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Soraka Build Guide by Liluu

Support [14.12] For Peace Of Mind ♡ | In-Depth Soraka Support Guide FULL UPDATE COMING SOON!

Support [14.12] For Peace Of Mind ♡ | In-Depth Soraka Support Guide FULL UPDATE COMING SOON!

Updated on June 18, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Liluu Build Guide By Liluu 97 6 120,124 Views 16 Comments
97 6 120,124 Views 16 Comments
League of Legends Build Guide Author Liluu Soraka Build Guide By Liluu Updated on June 18, 2024
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Soraka
    ♡ Standard Soraka Build
  • LoL Champion: Soraka
    ♡ Liluu's Kokomi Soraka Build
  • LoL Champion: Soraka
    ♡ Every single matchup tips/guide (WIP)

Runes: ♡ Aery Standard

1 2 3 4
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Font of Life

+8 Ability Haste
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
♡ Standard
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal



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Champion Build Guide

[14.12] For Peace Of Mind ♡ | In-Depth Soraka Support Guide FULL UPDATE COMING SOON!

By Liluu
♡ About Me

♡ Hello! I'm Liluu (L-ILL-oo. Not Leeloo or lilo). I'm a NA support player. I began playing in 2016 but I didn't start picking league up until 2018. Starting in silver during season 8, I've progressed up to emerald, achieving it first in season 13. Enchanters are my forte, particularly Sona, Lulu, and Soraka. I do occasionally dabble with other champs, but I tend to stick to enchanters. Thank you for reading my first guide! Even though I've spent about a week carefully constructing this guide, there still may be mistakes in some places or spelling errors. If you catch any, you can let me know in the comments or privately! Any and all feedback is welcomed but please keep it respectful! ♡
♡ Runes

♡ Quick Jump: Aery |Guardian

Summon Aery Runes

Summon Aery is the standard rune on any enchanter. It provides poke during lane trades and shields for mid/late game teamfights.

Manaflow Band is vital for Soraka since you'll be an ability bot after lane, spamming your Q and W during fights which uses a lot of mana. Abilities grant you an extra 25 mana, capping at 250. Once capped, it restores 1% of missing mana every 5 seconds.

Transcendence is a solid choice. It allows you to safely spam abilities during the laning phase and in later team fights.

Celerity is incredibly strong right now especially when paired with Boots of Swiftness. The current season 14 meta is shifted around supports roaming top for both voidgrub spawns. Celerity helps to enable this by having faster roam times with the boosted movement speed. Additionally, the movement speed boosts stacks with her passive Salvation.

♡ OPTIONAL: Absolute Focus scales Soraka's Astral Infusion healing exceptionally well during fights. The burst healing it provides makes Absolute Focus a better rune choice than Transcendence for Soraka. However, I recommend Absolute Focus primarily for more skilled Soraka players, as it requires playing around the >70% health threshold, which can be challenging especially during the earlier stages of the game.

Gathering Storm is your best option on Soraka. The scaling it provides is very powerful and with games lasting longer and longer, you'll be consistently hitting the higher end of the bonuses more often and allowing you to heal even more into late game. Given Soraka is the strongest healing output champion in the game right now, and an already powerful scaler, it should be no contest between Scorch and Gathering Storm. Even games that only last 20m, you will benefit infinately more with Gathering Storm over Scorch.

♡ OPTIONAL: Despite Gathering Storm being the best option for Soraka, Scorch is still a viable pick. It provides more poke during lane and fights during the early game, however it falls off almost immediately after lane phase has concluded. Only consider this rune if you are playing in a server that runs super short games or if you want to have a higher chance of winning lane.

OPTIONAL: Magical Footwear has its uses, such as providing free boots with some additional movement speed. However, it shouldn't be considered for every game. Consider picking it up if you need early boots or if you require extra movement speed to deal with slows, or simply if you want to get free boots.

OPTIONAL: Future's Market holds value when you want to reach your first item powerspike ASAP or before the enemy support. It has been nerfed recently, but it can still be a valuable pick, especially in the later stages when you aim to afford your final items but are just barely unable to do so.

Biscuit Delivery compensates for the absence of Manaflow Band and assists with sustaining in lane.

Cosmic Insight accelerates the cooldown recovery of your items and summoner spells. This rune benefits your active items (e.g., Redemption, Mikael's Blessing) and other items with passive cooldowns (items with a square in the description).

Font of Life heals allies when you land Starcall or Equinox to root enemies. Allies need to auto-attack the marked enemy to trigger the heal. This heal can also activate Moonstone Renewer's chain heal, enhancing healing for allies.
Bone Plating helps you survive in the lane by reducing damage from auto-attacks and abilities when it activates during fights.

Second Wind offers slight healing after receiving poke, although the healing is minimal. Nevertheless, it's a reasonable choice for survivability after taking poke damage.

Conditioning provides armor and magic resistance at the 12-minute mark. Opting for a tanky mythic item like Locket of the Iron Solari allows you to accumulate free armor and magic resistance stacks through Conditioning.
Revitalize enhances all your heals, particularly on allies who are below 40% health. Heal, Astral Infusion, and Wish all benefit from it. You also receive a passive 5% bonus to heal and shield strength.

Zombie Ward should be the standard option when taking Domination secondary. It will provide your team with very helpful intel, especially when clearing enemy wards that are in the enemy jungle. Plus, it will highly increase your overall vision score at the end of games.

Ghost Poro offers a safer alternative to Zombie Ward. Similarly to Zombie Ward, it will provide your team with very useful intel on the enemy jungle. However, You MUST let your wards expire naturally for Ghost Poro to spawn. This means you can't place new wards when you already have 3 down as it will just destroy the ward instead of spawning a Ghost Poro, and the enemy can't clear it. be mindful and place your wards in locations the enemies won't naturally sweep or find.
Treasure Hunter is recommended to take when you want to hit your power spike as soon as possible. Typically strong against very easy matchups. It helps you get your items sooner! It's really not the best rune for Soraka but it does work.

Ingenious Hunter is stupid strong right now, especially for enchanters. The ability to spam Redemption when your ult is on cooldown is insanely strong. You can turn fights globally with Wish AND Redemption as early as 8-10 minutes in the game. Ingenious Hunter reduces the cooldowns of all items, active and passive. Abuse it!!

Relentless Hunter can be considered if you want to force voidgrubs fights. I highly recommend letting your jungler know your intentions before blindly running this rune and plan. The only times I've been able to succeed with this is when my Jungle understands my plan and actually follows through with it. Otherwise, you're throwing free games at 5 minutes. Compared to Ingenious Hunter and Ultimate Hunter, it's pretty much useless without winning voidgrubs fight.

Ultimate Hunter should be the rune you take if you don't plan to build active items with Ingenious Hunter. Your ult will come off cooldown way faster and turn fights more frequently.

♡ Standard

Guardian Runes

Guardian offers substantial shields during the laning phase and can even save you or your allies from near-death situations. It's a strong choice for challenging lanes. Additionally, Guardian enhances your tankiness when opting for tanky builds.

OPTIONAL: Grasp of the Undying is somewhat functional but not the most effective choice. It becomes an option if you desire additional health. In fights, you accumulate stacks that, when you auto-attack an enemy, trigger healing and provide permanent health gain.

Font of Life heals allies when you land Starcall or Equinox to root enemies. Allies need to auto-attack the marked enemy to trigger the heal. This heal can also activate Moonstone Renewer's chain heal, enhancing healing for allies.
OPTIONAL: Conditioning provides armor and magic resistance at the 12-minute mark. Opting for a tanky mythic item like Locket of the Iron Solari allows you to accumulate free armor and magic resistance stacks through Conditioning.

OPTIONAL: Second Wind eases tougher lanes by gradually healing you after taking poke or trading, making it a suitable choice for Soraka.

Bone Plating eases lane survival by reducing damage from auto-attacks and abilities when it activates during fights. This should be your go-to when using Guardian.
OPTIONAL: Overgrowth is an unusual option. While it offers more health, I don't recommend this rune for Soraka when Revitalize is available. You can consider taking this if you want to max out your health for fun.

Revitalize enhances all your heals, especially on allies who are below 40% health. Heal, Astral Infusion, and Wish all benefit from it. You also receive a passive 5% bonus to heal and shield strength. This is Soraka's core rune.

OPTIONAL: Unflinching benefits from heavy cc compositions, but I don't recommend it for Soraka. Revitalize is a better option, and if dealing with cc, consider building Mercury's Treads instead. You should only consider this rune if facing 3+ hard dive champions with hard cc.

OPTIONAL: Magical Footwear has its uses, such as providing free boots with some additional movement speed. However, it shouldn't be considered for every game. Consider picking it up if you need early boots or if you require extra movement speed to deal with slows, or simply if you want to get free boots.

OPTIONAL: Future's Market holds value when you want to reach your first item powerspike ASAP or before the enemy support. It has been nerfed recently, but it can still be a valuable pick, especially in the later stages when you aim to afford your final items but are just barely unable to do so.

Biscuit Delivery compensates for the absence of Manaflow Band and assists with sustaining in lane.

Cosmic Insight accelerates the cooldown recovery of your items and summoner spells. This rune benefits your active items (e.g., Redemption, Mikael's Blessing) and other items with passive cooldowns (items with a square in the description).

Manaflow Band addresses late-game mana issues. Abilities grant 25 mana stacks, capping at an extra250 mana. Once capped, it restores 1% of missing mana every 5 seconds.

Transcendence makes team fights significantly easier when paired with Guardian. You're able to spam abilities and keep your team alive, unlike when using the Inspiration tree. It lacks the AH and cooldowns on takedowns that can truly make or break team fights.

OPTIONAL: Celerity can assist with escapes, but ultimately, you should consider Transcendence with Guardian. Think about Celerity if you need more movement speed or if you're building Shurelya's Battlesong.

