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Fiora Build Guide by Jpikachu1999

Fiora - The Definitely Deadly Duelist

Fiora - The Definitely Deadly Duelist

Updated on April 13, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jpikachu1999 Build Guide By Jpikachu1999 33 11 85,866 Views 147 Comments
33 11 85,866 Views 147 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jpikachu1999 Fiora Build Guide By Jpikachu1999 Updated on April 13, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Fiora
  • LoL Champion: Fiora
  • LoL Champion: Fiora
  • LoL Champion: Fiora


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Thank you MissMaw for the banner!

Hello everyone, my name is Jpikachu1999, and welcome to my Fiora guide!

I play Fiora as a tanky DPS, whose main job is to pick people off 1 by 1. Fiora is a very fun character to play, and she is a fantastic pick for teams that need a solo top.

If you have seen this guide before, you may notice some slight changes in appearance, and that is because I couldn't completely rebuild my guide when it glitched itself on me. Thus, I was forced to use some different coding in different places, so it will look slightly different than it did before. Thank you Boitata for helping me recreate the guide!

If there are any mistakes in the guide, please point them out! All constructive criticism and feedback is appreciated!

On a Side Note

I don't care about downvotes. I seriously don't, they are expressing someone's opinion, and that's fine by me. What is NOT fine by me are downvotes without comments. If you have a problem with either the build or the guide (hopefully you read the guide, otherwise I can't help explain), PLEASE COMMENT AND SAY WHY.

By comment, I don't mean something like "Why the hell do you get Wit's End." I'll accept those comments, sure, but I explain why I choose this over that in my guide, and if you do have a problem with Wit's End, tell me what else to use and I'll give you my thoughts.

Thank you all.
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Pros / Cons


+ Fantastic Pusher
+ Great sustain in lane
+ Practically can mash buttons and still win fights
+ Can negate attacks
+ Has a gap closer
+ Blade Waltz is ridiculously powerful

- No natural CC
- Is somewhat squishy if build incorrectly
- Vulnerable to CC
- Not the best in teamfights, she's better at 1v1
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

greater mark of Desolation: These marks give you great armor penetration, and along with the Quintessences allow you to pretty much deal true damage to squishies.
Other Viable Marks:
Greater Mark of Attack Speed: These give you some attack speed, which can help in 1v1s. However, this build already has plenty of attack speed.
Greater Mark of Attack Damage: Some people like these, get them if you want. I prefer ArPen marks, but it's your choice.

: These give you some early armor, which allows you to be more sustained in your lane. It helps in trading blows with the enemy top laner, as you take reduced auto attack damage and physical damage.
Other Viable Seals:
Greater Seal of Vitality: These give you a decent amount of health/lvl, but I believe these to be inferior to the armor seals.

: These give you MR/lvl, which is pretty helpful for teamfights. They help reduce any burst damage you might take.
Other Viable Glyphs:
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: These give flat MR. They are inferior to the MR/lvl, because you shouldn't have too much magic damage up top (unless it's someone like Kennen), and teamfights don't generally start till around level 10, which is when the MR/lvl catches up to these.
Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction: CDR, nothing much else to say. I prefer MR/lvl.

greater quintessence of Desolation: These quints are amazing. Coupled with your marks, you penetrate all the armor of squishies. They just simply allow you to hit harder.
Other Viable Quintessences:
Greater Quintessence of Health: These greatly help in the laning phase, as is allows you to start with more health. This pretty much relieves the need for a doran's item; though it gives you a lot of health if you do use a doran's item.
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage: If you have these, use them. I strongly recommend you pick up Greater Quintessence of Desolation though.
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Summoner's Wrath : To upgrade your Exhaust, Ghost, or Ignite.
Brute Force : Early attack damage.
Alacrity : Not exactly a useful mastery, I would prefer not to get it, however, we need it to get the next mastery.
Weapon Expertise : An amazing mastery, it gives you a whopping 10% ArPen for just 1 point (5 if you count the Alacrity )
Sorcery: Cooldown reduction. It's better than crit damage, and 3% lifesteal
Demolitionist : Pretty much filler, it helps kill towers a little faster.
Vampirism : Helps boost your lifesteal a bit more, so that most of the lifesteal items have the same lifesteal they did before.
Sunder : These 3 points should never be moved. 6 ArPen is equal to 2 ArPen Quints.
Executioner : 6% extra damage? Who doesn't want to kill their opponent faster?


