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Ziggs Build Guide by A Resident

AP Carry [S3] Going out with a bang - Ziggs

AP Carry [S3] Going out with a bang - Ziggs

Updated on August 12, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author A Resident Build Guide By A Resident 7 1 16,906 Views 7 Comments
7 1 16,906 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author A Resident Ziggs Build Guide By A Resident Updated on August 12, 2013
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Hello, my name is AResident and this is my first ever Mobafire guide, this one will be on Ziggs, the first AP carry I ever picked up and learnt to play properly, I don't use him much now but I still love him.
I'm not a very experienced player like many other guide makers, with just less than 400 wins under my belt since June 2012, I don't know everything about League, but I believe I know a lot.
My main roles have been mid lane and support, I started moving off of support earlier this year and more into AD carry, I can play all 5 roles to a decent standard though.

Ziggs is a great mid-laner with high area damage, burst damage but little crowd control, I am hoping to teach you something new in this guide, I will cover his abilities, counters to him and who he counters, and how to deal with lane opponents.
I love Ziggs and still do now because he was my first AP carry to learn, hearing his voice and quotes always makes me happy and he can be a great damage dealer in team fights.
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Pro / Cons


- All abilities are AOE
- Good farmer and tower pusher
- Good early game harass with Bouncing Bomb and Short Fuse
- Decent escape abilities
- Good team fight presence
- Long range abilities


- All abilities are skillshots
- Short Fuse is much shorter range than his abilities
- Item reliant
- Not much crowd control
- His escape ability isn't the most reliable
- Hard to master
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Short Fuse

Every 12 seconds, Ziggs' next basic attack deals 13 + (7 × level) (+0.35 per ability power) bonus magic damage. This cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds whenever Ziggs uses an ability. Short Fuse deals 50% bonus damage to enemy structures.

Riot made Ziggs' Short Fuse scale with AP which has made it a very powerful damage tool in the late game, especially in the unlikely event that all of Ziggs' abilities are on cooldown. It works well with Lich Bane and Spellsword , but it has one weakness, it requires a basic attack which forces Ziggs closer to a fight, potentially putting him at risk of death.
On the other hand, it is a great harassment tool in laning and good for tower pushing due to the bonus damage dealt to structures.

Q Ability:

Bouncing Bomb

Ziggs throws a bomb to a target area. If the bomb doesn't hit any enemy in the area, it will bounce two times more or until it hits an enemy. The bomb will explode and deal magic damage in an area upon hitting an enemy or bouncing twice.

This is Ziggs' main damage tool and should be maxed ASAP, it is a very long range ability, if cast at max range, the bomb can easily bounce beyond Ziggs' vision range. It is good for face-checking brushes, you can tell if someone is inside if the bomb explodes early.
Other tips: The bomb does explode on contact with solid terrain, if a bounce can cause the bomb to travel a sufficient distance, it can travel through player-made terrains like Anivia's Crystallize.
Finally, the distance and speed the bomb bounces depends on how far Ziggs' throws the bomb, the further, the faster.

W Ability:

Satchel Charge

Ziggs flings an explosive charge to a nearby target area that will detonate after 4 seconds or when the ability is activated again. The explosion will deal magic damage to enemies knocking them away slightly. Additionally, if Ziggs is caught in the explosion, he will be knocked away a greater distance, without taking any damage.

This is Ziggs' main escape ability which can carry him over most walls, as well as knocking away enemies, the closer to the centre Ziggs is, the further he is knocked back (little difference however).
The charge grants vision of the area it is cast at, but has a long cooldown so isn't ideal for face-checking brushes, Bouncing Bomb is much better for this.
I will say this many times, satchel charge isn't always reliable, newer Ziggs players may find escaping with satchel charge fairly difficult, but have no fear Flash is here.
Finally, crowd control such as knockups and knockbacks can cancel the knockback from Satchel charge while in mid-air.


You can now explode satchel charge while it is in mid-flight, so escaping is now smoother and easier
Also, the charge goes on cooldown once it is thrown (like Lux's Lucent Singularity) instead of once it has exploded.

E Ability:

Hexplosive Minefield

Ziggs scatters 10 proximity mines in a circular area nearby, each will detonate on enemy contact, dealing magic damage and slowing them for 2 seconds. Enemies who have already hit a mine will take 40% damage from additional mines. The mines are visible to all players and last for 10 seconds.

This is Ziggs' only real crowd control ability, but it is a slow. This skill is great to choke off paths in the jungle and lane, whether you are chasing or escaping, use this ability to force a champion to either dive through it or path around it.
The mines automatically explode on contact with terrain, no vision is granted by the mines unless an enemy steps on one, then vision of them is granted for a brief time.


Mega Inferno Bomb

Ziggs deploys the Mega Inferno Bomb, hurling it an enormous distance to a target area. Enemies in the center of the explosion area will take a great amount of magic damage, while enemies away from the primary blast zone will take 80% of that damage.

