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Lux Build Guide by koksei

AP Carry Lux The BEEEAM Shooting Magician

AP Carry Lux The BEEEAM Shooting Magician

Updated on October 4, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author koksei Build Guide By koksei 339 48 1,829,331 Views 182 Comments
339 48 1,829,331 Views 182 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author koksei Lux Build Guide By koksei Updated on October 4, 2012
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This guide is not up to date I only unarchieved it so players don't use weird builds!
Will revamp it in 2 weeks when I come back from holidays

Hey everyone I'm koksei and this is my guide.
I hope this guide will help you do understand Lux better and you'll have fun reading it!
I added usual matchup's in mid but just halfway through gonna edit this guide over the next weeks.

It was a lot of work so it would be nice if you'd give feedback.

This guide deals with Lux as an AP-Carry at "Summoners Rift" for mid lane!

Lux is one of those champions who gets underestimated far too much! She isn't that great in early game but in lategame she got huge burst. Moreover she got massive CC AND don't forget about her incredible Finales Funkeln.
In addition to that she is just made for smartcasting!
after you got the hang of it it's just so awesome for Lux!
Well have fun with my guide!
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Positive And Negative Aspects


+ Slow & bind
+ Shield which is extremely useful if you use it right
+ Her skills scale well
+ Great range with her Finales Funkeln
+ You can pick up kills very easily
+ 2 skills that grant vision
+ Great mobility
(+) made for smartcasting (not that big of a pro but I really like that)

Finales Funkeln

- Needs CDR
- Very squishy
- "Only" 3 damaging abilities
- Not that easy to learn her POSITIONING
- All of her skills need to be aimed carefully (Skillshots)
- If you get caught in a fight and you got no Flash you'll most likely die
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush


  • To be honest I wouldn't recommend any other marks - AP-Marks aren't primary runes and this magic penetration is really useful for you!



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Tier 1 // You should take Summoner's Wrath for the 5 Bonus-AP it grants while Ignite is on cooldown it'll a nice boost for early. To get some early AP go for Mental Force

Tier 2 // To get some CDR and to advance take Sorcery

Tier 3 // Now comes Arcane Knowledge for this awesome 10% penetration. And Havoc to get these 1,5% extra damage. No other masteries would make sense anyway!

Tier 4 // Next up is Blast which grants 1 AP every level comes in handy and 18 AP at 18 for free!

Tier 5 // In this tier you'll grab Arch Mage for this 5% more AP, combined with Rabadon's Deathcap you'll have 40% more AP which is quite something!

Tier 6 // Last but not least you take Executioner which is great against enemies with low HP these 6% could make the difference for a kill!

Tier 1 // In this tier you'll go for Summoner's Insight and Good Hands - Good Hands those seconds from Good Hands could save the game. But if you feel confident just for Expanded Mind

Tier 2 // Now you go for Swiftness it may be "just" 1,5% but combined with your you already have 6% - and remember movespeed wins games!

Tier 3 // The last point goes to Runic Affinity to make the blue buffs, which you should get, and buffs in general last longer!


Tier 1 // You should take Summoner's Wrath for the 5 Bonus-AP it grants while Ignite is on cooldown it'll a nice boost for early. To get some early AP go for Mental Force

Tier 2 // To get some CDR and to advance take Sorcery

Tier 3 // Now comes Arcane Knowledge for this awesome 10% penetration. And Havoc to get these 1,5% extra damage. No other masteries would make sense anyway!

Tier 4 // Next up is Blast which grants 1 AP every level comes in handy and 18 AP at 18 for free!

Tier 5 // In this tier you'll grab Arch Mage for this 5% more AP, combined with Rabadon's Deathcap you'll have 40% more AP which is quite something!

Tier 6 // Last but not least you take Executioner which is great against enemies with low HP these 6% could make the difference for a kill!

Tier 1 // In this tier you'll go for Summoner's Insight and Good Hands - Good Hands those seconds from Good Hands could save the game. But if you feel confident just for Expanded Mind

Tier 2 // Now you go for Swiftness it may be "just" 1,5% but combined with your you already have 6% - and remember movespeed wins games!

