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Choose Champion Build:
- AP Fury
- Jungle (AP)
- Jungle (Hybrid Swords Build)
- Hybrid Top/Mid
- Testing (Non-Jungler)
- Tanky Support
- AD Fury
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Divine Ascent (PASSIVE)
Kayle Passive Ability
In process of updating these builds for the current session. With the release of Session 5 about to begin I was looking at the new jungler items (I spend ALOT of time playing jungle...not always on Kayle<wink>). A few nights ago I thought why can't everyone on the team take a Junglers item and use it in lane to smmite the opponent... now that we can. Anyway going to test this idea. I will let you guys know how it goes...I will expect people saying I am trolling with it.
With the introduction of Session three, I thought I would put in, for consideration, my thoughts on Kayle. Kayle is a melee champion that can be converted into a ranged champion with the use of Righteous Fury. I am still experimenting with the builds above and tweeking them.
I am a long time gamer that goes by the name Urkhan and this is my first LOL published guide on the champion I started playing early in LOL and is my current favorite: [Kayle]
For those of you who don't know who Kayle is and what she can do. Get ready for a treat. Kayle is a champion that can perform all rolls…ADC, APC, Support, Tank, Jungle. I will be discussing her roll as the AP carry and AD carry.
With the release of season 3, I think Kayle has gotten even stronger than she was before.
Recently I have been running Kayle as a Hybrid Jungler and this works very well, provided you get the blue first and do the jungle monster camps and avoid the rad until you return from your first buying. Have fun and leave feedback on variants that work you. I am always testing new builds.
Season Three drawing to a close
Well folks it has been a fun season of playing LOL. I am wondering what changes season four will be bringing. Once released, I will return and update this build properly.
UPDATE: You will notice that I have removed the AP AOE build. I did think because I have stopped using it. Still need to update the text below to remove that build.
Update (5/25/14): I am thinking I will reup my AOE build. Especially now the LCS teams are starting to use the Hurricane, which this build is around. In addition, I will be reviewing and updating all the builds.
• Incredibly versatile in the rolls she can perform.
• Scales well with AP and AD.
• Can slow enemies with her ”Q”
• Can speed up and heal herself or an ally with her “W”.
• Her Passive reduces both armor and magic resistance on the target of her aggression.
• Great farmer.
• Intervention is your friend. Greatly aids your survival or an allies survival in a team fight.
• In the early stages of the game you are Squishy, so don’t run in.
• Mana is a resource you will run out of often earily game, especially if you have to heal often.
• You can become a ranged champion at the cost of mana.
• Beware of CC, it is not blocked by Intervention
• Incredibly versatile in the rolls she can perform.
• Scales well with AP and AD.
• Can slow enemies with her ”Q”
• Can speed up and heal herself or an ally with her “W”.
• Her Passive reduces both armor and magic resistance on the target of her aggression.
• Great farmer.
• Intervention is your friend. Greatly aids your survival or an allies survival in a team fight.
• In the early stages of the game you are Squishy, so don’t run in.
• Mana is a resource you will run out of often earily game, especially if you have to heal often.
• You can become a ranged champion at the cost of mana.
• Beware of CC, it is not blocked by Intervention
Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power - The more Ability Power Kayle has end game the strong she is. 3.06 AP at level 18 times nine glyphs gives 27.54 AP. That is 50 AP from two runes at end game, nothing to look over. That is equal is some fully upgraded items.
Greater Seal of Scaling Magic Resist - Kayle needs a little love in the defense. 1.8 MR at level 18 times nine provides 16.2 MR end game.
Greater Mark of Attack Speed - Kayle lives and dies by having lots of Attack Speed. The faster she attackes the better she does. Each Mark provides 1.7% attack speed boost, giving a nice 15.2% attack speed increase thoughout the game.
AP Bruiser
Greater Quintessence of Scaling Ability Power - Kayle starts the game very squishy, I run runes like that as well, by the end of the game these runes (like Kayle) are very powerful. 7.74 AP at level 18 times three gives 23.22 AP.
Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power - The more Ability Power Kayle has end game the stronger she is. 3.06 AP at level 18 times nine glyphs gives 27.54 AP. That is 50 AP from two runes at end game, nothing to look over. That is equal is some fully upgraded items.
