while you're roaming, it is 100% your fault. Do not roam if it means your ADC might die.
Starting Items
Support items Janna can work well with both Spellthief's Edge and Ancient Coin. Spellthief’s is great for more damage during pokes while Coin helps you maintain a healthy level of mana. Spellthief works well with some alternative way of mana sustain such as Manaflow Band or Biscuit Delivery. Taking Coin frees up those runes and allows you to choose more aggressive alternatives like The Ultimate Hat. For more dangerous lanes where poking is risky, Coin might be a better idea as it provides a steady gold income. |
Sustain Refillable Potion is my go-to sustain item for support now that you no longer buy biscuits. They provide a little less sustain while being much more gold efficient. It also synergizes well with the Inspiration tree passive if you take that. Alternatively, you can go for 3 pots if you need that much sustain early on. This is good for poke heavy matchups like Caitlyn and Sona. |
Warding Stealth Ward is the classic start. It gives you stealth wards which are essential. Control Ward can be hugely useful against some team comps. It means you will be forced to only take 1 pot, so there is a significant decrease in sustain. This is especially useful for junglers that favor level 2 or 3 ganks. Placing it in the pixie bush in bot river or in the top tip of the river bush could save your lane or your midlaner. I also started with a control ward without prejudice for ranked games during my climb from Silver I to Gold V. The added vision was invaluable and sometimes survived through the laning phasing, giving my team information on roams and ganks. |
First Back Choices
The first back buy depends very heavily on the state of the game, how well you’re doing, and the matchup you’re against. The early itemization cheat sheet above gives some rough guidelines.
With the vision changes, you want to get the support upgrade ASAP and finish the quest to get vision. It only gives one ward when the quest completes, so you'll have to back to refill it to 3 wards. Swap to a Sweeping Lens at that point.
Core Items
Janna can use a lot of items. Her build is extremely flexible depending on the situation. In reality, the upgraded support item (with its wards) and Redemption are Janna’s only true cores item outside of upgrading to Oracle Lens. Always upgrade it as soon as you hit level 9. Redemption, a.k.a far-away-heal and occasional snipe, is a huge power spike. It's great for resetting a fight and is usable even when you're dead (range calculated from your death position). It deals 10% max health true damage so it can also snipe kill someone if timed right. The heal from the active is amplified by 3 times as much the shield/heal amplifiers. With usual Janna builds, that’s going to be a lot of heal. Luckily, you don't itemize too differently when you're behind, since you're always building utility on Janna. Getting some defensive items will help, but you're naturally squishy and should prioritize utility over armor/MR. |
Boots Options x Almost every pair of boots is usable by Janna.
Items to Complete the Build x As noted earlier, Janna can work with a lot of items. I’ll give a short analysis of the most common ones. x Support Upgrades and WardingAlways have Control Wards, but be mindful of your item power spikes. With Patch 8.2, we're limited to just the Remnants in terms of support upgrades. You don't need to upgrade to Remnants very early, since it just gives you a bit more stats. Usually using the gold for other items is more helpful. I like to sit on Frostfang until I finish Ardent/Redemption.
space Defensive Utility
AP/Offensive Utility
Sample Builds x In nearly all games, and all stages of a game, you should have 3 Control Wards on you at all times. Yes, this does mean your ‘full build’ is technically only 5 items, but those wards can be crucial. If you're choosing between having another component of a complete item or having that slot for control wards, choose control wards. That said, you might eventually want a full 6 item build. Here are some examples. Full 6 item builds are usually for those long games. space space space A very classic build on Janna. It gives her the full 40% CDR and provides a lot of utility. With 3 active items, Redemption, Zeke's and Locket adds more team fight utility. Ardent gives Janna a nice power boost. space space A defensive build with the Ancient Coin start into Remnant of the Ascended. Paired with Transcendence, you have a total of 60% CDR, with the extra 20% becoming adaptive AD or AP. Frozen Heart is great for melee AD champions (usually you're too far away to affect the enemy ADC), and Locket gives team fight burst survivability. Plus, Crucible negates enemy pick potential. space space This is a very ‘snowball’ build, especially with Mejai’s. It’s great for games where you are confident you won’t die often and you have someone on your team who is snowballing. Eye allows you to take an extra item, and here we have Zz'rot for some extra pressure. (i.e. When seiging top lane, you can plop it down after pushing bot lane. It will force the enemy to leave and clear the portal/minions, giving you a weighted fight which your team will likely win. This forces the enemy to choose between saving their turret or grouping.) |
And that concludes my guide on Janna! Thanks for sticking around 'til the end. I hope you found this information helpful. If you did, please leave an upvote! Any comments, suggestions or criticism is much appreciated. Good luck on the Rift, and have fun with Janna!
A huge thank you to Luxeøn who gave me lots of tips and suggestions like having secondary Domination runes!
This is Mozume, signing out.
Git Log
This lists all major edits to the guide.
2/8/2017 Patch 8.3 Updates
- Added W max notes in ability leveling.
- Shifted around Inspiration runes. (Perfect Timing and Boots now in the same trio)
- Changed recommended runes to Inspiration secondary tree instead of Resolve.
- Changed ordering of preferred runes for the Inspiration secondary
- Matchup notes for laning opponents (supports for now)
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