Tier 3 // The last point goes to Runic Affinity to make the blue buffs, which you should get, and buffs in general last longer!

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Summoner Spells

spaaace First off all you HAVE TO get Flash here are the reasons why:
  • you got no other escape mechanism - even tho flash was nerfed it's still quite good
    it's not like you are the only one who got it nerfed, all got those nerfs so you should be alright!
  • you are squishy as f***, obviously because you aren't some tank
  • great to secure kills as well, if an enemy escapes over a wall
    just Flash and grab him!

spaaace Secondly I take Ignite, it really is awesome for Lux because of several reasons:
  • great to deal some extra damage, can secure a kill pretty easy!
  • works just fine against heal, 50% healreduction!
  • grants 5 AP while on cooldown ( Summoner's Wrath )


spaaace Teleport is a great skill for Lux you can gank pretty fast with it and help to secure dragon & help your other lanes. But I wouldn't get it in mid - the top champion should have it, you are in the middle of the whole map and you are fast without teleporting. It's still great sometimes and you could gank faster tho. spaaace

spaaace Clairvoyance used to be quite a viable summoner on Lux but since the change the CD is just way too long. It rarely get it on support nowadays as well. spaaace

spaaace Ghost isn't that bad with Lux but since you already got Swiftness and Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed you should be fast enough. Ghost is an escape/chase mechanism but you can't go over walls with it so I prefer Flash spaaace

spaaace It is viable because it grants an awesome slow, good if you are inexperienced with skillshots! Moreover the damage dealt by enemies will be reduced by Exhaust AD by 70% and magicaldamage/items by 35%. spaaace

spaaace If you'll face an extreme CC heavy team Cleanse is a great choice but I'm not a big fan of it you could just grab a Quicksilver Sash for that purpose. And since you aren't supposed to be in the middle of the fight you shouldn't face that much CC! spaaace

Everything else is ******** - well just my opinion, if you don't think so just say so I'll give you Explanation if that's needed :P

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Skills & Skill Sequence


If you hit your enemy with a spell he will get "illuminated" which means your next normal attack will deal more damage, thus it's great to harass.
So try to AA after every spell to get maximum damage output. Your ult also triggers this passive & renews it!

  • + Great harass after every spell
  • + Nice to lasthit minions
  • + Decent damage, which most opponents can't calculate
  • - You have to be in AA range to make use of it so you give up your longrange advantage
  • - Isn't that useful lategame

Light Binding

Awesome to snare your opponents. In teamfights always try to hit 2 people at the same time. If you gank just one person REMEMBER: You can throw this skill through one minion and still bind the champion.

  • + Awesome range (1000)
  • + Can snare two people.
  • + Great for zoning in teamfights, and a nice ap ratio (0,7)
  • - Is not that fast
  • - Skillshot, you can't just click and your enemy is snared
  • - Well that's no real con, but it's a snare not a stun so enemies can
    still attack and cast.

Prismatic Barrier

If you use it correct it's an awesome skill and most opponents can't predict the damage absorbation because the shield resets if you hit your mate two times with it.

  • + Nice supporting abilty comes in handy if you got a support like
    Blitzcrank, Yorick or Leona.
  • + Shield comes twice, and resets - making it hard to calculate!
  • + Huge range (1000)
  • - You "just" have 3 damaging abilities due to that skill
  • - Skillshot that flies like a boomerang on it's way back

Lucent Singularity

You'll shoot out an area with a "slow-orb" in it you have to it explode to deal damage, but if you let it explode the slow will be gone. So if you know your opponent got no Flash or any escape skill, don't let it explode in an instant if you want to grab a kill - this is even more important since the last Lux changes, the CD will go down while the "slow-orb" is up, but the overall CD was increased by 1sec. Moreover this skill is great for checking bushes/buffs/dragon etc. since it grants vision - also WHILE flying since the new patch!

  • + Great area of effect with a slow!
  • + Great to initiate, makes it easier to hit Lightbinding also great to escape
  • + Nice to farm and to harass because it's easy to hit
  • + Gives vision - even while flying
  • + Awesome zoning ability
  • - Skillshot, is pretty easy to hit tho
  • - If you pop it directly the CD will be pretty long.
  • - If you are new to Lux you may forget to let it explode.
  • - The damage isn't that high, but the ratio (0,6) and the slow make up for dat!

