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Warwick Build Guide by 2zacky

Tank It's Time To Hunt- An In Depth Warwick Jungle Guide

Tank It's Time To Hunt- An In Depth Warwick Jungle Guide

Updated on June 6, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 2zacky Build Guide By 2zacky 11 4 101,803 Views 15 Comments
11 4 101,803 Views 15 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 2zacky Warwick Build Guide By 2zacky Updated on June 6, 2013
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Warwick
    Tank Junglekwick
  • LoL Champion: Warwick
    AD Junglewick
  • LoL Champion: Warwick
    AP Junglewick


Welcome to my first guide on mobafire. Warwick is the very first champion I played on League and he is the one I have definitely played the most. He has great potential and a very interesting play style. When put in the right hands Warwick becomes and unkillable chasing machine. This guide will teach you how to utilize Warwick to his full potential. I encourage all your comments, debates, critics, and general discussions. Enjoy the guide!
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Pros / Cons

  • High sustain
  • Great chase/ vision on Blood Scent
  • Blink ultimate with suppress

hunter's call
  • Weak ganks until level 6
  • No natural escape
  • All single target damage
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Overall Junglewick Runes


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist become better than Greater Glyph of Magic Resist at level 9. I prefer Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist because most team fighting happens late game. Though Greater Glyph of Magic Resist is still very viable and the two can be used almost interchangeably. On tank Warwick I would always take Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist, but on any other one I would argue that it is up to your preference.

Greater Seal of Armor Greater Seal of Armor is a standard for league of legends and every champion should get them because of how efficient they are. Greater Seal of Scaling Armor does become better than Greater Seal of Armor at level 10, but does not provide enough early armor to compensate as armor works better as a flat stat than a scaling one.
Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration
Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration allows Warwick to cut through enemies with auto attacks and his abilities. Greater Mark of Attack Speed increases clear times on jungle camps and amplifies Warwick's W hunter's Call. A good mix is recommended though when going all out it is better to build full hybrid penetration in marks and full attack speed in quints. When laning a good mix is recommended for optimal damage.