Greater Mark of Attack Speed - Kayle lives and dies by having lots of Attack Speed. The faster she attackes the better she does. Each Mark provides 1.7% attack speed boost, giving a nice 15.2% attack speed increase thoughout the game.
Greater Seal of Scaling Armor - Kayle needs a little love in the physical defense. Each Seal provides 2.7 armor at level 18 time nine to provide a nice 24.3 armor end game.
AD Bruiser
Greater Mark of Scaling Attack Damage - AD Kayle needs to push out as much pure damage as she can and this helps. 2.43 AD at level 18 times nine provides an additional 21.87 AD at level 18.
Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed - Kayle needs the speed. Each Quint provides 3.4% attack speed boost, giving a nice 10.2% attack speed increase thoughout the game.
Greater Seal of Scaling Armor - Kayle needs a little love in the physical defense. Each Seal provides 2.7 armor at level 18 time nine to provide a nice 24.3 armor end game.
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist - Kayle as an ADC needs some Magic resist too. 2.7 MR at level 18 times nine provides 24.3 MR end game.
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration - Jungle Kayle needs to get through the magical defense of the target. 8.55 MP at level 1 provides a little extra pain on the target in the early game.
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power - The more Ability Power Kayle has end game the stronger she is. Each Quint provides a 4.95 AP boost, giving a nice 14.85 AP increase thoughout the game.
Greater Seal of Armor - Kayle needs a little love in the physical defense. Each Seal provides 1.41 armor at level 1 for a total of 12.69 Armor at level 1.
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist - Kayle as an Jungler needs some Magic resist too. 2.7 MR at level 18 times nine provides 24.3 MR end game.
AP Bruiser
AD Bruiser
With any of the Kayle builds your first skill to max out will be your Righteous Fury followed by our nuker/slow Reckoning. Of course, take Intervention any time it comes up. I also recommend taking a single point in Divine Blessing at level 3 or 4 to help with heals or a burst of speed to escape or chase.
Holy Fervor
Effect - Basic attacks against enemy Champions reduces both armor and magic resistance by 3% for 5 seconds. This effect can stack up to 5 times.
It provides an on-hit effect that reduces armor and magic resist. The stacks are very easy to apply with Kayle's attack speed. This skill is more of a late game passive which helps taking down enemy champs. With Runaan's Hurricane this could be applied to up to three enemy champs. Normally, this only effects a single champ.
Effect - Sends out a blast of magical energy that deals 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+100% of Ability Power) (+1.0 per bonus Attack Damage) and slows the target by 35% for 4 seonds. In addition, while the target is slowed, Kayle inflicts 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% more damage to the target. Works with both skills and items.
Cooldown - 8 seconds
Cost - 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 mana
This is the skill we use to iniate most fights. It deals decent damage thanks to its 1AD/1AP scaling and slows the enemy, allowing you to get more hits off. You also do increased damage to your target which is always nice. With items like Liandry's Torment and Deathfire Grasp this can is a devastating ability.
Divine Blessing
Effect - Blesses a targeted allied champion, healing them for 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 205 (30% of Ability Power) AND provides a increase to movement speed equal to 18 / 21 / 24 / 27 /30 % of 3 seconds.
Cooldown - 15 seconds
Cost - 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 mana
Range - 1200
This is your single target HEAL and HASTE, AD Kayle really does not see a benefit from the heal, but the haste is always nice to have. It's only the AP Kayle that gains the full benefit from this skill. I use this skill on myself for healing and speed, but also on teammates during teamfights to help them run away or run down enemy champs. It has no cast time so it can be used while moving.
Righteous Fury
Effect - Kayle harnesses her righteous fury to casuse her sword to burst into flame and increases her attack range by 400 for 10 seconds. during its duration her now ranged basic attacks do 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+40% of Ability Power) to the primary target and splash to nearby units for 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% of her Attack Damage PLUS the full magical damage. The spash does not effect turrents.
