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Recommended Items
Runes: Diver Setup (standard)
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Moonsilver Blade (PASSIVE)
Diana Passive Ability
Table Of Contents
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About This Guide
Hello there and welcome to my Diana jungle guide! I have been fond of Diana for a long time, but only now in Season 11 she became a competitive jungler. With this guide I'll try to offer a comprehensive resource for Diana jungle enthousiasts. The guide includes all champion specific knowledge as well as lots of general jungle knowledge.Those who know me may note that this work is somewhat different from my previous works. Most notably, it's not a multi-role guide. This was a concious decision, as I wanted to take a step back to further refine my content and try some new stuff. If people would be interested in seeing midlane Diana covered as well, than I'm definitely open to do so in the future. | ||
About The Author
I am Silverman43, jungle main from EUW and playing since Season 7. I am also a fairly experienced guide writer, having won in 5 consecutive guide contests so far, and in several different categories. (Upon my 5th contest win I was granted a personalised Versatility Award!)I am also a MobaFire Moderator and member of the Scouts team. You can always contact me by leaving comments/questions at my guides, through DMs or you can easily find me at the MobaFire Discord server. |
+ Teamfight Winning Ultimate + Fast Farmer + Easy To Learn | ||||||
- No Escape Tool - Hard To Play When Behind - Not The Best Early Game |
Smite | |||
Flash |
Domination VS Resolve Power-wise both setups are more or less equal. Domination is the most popular choice, offering a balance between offensive power and sustain. Resolve is in my opinion being slept on, but it's a bit more on the defensive side. It's mostly up to preference. Try it out and see what you like. |
Like I said before: Moonfall obviously has the highest priority. The first basic ability you'll max is Crescent Strike for its solid base damage and frequent uptime. Then you should max Pale Cascade for an increase in both damage and survivability. Lastly comes Lunar Rush, which you'll only use for gapclosing anyway. This order stays the same for the first 3 levels, starting Crescent Strike means a faster clear (and little bit extra HP you would have from Pale Cascade's shield isn't really worth). At level 2 Pale Cascade for sustain and extra AoE damage and at level 3 a single point in Lunar Rush to enable ganking and dueling. Combos Extended Q A simple yet useful mechanic. Cast Crescent Strike and immediately press Flash during its animation. The projectile will have an extended range, perfect for catching out fleeing targets. Flash R Similar to the Flash Q mechanic. If you cast Moonfall and immediately Flash, it will cast from your new location. There doesn't even have to be a target in the AoE of your initial position, meaning that it's quite useful if enemies would dash/blink out of Moonfall's reach otherwise. Standard Pre-6 Combo The usual combo during ganks or to burst down squishy targets. Extra auto attacks at the end might be necessary to finish off targets. When the enemy has Flash up or other mobility, it can be wise to hold onto your second Lunar Rush cast until they used said mobility. Extended Pre-6 Combo A combo for dueling and extended fights with the intention to have your passive up for as long as possible. Of course in real situations you might not always be able to make perfect use of it, but you can easily proc Moonsilver Blade's cleave twice. Standard Post-6 Combo With Moonfall available you will have great burst damage. A full rotation should be enough to make quick work of most enemies. You can weave in as many auto attacks as necessary. In the smoothest combos you'll be able to proc Moonsilver Blade once or twice. Teamfight Carry Dive You can be really creative in your combos with Hextech Rocketbelt and Zhonya's Hourglass, but this is one of the most common and most reliable usages. It will often be quite difficult to reach fed carries (and survive for more than a second if you do), but thanks to your items and summoner spells it gets easier if you know what you're doing. |
Introduction to The Jungle In this chapter I will go through the most basic jungle knowledge, namely the different jungle monsters, plants and the map itself. Experienced players may want to skip this chapter, but if you're new to the jungle role itself than this might be useful.
