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Anivia Build Guide by AverageLilliaPlayer

Jungle The ALP Guide to Anivia Jungle

Jungle The ALP Guide to Anivia Jungle

Updated on November 21, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer 3,805 Views 1 Comments
3,805 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Anivia Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer Updated on November 21, 2024
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Runes: Early Skirmishing

1 2 3
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Absorb Life
Coup de Grace

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Champion Build Guide

The ALP Guide to Anivia Jungle

By AverageLilliaPlayer
About Me
Hello, my name is Average Lillia Player (or ALP for short) though ingame I go by Yoon. As the name suggests, I main Lillia and prefer to avoiding laning as a whole, often queuing for Jungle or Support (but mostly Jungle). Almost all of my time in the game is spent making extremely strange picks in the Jungle work out, anything from meta to borderline throwing, I'm determined to make it work.
Champion Introduction

Anivia, the Cryophoenix
Battlemage, Midlaner, Support, Mana, Ranged, Magic
Clearing: Below Average, Slightly Unhealthy [3:51]
Ganking: Good Damage, CC
Speciality: Extended Teamfights
Why Jungle Anivia? Anivia is great in long fights and is especially good at surviving tower dives, both offensively and defensively. She can glitch out jungle camps with her wall to give her an edge in her clear. Post level 6, she clears at the same speed, if not faster, than any other meta jungler. Her ganks are skill reliant with her Q as she does not have a dash, but her wall can make up for bad aim or mistimed skillshots.
Pros and Cons


Great Farmer
Lots of CC
Scales Well
Wall Can Glitch Camps
Silly Bird


Skillshot Oriented
Weaker Early
No Mobility
Passive Can Be Useless
Silly Bird

Anivia likes to be full AP, but rather than build bursty items, she builds some of the tankier ap items (similar to what bruiser ap champions build) in order to dance in and out of fights and still rack up kills.

Tanknivia actually works incredibly well due to her stats transferring over to her egg when her passive is proc'd. She can survive a whole lot of damage, and when that damage eventually kills her, the enemy has to deal with it all over again unless they want the bird to get up again and do half their health with a Heartsteel proc.

Utility Anivia is best for when you know a team will do well or they get fed incredibly early on. It can be iffy, but Utilinivia is just as fun as either other build - to be honest, anything is fun with Anivia.
Skill Order
Flash Frost

1 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 13

3 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18

2 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 9
Glacial Storm

6 / 11 / 16
> > >
Anivia starts Q to kite her buff and give her that little bit longer of a window to deal damage without taking it as well. Her E isn't all that useful without an ability to Chill a target with, so we go that level 2. Rather than go level 3 into E again we take W to glitch out certain camps.
Ability Usage in Jungle
Periodically, upon taking lethal damage, Anivia enters a reviving state within an egg (similar to Guardian Angel for 6 seconds and restores all of the health she had in her egg form.

While under resurrection, Anivia is unable to do anything and gains bonus magic resistance and armor.

In the Jungle, Anivia uses her passive to keep herself in a fight longer. This allows her to survive tower dives especially well and conduct them if she is out of tower range before death.
Flash Frost
Anivia launches a chunk of ice in the target direction that deals magic damage and slows all enemies it hits. If it is recasted, it stuns all enemies it is currently hovering over and deals bonus magic damage.

In the Jungle this ability is used to stun and kite camps. It is also the primary ganking tool as it is her only reliable form of CC before level 6. It is best to throw this ability later on in a gank rather than initiating with it to ensure success.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Anivia summons a wall of ice at the target location perpendicular to her facing.

In the Jungle, Anivia uses this wall to glitch out jungle camps and prevent them from hitting her while she hits them. It can be used on both red and blue buff if put between the mounds on either side of the buff. It can also be used on Raptors, Krugs and Wolves before they begin attacking or to split the monsters in half. It cannot be used reliably on Gromp without causing it to deaggro or go around into lane. This ability can also be used to block off enemies during ganks and prevent them from running away.
PASSIVE: Enemies hit by Q or a fully formed R are chilled for a short time, refreshing on subsequent hits.