Finales Funkeln

And here comes the AWESOME ultimate it has great burst and a very low cooldown. The range is just incredible, also useful to steal drag, buffs or baron!
It's awesome to snipe and to kill people or minions. Use it OFTEN!

  • + Awesome range (3000)
  • + Huge burst just awesome to snipe
  • + Really low CD which allows you to cast it often
  • + Triggers the passive & renews it as well!
  • + Grants vision
  • - Channeling, champs with escape mechanism's can easily avoid it
  • - Another skillshot, not that hard to hit tho

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

  • At level one comes Light Binding, if you initiate a teamfight or have to cover your jungler a snare is way more useful than a slow or a shield, so you should go for it on lvl one!
  • Afterwards I go for Lucent Singularity, it's great to harass your opponent in mid and of course to farm as well. Moreover it's quite easy to hit and makes it easier to hit Light Binding. Another great thing about this skill is, that it grants vision which is really helpful to avoid ganks too. The reasons why I max it before Light Binding are the vision it grants, it got more area of effect and to farm & harass!
  • You may wonder why I'd even go for Prismatic Barrier on lvl three but it's just awesome to avoid some damage like Brand Blaze or Ignite! You got way more sustain with it and it can easily save your life. Moreover you can trade dmg way easier like that.
  • Many people ask why you would max out Light Binding over Prismatic Barrier, the simple reason for that is that you'll lack damage if you don't max Light Binding before Prismatic Barrier. Since Lux got "just" 3 offensive abilities you need to do this to deal enough damage to take down your opponent!
  • To sum things up it's like this Finales Funkeln > Lucent Singularity > Light Binding > Prismatic Barrier - your top priority is your Finales Funkeln of course.

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Item Sequence

Doran's Ring 400
Doran's Ring 400
Sorcerer's Shoes 1100
Doran's Ring 400
Rabadon's Deathcap 3600
Lich Bane 3100
Zhonya's Hourglass 3250
Void Staff 3000
Item Explanation: (Usual Build)
  • You can either start Boots or Doran's Ring that depends on the enemy you are facing but nowadays I take boots in 90% of the games. Doran's Ring gives you quite some AP, HP and Manaregen that makes it a really nice starter item. If you face enemies like Brand or Gragas, where you have to dodge many skills you really should go for boots + 3 Health Potion first!
  • Normally I try to stay mid and farm until I have 1,7k gold so I can teleport back and get 2 Doran's Ring and Sorcerer's Shoes - if you don't have enough gold just go for the Doran's Ring. Afterwards you should have the upperhand and the enemies will be quite surprised about your damage!
  • Go for another Doran's Ring, or if you are already fed just rush Rabadon's Deathcap! Both options work just fine - but I prefer 3 Doran's just because it's so effective.
  • Since you got a little bit more HP with this build and I just love movespeed I go for Lichbane after the Rabadon's Deathcap. You shouldn't sell a Doran's yet since that would be wasted gold.
  • Next up is Zhonya's Hourglass the active spell of it is just awesome with it you can avoid death for 2 seconds, in those 2 seconds your team should be ready to help you and your spells should be almost ready again. Moreover it grants 100AP for even more burst and 50 armor so you won't die that fast!
  • Now sell another and go for Void Staff to stomp their MR again, those 40% will hurt them pretty bad! Tbh I don't think I need to list a 6th item cuz the game should be over by now ;)

Item Sequence

Nomad's Medallion 850
Heart of Gold 825
Frostfang 400
Sorcerer's Shoes 1100
Rabadon's Deathcap 3600
Lich Bane 3100
Athene's Unholy Grail 2250
Void Staff 3000
Zhonya's Hourglass 3250