One of the most valuable jungle monsters is the dragon. Situated at the lower side of the map, they can appear in 4 different elemental forms, each giving an unique buff to your whole team. The first 2 dragon types that spawn are random and are always of a different type, but after the second dragon is defeated, only dragons of a third type that hasn't appeared yet spawns. Additionally, the map transforms into an elemental rift, matching the third and following dragons. After either team has defeated 4 dragons, they'll gain a powerful dragon soul. From that point on, only the elder dragon will spawn.
There are 3 types of plants on the rift. They can all be found in the jungle or in the river. They can be destroyed to grant some (small) bonuses.
Jungle Routes Currently, Diana is easily able to clear 5 camps before Scuttle Crab spawns at 3:15, even without a leash from your laners. Every game is different and you will have to adapt to different situations, but that's part of the jungler's job. But usually, you will be able to follow one of the standard jungle routes. The general rule is to path towards the side of the map where you want to contest scuttle and/or try to gank. Usually this means towards the side of the map where you'll most likely have lane priority; where mid and/or botlane or toplane has a pushing minion wave, giving them easy access to the river to help you when needed. You should also keep the enemy jungler in mind. You might want to avoid them if they are strong early game duelists ( Olaf, Lee Sin, Volibear) or when they tend to cheese you with early invades ( Shaco, Udyr, Rengar, Graves). Then it's wise to path towards the opposite direction of them. Of course you cannot always say for certain what their jungle route will look like or where they started, but usually you'll have at least some clues (which I will cover later). For example a blue side Shaco will most likely start botside at his red brambleback to then path towards topside. So what you'll do is start topside at your own red and path towards botside. Shaco won't be able to invade you while you get at least one Scuttle Crab for free. The opposite logic can also be applied. If you happen to be matched against a jungler with poor early game ( Amumu, Lillia, Master Yi), you should use the Scuttle Crabs as an opportunity to fight the enemy jungler (as long as you got lane priority to allow aggressive plays). When you really are uncertain on where to start, just start botside. You'll get a leash from 2 people instead of 1, so your clear should be faster and healthier. Blue Side Towards Topside: red brambleback -> ancient krug -> crimson raptor -> murk wolves -> blue sentinel -> rift scuttler Towards Botside: blue sentinel -> gromp -> murk wolves -> crimson raptor -> red brambleback -> rift scuttler Red Side Towards Topside: blue sentinel -> gromp -> murk wolves -> crimson raptor -> red brambleback -> rift scuttler Towards Botside: red brambleback -> ancient krug -> crimson raptor -> murk wolves -> blue sentinel -> rift scuttler With these clears, you'll be level 3 after clearing your third camp and level 4 after getting a Scuttle Crab and thus completing the first clear. Then you have a few options to do next: you can look for a gank midlane or the adjacent sidelane. You can also invade the enemy jungle as well, if there are no good opportunities available you can simply go clear your last jungle camp and base. Ganking What is a Gank? For those who are new to the game or to MOBAs in general, a gank is when one or more people enter a lane to create a number advantage. Usually this is the jungler, who will come to lanes to create 2v1 or 3v2 situations, which often results in kills or other advantages. Taking turret plates or even the whole turret can mean the gank was successful too. Getting the enemies to waste their Flash is an advantage as well. In general, a gank is successful whenever your team gains a gold advantage or when the enemy team wastes more resources (summoner spells, ultimate abilities, access to gold/experience). Target Selection In theory you can simply walk into any lane and gank them. In fact, you should definitely pay some thoughts on who you'll be ganking. First of all, you should be identifying both teams and look at a few things:
Keeping this information in mind, you should set your priorities. This doesn't mean that you can't gank 'harder' lanes though, if there's a good opportunity then go for it. The general rule is to go for low risk, high reward ganks. How to Gank? When approaching a lane, ready to gank, you should a few more things in mind.
