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Choose Champion Build:
Jungle Yorick
Support Yorick
3v3 Yorick
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
She heals more than you, bursts faster than you, has lower CD's than you, and has more mobility than you, and your cage is basically useless on her in a team fight. You should not focus on fighting her (though you'll do some decent damage if she lets you). You can't peel her off your carries, so do what you do best and 2v1 their frontline and hope your team can keep her from killing them all. If she's behind, you can 1v1 her with ult and red smite. Otherwise don't bother.
Now that we have that out of the way, this is my Jungle

I know what you're thinking: "

Well... yes. :P
See, my reflexes are way too slow to keep up with all these new-fangled hippity hoppity champions. I can't pull off

Nobody plays him and I can understand why: Everyone takes him top because Old

Picture this: You, feet up, sippin' a

Here's how YOU TOO can boost your ELO above where it should be with OP abuse. Let's go! :D
AD: Attack Damage
AP: Ability Power
MS: Movement Speed
MR: Magic Resist
AR: Armor (Easy one)
AA: Auto Attack
SS: Skillshot
TF: Teamfight
TP: Teleport
CJ: Counter Jungle
(Yes I copy-pasted this list from Malkavian's

OH and CD = Cooldown, CDR = Cooldown Reduction
+2 for original content, BOOM!
You do not kill things. Your %HP damage (explained later) and posse kill things. Everything about this guide lends towards this idea. I know that seeing "

Let's say you're ganking and see that hoe

Welcome to

I played a 3v3, and their

Note that there were only two damage items, both of which were the MR hybrids, and this is level 18:
Yorick: 271, Physical damage
Maiden: 175, Magic damage
Ghouls: (176 x 4), Physical damage
Sunfire: 43, Magic damage
Bonus from attacking same target as maiden: 10% target HP (e.g. 500 magic damage against a 5K HP Sion), Magic damage
Damage from Grasp of the Undying: 120 Magic damage
If we assume your opponent has a respectable 3K HP, your bonus from ult would be 300 magic damage once every 2 seconds.
That means in that every second you're dealing (271+176x4) = 975 physical, 218 magical, as well as 300 magic damage every other second, and another 120 magic damage from Undying every 4 seconds.
So on that Undying hit, you can potentially deal 1613 mixed damage in one second, before calculating tankiness.
Put another way, you would be dealing 5492 raw damage per 4 seconds, before calculating any damage from Q

And remember... this was calculated with only two damage items that are MR hybrids. THIS IS TANK DAMAGE OUTPUT!

You only need to be able to AA once per two seconds (to get %HP damage from

Lookin' at you, Malkavian999.

Priority on armor. Let's face it, you're gonna get kited. A lot. So you need to make sure that you're able to live until you reach them, then mush their face in. So get

As for the remaining 12 points, I've tried 12/0, 6/6, and 0/12 and haven't really found one that feels more important than the other. I'm a feisty mo-fo so I take 12/0 because I get in duels a lot, but 0/12 has legitimate things to offer

General tip
Look at your mastery page before every match. Even if you don't change anything, you should at least confirm that these are what you want for THIS match.
As I said earlier, your Q

He's almost as bad as


Your E


As your ult, you should always max this ASAP. The benefits are immense.

This is one of those abilities where the level 1 version is really all you need it to do. Still, the extra hitpoints at higher levels means that a late game catch equals a

Red smite is just the best. If you are really struggling to stick to people then maybe blue smite

There is no wasted stat on this item. It gives everything you could possibly want, more mana, AP, AD, HP, a girlfriend, the dissolution of Daylight Savings Time, a ton of CDR, MS... heck it even gives extra AS for whatever good that'll do.

Your ghouls proc the passive. I repeat: The ghouls proc the BC passive. If you land your E

If you're playing against like a Fizz or some other bursty AP champ, this is your guy. The LifeLine passive will aid you SO many times.

Yeah this item is trash don't buy it, lol.