Resistance : Filler so I can get to the next tier. It does help a little against magic damage.
Hardiness : Reduces minion damage and most solo top champions damage? Yes please.
Durability : Health/lvl. Nothing fancy.
Veteran's Scars : Amazing mastery for the laning phase. 30 health is really useful in early levels.



Butcher : To get to the next tier, helps against monsters a little.


Summoner's Resolve : Upgrade Smite please?
Tough Skin : Reduce monster damage and to get to Bladed Armor .
Bladed Armor : Helps give a little faster clear time as the monsters damage themselves.
Vigor : Mostly filler, but it does go along well with your passive.
Enlightenment : Amazing mastery, as 8.1% CDR at lvl 18 is amazing.
Juggernaut : 10% reduced disables = WHAT!?!, plus, more health!
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Summoner Spells

The Good Summoners


space |
A veritably versatile summoner. Allows you to escape, initiate and all kinds of other things. This one is almost necessary.

A very good dueling spell. It also can be used in escapes, because it slows the enemy down. This spell shuts down pretty much all damage of the enemy champion.

This spell is useful for chasing and running away. It might not be as good as Exhaust, but it is useful to fly across the map.

This can be used to return to lane faster. Or to join a teamfight, or maybe just to teleport to that ward behind that 100 health enemy and kill them. This spell allows you to get an early Philosopher's Stone if you want.

The Okay Summoners


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I've seen some Fiora players take this, and it isn't a horrible spell. It's just not as useful as Exhaust; even if you can kill someone under the tower with this. If you need the healing reduction, you could always take an Executioner's Calling.

This is a decent spell, but I would really only take this if I was duo laning bot. Fiora can make use of different summoners better.

Actually decent, but it's not as good as Exhaust. Take this if you know their team has a lot of CC. This can easily be replaced with Quicksilver Sash.

Not the best spell, but I've seen worse. It gives you a nice chunk of AS.

Only take this if you are jungling.

The Bad Summoners


space |
This spell is just bad. It only works when you are dead, and has like a 9 minute cooldown.

Fiora doesn't have mana problems.

You are not the support.

This automatically pushes your lane, and you shouldn't need help in gold farming. Just don't get this.
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Skill Sequence and Explanation

> > >
R > W > E > Q


Every time Fiora does physical damage, she regains a set amount of health/6 seconds. Hitting chamions causes this buff to stack up to 4 times.

This is a great passive. It gives her great lane sustain, and decent recovery while trading blows with champions.

Fiora lunges to a target, and attacks them. She can cast Lunge again within the next few seconds for free.

This is a great tool to chase and escape.

Tips and Glitches
  • You can Lunge to an enemy minion to get into range to Lunge to an enemy champion.
  • Alternately, you can Lunge to 2 enemy minions to run away from an enemy champion.
  • Sometimes, when you Lunge, you will not travel to all the way to the target. You will go forward about a quarter of the way instead.
  • If you Lunge to an enemy, and then Lunge to the same enemy while neither of you have moved any distance, you will not deal damage. Basically, you need to move a distance to do damage with Lunge.

Fiora passively gains attack damage. Activating this will block the next auto attack and return damage against the attacker.

This spell makes Fiora a great 1v1 character, because she can negate an attack and return some damage to her attacker. Don't forget about the passive AD.

Tips and Glitches
  • This can block and rebound spells like Parrrley and Siphoning Strike
  • Sometimes, this can rebound spells like Reap, however you still get hit by any CC from the spell. (Not confirmed)

Fiora gains a massive amount of attack speed for 3 seconds. If she hits something, she gains movement speed. The cooldown is cut in half for assists, and is refreshed for kills.

This gives you a lot of damage. Because of this ability, you don't need to build as much AS as other carries.

Tips and Glitches
  • Don't activate this while or before you do Blade Waltz, as you waste most of the buff.
  • The cooldown resets on kills, so you can keep the buff on for a long time. Be careful about your mana while you spam it.
  • This resets your auto attack timer, so you can hit something and immediately activate this and you will have 2 attacks in the time it takes to do one.

Fiora moves at lightning fast speed hitting 5 times on enemy champions. It does less damage if it hits more than once on a single enemy. The first and last hit will always be on the same target. If all 5 strikes hit the same target, it does double the listed amount of damage.