Greater Quintessence of Health provides a lot of extra hp to be able to tank and sustain against enemies. Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed allows all out damage. When you are your team's tank it is reconfigured to run Greater Quintessence of Health because it allows you to take more damage. When going damage build Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed to maximize the extra autoattacks you can get from hunter's call and Eternal Thirst.
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The displayed masteries in the cheat sheet are great references for warwick masteries. However no two matches are alike and it is good to specialize your masteries for each game. This section will discuss alternative options to the already displayed masteries. Note that I will be referencing the displayed masteries as an example and noting what you can take points from to make the alternative masteries work.
Offensive Tree:
Summoner's Wrath enhances the summoner spells Ghost, Ignite, or Exhaust. It enhances these spells making them more powerful for you to use. If you are taking one of these three summoner spells, put 1 point into it and take 1 point away from Sorcery or Spellsword .
Fury provides much needed attackspeed. As this is a stat Warwick lives on always place 4 points into Fury if you are building into the offensive tree.
Sorcery provides cooldown reduction. Place 4 points into Sorcery when playing as APWick so you can use Hungering Strike more often.
Butcher increases the damage autoattacks do to minions. This helps your general clear time and can help you last hit when you go to hold someone's lane.
Deadliness provides attack damage per level. This will increase clear speed over time and allow you to deal more damage when auto attacking.
Blast provides ability power per level. It does not benefit early clear all to much and does not have the best scaling into late game. Do not place points into it as it does not provide enough for Warwick.
Destruction increases the damage your autoattacks deal to turrets. It can be very effective when your team has a heavy push/ chase comp and is constantly near enemy towers. Take 1 point away from Sorcery and put 1 point into Destruction if you need the extra damage to towers.
Havoc increases all damage you deal. If you are going 21 points into the offense tree always take this mastery it is a major the amount of damage you deal.
Weapon Expertise provides percentage armor penetration. It helps you cut through enemies especially when they have high armor. When going 21 points into offense always take it for the substantial amount of armor penetration.
Arcane Knowledge provides magic penetration. It helps cut through enemies with high magic resistance. When Building APWick take this so you can shred enemies.
Lethality increases critical strike damage. You should never need to build crit chance on Warwick making this mastery pointless. Do not place any points into it.
Brute Force increases your attack damage by a flat amount. Always grab it when going 21 points on AD Warwick. It's a solid amount of damage that will help your clear time.
Mental Force increases ability power by a flat amount. Give the low amount of actual AP Warwick builds this mastery is not necessary.
Spellsword provides on hit damage based on ability power. Though you do not build high AP it still does a decent percent of the AP you have and on hit damage is always appreciated by Warwick.
Frenzy grants attack speed after landing a critical hit. Since you should not be building critical strike or have the Lethality mastery, Frenzy is unnecessary and should not have points placed in it.
Sunder provides flat armor penetration. It helps you shred through the jungle and champions. Always take it when going 21 in offense on ADWick.
Archmage Provides a percentage increase on ability power. APWick builds items that do not supply a massive amount of AP, therefore its better to grab Cooldown reduction from a mastery like Sorcery than to get the minimal AP scaling.
Executioner increases damage dealt to champions below half health. This mastery was made for Warwick, it procs great with Eternal Thirst's chase potential. Always pick it up when going 21 in offense tree on Warwick.
Defensive Tree:
Summoner's Resolve enhances the summoner spells Cleanse, Heal, Smite, and Barrier. Sadly this mastery does not provide much for Warwick. The point is better spent being tankier as the extra gold from smite does not effect the game by much.
Perseverance provides more health regen the lower your health is. Warwick's sustain from Eternal Thirst and Hungering Strike over shadow this mastery since Warwick will always have near full health in the jungle. The mastery is unneeded for Warwick.
Durability provides flat health per level. The extra health help a lot as it makes you tankier as the game goes on. Always get this mastery when building into the defense tree as it is invaluable.
Tough Skin reduces damage taken from creeps. It adds a bit of tank when jungling and blocks out a lot of damage over time. Plave 2 points into it (these points would normally go into Resistance if you were laning).
Hardiness provides flat armor. Always take it when building into the defense tree. The armor not only blocks out damage from champion auto attacks, but creep autoattacks as well. Extra armor is always useful and necessary when building tank.
Resistance provides flat magic resist. Useful for fending off against mages. It doesn't provide any tankiness from creeps and only requires a point so you can build further into the defense tree.
Bladed Armor deals damage to creeps that attack you. The damage done back to creeps may very slightly increase clear time, but is not significant enough to have any major affect on the game. Also this mastery has the chance to deny your allies buffs when you are trying to give them to your allies. I recommend taking 1 point in Resistance instead, but if it seems necessary place 1 point into Bladed Armor , instead of Resistance .
Unyielding reduces the damage from enemy champions. This mastery makes you take less damage, which is always a great thing. Always pick it up when building 21 into the defense tree.
Relentless reduces the effectiveness of slows. Though Warwick is a heavy chase champion, Eternal Thirst if proced will essentially replace this mastery also any natural tenacity from items will do just the same. It is not worth placing points when you can just the same with items in game
Veteran's Scars provides a flat amount of health. It makes you a lot tankier early on in the game. Always take this mastery when building into the defense tree whether its 9 or 21 points.
