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League of Legends Forum: Theory Crafting & Ideation

Discuss champion and item optimization, as well as ideas for new champions and items!
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AP Fizz transformed into AD Fizz? by Joxuu » Feb 14 @ 11:24pm Nah you said something like... Zordagoth Feb 17 @ 03:02am 2,793 8
Flavius, the Gladiator by venoxxis » Feb 13 @ 05:44am Almost 600 true damage with base... mastrer1000 Feb 13 @ 08:54am 1,648 6
Twitch jungle? by njdfan » Jan 19 @ 03:58pm A better start would be to smite... Jomg20 Jan 29 @ 07:38am 1,495 3
DFGaren? by evolvedpikachu » Jan 27 @ 06:07pm RIP DFG. One moment of silence pls Meiyjhe Jan 28 @ 12:45am 2,158 8
Devourer Nunu by Hatted » Jan 23 @ 09:18am 1 2 3 Now I have two dads that... Hatted Jan 26 @ 06:50am 5,753 28
S5 Masteries? by 97BligenN » Jan 24 @ 06:40am They are sticking with these,... LevasK Jan 24 @ 06:44am 1,545 3
Vayne build by Electraphyre » Nov 20 @ 04:34pm If you can handle the attack... jcdagohoy Jan 23 @ 06:06am 2,040 5
Xerath jungle????? by Supernova4711 » Jan 21 @ 12:27pm Stealing buffs? Sure. Jungling? No Meiyjhe Jan 21 @ 12:31pm 1,310 3
AP-Tank Zac Top? by ZeUnit » Dec 16 @ 12:00pm Rod of Ages : No, wasting gold... Savlonic Dec 16 @ 12:31pm 1,908 2
The most fabulous Taric rework by NicknameMy » Dec 13 @ 06:15am 1 2 3 4 The difference between this... Lugignaf Dec 14 @ 10:04am 7,834 31
Righteous Glory by Joxuu » Dec 2 @ 06:38pm I like it buying on skarner, it... Vaan99 Dec 3 @ 04:10am 2,170 9
Whats with the scary nunu by cocfight » Nov 20 @ 03:27pm i played 2 custom games with... caucheka Dec 1 @ 04:00pm 2,177 8
Shyvana Jungle Help! by dominolo21 » Nov 13 @ 04:09pm 1 2 dont get poachers knife, get... DillButt64 Dec 1 @ 03:06pm 3,185 11
The smiting S5 support by NicknameMy » Nov 8 @ 10:14am 1 2 3 4 If you win your games with that... Darcurse Nov 27 @ 03:21pm 10,838 33
Enchanted Armor Graves by secondiana » Nov 24 @ 11:18am It's bad mastery, not worth... Vaan99 Nov 25 @ 04:59am 2,431 5
Random champion concept by TheKut » Nov 20 @ 03:06pm Malphite + Braum = Bob Bob is... FantasySniper Nov 23 @ 12:45am 1,519 3
Lucian and Tear by Darealone » Nov 4 @ 07:58pm 1 2 As far as I know only 2 AD... OTGBionicArm Nov 11 @ 11:38am 5,771 13
Rayne, Insanity Within by MyBloodisBlack » Aug 24 @ 02:09pm 1 2 Amumu Jimmydoggga 2.0 Oct 30 @ 03:35pm 3,827 12
Teemo and penetration by Amitalia » Oct 21 @ 08:01pm 1 2 Ok I get it now, for a while I... TheKut Oct 24 @ 04:04am 3,541 15
Liandry's Torment on Corki by Joxuu » Oct 9 @ 09:58am 1 2 Just look at that Imp build i... NicknameMy Oct 10 @ 11:41am 8,477 15
Spellthief's -> Frostfang upgrade: Worth? by utopus » Sep 22 @ 09:20am 1 2 3 The_Nameless_Bard Oct 8 @ 09:35pm 7,534 24

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