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League of Legends Forum: New Player Help

New to the game? Ask questions here! Players can also stop by to offer advice and mentoring.
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Topics Recent Activity Views Posts
Can't take in game screenshots? by Lazukin » Mar 7 @ 10:03am 1 2 So I can take post-game... Lazukin Mar 7 @ 10:03am 16,219 11
Loss forgiven??? by fifolek » Mar 11 @ 04:26am hi i just checked my match... fifolek Mar 11 @ 04:26am 2,507 3
What tank to use by Zorc » Mar 7 @ 03:49pm 1 2 3 Hello, I've played this game for... Zorc Mar 7 @ 03:49pm 3,833 21
Jungling request by Shourai » Mar 5 @ 11:47pm Well I have very little... Shourai Mar 5 @ 11:47pm 1,860 7
Started 2 days ago by Baygulls » Feb 28 @ 08:42pm Hello MobaFire Community. I... Baygulls Feb 28 @ 08:42pm 1,468 6
Akali Vs Kat? by VoiD » Dec 31 @ 05:31pm 1 2 3 I'm looking for a champ that... VoiD Dec 31 @ 05:31pm 8,907 26
Ap champ by shadows fiji » Feb 26 @ 04:11pm 1 2 omg i forget i don't have a ap... shadows fiji Feb 26 @ 04:11pm 3,312 16
Ashe laning mid vs Trynd by Pwnzor1130 » Jan 28 @ 08:31pm 1 2 Hey guys, I'm lvl 13 and I was... Pwnzor1130 Jan 28 @ 08:31pm 5,506 19
Miss Fortune's role in a team fight by Krios » Feb 13 @ 05:12pm Hi peeps So i've been playing... Krios Feb 13 @ 05:12pm 3,485 8
Which Champ Should i Buy?! by RiisSeeR » Feb 28 @ 01:31pm 1 2 Hey guys i need some help..... RiisSeeR Feb 28 @ 01:31pm 3,286 11
In need of suggestions =) by Locomotion » Feb 28 @ 10:27pm Hey peoples, it's been ages... Locomotion Feb 28 @ 10:27pm 1,268 3
12,000 IP by Iconyk » Feb 20 @ 10:31am 1 2 Level: 16 IP: 12,000 and... Iconyk Feb 20 @ 10:31am 4,327 15
Help wanted/noobies need a friend? by GWG » Feb 20 @ 07:09am 1 2 Looking for some pros to teach... GWG Feb 20 @ 07:09am 2,399 14
My noob questions. by MassTrauma » Feb 7 @ 05:16pm Hey guys, MassTrauma here.... MassTrauma Feb 7 @ 05:16pm 1,552 8
Some quick questions! by Enki » Dec 10 @ 02:31pm 1 2 I've played a few matches on a... Enki Dec 10 @ 02:31pm 3,389 19
Why The Cho'Gath Hate? by Delandel » Feb 14 @ 11:26pm I'm looking to purchase a a... Delandel Feb 14 @ 11:26pm 4,241 9
Get some mp5 runes? by ThaLuke » Feb 9 @ 02:10pm Im lvl 17-19 or some atm. I... ThaLuke Feb 9 @ 02:10pm 2,410 7
3150 Champion by Buckyx » Jan 4 @ 05:10am 1 2 which champion to buy? i am... Buckyx Jan 4 @ 05:10am 5,850 16
Rules of thumb by TheNaethryn » Feb 7 @ 12:07pm Hi all! Everyday is a learning... TheNaethryn Feb 7 @ 12:07pm 1,587 4
Xin Zhao help by elodius » Feb 9 @ 10:30am I'm still new to the game, I... elodius Feb 9 @ 10:30am 1,329 5
Needs to learn Nidalee by SinDelta » Jan 28 @ 06:10pm I would appreciate a in depth... SinDelta Jan 28 @ 06:10pm 1,318 4
Looking for teacher (french speaking if possible) by sea » Jan 30 @ 02:28pm 1 2 Hi, i am looking for... sea Jan 30 @ 02:28pm 2,002 11
Armor/Magic penetration? by Känn » Feb 3 @ 07:05pm Hello! I'm new on LoL.... Känn Feb 3 @ 07:05pm 1,706 3
CHAMPIONS ATTACKS by juliux32 » Jan 28 @ 02:48am Hi, I want ask you which... juliux32 Jan 28 @ 02:48am 912 4
Microing? by Mooninites » Jan 25 @ 04:24pm So i really like to play a... Mooninites Jan 25 @ 04:24pm 4,606 5
Renekton by shinodan » Jan 23 @ 09:19am 1 2 Iv been trying to figure out the... shinodan Jan 23 @ 09:19am 4,149 12
I can help by Kaszanas » Jan 15 @ 08:24am I can teach you some basics, and... Kaszanas Jan 15 @ 08:24am 1,042 3
Champions got locked by Syretur2k » Jan 19 @ 08:26am Hi. I've played 10 levels with... Syretur2k Jan 19 @ 08:26am 1,816 8
What champion first> by Riot Lube 1 » Jan 15 @ 04:03pm 1 2 3 hi i am lvl 6 new to mobafire n... Riot Lube 1 Jan 15 @ 04:03pm 3,385 21
How to improve by samgoeslol » Jan 15 @ 07:30am Hiho mobafire/lol community... samgoeslol Jan 15 @ 07:30am 2,557 6
Hidden Creep HP bars by AngelArm » Jan 15 @ 03:24pm Help! I hit a key that turned... AngelArm Jan 15 @ 03:24pm 2,578 7

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