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Recommended Items
Runes: Early + speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Flash + Ignite
Ability Order
Rebirth (PASSIVE)
Anivia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV
Champion Build Guide
Hello and welcome.
After a small break I decicded to update my guides.
I didn't choose
Anivia. In season 2 she chose me.
Since then she brought me nothing but victory.
(Over a million mastery points devided on multiple accounts).
Are you ready to unlock her true potential and rise like a phoenix.
Or you can skip the guide and keep playing Angry Birds.
Feel free to ask me any questions on my socials.
Other usefull Guides
After a small break I decicded to update my guides.
I didn't choose

Since then she brought me nothing but victory.
(Over a million mastery points devided on multiple accounts).
Are you ready to unlock her true potential and rise like a phoenix.
Or you can skip the guide and keep playing Angry Birds.
Feel free to ask me any questions on my socials.
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Pros / Cons
Pro | Con |
Requires skill | She's slow |
huge crowd control | Squishy |
Wall can be very usefull | Wall can be useless (depending the match up) |
Huge AOE damage | Mana Issues |
Transforms into an egg instead of dying | 4 mins cooldown on egg |
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Rebirth (passive) Upon Reviving Anivia transforms into an egg with full HP and dispells all debuffs. Eggnivia loses/gains -40 to +20 armor and magic resist for 6 seconds. Advanced Tip: The egg can still be moved by external factors and by Teleport |
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(Q) Flash Frost This is a very powerfull ability stunning multiple enemies when aimed correctly. The ability deals damage twice and can remove a banshee while still stunning with the 2nd proc. Projectile Speed: 850 Advanced Tip: Punish enemies for farming. Use trading stance. |
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(W) Crystalize Anivia summons a wall of ice at knocking units away. This wall can be dashed over by many champions with dashes and can be broken by ![]() Advanced Tip: You can trap people with this and make them walk the long way around. |
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(E) Frostbite This ability does double damage to champions hit by ![]() ![]() Advanced Tip: Using this ability on a Champion will pull minion agro. |
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(R) Glacial Storm This is your AoE damage (Area of Effect) used mostly to waveclear. This is a huge manadrain. Advanced Tip: This ability will continue while using ![]() |
Q+E =
Flash Frost +
This is a hit and run where you cant be poked back most of the time.
This is the standard combo
Q+E+aa =
Flash Frost +
Frostbite + auto attack
This is where enemy will retalliate. Only used to proc
Electrocute or
Phase Rush
This is the standard combo for electrocute or phase rush
W+Q+E =
Crystallize +
Flash Frost +
You can use the wall to make your enemy run into the combo.
Will also trigger electrocute/phase rush
W+Q+E+aa =
Crystallize +
Flash Frost +
Frostbite + aa
If you missed the wall the aa will proc
Electrocute or
Phase Rush
Mostly used when the wall doesn't hit
R+W+Q+E =
Glacial Storm +
Crystallize +
Flash Frost +
Placing the ultimate. Then forcing them to stay in there with the wall.
Once you know which way they will be pathing you can Q+E.
This is the non advanced combo
R+W+E+Q+E+ =
Glacial Storm +
Frostbite +
Flash Frost +
Not to hard to pull off.
This is the advanced combo
R+W =
Glacial Storm +
zoning to clear a full minion wave while enemies siege.
Works best against minions without baron buff
R+z+E =
Glacial Storm +
Zhonya's Hourglass +
You create the ultimate then press
Zhonya's Hourglass and wait for the R to get max radius continue with
Standard Combo for teamfights
R+z+Q+E =
Glacial Storm +
Zhonya's Hourglass +
Flash Frost +
You create the ultimate then press
Zhonya's Hourglass and wait for the
Glacial Storm to get max radius then go for the standard
Flash Frost and
Frostbite combo.
Combo for 1v1 bait kills

This is a hit and run where you cant be poked back most of the time.
This is the standard combo
Q+E+aa =

This is where enemy will retalliate. Only used to proc

This is the standard combo for electrocute or phase rush
W+Q+E =

You can use the wall to make your enemy run into the combo.
Will also trigger electrocute/phase rush
W+Q+E+aa =

If you missed the wall the aa will proc

Mostly used when the wall doesn't hit
R+W+Q+E =

Placing the ultimate. Then forcing them to stay in there with the wall.
Once you know which way they will be pathing you can Q+E.
This is the non advanced combo
R+W+E+Q+E+ =

Not to hard to pull off.
This is the advanced combo
R+W =

zoning to clear a full minion wave while enemies siege.
Works best against minions without baron buff
R+z+E =