Safeguard reduces the damage of tower shots. Though you should try to not always be tower diving if your team has a push/ chase comp this mastery can really help when seging towers. If needed take 1 point out of Resistance and place it in Safeguard .
Block reduces damage from champion auto attacks. The extra tankiness really helps when facing auto attack based champions. Also every champion auto attacks so its great to always reduce the damage. Always take this mastery when building 21 in defense tree.
Tenacious provides tenacity which reduces the affects of crowd control. This mastery is unneeded because natural items should provide plenty of tenacity. Also there is no real reason to trade extra tankiness from other masteries for tenacity. Another note is that tenacity stacks multiplicatively meaning the more you have the less it will scale off itself.
Juggernaut increases maximum health by a percentage. Health is always great and it makes you very tanky. Also it is necessary to take this when building 21 into the defense tree.
Defender provides armor and magic resit depending on nearby enemy champions. This mastery works great in dive/ chase comps where you will be in the middle of the fight and chasing down enemies. Take 1 point out of Legendary Armor and put it into Defender if you feel you will need the extra tank and constantly be on top of the enemy team.
Legendary Armor provides a percentage of armor and magic resist. Extra defense is always helpful to survivability and tankiness.
Good Hands reduces the time you spend dead. Normally unneeded, though take it if you feel you will die a lot. Take 1 point out of Legendary Armor and place it into Good Hands if you feel you will need to spend less time dead.
Reinforced Armor reduces the damage dealt to you by critical strikes. Always a great mastery for late game when the enemy AD carry is getting a critical strike every hit. Take one point out of Legendary Armor and place it into Reinforced Armor if you feel you will be taking a lot of critical strike damage.
Honor Guard reduces all damage taken. Always take it when building 21 into the defense tree. It provides great tankiness and survivability overall.
Utility Tree:
Summoner's Insight enhances the summoner spells Teleport, Revive, Flash, [clarity]], and Clairvoyance. Only take this when you are your team's only initiate and you need flash to do the initiating. Other than that the mastery point is better spent somewhere else. If you need it take 1 point away from Meditation and place it into Summoner's Insight .
Wanderer provides an extra boost to movespeed out of combat. This helps you go from one jungle camp to another. Always take it when building into the utility tree as it is very helpful to Warwick.
Meditation provides extra mana regen. Helpful when you do not have blue buff. Though it is not essential because Warwick fairly low mana costs.
Improved Recall reduces the time it takes to recall to base. Not essential to Warwick, but the faster recall time can be very helpful in some situations. Take 1 point away from Meditation and place it in Improved Recall if you need it.
Scout increases a ward's vision range for a few seconds after it is placed. An unneeded mastery for warwick. If blood scent is proced it gives a large amount of vision. Also the extra vision is only temporary and doesn't provide enough support.
Mastermind reduces the cooldown of summoner spells. This is useful in lowering the cooldown of Smite and the other summoner spell you have. It helps summoner spells come up faster so they can be used more often. Also take it when building into the utility tree.
Expanded Mind provides mana per level. Not essential since Warwick's mana problems tend to die off mid and late game. Do not take it since you will never really need it.
Artificer reduces the cooldown of activated items. Warwick does not build many activated items so this mastery does not really aid him. It is not needed to take this mastery because it will not benefit enough of the items in your build.
Greed grants additional gp 10 (gold per every 10 seconds). It has a high cost in mastery points and you should not need the extra passive gold generation. Due to it needed many mastery points it is not viable for Warwick as other masteries would give you more out of their worth.
Runic Affinity increases the duration of neutral monster buffs. The longer lasting buffs adds potential to what you can do with the buffs and gives you their amazing affects for longer. It is essential to take when building into the utility tree.
Vampirism provides lifesteal and spell vamp. It increases Warwick's ability to sustain himself with Eternal Thirst and Hungering Strike. Essential when building 21 into the utility tree.
Biscuiteer gives a biscuit at the start of the game with will heal health and replenish mana. Necessary to take because Warwick's sustain will keep his health full and early game blue buff will keep his mana pool full.
Wealth provides extra gold at the start of the game. 5 Health Potions and a Hunter's Machete is more than enough to get Warwick through the jungle. Also the mastery requires points to be placed in Greed , which makes it a bad investment.
Awareness increase the amount of experience (exp) you receive. It can be useful for a jungler such as Warwick who does not have the fastest clear time and could benefit from slightly boosted exp. It can be very helpful in some situations and should be considered when building into the utility tree.
Strength of Spirit provides additional health regen per mana. Since Warwick has a small mana pool this mastery is not very useful. Also Warwick's high sustain makes this mastery even less credible for him.
Explorer provides a ward in your inventory at the start of the game. It is not needed because it builds out of Biscuiteer . Since it is deep in the utility tree it is not viable as a counter jungle ward and you can only use it once making it less valuable.
Pickpocket provides gold when you autoattack a champion. It is very deep in the mastery tree and the gold bonus does not apply on every single autoattack. It is not needed because of how far you must go for it and since it does not provide a major amount of gold.
Intelligence provides a significant amount of cooldown reduction. The extra cooldown reduction helps Warwick get his spells up faster and when paired with Sorcery you can start with 10% cooldown reduction. It is a great mastery to take when building 21 into the utility tree.
Nimble provides a percentage boost to movespeed. Extra movespeed helps Warwick's roaming and chasing potential. Essential when going 21 points into utility.
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Summoner Spells

