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Choose Champion Build:
Full build
Standard Jax (9/10 games)
Anti AP
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Relentless Assault (PASSIVE)
Jax Passive Ability
Archiving this guide

Greetings Summoner!
Welcome to Mr Jax - Complete guide made by 87alphaone.
You may ask if I have enough experience to make a guide. Im playing League of Legends since April 2011. I have played almost 2000 normal games, over 500 rankeds in Season 2 ending at 1400 Elo mark. My rating in Season 3 is 1575 so far, but I will improve it!
Before the guide for Mr Jax actualy starts I have few notes:
English is not my native language, so please excuse little mistakes. They are here even after reading this guides more than 100 times. (Im not seeing tree for whole forest.) So if you find some spelling mistakes, let me know via comments or PM, I will fix it.
The composition of this guide is made to simply lead you where you want. Simply said, the guide is divided into sections, which are divided into chapters with sub-chapters inside.
In description of every section will be the date of last update or revision, so if you are checking my guide more than once, you can simply see if I added something new or not.
Under the date of update/revision is the status of the section. For example with new patch come some important change, but I dont have time to update, so I only notice it there.
DO NOT be scared of wall of text. Some chapters just need it!
I write WITHOUT apostrofs ('). It requires to change my keyboard settings from Czech to English language and that is kinda annoying.
This is a GUIDE, not BUILD and NOT a DOGMA. That means if you will just follow the cheat sheet above you will fail horribly in 9 from 10 games. Read through whole guide, it will help you to understand the ideas behind this guide.
If you feel the need to downvote this guide, please tell me why, so I can improve. Anonymous downvotes are really frustrating...
So without further ado, lets get started!
In this section you will receive:
- Brief info about shortcuts in my guide (and generaly in LoL)
- Reasons why the Hybrid is the best option for Jax
Status of informations: UP TO DATE
Click the spoiler to view.

AD Jax focuses at dealing massive physical damage with high attack damage, attack speed and lifesteal to get some survivability. His runes, masteries and items totally skip any AP stuff.
Main disadvantage is very low damage from spells. AD Jax can be easily countered by armor like any other AD champ (Tryndamere, Yi, Xin...). However this can still work against pure AD teams.
AP Jax focuses at dealing massive damage from his spells. Masteries/runes/items are adapted to increase his AP. Survivability is granted by spellvamp.
AP Jax has pretty cool damage from spells, but when they are on cooldown...his physical damage is low. However this can still work against pure AP teams.
Hybrid Jax combines the advantages of AD and AP Jax into one. Hybrid deals both physical and magic damage. AD > AP or AD < AP splits Hybrid Jax into two more options. Survivability is granted by both lifesteal and spellvamp. Generaly AP and AD Hybrid have some common items, actualy these two:
Why is Hybrid the best option? Because he is very hard to counter. If you want counter Hybrid, you need both armor and magic resists. But if you build both, your damage will be so low, that you will be (almost) no threat for the enemy team. Only one category of champs can do this: TANKS! But everyone knows: NEVER FOCUS TANK!
AP Hybrid Jax is AP > AD (capt. Obvious). AP Hybrid deals more magic damage, his spells are extremely strong (Q+W combo with 1K damage) and physical damage output cannot be overlooked too. AP hybrid is certain dead for squishes. But for example

AD Hybrid Jax buys some AP, but dominant is AD. This way how to build Jax is what I preffer, what is my guide about. Your spells deals a tons of damage (Q+W combo for 600-800 damage). With attack speed of 1,9 with

Play AD Hybrid Jax, you can try those other options, but this one gives the greatest damage/survivability balance.
Runes are sorted from most favourites to those less ones.
- + 8,55 AD (easier last hitting, bonus damage for
Leap Strike)
- + 12,69 armor (early game defense)
- + 24,3 MR at lvl 18 (late game defense)
- + 78 HP (early game boost, if you go jungle, take
Greater Quintessence of Life Steal)

Viable: greater mark of desolation - 14,94 point of armor penetration plus 6 points from




Viable: greater seal of vitality - 9 x 19,5 HP = 175 HP at lvl 18, lvl bonus is 9,72 HP plus 6 HP from







