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League of Legends Forum: New Player Help

New to the game? Ask questions here! Players can also stop by to offer advice and mentoring.
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Topics Recent Activity Views Posts
Newbie help. by Lugignaf » Mar 31 @ 12:08am If you're looking for a mentor... Lugignaf Mar 31 @ 12:08am 1,322 5
Seeking mentor/help by Theruler » Jun 11 @ 12:40pm so i watched a bunch of streams... Theruler Jun 11 @ 12:40pm 1,957 9
Trying to learn Eve. by MrBucketz » Jun 11 @ 09:34am I keep hearing she's UP, easily... MrBucketz Jun 11 @ 09:34am 1,592 5
Seeking Mentor/Help by Boozan » Jun 7 @ 12:40pm Seekin help to become a better... Boozan Jun 7 @ 12:40pm 1,084 4
Sion help by TheNaethryn » Jan 17 @ 09:17am Hi all i just signed up today! I... TheNaethryn Jan 17 @ 09:17am 1,391 9
New with Kassadin by Defliro » Jun 6 @ 04:18pm Hey there, A time ago I... Defliro Jun 6 @ 04:18pm 1,103 1
Clan Shino by Glasse » May 25 @ 05:11am Hej, Vi söker just nu... Glasse May 25 @ 05:11am 1,489 5
Level 20 Runes by MrBucketz » May 5 @ 07:54am Hey, So I just hit level 20,... MrBucketz May 5 @ 07:54am 4,855 6
Tear of the Goddess question by BenCol » Jun 4 @ 05:00pm So, I buy Tear. I use 100... BenCol Jun 4 @ 05:00pm 1,521 4
Help me to improve laning? by Timh37 » May 30 @ 11:25am Help me! I always seem to get... Timh37 May 30 @ 11:25am 2,301 10
Ezreal help by Jaysnipesinc » Jun 1 @ 08:47pm Hey, so idk what my ELO is but i... Jaysnipesinc Jun 1 @ 08:47pm 1,441 4
Melee Ad carry help by InJustX » May 29 @ 02:14am 1 2 Hey there. I needed some help in... InJustX May 29 @ 02:14am 4,480 14
TF Tips by Sneakz » May 29 @ 10:08pm Just wanted to improve my TF... Sneakz May 29 @ 10:08pm 1,566 7
Crits by Ya1232 » May 30 @ 11:55pm If I understand this right. You... Ya1232 May 30 @ 11:55pm 2,654 10
Udyr Jungling Help by Smitty224 » May 22 @ 03:53pm 1 2 3 Okay so I am having a lot of... Smitty224 May 22 @ 03:53pm 3,716 21
Range from towers by Dzeno » May 28 @ 11:17am 1 2 What is the range from towers,... Dzeno May 28 @ 11:17am 5,373 13
Interval minions are created? by Dzeno » May 28 @ 07:35am What is the interval minions are... Dzeno May 28 @ 07:35am 1,875 4
Magic Penetration by Goregrim » May 22 @ 02:22pm 1 2 3 4 I mainly play AP characters so... Goregrim May 22 @ 02:22pm 6,350 34
I need help. by Bigguth » May 23 @ 08:01pm 1 2 3 4 5 I play with a couple friends and... Bigguth May 23 @ 08:01pm 5,489 46
Vlad Kart help build? by axy_david » May 5 @ 12:38pm 1 2 3 4 my build 4 the is speed hp and... axy_david May 5 @ 12:38pm 4,417 33
Help with a build by XXIII » May 11 @ 04:49am I might have posted this on the... XXIII May 11 @ 04:49am 1,884 10
i don't need help by Jet » May 19 @ 03:08pm 1 2 which is why im posting here... Jet May 19 @ 03:08pm 2,875 17
HELP ! by bourneoldsql » May 19 @ 02:12pm 1 2 Hey guys,i have problem with... bourneoldsql May 19 @ 02:12pm 3,749 14
Adonikam's Wing by Adonikam » Mar 19 @ 07:18am 1 2 3 Greetings everyone from... Adonikam Mar 19 @ 07:18am 4,178 21
some advice for a newbie (cho'gath) by Karnot » May 14 @ 02:08am 1 2 Hello, I am quite new in... Karnot May 14 @ 02:08am 3,277 16
Rylai's on Rammus by XXIII » May 17 @ 07:24pm You know, for when he quakes?... XXIII May 17 @ 07:24pm 2,024 5
Looking for a champ I like by Mrblurr » May 13 @ 09:33pm I've been playing for a while... Mrblurr May 13 @ 09:33pm 1,134 3

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