Item Explanation: (GP10 Build)
With this build you don't aim for kills! You aim for save farming + roaming.
If you are doing it right you'll have triple GP10, sorcerer shoes + Rabadon's Deathcap ready at 20 minutes.
Due to the GP10 your early game will suffer heavily - keep that in mind.
If you manage to go even or almost even in cs you ALREADY win the lane.
Why would you go for this build?
The thing with Lux is she won't win the lane that easily but she got quite some long distant harass and farming tools. If you'll keep up in CS and roam a lot which you should do anyway.
You'll be SOOO far ahead mid/late game!
  • You can either start Boots or Doran's Ring that depends on the enemy you are facing but nowadays I take boots in 90% of the games. Doran's Ring gives you quite some AP, HP and Manaregen that makes it a really nice starter item. If you face enemies like Brand or Gragas, where you have to dodge many skills you really should go for boots + 3 Health Potion first!
  • Next you should go for philosopher's stone to get some MR and your first GP10 item.
    Once you got around 1,1k gold port back get it + Vision Ward + Health Potion. As you can see 1,1k really isn't that much so don't be too hesitant to use your skills and outpush the lane before porting back!
  • Next you gonna go for Heart of Gold this item grants some HP which will help you to stay in lane. After that you get your final GP10 item - Kage's Lucky Pick. Now you'll get tons of money + CS.
    REMEMBER: You won't deal too much damage & you won't be able to trade!
  • So next up is Rabadon's Deathcap by now you really lack damage but this will almost make up for it. You'll have almost as much AP as your opponent even if you are even on kills and cs. Once you finished it you'll be able to trade.
  • Now you'll go for Lich Bane. The MS, AP and the onhit-effect come in really handy.
    And you need some heavy AP items now!
  • Next up you can go for Athene's Unholy Grail or Void Staff depending on the game.
    Don't sell the GP10 before you have enough gold for the whole item!
  • Now finish the build in the usual way. Either get Athene's Unholy Grail or Void Staff depending on what you built before and then go for your last item - [[Zhonya's Hourglass

Alternative Items:

SPACE Great if you got more mages in your team since the aura reduced the enemies MR, the aura got a range of 1000 so you should be able to make use of it!
Also nice to counter your opponent in mid due to the MR you get.

SPACE I think this is quite a nice item for Lux I tried it several times. I wouldn't build triple dorans AND get it tho kind of wasted mana reg. The item is good if you have trouble with your mana and need some MR. I'd go for this item sequence when building it.
Boots + 3 Health Potion --> Doran's Ring --> Chalice of Harmony --> Rabadon's Deathcap - etc.

SPACE A good choice especially against tanks! If you complain about giving away your long range you should think about Ignite, Deathfire Grasp got 650 range and Ignite 600 so it is a viable item. SPACE

SPACE Since you shouldn't be in the middle of the fights you aren't really in the need of Will of the Ancients, but if you feel like you need spellvamp and other teammates make use of it as well it's worth it since the aura is pretty nice. SPACE

SPACE Actually a nice item, had this in my core build before, but then magic penetration is worth more, if you go for Ionian Boots of Lucidity you should rush for Rabadon's Deathcap! Because there is no need for the CDR of Morello's Evil Tome anymore. SPACE

SPACE Mejai's Soulstealer definitely is quite awesome if you are an experienced Lux player. Lux is like the perfect champ for this item because of her easy kill pickup due to her range. Combine it with Rod of Ages to get more sustain and to avoid the disadvantage of damage output while buying Rod of Ages. If you grab stacks you will do just fine! SPACE

SPACE This item can be good, but I wouldn't buy it without going for Mejai's Soulstealer, you WILL lack damage if you purchase it. Of course I know that Rod of Ages is a great item but while purchasing it's just not efficient. SPACE

Philosopher's Stone SPACE Philosopher's stone is quite good as a starting item - no doubt about that.
But if you go for Doran's Ring and Morello's Evil Tome you have enough Mana to spam all day long, so Philosopher's Stone is pretty much wasted.
SPACE Philosopher's Stone

Item's you shouldn't buy:

SPACE This item is just horrible for Lux you just don't need the attackspeed nor the attack damage so this item is pretty much wasted gold. SPACE

SPACE Just don't - srsly you don't need the attack speed this would be purely wasted money. SPACE

SPACE Isn't granting that much AP and since you aren't going for Mana not that great, and more than that waaaay to expensive! SPACE

