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League of Legends Forum: Theory Crafting & Ideation

Discuss champion and item optimization, as well as ideas for new champions and items!
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Fizz Theorycraftin by Atarios » Nov 15 @ 02:52am 1 2 3 4 Hes AP. o_o Atarios Nov 15 @ 02:52am 7,164 37
how do you do dat math?!? by fifolek » Nov 16 @ 07:35am so I see every now a thread... fifolek Nov 16 @ 07:35am 897 2
Season 2 Masteries by Bryun » Nov 12 @ 12:22am 1 2 3 4 5 New masteries, now what do you... Bryun Nov 12 @ 12:22am 10,244 44
Xerath OP, discuss? by Queso » Nov 7 @ 11:33am 1 2 3 4 5 6 So, listening to some streams a... Queso Nov 7 @ 11:33am 8,824 51
FIZZ by SaviourToALL » Nov 15 @ 12:40am Talon, Shaco are my mains at the... SaviourToALL Nov 15 @ 12:40am 1,685 1
Sneaky Strategies by DrowRanger3515 » Nov 13 @ 07:16pm DrowRanger3515 Nov 13 @ 07:16pm 1,186 5
Masteries for Junglers by TcelesBHsup » Nov 13 @ 09:37pm found confirmation of exp... TcelesBHsup Nov 13 @ 09:37pm 2,176 9
Renekton vs Garen by MooFz » Nov 11 @ 02:05am 1 2 3 4 Hey guys, I'm playing alot... MooFz Nov 11 @ 02:05am 17,185 32
Alyn, the Avenger of the Roses by TehGus » Sep 24 @ 06:03pm (Rosalyn) Alyn, the Avenger of... TehGus Sep 24 @ 06:03pm 1,311 8
Any tips for Janna? by bigotothemax » Nov 3 @ 06:29pm 1 2 I've been playing Janna a lot... bigotothemax Nov 3 @ 06:29pm 3,676 13
Nidalee. <3 by JakofAllSpaydes » Nov 10 @ 10:54pm 1 2 so, ive been looking back to... JakofAllSpaydes Nov 10 @ 10:54pm 4,047 12
Attack speed kassadin? by jawspring » Oct 25 @ 11:04pm 1 2 Hi, can attack speed/ap hybrid... jawspring Oct 25 @ 11:04pm 4,833 16
Kayle by SaviourToALL » Nov 9 @ 04:03pm 1 2 Does Kayle E trigger life steal... SaviourToALL Nov 9 @ 04:03pm 3,713 15
Crit and Ezreal by dailin877 » Nov 8 @ 11:59pm I know Q procs on hit but has... dailin877 Nov 8 @ 11:59pm 1,221 4
Apiara, the Insect Queen by taggedjc » Nov 8 @ 03:34am Description: Appearing as a... taggedjc Nov 8 @ 03:34am 1,713 10
Warmogs on Vladimir? by alyzar » Nov 6 @ 02:46pm 1 2 3 4 5 It's been working out pretty... alyzar Nov 6 @ 02:46pm 9,502 48
Gunblade, now useless? by NicknameMy » Oct 19 @ 10:00am 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I think the nerv to hextech... NicknameMy Oct 19 @ 10:00am 12,127 62
A disturbing Meta game shift by Kazega » Oct 24 @ 08:00pm 1 2 3 I read into a thread earlier... Kazega Oct 24 @ 08:00pm 4,999 24
Hulk In LoL? by DewyDaDon » Oct 30 @ 02:14pm Hulk general concept of... DewyDaDon Oct 30 @ 02:14pm 2,265 9
Warding around baron/dragon by Lycoriz » Nov 6 @ 07:30am Yea so currently I'm trying to... Lycoriz Nov 6 @ 07:30am 1,187 3
How to determine the solo top. by Rudmed » Oct 21 @ 06:21am 1 2 So yesterday I was in game as... Rudmed Oct 21 @ 06:21am 4,453 20
Rage and Anti-rage by DePyro » Oct 26 @ 10:07pm 1 2 Whether or not you want to... DePyro Oct 26 @ 10:07pm 2,712 12
Pet Control by UnXpctd Answers » Oct 26 @ 04:28pm I LOVE playing champs like Annie... UnXpctd Answers Oct 26 @ 04:28pm 2,082 6
What to counter first? by Rozsud3k » Nov 5 @ 12:09am 1 2 Alright, imagine this situation,... Rozsud3k Nov 5 @ 12:09am 3,169 16
Two very good laning champs? by iTzKPanda » Oct 24 @ 06:05pm 1 2 I was wondering which two... iTzKPanda Oct 24 @ 06:05pm 4,012 20
Shyvana Theorycraftin' by Atarios » Nov 1 @ 03:21am 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ive heard her skills are mostly... Atarios Nov 1 @ 03:21am 11,714 61
Stealth With A Twist by Arfhip » Oct 29 @ 04:26am I had this idea for a... Arfhip Oct 29 @ 04:26am 1,361 5
Xena: the Ancient Master by HuntrKilr » Nov 3 @ 03:54pm Passive: warrior princess... HuntrKilr Nov 3 @ 03:54pm 1,387 2
Two Skill ideas by theExec » Oct 22 @ 10:14am Something with a Sleep mechanic... theExec Oct 22 @ 10:14am 1,314 8

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