As I was looking at this item to think of what to say about it, it suddenly dawns on me that this has a CRAZY potential on Yorick. 'Cause, you see, this item resets turret aggro. I'll bring this up again in my Comprehensive Gameplay chapter in the "Towers" section.

This one's new so I haven't gotten much experience with it. But you can use it to make a surprise turn around in a fight or to save it until after you die to see if you can snipe the scoundrel who done did you in.
Tank items (<-Nope, dunno how to change color AND size. :P)

For opponents who have important CC that you need to be able to shrug off. You should still try to dodge SS though.

The MS on this item is fun. It's a tankier way of getting mobi boots. That's about it.

Once again, you're in it for the long haul. The passive burn from this will add up a

If they have a ton of AD.

If you're fed and can 2v1, consider split pushing with this. Don't drop it until it's in range to have the voidlings hit the turret, then let 'er loose!
Alternatively, it's great for prolonged sieges.

If you're playing support


Yorick's troupe procs lifesteal, so uh... full lifesteal Yorick anyone?
Other Damage Items

This is only good if you're taking on-hit effects. If you're lucky, I believe it may actually trigger the

It pairs well with

So here's where we get to the meat of my meal. I'll just progress through this chronologically to follow a general game's timeframe.
The match starts. Buy your items, go to the preferred buff (yes we start with buff again this patch), get yo leash.
Kite out the jungle creeps using basic jungling tips from YouTubers (e.g. PantsAreDragon).
Blue Start: After

Red Start: After

Alright, level 3. Here comes the moment of truth: to keep farming, or to git rowdy. I invariably choose the latter, unless both lanes are shoved in and healthy. He farms super fast with all his ghouls up, so try to make that call fast. Time is money. If you wanna gank but feel like you're a little low on HP or mana, try to do

Fun Fact
If you start red side, you can do this path:

No special build required.
You need to stack 4 graves and kite well while doing Krugs. If you didn't kite very well, or used a lot of mana, do

Level up Q for third level, WARD THE ENEMY JUNGLE, communicate your plan to your team, and tank as much drake damage as you can before letting it attack your ghouls. The longer your ghouls stay alive, the faster you solo drake.

Heeeeeeeeeeeere's Jonny! You come to a lane. Try to wait for them to use an ability on your laner. Preferably a gap closer/dodge like

Right now your

This will go one of two ways:

You don't need to tax the lane, you mainly just need your

If you have ghouls, you cannot lane gank. Sorry. :(

If you didn't already take Scutt-butt, do that now. Unless you don't know where

If you stick around, look for ganks or farm, since you are probably still good for either.
If you

Buy items. Duh.
At this time you are strong enough to solo
Farm some camps on the other side of the map now, then look at the map with prejudicial preference towards wichever lane you ganked last. Remember, your ganks now are just as effective as they were last time, except now they've burnt

If all 3 lanes are pushed in, analyze the map to see if you can snag a countergank doublekill. After all, a gap closer is a gap closer. If you wall in

If you don't foresee a countergank incoming, or at least not one you can capitalize on, powerfarm. Each of your

At this point let's talk about the maiden.
Actually no. I'm going to give her her own chapter. Read that (next chapter below), then come back.
There're only two reasons to withhold poppin' your maiden instantly: taking towers and solo-ing epic monsters.

You have 3-4 minions, you know where the enemy

In both cases, you should get a buff first, and either a damage item or CDR. If you play your cards right you don't *need* these, it'll just help kill the monster faster, reducing the risk.

Lead with E

Spam all of your abilities on CD, an easy combo being AA-Q-E-AA. Later on, if you build a Hydra then you'd go AA-Q-E-AA-Hydra.
Smite if you're worried about clear speed. Otherwise you'll have plenty of HP so you shouldn't need to use it. Red smite is great for duels, so try to save it for that.
Elder Dragon is the same, but it usually would take so long that you probably shouldn't try it for risk of a steal.