SPACE You may wonder why Rylai's Crystal Scepter is in the don't buy section that got some reasons, Lux already got a slow so it's wasted on Lucent Singularity, Light Binding lasts 2 seconds, and the slow of Rylai's Crystal Scepter lasts 2 seconds, so wasted as well! Prismatic Barrier doesn't hit enemies - wasted, so the only skill that's useful on is Finales Funkeln. And you just don't need the HP from Rylai's Crystal Scepter! SPACE

SPACE This item grants attack damage + lifesteal & ability power + spellvamp, so you'd waste the damage and normal lifesteal since you just don't need it - not worth it. SPACE

SPACE Again an item with attack speed. Cmon - Lux really isn't in the need of that! SPACE

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Aiming With Your Skills

If you are playing Lux you'll find out that you can't just click on your enemy and he is snared or slowed, you'll have to aim with all of your skills - they are skillshots! If you are new to Lux you'll most likely have some problems in the beginning, but don't give up - if you practice her and make use of dat insane range you'll hit your opponent's more and more!

If you aren't able to hit your skills you'll deal no damage!
So if you are going to gank try to predict their path! And always remember your Light Binding snares two targets - you can hit one minion and you'll still snare the enemy champion which makes it a lot easier. So make use of that!

It's way easier to hit Light Binding if the target already is slowed due to Lucent Singularity, so try to slow them before you throw your . The fact that Lux skills all got at least 1000 range makes it easier to hit them - for example through walls and stuff.

If you engage a gank e.g. at top you should try to snare( ) him out of the bush and throw your Lucent Singularity right after it hit if you are going for the kill don't let it explode right away, since the slow will be gone otherwise! Try to wait as long as you can.

If you are level 6 you can EASILY kill escaped enemies with low health without Flash or an escape skill like Deceive with Finales Funkeln - Clairvoyance is just awesome for this task and it'll be much easier this way. If you got no Clairvoyance try to predict the path YOU would take if you wanted to escape.

There are most likely 3 Options.
  • He/She'll stay at the tower
  • He/She'll run towards their base
  • He/She'll try to troll you

So try to predict what they are going to do and snipe them off.
Your Finales Funkeln got a very low channeling time and if they have no Flash
or an escape skill there is almost no chance of escape if you are aiming right!

Tips for aiming:
  • Light Binding is way easier to hit if the enemy is slowed by .
  • Light Binding can snare two object so make use of that (hitting through a minion)
  • If they go zigzag, analyze calmly and wait for the right moment to snipe them!
  • Don't explode Lucent Singularity right away, try to slow them as long as possible this will make it way easier to pick kills!
  • If you see someone low on health due a sight ward or Clairvoyance go for it and snipe them people often don't realize the fact that you can see them and don't think of the awesome range from Finales Funkeln!
  • Make use of that awesome range, every skill got at least 1000 range so take advantage of walls and get them into your skills Lucent Sigularity before they can even see you!

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Laning Phase & Teamwork

Lux isn't that strong in early game she needs farm to own.
You shouldn't overextend in this state of the game since you're not that strong!

So the conclusion to early game:
  • Lasthit the minions
  • Play passive and avoid spells from your opponent!

After you get some items you can farm easily - the key of winning is to play passive before level 6. You can easily farm like this (don't do this to much if you got no wards, otherwise you will push & the enemy jungler will come for you): With this combination you should be able to take down the mages of each minion wave and
due to Illumination you should be able to last hit the melee minions as well!

If your enemy in mid is low on health and insists on going back, throw your Lucent Singularity behind his minions to keep him away from EXP. And if he tries to get EXP throw Light Binding! This may sound weird but it's pretty useful and easy to do so.(will add a screenshot soon!)

In teamfights it's all about POSITIONING you shouldn't be at the front, and you should be guarded by some offtank, if they are able to engage you and you got no Flash you are most likely dead. The good thing about that is that you can snare 2 people and shield yourself which is extremely useful to escape.
Summary for teamfights
  • Stay behind your tanks!
  • Your Light Binding is awesome to engage a teamfight
  • If they are able to avoid your tanks and come for you: Flash, use this:

Because of your low cooldowns ( Finales Funkeln got 24 seconds CD if you got 40% CDR) you can fire your Finales Funkeln at engaging, after you hit your Light Binding and if the fight lasts long enough at the end of the teamfight. Ask for Clairvoyance for this task and take down the escaped enemies!

