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League of Legends Forum: New Player Help

New to the game? Ask questions here! Players can also stop by to offer advice and mentoring.
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Topics Recent Activity Views Posts
some help wanted please by heartcore88 » Jul 5 @ 07:28am 1 2 Hello, I started playing a... heartcore88 Jul 5 @ 07:28am 2,053 16
runes and stuff by heartcore88 » Jul 12 @ 04:04am Hello, I have a small... heartcore88 Jul 12 @ 04:04am 1,452 6
I want a new jungler!! by niknameisnik » Apr 27 @ 05:32am 1 2 3 4 Ok so my problem is that i dont... niknameisnik Apr 27 @ 05:32am 6,280 32
How to beat Darius? by Fabianni GG » Jun 9 @ 07:36pm 1 2 I'm getting so MAD every match... Fabianni GG Jun 9 @ 07:36pm 5,757 19
How to "Zone" by zwoozh » Jul 8 @ 10:06am well i've seen that word so many... zwoozh Jul 8 @ 10:06am 1,650 8
Sejuani's "W" Skill by zwoozh » Jul 10 @ 01:22pm i wanna know if it deals damage... zwoozh Jul 10 @ 01:22pm 1,386 6
Help with Yorick build by Durzapt » Jun 22 @ 12:39pm I just bought yorick but i'm... Durzapt Jun 22 @ 12:39pm 2,319 9
Master Yi Build.... by ThunderStorm34 » Jun 14 @ 03:30pm 1 2 I have a question to see what... ThunderStorm34 Jun 14 @ 03:30pm 4,448 17
Nasus suggested amound of CS? by qLOUD » Jun 29 @ 05:56pm 1 2 I've been maining Nasus ever... qLOUD Jun 29 @ 05:56pm 2,801 11
Quick IP? by Equus Mulus » Jul 5 @ 03:40am I'm looking to start playing a... Equus Mulus Jul 5 @ 03:40am 2,846 10
Why Are We Jungling? by mordobie » Jun 19 @ 06:34am Hello i am very new to MOBA... mordobie Jun 19 @ 06:34am 1,736 6
Solo Top by Rizzak » Jul 25 @ 06:28am 1 2 3 What are the best champions to... Rizzak Jul 25 @ 06:28am 7,648 24
Need a few pointers by Mista » Jul 7 @ 11:45am if anyone can give me a few... Mista Jul 7 @ 11:45am 944 4
SKINTIMIDATION BUILDS by Mayhemz » Jun 17 @ 02:00pm 1 2 I'm making a new chain of Builds... Mayhemz Jun 17 @ 02:00pm 2,695 17
Lower lvl Jungle Yi? by EzequielBE » Jun 27 @ 07:49am Greetings all, I'm currently... EzequielBE Jun 27 @ 07:49am 1,215 4
Darius beatable 3v3? by Phazon » Jul 3 @ 01:17pm I can't do it. Whatever I play,... Phazon Jul 3 @ 01:17pm 2,276 6
EUW sanwroB, EUNE Brownas by Brownas » May 20 @ 07:16am Hi, im 12th lvl in EUW, 30 in... Brownas May 20 @ 07:16am 1,624 8
Help with lane assignments. by Edwin IV » Jun 26 @ 10:27am I'm still very new to the game.... Edwin IV Jun 26 @ 10:27am 8,017 4
Newish Player Looking For Serious Help by Niek » May 21 @ 02:16pm Hey. I'm Niek and I've been... Niek May 21 @ 02:16pm 1,167 5
help with crocodile! by CrazyMBP » Jun 14 @ 06:18pm Hey guys, still pretty... CrazyMBP Jun 14 @ 06:18pm 1,377 7
Playing against certain heroes. by Phazon » Jun 18 @ 06:27am 1 2 Hello people, I'm pretty new... Phazon Jun 18 @ 06:27am 2,818 14
Pro Alistar help by 3pthorror » Apr 8 @ 04:48am 1 2 if you have any questions about... 3pthorror Apr 8 @ 04:48am 3,472 15

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