This is your overpowered ultimate. It makes tower diving relatively safe, as the tower can't target you. All of the hits apply on-hit effects.

Tips and Glitches
  • Use this to finish your opponent, they won't be able to escape, since you stick to them.
  • If you are on very low health, and are being chased by only one person, use Blade Waltz on them. It will recover your health because of your passive and lifesteal. This is a very easy trick to surprise people.
  • If you kill the first champion you targeted with Blade Waltz before the last hit, you will hit someone else an extra time to end on them. (Not confirmed)
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Concerning the nerfs to lifesteal

Riot has decided that lifesteal was too powerful, and thus has reduced the value of lifesteal for most of the items. Thus, Vampiric Scepter is not as viable of a start, and your sustain with Wriggle's Lantern will take a noticeable decrease.

space Zeke's herald

space |

250 health, 15% CDR, Aura: 12% lifesteal and 20% AS.

100 health, 10 AD, 3% lifesteal.

18% lifesteal, 15% CrC, Passive: Each hit applies a mark that does 4 damage each second for 8 seconds. This effect does not stack but refreshes each hit. Unique Active: Applies Grevious Wound, which reduces healing and regeneration effects for 8 seconds. 20 second cooldown.

Thus, since the only lifesteal items remained unchanged are Doran's Blade, Zeke's Herald, and Executioner's Calling, these items are more viable now. I would recommend Zeke's Herald now, if you want to replace Wriggle's Lantern, because it will allow your ranged AD carry to have the lifesteal they need again.

I don't believe this will hit Fiora too badly as it would someone like Tryndamere or Master Yi, but it is something to take note of. If you want to have similar results with lifesteal that you had before, you must buy Spirit Visage.
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Starting Items

This section get's it's own chapter, as I want to try to show the best starting items.


+ Gives great survivability against AD solo top champs
+ 5 Health Pots give you great sustain in lane
+ Builds into some great items

- Makes you spend money on potions, and forces you to use them
- Not a very aggressive start
- Doesn't help against AP solo tops, or helping to dodge skill shots

Notes and Tips
  • Don't forget to use the health pots!
  • Please only get this if your opponent is AD, if they are AP, get Boots.
  • These starting items mainly focus on a passive playing style, so don't get them if you like to be aggressive.


+ Gives great Hp/5, synergises well with Duelist
+ Builds into Philosopher's Stone
+ Good against sustained damage

- Forces you to take Teleport, as rushing a Philosopher's Stone isn't efficient otherwise
- Bad against burst damage, as you don't heal back fast enough
- We don't build Shurelya's Battlesong, so it ends up needing to be sold anyways

Notes and Tips
  • If you don't use too much mana, this will give you infinite sustain
  • This builds into the useful G/10 item Philosopher's Stone
  • If your enemy starts with an offense item or Cloth Armor, you will be at a disadvantage


+ Amazing synergy with Duelist
+ A great 1v1 item, allows you to win most auto attack battles
+ Good sustain

- Requires you to auto attack to make use of it
- Gives some health, but not much without any AD
- Not defensive unless attacking

Notes and Tips
  • This gives no sustain unless you are attacking, thus leaving you vulnerable.
  • You will gain less health against opponents who start with Cloth Armor.
  • Attacking to gain health isn't always the best idea, you can push your lane which leaves you vulnerable to ganking


+ One of the best deals on an item ever!
+ Quite a bit of lane presence

- Can't buy potions with it
- Doesn't give any health regen (asides from the 3% lifesteal, which doesn't help with sustain much)

Notes and Tips
  • This an extremely cost efficient item, so it is a very good pick for an offensive start.
  • Since it gives health, you have more survivability than say Vampiric Scepter, however, no health regen means that you have to wait longer for lost health. It also doesn't build into anything.


+ Literally the best sustain item against AD damage in the game
+ Extremely cost efficient

- Can't buy potions with it
- Sustain all day, but no damage at all

Notes and Tips
  • Literally, sustain against AD all day, but no damage amplification.
  • This is very cost efficient, however, it doesn't build into anything.


+ Movement speed!
+ Health pots!

- No defenses
- Doesn't help in melee fights

Notes and Tips
  • Some people like the feel of moving fast, so, get these.
  • Against AP tops, please get these. It makes dodging skill shots so much easier.
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Core Items


12% Lifesteal, 30 Armor, 23 AD, a damage proc on minions and monsters. Unique Active: Places Sight ward that lasts for 3 minutes. 3 minute cooldown.