Gank Types
After a Gank After a succesful gank you should always look to push the minion wave. While doing so, you should be taxing a few minions as well. More about this and more wave management in the next chapter. After ganking and helping your ally with the wave, you should look towards available objectives. Early game turrets usually take priority, if you happen to have the Eye of the Herald this should be easy. If the turret is still too strong, then you should look for dragon or rift herald instead. If neither of those are available or it's too risky to contest them, then try to get some turret plates. Sometimes, an enemy is greedy/tilted after getting killed by a gank and tries to Teleport back to lane immediately. (This usually happens toplane because it's a longer lane.) If you're still around and healthy, try to gank again. People will be reckless when they have just been set behind, even though they probably just lost their Flash (or still don't have it up yet). If the second gank is succesful as well, the enemy will be insanely tilted AND they will lose even more gold and experience worth of minion waves. Wave Management Pushing a Lane Like mentioned before, after a succesful gank you'll need to push the minion wave as fast as possible. When the wave is pushed into the enemy turret, the enemy laner(s) will lose a significant amount of gold and experience. At the same time it gives the allied laner(s) time to recall, translate the gained gold advantage into items, regain HP and mana and stock up on wards/potions. All while they don't risk losing much CS themselves because the wave has been pushed. Taxing After pulling off a succesful gank, you should take a few minions from your laner. Laners might not like this, but it's a necessary thing. You spend time helping them while you could have farmed your jungle instead. To make up some of the potentially lost resource you should tax. How much you should tax depends on the situation though. If you got the kill from the gank, you should only tax a few caster minions. If your ally got the kill, you can take a few melee minions as well. Never take the cannon minion. Even though it would be deserved, people can seriously tilt of such a thing. It's not worth taking it just to have your laner tilt, flame and run it down. Because let's be honest, it's League of Legends. Holding a Lane When your laner has died or has been poked out of lane and has to recall, then you should be happy to hold the lane. If the minion wave is crashing into the allied turret that is. The minions would go to waste anyway. If the enemy laner has backed off as well, then you can to pull the wave before it crashes into the turret, especially when your laner scales well (ADCs, Kayle, Kassadin). Otherwise it's not really worth getting harassed and poked for, so you should just be content last-hitting under turret. If the laner is a tank or really behind, you can definitely just take the CS as well. Warding Wards win games. Knowledge and vision is even more powerful than gold or levels if you make correct use of those information. As a jungler you are in a great position to contribute to vision control of the map. You'll usually start the game with Stealth Ward, since wards have high cooldown while not lasting for long. At your first or second back junglers usually swap to Oracle Lens. As the game goes on, denying vision becomes more important as there will be more wards present (supports getting their warding item). And junglers specifically need the tools to remove vision in order to gank lanes or to safely solo objectives. You should also aim to always carry at least 1 Control Ward. Junglers often buy one every single time they base. Yes it costs 75 gold for each, but remember: wards win games. The following maps portray common warding spots for different occasions, allowing you to place more useful wards as well as find more enemy wards to clear. Softer, transparent dots indicate warding the slightly rarer spots, or spots that are only useful in some situations. Please note that no warding spots are set in stone. There should always be a reason for placing a ward or sweeping a certain spot. Protecting Lanes Laners should be placing defensive wards to protect themselves from ganks. In reality some do not sadly. Or sometimes they will try to ward, but the vision gets cleared by the enemy laner or jungler. So if you sou your laner pushing without vision and you happen to be nearby, drop a ward. Of course, if your laner is just a fool that happens to be 0/2 in less than 5 minutes, don't waste your wards on them. Jungle Control You should often be warding the enemy jungle to keep track of the enemy jungler (see the Tracking chapter). You should be warding your own jungle instead if the enemy jungler repeatedly invades. So whenever you know they are in your jungle, you can invade the enemy jungle on the other side for free, with way less risk. Or even better, if your laners are alert, you can collaps on the enemy jungler and kill them. River/Objective Control