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Galio Build Guide by TheBlueImperial

Middle [10.5] Galio Wanna Smash (Mid/Support)

Middle [10.5] Galio Wanna Smash (Mid/Support)

Updated on March 6, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheBlueImperial Build Guide By TheBlueImperial 84 8 216,319 Views 10 Comments
84 8 216,319 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheBlueImperial Galio Build Guide By TheBlueImperial Updated on March 6, 2020
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Galio
    Galio Mid
  • LoL Champion: Galio
    Galio Support

Runes: Aftershock + Sorcery

1 2 3 4 5
Shield Bash
Bone Plating

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
Flash + Ignite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

"I didn't outplay you, I killed you because you scared me and I accidentally hit my keyboard"

IGN: TheBlueImperial (EUW)
Rank: Gold but don't play ranked at the moment!
Playing since: December of 2017, I joined preseason leading up to season 8
Favourite Role: Honestly, I love Mid/Support the same amount
Favourite Item: Redemption because getting kills with it is sooooo satisfying

Introduction: Hey! My name is Nathan but online I go by the name TheBlueImperial or Blue for short and I've been playing league for about two years now and haven't looked back since. I'm from the United Kingdom despite my abysmal spelling/grammar and recently studied in Computer Science.

PS: Thanks for checking out my Galio guide! I'm still new to making guides on Mobafire (and in general), so all advice/criticism (especially on my spelling and grammar) is welcome and greatly appreciated! ♥


Galio - The Colossus
Melee, Mage, Tank, Adorable

Utility: Small
Damage: Huge
Control: Colossal
Toughness: Colossal
Mobility: Big

Galio: He's adorable, he's got a global ult, he has CC, he's got damage, he is tanky, he has hugs to give and he just wanna smash. Galio is a Mid/Support champ who excels in either deleting people from the game or supporting your team with amazing roam potential and kill denial with Hero's Entrance.


+ Great AP/MR Ratios
+ Global Ultimate
+ Adorable :D
+ 3 Abilities with CC
+ Mobility
+ Smashes things muhaha
+ Very Tanky
+ Has anti-AP poke passive on W
+ Can oneshot enemy carries
+ Amazing gank setup!
+ Versatile build path

Galio is everything I could dream of, he's adorable, has an insanely strong kit, the ability to carry the game or assist/peel for ally carry and has amazing shove and roam potential. He has it all while walking around with a smile on his face!

- His mobility can be canceled or blocked
- Weak against a lot of AD champs
- Can't freeze a wave due to passive
- E will clip to thing's and cancel sometimes
- Has extremely hard counters (Cassiopeia)
- Turns into a CC-bot when behind
- Reliant on followup
- Ultimate has an extremely long cooldown

While the amazing Galio is amazing in my heart, he has very hard counters with very exploitable weaknesses. Galio is an anti-AP champ by design so he's much squishier when being bombarded with AD damage compared to AP damage.



INNATE: Galio's next basic attack deals 15 − 200 (based on level) (+ 100% AD) (+ 50% AP) (+ 60% bonus magic resistance) total magic damage to its target and all enemies around it.

Colossal Smash can critically strike, dealing (100% + Infinity Edge 25%) bonus magic damage to all targets hit.



COST: 70/75/80/85/90 MANA
COOLDOWN: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 SECONDS
GUST MAGIC DAMAGE: 80/ 115/150/185/220 (+ 75% AP)
TOTAL TORNADO MAGIC DAMAGE: 6% (+ 2% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health

ACTIVE: Galio fires two windblasts that arc to either side before converging to the target area, dealing magic damage to all enemies they pass through.

When the blasts meet, the gusts form a tornado that advances for 1.5 seconds, dealing magic damage every 0.5 seconds to every enemy within, with the target's health ratio capped at 150 damage against monsters.



COOLDOWN: 16/15/14/13/12 SECONDS
MAGIC DAMAGE REDUCTION: 20/25/30/35/40% (+ 5% per 100 AP)(+ 8% per 100 bonus magic resistance)
PHYSICAL DAMAGE REDUCTION: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% (+ 2.5% per 100 AP)(+ 4% per 100 bonus magic resistance)
MINIMUM MAGIC DAMAGE: 20/35/50/65/80 (+ 30% AP)
MAXIMUM MAGIC DAMAGE: 60/105/150/195/240 (+ 90% AP)

FIRST CAST: Galio channels for up to 3 seconds, grounding and slowing himself by 15%, and gaining magic damage reduction and half of that amount as physical damage reduction. Charging increases Shield of Durand's radius, damage and taunt duration.

SECOND CAST: Galio refreshes the damage reduction for 2 seconds, taunts nearby enemies and sets their movement speed to a static 60 for 0.5 − 1.5 (based on charge time) seconds. Damage is dependent on how long Shield of Durand is charged.

MAGIC DAMAGE SHIELD: 8/11/14/17/20% of his maximum health

PASSIVE - ANTI-MAGIC BULWARK: Galio gains a shield that absorbs magic damage that lasts until broken, refreshing after not taking damage for 12 seconds.