This isn't technically mandatory after the nerf, but it's still pretty decent.

Movement speed 2, 25 MR. 35% CC Reduction.

Technically, you could replace these with Ninja Tabi if the enemy team is mostly AD with little CC. These are still the most recommended.

These two items are pretty much core on Fiora, however, they are not 100% set in stone.

Situational Items

Armor Items


Get this for an AD heavy team. The AS reduction and MS reduction will greatly help in 1v1s.

This gives decent armor and damage for a cheap price.

This is useful for if you get focused, as it allows you to come back from death. Fiora can make good of this because of Blade Waltzing back all your health.
Note: The second life won't always let you get away to recall. Think of it like Yorick's Omen of Death. Use it to wreak havoc on the enemies.

While we are talking about Guardian Angel, we might as well mention this item. I consider this item a mini Guardian Angel. It gives decent stats for it's cost, thus making it a great balanced defensive item for early - mid game. You can still use it late game, but I would recommend switching this out for Guardian Angel once you finish or nearly finish the rest of your build.

Magic Resist Items


A perfect item for Fiora, as she benefits from a little bit of attack speed, but she also benefits quite a bit from the MR.

This is an amazing item. It gives you so much power and AD. It allows you to get to low health, and survive the burst to do a lot of damage with your Blade Waltz. It's just such an amazing item.

This item is pretty much broken. 56 MR and a CC removing active for 1440 gold?
Note: QSS removes all debuffs including Ignite, Children of the Grave, and Hemoplague. It will not remove the healing reduction from Ignite though.

This is a decent item, as it blocks any spell every 45 secs. I prefer QSS, but it's not a bad alternative.

Offense Items


Zeke's herald
AS, AD, and armor reduction? What more could you ask for? This is one that I pretty much always build.

The slow that this gives is amazing. Not to mention that, by the time you build it, you have decent resists, so the health is even more useful! It also gives you some AD, which is actually quite a bit if you combine Atma's Impaler with it.

The ultimate on hit effect item. Since this is usually your last item, it will be hard for enemies to counter your damage. AS, AD, and armor, a great item overall for Fiora.

It gives some nice CDR, and ArPen. The active is pretty
nice too.

This is a great item for the CDR build, as you can spam your abilities in the CDR build.

This is actually a pretty underrated item. It gives more lifesteal than an unstacked Bloodthirster or a Wriggle's Lantern. It also has that great healing reduction active, and the damage adding passive. Each stack on the passive gives 32 damage, so it adds up quite a bit over time.

It's viable now. Because of the nerf to Wriggle's Lantern this can be used to replace it. I would highly recommend replacing Wriggle's Lantern with Zeke's Herald in the Max CDR build.



space Get these against an AD heavy team, they will help you immensely.

I don't recommend these, however, they can be used. This build revolves around tanky DPS, not glass cannon.
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Builds Explained

Tanky DPS

This build focuses on survivability, while still being able to deal damage. Many of the items are hybrid, and they allow you to do your job as a carry.

Hybrid Items:


This build is focused on dealing out major pain. Though I prefer tanky DPS, and that is what this guide is about, this build has some merit. I also posted this here, as most people like glasscannon (don't ask me why), so I made the build to appease everyone.

Nothing much to say about this build, you just are here to do as much damage as possible. The main problem with this build is that it is really expensive.


I've changed this build from what it used to be, as I wanted to make it a little more cost efficient and tankier. This build gives a nice mix of defenses and offense. Black Cleaver was removed from the build, because it was too hard to consistently get 1650 gold for a B.F. Sword. Instead, it allows you to get an early Avarice Blade or an early The Brutalizer.

Get Atma's Impaler or Wit's End depending on which damage is more prevalent. You can replace Aegis of the Legion with Guardian Angel, and Wriggle's Lantern with Bloodthirster after you finish the rest of your build.

Since I have changed the runes with this build, this build is kind of a hybrid between tankiness (which the Max CDR is anyways), CDR, and offense. If you need a more defensive build, even out of the jungle, then this is probably the build for you.