Gathering Storm is highly beneficial during mid-late game phases, but if the game ends before 30 minutes, you'll find little value in it. Compared to using Summon Aery, this rune unfortunately lacks value. Your general rule of thumb is to take Transcendence if the game is expected to last over 30 minutes, and if it's shorter, consider Gathering Storm.

OPTIONAL: Scorch is subpar and better suited for poke or burn mages. It's rarely used on enchanters due to its lack of usefulness in late-game scenarios. Nevertheless, it's effective for laning, especially if you prioritize early game success over late-game scaling.

Zombie Ward should be the standard option when taking Domination secondary. It will provide your team with very helpful intel, especially when clearing enemy wards that are in the enemy jungle. Plus, it will highly increase your overall vision score at the end of games.

Ghost Poro offers a safer alternative to Zombie Ward. Similarly to Zombie Ward, it will provide your team with very useful intel on the enemy jungle. However, You MUST let your wards expire naturally for Ghost Poro to spawn. This means you can't place new wards when you already have 3 down as it will just destroy the ward instead of spawning a Ghost Poro, and the enemy can't clear it. be mindful and place your wards in locations the enemies won't naturally sweep or find.
Treasure Hunter is recommended to take when you want to hit your power spike as soon as possible. Typically strong against very easy matchups. It helps you get your items sooner! It's really not the best rune for Soraka but it does work.

Ingenious Hunter is stupid strong right now, especially for enchanters. The ability to spam Redemption when your ult is on cooldown is insanely strong. You can turn fights globally with Wish AND Redemption as early as 8-10 minutes in the game. Ingenious Hunter reduces the cooldowns of all items, active and passive. Abuse it!!

Relentless Hunter can be considered if you want to force voidgrubs fights. I highly recommend letting your jungler know your intentions before blindly running this rune and plan. The only times I've been able to succeed with this is when my Jungle understands my plan and actually follows through with it. Otherwise, you're throwing free games at 5 minutes. Compared to Ingenious Hunter and Ultimate Hunter, it's pretty much useless without winning voidgrubs fight.

Ultimate Hunter should be the rune you take if you don't plan to build active items with Ingenious Hunter. Your ult will come off cooldown way faster and turn fights more frequently.

♡ Standard

♡ Abilities


Salvation provides a significant movement speed boost towards allies below 40% health.


Starcall is an AoE ability that slows hit enemies by 30% for 1 second. If it hits, Soraka gains Rejuvenation for 2.5 seconds, healing for 0.5 seconds with decaying movement speed.

Astral Infusion

Astral Infusion heals an ally champion but consumes 10% of Soraka's health. When healing with Rejuvenation, the ally gains the buff and the health cost is reduced. Astral Infusion won't activate when Soraka's health is under 5%.


Equinox is an AoE silence that roots any enemies within it's raidus after 1.5 seconds.


Wish is Soraka's ultimate ability. It heals all allies, becoming 50% more effective on allies below 40% health.

♡ Tips

♡ Use Salvation for quick escapes or joining fights later.

♡ Maintain the bonus by healing allies to survive, staying below your passive threshold. Avoid baiting allies to death.

♡ When fully healed and ADC is low/backing, take the chance to approach enemy laner, poke, and return swiftly.

♡ Hitting Starcall becomes tougher against experienced players who anticipate it. Be unpredictable by moving in unusual patterns. Aim to land Starcall at the enemies' feet.

♡ When enemy ADC is last-hitting, use Starcall for harassment. If their support counters, assess the matchup before engaging.

♡ After hitting Starcall, you gain Rejuvenation. However, note that the healing must reach you to grant the buff to allies. You still benefit from reduced health cost, but the healing must reach you before Rejuvenation is applied to your target.

Astral Infusion
♡ I avoid using Astral Infusion unless I hit Starcall first. The heals are weak and the health cost isn't worthwhile in my opinion.

♡ After landing Starcall, I often turn to heal my ADC, even if they're at full health. The slight movement speed boost can be pivotal in trades or fights. While this buff can be valuable, decide based on your situation if it's appropriate or not.

♡ Consider playing with Astral Infusion maxed first. The health cost reduction from Rejuvenation stays at 80% until maxed, then drops to 100%. This is why I usually prioritize maxing Astral Infusion first.

♡ In challenging lanes, when needing Manaflow Band stacks, occasionally drop Equinox at the enemies' feet. Don't overuse this, as Equinox should be reserved for all-ins or ganks.

Equinox can be decisive in winning fights when used effectively. It can obstruct escape routes, interrupt enemy abilities, and even be buffered during all-ins to counter subsequent enemy CC.

Equinox can zone enemies, followed by Starcall to catch them off-guard. This combo is versatile and can be used interchangeably

♡ You can just drop Equinox on top of already cc'd enemies to keep them cc'd longer. Simple tip, every Soraka should know this.

Wish can alter fights you're not directly involved in. Watch your top and mid to assist as necessary. If a distant team fight breaks out and you're too far to place Redemption, use Wish. Avoid being overly greedy, like using it just for assists.

Wish gains potency with lower ally health, allowing you to bait enemies into overcommitting. Use your ult strategically to catch enemies off guard and turn the tables.

Wish can remotely apply your item buffs. For example, if your ADC needs Ardent Censer's on-hit or your APC requires more AP and AH from Staff of Flowing Water, you can use Wish.

♡ When Wish is on cooldown, it's crucial to remain close to your team. This ensures you're available to heal them during potential catches or fights.
♡ Items

Standard Starting

♡ World Atlas

♡ New support item! Both supports will start with World Atlas. It works like the old items combined, you can auto and use abilities on enemies or last hit minions to proc your gold passive.

♡ Grants 3 gold per 10 seconds, 30 health, 25% base health regen, and 25% base mana regen.

♡ Runic Compass

♡ First support item upgrade. You can carry wards now! It pretty much the same as last time, just new stats :P

♡ Grants 5 gold per 10 seconds, 100 health, 50% base health regen, and 50% base mana regen.

♡ Bounty of Worlds

♡ When you finish your item, it will turn into this temporarily until you select your final upgrade.

♡ Grants 5 gold per 10 seconds, 200 health, 75% base health regen, and 75% base mana regen.

♡ Dream Maker

♡ The favored enchanter upgrade. Every 8 seconds you gain a blue and a purple bubble. When you heal or shield an ally, the bubbles are consumed by your ally and empower them to reduce next damage taken by 140 and grants them 90 on-hit damage on their next auto attack. It’s really weirdly worded in game, but fairly straightforward once you understand what they’re saying.

Dream Maker will help you carry games by buffing your carries. I originally wasn't a fan of this item on Soraka for the sole reason that Solstice Sleigh had more value on her, but now that item has been nerfed, Dream Maker is the new favored item. The damage blocked and on-hit it provides can turn fights when behind and snowball your team even harder when ahead. Just remember it can be hard to control where the buff goes with Summon Aery and Moonstone Renewer, so just try your best to give any of your carries the buff when it's off cooldown.

♡ Grants 5 gold per 10 seconds, 200 health, 75% base health regen, and 75% base mana regen.

♡ Celestial Opposition

♡ It’s like old Crown, it reduces incoming damage by 25% (since Soraka is ranged) and lingers for 2 seconds after taking damage. After you lose this buff, you deal a 50% slow around yourself to enemies for 1.5 seconds with a 20 second cooldown.

♡ I love this upgrade for Soraka into losing matchups or hard games. When paired with tanky items it makes you nearly impossible to kill and tilts the enemies into repeatedly trying to dive you and throwing fights from tunnel visioning onto you.

♡ Grants 5 gold per 10 seconds, 200 health, 75% base health regen, and 75% base mana regen.

♡ Solstice Sleigh

Slowing or Immobilizing an enemy will grant you and the nearest ally (prioritizing lowest health ally) a 120 heal and 90 bonus movement speed for 4 seconds on a 20 second cooldown.

♡ After the nerfs, I can't really suggest Solstice Sleigh anymore. The nerfs hit the heals and movement speed enough that Dream Maker will be a better upgrade now. There are still situations where you can build Solstice Sleigh, but it isn't as strong as it used to be.

♡ Grants 5 gold per 10 seconds, 200 health, 75% base health regen, and 75% base mana regen.

Standard Boots

♡ Boots of Swiftness

Boots of Swiftness have overtaken Ionian Boots of Lucidity as the best boots upgrade this season. The movement speed you get from these boots is really strong for roams and rotating for objectives. I recommend building Boots of Swiftness every game.

♡ Grants 60 movement speed and reduced slows by 25%.

♡ Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Ionian Boots of Lucidity grants ability haste, which while good and viable, just don’t have the same impact as Boots of Swiftness. You can still consider these boots in losing matchups or if you're in the late game you can sell Boots of Swiftness and buy Ionian Boots of Lucidity.

♡ Grants 20 AH, 12% summoner spell haste and 45 movement speed.

♡ Mercury's Treads

Mercury's Treads should be bought when versing high ap teams. The anti-cc is useful, however you can just buy Boots of Swiftness if the enemy team doesn't have any single target cc like Vi's Cease and Desist or Malzahar Nether Grasp. Skillshot based cc is super easy to dodge with Boots of Swiftness.

♡ Grants 25 magic resist, 45 movement speed, and 30 tenacity.

♡ Plated Steelcaps

Plated Steelcaps can be bought versus high ad enemy teams or if the enemy team has 2 or more dive assassins. Plated Steelcaps pairs really well with Frozen Heart and/or Locket of the Iron Solari making you really hard to burst and insta-kill.

♡ Grants 20 armor, 45 movement speed, and reduces basic attacks by 12%.