ACTIVE: Anivia blasts a freezing wind at the target enemy that deals magic damage, doubling if they are chilled.

In the Jungle, this is Anivia's primary damaging ability on all enemies, especially in the later game where E can deal half of a health bar. It has a very long range and is not a skillshot, so it is a very easy ability to find success with.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Glacial Storm
Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail at the target location, dealing magic damage every 0.5 seconds in enemies within the blizzard. They are also slowed. The blizzard gradually increases in size - when it is at maximum size, it deals 300% extra damage to enemies inside and increases the effectiveness of the slow. It can be recasted to end early.

In the Jungle, Glacial Storm is used as a slow, clearing, and teamfight tool due to the large AOE and almost non-existant cooldown. It is less like an ultimate and more so an extra ability. It's important to be wary of how mana hungry this ultimate is, especially if left on by accident.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Anivia can solo dragons in the mid game, but really struggles to do so without her blue buff. Some of the dragons that do more damage may need a teammate.

Anivia benefits the most from Ocean Soul. The bonus health is nice, but what she really benefits from is the mana regeneration passive.

Anivia can solo voidgrubs both times they spawn, but she might get a little low if it isn't done properly and need to leave. Or, you can shamefully use your passive on an objective. Her W can wall off the little Voidmite's but the grubs can still attack you over the wall.

Herald can be cleared by Anivia without losing much health, but it can be a bit slow without her R. What I like to do is ensure I have my blue buff before I do any objectives in general so I can freely keep my R up throughout the whole monster fight.

Anivia cannot solo baron at any point in the game, but if there is a chance to get it, do so. Her clear with teammates is relatively fast by the point in the game where baron spawns, and her wave clear is unmatched. She can push a lane and collect towers in no time.

Anivia can solo elder if she is full build, and it'll be much quicker than some others, but it shouldn't really be done unless your team is holding off the enemy or you have vision on the enemy jungler.


Anivia should not be starting on red side, despite the healing and burn red buff grants you and the AOE camps being, theorhetically, the better option for her Q. Since her E can only proc on one champion at a time. After blue side, start on Raptors then move onto Red Brambleback,stop by Scuttle, then go back for Krugs. If Anivia should be starting blue side for the cooldown reduction and mana regeneration buff. She likes the single target camps as they are easier to wall off, save for Gromp. Start on Blue Sentinel, Gromp, then finish on Wolves.
Core Items

Sorcerer's Shoes > MAGIC PENETRATION
Usually Anivia takes Sorc's for the early game magic penetration, especially since she likes to build tankier AP items rather than magic pen items. This can make up for a lack of early game damage versus tanks.
Mercury's Treads > MAGIC RESISTANCE
Due to her low mobility, Merc's might be more beneficial in some games for the tenacity boost it grants. A caught out Anivia does about as well as a real bird in a trap, so if you don't want to burn your passive against a CC heavy team, build these.

EARLY GAME: Anivia has a very strange first clear - not necessarily super slow, she can keep up with other slow clearing junglers, but it isn't very healthy. She doesn't die, however, and she can fight over scuttle crab against some dumber enemies and usually come out alive. However she has to be incredibly wary of invades as she can't survive fighting a buff or jungle monster and a champion at the same time.
MID GAME: As a Jungler, Anivia spends a lot of her time farming rather than picking fights post-level 6. She can clear especially quickly and tends to mind her own business unless a gank is comically easy to pull off. Even so, river fights are great for her due to the smaller areas of the map that her abilities favor. Objective fights are where most of her kills will come from.
LATE GAME: In the later game, Anivia can clear AOE camps with extremely little effort and, while she can't quite one shot champions, certainly does a number to them with her empowered E, stun on Q, and slow on R. Her wall, once fully leveled up, can garner her team extremely easy kills or burn summoner spells/important mobility abilities on enemy carries.
Patch Notes
11/6/2024: 14.22 - Armor Growth Decreased, E Damage Decreased,
10/21/2024: Guide Created.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer
AverageLilliaPlayer Anivia Guide
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The ALP Guide to Anivia Jungle

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