As always, lead with E, but use it at half range. See, the ghouls will jump on Harry, and he'll aggro on them. This gives you the chance to swing around and bop him in the eye. Your ghouls are a lot tankier than you might think, so it'll take Harry a while to kill them all.
When the eye is closed, try to tank aggro from the Rift Herald. Be sure to spam your Q

Once he kills a couple ghouls, raise the maiden close-ish to Harry. This will spawn 2 minions, refreshing the damage sponges, and increases your DPS. If none of your laners have come to help, then Harry will eventually kill all the ghouls. Now you'll need to hide behind the maiden so that he beats her up instead of you.
As always, try to get it to switch aggro between you and the maiden. Smite to kill (you've spent a LOT of time on this), and move on. Your maiden should be low but you should still have her. If a non-bursty non-fed non-

If the other laners are missing and there's no follow up from your corresponding laner, wall the entrance at

After all this, if there are any HoneyFruit Plants available, take them for sure. Same with

Okay, so you've gotten your solo-objective kill (or you might have had help, I won't judge). If you're not scared of an invade, you can full-clear the jungle. If you're kinda low, start with

Back and buy.
Oh, what's this? Big dawg

Take your parade over there and remember: Let Nasus use

Cage that animal and let Nasus get off a Q

You secure the kill, and then you see their jungler show up in bot lane, and mid is still mid. Do *NOT* let Nasus

So, if he used TP already,

Tower aggro:
1. Enemy champions who harm ally champions

3. Pets (i.e.






9. Enemy champions
(I'm open to any suggestions for expounding on this aggro priority, so lemme know! :D)
As your minion wave is approaching turret range, tank the first tower shot. If you're healthy, and you know that nobody's coming for a long time, consider tanking a couple, because the ghouls are first on the aggro priority, and the tower, like enemy champions, is programmed to deal 100% HP damage (one-shot) to the ghouls, so you want some of them to at least scratch the tower before they die.
If an enemy minion wave comes, focus on them. The maiden will raise ghouls immediately from their corpses, which means more tower shots spent on them and not on your lane winions. If turret aggro hasn't started on the Maiden yet, it's well worth it to smite a caster minion, just to get the extra ghoul.
So you've finally started to attack the turret. Reset your AA timer with a simple AA-Q combo.
Every two seconds, when both you and the Maiden attack the tower together, you get the bonus magic damage as if it were a champion.
If you didn't have the Maiden up before starting on the turret, do the same trick as if it were an epic monster: wait until it drops a couple ghouls, then raise the Maiden since she brings ghouls with her.
If you have

Once the tower is destroyed, let her power-push the wave into the next turret whilst you

It may not count as "hard CC" but it might as well be: your

Your entire teamfight potential revolves around how you use this, and how long your Maiden stays alive.
Controlling your club's aggro:
Try to stay off to the side until it looks like there's an opportunity to commit. Remember, you can't control your homies. Once enemies come into range, they're all-in, so you need to keep them out until you think the fight initiates, then go ham.
Both the Maiden and ghouls will focus on whomever you mark with

They'll change targets if you mark someone else with

If nothing is marked, your Maiden will prioritize whomever you're hitting, that way you can get the passive bonus damage procs.
She can take a beating, but she won't last long if she gets focused. Try to keep her in the sidelines, but if you go in she's going in with you and you can't tell her no 'cause she's a strong independent woman who don't need no man.
If you have an assassin/high damage team, try to cage in their frontline/peelers. If they have no flash, their teamfight loses.
Late game, you can probably 2v1 their frontline, so don't be shy. Unless it's

Pretty simple. your maiden's %HP bonus damage thing applies here too, so you'll want her help killing

If you've almost killed it, and the enemy begins to approach, consider giving them a "hold on a sec, I'm busy"

If not, you should be healthy enough to engage in a fair-numbered fight.
If you took a risky baron and your team got unlucky and you have to pull out, try to wait until you're in a jungle area, then use the wall to seal off the entire pathway since it's wide enough.
Up-coming sections:

Roses are red, violets are blue, the Maiden of the Mist is going to kill all of you.
This... just... this ult is intense. Probably amongst the best ults in the game, right next to the Garen execute