Due to dragon, rift herald and baron nashor (and even Scuttle Crab to some extent) being really important, vision control of the river has a high priority. Don't start objectives when there are potentially enemy wards around. Always use Oracle Lens to sweep the pits or place a Control Ward. You don't want to get objectives stolen due to the enemy having vision while you're taking the objective. Only when you have ACED the enemy team then vision doesn't matter anymore for objectives. And even then you should be careful for enemies with Teleport respawning! Tracking Jungle tracking is one of the most important skills you'll need to become a successful jungler. Being aware of where the enemy jungler is and when allows you to make better calls. Through good tracking you'll be able to predict enemy movement, ganks and objectives. With such information, you can remove their pressure and effectively make the enemy jungler useless. It all starts with often looking at the mini-map and the scoreboard. It should become a habit to look at those every few seconds while clearing or walking around the map. It will eventually become a habit, a second (jungle) nature. First clear & Early game You start tracking the enemy jungler from the very start of the game, starting with the first clear. No jungle routes are set in stone, but from some champions certain routes are more likely than others. Strong early game champions (like Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, Rek'Sai, Vi) that want to gank at level 2 or 3 will often start at their red brambleback. Their route will often look like this: red brambleback -> gromp -> blue sentinel. They will show up really early on trying to gank or contesting Scuttle Crab. Farming junglers with weaker early but strong late game will fully clear their jungle most of the time. Farming junglers include Master Yi, Karthus, Fiddlesticks, Kayn, Lillia, Shyvana... Most of them (but not all) will rather avoid you early and won't fight you for Scuttle Crab. Then there are some champions that love to invade early. Most notable examples are Shaco, Ivern, Warwick and Graves. Be careful when pathing from blue sentinel towards red brambleback. They like to steal your red and/or kill you. Protective wards around your jungle are recommended. Finally there are some flexible junglers that can heavily mix up their routes from game to game. Olaf, Kha'Zix, Kindred, Ekko and Rengar come to mind. You will have to pay extra attention to other things to predict their route and gameplan. Sometimes junglers attempt a gank very early, or they have to hold a lane because their laner got solo killed level 2 (*sigh*). Then you should always be looking at their character model. Particles will indicate if they currently have crest of cinders or crest of insight. Through this you can derive some information about their first clear, more specifically at which buff they started. If you left-click them, you can even see a small icon that roughly indicates the buff's remaining duration. Combine this with the fact that every jungle camp counts for 4 CS, and you can easily get a lot of information for simply paying attention to the map and the scoreboard. For example: you see Kayn passing midlane while he's level 3, has 16 CS and has a red buff. It's all but confirmed that he cleared his red brambleback, ancient krug camp and crimson raptor camp. Deep Wards As the game goes on, jungle movement becomes more unpredictable in comparison to the early game with the first clear. One of the best ways to keep track of the enemy jungler is of course through warding. Wards deep into the enemy jungle specifically. You can go put a deep ward whenever the enemy jungler shows up on the other side of the map. When you don't know for certain where they are, you should only place deep wards whenever your nearby laners have priority (they are pushing and can come to assist you faster than the enemy can). And even then you shouldn't try it when you are too behind or just whenever the enemy jungler has high kill pressure against you. You can see the most common spots for deep wards above. Cyclical Behavior Jungling is often cyclical in nature. For example, you clear your jungle, move to the other side of the map, clear more camps, gank a lane and get the adjacent objective ( dragon or rift herald) before backing and repeating. Good junglers often have clear priorities and will try to play around these conditions repeatedly. A Shyvana or Nunu & Willump will often priorities dragon and/or rift herald. Whenever they spawn you can expect them to play around that side of the map anytime soon. Ganking junglers such as Rek'Sai or Volibear will usually play around lanes that are already winning in order to get fed or else they will fall off hard late game. Expect them to gank your losing lanes and play around those sides very often. It all comes together to reading the enemy. Some players are easier to read than others, but you should always be wondering: What would I do next if I were them? Knowledge of