This build is aimed to get as close to max CDR as possible. If you want 40% CDR, you will need Elixir of Brilliance. This build actually might be better off with Trinity Force instead of Frozen Mallet, but I just love Frozen Mallet, so I haven't tried it. This build will allow you to spam your abilities, and gives your ult a cooldown of a little over a minute. You also have insane lifesteal, so if you ever are on low health, just Blade Waltz it back! Bloodthirster can be replaced by any defensive item, however, I prefer Guardian Angel.

Honestly, this build is pretty amazing, and I think it's actually viable. Huge thanks to Boitata for the build/idea/suggestion! (I couldn't make up my mind :P)

Offense Based

This build is aimed to cover your defenses with Aegis of the Legion, Guardian Angel, and Frozen Mallet, then just go pure damage through 2 Bloodthirsters. It doesn't have a balanced amount of offensive stats (AS, CrC, etc.), however, it does deal major damage while being extremely durable.
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Frozen Mallet + Atma's vs. Warmog's Armor + Atma's

Since some people apparently don't have any idea that Fiora is a chaser/carry, they have this ridiculous notion that she needs the extra 500 health and 8 HP/Second.

Here is the math:

Warmog's Armor + Atma's Impaler is a very common off-tank build. However, Frozen Mallet + Atma's Impaler is seen very often as well.



1980 (base health at 18) + 1270 = 3250 health

3250 * .02 = 65 AD from Atma's

Frozen Mallet:

1980 + 700 = 2680 health

2680 * .02 = 53.6 = 54 AD from Atma's + 20 from Mallet = 74 AD

Seriously people, I've seen more than 10 comments (not all on my guide) saying Warmog's Armor is better. Here are the reasons you don't buy Warmog's Armor on Fiora.

Frozen Mallet gives much needed CC. Frozen Mallet gives more AD. Frozen Mallet gives enough health. We don't need any life regen from Warmog's. Frozen Mallet even "increases" AS, because you don't have to move as far to hit your opponent, thus hitting your opponent more times. If you really want Warmog's Armor go play a tank. Fiora is not meant to, and should never ever need a Warmog's.

Here and here are some links to posts on Minkey's guide I made about the subject. You can interpret the posts however you like.
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Early Game

Loading Screen/Draft Pick

If you are doing draft mode, you can see what champions the opponents have picked. Otherwise, you have to tell from the loading screen. Thus, you should be able to tell what champion goes top, so you can think about which starting item to get.

A short list of solo top champions:

Lane Matchups

Here's the format I will use for the lane matchups.

Champion: Difficulty (1 - 10) Normal champ's starting item

Champs Skills

Recommended Starting Item(s) against Champ

Champion's Strengths

How to counter champion/tips against champion


Difficulty: 8

Normal Starting Item(s):

+ 3x OR + 2x


Recommended Starting Item(s):


Yorick's Strengths
  • Has ridiculous harass, and can kill you under the tower without even getting hurt.
  • Has ridiculous sustain.
  • Has a speed up and a slow, which makes him hard to gank.

How to Counter Yorick
  • Try to harass him a little, you will likely come out with less health. However, his sustain skill also pushes his lane, which allows your jungler to gank more easily.
  • Gank him, plain and simple. He does have a speed up and slow down, but honestly, if you hurt him enough, he has to push the lane to recover his health with Omen of Famine.
  • Starting with Doran's Shield will give you pretty good lane sustain, so you can trade blows with Yorick more. If you start with Vampiric Scepter, you have to attack his ghouls when he summons them. This way, you can recover health from his ghouls and take less damage from his harass.
  • If he clones himself or an ally with Omen of Death, kill the clone first. Like Zilean's ult, Chronoshift, that extra life can drastically turn the tide in a teamfight.


Difficulty: 7

Normal Starting Item(s):


Recommended Starting Item(s):

+ 5x OR

Garen's Strengths
  • Ridiculous laning presence, because of his early game damage with Judgment.
  • A really long silence.
  • Good lane sustain with Perseverance.
  • A shield against damage.
  • A ranged kill securer in Demacian Justice.

How to Counter Garen
  • Stay away from him when he is using Judgment.
  • Garen may duck into bushes. When he does, stay away from the bushes. He can Decisive Strike and then Judgment.
  • Play very defensively against Garen, he has a ton of laning presence.
  • Do not engage him after he is level 6, he is incredibly durable and his Demacian Justice can kill you from 20% health.
  • If he uses Decisive Strike, use Riposte. You will still be silenced, but you block all the damage.
  • Depending if he builds tank or AD, he may be more difficult to battle. If he does build tank, just try and wait it out, as he falls off late game.