Viable: Greater Quintessence of desolation 3 x 3,33 ArPen = 10 ArPen (plus 15 points from 9x
greater mark of desolation plus 6 points from

Few notes:
Since passive no longer provides HP from bonus AD and AP, the runes dont have to maximize the starting potential. Now they can focus two things: 1) boost early game (i.e. HP runes) and 2) boost late game (lifesteal). Before the patch was great to take AD/AP runes and benefit from bonus HP, but now the situation is quite different.
OFFENSE MASTERIES![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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DEFENSE MASTERIES![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Note: split 4 points between ![]() ![]() |
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Tip: place

Lets look at all Summoners spells, compare them and check some tips when they should be used. Summoners spell that are NOT LISTED here should be NEVER used.

Rest of summoners spells are not viable for Mr Jax!
Now you should know why I prefer


- 1-3 : 4% attack speed bonus (total bonus is 24%)
- 4-6 : 6% attack speed bonus (total bonus is 36%)
- 7-9 : 8% attack speed bonus (total bonus is 48%)
- 10-12 : 10% attack speed bonus (total bonus is 60%)
- 13-15 : 12% attack speed bonus (total bonus is 72%)
- 16-18 : 14% attack speed bonus (total bonus is 84%, that is 1,5x attack speed bonus from
Phantom Dancer)

Things to remember:
- + Close gap
- + Can target friendly units (except traps)

Things to remember:
- + Resets autoattack timer
- + Procs

Things to remember:
- + Dodge autoattacks for 2 seconds
- + Stun for 1 second after dodging
- + 25% AoE damage reduction
- + Can be ended after 1 second
- + Dodges Fiora ultimate!
- + Dodges Warwick ultimate (if you manage to press E before he jumps on you)

Every third following autoattack deals bonus magic damage. It makes PFTHH sound. If this effect is ready to use you will see small icon above your HUD (fist with eye). You HAVE TO land this attack pretty soon (cca 2 seconds) after previous autoattack or it is lost! If you manage to land AA + Empower + Sheen damage proc + PFTHH, you deal ridiculous amount of damage.
Things to remember:
- + Bonus magic damage every three autoattacks
- + Needs to be charged
This active part of ultimate is survivability stuff. So if you activate it, you receive bonus armor and MR. The received value is base value (25/35/45) plus % of your current bonus AD and total AP! The bonus lasts 8 seconds.
What does that actualy mean? It is actualy much better than it looks like, because if you are facing heavy AD team you build AD items and get more bonus armor from ulti. Similar if you are facing heavy AP team, you build AP items and get more MR bonus from ulti. Looks pretty well.
One last note: If you read previous paragraph once again and then remember the stuff I was talking about Hybrid Jax, you will realize one awesome thing. As Hybrid you are hard to counter, BUT you can pretty easily counter AD and even AP champ, just by buying AD/AP items.
Lvl up your ultimate every time you can. That means lvl 6, 11 and 16.
First spell to lvl up is


If the enemy team is AD > AP lvl up

If the enemy team is AP > AD go for

This section includes:
- Items
- Buying order
The idea behind this build was to make balanced build to be "noob bulletproof". I mean it should work no matter how is the enemy team composed. You just have to recognize what is actualy going on and how to react correctly.
This build contains:
- Starting item that should be sold later
- Boots
- Basic build -
Hextech Gunblade and
Trinity Force
- Health item
- Offensive/defensive
Atma's Impaler and/or Armor item
- Magic resist item
Status of informations: UP TO DATE
Doran's Shield gives the biggest starting HP bonus from Doran's items. It gives you even the armor bonus and HP regen (you will start with 17HP/5secs).
Regrowth Pendant +
Health Potion is great item if you plan to rush philosopher's stone. Its great item providing HP and mana regen and gold per 5 secs. You can sell Philo stone later, if you sell it, it repays its price in 18 minutes (cca).
Boots + 3x
Health Potion are great in case you know you will play solo top vs some strong harraser (Olaf, Nasus, Gragas). You will use that extra movement speed to dodge his skillshots.
Cloth Armor + 5x
Health Potion if you know you will build
Ninja Tabi. You dont get any HP regen bonus, but you have 5
Health Potion (that means 750 "hidden" HP) to replenish your HP pool.
Doran's Blade is good for soloing top. I suggest this item IF you have 3x
Greater Quintessence of Life Steal. With lifesteal from
Vampirism you will start with 12% of lifesteal and that is pretty good. There is one disadvantage: if you want to heal up, you need to attack minions, but you will push them and that is not good. It is okay if the enemy doesnt know what "last hiting" is and push them too.
Boots are a must have item with every champion. Pretty obvious bonus is increased movement speed. Boots are your first and long time one and only defensive items.
Ninja Tabi gives armor bonus and reduces basic attack incoming damage by 10%. I take these always if the enemy team is heavy AD, or if Im more affraid of their AD carries. Commonly said take these if enemy team is AD > AP.
Mercury's Treads gives magic resist and Tenacity. Tenacity is great non-stacking ability that reduces the time of CCs at you. Take these boots if the enemy is AP > AD.