Standard Legendaries

♡ Moonstone Renewer

Moonstone Renewer is still Soraka's best first purchase item. The chain healing still remains incredibly powerful and only gets stronger as you gain more ap and healing power. The chain healing to the nearest ally is 40% of the heal or 45% of the initial shield. If no allies are nearby, when you heal or shield your target they are granted an addition 30% of the heal or 35% of the initial shield.

♡ If you have Ornn on your team, ask for this upgrade if you can't complete Dawncore fast enough before the game ends or if you're going to lose before you can finish Dawncore.

♡ Grants 20 AH, 30 ability power, 250 health, 125% base mana regen.

♡ Ornn upgrade: 25 AH, 50 ability power, 300 health, and 200% base mana regen.

♡ Redemption

Redemption is my favorite item in the game. It's active is game changing and is finally viable as a first buy again since mythics have been removed. On Soraka however, it is still an ideal second buy. This is the first power spike you hit with Moonstone Renewer and Redemption's healing output being really strong early on and only scaling as the game goes on. On active, you drop an AoE 200-400 heal (scaling with the target's level) for your allies and enemies within the circle take 10% of their max health as true damage after a 2.5 second delay. The active can be used while dead or when you're too far from a fight to actively participate, especially when Wish is on cooldown.

♡ Grants 15 AH, 200 health, 15% heal + shield power, 100% mana regen.

♡ Mikael's Blessing

Mikael's Blessing is one of the best enchanter items in the game. It gives high heal/shield power and on active cleanses your targetted ally and heals 150-250 (scaling with target's level). With the amount of soft AND hard cc in the game, Mikael's Blessing is almost always required to be purchased at some point. While ideally you want to cleanse your carries, you do have the option of self-cleansing with this item.

♡ Grants 15 AH, 250 health, 12% heal + shield power, and 100% base mana regen.

♡ Dawncore

Dawncore is currently the best scaling item for enchanters. It passively grants you 3% heal/shield power and 5 ap per 100% base mana regen which means when buying last, you're getting huge value. When this item is bought first, you're basically trolling since the value it provides is extremely minimal. It also grants 18 summoner spell haste which pairs really well with Cosmic Insight.

♡ If you have an Ornn on your team, request Dawncore get upgraded into Dawncore (Masterwork). As I said, this is the best scaling item thus when Ornn upgrades it into Dawncore (Masterwork), the upgraded stats is unmatched by any other upgrade.

♡ Grants 20 AH, 40 ability power, and 150% base mana regen.

♡ Ornn upgrade: 30 AH, 60 ability power,and 225% base mana regen.

♡ Ardent Censer

Ardent Censer isn't a necessary buy on Soraka this season. While it has it's uses, there are far more valuable items to buy. Consider purchasing if you have a hyper carry ADCs or if you have a strong ad laner on your team that will 1v9. When you heal or shield your target, you are both granted 25% bonus attack speed and 20 bonus magic on-hit for 4 seconds.

♡ Grants 15 AH, 50 ability power, 8% heal and shield power, 125% mana regen, and 8% bonus movement speed. Passively grants 25% bonus attack speed and 20 bonus magic on-hit damage when you heal your ally. This effect lasts for 4 seconds.

♡ Staff of Flowing Water

Staff of Flowing Water is a strong item since it recieved movement speed on heal/shield again, however Soraka just doesn't benefit much from it. The ap and ms it offers is nice to have, but you get more value from other items. Consider building if you have an APC that is 1v9. When you heal/shield an ally, you're both granted 30 ap and 10% bonus movement speed for 3 seconds.

♡ Grants 15 AH, 40 ability power, 8% heal and shield power, and 125% mana regen. When you heal an ally, you are both granted 30 ability power and 10% bonus movement speed for 3 seconds.

Optional Legendaries

♡ Vigilant Wardstone

Vigilant Wardstone is a safe last item purchase. If jg objectives are heavily contested or you need extra vision across the map, consider picking up this item. Sometimes I will skip Mikael's Blessing or Dawncore for this item since control wards are highly valuable.

♡ Grants 10 AH, 250 health, and 50% mana regen. Allows you to buy 3 control wards and increases ward caps by 1. Passively grants bonus ad, ap, health, andAH by 20%.

♡ Shurelya's Battlesong

Shurelya's Battlesong will help with gap closing or if your team needs stronger engage. Since its old passive has been moved to Staff of Flowing Water, this item is very weak for Soraka but is strong on movement speed oriented builds.

♡ Grants 15 AH, 55 ap, 125% base mana regen, and 8% bonus movement speed. On active, you and all nearby allies are granted a 30% bonus movement speed for 4 seconds.

♡ Locket of the Iron Solari

Locket of the Iron Solari will protect you or your team from high burst engages and dives. I love this item as well for spread damage, like with Teemo’s Noxious Trap or Brand’s Conflagration or Pyroclasm.

♡ Grants 10 ah, 30 armor, 200 health, 30 magic resist. On active, grants you and all nearby allies a 200-360 shield (scaling with target’s level) that decays over 2.5 seconds.

♡ Frozen Heart

Frozen Heart is a fantastic buy right now against high ad teams or if an assassin is prioritizing you during fights

♡ Grants 20 ah, 70 armor, 400 mana. Passively lowers attack speed of nearby enemies by 20% and every incoming basic damage is reduced by 5 + 3.5 per 1000 maximum health.

♡ Kaenic Rookern

Kaenic Rookern is a fantastic buy right now for high ap burst comps, but is very expensive so you might not have the full item by the end of your game.

♡ Grants 400 health, 150% base health regen, and 80 magic resist. Passively grants a magic shield of 18% your maximum health after not taking damage from any champion for 15 seconds.
♡ Matchups

♡ ctrl + f to find a specific matchup!

♡ This chapter is designed for you to hover over your enemy's abilities to read them if you don't know them with explanations on how to play the game out with rune suggestions and item suggestions during champ select and load in!

♡ Recommended Runes and Items have been moved to the top of the guide. Search for a matchup under threats and hover the champion for runes and items! Thank you

♡ Not every matchup shown above will have a section in this chapter! Maybe sometime I'll get around to adding more to this chapter but as of now, now primary matchups have a section here.

♡ 3MinuteLeagueofLegends was a huge help when learning some of the combos of champs I wasn't familiar with. Link to their Youtube channel:

♡ Alistar
♡ Medium

Alistar's main combo: Headbutt > Trample > Pulverize > aa

♡ He can use Flash or Hextech Flashtraption before Headbutt to close gaps

♡ Counter his combo by using Equinox on Alistar during Headbutt to stop Pulverize

♡ Self heal with Starcall while he backs off or ally heal with Starcall > Astral Infusion

♡ Early game: Watch for level 1 invade. Poke ADC when Alistar is mispositioned

♡ Mid game: Call out his roams and try to avoid fighting when his abilities are up. Use Flash and Equinox if he tries to engage on you

♡ Late game: Stay with team to avoid his engages. If he repositions with Flash or Hextech Flashtraption, use your own Flash if you need to

♡ Amumu
♡ Medium

♡ Amumu’s main combo: Bandage Toss > Despair buffer during travel > Curse of the Sad Mummy > Tantrum > Bandage Toss

♡ Counter this combo using Equinox to stop Amumu’s engage and creating distance

♡ If your ADC gets all in’d, use Equinox to silence Amumu and use Starcall > Astral Infusion to keep your ADC alive

♡ Early game: Watch out for level 1 invade. Amumu’s Bandage Toss has 2 stacks making him a strong invader. During lane, poke enemy ADC when Amumu mispositions

♡ Mid game: Avoid trading if you're behind. Use Wish to heal his damage if he Curse of the Sad Mummys your team

♡ Late game: Stay with team, but distance yourself if Amumu walks up or uses Bandage Toss

♡ Annie
♡ Easy

Annie's main combo: Molten Shield > Summon: Tibbers > Disintegrate > Incinerate > aa > Disintegrate

Annie can use Flash before Summon: Tibbers to close gaps

♡ Counter her combo by maintaining spacing and using Equinox when she walks up

♡ Early game: Annie has a longer auto attack range (625) compared to Soraka's (550). She outranges you in lane, focus on last hitting minions instead of trading

♡ Mid game: Be cautious of fighting in river or tight spaces when Annie has her stun up. Her poke becomes significant at this point, especially if she has Oblivion Orb

♡ Late game: Stick with your team and keep your distance if Annie positions herself to use her Summon: Tibbers

♡ Bard
♡ Hard

Bard's main combo: Tempered Fate > Magical Journey (if gap close is needed) > Cosmic Binding > aa > Caretaker's Shrine > aa

♡ Counter him combo by using Flash to dodge Cosmic Binding stun and use Equinox to zone Bard

♡ Early Game: Unlikely level 1 invade, but be cautious. Bard roams often, poke ADC during his roams or follow his roams as best you can

♡ Mid Game: Continue to call out his roams and poke his ADC. Beware of tower dives with Tempered Fate

♡ Late game: Avoid jungle walls for Cosmic Binding stuns. Keep distance if Bard initiates fights

♡ Blitzcrank
♡ Very Hard

Blitzcrank's main combo: Overdrive > Rocket Grab > Power Fist > Static Field > Ignite

♡ Counter his combo with Equinox > Starcall > run behind minions

♡ Abuse his long cooldowns

♡ Early game: Watch for level 1 invade. Stay behind minions and harass enemy ADC after Blitzcrank misses Rocket Grab

♡ Mid game: If you're even or behind, play defensively. If ahead, look for opportunities away from Blitzcrank

♡ Late game: Avoid getting hooked by maintaining distance. Provide healing during fights while avoiding Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab and Static Field

♡ Brand
♡ Hard

♡ Brand's main combo: Conflagration > Pyroclasm > Sear > Pillar of Flame

♡ Counter by playing out of Conflagration spread range and Equinox to disrupt combos

♡ Early game: Prioritize bush control. Use Starcall for healing by baiting his abilities and dodging them

♡ Mid game: Beware if he has Oblivion Orb. Avoid stacking with your team during fights. Keep your team healed while positioned away from Brand's abilities

♡ Late game: Stay close to your team but be wary of the burn spread. Remember, Brand excels at spreading heal reduction and it only gets more annoying as the game progresses

♡ Braum
♡ Hard

♡ Braum's main combo: Stand Behind Me > Unbreakable > Glacial Fissure > Winter's Bite > aa x3 to proc passive

♡ Counter him by abusing his longer cooldowns and using Equinox to stop his engage

♡ Early game: Although rare, be cautious of invades. Harass the enemy ADC when Braum is out of position and zone him off from cs

♡ Mid game: Prioritize targeting squishy opponents during fights. Use Starcall on Braum if he's tanking for his team

♡ Late game: Maintain distance from Braum so he can't engage on you

♡ Heimerdinger
♡ Hard

Heimerdinger's main combo: H-28G Evolution Turret > CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade > Hextech Micro-Rockets > Ignite

♡ Counter him by playing away from his turrets which have a long cooldown early and sidestepping his stun or silencing him if he walks up to stun

♡ Early game: Heimerdinger has a really weak early game and will perma shove waves with his turrets so you can look for roams or play safely with adc. Keep bushes warded to catch him out before he all-ins.