Cooldown - 15 seconds
Cost - 45 mana
Range - 300
What else needs to be said. Righteous Fury is Kayle's signature skill. Your autoattacks will allow numerous item procs to be used...(making Hextech Gunblade a very sweet item, Rylai's Crystal Scepter slow effect, Runaan's Hurricane bolts). Attacking a turret will not proc your splash so you can attack it without drawing turret aggro when an enemy is underneath it. Attacking an enemy close to it will splash to the turret. But, turrent's will hate on you if you do.
Effect - Kayle baths a target champion or herself in a holy light, rendering them immune to all damage for 2 / 2.5 / 3 seonds.
Cooldown - 90 / 75 / 60 seconds
Cost - 100 / 75 / 50 mana
Range - 1200
This is one of Kayle's signature moves that can change the balance in a personal battle or team battle. Important NOTE: Intervention does not stop crowd controling effects, you can still be knocked up, stuned, silenced, ect...
With the release of session 3 of LOL, Kayle has found several items that have bumped her power up significately.
When you first get into game you will grab you standard starter items.
Most guides say to go with three healing potions, but I find that replacing one with a mana potion gives you extra laning time and that is important in the earily game.
This is the core of the AOE build. All AP builds of Kayle should start with Malady for the speed and damage then Rabadon's Deathcap for the hitting power it provides. Now comes the heart of the AOE, Runaan's Hurricane procs off Righteous Fury...nuff said. Then I usally take Iceborn Gauntlet for the armor and the 25% increase in burst damage to your next basic attack, it also has an aoe slow of 35% for 3 seconds. Using with Runaan's Hurricane you spread the hurting across three enemy. Lastly I go with Liandry's Torment for the health, ability power, magic penetration and the DOT of 5% of current Health of the target over 3 seconds, DOUBLED for slowed targets (which Kayle's target will be with Reckoning and Iceborn Gauntlet. Not certain if Liandry's Torment procs off Runaan's Hurricane after targets are effected by Iceborn Gauntlet, if they are....ooohhhh MY GAWD!!!!!
Alternatives could be the following; Void Staff for the magic penetration, Deathfire Grasp for the burst, or Seraph's Embrace for Ability Power and the shield, Sorcerer's Shoes for extra magic penetration.
This is the core of the Pure AP Damage build. Like the AOE build you start off this build with Malady and Rabadon's Deathcap. We take the Berserker Greaves to help with speed. This is still the slowest of the builds presented. Next, we pick up Liandry's Torment for the health, ability power, magic penetration and the DOT of 5% of current Health of the target over 3 seconds, DOUBLED for slowed targets (which Kayle's target will be with Reckoning). Deathfire Grasp adds burst damage and cooldown reduction. The active deals 15% of the target Maximum health AND amplifies Magic damage by 20% for 4 seconds on a 60 second cooldown. The final item in the build is Void Staff for added Ability Power and 40% Magic Penetration.
Alternatives could be the following: Lich Bane adds passive called Spellblade that after using ability your next basic attack deals magic damager equal to 50 + 75% of AP on a 2 second cooldown. Nashor's Tooth provide much needed speed and cooldown reduction. Rylai's Crystal Scepter provides health, abiltiy power, and a slowing effect on targets hit. Sorcerer's Shoes for extra magic penetration.
Heading into the home stretch, here is the AD Damage build with huge Crits and AOE that can crit too. We start off with Berserker's Greaves for 15% attack speed. Followed up with Phantom Dancer for more attack speed, movement speed, and additional critical strike. Passive is ignores unit collision which is awesome for ganking or escaping. I thought this was a AD build so where is the damage....ask and ye shall receive. Black Cleaver is the start of the enemies pain. It proves a ton of benefits. Armor Penetration, Attack Damage, Cooldown reduction, and Health (OH! MY!!) It also provides a nasty passive of debuffing your target champion of 7.5% of their armor for 4 seconds and stacks 4 times. It's a monster. Next we pick up Bloodthirster for additional Attack Damage, Life Steal and a passsive that increases the damage and life steal per attack. Infinity Edge should be familiar to all as the heart of a high crit build, it provides even more Attack Damage and critical strike and its passive increases critical strike damage by +50%. The last item in this build provides AOE Critical strike on enemy around your target. Statikk Shiv provides even more attack speed, critical strike and movement speed. The passive builds Static Charge while moving and attacking, at 100 charges your next attack deals 100 magic damage to up to 4 targets and this damage can crit.
