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League of Legends Forum: Theory Crafting & Ideation

Discuss champion and item optimization, as well as ideas for new champions and items!
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Ohmwrecker? by TheKut » Nov 20 @ 03:03pm Just wondering, does anyone... TheKut Nov 20 @ 03:03pm 1,901 7
How to make Bloodthirster a more viable item. by Searz » Feb 21 @ 12:35pm 1 ... 4 ... 9 10 11 12 13 I don't know how many has... Searz Feb 21 @ 12:35pm 25,179 121
new Hiemerdinger item build by MyBloodisBlack » Nov 8 @ 10:31am 1 ... 3 ... 6 7 8 9 10 Greetings folks, I just... MyBloodisBlack Nov 8 @ 10:31am 12,319 94
Kha'zix after nerfs? by CrazyMBP » Oct 17 @ 08:18pm 1 2 Hey all, wanted to get some... CrazyMBP Oct 17 @ 08:18pm 3,508 15
Olaf, Post-Rework by BruiserBlake » Oct 20 @ 06:33pm 1 2 I've been playing Olaf a bit... BruiserBlake Oct 20 @ 06:33pm 3,303 14
Shyvana item builds ? by Joxuu » Oct 23 @ 07:58am 1 2 3 4 Just bought her, I suck. Ain't... Joxuu Oct 23 @ 07:58am 5,737 39
Shen in ARAM by Troy Sin » Oct 13 @ 08:43am 1 2 3 im using energy runes for shen... Troy Sin Oct 13 @ 08:43am 10,328 21
AP/Supp Nami by Focuscoene » Oct 14 @ 02:48pm 1 2 3 Hello moba. I've been running... Focuscoene Oct 14 @ 02:48pm 5,562 28
Ryze in ARAM: Muramana or Seraph's? by morius » Oct 3 @ 07:01am Hello everyone! I was... morius Oct 3 @ 07:01am 2,581 9
Amazing idea for a new champion by Vapora Dark » Sep 12 @ 11:18am 1 2 3 Discuss. Vapora Dark Sep 12 @ 11:18am 5,237 22
Randuin's Versus Sunfire by AMcJV12 » Oct 6 @ 07:20pm 1 2 Why is it that all tanks seem to... AMcJV12 Oct 6 @ 07:20pm 3,632 15
Kog'Maw Builds by Focuscoene » Sep 18 @ 04:02pm 1 2 3 So I've been playing Kog'Maw as... Focuscoene Sep 18 @ 04:02pm 4,786 21
Jungle Kayle by CrazyMBP » Sep 18 @ 08:22pm Been searching around for a new... CrazyMBP Sep 18 @ 08:22pm 1,857 5
Anivia by Focuscoene » Sep 19 @ 01:52pm 1 2 Purchased Anivia today. After... Focuscoene Sep 19 @ 01:52pm 2,408 12
Top Lane Shyvanna by Scott Azrael » Sep 20 @ 09:54am I thought I would try getting... Scott Azrael Sep 20 @ 09:54am 1,168 2

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