Flash is a very powerful spell. It allows you to instantly blink from location to the other. It can allow a great escape over terrain and can give Warwick even better chase/ initiate potential. On Warwick I would say Flash is a must unless you really prefer another summoner spell.
Ghost is another great mobility spell . It increases move speed and can allow you to engage or disengage from a situation. It also has a shorter cooldown than flash. I would recommend Ghost as a great alternative to flash, though it is somewhat unnecessary due to Blood Scent.
Smite is 100% necessary when jungling. It allows buff control and objective control. Without it the enemy jungler will counter jungle you and take everything from you. Never jungle without Smite.
Ignite is a great spell for taking down champions. It afflicts grievous wounds which reduce healing and does true damage over time. It is very powerful on lanewick, though I would not recommend taking it in the jungle because Warwick ganks benefit more from Flash or Ghost.
Exhaust is a great for securing kills and preventing enemy damage. Slowing enemy movement speed and attack speed allowing you to catch up to them and making it so they cannot do damage to you. Exhaust can be used as an alternative to Ignite though it can make it harder to secure kills. Also Exhaust can be used as an alternative to Flash allowing you to chase down enemies while ganking, note that you will have no natural escape without Blood Scent being active.
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Eternal Thirst
Eternal Thirst is a passive ability that grants Warwick an on-hit effect, dealing additional magic damage on each autoattack and healing Warwick for the same amount. Subsequent applications on the same target unit will stack the damage and healing effect up to 3 times.
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Hungering Strike
Hungering Strike is a targeted ability that deals magic damage to a target enemy unit. The damage dealt is the greater value between a percentage of the target's maximum health plus a flat amount equal to Warwick's ability power, and a flat amount plus Warwick's ability power. Warwick is also healed for 80% of the damage dealt to the target.
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hunter's call
Hunter's Call
Hunters Call is a point blank area of effect ability that grants Warwick and nearby allied champions increased attack speed for a short duration.
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Blood Scent
Blood Scent is a toggled ability. While toggled on, Blood Scent will activate when an enemy champion whose current health is under 50% of his maximum health moves into a radius around Warwick, giving Warwick bonus movement speed and granting Warwick and his allies vision of the champion while they remain in range.
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Infinite Duress
Infinite Duress is a targeted channeled blink ability that moves Warwick to a target enemy champion's location and initiates a 1.8 second channel, during which the target unit is suppressed. While channeling, every 0.36 seconds Warwick strikes his target for magic damage magic, and heals for 30% of the damage dealt.
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Ability Combos