Difficulty: 5

Normal Starting Item(s):

+ 5x OR + 2x


Recommended Starting Item(s):

+ 5x OR

Gangplank's Strengths
  • Cannon Barrage allows him to contribute to teamfights from anywhere.
  • Has a CC removing ability, Remove Scurvy.
  • Has good harass or farm with Parrrley.
  • A passive AD and MS steroid that can be activated to greatly increase it.

How to Counter Gangplank
  • Wait until you're level 4, it's really easy to harass him once you get Lunge.
  • He does have a heal in Remove Scurvy, but you don't have any CC, so him spamming it will waste his mana.
  • If you can harass him enough to force him to use Remove Scurvy, try to get your jungler to gank right then, as he becomes vulnerable to CC.
  • His Parrrley can crit, and it hits like a truck, but once you get to level 4, you should be able to win trades against him.
  • His Parrrley can be blocked by Riposte, use it to make him sad.
  • Notify your team once he hits level 6, as he can use Cannon Barrage on any part of the map.


When starting the game, your main focus should be on last hitting minions. However, if you learn the lane matchups, sometimes you will know that some champions are more aggressive than others.


If you are up against these aggressive champions, there are several things you can do.
  • Try to last hit as well as possible
  • Let the other champion push so that your jungler can gank
  • Harass them so that they become less aggressive

If you decide to harass the enemy, you should try to get a point in Lunge earlier.

Basic Poking Harass

(champion) -> (minion)

Committed Harass

-> -> ->

Helping your jungler gank

Another way that you can turn the tables against an aggressive opponent, is to have your jungler gank your lane.

There are two types of aggressive opponents that you can pull this off against:
  • The type that auto attacks minions and pushes his lane by himself.
  • The kind that needs to be baited by you being slightly out of position.

Against the pushing kind

This kind is by far the easiest for your jungler to gank. All you need to do is play passively, and when your jungle arrives, you need to ping the enemy. After that, you both can jump on him/her at the same time.

Against the kind that needs to be baited

This type of opponent is very difficult to deal with. Assuming they are good at denying you last hits, they are usually able to keep themselves safe from ganking.

To gank them, you need to look like you are going to last hit a particularly far minion, and have them attack you. When they attack you, your jungler and you should immediately start attacking them. This technique is dangerous, because you might take more damage than you would like. Thus, the enemy might even get a kill if they are strong enough, so be careful when doing this.

Another way to deal with this type of opponent is to do a comitted harass combo, while your jungler waits in the brush. This may throw the enemy off balance, as they may think you would just want to try to get some farm. With the element of surprise, you and your jungler should be able to get a kill or at least drive the opponent off.

For both ways of dealing with difficult opponents

If you are underfarmed, your opponent will have an advantage over you. However, you should ALWAYS, I repeat, always buy a Vision Ward. If you communicate with your jungler, you can place the Vision Ward in the gank bush, and clear wards. This way, your opponent won't likely know when your jungler is coming.
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Middle Game

Teamfights should be breaking out around now. Everyone is kind of roaming around now, dragon's are being contested by whole teams, and organized pushes are needed.

Teamfights and Focus

Your role in teamfights is not too complicated. Your job is to get into the battle after your tank has initiated, and tear up some squishies.

Here is a short list of 1st priority targets:
Anyone who has a lot of damage and/or CC (focus the damage first though, unless the CC comes from damage such as Swain or Kennen) is a target for you.

Order of Priority
  1. Annie (AP carry)
  2. Caitlyn (AD carry)
  3. Soraka (Support)
  4. Irelia (Off-tank)
  5. Shen (Tank)

Only activate Blade Waltz if you have to. You want to use this to clean up after fights.


Normally, pushing happens before or after a teamfight. Before, because the teams need to prepare to gear up for a fight, and afterwards to destroy some towers.

The goal of pushing a lane, is to destroy a tower or inhibitor. The safest way to do this is after your team has won a teamfight, so that you can outnumber your opponents when pushing.

Sometimes, your team can push lanes without multiple people. When someone (usually AD) pushes a lane by himself, this term is called "backdooring". All it means is that the AD carry is trying to take down towers in a lane while enemies are preoccupied elsewhere, usually in a teamfight.