♡ Mid game: Don’t walk up to him during fights. Wait for him to come to your team. He will try his hardest to play with his turrets and walking up will enable him to win fights easier

♡ Late game: Do not fight him alone. He will have items that will melt you ( Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Liandry's Torment, Morellonomicon, etc.). Let your team burst him down and focus on keeping them alive. If he has healcut, let your team know to avoid playing into his turrets.

♡ Janna
♡ Hard

Janna's main combo: Zephyr > Howling Gale > Eye Of The Storm self cast or ally > aa > Monsoon for knock back or knock in target to her allies

♡ It is hard to counter her since she is a point-and-click mage right now, but just try to survive her burst. If she is building enchanter, same rule as before applies. Dodge her Howling Gale and trade with Starcall.

♡ Early game: Janna's actions are often predictable; exploit her shielding choices for better trades and free damage. Keep in mind that a skilled Janna might use fog of war to launch unexpected Howling Gales

♡ Mid game: Beware of her roams. She is currently the strongest roaming support besides Pyke and Bard. Ping frequently when she is missing and save Wish for when Janna fights on the map

♡ Late game: Avoid getting caught by Zephyr or Flash > Monsoon. If she built full damage, do not walk up to trade with her. Let your team deal with her. If she built support, you’re free to trade with her

♡ Karma
♡ Medium

Karma's main combo: Focused Resolve > aa > Soulflare > aa > Inner Flame

♡ Counter her by playing in minions. When or if she misses her Inner Flame, use Starcall and Equinox to stop poke or to zone

♡ Early game: Play into your wave. Karma Inner Flame can't hit past minions, but will do AoE damage after first target hit. Target who she doesn't shield to get more damage off when possible.

♡ Mid game: Ping when she is missing and fight ADC until she gets back to lane. Buy Null-Magic Mantle if struggling with the poke damage

♡ Late game: Play with team but don't stack for Soulflare. Use Equinox to stop her engages or poke.

♡ Leona
♡ Medium

Leona's main combo: Solar Flare > Zenith Blade > Eclipse buffer during travel > aa > Shield of Daybreak > aa

♡ Counter her by using Equinox on yourself or ADC when she uses Zenith Blade

♡ Early game: Care for level 1 invade. Abuse her weak level 1 by poking her ADC off minions. Don't get caught by Zenith Blade when she hits level 2

♡ Mid game: Be wary of potential roams or ganks. She might exploit fog of war to use a surprise Solar Flare for a kill

♡ Late game: Avoid grouping closely during fights and prioritize peeling for your ADC if Leona targets them. Use Starcall on Leona when she engages or if she's tanking for her team

♡ Lulu
♡ Hard

Lulu's main combo: aa > Help, Pix! > Glitterlance

♡ Another combo: Whimsy > Glitterlance > Help, Pix! ally cast or enemy > aa

♡ Counter her by spacing her abilities, trading behind your wave to dodge her Pix, Faerie Companion's autos. If she has Twitch, use Equinox on Lulu to stop her engage

♡ Early game: Exploit her missed or misused abilities to poke her or her ADC. As she can be a lane bully, ensure you stay topped off with Starcall heals

♡ Mid game: Care for polymorph effect. If ADC gets polymorphed, peel for them and keep them alive

♡ Late game: If she has a hyper carry ADC, try to out-heal the ADC's damage. Focus Lulu if she's mispositioned or wasted her abilities

♡ Lux
♡ Medium

Lux's main combo: Light Binding > Lucent Singularity > Final Spark. Skilled Lux players will auto to detonate Illumination between abilities

♡ Counter her by using Equinox to disrupt her recasting of Lucent Singularity or by using Wish if you're rooted to heal and potentially survive her combo

♡ Early game: If she misses her abilities, trade aggressively with Starcall and Equinox. Many support Lux's use Prismatic Barrier carelessly, so poke her and her ADC when her shield is on cd

♡ Mid game: Be cautious, as you can die to her combo at this stage. Avoid getting caught and heal teammates who are snared. Use Wish when she casts Final Spark to recover a significant portion of the damage

♡ Late game: You are even more susceptible to her combo now. Consider having Mikael's Blessing if you're frequently caught out. Play with team, sidestep her abilities, and avoid face-checking bushes in your or the enemy's jungle, as she might be bush camping there

♡ Maokai
♡ Medium

Maokai's main combo: Twisted Advance > Bramble Smash > Nature's Grasp > Sapling Toss > aa

♡ Counter him by avoiding bushes and using Equinox to slow his engages

♡ Early game: Stay away from bushes due to his empowered Sapling Toss. Harass the ADC as much as possible

♡ Mid game: Let your team eat his Nature's Grasp and heal them when Maokai engages. Heal with Starcall when he is tanking for his team. Buy Mikael's Blessing if your ADC/team struggles against his engages

♡ Late game: Similar to before, allow your team to eat his Nature's Grasp and heal them up. If you have Redemption, it can serve as a valuable tool to turn the tide of a fight if your team is caught by his Nature's Grasp. Don't face check jungle due to his Sapling Toss

♡ Milio
♡ Hard

Milio's main combo: Ultra Mega Fire Kick > Cozy Campfire > aa > Warm Hugs > aa

♡ Counter him by abusing his longer cooldowns, position yourself out of his aa range or his ADC's aa range to prevent Fired Up! damage

♡ Early game: Apply consistent poke to him or his ADC. Whenever he misses his Ultra Mega Fire Kick, use Starcall and aa him or his ADC

♡ Mid game: You can out-sustain his healing, so stay behind your team and keep them healed. Walk up and poke with Starcall when it's safe

♡ Late game: Use Equinox to suppress his shields and heals. Stay behind your team and ensure they remain healthy

♡ Morgana
♡ Hard

Morgana's main combo: Black Shield self cast > Flash for gap close if needed > Soul Shackles > Zhonya's Hourglass > Dark Binding > Tormented Shadow

♡ Counter her by moving away from her Soul Shackles and side stepping Dark Binding if possible. Continue to use Starcall even if she's Black Shielded, as it will still provide Rejuvenation

♡ Early game: Focus on staying alive. Avoid getting poked out or caught by Dark Binding. Use Starcall even on Black Shielded targets, to grant Rejuvenation

♡ Mid game: You might lose fights at this stage if you're even or losing. Try to avoid getting caught and focus on farming and scaling. During fights, use Equinox to interrupt her engages

♡ Late game: Morgana will initiate fights and use Zhonya's Hourglass to prevent damage. Before she comes out of stasis, time your Equinox at her feet to silence and root her. You can also use Starcall to heal. Stay behind your team and ensure they stay healthy during battles

♡ Nami
♡ Medium

Nami's main combo: Tidecaller's Blessing self cast or ally > Tidal Wave > Aqua Prison > Ebb and Flow

♡ Counter her by using Equinox before she uses Aqua Prison. You can also easily sidestep Aqua Prison

♡ Early game: Nami deals significant damage throughout the game. Be cautious of her Tidecaller's Blessing slow. Trade with Starcall when she walks up to poke and move out of her range

♡ Mid game: Prioritize staying alive for your team. Maintain their health with Starcall's passive and Wish.

♡ Late game: Continue to focus on keeping your team alive and avoid getting caught. Nami’s carries will be incredibly strong, but your heals are also strong at this point

♡ Nautilus
♡ Medium

Nautilus's main combo: Titan's Wrath > aa > Riptide > Depth Charge > Dredge Line

♡ Counter him with Equinox when he walks up to engage. Use Starcall when he's tanking or abilities are on cooldown

♡ Early game: Position behind minions and trade when his abilities are on cooldown. Prioritize trading with the ADC, as Nautilus is tanky, and we likely can't secure a kill on him

♡ Mid game: Stay behind your team and avoid face-checking jungle or objectives. Use Equinox when he engages on an ally

♡ Late game: Stay behind your team during team fights and focus on keeping them alive. Counter with Equinox > Starcall when he walks up to engage. Try to save Equinox for Nautilus specifically

♡ Neeko
♡ Medium

Neeko's main combo: Shapesplitter > Pop Blossom > Tangle-Barbs > Blooming Burst > Ignite > aa

♡ Countering her will be hard since her Pop Blossom and Tangle-Barbs will lock you in place, but you can try to Flash out of her engage before it stuns you. As soon as stun ends, use your full kit to stay alive as long as possible and help your team if you can

♡ Early game: Position behind minions and trade when her abilities are on cooldown. COUNT THE WAVE and ping when she is missing. Don’t face check jungle without your jungler

♡ Mid game: Play behind your team and continue counting your waves. When wandering around jungle, be careful as she may disguise herself as wards, blast cones, or random jungle camps looking for a pick.