- You have extremely hard lane oponent (
- You need better lane sustain.
- You are jungling

- You have easy lane with kills and creep score advantage.
- You wanna rush
Sheen. The prize of
Wriggle's Lantern is 1600 gold. That is
Sheen and almost
Ruby Crystal. Make a decision if its worth to buy or not.

After you choose starting item and boots according to game situation, its time to continue with build. First two things you wanna build are these:
Why these?

Sheen practicly doubles your damage. Check in table below for the actual values. As you probly know the AD is made from two values: basic AD (increases with every lvl, Jax lvl bonus is 3,375) and bonus AD (granted from items/runes/masteries). If you use any spell you have few seconds to autoattack. If you manage to do that you deal bonus damage. Now the good part: your starting basic AD is much bigger than bonus AD so your autoattack deals practicly DOUBLE damage. With cooldown of 2 seconds on
Sheen and 3 secs cooldown on
Empower you deal quite a punches with almost every hit.
Phage gives two stats and passive ability: AD, HP and slow. All of this is very usefull! HP for survivability, AD for greater damage output and slow for easier chasing. Keep in mind that slow works only from autoattacks and with only 25% chance. The target is slowed for 2,5 seconds. At lower lvl you should manage to land 2-3 autoattack while he/she is slowed and apply slow again.
Bilgewater Cutlass gives first significant AD bonus. Second ability is lifesteal. With 3x
Greater Quintessence of Life Steal and lifesteal from
Vampirism you have 24% of lifesteal (or 27% if you started with
Doran's Blade). DO NOT FORGET to use Active ability! Its damage is not epic, but can still secure a kill. But that SLOW, thats why you want to use it. Use it when the enemy is running and your
Leap Strike is not ready. Do not initiate with that slow!
Trinity Force (=TF) should be finished right after the
Bilgewater Cutlass. Third component of TF is
Zeal that gives attack speed and movement speed bonus. With finished TF you have 437 movement speed and that gives you great advantage while running/chasing (from) enemies. You still have all the benefits from all three components (slow etc). There is a "TF damage proc" stuff that increases your damage much more after spell cast. Check the damage bonus in the same table as for
Hextech Revolver is first item for significant AP bonus. Survivability stuff is represented by spell wamp that helps, because you heal not even from autoattack, but even from spells.
Hextech Gunblade is last item from BASIC ITEMS. I try to finish it completely right after the TF without buying separately the
Hextech Revolver. Stats provided by this item are so great: AD, AP, lifesteal, spell wamp and Unique active! DO NOT forget to use it.

Now you know what to build and in which order to buy those items. My last advice is when to go back for buy. I made a table for that:

Important part of the table is the second column. Those are the golds you need to have to buy an item. Keep in mind that these prices are BASIC without additional gold for any potions or wards. Use this as a basic info, but always add 100-150 golds for buying wards or potions! Totall value shows the price of whole build.
Now you can tell: I have spend 9K of gold but I have only 3 items! Yes, thats true, but you have the most expensive items in your build. Its common that other players will have 4-5 items, but the totall value is the same!
Tip: You want to confuse your enemy. Its possible and its pretty easy. I do not recommend to do this very often, because it is not just ideal, but try it! Whats the deal? At first trip back after you finished your boots buy

Last note: Twisted Treeline games mostly ends before you manage to finish

With finished

Always try to start build health items with

- + Lowest HP bonus
- + 80 bonus AP
- + Spells slow target for 35% for 1,5 seconds.