COOLDOWN: 12/11/10/9/8 SECONDS
CHAMPION MAGIC DAMAGE: 90/130/170/210/250 (+ 90% AP)
REDUCED MAGIC DAMAGE: 45/65/85/105/125 (+ 45% AP)

ACTIVE: Galio steps backwards, and after 0.4 seconds he dashes forward, though not through terrain.

He stops upon hitting an enemy champion, dealing them and all enemies along the way magic damage, while also knocking them up for 0.75 seconds. Non-champions receive 50% reduced damage.



MAGIC DAMAGE: 150/250/350 (+ 70% AP)

ACTIVE: Galio designates the target allied champion's location at the time of cast as his landing spot, channels for 1.25 seconds, and then dashes to them, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies on impact and knocking them up for 0.75 seconds.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

  • Priority #1: Hero's Entrance
    Like most champions, your ultimate is your main priority for maxing first, for Galio that would be Hero's Entrance. It's range increase and cooldown lowered based on level is too good to pass up.
  • Priority #2: Winds of War
    It's your main form of damage, it provides huge amounts of burst damage with % max health magic damage to help deal with tankier targets. Without it your damage potential is heavily impacted and you lose all your ranged damage.
  • Priority #3: Shield of Durand
    It's your main form of CC, it taunts enemies for up to 2 seconds depending on how long you channel the ability. The magic shield scales with level, the damage scales with level, the cooldown scales with level and so does the percentage damage reduction. It's just too good not to level up.
  • Priority #4: Justice Punch
    It's a great ability but I just don't really feel like it's worth maxing over the other two options. Sure it provides more damage and lower cooldown based on level but it still doesn't beat the other abilities in leveling priority.

FLASH: Flash is too good not to take on the majority of champions in league. It is considered a defensive and an offensive summoner because Flash allows you to either get in range to kill someone or out of range of an enemy champion. Take every single game!
IGNITE: Galio can snowball incredibly hard and Ignite provides that increase in kill potential to help get that early lead. Take it against champions you're comfortable against and feel like you can beat. Some examples of winnable matchups with snowball potential are Qiyana and Akali.
TELEPORT: Galio is amazing at setting up kills for other lanes because of his CC and is incredibly strong around objectives. Teleport gives you the ability to get to these fights quickly or when Hero's Entrance is out of range or on cooldown. If you're not comfortable with your matchup take this instead of Ignite.
EXHAUST: Our adorable boy has some incredibly hard counters with Zed and Yasuo being two of them. If you're against them or similar champions such as Talon I'd highly recommend taking Exhaust to cut down their damage. Even if you can't beat them in lane it's best to survive it and stay even.

FLASH: Flash is too good not to take on the majority of champions in league. It is considered a defensive and an offensive summoner because Flash allows you to either get in range to kill someone or out of range of an enemy champion. Take every single game!
IGNITE: This is your normal summoner choice for Support Galio, it provides an insane amount of kill pressure which is so important for him in the support role. He has an incredible early game Support and you want to get as much use out of it and win lane.
EXHAUST: If you're against an early game ADC with tons of damage like Lucian or Draven I'd recommend taking Exhaust to help mitigate their damage and protect your ADC. You can also take Exhaust if the enemy team has an assassin like Talon to help save your ADC.
HEAL: You can take Heal if your ADC/APC takes Teleport or Barrier. I'd only recommend doing this if you're duoing and keeping Ignite for solo-q.


Your primary keystone, Aftershock is by far the best rune for Galio (in my opinion). It provides increased defensive stats whenever you CC someone (which is often as Galio) on a 20 second cooldown , scales with your MR/Armour/Health which Galio builds and still provides a small burst of damage at the end of its duration.

Why is it so important to have the bonus defensive stats from Aftershock? because Galio is a melee champion who likes to do trades frequently and you want to come on top of these trades. Those stats are the difference between you losing the trade or winning the trade.

The other keystone's Guardian and Grasp of the Undying aren't really amazing on Galio.

Shield Bash is a great rune for midlane because it provides some extra damage when you trade with your opponent or all-in them. Shield Bash works with Galio because of his Magic Shield passive from Shield of Durand, also made even stronger if you get Mountain drake soul!

Demolish allows you to take towers far more quickly than normal which is incredibly powerful when plates are still up. It's especially useful when against a roaming laner such as Talon and you're too weak/behind to follow their roams.

Conditioning provides bonus defensive stats which really helps Galio survive mid-late game. It doesn't do anything early game though! Bone Plating is what you take when you need some extra defenses during the laning phase of the game, mainly against poke champions or hard matchups.

I personally prefer Overgrowth because the extra health really helps keep you alive, especially because more health increases the value of Shield of Durand damage reduction. Unflinching against heavy CC comps, Revitalize isn't that great on him as it only affects his Shield of Durand passive shield.


The primary keystone for domination is Electrocute as it is the safer option, it provides consistent damage across the game and boosts your early game damage by a significant amount, it's great to take into easy matchups that can't damage you early on in the game.

Dark Harvest is the scaling option, it'll help Galio hit the mid-late game with even more burst potential and make him even more of a threat. It's also capable of being triggered by the tick from Winds of War which is a neat little bonus.

