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League of Legends Forum: Theory Crafting & Ideation

Discuss champion and item optimization, as well as ideas for new champions and items!
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[Skin Idea]] Oni Trundle by ZeUnit » Jan 9 @ 11:24am I'm sure this idea must have... ZeUnit Jan 9 @ 11:24am 2,409 6
Galio Jungle by Focuscoene » Jan 7 @ 05:42pm 1 2 3 Is this even a thing? When I... Focuscoene Jan 7 @ 05:42pm 3,746 21
AP Bruiser Kat. Discuss. by SpawnOfHell » Jan 9 @ 09:22am I decided to play a tanky... SpawnOfHell Jan 9 @ 09:22am 1,582 2
Try Me Out by JohnTheGent » Jan 2 @ 10:12am 1 2 Welcome! Hey all, this will... JohnTheGent Jan 2 @ 10:12am 3,001 14
Yasuo possible items. by Jack Rubino » Dec 16 @ 07:44am 1 2 3 4 5 im playing A LOT yasuo since he... Jack Rubino Dec 16 @ 07:44am 9,718 46
Randuins on katarina by KazamaShoichi » Jan 2 @ 11:57pm 1 2 I think this is better than... KazamaShoichi Jan 2 @ 11:57pm 3,100 11
11/19/0 Renekton by Andrax1 » Dec 25 @ 04:13pm 1 2 3 Hi was wondering what people... Andrax1 Dec 25 @ 04:13pm 4,485 26
AP and Ashe by FantasySniper » Dec 22 @ 09:07am Because Ashe's ulti uses AP, is... FantasySniper Dec 22 @ 09:07am 1,706 9
Runaan's & Teemo by FantasySniper » Dec 30 @ 06:12pm I see Runaan's Hurricane on a... FantasySniper Dec 30 @ 06:12pm 981 5
Annie Supp by eyegeye » Dec 17 @ 04:21am Hello guys Does annie supp... eyegeye Dec 17 @ 04:21am 2,230 7
Sejuani support by LalaSama » Dec 17 @ 12:18pm 1 2 For the past few days I have... LalaSama Dec 17 @ 12:18pm 2,305 12
Jungle by Azalea » Dec 21 @ 01:04am Hey guys! I've been trying to... Azalea Dec 21 @ 01:04am 1,230 7
Ideal Lucian build? by Lugignaf » Dec 19 @ 12:23am So, lately I've been playing a... Lugignaf Dec 19 @ 12:23am 1,621 6
Lissandra diving by Thalia Kael » Dec 17 @ 08:39pm Can Lissandra follow-up an... Thalia Kael Dec 17 @ 08:39pm 1,590 9
Lucian theorycrafting by Joxuu » Dec 15 @ 11:57am Yo. I have just recently seen... Joxuu Dec 15 @ 11:57am 1,027 5
Proxy Singed Strategy by eyegeye » Dec 12 @ 10:32am Hello every one I'm asking... eyegeye Dec 12 @ 10:32am 1,534 7
100% critical varus by BronzeTank » Dec 6 @ 11:33am 1 2 3 Hello, this is my first thread... BronzeTank Dec 6 @ 11:33am 6,153 30
S4 Mastery page theory crafting by Joxuu » Nov 21 @ 09:26am 1 2 3 What are the best 1.1: AD... Joxuu Nov 21 @ 09:26am 36,225 30
Warwick Build Order Help by ZeUnit » Nov 4 @ 03:21pm I just wanted to ask the opinion... ZeUnit Nov 4 @ 03:21pm 1,520 4
Sandbender Champion Idea by Devis666 » Jul 22 @ 05:47pm I haven't put too much thought... Devis666 Jul 22 @ 05:47pm 2,653 7
Jungle Skarner build help by Lord Kesharq » Nov 28 @ 06:30am 1 2 Hey guys and girls. Got a... Lord Kesharq Nov 28 @ 06:30am 2,549 11
AD marks on Leblanc? by ecko_bb » Nov 4 @ 06:59am People have always known Leblanc... ecko_bb Nov 4 @ 06:59am 2,291 8
Damage block by luizdeh » Nov 29 @ 07:08am I never ever stopped to think... luizdeh Nov 29 @ 07:08am 1,259 2
Double Targon by Thalia Kael » Nov 25 @ 04:40am 1 2 3 4 Don't know if there's already a... Thalia Kael Nov 25 @ 04:40am 6,375 31
Gragas toplane by PNBlack » Sep 23 @ 10:33am 1 2 3 4 Hello fellow MOBAfire members!... PNBlack Sep 23 @ 10:33am 7,519 35

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