- + Average HP bonus (from Health items)
- + 20 bonus AD
- + Slow from autoattacks for 40% for 2,5 seconds.
- - You already have autoattacks slow from
Trinity Force

- + Huge HP bonus
- + Health regen
- - No bonus AD/AP
- - No slow
- - Needs to be stacked, but stacks are NOT lost after death
If you ask me what to buy, I tell you: "depends on game". If you have good CS and some kills the

If you have hard game and spend a lot of time waiting for respawn go for

It doesnt matter so much which one of Health item did you buy, but now its time to use all that HP to get some more AD. Great item for this is

Simply said, for every 1000 HP you have you receive 15 bonus AD. Depending on your lvl you will have cca 3000 HP and that means 45 bonus AD.
Note: So far you build damage items granted by Basic build, some Health item and Atma's Impaler. The building order is NOT A DOGMA. If you feel you need more HP sooner, build at least

Items listed in next two sub-chapters are deffensive items. I split them into Armor items and Magic resist items. Of course if enemy team is heavily AP you will be ok with only


There are two big options in Armor items you have to recognize.
Lets have a look at possible choices:

- + Highest armor item in whole League of Legends - 100 bonus armor
- + Extremely cheap (2000 golds)
- + Returns 30% of incoming damage from autoattacks as magic damage.
- - Helps only to you, no one else, that means its Category 1) Armor item.

- + High armor bonus rating - 99 bonus armor
- + 20 % CDR
- + Bonus mana (its still + even if you already have enough mana)
- + Slows enemies Attack speed by 20% in 1000 radius.
- + Category 2 Armor item. If you are in teamfight, it helps to your whole team.
- - Price (2775 golds)

- + HP bonus
- + Lowest armor bonus from listed Armor items - 75 bonus armor. Still A LOT!
- + HP regen
- + Minor CDR (5%)
- + Defense mechanism: if you are hit you have chance to slow that enemy AS and movement speed
- + Awesome ACTIVE: Slow ALL surrounding enemies and reduces their AS
- + Category 2 Armor item. If you are in teamfight and use ACTIVE, it helps to your whole team.
- - Price (3075 golds)
Last note to this sub-chapter is the armor value and the damage reduction. First 3 colums of the table works in case you keep your

Magic resist items are quite a similar to Armor items. Again you have to decide if you are facing one annoying AP champ who can burst you down, or you need long-time sustain with some additional bonus stats. Lets start with summary of MR items:

Again, you have to recognize two categories of enemies and how can you counter them, or at least make them less annoying.

Lets look at possible choices:

- + Highest MR value - 76
- + 8% bonus movement speed (with TF ready you will "run like hell")
- + 40 HP regen per 5 seconds + 0,35% of max HP regen every second
- + Category B) MR item. High MR value protects you during long time period and HP regen replenish your HP pool in between enemy harrasment.
- - Price (2610 golds)

- + Bonus HP and mana
- + Average MR - 50
- + Blocks ONE enemy spell every 45 seconds - Unique passive
- + Category A) MR item. Spell shield will save you from one spell, but then you are unprotected.
- - Spell shield is very easily destroyed by
Volley etc.
- - Price (2715 golds)

- + Average MR - 56
- + Cheap (1440 golds)
- + Pocket Cleanse every 90 seconds
- + Category A) MR item. Pocket Cleanse can remove debuffs, but thats all.
- - No bonus stats

- + Bonus attack speed
- + Deals bonus magic damage with autoattacks
- + Cheap (2000 golds)
- + Category B) MR item. Slightly increase your MR value, but in long time protection is not ideal.
- - Very low MR bonus
- - MR have to be stacked to get some decent value

- + Bonus AD
- + Super cheap (1400 golds)
- + Spell shield absorbing 250 damage for 3 seconds.
- + Category A) MR item. Spell shield that activates if the game goes wrong will help against 1-2 spells.
- - Terrible MR bonus - only 30 points! (Still better than nothing, but...)

- + Simply said, this item is upgraded
- + Spell shield absorbing 400 magic damage for 5 seconds.
- + Bonus AD
- + Bonus AD for missing health. (note: the shield activates if you have 30% of your HP or less, that means you are missing 70% of HP and that is 28 bonus AD)
- + Category A) MR item. Spell shield that activates if the game goes wrong will help against 1-2 spells.
Here is a table that works similar to the one in Armor items. Comparing items you buy you have quick idea how much magic damage you will block.