Predator is a somewhat "niche" rune on Galio but still an extremely effective one, if you're unable to win your laning phase and you need to roam then this rune really helps with that. Your Shield of Durand becomes nearly impossible to dodge without Flash and your arrive to the lane long before most wards give them a warning to run.

When against poke focused enemy laners, poke them back and get some healing out of it from Taste of Blood, whats not to love? It's my main recommended secondary rune in the domination tree.

Cheap Shot is viable for more damage and Sudden Impact is also a viable choice for more damage. It's really dependent on your playstyle if I'm completely honest.

All three of these runes are viable, they're all highly dependent on your playstyle. Find yourself clearing wards often while roaming? Zombie Ward provides you free vision from killed wards and in the process grants you adaptive force. Find yourself getting ganked often? Ghost Poro is for you! Place it in their jungle to see when your jungler is clearing their jungle or whether they're potentially looking to gank you while providing adaptive force per enemy spotted by the Ghost Poro. Lastly, if you find yourself focusing on killing and not much else (or don't understand the other two) take Eyeball Collection, it provides adaptive force upon takedowns.

Ravenous Hunter provides decent amounts of sustain during teamfights and trades once stacked and helps counter the lack of defensive stats from not going aftershock.

Relentless Hunter is your section option in this row, it helps provides even more strength to your roaming and objective control capabilities and helps get you from objective to objective quicker.

Galio isn't as mana hungry as he used to be but he still does have mana problems, Manaflow Band helps remove these mana problems nearly entirely. Nullifying Orb is great against full AP teams and Nimbus Cloak is really only useful on Smite mid Galio so I would avoid this rune.

Transcendence is personally my favourite rune on Galio despite his normal build path giving him 40% CDR, I personally don't always like to follow the set build path and Transcendence allows me to be a bit more versatile with my build and not lose out on CDR. Absolute Focus is a great rune on Galio because it provies extra damage while above 70% health which is pretty often.

Some other runes I should mention in this section:
Gathering Storm: A great option to scale harder into the late game.
Waterwalking: Pretty decent in a roam focused game!

Triumph is great for Galio, he gets into really sticky situations because of how deep into the enemy team he can get during teamfights and the healing saves you so often. Overheal just isn't good on Galio nor does he have enough mana problems to justify Presence of Mind.

The main reason we're taking the precision secondary is for Legend: Tenacity when against enemy comps with large amounts of CC so ignore the other two runes in this section because Galio doesn't need more attack speed with Legend: Alacrity nor does he require life steal from Legend: Bloodline.

When against poke focused enemy laners, poke them back and get some healing out of it from Taste of Blood, whats not to love? It's my main recommended secondary rune in the domination tree.

Cheap Shot is viable for more damage and Sudden Impact is also a viable choice for more damage. It's really dependent on your playstyle if I'm completely honest.

All three of these runes are viable, they're all highly dependent on your playstyle. Find yourself clearing wards often while roaming? Zombie Ward provides you free vision from killed wards and in the process grants you adaptive force. Find yourself getting ganked often? Ghost Poro is for you! Place it in their jungle to see when your jungler is clearing their jungle or whether they're potentially looking to gank you while providing adaptive force per enemy spotted by the Ghost Poro. Lastly, if you find yourself focusing on killing and not much else (or don't understand the other two) take Eyeball Collection, it provides adaptive force upon takedowns.

Galio takes Zhonya's Hourglass nearly every game (for me at least). Having a component provided to you for free and providing 15% cooldown reduction on Zhonya's Hourglass.

Magical Footwear is viable if you prefer having more movement speed/don't plan on taking Zhonya's Hourglass. Hextech Flashtraption is viable too if you like to gank enemy lanes and want to use more creative pathing.

Galio can almost oneshot caster minions, using 2 of your Minion Dematerializer on caster minions and another on a cannon minion to secure it when you feel like you're going to miss it/take too much damage from your laner.

Biscuit Delivery is great when laning against poke heavy champions like Orianna/ Xerath and Future's Market in my honest opinion is not worth the rune slot when compared to the other runes in this section.

Demolish allows you to take towers far more quickly than normal which is incredibly powerful when plates are still up. It's especially useful when against a roaming laner such as Talon and you're too weak/behind to follow their roams.

Shield Bash is viable but depends if you prefer a little bit more damage when trading over stronger tower taking potential.

Conditioning provides bonus defensive stats which really helps Galio survive mid-late game. It doesn't do anything early game though! Bone Plating is what you take VS hard matchups and you need ever little bit of help you can get to survive lane. Second Wind just isn't that great in my opinion unless you have a large health pool.

I cannot stress this enough! Shards are completely matchup dependent and dependent on your preferences. I personally prefer Attack Speed to help with clearing minions and taking towers, Ability Haste is great when combined with Transcendence.

Against Equal Damage (AD/AP) Comps: / / + +
Against Heavy AP Damage Comps: / / + +
Against Heavy AD Damage Comps: / / + +


Your primary and only keystone for Support Galio is Aftershock in my personal opinion. You're normally building tanky items on Support Galio so the increased defensive stats whenever you CC an enemy is ridiculously high making it incredibly valuable as the longer you're alive the more you can peel for your ADC.