Standard Combo Clearing Jungle Camps:
Hunter's call--> -->(when needed)
This combo allows you to quickly clear the jungle. Hunter's call give you attack speed for clear and sustain with Eternal Thirst. Hungering Strike give you a substantial amount of health back and chunks creeps. Use smite when you need to finish off a creep or secure an objective/ buff.
Ganking Lanes Combo:
--> --> -->hunter's call-->
Toggle Blood Scent off before entering a lane to prevent the enemy from knowing you are about to gank their lane. Turn it on as you engage. Run up to the enemy and use Hungering Strike, then use hunter's call. If they blow their escape and/or Flash use Infinite Duress to catch then. Also make sure you do not blow Infinite Duress to early because the enemy will almost always escape.
Alternative Ganking Combo:
--> -->hunter's call
When the lane is pushed heavily to your teams side or is pushed to the tower it can be great to initiate with Infinite Duress. This allows your laner to catch up and use their cc and damage on the enemy. Though I would not recommend this combo unless your laner has a a high amount of cc or burst damage.
Trading Damage Combo:
-->hunter's call
This combo makes trading with other champions very easy. Try to bait them into going in then use Hungering Strike regain health and do damage to them. As they run back activate hunter's call to get a few extra auto attacks in and get a bit of sustain from Eternal Thirst. When on the aggressive use the same combo, though Blood Scent should activate allowing you to escape a hairy situation or run a way before sustaining major damage. Remember to be care when trading and not get baited into a gank or getting killed.
Killing Combo:
-->hunter's call--> --> --> and/or
When your ready to go kill the enemy run up to then and use Hungering Strike. Follow up by activating hunter's call and begin to chase them down. After a few hits Blood Scent should proc on them making chasing a lot easier. If they try to counter engage on you or use one of their escapes use Infinite Duress to catch them and suppress them. During Infinite Duress activate ignite to secure the kill. If you have Exhaust activate it after Infinite Duress is done channeling to slow the enemy and prevent their escape.
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Starting Items:
This is a standard start for all junglers. Hunter's Machete allows for efficient clear speeds. The Health Potions allow you to sustain yourself withing the jungle. They also allow you to sustain a bit of damage during a gank and then go back into the jungle and regain health.
Both Ninja Tabi and Mercury's Treads are defensive boots. As tankwick its better to lean towards Ninja Tabi as they are cheap and provide much needed armor. Though if you decided to build no other item that rpovides tenacity Mercury's Treads is a very viable option. Overall its your own choice of which to buy in a game. Consider whether you will need the extra armor, reduce damage on auto attacks, and less gold cost of Ninja Tabi; or if you need the tenacity and magic resist of Mercury's Treads
Both Berserker's Greaves and Sorcerer's Shoes, are all out offensive items. For a faster clear and that one or two extra auto attacks in a gank grab Berserker's Greaves. When you need a bit more damage on Hungering Strike and Eternal Thirst grab Sorcerer's Shoes. The extra magic penetration can cut through magic resist stacking enemies. When deciding between these two boots consider whether you need the extra damage and hence hit point return onf Hungering Strike with Sorcerer's Shoes; or if you need the extra speed in clearing camps and the extra one or two autoattacks in a gank.
Getting one of these three boots is up to you. I would never reccomend getting any of them on Warwick. Mobility Boots provide a great move speed buff out of combat, but you'll never be chasing anyone unless Blood Scent is on them and you should never chase anyone for a whole five seconds out of combat unless you have a very valid reason. Boots of Swiftness provide a nice boost in movement speed boost and slow reduction, but no offensive or defensive stats. Ionian Boots of Lucidity are almost always a bad choice on warwick because its better to get a cooldown reduction item with tankiness, than to waste your choice in boots on 15% cooldown reduction. Overall I would not recommend any of these boots as they do not prrovide enough offensive or defensive stats and they are unneeded because of Blood Scent.
Boot Enchantment:
Enchantment: Homeguard is one of the best enchantments to get on boots. Providing instant full health and mana once you back and an insane movespeed boost to get into the jungle or lanes quickly and effectively. I recommend defaulting to taking this enchantment and always considering taking it.
Enchantment: Furor offers a great movespeed boost to Warwick's kit. It procs off autoattacks giving increased movespeed with every hit. It works great for heavy chase comps and can give you that extra bit of chase. It also works very well with Eternal Thirst. Consider the gold cost before buying this enchantment and do not get it if you need other items more. I only reccomend buying this enchantment when you absolutely need that extra chase when ganking lanes or cleaning up after a teamfight.
Enchantment: Alacrity increases base movespeed and can help general mobility. Warwick already has a naturally high base movespeed and Eternal Thirst provides even more. The enchantment is unnecessary for Warwick and simply does not add enough to his kit to be effective.
Enchantment: Distortion decreases the cooldown of ghost, teleport, and flash. Consider whether whether you are commonly using your flash/ghost to initiate on the enemy team or escape. This enchantment does not provide a sufficient amount of support to Warwick's kit. Only reducing the cooldown of one of your summoner spells and even then making a trade off for more useful enchantments. Be wary when considering this enchantment and make a well thoughtout decision before buying this enchantment and only get it when needed.
Enchantment: Captain increases the movespeed of nearby allies and minions. It provides a bit of help when pushing lanes and can be somewhat useful when ganking. Though it is costly and other enchantments provide much more support. Simply put this item doesn't provide enough of an increase to make a major difference for your team and the 650 gold paid for it would be much bettered severed buying an oracles and a few wards.
Jungle Items:
Madred's Razors are a very good item for Warwick's clear. Though they rely slightly on luck. I also feel these items deny Warwick some of his ability to sustain himself with Eternal Thirst in the jungle. Also it is often not worth it to getting Wriggle's Lantern. Overall I believe it is an unnecessary purchase for an item that will just sit in your inventory and be sold for a better item in your final build. Though if you have the gold and you feel you need the clear it can be a great help for clearing your jungle.
Spirit Stone adds a lot to not only Warwick's clear, but give him sustain inside the jungle. The mana regen of the item allows him to use Hungering Strike more of ten with less consequences to his mana pool It also allows him to give away blue buff to his mid laner. Spirit of the Ancient Golem gives much needed health and cooldown reduction. Also it provides increased clear and tenacity to reduce the affect of cc. Spirit of the Elder Lizard is a great item for increasing damage and gives very important cooldown reduction. The burn also helps when enemies escape with that little sliver of health. Spirit of the Spectral Wraith giving more mana regen and a nice amount of ability power with spell vamp. It gives a lot more leeway with Hungering Strike giving you more health back and getting the mana back faster. It also give cooldown reduction which as I have mentioned is always a good plus. Overall every single one of the spirit items is viable and will allows you to tear through the jungle and give you great stats. I'd recommend picking one of these items based of whether you are a tank, AD damage dealer, or AP damage dealer.
Core Items:
Wit's End is a must on Warwick. It gives provides a huge attack speed boost and a lot of damage. Also it gives flat magic resist and a stacking magic resist affect. The extra damage also helps with clearing jungle camps. I always grab this item and it does a lot for Warwick.
