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League of Legends Forum: Theory Crafting & Ideation

Discuss champion and item optimization, as well as ideas for new champions and items!
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Is Duo Top Viable? by Re4XN » Jun 23 @ 10:29am Lol, DBlakes30, one thing I am... Re4XN Jul 18 @ 01:45pm 6,845 8
AoE Master Evelynn by SuperJpg » Jun 29 @ 09:33am In my opinion... Runeglaive is... KatariFIRE Jul 5 @ 06:31am 2,118 2
Pantheon Top; Black Cleaver Rush? by ZeUnit » May 29 @ 10:38am Longsword HP Pots>... UndeadC4T Jun 11 @ 03:25am 1,578 2
Kelrian, The Marai Deserter. by WoWImOp » May 30 @ 02:12pm Passive Love it. I was sad when... Patch Jun 10 @ 03:14pm 1,738 2
Ekko,Auto's over Q by Zosink » May 29 @ 09:32am Like DillButt64 mentioned, his... FantasySniper Jun 3 @ 09:26pm 1,531 4
5v5 Ranked Team Comps by TBGEscape » May 15 @ 08:56pm 1 2 Yup that's exactly what we... Vynertje May 26 @ 12:51pm 14,033 11
Argus, the Knife of Honor by blackout292 » May 6 @ 06:43am Huge necro. Locked. Lugignaf May 23 @ 10:30pm 2,411 8
Opinion on Azir? by TotemTiki » May 15 @ 09:25pm Very mechanical champion, but... DrAc0ni1Xz May 23 @ 01:52pm 2,615 5
Tank Karma by momo senpai » May 14 @ 04:46am I've seen someone playing her... Quite Nomible May 15 @ 01:56pm 1,428 3
Garen W Buff. by Rukt » May 8 @ 07:33am What I would like to see would... NicknameMy May 11 @ 11:36am 1,582 4
Lissandra's Passive by Hatted » May 8 @ 08:42am I saw the post, but I was... Hatted May 10 @ 02:58pm 1,360 5
The new black cleaver by Quite Nomible » Apr 25 @ 11:55am I have been building black... Ixtellor May 5 @ 05:47am 1,666 4
Infinite Mana Reaver by ThePreserver » Apr 18 @ 03:14pm 1 2 Well, I usually get it after... ThePreserver Apr 23 @ 05:40am 3,904 11
AP Gnar? by The Giratina » Apr 15 @ 06:09pm lol i dont take normals... Nighthawk Apr 18 @ 11:02am 1,947 7
Taric the Gem Knight Duex.0 by VexRoth » Apr 15 @ 02:05pm The biggest criticism I have... Lugignaf Apr 17 @ 01:50pm 1,398 5
Bard Theorycrafting by NicknameMy » Mar 12 @ 03:49pm 1 2 3 I don't know. I'm pretty... Ellodere Apr 8 @ 06:02am 6,090 30
MAOKAI TOP LVL 1 start by Troy Sin » Feb 12 @ 01:40pm 1 2 If you start wolves, you can... Sandrino Rhys Apr 4 @ 09:22am 6,107 11
Jarvan... by Hatted » Apr 3 @ 06:09pm Depends on where you're going -... Embracing Apr 3 @ 08:49pm 1,298 3
Challenging Smite vs Ignite by VexRoth » Mar 31 @ 03:00pm Yah. I don't see it working... VexRoth Mar 31 @ 05:42pm 5,959 3
AP Varus skill order? by CrazyMBP » Mar 17 @ 05:27am Depends on the matchup. If you... Vengenator Mar 25 @ 09:15am 1,258 5
The Tankiest ADC by Hatted » Mar 18 @ 08:46am Only played him twice; both... Hatted Mar 20 @ 01:14pm 8,450 8
AP Nasus is Actually AD Nasus by Hatted » Feb 27 @ 08:47am {empty} NicknameMy Feb 28 @ 02:52am 3,833 5
Black Cleaver Stacking? by Hatted » Feb 26 @ 05:16am 1 2 Same goes for guinsoo's... Hatted Feb 27 @ 08:44am 5,346 11

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