Now comes the question when to buy what. That is pretty hard question and I can give you only few ideas what to do.
At first look (AGAIN) at enemy team and recognize the threats you are facing. Jungle

At second you have to decide if you need MR item fast (I mean now) or if only

With the Lulu patch comes

- + Bonus armor
- + Bonus magic resist
- + Revives you after death with 750 HP and 375 mana, cooldown - 5 minutes

- + Bonus AD
- + Bonus AP
- + Stacking AP and attack speed 8 TIMES
- + 32% bonus attack speed and 48 bonus AP
There are two situations when you should buy elixirs.
In the case when you already have full build, every additional killed minion, killed champion and champion assist give you gold and it is a waste to not use it. So buy elixirs! EVERY SINGLE ONE is benefit for you.

If the game stucks at some point when no one wants to initiate and you are just running there and there over map doing actualy nothing you should consider buing Elixirs. They can change the tide of battle and give you small advantage over the enemy team. And LoL is about small advantages. Good player always try to find something how to get advantage over enemies.
Below this line will be some "info-spider" giving you the clues how to buy your build. I might make a picture for that if you dont like the visual appereance. I didnt list all items from Items chapter there, but the most important items are included.
Starting item
- pick your preffered item (reffer with chapter Lane opponents)
- AD heavy? =>
Ninja Tabi
- AP heavy or lot of CC? =>
Mercury's Treads
- Not sure? =>
Mercury's Treads
- Sustain problems? =>
Warmog's Armor
- Need more damage and more slow? =>
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- Doing good? =>
Atma's Impaler
- Raped by AP carry? =>
Negatron Cloak =>
Force of Nature or
Banshee's Veil
- Raped by AD carry? =>
Chain Vest =>
Randuin's Omen or
Frozen Heart or
- Analyze enemy team, pick what you need. This is up to you now!
If you feel I miss something here, just let me know and I will add it!
In this section you will learn:
- General info (almost complete, only few notes will be added)
- Laning with Jax (at the start of creation)
- Jungling with Jax (almost done)
- Lane oponents (working on, lot of work here)
Status of informations: IN PROGRESS, needs spell check, formating improve and additional informations (working on it)
NOTE: Chapters marked with "***" are not finished. Less stars means more finished chapter.
First thing I want to talk about is the lvl 1 Jax. Values written below contain masteries and runes, but NO items.
- Health = 675 (+98 per lvl)
- Mana = 265 (+35 per lvl)
- AD = 71 (+3,375 per lvl)
- AP = 0 (HP Quints)
- MS = 325
- AS = 0,663
- Armor = 40 (28% reduction) (+3,5 per lvl)
- MR = 35 (26% reduction) (+1,25 per lvl)
This is what you will see right after you start the game. Now if you buy your starting items, you can get this:
Doran's Blade = +10 AD ( 81 AD total), +80 HP (755 HP total), +3% lifesteal
Doran's Shield = +120 HP (795 HP total), +10 armor (50 total - 33% reduction), +8 HP/5 secs regen (16 HPs/5 secs total)
Boots = +50 flat MS, making total 375 MS
Cloth Armor = +18 armor, making total 58 armor (37% reduction)
Regrowth Pendant = +15 HP/5secs regen, making total 23HP/5 secs regen
At first, there are 3 roles you can play, you dont want to play anything else. These roles are:
- Twisted Treeline solo top lane (Jax is god tier champion at TT)
- Summoners Rift solo top lane