When you have two people that are pushing opposite lanes (bot and top), then they are using the technique called "split pushing". The goal of this is to draw the attention of the enemy away to defend one tower, and then the other person generally teleports to the opposite side to help take down the other tower.

Both of the above circumstances are very dangerous for the people pushing. Only resort to those techniques if you have to.

Taking Objectives

Another thing that generally happens after teamfights are taking objectives. Usually, when a team wins a teamfight, they either go to kill dragon to get extra gold, or go to the enemies jungle and take all the buffs. This is another way to further push your advantage. Sometimes, during later in the game, teams will kill Baron to get his buff and gold.

Usually for objectives to be completed, 2 of 3 things need to happen.
  • The closest lane needs to be pushed out
  • You need to have won a teamfight
  • You need to have warded the objective (applies to dragon and baron)
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Late Game

Many games don't go until this point, however, there are some things you should know.


Just when you thought you knew everything about teamfights, I bring the section back!

The reason for this section being repeated, is that focus fire is ESSENTIAL. It is the single most important thing in teamfights now. Anyone except the best of tanks or off tanks will die under focus fire, so be sure to coordinate with your team. What this also means is that your build will not keep you alive long.

GASP! The tanky DPS doesn't keep me alive? Why should I use it?

You should use it because it allows you to live long enough to Blade Waltz in. Being untargetable while doing massive damage is the best thing you can have right now. If you were to build glasscannon, you would have to Blade Waltz onto the very first person you can. In other words, the tank.

Baron Nashor

This guy is the most important thing other than teamfights at this point of the game. You should always have it warded, and someone should go around with an Oracle's Elixir to clear enemy wards. This monster wins games.

This guy is very tough to take down quickly and unnoticed, so I would recommend going for him only after a teamfight. If you don't get his buff, try to hold out until he respawns. He respawns after 7 mins.


Didn't think you would see this section again? You thought wrong.

At this point in the game, AD carries have enough attack speed to efficiently backdoor and split push. This means that your towers should always be closely watched, and that you can try to push lanes to get your team one step closer to victory.

Fiora has an easy time pushing. Just press E and the minions are gone. However, it also takes skill to push. You need to have map awareness to help your team if they need you. You also need map awareness to avoid the enemy team. Basically, stay on your toes.
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Jungling Route/Warding Map:

In case it's hard to see, here is a list of the ward spots:

Purple spots are for Vision Wards, commonly known as pink wards. These are placed at dragon and baron, as having control over the enemies vision is essential.

The green spots are for Sight Wards, otherwise known as just wards. These give great sight coverage to protect against ganks on all lanes, and also give pretty good sight of your opponent's jungle.

Explanation of Jungle Route

  1. As Fiora you always want to start at blue buff. This will speed up your jungle immensely, as it will allow you to spam Riposte and Burst of Speed more often. You don't want to start at wolves with Fiora, unless your AP mid can use an AoE spell on it ( Pillar of Flame, Lucent Singularity), and then get out of range so they don't steal XP.
  2. Ask your AP mid for a leash. They generally can hit the blue buff with an attack or spell without losing any CS. While doing blue buff, you will want to use a Health Potion. Unless you get an amazing leash (trust me, I've had them), you will need to use a potion to keep at full health. Once blue buff gets to 445 health (I think that's the number), Smite it.
  3. We then go to wolves, pretty much to get experience. Focus the big wolf first. Just use Burst of Speed and Riposte until they die, that simple. You shouldn't need to use any Health Potions here.
  4. After that, we go to wraiths. Focus the big wraith first. Same as wolves. You shouldn't need any potions here either.
  5. We then go to the double golems. These guys are pretty tough. You pretty much use the same strategy for wolves and wraiths, but you should use a potion after or while fighting them. Focus the bigger golem first. Also, DO NOT USE Smite.
  6. After defeating the double golems, you want to go to the red buff. Again, attack him just as before, however, use a potion while you are fighting it. Focus the big lizard first. Smite it when it has 495 health.
  7. Go back to wraiths and kill them. After doing this, you should be level 4 and have all of your jungle cleared (you might have wolves up). Take a point in Lunge, pop a Health Potion or two, and go gank a lane. If none of the lanes are pushed up, either recall (look at the lanes before you use your potions), or go clear your jungle again.