General Tips/Summary:
  • Play passive early game and just get your CS - until lvl 6.
  • Light Binding can snare two people, that makes it an awesome engaging skill
  • Don't hesitate to use Finales Funkeln, it'll be ready faster than you can imagine!
  • If the enemies somehow get past your offtanks and go straight for you don't panic, try to snare two of them, slow them down, shield yourself and Flash, or deal as much damageFinales Funkeln as you can if there is no chance of surviving/or to take down the chasing enemies.


Lucent Singularity --> AA ( Illumination)


Light Binding --> AA ( Illumination) --> Ignite --> Lucent Singularity --> AA ( Illumination)


Light Binding --> AA ( Illumination) --> Ignite --> Lucent Singularity --> Finales Funkeln (triggers your passive)

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Common Matchup's In Mid (A-K)

SPACE Difficulty: Easy/Medium
Runes: greater seal of replenishment

Ahri isn't that strong pre 6, just like Lux, and once both of you are 6 it's a matchup of skill. The one that hit's his skillshots first, wins. Make sure to avoid her
Charm and dodge her Orb of Deception since you started with boots you should be able to do this most of the time!


SPACE Difficulty: Easy/Hard
Runes: greater seal of replenishment
Rune Explanation:
You could change the Glyphs to Greater Glyph of Magic Resist but since you'll eventually get dunked anyway if you don't roam they won't make that much difference and you'll have more damage with the Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power. Also Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed are essential to roam!

This is one hell of an assassin once she reaches lvl 6 she will just insta burst you if you aren't careful. Deny her before lvl 6 and make sure you get way more cs than she does.

  • Deny her before lvl 6, zone her with your skills!
  • Ask for ganks! (Pink-ward the lane in the middle to do this succesful)
  • Once you are both 6 just ROAM if you stay in lane she will eventually start to deny you. And since Lux is such a great roamer, you got the mobility and you'll have problems in mid just do it!

SPACE Difficulty: Easy/Medium
Runes: greater seal of replenishment

Anivia should be a pretty even matchup she is very skillshot reliant, just like you. If you manage to dodge her Q you should be fine.

  • Don't get egg-baited.
  • Dodge her Q's, if you have to Flash never do it "straight" or you'll just end up in it again!
  • Anivia is extremely bluebuff reliable just like you. If you somehow manage to steal her blue and secure yours you'll get a huge advantage. So ward it as often as possible and try to snipe it with finales funkeln to accomplish this, while not wasting Vision Ward ,take timers (2. blue usually spawns around 7:05 - bluebuff got a respawn-time of 5 minutes)

SPACE Difficulty: Easy/Medium
Runes: greater seal of replenishment
Rune Explanation:
I use greater Glyph of Magic Resist for this matchup since she has targetable spells. You have longer range but Annie really hurts if you don't spam out your Prismatic Barrier in time. I keep the Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed so I got the movement advantage and get out of her spell range faster.

The thing about annie is she got a stun + low cooldowns. She is very scary due to that stun which could enable kills with her jungler anytime. She can farm with her Q and still has infinite mana.

  • Look out for her stacks on Pyromania!
  • Try to stay at range - you got more range so make use of that.
  • If you are fast enough you can use your Prismatic Barrier to avoid damage by her Disintegrate.
  • If you've reached 6 care for Flash Combos. If you get her into Light Binding you can most likely kill her in one combo as well tho!
  • Be extremely carful for jungle ganks if her Pyromania is up!

SPACE Difficulty: Easy/Medium
Runes: greater seal of replenishment

Brand is actually pretty easy with Lux. Due to the mobility you got with this runes + boots. And your Prismatic Barrier you should easily win trades with him!


SPACE Difficulty: Medium/Medium
Runes: greater seal of replenishment

We all know this poison-spitting snake. Her spamming and pushing is freaking strong be careful not to get outcsed. Her early game is just way better than yours you may have more range but she got that nasty poison. Once she is 6 she can most likely insta kill you if you aren't careful.