♡ Late game: Same as mid game, avoid her engages and keep your team healthy. Avoid going through jungle alone. Count waves and look for weirdly placed wards or blast cones in the wrong spots

♡ Pantheon
♡ Medium

Pantheon's main combo: Grand Starfall > Shield Vault > empowered aa x3 > Comet Spear > Aegis Assault

♡ Counter him using Equinox and retreating. If safe, follow up with Starcall

♡ Early game: Avoid walking up and wait for his engage. Counter with Equinox > Starcall

♡ Mid game: Position behind your team until he uses Shield Vault, then walk up and use Starcall to heal. Avoid letting him poke you out during fights by positioning outside his engage range

♡ Late game: Continue playing cautiously behind your team until he commits with Shield Vault then walk up. Use Equinox > Starcall when he cc's an ally, and heal that ally with an empowered Astral Infusion

♡ Pyke
♡ Medium

Pyke's main combo: Bone Skewer > Phantom Undertow > aa > Death from Below

♡ Counter him by using Equinox to interrupt his Bone Skewer charge and using Starcall to slow him down

♡ Early game: Sidestep his Bone Skewer or position within the safety of your minions. Contest bush control but avoid risking your life for it

♡ Mid game: Be cautious not to get poked down too low during engages. Aim to keep your health above Pyke's execute threshold using Wish and Starcall

♡ Late game: As Pyke's primary target, position yourself behind your team and prioritize keeping everyone, including yourself, healthy

♡ Rakan
♡ Medium

Rakan's main combo: Battle Dance to ally > Grand Entrance > Gleaming Quill > The Quickness > Battle Dance to safety

♡ Counter him by dropping Equinox where he Grand Entrances to stop his engage

♡ Early game: Watch out for potential bush cheese as you approach your lane. Use Starcall on river bushes and the first lane bush for safety and vision. Trade when it's safe to do so and abuse his cooldowns

♡ Mid game: If he uses The Quickness, drop Equinox on the enemies to disrupt their follow-up and focus on preventing his team from capitalizing on his engage

♡ Late game: Your role remains the same as in the mid game - stay alive and keep your team healthy. When Rakan engages use your abilities to zone enemies and deter them from following up

♡ Rell
♡ Medium

Rell's main combo: Full Tilt > Ferromancy - Crash Down > aa > Shattering Strike > Magnet Storm

♡ Countering her can be challenging. Use Flash if she jumps on you and maintain distance with Equinox

♡ Early game: Avoid getting dived on by playing cautiously. Starcall from safe distances and if Rell jumps on you, place Equinox where she will land and try to run

♡ Mid game: Focus on keeping your team alive and high health. Be mindful of not getting caught in the pull of Magnet Storm

♡ Late game: Similarly to mid game, prioritize keeping your team alive and healthy. Avoid getting caught by Rell's engage or the pull of Magnet Storm

♡ Renata Glasc
♡ Hard

Renata Glasc's main combo: Hostile Takeover > Loyalty Program > Handshake

♡ Counter her by dodging Hostile Takeover (travel time is slow), use Wish if your allies get you low, then Equinox > Starcall enemies who walk up to fight

♡ Early game: Her poke is strong in the early game and with Guardian, it is hard to out-trade her. Use Starcall when her abilities are on cooldown and play out of her range

♡ Mid game: Avoid Hostile Takeover. Your team needs you alive to heal them. Wish if you get low or your teammates are about to kill each other

♡ Late game: Stay out of Hostile Takeover and keep team alive, use Wish if necessary. Care for Bailout when an enemy scores a kill; save allies if possible without sacrificing yourself

♡ Senna
♡ Medium

Senna's main combo: Piercing Darkness > aa > Last Embrace > aa until Piercing Darkness is off cooldown

♡ Counter her by using Starcall to heal and attempt to run away

♡ Early game: Trade when her abilities are on cooldown, but be cautious as aa refresh her Piercing Darkness cooldown

♡ Mid game: If she uses Dawning Shadow on the map to kill an ally, counter with Wish. Otherwise, continue using Starcall to heal up and Equinox to zone enemies

♡ Late game: You lose the longer the game goes on. Starcall enemies during fights and Equinox to zone Senna off. Use Wish to counter her Dawning Shadow

♡ Seraphine
♡ Hard

Seraphine's main combo: Encore > Stage Presence Beat Drop > High Note > aa

♡ Counter her by staying out of her Encore range when she's looking for an engage. Avoid positioning behind allies because her Encore extends when it hits her enemies. It can be challenging to use Equinox after her cc combo, so try to sidestep her cc and disrupt her engages with Equinox

♡ Early game: Trade when her abilities are on cooldown, but be cautious of her passive Stage Presence autos

♡ Mid game: She will seek fights with her Encore. Stay out of her range and focus on keeping your team alive. You will out-heal her if she's building as a support. However, if she has built AP, you might not be able to out-heal the damage yet.

♡ Late game: Avoid getting caught. Your role is to keep your team alive while staying out of her ability ranges. Regardless of her build at this stage, you will out-heal her. If she has healing reduction items, you might struggle during longer fights.

♡ Shaco
♡ Medium

Shaco's main combo: Deceive > Hallucinate > Jack In The Box > aa > Two-Shiv Poison > aa

♡ Counter him by staying out of Jack In The Box range and poke him with Starcall. Prioritize getting Oracle Lens

♡ Early game: Get Oracle Lens early. Avoid Jack In The Box and keep yourself healed with Starcall. Don't let him Backstab you by facing him during trades. Weave walking back and forth in between his autos to prevent it

♡ Mid game: Continue avoiding Jack In The Box. You can use Starcall on his Hallucinate, but don't kill while it's near allies to avoid accidentally damaging and fearing them

♡ Late game: If you get focused during fights by Shaco, use Equinox to self peel him off you and heal up with Starcall. If his combo one-shots you, buffer Wish to keep yourself alive

♡ Sona
♡ Medium

Sona's main combo: Song of Celerity > Crescendo > Aria of Perseverance > Hymn of Valor > Power Chord empowered aa

♡ Counter her by learning Crescendo's range and playing out of it. Use Equinox if she walks up or positions for a Flash Crescendo

♡ Early game: Force her to use Aria of Perseverance to drain her mana (80) per cast, scaling to 100 mana). Look for constant trades; you out heal her during laning phase

♡ Mid game: Don't get caught. Stay alive to peel and heal teammates in fights. If caught by Crescendo, you can use Heal while stunned to heal back damage until you can use Starcall or Wish.

♡ Late game: Sona is a scaler but it's still possible to win. Keep your team healed during fights and use Wish when necessary. Use Equinox to stop Sona's engage.

♡ Swain
♡ Easy

Swain's main combo: Nevermove > Death's Hand > Demonic Ascension > Vision of Empire > Demonflare

♡ Counter by Flashing out of his ult range if you can't run out. Equinox buffer before he ults if you get caught

♡ Early game: Avoid getting hit by Nevermove; it can phase through minions. You may not win trades, but you can step up and use Starcall when his abilities are on cooldown

♡ Mid game: Continue to avoid Nevermove. Try to stay alive as long as possible to keep your team healed. You might die frequently in mid-game so focus on staying safe

♡ Late game: The same strategy applies. If you're caught in his Demonic Ascension try to escape or use Equinox to zone him

♡ Sylas
♡ Very Hard

Sylas's main combo: Abscond > Abduct > aa > Chain Lash > aa > Kingslayer > aa

♡ Counter him by sidestepping his Abduct if possible. If you can't, drop Equinox at his feet to disrupt his abilities and escape using Starcall

♡ Early game: Don’t challenge him at level 3. You can try to poke him at level 1 but you will love trades if he all-ins.

♡ Mid game: Be prepared for a possible dive since Sylas is both high burst damage and tanky. Call out his roams if he is out of lane.

♡ Late game: Position behind your team and keep them healed. If Sylas engages or tanks, poke him with Starcall. Zone him off with Equinox. It is very likely if he is fed, you will lose the game. Sylas can be a 1v9 champion but in support role, he gets his items late.

♡ Tahm Kench
♡ Easy

Tahm Kench's main combo: aa > aa > Tongue Lash > Abyssal Dive

♡ Alternate combo: Abyssal Dive > Tongue Lash > aa

♡ Counter him by sidestepping his Abyssal Dive if that’s how he chooses to engage. If you can't, drop Equinox at his feet to disrupt his abilities and escape using Starcall. If he chooses to engage with Tongue Lash, try to run out of his aa range and trade with Starcall

♡ Early game: Poke him or his ADC when he walks up to cs or engage. Abuse his long Abyssal Dive cooldown

♡ Mid game: There’s a 50/50 chance you’re either verusing a roaming Tahm Kench or a Tahm Kench that has 0 map presence. If he is roaming a lot, follow him.

♡ Late game: Position behind your team and keep them healed. If Tahm Kench engages or tanks, poke him with Starcall. Zone him off with Equinox.