Guardian isn't "terrible" per say but it's just not as strong when stacked up against the benefits of Aftershock, especially when you look at the cooldown difference between them. Grasp of the Undying on Galio Support? More like Grasp of the Inting :D

Demolish allows you to take towers far more quickly than normal which is incredibly powerful when plates are still up. It helps secure 120 Gold split between you and your ADC which is great for snowballing or catching up against the enemy bot lane.

Shield Bash is viable but depends if you prefer a little bit more damage when trading over stronger tower taking potential. Font of Life is somewhat viable for Support Galio but Demolish is still a better option in my opinion.

Conditioning provides bonus defensive stats which really helps Galio survive mid-late game. It doesn't do anything early game though! Bone Plating is what you take VS hard matchups and you need ever little bit of help you can get to survive lane. Second Wind just isn't that great in my opinion unless you have a large health pool.

I personally prefer Overgrowth because the extra health really helps keep you alive, especially because more health increases the value of Shield of Durand damage reduction. Unflinching against heavy CC comps, Revitalize isn't that great on him as it only affects his Shield of Durand passive shield.

Galio isn't as mana hungry as he used to be but he still does have mana problems, Manaflow Band helps remove these mana problems nearly entirely. Nullifying Orb is great against full AP teams and I'm personally not a fan of Nimbus Cloak on Galio compared to the other two options in this row.

Transcendence is one of my favourite runes in league, free 10% CDR at level 10 that converts overcapped CDR into adaptive force? What is there not to love about this rune? especially when Galio needs to cap CDR as soon as possible and honestly mage itemization can easily overcap in CDR so might as well make use of it. I personally don't like Celerity or Absolute Focus because of my playstyle and they just don't compare to Transcendence.

Triumph is great for Galio, he gets into really sticky situations because of how deep into the enemy team he can get during teamfights and the healing saves you so often. Overheal just isn't good on Galio nor does he have enough mana problems to justify Presence of Mind.

The main reason we're taking the precision secondary is for Legend: Tenacity when against enemy comps with large amounts of CC so ignore the other two runes in this section because Galio doesn't need more attack speed with Legend: Alacrity nor does he require life steal from Legend: Bloodline.

When against poke focused enemy laners, poke them back and get some healing out of it from Taste of Blood, whats not to love? It's my main recommended secondary rune in the domination tree.

Cheap Shot is viable for more damage and Sudden Impact is also a viable choice for more damage. It's really dependent on your playstyle if I'm completely honest.

All three of these runes are viable, they're all highly dependent on your playstyle. Find yourself clearing wards often while roaming? Zombie Ward provides you free vision from killed wards and in the process grants you adaptive force. Find yourself getting ganked often? Ghost Poro is for you! Place it in their jungle to see when your jungler is clearing their jungle or whether they're potentially looking to gank you while providing adaptive force per enemy spotted by the Ghost Poro. Lastly, if you find yourself focusing on killing and not much else (or don't understand the other two) take Eyeball Collection, it provides adaptive force upon takedowns.

Galio takes Zhonya's Hourglass nearly every game (for me at least). Having a component provided to you for free and providing 15% cooldown reduction on Zhonya's Hourglass.

Magical Footwear is viable if you prefer having more movement speed/don't plan on taking Zhonya's Hourglass. Hextech Flashtraption is viable too if you like to gank enemy lanes and want to use more creative pathing.

Support Galio takes Relic Shield every game and Minion Dematerializer is a great way for a melee support like Galio to secure the Cannon minion without having to put himself in any danger. If you want some extra sustain against poke supports like Zyra or Brand then Biscuit Delivery is a great alternative.

I cannot stress this enough! Shards are completely matchup dependent and dependent on your preferences. I personally prefer Attack Speed to help with clearing minions and taking towers, Ability Haste is great when combined with Transcendence.

Against Equal Damage (AD/AP) Comps: / / + +
Against Heavy AP Damage Comps: / / + +
Against Heavy AD Damage Comps: / / + +

Doran's Ring + 2 Health Potion's
This is your most common start because the stats are great for Galio's early game as it provides health, AP and mana regeneration with a unique passive that increased auto-attack damage to minions to help secure your CS. Also, because of of it's cost you can take two Health Potion's which is great for any laner. Recommended start for most games.

Corrupting Potion
If you think you're going to be staying in lane for a long period of time because of your matchup (such as Vladimir who seems to never back at times) then Corrupting Potion is a great item to help sustain yourself through it. If you also find yourself taking too much damage and burning mana too quickly while learning Galio and prefer to have more sustain in lane then feel free to take this over Doran's Ring.

Dark Seal + 3 Health Potion's
In my opinion this is a niche starting item set with snowballing capabilities because of its stacking passive. But, the main reason you would take it is to survive really hard poke matchups that are trying to force you to back, the reason for this is because you're able to buy 3 Health Potion's which is already great sustain but when you combine it with Dark Seal's passive which increasing healing from potions by 25% it really helps you survive the lane as healthy as possible.

Hextech Revolver
This is the most common first buy in my Galio games, you want to start building into Hextech Rocketbelt as soon as possible because it's a huge power-spike for Galio. It provides AP, Health, CDR and the active gives you more wave clear and burst in your combo. The reason you buy the component Hextech Revolver first and not Kindlegem is because you're a mage, you need the AP.