First of all, she has no time limit. She stays until she dies.
Mana cost is a basic 100. Otherwise Yorick has low mana costs and a healthy base mana pool. So as long as you're not spamming all your abilities on CD, you shouldn't have a problem with summoning her when you need her, which is all day every day. You needy sucka.
When summoned: She raises 2/3/4 ghouls. So if you have 4 ghouls already, it is most efficient to let a couple die before you raise her. I'll explain how to utilize this concept more in the Comprehensive Gameplay Guide chapter in "Towers" as well as "Soloing Epic Monsters" sections.
Aggro: She attacks enemy targets at will, but she will prioritize the last one you hit. If she hits a lane minion even once, she's stuck in that lane, so if you go to gank a lane, remember that she's all-in.
How to break the maiden out of a lane: the maiden will prioritize whomever has been marked by
Mourning Mist, so if you mark
ancient krug, or
raptors she'll stop running it down mid and proceed to attacking the targeted jungle monster. Otherwise she tunnel-visions until she dies.
Damage: Her base damage is pish-posh, but she gets half your TOTAL AD, and more importantly is that she deals magic damage. That's right! Yorick deals mixed damage. But wait! There's more!
Every two seconds when Yorick AA's the

Check out the "Fun With Math!" chapter to see how strong these numbers actually are.
One last thing: that bonus magic damage triggers against structures. More on this in the "Comprehensive Gameplay Guide" chapter in the "Towers" section.
Passive: Rather than creating a grave, she INSTANTLY sprouts a ghoul upon killing a unit. No special action (like last-hit-Q) required. This is especially useful when farming

Like any girlfriend, the maiden steals all your friends. So if she gets into a lane you can kiss your goons goodbye. Gosh I'm so lonely...
But if you last-hit Q a creature, it *still* leaves a grave even though the maiden will raise a ghoul from it. You double-dip. So if you've doomed your maiden to a lane, try to get some graves out of a wave, wait for her to keep pushing, then raise your own friends. She can have 4 at any time, and you can have your own 4 (as long as they're outside a certain range of one another.
AI: The Maiden is not a minion. You can't control her like

Fun Fact: The Maiden triggers the

jk I'll be filling this section out over time. You can smite the maiden though! :D It won't kill her, but it'll make you feel better. I think it'll proc the heal too...
*Even maxed, Yorick's wall only has 4 hitpoints. If you see it raised, you need to as a team kill it. One AA from each of you will level it instantly. It has a high CD, so this is a great window of opportunity for hard engages.
*The maiden doesn't regenerate except perhaps in base, which almost never happens. So if there's a siege, you should try to poke her down. Yorick's okay without his ult, but that's still where his real strength comes from. She is vulnerable to poor positioning since he has little control over her pathing, so see if you can get some free shots on her. Just watch out for

*Try your best to hold onto your escapes. His

*If he doesn't have ghouls or ultimate available then you don't have much to worry about. The only trouble is getting past his wall.

When the enemy says menacing remarks to you: "You and what army?"
If you

For extended chases: "Wait! Let me read you a bedtime story!" (

When you successfully gank even with a countergank: "That countergank was to die for."
When you execute

When you invade

When you ace their team: "Feliz Dia de los Muertos!"
When someone on your teams dies: "Alas, poor ________! I knew him/her well."
All those benefits to jungling? Yep, prepare to get counterjungled by the enemy support. Oh, the support Yorick is missing? Whelp, there goes dragon.
In the "Comprehensive Gameplay Guide" chapter, I linked a video showing how I solo'd Rift Herald as support Yorick. He can also counterjungle if you're feeling spunky.
I'll be fleshing out this section over time, hopefully with more gameplay, so check back from time to time. :D
So far I've recorded a 10/2/11 match. Oh yeah and there were 2 Diamonds on their team.
Stay tuned. ;)
Also, thanks to Wayne3100 for helping answer some questions that I couldn't find answers for on my own. ^_^
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