Alternatives could be the following: Ravenous Hydra], [[Zephyr, Youmuu's Ghostblade , or Ionian Boots of Lucidity
This is the core of the Jungler build. Kayle is an underrated Jungler. Often when I played this many teammaes were skeptical. Some down right nasty. Personally, I build out Kayle as an AP jungler. But, you will start her with a Hunter's Machete and 5 Health Potion as most junglers do. You will upgrade the Hunter's Machete to a Wriggle's Lantern, but when you are getting ready to purchase the last Item you will sale the Lantern for the slot. As I said before, I like ending up with a AP build. Thus your second and third items after the Lantern should be Nashor's Tooth and Berserker's Greaves for attack speed, attack power, and cooldown. Next, we pick up Liandry's Torment for the health, ability power, magic penetration and the DOT of 5% of current Health of the target over 3 seconds, DOUBLED for slowed targets (which Kayle's target will be with Reckoning). Deathfire Grasp adds burst damage and cooldown reduction. The active deals 15% of the target Maximum health AND amplifies Magic damage by 20% for 4 seconds on a 60 second cooldown. The final item in the build is Rylai's Crystal Scepter for added Health, Ability Power, and a 1.5 second 35% slow.
Alternatives could be the following: Lich Bane adds passive called Spellblade that after using ability your next basic attack deals magic damager equal to 50 + 75% of AP on a 2 second cooldown. Iceborn Gauntlet for the armor and the 25% increase in burst damage to your next basic attack, it also has an aoe slow of 35% for 3 seconds. Sorcerer's Shoes for extra magic penetration. Archangel's Staff or Athene's Unholy Grail
When you first get into game you will grab you standard starter items.
Health Potion X 2 |
Mana Potion |
Boots of Speed |
Most guides say to go with three healing potions, but I find that replacing one with a mana potion gives you extra laning time and that is important in the earily game.
Malady | Rabadon's Deathcap | Ionian Boots of Lucidity | Runaan's Hurricane | Iceborn Gauntlet | Liandry's Torment |
This is the core of the AOE build. All AP builds of Kayle should start with Malady for the speed and damage then Rabadon's Deathcap for the hitting power it provides. Now comes the heart of the AOE, Runaan's Hurricane procs off Righteous Fury...nuff said. Then I usally take Iceborn Gauntlet for the armor and the 25% increase in burst damage to your next basic attack, it also has an aoe slow of 35% for 3 seconds. Using with Runaan's Hurricane you spread the hurting across three enemy. Lastly I go with Liandry's Torment for the health, ability power, magic penetration and the DOT of 5% of current Health of the target over 3 seconds, DOUBLED for slowed targets (which Kayle's target will be with Reckoning and Iceborn Gauntlet. Not certain if Liandry's Torment procs off Runaan's Hurricane after targets are effected by Iceborn Gauntlet, if they are....ooohhhh MY GAWD!!!!!
Alternatives could be the following; Void Staff for the magic penetration, Deathfire Grasp for the burst, or Seraph's Embrace for Ability Power and the shield, Sorcerer's Shoes for extra magic penetration.
AP Bruiser
Malady | Rabadon's Deathcap | Berserker's Greaves | Liandry's Torment | Deathfire Grasp | Void Staff |
This is the core of the Pure AP Damage build. Like the AOE build you start off this build with Malady and Rabadon's Deathcap. We take the Berserker Greaves to help with speed. This is still the slowest of the builds presented. Next, we pick up Liandry's Torment for the health, ability power, magic penetration and the DOT of 5% of current Health of the target over 3 seconds, DOUBLED for slowed targets (which Kayle's target will be with Reckoning). Deathfire Grasp adds burst damage and cooldown reduction. The active deals 15% of the target Maximum health AND amplifies Magic damage by 20% for 4 seconds on a 60 second cooldown. The final item in the build is Void Staff for added Ability Power and 40% Magic Penetration.
Alternatives could be the following: Lich Bane adds passive called Spellblade that after using ability your next basic attack deals magic damager equal to 50 + 75% of AP on a 2 second cooldown. Nashor's Tooth provide much needed speed and cooldown reduction. Rylai's Crystal Scepter provides health, abiltiy power, and a slowing effect on targets hit. Sorcerer's Shoes for extra magic penetration.