This ability is a great sniping tool, great for bursting down a champion and it give Ziggs global presence due to it's massive range. Bear in mind ho long the bomb takes to land though, at max range it takes 4 seconds from he original cast, point blank range it takes 2 seconds. The target area gives vision in it's radius throughout the bombs flight, also, there is an indicator on the ground only visible to allies, about 1 second before landing, this indicator becomes visible to enemies.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Greater Marks of Magic Penetration:

Magic pen is very good early game for most AP carries, it is very good for late game as well as early game laning. Ziggs is really good at poking with Bouncing Bomb and magic pen can amplify that damage more.

Greater Seals of Armor:

Early armor for the early game can be good to null harassment from auto-attacks, it is also good to take less damage from junglers that try to gank you, especially AD junglers. You can opt for Greater Seal of Scaling Armor if you think you can stay safe early game, you will be rewarded with more armor in the late game!

Greater Glyphs of Scaling Magic Resist:

Ziggs doesn't gain magic resist per level so these glyphs can counter-act that, like Greater Seal of Armor, you can opt for Greater Glyph of Magic Resist to reduce the damage from harass from your lane opponent, I prefer scaling but it is personal preference.

Greater Quintessences of Ability Power:

I always take Greater Quintessence of Ability Power any AP caster, the 15 AP you gain at the start is invaluable, it allows you to deal more damage with Short Fuse, Bouncing Bomb and Hexplosive Minefield for harass, they go really well with Greater Mark of Magic Penetration to buff your damage more in the early game, they provide a nice damage boost for the late game as well.
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Offence Tree:

Summoner's Wrath

This gives you bonus attack damage and ability power when Ignite is on cooldown, so using it isn't as taxing as before.


The 4 bonus damage to minions is EXTREMELY helpful for last hitting, along with Spellsword , you can last hit minions more easily and with less risk of missing them.


Obvious choice for AP casters, need to invest points in something to progress down the tree.


1 ability power per level is fairly useful, again, we need to invest points to progress down the tree.

Arcane Knowledge

Percentage magic pen is fairly limited, the bonus 8% is very useful in the early game for better harass, and good for late game team fights when your enemies stack more magic resist.

Mental Force

Never turn down bonus AP for free, it's too worth it.


Great synergy with Short Fuse for better harass and last hitting, it is a good mastery throughout the game.


Bonus percentage ability power goes well with Rabadon's Deathcap and again, it is a good mastery throughout the game.


Good for last hitting, bursting down enemy champions and clearing up fights, this benefits all forms of physical and magic damage.

Utility Tree:

Summoner's Insight

Ziggs' only escape ability is Satchel Charge but it isn't always reliable, the 15 second reduced cooldown on Flash is allows you to use a more reliable escape more often.


The bonus mana regen is useful to harass more often, Ziggs can have mana problems if you abuse his abilites so this mastery can provide a bit of help for sustaining mana.

Improved Recall

This is PURELY a filler, you can invest the point into other masteries like Mastermind or Wanderer , it's your choice.

Expanded Mind

The mana per level goes with with Archangel's Staff if you choose to build it, you can invest these three points into Mastermind instead if you want to have flash up more, again, it's personal preference.

Runic Affinity

Very good for keeping blue buff longer, allowing you to sustain harass for a bit longer, if you want this in numbers, blue buff lasts for 3 minutes (180 seconds), a 20% increase would make the buff last for 216 seconds (3 minutes 36 seconds).
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Summoner Spells


Almost a requirement on Ziggs, Satchel Charge isn't the most reliable escape tool (I can't say that enough), you need something extra for when you really need it, that's where Flash comes in, you can give it a really short cooldown with Mastermind , Enchantment: Distortion and Summoner's Insight .


Good for finishing off champions throughout the game, BUT BE CAREFUL, ignite has a much shorter range than Ziggs' abilities so using it may put it you into danger, it may not matter too much in the early game, but in team-fights it can be a win or loss.

Alternatives (good ones):


Good for ganking and it gives Ziggs global map presence along with Mega Inferno Bomb, use it if you're against a champion that roams or ganks other lanes often, examples are Twisted Fate, Evelynn and Katarina, there are others.


The movement speed slow from exhaust makes hitting your last skillshots easier, Ziggs' crowd control is also limited so taking exhaust can be a decent call, it's also good if you're not great with skillshots, but Ziggs is a great champion to practice skillshots with.


Ziggs has no sustain in lane, heal can be used to make up for this, especially against tough lane opponents like Katarina (although her Death Lotus can make heal useless), LeBlanc, Orianna etc.

What not to take:


Never ever ever ever take clarity, despite the buff to it in Season 3, it is still useless because almost every other summoner spell is better, except Revive.


Speaking of revive. Another useless summoner spell, there are better ones, don't take this one.


This spell is better for AD carries, never take barrier, especially against damage-over-time champions.


The movement speed gain is useless, Ziggs isn't meant to stick onto enemy champions until they die, he is meant to deal as much damage as he can to as many enemies as he can, Flash is better because it is an instant blink which compensates for Ziggs' lack of escape.