Blade of the Ruined King is an item many people say is essential on Warwick. It has an amazing active and fits very well with Warwick's kit. Though if you build it you will be squishy and at that point it becomes a trade. Consider whether you need to tankiness of another item or if you need the all out damage from Blade of the Ruined King
Malady is an AP on hit affect Warwick item. It provides a great amount of on hit magic damage and lowers the magic resistance of the enemies you attack. Also it provides a decent amount of attack speed to help apply that extra magic damage faster. Malady can be very important to a warwick build as the magic resist shred will make Eternal Thirst do more damage. I recommend Malady is only used only with on hit affect Warwick because the item throws away a lot of tankiness for on hit damage.
Should you get Runic Bulwark or Locket of the Iron Solari? Get bulwark to increase the tankiness for your entire team. Also get it when the enemy is magic damage heave. You can also try to communicate with your support so they pick up Runic Bulwark. Grab Locket of the Iron Solari when you need the extra armor and shield in teamfights. It also gives a decent amount of health and cooldown reduction. This item is great for getting that extra bit of survivability. Overall both items are great and your team should almost always have both. Communicate with your support and try to get them to pick up at least one of them if you do not want to get both. Decided whether you need the extra hit points and cooldown reduction or if your team needs the extra armor and magic resist.
Offensive Items:
Bloodthirster is a great AD centeric item to pick up. Though it takes a huge dip into your gold pool. Bloodthirster makes up for its high cost with its insane amount of damage and lifesteal. You will lose a lot of tankiness though so I'd reserve this item for the situation where you are your team's damage source.
Last Whisper is an AD item that shreds through enemy armor. It is one of the items you will buy later in the game as it works better when you have high AD and the enemy has high Armor. It provides a nice amount of extra damage when attacking the armor heavy enemies. Overall I recommend not buying the item until late game as that is when it pays off also have at least one other AD item before buying Last Whisper.
Ravenous Hydra provides attack damage, lifesteal, health regen, and makes autoattacks do an aoe. Though very situational if you find yourself consitantly pushing out lanes or needing the extra clear speed it can be very helpful. Consider whether or not your team has a push comp. Also keep in mind the heavy gold cost so its not the best item when you're behind. Overall only buy hydra when you are ahead and when your team needs the extra push/ clear.
Nashor's Tooth provides much needed attack speed, AP, and cooldown reduction. It's one of those items that has everything you need for on hit Warwick. Be sure to couple it with a Malady. I would only recommend this item for on hit warwick as it is designed to pair directly with Malady and when paired together the two items dish out a lot of damage.
Morellonomicon Also provides a good amount of AP and cooldown reduction. The grievous wounds passive prevents the enemy Warwick is chasing from healing while Warwick is on the pursuit with Blood Scent. Also the item build out of a gp 10 meaning that you can buy the GP 10 and farm it for a bit while you are either buying other items in your build or when in the process of getting Morellonomicon. Overall I recommend getting this item on on hit warwick if you need either the early gp 10 or the extra cooldown reduction.
Maw of Malmortius provides a nice mix of magic resist and damage along with a shield that will save your life. Also the lower your hit points are the more damage the item provides you. It cna really help you win exchanges with burst AP mages. I would recommend this item if you are getting crushed by magic damage or more specifically bursted by a mage.
Frozen Mallet provides a nice bit of damage and health along with a slow on each of your autoattacks. It is a great item for chasing to help your team catch up to an enemy when your Blood Scent is proc-ed on them and your team is a bit far away. Get it only if you need the extra chase though. The extra hit points and damage are not all that useful and other items could do the same job there, though I would recommend this item for helping your team chase down enemies and getting a little bit more tank with some damage.
Iceborn Gauntlet provides a mix of AP, mana, and armor. Also it has a passive that creates an aoe(Area of Effect) slow field on your next autoattack after you use a spell. It lies on a mix between offensive and defensive items. I would recommend it when you want to be more aggressive and get you a Glacial Shroud as one of your tank items.
Defensive Items:
Spirit Visage provides a good amount of health, magic resist, and cooldown reduction. Also its passive causes Eternal Thirst, Hungering Strike, Infinite Duress, lifesteal, and spell vamp to do increased healing. It is a very valued item on warwick and makes him a lot tankier all around. I recommend getting this item almost every game on every Warwick build except for when you are going glass cannon or when the enemy team does not have a significant amount of magic damage.
Randuin's Omen provides a lot of health and armor. The passive also allows you to shutdown the enemy AD carry. This item is a very strong fourth or fifth item for any warwick build. I would recommend getting it when you are diving their AD carry with Infinite Duress so you can active the item in the middle of their team and on top of their AD carry.
Sunfire Aegis also provides a lot of health and armor. Its passive is great for pushing minion waves and getting a faster clear time in the jungle. it also can dish out a lot of damage during a teamfight. I recommend getting this item if your team is more push oriented and if you are teamfighting a lot.
Frozen Heart provides cooldown reduction, armor, and mana. Also it slows the attack speed of near-by enemies making it a good counter to AD carries. Be sure to pick this item up when the enemies main damage is their AD carry. I recommend getting this item when the enemy team is shredding through yours and they are AD heavy.
Warmog's Armor provides a lot of health and health regen. Its passive gives you even more health regen. As an item that provides only health it is not always a good item to rush, though if the enemies do not have a Blade of the Ruined King, Warmog's Armor will make you very tanky. I recommend this item when the enemy has a lot of true damage, though you do need to build some armor and magic resist behind it.
sight ward Yes wards. They are your friend, they give you vision, and they win the game. Don't leave home without them. Make sure you are buying them for your team and warding up the entire jungle. Buy a ward save a life.
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Teamfight as Tankwick:
As Tankwick it is your job to disrupt one of their damage outputs during a teamfight. As a tank be on the front line and initiate fights by running into the enemy team. Use Hungering Strike to sustain yourself and use hunter's call to aid your allies. If your ad or ap carry gets dived by a member of the the enemy team use Infinite Duress to suppress then and allow your ad/ap carry to reposition. If the fight is ending and neither of your carries have been dived use Infinite Duress to chase down the enemy and suppress them. Remember to active Hungering Strike and hunter's call whenever possible. Also take note that Eternal Thirst does not carry over from champion to champion so you will lose the stacks when you target another champion.
Teamfight as AD/APWick
When Playing AP/ADwick focus on getting into the enemy back line and taking out either their ad carry or ap carry. When your initiator starts a fight follow up behind him on the enemy front line activating hunter's call and Hungering Strike. After the enemy has blown some of their cc dive their carry's with Infinite Duress and begin to take them out. Note when playing AD/APwick you may still need to dive to your back line with Infinite Duress to save your carries. Also remember to not let the enemy kite you out of a fight. If a carry survives with very little health don't chase him/her if the teamfight is still under way. it is better to use your damage on the rest of their team rather than chasing an already fleeing enemy. Also going back for your team allows them to clean up the fight and start pushing faster.
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What Is The Jungle?