Seeker's Armguard
If you're against any AD champion in Midlane, whether it's Zed, Talon, Qiyana, Irelia or even the odd Riven buy Seeker's Armguard first back. The item is incredibly gold efficient, builds into Zhonya's Hourglass, provides AP and a decent amount of armour. However, once you've bought this from your first back begin to build Hextech Rocketbelt and finish Zhonya's Hourglass after boots.

Dark Seal
If you find yourself backing with very little gold but you still want to opt for the damage focused path because you're not against a counter or AD matchup, then Dark Seal is a great alternative that provides more damage, sustain and some extra scaling that will help you snowball harder.

Mercury's Treads
If you're having a really hard matchup against an AP champion and you're finding yourself being poked out of lane and denied CS, buy Mercury's Treads first back or as soon as possible. The movement speed helps dodge most Mages abilities like Xerath Q and provides a decent amount of MR, not to mention the tenacity it provides when most midlane mages have some form of CC.

Hextech Rocketbelt
Pretty much a must every game for Mid Galio. The item provides so many good stats for Galio, it gives AP, Health, CDR and an active that increases his wave clear and burst potential which is amazing for him. It get's better though! the item is only 2500 Gold which is insanely cheap for how much it gives.

As a general tip for this item: The projectiles get from the active get blocked by minions and champions alike. So to make sure you hit everything use the active when facing the side of the minion wave, not behind or in front of it because you'll only hit the melee or caster minions.

Zhonya's Hourglass
My oh my, Zhonya's Hourglass is amazing on the colossal potato that is Galio. You'll find yourself in the middle of enemy teams very often, especially when you used Hero's Entrance on an ally in the middle of a fight which making having a "time out" button insanely strong, it can help you get as much impact in a teamfight as possible without the risk of dying and lets your team cleanup the enemies surrounding you.

As for the stats, it's great for Galio because it has AP which every mage needs, CDR which Galio needs as much as possible of and Armour which is useful majority of games.

Luden's Tempest
This is an amazing item because Galio wants a lots of cooldown reduction which the item provides, he also wants a lot of AP which this item also provides and he needs more mana to sustain himself during long fights which this item provides as well.

I will admit though, for an "essential" item is it exchangeable for other items if you need something else more. If you're against a tank heavy team Void Staff is worth replacing it with, if you're against a heavy AP team then Banshee's Veil is worth replacing it with.

Nearly every single champion in the game builds one of the upgraded versions of Boots with the exception of Cassiopeia and Yuumi. As for which Boot's to build for Galio:
More damage: Sorcerer's Shoes
Against heavy AP/CC: Mercury's Treads
Against heavy AD/Fed ADC: Ninja Tabi

Rabadon's Deathcap
If you're quite fed and want to increase your overall damage from the insane amount of AP the item gives combined with it's passive (Which increases AP by 40%) and you're against team's that haven't built many defensive items then this is a completely viable item for Galio. Just don't build it until your 3rd of 4th item (excluding Boot's)!

Morellonomicon | Counters:
Morello is a pretty decent item all around for Galio, but the best time to take this item is when you're against teams with multiple sources of healing. Such as Soraka, Dr. Mundo and Cassiopeia. If they have said healing, try picking it up as your 3rd item.

Void Staff | Counters:
It's a complete must buy if the enemy is building large amounts of MR otherwise you'll be doing near to no damage against them. If you're against multiple tanks and have an AP heavy team then build it earlier than your last item.

Liandry's Torment
I personally really like this item on Galio, he has a lot of CC so he's often doing the increased % health damage which in combination with % health damage from his Q is great. I'd recommend taking this against teams with large health pools that aren't building tons of MR or you're combining the item with Void Staff.

Mejai's Soulstealer
If you're incredibly fed and feel like you're capable of staying safe and not dying then Mejai's Soulstealer is a great item to pick up because of the insane amount of AP it gives while providing 10% bonus movement speed. Avoid this item completely if you're behind or dying regularly.

Banshee's Veil | Counters:
Sometimes it only takes a single ability to secure your death, the spellshield helps block abilities that could secure your death such as Light Binding, Shocking Orb, Rune Prison and Dark Binding. It's also got amazing stats since its the MR counterpart to Zhonya's Hourglass stat wise which provides AP, CDR and MR which is great at keeping you alive against heavy AP teams.

Relic Shield + 2 Health Potion's
A little boring but it's true for most supports, Galio only has one viable support item. Relic Shield just provides the best stats for him and the only economy passive he can reliably use consistently game after game.

Stealth Ward
Most common trinket for Support Galio, you'll tank this near enough every single game as for first trinket.

Oracle Lens
If you're against Support Shaco I'd highly recommend taking Oracle Lens to help combat his annoying boxes. I'd also recommend taking it when you plan on invading and plan to avoid potential vision and see them over walls without alerting them with wards.

Seeker's Armguard
I personally rush Zhonya's Hourglass almost every single game on Support Galio because you get AP which helps with your good early game, CDR which is great for any Support especially Galio, Armour which is useful against almost every botlane and the active for [[zhonya's hourglass] is insanely strong and too good to pass up even for support.