  • Be extremely careful about your CS! Since you'll most likely get pushed.
  • Once she is 6 care for Flashult's you'll most likely be dead if you get caught by that.
  • Pro Tip from GMD: DON'T STAND IN POISON! - No seriously dun ever stand in her Miasma and dodge those Noxious Blast. If you get hit by it tho throw out a shield directly cuz she will most likely use Twin Fang

SPACE Difficulty: Hard/Hard
Rune Explanation:
Fizz is really hard and in my opinion the best counter to Lux to be able to survive pre 6 I get full defensive runes you may wonder why I take Greater Seal of Armor as well, that's because his Urchin Strike deals physical damage and he'll hit you once or twice every time he uses his combo.
You'll start with +24 MR and +13 armor from runes. If you still want more you can go 21/9/0 in masteries maxing Resistance - but I like to keep some of the movespeed.

Fizz is like the born counter to Lux due to his Playful / Trickster he can dodge your skillshots. And his gapclosing capability is just freaking strong.

  • If he comes at your spam Prismatic Barrier - Lucent Singularity - Light Binding directly, if he wants to hit your more than once throw Lucent Singularity right in front of you otherwise a lil in the back! If you can actually get of 2 spells + AA's with Illumination and your shield in time then you should win those trades.
  • Ask for ganks against him even tho it's kinda hard to get him! Just let him know you got a jungler and zone him due to that.
  • Once you are both 6 I'd suggest roaming. If you stay mid you die if the Fizz isn't completely unskilled. If you somehow managed to shut him down pre 6 you can just be a lane bully tho.
  • His Chum the Waters isn't that easy to hit but it got insane range be aware of that. If he throws it at you and you don't see any chance to escape by just walking Flash directly.

SPACE Difficulty: Easy/Medium
Runes: greater seal of replenishment

The thing about Galio is that he build MR and gets AP for that. You most likely won't get many kills on him due to that. Galio can't do much against you pre 6 as well tho.


SPACE Difficulty: Easy/Easy
Runes: greater seal of replenishment

He has longrange just like you but tbh it's just a matchup of skill you shouldn't have too many problems with this guy. He is no real threat if you just dodge his skills.

  • His Barrel Roll deals quite a ****load of damage it's kinda easy to avoid tho.
  • It's not like you can kill him that easy due to his passive so dun waste too much mana on harassment!

SPACE Difficulty: Easy/Easy
Runes: greater seal of replenishment

Karthus is actually quite easy to handle. The awesome things about him are his farming ability, that ult and the passive which makes him a really big threat in teamfights! If you get 6 you can most likely one combo him to death!

  • Watch our for his Lay Waste it can get really annoying and strong since it got a short delay it's not hard to dodge so just do so.
  • Your shield actually works surprisingly well against him. Because you are super squishy he'd be a really big threat but due to your Prismatic Barrier you'll be just fine.
  • The one thing I dislike about Karthus is that he doesn't have to leave his lane to assist on kills. We all know that awkward moment when you made this awesome escape and Karthus presses R for Requiem.

SPACE Difficulty: Medium/Hard
Runes: greater seal of replenishment
Rune Explanation:
You want to have some extra MR against this guy. I don't take Greater Quintessence of Magic Resist because his pre 6 isn't that strong and afterwards you should roam.

We all know this crazy blinking Anti-Mage he got this name for several reasons and is just a pain in the *** once he is 6. His Void Stone just counters mages and he got this ridiculous strong & long Null Sphere

  • Let your jungler camp mid pre 6! That's the most efficient way to shut this fool down!
  • Once he is 6 just avoid him. He will just be a lane bully. You'll probably be stronger on 6 if he got camped, couldn't cs and you did tho.
    Avoid him = ROAM
  • After he is lvl 6 always bring 3-4 vision wards against this guy and ask the side lanes too ward more than usual as well. You dun wanna fight a fed Kassadin!
  • Get a Banshee's Veil right after your Rabadon's Deathcap!