What Are The Jungle Camps/ Monsters?:
There are seven unique jungle camps on Summoners Rift, there are four quadrants of the jungle, and two of the quadrants on each side of the map. The bottom and top quadrants oppositely mirror each other. The bottom and top quadrants contain five camps each, wolf camp, wraith camp, golem camp, ancient golem camp, and elder lizard camp. The bottom right quadrant contains the dragon camp/ pit and the top left quadrant contains the baron camp/ pit. When clearing the ancient golem, elder lizard, or baron camps you will receive a buff. As the game progresses the jungle camps get stronger, but remain fairly easy to kill. All the camps have a respawn timer after the last creep of that camp is killed. These camps are meant provide gold and experiences for your jungler.
Jungle Camps

At what intervals should buffs normally spawn in game?:
The first buff taken should respawn at an interval of about 7:15/12:30/17:45/etc in game time. For the second buff take should respawn at about 9:00/14:15/. Normally there is about a 5:15 to 5:30 delay between grabbing buffs, this is due to 5 minute respawns and positioning to take the buff. Dragon is generally taken at an interval of 15:00/21:15/27:30/etc.
Why are Baron and Dragon so important?:
To a jungler Baron and Dragon are towers and inhibitors to laners. It's the junglers job to secure these objectives. You will need your team to help you take them down and they have a major impact on global experience and gold. Baron provides a buff to the entire enemy team as well as 300 gold to each member, the equivalent to two towers and 2 or three kills. It can Also be equivalent to acing the entire enemy team. Dragon is worth 1 tower or about 2 kills.
What should I do if I get invaded?:
When you get invaded you have two options to act aggressively against it and try to take back what their jungler stole or to ignore it and go on with your day. If the enemy steals a small camp its generally no big deal, but there are times where you need to go aggressive. If you are invaded early at blue buff and they obviously got it, you should not always try to steal their blue buff. Consider resetting at your red buff then going to steal their red buff as their jungler will almost certainly go straight to their blue to secure it. Also if you seem to be unable to stop the enemy aggression yourself, place a ward at your camps before they spawn and either try to steal the buff from the enemy jungler when he comes for it or rally some of your teammates and jump him as he tries to steal it.
As a jungler where is it my responsibility to ward?:
It is primarily your job to ward jungle entrances and exits, mostly the enemies, but occasionally yours. Be sure to ward the enemy exit from wraith camp into the river and wolf camp into the river. Also it can be your job to ward objectives such as Baron or Dragon. Other than support you should probably buy the most wards in the game, but make sure that you are warding to advantage your team.
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Jungle Routes