Mercury's Treads
If you're against an APC like Heimerdinger and Mage support such as Brand or a support with a high duration CC such as morganna then it's best to rush Mercury's Treads to help stay alive.

Zhonya's Hourglass
My oh my, Zhonya's Hourglass is amazing on the colossal potato that is Galio even when in the support role. You'll find yourself in the middle of enemy teams very often, especially when you used Hero's Entrance on an ally in the middle of a fight which making having a "time out" button insanely strong, it allows you to soak more damage for your ADC before going into an invulnerability state which should give your ADC enough time to win the fight/duel.

As for the stats, it's great for Galio because it has AP which helps make his good early game as a support even stronger, CDR which Galio needs as much as possible of and Armour which is useful majority of games. I want to get this item as soon as possible on Support Galio.

Nearly every single champion in the game builds one of the upgraded versions of Boots with the exception of Cassiopeia and Yuumi. As for which Boot's to build for Galio:
For roaming: Mobility Boots
Against heavy AP/CC: Mercury's Treads
Against heavy AD/Fed ADC: Ninja Tabi

Oracle Lens
I know this technically isn't an item and more considered a trinket than anything but I cannot stress how important it is to take this once your support item has upgraded and start providing you wards. Clearing enemy vision is just as important as providing vision to your team.

Adaptive Helm | Counters:
This item is so damn strong against sustained AP damage like Liandry's Torment, Blaze, H-28G Evolution Turret and so much more. When you take magic damage from a specific ability or item it'll reduce all further damage from that spell/effect by 20% which reduces incoming damage by an insane amount again DoT champs. As a note though: It will only work against abilities that do magic damage, it will not affect physical or true damage.

Randuin's Omen | Counters:
I really like this item, especially when you're against a team with multiple crit users (such as Kindred Jungle, Jinx ADC and Senna Support). The item also provides a decent amount of health and armour on top of the passive, not to mention the active that slows all enemies around you for 55% with a duration of 2 seconds.

Knight's Vow
Provides a decent amount of stats, provides 12% damage mitigation (redirected to you) to your attached ally and 12% healing to you whenever your attached ally deals damage. It's a pretty decent pick when paired with a good ADC who you can peel for.

I really like to use Redemption on Galio in games where my team teamfights often and sticks closely together during them. I wouldn't recommend taking it if you're a split focused comp or a team that doesn't regularly teamfight or group. The stats on the item are also all great for Galio.

Warmog's Armor
It's a great last item for Support Galio, it provides an insane amount of health, CDR and Health regen (like a stupid amount). But despite all these beautiful stats it has a passive that heals you for 5% of your maximum health outside of combat. It means you can tank towers for your team, walk out of their range and heal up ready for a fight.

Abyssal Mask | Synergies:
A great MR item when you have a decent amount of AP users on your team because it increases your tankiness, damage and allies magic damage which is great for our boy Galio.

To make a great item even better, it has amazing stats providing health, MR, CDR AND Mana which is insane for Galio. Not to mention the sustain from it's passive that converts mana spent into health and damage taken into mana!

"Oops, didn't see you there!"

This is more of a tip than a combo but an important one. Your Justice Punch has a long windup time and can be very easily avoided. However, you dash backwards before throwing yourself forwards, dashing backwards over an enemy will trigger the knockup from Justice Punch much quicker and give them less time to react.

"Frozen in time... I'm used to it now"
W + Zhonya's Hourglass

This is also more of a tip than a combo however I believe its an important one. When you finish charging Shield of Durand and let go of the taunt it sort of locks out of casting anything else for half a second. Sometime's you really can't afford that delay. So, a way to bypass this is to fully charge Shield of Durand and instead of releasing it you Zhonya's Hourglass before it goes off. The full effect of the ability will still go off and prevent incoming damage.

I use this when against a team of heavy auto attack heavy champions and somewhat low health, it allows me to taunt them all without the worry of the damage I'm about to take.

"Did someone order a petricite colossus?"
R + W (Charge the second you land)

Normally when you're using Hero's Entrance you're trying to peel for an ally, so to maximize this peel you instantly charge Shield of Durand upon landing and release it just as the knockup begins to end from the Hero's Entrance. You're trying to maximize your CC as much as possible to protect an ally.

"Now this is a fight for the ages"
+ E + W + Q +

This is your main high damage rotation that you use when you're able to get in range without using Justice Punch. Getting the Colossal Smash early before you use the rest of your abilities allows you to get a second proc of Colossal Smash at the end. Which sometimes can be the difference between a kill or them escaping.

"Here, have a hug tiny person!"
Q + E + + W

This is more of a combo focused against ranged enemies that wont allow you to walk up to them so you're forced to Justice Punch into their range. You're also cable to swap the order to "E + Q + W + " if you prefer but either way works.

"You asked for it, lets fight!"

An effective and quick way to trade or engage with a melee opponent who is already in close proximity to you. The reason the second is optional is because in some trades you want to leave before the taunt ends to avoid them trading back and potentially out trading you.

Pre-level 3

Galio much prefers to be against a melee opponent with limited ranged capabilities because then it is safer for him to walk up and CS without being poked down with ranged auto-attacks. Since they're melee they will also need to walk up to CS which gives Galio an opportunity to either trade or poke with Winds of War. Don't be fooled though, you're still at risk before level 3 of dying to a melee champion midlane, especially against someone like Talon.