♡ Taric
♡ Medium

Taric's main combo: Dazzle > Starlight's Touch > aa > Bastion > aa Starlight's Touch > aa

♡ Counter him by sidestepping his Dazzle if possible. If you can't, drop Equinox at his feet to disrupt his abilities and escape using Starcall

♡ Early game: Poke him or his ADC when he walks up to cs or engage. Abuse his long cooldowns

♡ Mid game: Be prepared for a possible dive with Cosmic Radiance. Root him in place if you can, so he tanks tower shots after the invulnerability ends

♡ Late game: Position behind your team and keep them healed. If Taric engages or tanks, poke him with Starcall. Zone him off with Equinox

♡ Teemo
♡ Easy

Teemo's main combo: Blinding Dart > aa > Move Quick > aa > aa > Blinding Dart

♡ Counter him by using control wards to clear his Noxious Trap frequently. If you get caught, use Equinox to zone him off or try to heal up with Starcall

♡ Early game: Don’t trade much, he will win trades. He will poke your ADC as much as possible so keep them healed

♡ Mid game: If he targets you in fights, try to stay out of his range. Keep your team healed and use Equinox to stop his engages. Bring control wards and sweep out his Noxious Trap

♡ Late game: Heal your team with Starcall when needed, but if your team gets hit by a Noxious Trap you can use Wish to mitigate some of the damage. If it’s just your ADC who gets hit by Noxious Trap, you can consider using Mikael's Blessing for the heal and to cleanse the slow. This is especially helpful if you and your ADC are trying to rotate into a fight or out of a fight

♡ Thresh
♡ Medium

Thresh's main combo: Dark Passage to reposition ally > Death Sentence > Death Sentence recast > Flay > The Box > aa

♡ Counter him by dropping Equinox at your feet or on the ally he hit to disrupt his full engage after he dashes in

♡ Early game: Avoid getting cc'd. Stay behind minions and step up to poke when his abilities are on cooldown

♡ Mid game: If he targets you in fights, try to stay out of his range. Keep your team healed and use Equinox to stop his engages

♡ Late game: Heal your team with Starcall when Thresh engages. If you get cc'd by Thresh, Flash out and reposition safely. Use Wish if necessary to keep yourself and your team alive

♡ Twitch
♡ Very Easy

Twitch's main combo: Ambush > Spray and Pray > aa > Venom Cask > aa > aa > aa > Contaminate

♡ Counter him by dropping Equinox in between yourself and Twitch to slow his all-ins. If he uses Spray and Pray you will get outranged completely so wait it out somewhere safe before trying to heal with Starcall

♡ Early game: He is extremely likely to sit mid level 1 to get either a cheese kill or get summs. There is no point in sitting mid for him to show so just to go your lane and give your mid lane and heads-up. If he gets summs or even a kill, it’s still more valuable for you to be bot to soak exp and get gold from your item. Buy a control ward super early and leave it in either your lane or any jungle entrance

♡ Mid game: He will roam a lot. Like, a lot. Deep ward with your jungle or after the enemy bot has backed to hopefully catch him when he uses Ambush. Place a control ward in jungle entrances to catch him as well after he is invis.

♡ Late game: Heal your team with Starcall from a safe position. If you get focused by Twitch, let your team know so they can try to help you. When fights start, use your sweeper to see if he is close by and invis

♡ Vel'koz
Mid laner Medium

Vel'Koz's main combo: Tectonic Disruption > Void Rift > Plasma Fission > Void Rift > Life Form Disintegration Ray

♡ Counter by using Equinox to disrupt his ability stacking. It's challenging to sidestep him, so focus on surviving his full combo

♡ Early game: Staying behind minions only protects you from Plasma Fission, not his other abilities. Try to heal up with Starcall when possible, and avoid trading when low

♡ Mid game: Keep your distance from his abilities and ensure your team stays healthy. Avoid getting caught in his cc to prevent death

♡ Late game: Stick with your team and prioritize keeping them alive. Avoid getting caught out and do everything possible to protect your ADC. You will outscale him but you can’t die during fights, your team needs you to help them stay alive through Vel’koz's burst

♡ Xerath
Mid laner Medium

Xerath's main combo: Shocking Orb > Eye of Destruction > Arcanopulse > Rite of the Arcane

♡ Counter him by sidestepping his abilities when possible. Bait his ult by changing direction unpredictably after moving one step

♡ Early game: He has superior poke. Stay healed with Starcall when possible and avoid forcing trades

♡ Mid game: Avoid getting caught. If he uses Rite of the Arcane, and you're close enough and it's safe, cancel his ult with Equinox

♡ Late game: Stay safe and keep your team healthy. If you can't cancel his Rite of the Arcane, use Wish to heal back the damage

♡ Yuumi
♡ Hard

Yuumi's main combo: aa > You and Me! to ally > Prowling Projectile > Zoomies > Final Chapter > Zoomies

♡ Counter her by zoning her ADC off with Equinox and Starcall

♡ Early game: Poke her ADC and use Equinox when Yuumi jumps off to cancel her You and Me!. If you root her, consider killing her, but ideally, focus on her ADC

♡ Mid game: Use Equinox to stop her You and Me! when she jumps off. Side step her Prowling Projectile

♡ Late game: If she's paired with a hypercarry ADC, it's challenging. Otherwise, zone her ADC or carry with Equinox. If Yuumi jumps off, coordinate with your team to focus her with CC and kill her. However, it's unlikely she jumps off at this stage. Focus on poking her carry down. If your team struggles with her shields, suggest they buy Serpent's Fang

♡ Zilean
♡ Very Hard

Zilean's main combo: Time Bomb > Time Warp > Rewind > Time Bomb > Time Warp

♡ Counter him by side stepping his first Time Bomb. Use Equinox if he commits to fighting

♡ Early game: He doesn't deal much damage, but his poke can be annoying. Try to dodge his Time Bomb and poke with Starcall. If he has Arcane Comet, his poke will be annoying to deal with

♡ Mid game: Be cautious of Chronoshift. If you kill an enemy with it active and they're reviving, use Equinox on them to root them upon revival

♡ Late game: Stick with your team, keep them alive and healthy. Avoid Time Bombs, don't get slowed or cc'd. Use Equinox and Starcall on the enemy being revived by Chronoshift for free heal and root

♡ Zyra
♡ Very Hard

Zyra's main combo: Rampant Growth x2 > Grasping Roots > Stranglethorns > Deadly Spines > aa > Deadly Spines

♡ Counter her by walking over her plants to break them. Use Starcall to heal the damage she deals, and activate Wish if two or more get caught in Stranglethorns

♡ Early game: Break her plants and poke her when she approaches to use abilities. Her abilities are easier to dodge, but her plants are threatening. Safely aa the plants out of their range

♡ Mid game: Avoid getting caught by Grasping Roots or her Stranglethorns. Use Equinox to zone her off during fights

♡ Late game: Maintain the same strategy as in the mid-game. Avoid getting caught, keep your team alive during fights. Expect her to have Oblivion Orb or Morellonomicon. Stay far from her abilities to prevent reduced self-healing from Starcall. Use Wish when two or more allies get caught by Stranglethorns

♡ Synergy

♡ ctrl + f to find a specific syngery!

♡ Not every synergy shown above will have a section in this chapter! Maybe sometime I'll get around to adding more to this chapter but as of now, now primary synergies have a section here.

♡ Aphelios
♡ Low

Aphelios is a powerful ADC, but his effectiveness can be inconsistent because he is frequently chosen by players who may not fully understand his complex kit, especially in lower elos

♡ Playing alongside a proficient Aphelios player can significantly tilt the odds in your favor. Play around when he wants to fight and enable his carry potential by healing and peeling for him.

♡ Ashe
♡ Ideal

Ashe is a great lane partner for Soraka due to the synergy between her aa slows and Soraka's Starcall's slow. This combination allows for effective setup with Equinox and Starcall, and Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow adds to the synergy

♡ Focus on enhancing Ashe's performance during fights and stick with her throughout the game. Your role is to keep her alive and provide as much peel as possible, as her survival significantly impacts the outcome of fights

♡ Caitlyn
♡ Low

Caitlyn works better with engage or hook champions due to her preference for stuns or roots

♡ The best you can do is support Caitlyn's strong early game by poking enemies when safe, and prioritize keeping her alive during fights with heals and protection

♡ Draven
♡ Low

Draven excels in the early game, and our objective is to support him in cashing out. Soraka is in a weak spot damage wise right now so do the best you can to keep up with your Draven and heal him

♡ The more fed Draven becomes, the better it is for the game overall.

♡ While he typically prefers tank supports or high damage supports, we can stay alive through Starcall heals and careful positioning until it's time to engage

♡ As the game progresses, continue to back up your Draven in securing kills and gold. While allowing him some solo XP can be beneficial, it's generally best to stay nearby to provide assistance in case of a dive or skirmish

♡ Please avoid intentionally taking kills from Draven. It's frustrating for him as his champion relies on kills from his passive League of Draven, and we don't benefit much from them. While there may be situations where securing kills is necessary, it's annoying to play with supports who use that as an excuse to steal kills. This can be applied to any ADC, but since Draven thrives off of kills for his cash out, I wanted to note it here. Draven players also tilt really hard if even a single kill is taken and might throw the game or straight up afk.

♡ Ezreal
♡ Low

Ezreal and Soraka have bad synergy right now. However, if you know how to play your champ effectively, you can help him scale into the late game.

Ezreal is a strong pick against hook/engage supports due to his Arcane Shift, but if he uses it to escape, avoid walking up since you may be left vulnerable to poke or death. No need to take unnecessary risks.

♡ Jhin
♡ Low

Jhin is a fantastic ADC but Soraka doesn't provide much synergy. Jhin benefits from supports with lockdown or movement speed buffs. While we can help with movement speed, there isn't much more we can do. Focus on winning the lane and scaling to late game

♡ When with Jhin, play aggressively in lane to enable his free farming and capitalize on his early-game damage

♡ Jinx
♡ Strong

Jinx is a hypercarry ADC, but we aren't a good fit for her kit. She wants Lulu, Milio, or Yuumi, and we aren't any of them

♡ Scaling in league right now is really strong and Jinx is one the best scalers in the game. Play out the game as much as you can and once Jinx hits 4 items, you should be set to win fights with her.