SPACE Difficulty: Medium/Medium
Runes: greater seal of replenishment

Due to her really high base movespeed and due to the fact that she'll most likely use 3 Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed she is even faster than you are. She is pretty hard to hit due to her Shunpo and her Death Lotus is quite scary. More than that she got no mana so she won't get oom.

  • Don't activate your HP pot while you got the healing reduce of Bouncing Blades!
  • Don't waste too much mana. Make sure to land those skillshots.
  • You'd probably want to skill Prismatic Barrier a 2nd time to avoid her burst on lvl 6! Only do this if you got less than 3/4 of your HP.
  • If you are at about 1/2 of your health back off! She'll instakill you otherwise.

SPACE Difficulty: Medium/Hard
Runes: greater seal of replenishment
Rune Explanation:
This small yordle will spam his Thundering Shuriken and never run out of mana to counter that evade them, but since you can't evade all I get Greater Glyph of Magic Resist!

The problem about this small yordle is his Energy he'll never run out of mana and got long ranged poke. Once he is 6 he'll most likely kill you once he got 1 Mark of the Storm on you.


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When And Why Should I Pick Lux?

You may think - Why should I even pick Lux?
  • Lux is great against "normal" caster's like Brand, Cassio, etc.
  • You shouldn't pick Lux against opponent's like Kassadin or Akali, you'll have a pretty hard time against those.
  • Lux may only have 3 offensive abilities but first of all that's enough do take down most champs and second the supportive ability isn't bad
  • She is also incredible useful if an supportish ability comes in handy because your support has none for example Blitzcrank, Yorick or Leona

Why would I prefer Lux over Morgana?

Why would I prefer Lux over Xerath?
  • Xerath lacks the supporting prowess
  • he can only lock down a single person
  • he may has more damage but Lux got more CC
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Helpful Videos

Those replays are made by me

Another Lux-Replay

In one of those replays I start really ****py, but don't knock it before the game is over!
As you will may see I play Lux on bot-lane in those games - that's definitely viable
(I do this to carry teams as a "wanna-be-support")as well.

I finally added some selfmade videos

If your enemies are low,squishy and you got some farm just go for it - don't hesitate!
Baron steals..

Shurelia's Zoning Tutorial:
if you haven't watched it yet go for it! It's really helpful and will help you for sure.

If you haven't played Lux yet/not that often this video is really useful as well:
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Well let's summarize things up!
All in all Lux is a really awesome champion and if you haven't played her yet you should go for it. After some time you should be able to position well in teamfight's and you should have loads of fun with her!

rate it and please be honest.
It was a lot of work and I really appreciate your comments and please give me constructive criticism! :)
Hope it'll give you a laugh!

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Changelog & Credits


7.12.2012 - Finally found some time to update and edit this guide,
new masteries edited pictures and minor changes.
Changelog added - 22.12.2011
Chapter "Lux and Mejai's" added - 22.12.2011
Chapter "Why should I pick Lux?" added - 22.12.2011 (thx Nighthawk for mentioning it!)
Greater Glyph of Ability Power changed to Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power
explanation in the rune section - 22.12.2011 (thanks GrandmasterD for mentioning it!)
Now Void Staff comes before Lich Bane in my build! - 22.12.2011
Added 3 videos - 30.12.11
smartcasting added to some sections, maybe I'll make another section just for smartcasting soon! - 25.02.2012
some minor changes all in the skill sections - 25.02.2012
added a 2nd item build - inspired by gmd - 05.03.12
edited her spells due to the last patch - 05.03.12
new pics for the sections - 05.03.12
renamed the guide to "Lux The BEEEAM Shooting Magican
changed masteries from good hands expanded mind - 09.05.12
added the "matchup-sections" - 09.05.2012
changed the skill order of gettin W on lvl 3 - 09.05.12

And now to the Credits:

I wouldn't have been able to make this guide with out the help of some people.
So a very big thanks to:

jhoijhoi for her Guide about making a Guide
LaCorpse for this awesome banner, "section-pictures" and linedivider's
GrandmasterD who inspired me to stack doran's - thx dude
All those reviewer's who helped me and still help me to improve my guide :)
And LaronX to help me with some pictures!
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