the enemy win conditions can make this very easy. Unfortunately there is no easy answer on how to read and predict the enemy, but you'll become better at it as you play jungle and as you play different champions. Knowledge comes through experience (and through reading the matchup chapter of this guide!) Objectives Early Objectives You should always be looking to translate ganks into objectives. The priority should be the first turret > dragon or rift herald > turret platings. Diana is solid at taking objectives with her high attack speed and on-hit damage from Moonsilver Blade. However, trying to take turrets early can be risky as it'll leave you overextended. Additionally, turret plating makes the turrets tankier as well. You can try to take the first turret if you and your laner(s) can take it fast and when there are at maximum 2 turret platings left. You can take turrets with more health left if you already captured the rift herald. It can easily take over 2 plates with only its dash. After you take a turret plating, the turret will take reduced damage for some time, so hold onto Eye of the Herald for as long as possible, since this doesn't apply on Herald. Pulling a successful gank off mid or botlane usually means a free dragon, unless they got Teleport and/or the other adjacent enemy lane can contest it. You can even solo dragon or rift herald after you get a few items and levels - I recommend to be at least level 6 - and if your adjacent laners have priority. You can also sneak such an objective if the enemy jungler shows up at the other side of the map, considering you can verify there are no wards to spot you. If you see or know for certain the enemy team is taking an objective, you can either try to contest if your team can reach them fast enough and is ahead, or let them have it when you are too behind to contest or when they have enough DPS to get it fast. What's often the safer option is to trade objectives. Let's say you are toplane. The enemy jungler ganks botlane, gets a kill out of it and returns into the river. Odds are very likely that they are getting a dragon now. The worst thing would be to immediately run towards botside in hopes of contesting it. 1. They might already finish it before you're able to arrive and 2. your botlane now has to walk back all the way from base. So the correct play would be to get the rift herald instead. With it you can potentially make up for the lost gold or even gain a netto lead if you get a few turret plates (or a whole turret) while the enemy jungler can't help his toplaner because they're botside. Late Objectives As the game goes on new objectives will present itself. The usual priority is (except for the enemy Nexus obviously) elder dragon > baron nashor > dragon Soul > Inhibitor. At this point both teams should be grouping to contest those objectives together. As the jungler, you should play around your team instead of playing as a lone wolf now. You got Smite, so having you available at objectives will often make or break the fight. Whenever you start and objective and the enemy team has at least a small chance of contesting, then you should ALWAYS have Smite up. If it's on cooldown, please ping it so your team doesn't engage it only for it to get stolen by the enemy jungler. When to start an objective? (This is mainly applicable on baron nashor and elder dragon.)
Baiting & Turning Sometimes you have games where you are ahead, but it's hard to pull the trigger on objectives. Maybe they have a high chance of stealing it, or maybe they have great waveclear and pushing power so it's too risky to leave your turrets unguarded for too long. You can bait them by clearing their vision around the objective. Either they let a free objective slip, or they'll come in an attempt to contest. When your team guards their likely entrance paths, then you might be able to get some picks onto them and force a fight. Sometimes it's hard to bait them due to them having too much vision Farsight Alteration, Swain's Vision of Empire or even Maokai's Sapling Toss can always spot out your bait. In those cases, you might have to actually start the objective, forcing them to come or give it for free. If they show up, immediately turn away from the objective and engage a fight. Afterwards, if you did manage to win the fight (considering your team was ahead), then you can safely get the objective or even just end the game if the circumstances are right. Game Plan You should be planning the (early) game as soon as you're in the loading screen. This requires a combination of all knowledge I've been trying to teach in the previous chapters. You'll be deciding your initial jungle clear, which lanes to gank and identifying your win conditions. Of course games can be unpredictable and turn out completely different than what you expected. Adapting is one of the most important aspects of jungling, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have a plan to start with. I'll now give you a scenario and explain the thought process behind the game plan.