♡ If you keep her alive long enough to scale to late game, you can still do a lot for her just by keeping her alive during fights

♡ Kai'sa
♡ None

♡ Kai'sa benefits from engage or hook supports due to her unique kit. Our role is primarily to keep her alive. She's played as a hybrid APC/ADC or even lethality. It’s really hard to tell what she will build until you see the components.

Kai'Sa is a strong late-game ADC, and our main contribution is keeping her alive and providing buffs to support her

♡ I usually just dodge if I get a Kai’sa. I haven’t played with a good Kai’sa player since her release and especially in lower elos, she will just randomly get picked by players who don’t understand her kit or how her damage works. They just see that she has a high winrate in higher elos and think they can win off that alone.

♡ Kalista
♡ None

Kalista has a strong early game, but her late game isn't as clear to me. I believe she may benefit from Ardent Censer, but I haven't played with a Kalista since Season 9, so I'm not certain. All I know is she loves engage/hook for her Fate's Call and we are neither of those.

♡ Karthus
♡ Medium

Karthus isn’t as strong as he used to be as an APC. Play lane out slowly and let him farm up to get his items for teamfights later in the game.

♡ Stack your abilities with his or use them to zone enemies into his damage

♡ Kog'Maw
♡ Low

Kog'Maw can be fun to play with but similarly to Jinx, we just don't have the utility to maximize his strengths other than the ability to keep him alive

♡ Lucian
♡ Ok

♡ If you're going to play an enchanter with Lucian, it's better to choose Nami.

♡ When you find yourself playing Soraka with Lucian, use your Equinox's root or heal him to trigger his Lightslinger. His early-game damage allows for effective poking

♡ Miss Fortune
♡ Strong

Miss Fortune is a strong ADC overall with high damage output. We can boost her damage output with our Starcall in lane and during fights

♡ In late-game fights, prioritize keeping Miss Fortune alive, as her survival will win you fights

♡ Nilah
♡ Strong

♡ She is stronger in the late game than early, but you can still get kills early with her unpredictable damage. Keep her alive until late game and she'll win you the game. That's all I know about her, not super familiar with her still

♡ Stay with her so she can get more value out of her Joy Unending, as it won’t proc when she’s alone. You both receive her XP buff so you should stay regardless to help you get your levels sooner

♡ If she dashes in and gets in a tough spot, linger near her so she can use her Slipstream to dash to you and get to safety

♡ Samira
♡ None

♡ She thrives with engage/hook supports. Everything else is very ehh. Keep her alive during fights to win the game. That's it.

♡ Senna
♡ Strong

Senna is the best scaler ( Absolution) in the game and you're the best healer late game. Keep her alive until she scales and you win the game for free.

♡ Keep her alive during lane phase and prioritize letting her stack. If she autos the enemy, slow them with [[starcall] so she can get her follow-up auto off

♡ Seraphine
♡ None

♡ I have a strong bias against this champion, finding her playstyle and player base annoying

♡ If playing with Seraphine, keep her alive until mid-late game. Her Encore shines in team fights, and we can assist by sustaining the team and providing buffs

♡ Right now, she is played as an APC/support hybrid so she can help you keep team alive during the late game

♡ Sivir
♡ Ok

Sivir benefits from movement speed buffs, which we can provide through empowered Astral Infusion. Our primary role is to keep her alive during fights. Her On The Hunt offers a significant movement speed buff to allies, aiding us in assisting low-health teammates with Salvation

♡ She is a really strong scaler, however she wants to play lane extremely safely to enable her to scale. Push waves with her when she asks but otherwise let her manage wave control completely and keep her alive as much as possible

♡ Smolder
♡ Ok

♡ I’m gonna say it. I do not like playing with this champion. I love scaling champions but even after Smolder has scaled into his execute and high damage, his champion is just extremely inconsistent. Not sure if it’s the player base or his champion but it’s so hard to play around him.

♡ Just keep him alive during lane phase and let him farm up. Play around your team when he is farming and scaling. Once he scaled, stay with him at all times to keep him alive during fights

♡ Swain
♡ Ok

♡ Keep Swain alive during fights, especially during his Demonic Ascension, and you should win fights pretty easily. That's about it

♡ During lane phase, you can both abuse your poke power and hopefully score some kills. Swain is also very tanky during lane phase so it’s easy to stay alive during all-ins

♡ Tristana
♡ Low

♡ Like Samira, she likes engage and hooks. We help her by keeping her alive. Not much else to say here

♡ When she goes in, even if you’re too far to help, start walking up to use abilities from max range. If you’re close enough, drop Equinox behind her target to root them in place and slow them with Starcall

♡ Twitch
♡ Ok

Twitch is my favorite ADC of all time to play with, especially with his preferred supports. While Soraka isn't exactly preferred, we still benefit him greatly and complement his kit

♡ Stack Starcall on top of his Venom Cask to maximize damage output and his Deadly Venom stacks

♡ Avoid healing him while he is in his Ambush if you have Summon Aery because it will reveal his position. Try to bait the enemy laners when Twitch is invis

♡ If Twitch isn’t in lane with you, you can bait enemies by walking up. Play mind games, they may assume Twitch is near when you walk up. They may call your bluff and all-in you so maintain safe distance while walking up or walk with sporadic movements to throw them off

♡ Varus
♡ Strong

♡ Varus has strong poke during lane and he has heal cut in his Hail of Arrows which also slows enemies. Stack your Starcall and Equinox to get big poke off. Not sure what else he does

♡ Veigar
♡ Ideal

Veigar is an incredibly strong scaler and when he is your APC, you can enable him to scale even harder by keeping him alive during lane and helping with poke. It’s fairly straight-forward.

♡ Vayne
♡ Ideal

Vayne is the best hypercarry ADC for Soraka to support. We keep her alive in fights and use Equinox to prolong stuns when she Condemns enemies against walls

Vayne excels against high maximum health enemies with her true damage built into her kit

♡ Xayah
♡ None

♡ Xayah is a strong auto attacker. Just enable her damage, keep her alive, and that's about it. I don't see Xayah's too often anymore sadly, she's a fun ADC to lane with

Xayah is weak right now so it’s likely just a dodge angle unless you’re duo queuing with a Xayah player

♡ Yasuo
♡ Ideal

♡ Yasuo ADC wants engage, hook, or a knock-up. But for enchanters, we help him so much. He struggles with getting poked in lane by the enemy ADC but we can help him stay alive to farm and trade. His windwall keeps both you and himself safe. Even though we don't have knock-up, we can try to root with Equinox to help him land his Steel Tempest

♡ As long as you keep him alive, he will scale really hard and 1v9 eventually

♡ Zeri
♡ Low

♡ Another case of good ADC, bad synergy. She wants Lulu, Milio, or Yuumi. Keep her alive in lane and poke the enemies down. Get her to late game and she should outscale the enemy ADC

♡ Ziggs
♡ Ok

♡ Not a fan of Ziggs with Soraka support, but we can assist him in poking during the lane phase. If the lane is safe, aim to push waves and take the first tower with his Satchel Charge

♡ In the late game, prioritize buffing your team and ensuring their survival. Ziggs isn't a traditional ADC, so you don't need to focus too much on buffing him with empowered Astral Infusion, unless you bought him a Staff of Flowing Water

♡ Early/Mid Game
♡ WIP ♡ | ♡ Warding Quick Jump: Blue Side | Red Side

Early/Mid Tips

♡ Poke enemy ADC and support to build your support item

♡ Ping when your laners are missing or roaming

♡ Switch to Oracle Lens after completing your world's atlas ward item

♡ Buy and replace Control Wards regularly, change their placements so they aren't predictable

♡ Keep your ADC healthy during lane phase

♡ Stay near mid lane post-lane phase for objective control

♡ Maintain high map vision and ask for jungle help for deep wards

♡ Ping frequently when enemies go missing

♡ Right now for season 14, the current meta for supports is to roam around the 4:40 mark for voidgrubs. I try to wait for enough gold to either buy full Boots of Swiftness or Boots with x2 control wards. Ping and tell your jungler and mid/top to go for grubs. Help them set up in case a fight breaks out. Once your team has either secured voidgrubs or failed, they go on a 5 minute respawn timer. Same as before, roam for grubs before they spawn and help with getting vision down and fighting for them.

Warding Early

Warding Tips

♡ When using runes like Ghost Poro and Zombie Ward, make sure you're fully utilizing them. Leave wards to expire for Ghost Poro in safe spots where they won't get swept out and once you have Ghost Poros on the map, wards like normal. With Zombie Ward, all you have to contribute is at least 1 auto attack or be the one sweeping the wards.

♡ When sweeping, let your ADC or nearest ally last hit any wards so you both split the money earned. Don't do this with wards or Blue Wards since the money can't be split and your primary income is wards.

♡ Ping as soon as you see a ward dropped for the money and to give your team intel on where the enemy has vision

♡ When behind, other wards can go depending on the game state. Ask yourself these questions:

1.) Is dragon coming up soon or is it already up? Ward Dragon pit.

2.) Did you just see the enemy jungler top side, mid, or is/was backing? Ward any deep bush in their jungle.

3.) Bot lane just got ganked? Back and place a ward anywhere around mid lane/jungle for your mid laner and jungler.