- Summoners Rift jungle
- All CS is for you
- You get more exps while playing solo
Your main role in every teamfight is shut down and kill enemy AD carry. This sounds pretty easy, however you should pay attention while doing this.
NEVER INITIATE! This is important. Jax is not initiator. If you try to initiate you will die so fast and it doesnt matter what items you already have. Let your tank initiate. After he goes in, you should:
- localize enemy AD carry
- try to get as close as possible
- when you are close enough, activate your
Counter Strike and use
Leap Strike to close the gap
- follow with AA, then use
Empower to reset your autoattack timer
- if neccesary use your
Grandmaster-At-Arms to be more tanky (more armor and MR)
Exhaust him/her if he is trying to run away
- AD carries are mostly super squishy champions (2K HPs at lvl 18, with less than 100 armor/MR)
- keep autoattacking until AD carry is dead (with
Empower and
Grandmaster-At-Arms bonus damage its matter of 3-5 hits)
- Duels. 1 vs 1. Very few champions can kill you in duel
- Killing squishy champions
- AD carry
- AP carry
- Support
- Offtank
- Tank
Ok, so...this is kinda stupid subchapter, BUT I feel its neccesary, because every second game I play, someone says: "noob, stop KS".
To be clear and to keep this subchapter short. In LoL, there is nothing like kill stealing, because its TEAM GAME. If you want to have good personal score, go play Tetris or Mario (btw if someone starts to rage about kill stealing, just say them to go play Mario/Tetris to have good personal score, they will mostly shut up or leave).
Actualy why is kill stealing pointless? Imagine that you play solo top vs someone (classic 1 v 1 solo top lane) and your jungler is coming to gang. You are engaged in fight with your enemy and he is going to die in next hit, when suddenly out of nowhere (ok, from jungle) comes your jungler and gets a kill. Stop. Dont say "noob, KS", say "gj". Why? Its all about gold. Kill is worth 300 golds, assist in 2 v 1 situation is worth cca 270 golds. Now kill plus assist makes 570 golds and kill only 300 golds. Do you see it now? Even if you dont have kill (but you have assist), your team benefits it, cause you have more gold. More gold = more items = higher chance to win the game.
So you decided to play Jax as jungler. Personaly I think Jax is much better at lane than in jungle, but sometimes you just have to jungle. Jungling is still viable options and sometimes a must if you have hard lane opponent (refer with next chapter for champions you dont want to play against).
There are few things you have to change while playing jungle Jax.
- Take
Smite! ALWAYS!!! and
- Skill order at first 6 lvls is EWQWWR instead of QEWWWR. Simply said pick
Counter Strike first instead of
Leap Strike.
- Starting items is
Cloth Armor plus 5x
Health Potion if you dont have
Greater Quintessence of Life Steal, or
Boots plus 3x
Health Potion if you have them.
Wriggle's Lantern is kinda must have item in jungle.
- Pick
Summoner's Resolve instead of one point in
Resistance or
Two simple rules in jungle:
- Use
Smite to LAST HIT the monster (check
Smite damage with hovering mouse cursor over its icon)
- Always attack the biggest monster in camp AS FIRST!
- Wolves (spawn every minute, starting at 1:40)
- Blue buff (spawn every five minutes, starting at 1:55)
- Wraiths (spawn every minute, starting at 1:40)
- Wolves
- Red buff (spawn every five minutes, starting at 1:55)
- Wraiths