Early Jungle Paths:
Purple Side Blue Buff Start
When beginning on purple side it is recommended to grab blue buff first so you can gank top. Guard your buffs in the river pushes till approx 1:20-1:25 in game time. At this point move to wolf camp. Wolves spawn at 1:40 be sure to activate hunter's call at 1:38 so it is up right as you get to ancient golem. At 1:55 ancient golem will spawn your team should be leashing and should help you take down the golem without needing to use your Smite. At this point move across the map to the elder lizard for your red buff. Take down the elder lizard using your Smite to last hit it. Now go and gank a lane. At this point you should continue farming jungle camps and occasionally ganking lanes to remind the enemies of your presence. Normally you should not have to base until level 6, though you should base if you sustained heavy damage after a gank. Give the second blue buff to your mid unless they offer it to you or they are a manaless champion. Then head over to your red buff and take it for yourself. By now you should be six and either have a machete and possibly 1 health pot or have a spirit stone and boots. Now its time to gank more lanes with your ultimate.

Purple Side Red Buff Start
This start is one of the starts I would recommend never doing on Warwick unless it is your only option. Anyways, begin by guarding your buffs till approx 1:20-1:25 in game time. At this point move to your wraiths, activate hunter's call at 1:38 so the spell comes back up in time for elder lizard. At 1:55 elder lizard spawns take him out with your allies and try not to use your Smite on him. Then run over to ancient golem and take him out last hitting him with your Smite. Then gank either mid or bot. If you sustain heavy damage base and buy items. If you do not continue to farm jungle and occasionally gank lanes. Grab your red buff for yourself and continue to farm jungle until ancient golem spawns again. Give second blue buff to mid lane unless they offer it to you or they are a champion who does not use the mana system. Proceed with ganking lanes and basing as needed.

Blue Side Blue Buff Start
Begin by guarding buffs until approx 1:20-1:25 in game time. Head over to wolves and begin take them with your team's assistance, remember to activate hunters's call at 1:38 so it is up when you begin to take blue buff, try to not use Smite on the ancient golem. Proceed over to your red buff and take it for yourself, last hit the elder lizard with Smite. Gank either bot or top lane and exert your dominance. If you sustain a lot of damage from ganking base and buy items, if not continue to farm the jungle and gank when necessary. When ancient golem spawns a second time give it to your mid lane unless they offer it to you or they are playing a champion who does not use the mana system. Continue to farm until elder lizard spawns a second time, take it for yourself. Continue to farm and gank as needed.

Blue Side Red Buff Start
Begin by guarding buffs until approx 1:20-1:25 in game time. Have your allies assist you in taking out the wraith camp, remember to activate hunter's call at 1:38 in game time so it will be up when you take red buff. Proceed to your elder lizard camp and take red buff for yourself and try not to use Smite. Head over to your ancient golem camp and take blue for yourself using Smite. Afterwards gank either mid or top lane. If you sustain heavy damage base and buy items, if not farm your jungle and gank lanes as needed. When second red buff spawns take it for yourself and continue farming your jungle. When second blue buff spawns give it to your mid laner unless he/she offers it to you or they are a manaless champion. Start ganking lanes and farming as needed.

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Overall Warwick is a great champion and a versatile jungler. He will always be my favorite champion and to me he will always be the greatest. I am not sure if I will make more guides, but if you liked it please leave a rating and a comment. Thanks to all of you for reading this guide. Now go out onto the rift and remember "Its only fun if they run,"-Warwick, The Blood Hunter.
Special Thanks!: SPACESPACE
Change log:
  • 5/22/2013-Added an items section,revised conclusion chapter, added special thanks, fixed spelling, and fixed formatting.
  • 5/29/2013-Fixed some hyperlinks that were not working.
  • 5/30/2013-Spacing and added spoilers to answers on FAQ section
  • 6/6/2013- Removed FAQ section and spread its information out, more in depth masteries, removed abbreviations in runes section, moved chapters around, added boot enchants, and fixed formattng/ hyperlink errors
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2zacky Warwick Guide
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It's Time To Hunt- An In Depth Warwick Jungle Guide

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