A little trick that I've picked up when I learned to jungle is that if you left click a unit (whether it be an enemy or ally, you can see it's health bar. This will help you time your Smite more easily. Also, if you click a ward or item such as Jack In The Box you can see how much time is left until the ward or item dissipates.

Ganking Tips

Whenever you go to gank a lane, you must communicate with your laning partner. I explain a lot of this in the laning section, however, here are some tips:
  • Tell your laning partner to bait your opponent into attacking them.
  • Ping your opponent, so that both you and your partner can attack at once. This will give much more effective results.
  • If you are coming to towerdive some opponents, try going through the tri-bushes. This allows for less sight from the opponents, and gives you more surprise, which allows you to dive more effectively.
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In the end, Fiora is a very fun champion to play.

If you are someone who likes the thrill of crushing opponents 1 by 1, Fiora is the character for you.

I hope you all enjoyed my Fiora guide!
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Special Thanks

Great thanks goes to Jhoijhoi for her guide on how to make a guide, and allowing me to use her templates! Also, thank you Jhoijhoi for reviewing me!

Also, thank you Boitata for giving me the idea/suggestion/build of max CDR. Super thanks goes to him now, as he helped me rewrite my ENTIRE guide, and thus saved my guide. Huge thanks to him, you're awesome.

Thanks goes to Minkey, for putting up with me posting really long posts on his guide O.O. He also was one of my first supporters, and really kept me going to keep updating the guide.

Thank you IceCreamy for reviewing me and giving me advice!

Thank you CasterMaster's reviewing shop (All of you who are reviewers there), as you helped me fix up some stuff that needed to be changed!

Thank you MissMaw for all the banners in the guide!
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This section was created for the fun of myself and everybody who has used this guide. It is not supposed to prove the viability of the build.

My Scores:

Demonologyx's Scores

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Change Log


Guide Published

Time: About 3 hours.


A lot of changes
  • Added Starting Items Chapter
  • Expanded Gameplay Section
  • Added 2 builds
  • Added 2 chapters concerning the new builds
  • Added some colors and improvements to make the guide aesthetically pleasing
  • Added Jungle masteries

Total working time I spent ... I think over 7 hours @_@, I lost track after hour 5.

Time: 7 - 9 hours.


Added Scores Section

Time: About 30 minutes.


Added Max CDR build cheat sheet
Added Max CDR build in the actual guide

Time: About 1 hour.


Changed jungle build, and updated relevant sections.
Added another score.
Added Aegis of the Legion to Situational items.
Added Fratma's vs. Atmog's section, since some troll decided to not do math >.<

Time: About 2 hours.


(1-3 AM)
Added jungle section
Including, map of route, ganking tips, and route explanation

Time: About 2 hours.


Implemented some suggestions from Jhoijhoi
Added Lane Matchups Section
Added Yorick to Lane Matchups

Time: About 3 hours.


Added "Concerning the nerf to lifesteals" section
Added Zeke's Herald to situational items

Time: About 1 hour.


Completely rearranged items section

It took way too long, by long I mean like 5 hours on one section.

Time: About 5 hours.


Added Garen to the lane matchups section.

Time: About an hour.


Removed "Fragile" from the cheat sheet
Added "Offense" to cheat sheet
Added build information into relevant sections of the guide for the build "Offense"
Changed around Summoner Spells section

Time: About 3 hours.


Cleaned up Lane Matchup Section a little bit
Added Gangplank to Lane Matchups

Time: 1 hour


IceCreamy's Advice:
Moved Starting Items section before Items section
Changed Pro/Cons Section a little
Second cheat sheet was glitched, now it is fixed
Fixed masteries description in guide to accurately depict my changed masteries.
Changed around the "Concerning the nerfs to lifesteal" section

Time: About 1 hour


Removed the first "builds" section
Fixed some spacing issues in the "items" section

Time: 15 minutes


Added in the introduction banner made my MissMaw
Readded the jungle cheat sheet, as it was bugged

Time: 30 minutes

4/03/12 - 4/04/12

Computer/Guide is bugged. I just checked and other sections just randomly got posted into other sections.

Removed "To do list" Section

Rewrote 2/3 of the guide

Added Special Thanks section

Copied all my information into word documents in case this happens again

Time: Around 7 hours


Added some more banners that MissMaw made me

Fixed up some grammar

Time: 30 minutes
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