If you're against a melee champion with ranged abilities, I'd recommend taking Justice Punch first, especially if those abilities have slows on it. If they're very mobile I would recommend taking Shield of Durand second to help lock them in place early game and bully them more.
Tips and Advice:
While I say Galio prefers to be against melee champions midlane, champions like Mordekaiser and the odd Garen that counter picks you is hell on earth, so don't take melee as a 100% easy lane.
Use Colossal Smash on a minion when your opponent is standing next to them while trying to CS, it allows you to hit them without giving them an opportunity to retaliate back with an Auto.
Be on the lookout for your jungler making an attempt on ganking your lane, because they're melee it's an easier target to land your CC combo on.

Pre-level 3

Galio can be bullied extremely hard before level 3 when against a ranged champion, so I highly recommend playing as safely as possible and potentially forfeiting CS to avoid taking too much damage before you hit level 3. If you take too much damage and burn your pots too early it'll be incredibly hard to out-trade and kill them once you have access to all 3 of your abilities.

If you're against an AP ranged champion I'd highly recommend taking Shield of Durand second to get the passive shield earlier. If you're against an AD ranged champion I'd recommend taking Justice Punch second to have an escape if they try going all-in on you early.
Tips and Advice:
Don't stand and take hit after hit for 1-2 CS, just give up the CS in favour of better trade potential later.
Try hitting them as much as possible with Winds of War to retaliate to their early game poke/trades.
Do not over commit before you have all 3 abilities against a range champion, especially if they have mobility or CC themselves.
If they have weak waveclear, try shoving their wave under tower to potentially deny them CS and deny them a freeze on you.

Level 3+

Normally Galio only takes Ignite into a potentially winning matchup, so when you hit level 3 this it the time you can start looking for an opportunity to all in your opponent and potentially get a kill out of it. To be safe I'd recommend hitting them a couple of times with Winds of War before engaging the all in.

Do be careful though, if your opponent also has Ignite they're just as capable of killing you as you are them. So make sure you've won some trades earlier or poked them down enough with Winds of War to guarantee the win.
Tips and Advice:
Don't be overly aggressive, yes you have Ignite but forcing a fight on your opponent when the odds are against you will result in your death.
If against the odd opponent with Heal, try your best to use it before you think they'll use it to help reduce the amount of healing they receive from it.
When all else fails and you're unable to find an opportunity to all in your opponent then look no further to your ally jungler or side lanes, you're strong enough with good kill pressure to gank other lanes or invade with your ally jungler.

Level 3+

More often than not you take Teleport when in a hard or unwinnable matchup, in that case be on the lookout for early game teleports to your side-lanes or around your jungler to help sway the tide of a fight. You're level-3, the amount of damage and CC you bring to any fight is insanely strong and not to be underestimated.

Be careful though when using Teleport near an enemy opponent because if they have any form of CC they're capable of canceling your teleport sending on full-cooldown which is a huge waste.
Tips and Advice:
If you've been heavily poked down or lost a couple of trades but have enough gold for an item, feel free to back for the item and teleport back to lane so you miss a little gold/XP as possible.
Just because you have teleport doesn't mean you have to use it on a sideline, don't force fights that you're not certain you'll win because it will put Teleport on a huge cooldown and give the enemy a kill on you.
Teleport in my opinion has a lot more impact and use late game, so don't feel the need to use it early.

Level 6+

If you're strong or ahead with good CS and a decent amount of gold to your name (especially if you've got some kills) then Galio is great at roaming around the map and looking for opportunities to pick off important targets like their Jungler ( ) to help secure objectives by removing their smite from the situation or kill their carry such as a strong ADC ( ).

Something to remember though, Galio might be naturally tanky but if ahead you normally build as much damage as possible with limtited defensive items so be careful when engaging on a target because you will be considerably more squishy that your damage/tank hybrid counterpart build.

Make sure you focus objectives during the Mid to Late game, you're Galio and you bring a stupid amount of hard CC and damage to the table, having that in any teamfight especially when it's for contesting an objective. Just make sure you you don't force an objective when you know your team wont follow because you will just int.
Tips and Advice:
You have one of the best peel ultimates in the game, whenever you use Hero's Entrance on an ally being targeted the enemies will flee if you're fed or end up being CC-locked and deleted by you and your ally. So use it!
You're either ahead or fed, but you're not invincible. Don't use Hero's Entrance on a lost fight because you will just die with them and end up giving the enemy a considerable shutdown. Be smart when engaging on the enemy team.
If you have Teleport then don't feel discouraged to push the sidelanes and potentially take some towers while your team are able to safely take an objective. If they suddenly do get noticed taking an objective or get into trouble you're only a small Teleport away.
Remember, even if you're ahead or fed, consider taking defensive items! especially ones with MR on them because they still boost your damage due to the damage on Shield of Durand and Colossal Smash scaling with MR.