You create the ultimate then press

Standard Combo for teamfights
R+z+Q+E =

You create the ultimate then press

Combo for 1v1 bait kills
Usefull runes.
Electrocute: Deals huge additional damage
Cheap Shot: Always triggers if you hit your
Flash Frost
Relentless Hunter: Out combat movement speed bonus
Ravenous Hunter: Omnivamp healing / 33% on AoE abilities
Arcane Comet: Always hits when you hit
Flash Frost
Phase Rush: Greatly increases movement speed in combat.
Manaflow Band: Can be stacked by
Transcendence: Increases Cooldown reduction
Scorch: Very strong for early. Works well with
Flash Frost
Gathering Storm: Very strong for late, only pick this if you don't surrender.
Aftershock: Greatly increases armor and magic resist when you hit
Flash Frost
Second Wind: Works great in combination with
Doran's Shield.
Unsealed Spellbook: Only for advanced players.
Magical Footwear: 300g extra for boots.
Biscuit Delivery: Cookies <3
Cosmic Insight: Gain 5% cooldown reduction and increase cap to 45%
Combinations that work well.
Snowball extremly hard while stacking
Flash Frost+
Cheap Shot+
Corrupting Potion+
Dark Seal+
Eyeball Collection

Combinations that work well.
Snowball extremly hard while stacking

Early Game
Early clownfiesta's/invades will usually work out for
Anivia since you have a safety-net for passive and your stun can hit multiple people. Hitting a skill-shot will also proc your manaflow and kill/assist will grant you a hunter/pom stack.
Anivia is horrible in laning phase. Due to the fact she has some of the lowest base stats in the game like health, movement speed, damage, projectile speed, etc she is very fragile to play and easy to outplay.
Try to poke with e to stack manaflow but don't trade unless you have to, any other champion you face will do more damage with their combo than your double damage on both spells.
If you get a blue buff 7-9 minutes in game you can start stacking your team.
Don't be surprised you're no killing machine yet, but try to take raptors every 2 minutes for an xp lead. Only help out your jungler in your jungle, don't help him out in enemy jungle.
Make sure not to miss any cs, you might get lazy once you have your ultimate but every cs counts.
This phase is where you could set up the ganks for your jungler.
Never follow an enemy who roams on your own. He will turn and kill you.
Late Game
After you pick up your
Liandry's Torment your damage spike's insane. Add a deathcap as soon as possible to completely destroy enemies. You never want to fight in lane anymore, jungle is where you want to pick up kills as you can totally lock people with your wall.
Anivia is the only champion I've experienced to single highhandedly stop the entire enemy team as long as they don't use herald or empowered minions.
Try getting level advantages that boost the numbers of the base stats to be usefull
Early clownfiesta's/invades will usually work out for


Try to poke with e to stack manaflow but don't trade unless you have to, any other champion you face will do more damage with their combo than your double damage on both spells.
If you get a blue buff 7-9 minutes in game you can start stacking your team.
Don't be surprised you're no killing machine yet, but try to take raptors every 2 minutes for an xp lead. Only help out your jungler in your jungle, don't help him out in enemy jungle.
Make sure not to miss any cs, you might get lazy once you have your ultimate but every cs counts.
This phase is where you could set up the ganks for your jungler.
Never follow an enemy who roams on your own. He will turn and kill you.
Late Game
After you pick up your

Try getting level advantages that boost the numbers of the base stats to be usefull
Anivia will continue the
Teleport while in
Anivia Will cleanse all debuffs in
Anivia can
Crystallize enemies to interrupt their channeling/suppressing abilities.
1. Channeling
Fiddlesticks ->
Bountiful Harvest and
Anivia ->
Glacial Storm
Caitlyn ->
Ace in the Hole (Ability will go on 6 seconds cooldown)
Nunu & Willump ->
Absolute Zero
Miss Fortune ->
Bullet Time
Xerath ->
Rite of the Arcane
Katarina ->
Death Lotus
Karthus ->
Master Yi ->
Jhin ->
Curtain Call
Vel'Koz ->
Life Form Disintegration Ray
2. Suppressing
Warwick ->
Infinite Duress
Malzahar ->
Nether Grasp
3. Other
Rift Herald
Anivia can
Crystallize minions behind the turret to control the wave.
This will cause a slow push to turn into a freeze
Tahm Kench can
Devour your egg and move it.
Kalista Can move the egg with
Fate's Call.
Both Ally and Enemy
Vayne Can
Condemn Enemies/Allies in your
Poppy Can
Heroic Charge Enemies/Allies in your
Ornn Can break the
Jarvan IV has
Cataclysm to lock multiple targets in
Glacial Storm
Not mentioned.
Every ability that can dash over the
Every ability that can interrupt the
Glacial Storm


1. Channeling

2. Suppressing

3. Other

This will cause a slow push to turn into a freeze

Both Ally and Enemy

Not mentioned.
Every ability that can dash over the

Every ability that can interrupt the

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