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League of Legends Forum: Competitive Scene

Discuss professional play, as well as your own ranked journeys!
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Topics Recent Activity Views Posts
CSA Gaming's journey by Thalia Kael » Aug 3 @ 07:12pm We don't have a fifth member... Thalia Kael Aug 3 @ 07:12pm 1,017 1
Dice's S3 Thread by EvilDice » Jun 22 @ 04:17pm 1 2 3 4 ------------------------- Last... EvilDice Jun 22 @ 04:17pm 6,394 33
Saint Vicious by Deadlydave » Jul 12 @ 01:55pm http://www.whendidsaintlastmisss... Deadlydave Jul 12 @ 01:55pm 2,662 10
adVirtus e-Sports Sponsoring by Akeldamic » Jul 12 @ 01:01pm My name is Bryon, I'm the... Akeldamic Jul 12 @ 01:01pm 828 1
ELO CARRIERS by Nientonsoh » Jul 4 @ 05:30am I've noticed a lot of champions... Nientonsoh Jul 4 @ 05:30am 1,449 6
Berzerk's Fun With Ranked by Berzerk » Nov 25 @ 12:39pm Hello everyone Berzerk here. I... Berzerk Nov 25 @ 12:39pm 2,429 10
Rainfall's new ranked thread by Rainfall » Apr 25 @ 11:18am 1 2 .: Main account's rank :.... Rainfall Apr 25 @ 11:18am 6,528 13
Fox goes HAM by DisturbedFox » May 11 @ 05:38pm 1 2 3 SO, after starting regularly... DisturbedFox May 11 @ 05:38pm 4,216 29
Elo Hell by Vapora Dark » May 19 @ 06:22am 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 "An Elo which is near... Vapora Dark May 19 @ 06:22am 13,435 79
Soulzyy's Ranked Journey by Soulzyy » May 28 @ 12:53am 1 2 Hola, soulzyy here. Registered a... Soulzyy May 28 @ 12:53am 5,442 13
Phil journey to Gold by Phil15 » Mar 21 @ 07:51pm 1 2 Hey guys I`ve been lurking... Phil15 Mar 21 @ 07:51pm 5,390 13
CLG Roster Changes by TheBlueReaper » May 27 @ 06:43am *George... TheBlueReaper May 27 @ 06:43am 1,952 10
Learn when to Dodge Solo Queue by gunrik » May 26 @ 05:28pm Me and my friends made a theory... gunrik May 26 @ 05:28pm 1,880 8
Tips for S4? New to ranked :) by eizarus » May 17 @ 11:02am Hey guys. So I just finished my... eizarus May 17 @ 11:02am 1,122 3
Nocturne flying to challenger gg easy. by bitpik » Mar 20 @ 03:56am 1 2 3 Why? To prove that Nocturne... bitpik Mar 20 @ 03:56am 5,151 22
Joxuu's & Finpure's Nunu carry to Platinum by Joxuu » Sep 16 @ 06:59am 1 ... 4 ... 8 9 10 11 12 // UPDATED 11.3.2013 Season 2... Joxuu Sep 16 @ 06:59am 22,155 118
Ranked Team Queue by DusilB » Apr 4 @ 07:20am Let’s start out with some theory... DusilB Apr 4 @ 07:20am 1,501 2

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