♡ When behind, you need to be worring about where the enemy team is at all times. Bot lane is notorious for being camped, dived under tower, etc. Sending all 5 enemy team down there to punish you and your adc for being behind. To alletivate this, ask yourself these questions:

1.) Where was the jungle,mid,top last seen? Is it safe to ward right now? If you can see top in their lane, mid in their lane, and know where the enemy jungler is, you can safely ward river

1a.) If you don't know where anyone is or you can't make an accurate assumption, just hold on to your wards until you know. You can drop wards close by in your own jungle if you want, but try to save them for when you know where the enemy team is

2.) Are there any objectives coming up that you can help with? Consider this carefully, if you can leave your ADC alone to farm safely, then go ward the objective in question. If your ADC needs you or doesn't want to be solo, just ward the regular spots

3.) Are you getting tower dived? Start warding your jungle to catch the enemy team's roams or ganks before they happen

4.) Walking back from lane, are there any spots that looks dark on the minimap? The answer should always be yes. Path towards mid-top or mid-bot and get vision down where you can

5.) Remember to always have at least 1 Control Ward down and 1 Control Ward in your inventory at minimum. They're 75g, you have 0 excuse not to have one down or on-hand (unless you are full build and have no more room for one)

Warding Blue Side Early Game

♡ When you're ahead in lane or going even but you think you'll win, your map should either be looking like this:

♡ If you're losing lane, even, or getting ganked a lot, your map should look like this:

Warding Blue Side Mid Game

♡ While playing in the mid-game, you can focus on objectives easily since you have access to both top and bot through mid. You'll be primarily focused on warding objectives at this stage

Wards that show as 50% opacity can be considered "Temporary Wards", meaning you can get vision in those spots and have the wards replaced on your next rotate or back

♡ You can use this to help when warding Mid-Bot:

♡ You can use this to help when warding Mid-Top:

Warding Red Side Early Game

♡ When you're ahead in lane or going even but you think you'll win, your map should either be looking like this:

♡ If you're losing lane, even, or getting ganked a lot, your map should look like this:

Warding Red Side Mid Game

♡ While playing in the mid-game, you can focus on objectives easily since you have access to both top and bot through mid. You'll be primarily focused on warding objectives at this stage

Wards that show as 50% opacity can be considered "Temporary Wards", meaning you can get vision in those spots and have the wards replaced on your next rotate or back

♡ You can use this to help when warding Mid-Bot:

♡ You can use this to help when warding Mid-Top:
♡ Late Game
♡ WIP ♡ | ♡ Warding Quick Jump: Blue Side | Red Side

♡ Stay with your team as much as possible, you should never be solo at this point

♡ You no longer have to use your ult sparingly since your cooldowns are shorter, but you should still be mindful about when you're using it

♡ Keep at least 1 Control Ward on the map at all times, preferrably on objectives

♡ If losing, clear out enemy wards in your jungle safely and place down wards where they're useful

♡ If winning, drop wards into their jungle safely and clear out enemy wards when you can

♡ Chemtech soul is really, really big for you so fight tooth and nail to get it when it's in your game. Cloud soul is fun for free sprints after ult, Mountain soul makes you slightly harder to kill with it's shield and passive armor/mr, Ocean soul keeps you alive longer with health regen and you get free mana regen which rocks if you're an ability spammer, Infernal soul is fantastic for your carries but you don't do too much with it, and Hextech soul is even better for specifically your ADC with it's slow on autos/abilities and attack speed. Every soul is valuable and each importance really depends on the team you have, but I always prioritize Chemtech soul over every other soul on Soraka.

♡ If you have a long enough game where you're full build, you can opt for selling your Boots to buy an extra item but don't sell your support item. Wards are way too valuable to just give up for an extra legendary item.

Warding Blue Side Late Game

♡ You can use this to help when warding Dragon-Pit:

♡ You can use this to help when warding Baron-Pit:

♡ Playing from Blue Side, your jungle and the enemies jungle can be warded like these,
♡ Ally Jungle:
♡ Enemy jungle:

♡ If you're losing, you can ward your base like this (If you have an open Nexus, having a Control Ward can catch invisible champions trying to backdoor):

♡ If your're winning, you can ward the enemies base like:

♡ If you ever find yourself top side because of roaming or objectives, you can ward top side like this:

♡ You can use this map for general good ward spots:

Warding Red Side Late Game

♡ You can use this to help when warding Dragon-Pit:

♡ You can use this to help when warding Baron-Pit:

♡ Playing from Red Side, your jungle and the enemies jungle can be warded like these,
♡ Ally Jungle:
♡ Enemy jungle:

♡ If you're losing, you can ward your base like this (If you have an open Nexus, having a Control Ward can catch invisible champions trying to backdoor):

♡ If your're winning, you can ward the enemies base like:

♡ If you ever find yourself top side because of roaming or objectives, you can ward top side like this:

♡ You can use this map for general good ward spots:
♡ Rotating Game Mode Builds

♡ Current game mode: Arena ♡

♡ Items

♡ Note: This tier list is outdated, Mythical = Gamba Anvil.
♡ Augments are in no particular order. You may find some augments work better for you than others, so experiemnt with different augments and items!

♡ Prismatic Items

♡ Note: Crown is back in Arena and it's a very strong item on Soraka. Additionally, a new item exclusive to Arena was released called Empyrean Promise. This item is a fantastic pickup on Soraka. Crown is a great option for it's base stats and passive, which remains unchanged (blocking incoming damage) while Empyrean Promise gives an outstanding +18% Heal/Shield power and on active, teleports you to your ally and grants you both a shield on arrival. It can be activated while your ally is dead as well. Both items, in my opinion, are extremely valuable items to roll for.

♡ Again, items are not listed in any particular order!

♡ Patch Notes
♡ WIP ♡

♡ Last Patch: 14.8

♡ Current Patch: 14.9

♡ Full patch notes can be viewed here:


Mana Barrier Shield Duration 10 seconds -> 4 Seconds

Overdrive Initial movement speed 70/75/80/85/90% -> 60/65/70/75/80%


Ghostwater Dive

♡ Mana cost: 50 -> 65

♡ Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 -> 14/13/12/11/10


Inner Flame slow 35% > 40%


AoE Shielding on Secondary Targets: 90% extra shield -> 100% extra shield

AoE Movement Speed: 12% -> 15%


High Note Damage 60/85/110/135/160 (+50% AP) -> 60/85/110/135/160 (+60% AP)


Zephyr damage 55/90/125/160/195 (+60% AP)(+30% bonus movement speed) -> 55/85/115/145/175 (+50% AP)(+30% bonus movement speed)

Eye Of The Storm Shield 80/115/150/185/220 (+55% AP) -> 80/120/160/200/240 (+55% AP)
♡ Change Logs
♡ Updated for patch 14.9 + Arena updates! ty for 80k views ♡♡♡

♡ Patch 14.8 updates!!

♡ Thank you for 60k views!!! Updated for patch 14.7 ♡

♡ Forgot to note that the guide has been updated for patch 14.6! Also, 53k views! I know I say it a lot but truly, thank you all fo reading my guide!

♡ 03/11/2024 THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHOS HAS READ OR LIKED MY GUIDE!!!! I won an honorable mention in the MOBAFire Season 14 Guide Contest in the Support category. I never thought my guide would've attracted that much attention but I'm so grateful for all of you. Also, happy 40k views!

♡ 03/06/2024 Updated for patch 14.5!

♡ 02/22/2024 Updated for patch 14.4! Also updated rune pages and moved match-up recommended runes and itemization to the top of the guide page. You can find them under "threats"! Ward Maps are up now! You can find them in the Early/Mid Game and Late Game chapters. QUick Jumps are at the top of the chapters!

♡ 02/16/2024 Thank you everyone for your patience! I finally have the guide fully updated and I'll keep it updated now. It took way longer than I'd like but at least it's done. Thank you for 30k views by the way!? I didn't expect to see that many views on this guide so thank you all!!

♡ 01/10/2024 Happy new years Raka players! Whew. It's been a while. Updating my guide to be ready for the new season took some time but here it is! I plan to keep up more and update as much as I can but I can't promise I'll keep it updated 24/7. Good luck with your placements everyone and I'll see you on the rift!!

♡ 11/26/2023 ahhhh work has been keeping me busy lately ;_; patch 13.23 updates now live!

♡ 11/11/2023 Patch 13.22 updates! Sorry for being late

♡ 11/4/2023 WIP chapter out for Nexus Blitz! Still needs some work especially with the event and gameplay portions. And the runes + items could use some work. Yeeeeesh. Hopefully you still find it useful for the current event!! ^^;

♡ 10/25/2023 Going through some tough times at the moment so I will try to keep this guide updated as much as possible! Just fixed stuff in the Runes chapter and updated patch notes for 20.21 this time

♡ 10/13/2023 Updates runes, scorch is now listed as optional

♡ 10/11/2023 Patch 13.20 updates! No changes to the actual guide portion this time

♡ 9/27/2023 - Happy Spooky Season! Updated runes again and updated patch notes for patch 13.19!

♡ 9/18/2023 - Updated chapter contents with colored text! Hopefully it makes viewing a bit easier ^^; Planning to start working on in-depth guides soon! Also fixed some minor mistakes here and there. Removed tanky build and toxic build. I want to focus on support builds only in this guide I've decided

♡ 9/13/2023 - Spent a few days reworking rune pages+chapter and updating some match-ups! (Braum very easy > easy | Pyke hard > very hard | Senna hard > medium | Seraphine very easy > easy and added a matchup page for Sera)

♡ 9/11/2023 - Updated guide for patch notes 13.18

♡ 9/4/2023 - Moved Pyke from medium to hard matchup

♡ 9/1/2023 - Guide is ready for upload! Started writing the whole thing on 8/24/2023!
♡ Future Changes

♡ Planned to move recommended runes + items in matchups to threats notes. Also planned to move recommended items for synergies chapter to synergies notes

♡ Finish updating matchups + synergies chapter

♡ Finish in-depth guides for Early/Mid and Late game guides

♡ Add gifs for abilities

Add ward placement pictures for visual references

Color coordinate underlined items, runes, and champions. (e.g. make guardian from pink text to green!)

Add recommended items and runes for specific matchups (instead of just primary rune and starting item suggestions) and for synergies

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