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League of Legends Forum: Theory Crafting & Ideation

Discuss champion and item optimization, as well as ideas for new champions and items!
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Item Idea. by BagelTanker » Jul 1 @ 10:32pm I don't have a name for it.... BagelTanker Jul 1 @ 10:32pm 1,385 7
ADC Orianna by Ilynx » Jun 11 @ 01:00pm 1 2 The other day, I played a game... Ilynx Jun 11 @ 01:00pm 8,286 18
Hybrid Kog Viability by legeril1 » Jun 23 @ 05:28am After seeing the recent Korean... legeril1 Jun 23 @ 05:28am 2,799 9
Buildin Aatrox by fbh91 » Jun 30 @ 05:15pm So... I'm having a lot of... fbh91 Jun 30 @ 05:15pm 1,383 7
Midlane Graves by rudyards » May 31 @ 09:50am 1 2 3 What about playing Graves as a... rudyards May 31 @ 09:50am 5,501 24
Yaushu The Skilled Blade by BagelTanker » Jun 22 @ 04:14pm Passive: Gains 1% Critical... BagelTanker Jun 22 @ 04:14pm 1,422 5
Tips for Udyr in ARAM? by morius » Jun 29 @ 10:20am Hi everyone! I recently... morius Jun 29 @ 10:20am 2,752 5
Corki by 1jamie50 » Jun 22 @ 10:29am 1 2 3 General question here.. for... 1jamie50 Jun 22 @ 10:29am 3,875 21
How important are lvls? by jamosmith » Jun 26 @ 09:03am My friends and I were discussing... jamosmith Jun 26 @ 09:03am 3,798 8
Gangplank Crit Build by wizarrrd » May 20 @ 05:14am 1 2 Having decided to drop Jax and... wizarrrd May 20 @ 05:14am 5,154 16
Noxian Support by Arenor » Jun 24 @ 12:28pm Hi everyone, my name is Arenor... Arenor Jun 24 @ 12:28pm 1,864 7
Naut Jungle Crafting by DillButt64 » May 7 @ 06:18pm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ok so recently ive been spamming... DillButt64 May 7 @ 06:18pm 9,567 61
AP/TANK Hybrid Amumu by Trid » Jun 23 @ 03:18pm Thinking About a build for this... Trid Jun 23 @ 03:18pm 808 2
Lichbane VS Muramana by Cliff Walrus » Dec 26 @ 08:51am 1 2 I'm working on a way, perhaps... Cliff Walrus Dec 26 @ 08:51am 5,442 19
AP Warwick by NicknameMy » Jun 12 @ 06:51am 1 2 3 So, now the on-hit changes are... NicknameMy Jun 12 @ 06:51am 6,419 26
Support champion idea by avalanche11 » Jun 15 @ 02:48pm I just really want to tell my... avalanche11 Jun 15 @ 02:48pm 1,540 10
Onhit Cho by Thalia Kael » Jun 13 @ 06:24pm 1 2 With the new Malady and... Thalia Kael Jun 13 @ 06:24pm 2,582 14
Item Idea:The Healing Rod by krolk88 » Jun 13 @ 11:07am 1 2 Item Name:The Healing Rod... krolk88 Jun 13 @ 11:07am 3,002 12
Champion Concept:Incantir,The Spellstealer by krolk88 » Jun 13 @ 12:55pm For details on... krolk88 Jun 13 @ 12:55pm 1,432 2
ADC LULU OP by ItsZeus » Jun 11 @ 05:36pm I wrote a guide for adc lulu... ItsZeus Jun 11 @ 05:36pm 5,284 6
Now it is your time by NicknameMy » Jun 10 @ 08:28am Since I already made some... NicknameMy Jun 10 @ 08:28am 1,693 10
blue ryze build by mastrer1000 » May 28 @ 01:44pm 1 2 3 items: muramana,iceborn... mastrer1000 May 28 @ 01:44pm 5,744 23
[Yuki, The Blade Artisan] by Ryumanyamana » Jun 2 @ 12:46pm 1 2 Yuki is a goofy... Ryumanyamana Jun 2 @ 12:46pm 2,354 12
Jarvan 4 top lane by caucheka » Mar 7 @ 05:51pm 1 2 everyone remember philostone... caucheka Mar 7 @ 05:51pm 3,738 13

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