1:55 blue buff spawn. Ask your AP carry playing mid to pull blue buff OVER the wall and then let him to go back to his lane and farm. Bottom lane (or top lane sometimes) can help you with additional damage, but you are ok even with only AP carry pull. Just in time when the Big golem loses interrest in AP carry, pop up

2:15-2:25 Clear up the Wraiths camp. Attack the big Wraith first, use

2:50-2:55. Head back to Wolves camp. They should be spawned already (if you are a bit slower) or you will have to wait few seconds (max 5 secs cca) to spawn again. Same as Wraiths: AA the big one,

3:30 (cca). Head for Red buff. Like before: AA,

Now you are lvl 3. You can go for gang or recall, heal and buy some stuff. After this head to jungle again, farm up, get higher lvl... After lvl 6, your clearing speed gets massively increased thanks to that bonus damage from ultimate.
You have to find the balance between farming in jungle and ganking. If you gang too often you will be behind with your lvl and if you just farm, your teammates start to be nervous, because you dont help them.
Try to gang that lane, which is in trouble. I.e. bot is being pushed under turret = gang. Top lane is pushing and have advantage = no need for gang (just ask him nicely to get ward, if he wants to push like this).
Gang is an action performed mostly by jungler (however if i.e. mid laner goes to help his/her bottom lane its called gang too). The reason why jungler is ganking is to get an advantage over the enemy. In this case, it means you want to attack the enemy 2vs1 or 3vs2.
Common misconception of gang is the enemy has to die and otherwise the gang was fail. That is not true!
What is succesfull gang then?
- Enemy is dead and you have kill and assist - this is the best case scenario
- Enemy is forced to use his/her summoners spells to avoid dead - gang again in 0,5 - 2 minutes while these spells are at cooldown
- Enemy is forced to recall - your lane teammate gets exps and gold advantage
- You have used your summoners spells in try of getting kill, but enemy survived
- You or your teammate had died
At first check yourself if you are in condition to gang. That means if you have enough HPs and mana. Gang with 200 HPs and 100 mana is not smart decision.
At second check your position and nearby lanes. For example, if you are in the top part of river, check top and mid lane for gang opportunity. You want gang the lane, which is pushed under your turret or at least closer to your turret. You dont wanna tower dive (you can, but its too risky).
At third inform your teammate that you wanna gang. Simple ping or write into chat. Ask him if the lane is warded and possible where is the ward placed, so you can avoid it.
Now you have few more seconds before the fights starts. Try to engage your enemy FROM BEHIND! Simply said, cut off his escape route. When you are close enough for

If your gank was succesfull (reffer to previous sub-chapter), go back into jungle or recall and buy something. If your gang was unsuccesfull, do the same: go farm more or just recall and try to gang other lanes.
These champions are EVIL. If you have an option to play in jungle, do it. Try to not play against these, because you will have such a hard times. If you have to play against these, you will need a bit of luck and help from your jungler to hold your ground!

Starting item:



Starting item:



Starting item:

Strategy: Dont let him stack his passive on you. It deals a lot of dmg as DoT spell and buffs his ultimate. Instead of building armor and MR, go for a bit more HPs to counter his true dmg ultimate. Ask your jungler for help at early lvls. He is very vulnerable to CCs, so abuse your


Starting item:

Strategy: At first, if you know you will play against

Description: Whatever

Starting item:

Strategy: Playing against


Starting item:

Strategy: You will have hard times at early game, because he will shoot

Starting item: and

Starting item: and

Starting item: and

Starting item: and

Starting item: and

Starting item: and

Starting item: and

Starting item: and

Starting item: and

Starting item: and

In this section you will:
- Travel back in time, before Jax was reworked
- Check history of this guide (views, updates)
- Find some usefull links (mostly here at MOBA)
- Read summary as last chapter
Status of informations: UP TO DATE
Following this quide, at lvl 18, with full stacks at Warmog, you will get killing machine with 5K+ HP (increase with AP stacks up to cca 5200), over 350 AD and 275 AP. This screen has been taken in Co-op vs AI (for testing purposes).

This is just cut off from screen above for easier reading.

Here are the final results from games in linked video:

10.000 views at 7th November 2011
25.000 views at 22th November 2011
50.000 views at 1st December 2011
100.000 views at 14th December 2011
250.000 views at 11th January 2012
500.000 views at 22nd January 2012
1.000.000 views at 23rd March 2012
1.500.000 views at 7th May 2012
2.000.000 views at 6th July 2012
100 Votes, 88% rating! - 27th December 2011 - THANK YOU!
200 Votes, 87% rating - 20th January 2012 - downvoted because I want to complete retest of Jax rework?
300 Votes, 87% rating - 27th March 2012 - Im bit sad, cause I still ocuppy second place in Jax guides.
400 Votes, 87% rating - 9th May 2012 - Well, a lot of movements in first three places. Im still holding second place now.
- My second guide ever for
Caitlyn - check it here
- Guide from Muiz for leaving ELO Hell - check it here - its expired, but the info inside is still up to date
- Xenasis guide for jungling, huge guide full of great informations - check it here
- Twisted Treeline guide by CALISTO - check it here
- My guide inspired you to create one of your own? Check Jhoijhoi guide for creating guides here
- The math behind (almost) everything is in guide by Complexicate - check it here
I will gladly answer to your comments or PM questions. Mostly I do that in the same day, or the day later.
So now you know how to play with Jax, you know what runes, masteries, items to get. You are prepared for most of the enemy teams, meaning you know tons of options from items, how to play most effectively.
At last: I wish you all Good Luck. LoL is just game, but the game we love and where we want to win!
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