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League of Legends Forum: New Player Help

New to the game? Ask questions here! Players can also stop by to offer advice and mentoring.
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Topics Recent Activity Views Posts
Whats the best advice you can give by zwoozh » Jun 16 @ 04:01pm well im kind of new to LOL,... zwoozh Jun 16 @ 04:01pm 1,803 10
Looking for Twisted Fate mentor by kalteras » Jun 10 @ 04:24pm Hey all I'm new to the moba... kalteras Jun 10 @ 04:24pm 1,458 5
Toplane euw mentor? by holkos » Jun 14 @ 07:10am I'd like to sharpen up my top... holkos Jun 14 @ 07:10am 793 1
I need help with Forum coding by Joxuu » Jun 13 @ 11:16am 1 2 Currently I have made a Darius... Joxuu Jun 13 @ 11:16am 2,970 11
AP Master Yi by Swarm » May 31 @ 01:14pm 1 2 Is AP Master Yi viable for my... Swarm May 31 @ 01:14pm 4,813 18
need help picking a champ by blaze1 » Jun 10 @ 05:52pm ok Im buying a new champ, I... blaze1 Jun 10 @ 05:52pm 1,775 7
Champions good for.. by Slaak » Jan 25 @ 09:36am 1 2 Ive been playing Lol now for... Slaak Jan 25 @ 09:36am 3,212 11
Looking for a mid lane mentor by KooFs » Jun 11 @ 04:29pm Im looking for a mid lane mentor... KooFs Jun 11 @ 04:29pm 886 1
Nasus jungler? by qLOUD » May 29 @ 08:53pm 1 2 3 Since Nasus is my main, I wanted... qLOUD May 29 @ 08:53pm 20,818 22
Snowball AP Champion? by JoeyBuckowski » Apr 26 @ 05:23pm 1 2 Hey guys, trying to learn to... JoeyBuckowski Apr 26 @ 05:23pm 6,109 12
best off tank/tank jungler??? by kaltok » May 2 @ 02:02pm 1 2 3 4 5 6 i already got lee sin, shen and... kaltok May 2 @ 02:02pm 15,718 52
Solo Top Blitz? by CrazyMBP » Jun 6 @ 01:25pm I know its not common. Is there... CrazyMBP Jun 6 @ 01:25pm 1,761 4
Irelia build tips by Durzapt » Jun 3 @ 09:42am I've build with ap and ad... Durzapt Jun 3 @ 09:42am 1,541 6
Swain? by Aeacus11 » Dec 15 @ 07:45pm 1 2 Hey guys, Just played a few... Aeacus11 Dec 15 @ 07:45pm 3,743 19
Noob forum question by BWalma » Dec 16 @ 06:13am How do you make your sig... BWalma Dec 16 @ 06:13am 1,352 4
Jungling by ChaosPT » Jan 28 @ 02:01pm 1 2 Hi guys its me again This... ChaosPT Jan 28 @ 02:01pm 3,308 12
Jungling by Swarm » May 16 @ 04:46pm 1 2 I have a few questions on... Swarm May 16 @ 04:46pm 3,784 14
Anivia by cooper56 » Jun 2 @ 05:22am Wondering if any one has tips... cooper56 Jun 2 @ 05:22am 883 1
Ranked Game Q&A by Mowen » May 29 @ 09:46am You have to be level 30 to... Mowen May 29 @ 09:46am 14,572 10
Laning Question by DDarkray » May 31 @ 07:50pm Hello. I've been playing LoL for... DDarkray May 31 @ 07:50pm 1,688 5
Rise the Elo by Alissera » May 29 @ 10:55pm 1 2 Heyy there, I have a question.... Alissera May 29 @ 10:55pm 3,820 14
Can't Find A Good Champ by BambooNBrains » May 10 @ 11:49pm 1 2 3 4 -Just going to start off by... BambooNBrains May 10 @ 11:49pm 6,227 37
A Champion like... by Avastor » May 9 @ 02:16am I was looking for a champion who... Avastor May 9 @ 02:16am 5,964 8

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