AD Bruiser
Berserker's Greaves | Phantom Dancer | The Black Cleaver | The Bloodthirster | Infinity Edge | Statikk Shiv |
Heading into the home stretch, here is the AD Damage build with huge Crits and AOE that can crit too. We start off with Berserker's Greaves for 15% attack speed. Followed up with Phantom Dancer for more attack speed, movement speed, and additional critical strike. Passive is ignores unit collision which is awesome for ganking or escaping. I thought this was a AD build so where is the damage....ask and ye shall receive. Black Cleaver is the start of the enemies pain. It proves a ton of benefits. Armor Penetration, Attack Damage, Cooldown reduction, and Health (OH! MY!!) It also provides a nasty passive of debuffing your target champion of 7.5% of their armor for 4 seconds and stacks 4 times. It's a monster. Next we pick up Bloodthirster for additional Attack Damage, Life Steal and a passsive that increases the damage and life steal per attack. Infinity Edge should be familiar to all as the heart of a high crit build, it provides even more Attack Damage and critical strike and its passive increases critical strike damage by +50%. The last item in this build provides AOE Critical strike on enemy around your target. Statikk Shiv provides even more attack speed, critical strike and movement speed. The passive builds Static Charge while moving and attacking, at 100 charges your next attack deals 100 magic damage to up to 4 targets and this damage can crit.
Alternatives could be the following: Ravenous Hydra], [[Zephyr, Youmuu's Ghostblade , or Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Berserker's Greaves | Liandry's Torment | Nashor's Tooth | Rabadon's Deathcap | Deathfire Grasp | Rylai's Crystal Scepter |
This is the core of the Jungler build. Kayle is an underrated Jungler. Often when I played this many teammaes were skeptical. Some down right nasty. Personally, I build out Kayle as an AP jungler. But, you will start her with a Hunter's Machete and 5 Health Potion as most junglers do. You will upgrade the Hunter's Machete to a Wriggle's Lantern, but when you are getting ready to purchase the last Item you will sale the Lantern for the slot. As I said before, I like ending up with a AP build. Thus your second and third items after the Lantern should be Nashor's Tooth and Berserker's Greaves for attack speed, attack power, and cooldown. Next, we pick up Liandry's Torment for the health, ability power, magic penetration and the DOT of 5% of current Health of the target over 3 seconds, DOUBLED for slowed targets (which Kayle's target will be with Reckoning). Deathfire Grasp adds burst damage and cooldown reduction. The active deals 15% of the target Maximum health AND amplifies Magic damage by 20% for 4 seconds on a 60 second cooldown. The final item in the build is Rylai's Crystal Scepter for added Health, Ability Power, and a 1.5 second 35% slow.
Alternatives could be the following: Lich Bane adds passive called Spellblade that after using ability your next basic attack deals magic damager equal to 50 + 75% of AP on a 2 second cooldown. Iceborn Gauntlet for the armor and the 25% increase in burst damage to your next basic attack, it also has an aoe slow of 35% for 3 seconds. Sorcerer's Shoes for extra magic penetration. Archangel's Staff or Athene's Unholy Grail
Here we are at the end of this guide. I hope it has been informative and you have learned something new about Kayle.
Guide Created
12 / 7 / 2012Guide Completed
12 / 10 / 2012Guide Updated
12 / 13 / 2012
* forgot listing of Intervention.
* swapped out a couple of items in the AD build
* swapped out a couple of items in the AD build
Guide Updated
12 / 14 / 2012
* Added Support build.
Guide Updated
1 / 28 / 2013
* Added Jungle build.
Guide Updated
2 / 11 / 2012
* Added Hybrid build.
* Filling in Runes, Masteries, and Item information on Jungle, Support, and Hybrid builds.
* Filling in Runes, Masteries, and Item information on Jungle, Support, and Hybrid builds.
Guide Updated
8 / 2 / 2012
* Updated Item builds for 3.10 patch. Some items removed/added to game.
* Removed AP AOE build. I found that I never used this build.
* Updated Abilities, Masteries, and Runes.
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