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League of Legends Forum: Competitive Scene

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Who to buy? by RustyGrayWOLF » Jul 31 @ 10:38am Like someone said already,... Lugignaf Jul 31 @ 01:36pm 1,927 5
Banana Republic - Fantasy LCS League by emoriam » May 17 @ 01:04pm 1 ... 4 ... 8 9 10 11 12 Here are the final standings... emoriam Jul 27 @ 12:55am 17,837 112
ADC to hopefully a higher elo by [deleted] » May 30 @ 04:26pm 1 2 3 I feel like that signature... The_Nameless_Bard Jun 7 @ 03:52pm 6,562 25
Dychronius's Quest for Plat by Dychronius » Jun 4 @ 06:35pm 1 ... 6 ... 12 13 14 15 16 6 games cause I forgot to post.... Dychronius Jun 3 @ 06:43pm 28,537 157
Firehusary Ranked Journ... Fails. by Firehusary » Apr 30 @ 04:01am 1 2 3 Not sure about eu, but in NA... utopus May 24 @ 01:04pm 8,258 27
Mobafire Fantasy LCS by I want to be a Blitzball » May 21 @ 11:20am 1 2 That works for me. Vynertje May 24 @ 09:17am 4,218 20
Come join Fantasy League with me! by Vynertje » May 23 @ 05:13am Joined :P BigBoxGamer May 23 @ 02:23pm 1,640 4
Team Coast Tribute (Challenger Series) by champloox28 » May 7 @ 11:58am Troll BigBoxGamer May 7 @ 06:19pm 1,071 2
2015 EU LCS Spring Split by Wayne3100 » Jan 10 @ 12:28pm 1 ... 10 ... 20 21 22 23 24 Steelback to go to gambit it... Cooper112 May 5 @ 03:33pm 34,449 232
Maw's S5 Failures by Jovy » Nov 24 @ 04:45pm 1 ... 15 ... 31 32 33 34 35 Yeah I think I'll only keep... Jovy May 3 @ 03:35pm 50,793 345
2015 NA LCS Spring Split by Wayne3100 » Jan 9 @ 05:37am 1 ... 5 ... 11 12 13 14 15 That really sucks, he'll never... BigBoxGamer Apr 26 @ 08:01pm 22,134 145
Eo's Emporium of Ranked by Nighthawk » Nov 9 @ 02:27pm 1 ... 11 ... 22 23 24 25 26 The Brand and Varus games were... Nighthawk Apr 26 @ 02:52pm 35,338 253
Time to go Diamondlin by Malin » Dec 7 @ 01:35pm 1 2 3 Gets boosted, calls herself... Slappiz Apr 15 @ 10:35pm 4,539 22
German ESL Championship by NicknameMy » Apr 14 @ 12:50pm Bard! Bard! Bard! Bard! BigBoxGamer Apr 14 @ 12:52pm 799 2
[S5] XeresAce's ranked adventures: so it begins by XeresAce » Feb 9 @ 06:22pm 1 2 Nice! VexRoth Apr 3 @ 02:56pm 3,438 12
Thalia's climb to Diamond and beyond by Thalia Kael » May 18 @ 05:44pm 1 2 oops wrong thread LOL Thalia Kael Mar 22 @ 10:46pm 3,642 19
IEM worlds groups by Cooper112 » Mar 3 @ 01:22pm 1 2 3 4 Ya also ogn gonna be interesting... Cooper112 Mar 16 @ 12:19am 5,545 32
Vapora Ft. Darkness Incarnate by Vapora Dark » Mar 26 @ 02:42pm 1 2 3 4 5 vapora u spanish snake Thordenhime Mar 1 @ 09:23am 9,351 44
Electro's Ranked Journey! by Electro522 » Dec 31 @ 09:49pm 1 2 I play alot of ranked. I dont... Electro522 Feb 25 @ 01:09am 4,673 18
Ranked reflections with koksei by koksei » Jan 23 @ 07:15am 1 2 To give you an update. I am... koksei Feb 1 @ 06:50am 3,965 15
[S5] Despair in ranked by R4GE » Jan 23 @ 07:46am I'm not gonna lie, my team was... R4GE Jan 31 @ 03:38am 2,165 9
Sirell's Ranked Journeys by sirell » Nov 15 @ 04:50am 1 ... 3 ... 5 6 7 8 9 I more or less ended my journey... sirell Jan 14 @ 08:41am 18,431 85
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