Level 6+

So, you find yourself either counte-picked, too weak to do much yourself or really behind. Well! It's not over because best boi Galio is capable of building towards a more tank focused build when midlane and can still be incredibly impactful. He can be an AP carry sure, but when you're behind you can instead build him as a sort of tank because of the insane amount of CC you bring to a fight. If you're capable of looking down the enemy team for your fed ADC, Jungler or Toplaner (maybe even support) to kill them safely then you're still bringing so much use to the team.

Just remember, Galio can fall behind incredibly hard when he's building damage but he falls off a lot less when you decide to build him more tank/hybrid focused. Don't ever feel like it's a lost game just because you yourself are behind or lost lane, you can still make an impact and help bring your team to victory!
Tips and Advice:
For going a more hybrid build, all MR items are incredibly useful because they still boost your damage due to the damage on Shield of Durand and Colossal Smash scaling with MR. Also, item's like Zhonya's Hourglass, Banshee's Veil, Iceborn Gauntlet and so many more provide damage alongside defensive stats.
Protect your carries at all costs, if you're behind and can't carry the game yourself then do everything in your power to keep your fed allies or carries alive, even if it means dying to give that toxic Jinx player her penta. If it helps you win then it's worth it in the end.
If all else fails and you have Teleport then split pushing is 100% an option because Galio has really good tower taking potential when you combine Colossal Smash and Demolish. Just make sure the enemy is distracted fighting over an objective or pushing on the opposite side of the map before doing it.

Warding is an incredibly important part of League of Legends and can be the difference between winning and losing the game. It's such a huge topic that isn't specific to any single champion or lane, everyone has to do it and everyone has to be clearing and/or placing vision.

Therefore, I wont personally be discussing the topic of warding because it would probably take up a huge portion of this guide and Galio doesn't want his spotlight taken. However, I will recommend some great websites and pre-existing guides to help learn where to ward, when to ward and general information on warding as a whole.

Indepth vision control guide by Mobalytics: Click Here
Incredible warding guide by Jovy: Click Here

I'm not kidding, the so called "Problem child" of assassins just can't seem to do anything pre-6, she is purely relying on you making a huge mistake to win the lane. She's out damaged before she has ultimate, out roamed early game (especially when you get Hero's Entrance and when you take Ignite against Qiyana you have high kill pressure against her.

You'll have to give up CS often before level 3, but between the levels of 3-6 you can bully her pretty hard and she'll struggle to kill you. She has higher kill pressure on you if you fight but you're capable of staying safe or roaming to other lanes. Late game with some decent MR she'll find it incredibly difficult to kill you and you're able to melt her and pull her out of shroud with Shield of Durand.

I love playing against Lissandra, you're capable of shoving the lane so much faster than she is, especially early game. You're both high burst, high CC roaming midlaners but you just have that extra bit of flash! You can take Ignite against her and have some serious kill pressure because of how easily you can stop her from using Glacial Path.

I personally find this matchup to be a mix of skill and luck, it's completely dependent on whether the Katarina decides to be overly aggressive and not bait out your abilities. Just be sure to prevent her from snowballing by letting your team know when she is missing and getting in range to Hero's Entrance a lane she's potentially ganking.

You're both pretty good at the same thing, shoving waves, poking each other, roaming and setting up ganks. It's a skill matchup but remember you're a lot tankier than him so don't feel afraid to help your jungler take objectives if TF decides to do the same.

An incredibly boring lane but relatively even one, just shove the wave constantly, roam to help the jungler as much as possible and once level 6 look to gank as much as possible with Hero's Entrance. I highly recommend buying a Morellonomicon against Vladimir, grevious wounds can make a big difference in a trade for fight.

A good Ryze with either Conqueror or Phase Rush will be near impossible to touch during the laning phase plus he out scales you extremely hard. The best thing you can do is shove the lane to burn as much of his mana as possible and force him to back then roam the map with your jungler.

Just not a fun lane especially with the current strength of Conqueror. She's incredibly mobile, bullies you extremely hard and is extremely difficult to kill with all her healing. Similar to Ryze just try to help the Jungler and other lanes to secure objectives and kills.

Do not fight him, it's really not worth it because if you allow him to get fed he'll be near impossible to stop without a strong ranged carry capable of kiting on your team. Shove that wave and roam! ROAM I SAID! ROAM! HE'S TOO SCARY.

Thank you! ♥

Thanks for reading my guide on Galio in the role of Mid and Support, he is honestly want of the most adorable champions in the whole of league of legends and I hope you give him a chance. I will be updating this guide as often as possible and all feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated.

A colossal thank you to the following people!

Jovy for helping me with some of the BBcode and formatting of the guide, it really helped improve readability of the guide! Take a look at some of her guides, they're awesome!

Jhoijhoi for her incredible guide building tutorial, it has been a massive help when creating this guide. You can find the guide here: Guide Link.

Katasandra for helping me out in the starting stage of my guide on how to order the sections properly and more. Check out her amazing Lissandra guide!

Maintained for his continued support and help with the guide, check out some of his guides, especially Maintained's Hecarim Guide!

Publish Date: 10/12/2019
Last Updated: 26/1/2020

Notes: Thanks for checking out my Galio guide! I'm still new to making guides on Mobafire (and in general), so all advice/criticism (especially on my spelling and grammar) is welcome and greatly appreciated! ♥


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