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League of Legends Forum: Theory Crafting & Ideation

Discuss champion and item optimization, as well as ideas for new champions and items!
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Topics Recent Activity Views Posts
Exciting champion idea by TheKut » Mar 14 @ 05:31am I just got an idea about a cool... TheKut Mar 14 @ 05:31am 1,256 5
Legit Ashe Sup by FantasySniper » Feb 28 @ 03:40am I thought I would attempt to... FantasySniper Feb 28 @ 03:40am 1,863 10
Building Sivir by SpawnOfHell » Mar 12 @ 10:38pm I got tired of dodging most of... SpawnOfHell Mar 12 @ 10:38pm 2,106 6
The killing machine. by Xgscrimson » Feb 26 @ 07:15am 1 2 Okay, so I decided to go through... Xgscrimson Feb 26 @ 07:15am 3,191 19
Kha'Zix in ARAM: What to evolve? by morius » Mar 11 @ 01:58pm Hey guys, I play lots of... morius Mar 11 @ 01:58pm 34,183 5
Frozen Mallet by oFrostio » Jan 7 @ 03:57am 1 2 3 4 5 Is it worth at all,i really like... oFrostio Jan 7 @ 03:57am 8,896 44
Mordekaiser Improvement by red9For LEON » Feb 16 @ 05:35pm 1 2 3 So, on my latest account I... red9For LEON Feb 16 @ 05:35pm 5,217 28
Lulu jungle by KazamaShoichi » Feb 25 @ 06:35am So I was playing with my low-elo... KazamaShoichi Feb 25 @ 06:35am 1,086 2
Building Brand by tbuga05 » Feb 19 @ 08:10am So, I have been playing Brand... tbuga05 Feb 19 @ 08:10am 2,231 6
Junatsee~'s Champion Concepts by Janitsu » Feb 10 @ 10:13am I'll be listing my champion... Janitsu Feb 10 @ 10:13am 1,470 2
Natania, the Fae Illusionist by DKitten » Feb 1 @ 03:50pm 1 2 Role: Support Range: Melee... DKitten Feb 1 @ 03:50pm 3,687 12
SotLE or SotSW on Eve? by Aeacus11 » Feb 7 @ 01:20pm So just curious about collecting... Aeacus11 Feb 7 @ 01:20pm 1,497 5
VOLIBEAR OFFENSE MASTERIES! by Troy Sin » Jan 24 @ 06:15am 1 2 As far as i can see voli gets... Troy Sin Jan 24 @ 06:15am 3,131 13
Ranged Top Laners by BruceC708 » Dec 15 @ 04:58pm 1 2 3 4 Are there really any good top... BruceC708 Dec 15 @ 04:58pm 10,749 31
A more bruiser-y Jayce by SpawnOfHell » Jan 29 @ 01:17am 1 2 I'm not interested in debating... SpawnOfHell Jan 29 @ 01:17am 3,580 13
Best champs for Hexakill? by NicknameMy » Jan 25 @ 05:55am 1 2 3 So, the new gammode, Hexakill,... NicknameMy Jan 25 @ 05:55am 31,040 23
Skin Ideas for FIZZ by venoxxis » Jan 10 @ 08:08pm Prehistoric Fizz - 500 RP in PH,... venoxxis Jan 10 @ 08:08pm 2,904 8
Yasuo... tanksumo? by Quite Nomible » Jan 19 @ 05:47am So recently I've been looking... Quite Nomible Jan 19 @ 05:47am 1,650 10
Atma's Impaler Renekton by Andrax1 » Jan 5 @ 06:12am 1 ... 4 ... 9 10 11 12 13 I was pretty unsatisfied with... Andrax1 Jan 5 @ 06:12am 20,169 121
Quick question about Kayle by utopus » Jan 21 @ 04:20am Hey guys, quick question about... utopus Jan 21 @ 04:20am 2,441 6

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