Win Conditions Blue Team: Diana, Zed and Aphelios can all take on the role of carry. Zed will want to snowball and roam, but due to Vladimir being a safe laner with Sanguine Pool, solo-kills can be hard to achieve if the Vladimir knows what he's doing. Bard also roam often, decreasing Zed's kill pressure. Zed's roaming potential is also limited by a bit due to global vision through Ashe's Hawkshot. While he can most definitely carry, it will be kinda hard to get him fully online. Aphelios on the other hand has even more potential due to his strong support pairing ( Thresh is arguably Aphelios' best support) and a decent matchup botlane ( Ashe and Bard do not really have strong all-in power, at least not pre-6). Aphelios also has an incredible late game and will bring insane firepower to the table. Considering you can get him through a weak early game that is. Cho'Gath is a reliable tank, a safe laner with good scaling, but won't really hard carry a game. Red Team: Gnar and Vladimir are the main ones to watch. Xin Zhao will probably try to play around those 2. The 2v2 with Gnar should be strong while being able to snowball the Vladimir will prove really useful as the game goes on. Gnar is decent at all stages of the game. He can easily bully a tank like Cho'Gath early game while still scaling decently into a solid sidelaner with splitpush potential as well as having good teamfighting. Vladimir will want to farm and isn't able to do that much early, so he'll play super safe. He might get some assist from the Bard though, since they love to roam. Ashe bot is as a rock for the team, being a safe utility-ADC with great setup and vision control, but she doesn't pack as much punch as other ADCs. She also has a weaker early game and will easily run out of mana. Early Game As Diana there might be some early ganking opportunities midlane due to Vladimir's weak early game. Toplane is gankable, but Diana + Cho'Gath have a weaker 2v2 at the beginning of the game than Xin Zhao + Gnar. The botlane 2v2 is more or less even, but Thresh has great gank setup. Even Aphelios can initiate ganks fairly well through his Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle + Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon combo. Gnar outpushes Cho'Gath early since the latter is really mana-reliant and Gnar is not. Ashe and Bard have slightly better waveclear than Aphelios and Thresh. The only wave that will certainly have priority early is midlane, since Vladimir got next to no waveclear. It will be hard to contest Scuttle Crab without priority, especially against a Xin Zhao who beats you in the 1v1. However, Xin Zhao will most likely path towards topside, where he has a strong 2v2 combo and priority to contest Scuttle Crab. He'll probably try to play around top or mid (because Zed pushing leaves him vulnerable). This means you should start topside and path towards bot, where you'll have priority from mid to get Scuttle Crab while Xin Zhao is probably at the other side of the map. Then you can try to gank botlane, using the good gank setup while you bring damage. Mid-Late Game If the early game plan works, you should have control of the botside river and the dragon. Having a winning botlane also means that Bard's agency to roam has also decreased. The enemy team has strong sidelaning with Gnar and to some extent even Vladimir. Xin Zhao will most likely try to snowball this advantage by prioritizing the rift herald. Ward those areas of the map, and a few defensive wards to protect Cho'Gath would be even better. While Xin Zhao is playing around topside, you should invade his botside jungle, make sure Aphelios can safely scale and take dragon. A fed Aphelios with Infernal Soul or Ocean Soul can be an absolute nightmare to play against. If you do manage to get a rift herald against the odds, you should use it midlane if you can. When Vladimir has to play further back, Zed has more breathing room to roam and help toplane. |
Teamfighting in General Diana is a formidable teamfighter due to her high AoE damage through Crescent Strike, Pale Cascade and most notably Moonfall. This doesn't mean you shouldn't approach teamfights with care though. Choosing the wrong targets and mindlessly going in will only end up in getting you killed and losing the fight. Here are some things to keep in mind while teamfighting as Diana.
Teamfighting when Ahead If you are fed, you can easily steamroll a fight by getting big ultimates off. With the right items ( Void Staff for example) you can even delete bruisers and tanks if you hit 3-4 targets with Moonfall. You deal more damage the more you hit at once, so going for the grouped enemies instead of the lone Jhin can easily take out the 4 of them when ahead. This is often better than wasting Moonfall on one Jhin. They aren't really gonna be able to do anything on their own anyway. Unless they are insanely fed, then you should definitely go for the carry instead. Teamfighting when Behind You never want to be in this kind of position, but it'll happen sooner or later. At this point Diana won't deal that much damage while getting blown up even faster. It's better to play in function of your teammates then. Moonfall also offers utility through its pull, so you can peel for teammates that are doing better by pulling divers away from them. It's also really important to note how it can be used to interrupt channels. Katarina's Death Lotus and Master Yi's Meditate for example can all be undone with that one button. |
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