Other summoner spells like Cleanse, Clairvoyance etc. should not be taken.
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Starting item options

sight ward
Take 3x sight ward, 4x Health Potion and 3x Mana Potion if you want early game sustain as well as a bit of map awareness for junglers you personally don't like being against (for me that's nearly everyone).

sight ward
This is another sustain set for starting items, the flask will last you forever until you sell it but it is pretty useless by mid-game. I sacrificed two wards however so you will get less map vision.

This is a good set for lane opponents that have skill shots you want to dodge (examples: Death Ray, Dark Binding, Orb of Deception etc.) You will have no wards though, so don't overextend until you do get some.

Core Item Options:

This is good to grab early, it provides a nice mana boost as well as mana regeneration. It is best to buy early so you can stack it quickly with Bouncing Bomb.


With the new tear, you can now get 2 stacks every 8 seconds (instead of 1 stack every 4 seconds), so stacking is a bit easier.

catalyst the protector A good health and mana boost for Ziggs, you can upgrade it to Rod of Ages if you want the damage, or even Banshee's Veil if you aren't doing too well, I don't recommend it though.

Great against AD mids like Talon, the armour boost can be stacked very quickly for a 45 armour total for just over 1100 gold, save it for later if you're against an AP mid.

A good offensive item for some early damage if you are beating your opponent, I tend to take health and mana first, I will take Needlessly Large Rod if I can afford it when I first recall.

The bonus movement speed is very nice for dodging skillshots, and the flat magic penetration goes well with Greater Mark of Magic Penetration to ignore some more magic resist.

Upgraded Items:

The mana you gain from this item is great, considering you are getting more mana from other items like Rod of Ages, the AP increase based on mana is extremely helpful as well

Try to get this upgraded item early to start stacking the health, mana and AP early, it's a good sustain item and good for surviving fights/burst, there aren't many games when I don't get the rod.

A great item for getting AP, the 25% bonus is so helpful when you are trying to stack a lot of it, it also has good synergy with Archmage for a total of 30% bonus AP, very, very, very good (shame it isn't 30% from the deathcap now)

Very good item, not just for the armour boost which is great against AD heavy teams, the stasis active effect is great for AP casters in general, it allows you to get your abilities off of cooldown without taking much risk.

This item can be good against a tank oriented team or a beefy mid-lane opponent like Diana, Mordekaiser etc. The burn applied through it's passive can also be applied to many opponents with Ziggs' AOE.

This item is ideal for when the enemy team stacks a lot of magic resist, I don't tend to get this on Ziggs because I find other items better, but this is viable if you want to do more damage in fights.

Optional Defensive Items:

The slow from the item isn't substantial for Ziggs as all of is abilties are area of effect (only a 15% slow is given), but the health and AP makes Ziggs a bit more tanky and durable in fights. I'd only get this item if I was getting focused a lot.

I love this item on Ziggs, although spell vamp effects are reduced for area of effect spells, but the damage you do makes up for it, spell vamp is very useful to make up for Ziggs' lack of sustain, the aura it gives is also helpful to other AP champions, or AD champions that have AP scaling abilities, it gives them a little more damage.

Items to Avoid:

This item is for shorter range AP champions like Fiddlesticks, Amumu etc. Ziggs is too long range to reduce the magic resist of his enemies, as nice as the magic resist is, don't take it UNLESS, you are against a beefy mid-laner that can jump onto you easily ( Diana, Fiddlesticks and Fizz are good examples).

This may be a surprise, Lich Bane does go well will Short Fuse, but as I said in the Abilities section, this means you have to go into auto-attack range to use it which can be very risky for a long range champion.

A decent item, but not for an AP carry, get someone like the support to buy this item because it might benefit them more, there are many more useful AP items in League than Ohmwrecker.
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Lane Matchups

In this part, I will explain what champions you want to be against (if possible), and how to deal with those that counter you.

Easy Matchups


You're Screwed

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Matchups explained

Easy Matchups:

Ryze is a very simple matchup, all of Ziggs' abilities can out range Ryze's, his Overload and Rune Prison are short range so you can harass him easily. If he does get into range, Rune Prison can stop the knockback from Satchel Charge, so just be aware of that and Ryze shouldn't be a problem.

Firstly, no one ever plays Heimerdinger, so don't worry about being matched up against one, but if you do, he is an easy lane opponent. His H-28G Evolution Turret are very short range so can be destroyed with a Bouncing Bomb or two, if you can back off when there are no minions so his Hextech Micro-Rockets can't hit you, this lane will be a breeze.

Another fairly easy lane, if possible, save Satchel Charge for when Karthus uses Requiem to cancel it with the knockback, if you can't do it then don't worry. Karthus is another short range champion, his Lay Waste shouldn't be much of a problem, if it is, grab a Hextech Revolver early for some sustain, other than that, another easy lane.

All of Annie's abilities are short range like Ryze, if she has Pyromania active, just back away and farm with Bouncing Bomb, your long range can harass her really easily while giving her little opportunity to retaliate.

Arguably, this is a skill based matchup, but I find that Lissandras short range on Ice Shard and Ring of Frost make her countered by Ziggs, if she uses Glacial Path try to knock yourself away with Satchel Charge or place Hexplosive Minefield along the path to put her off of teleporting. She has low mobility as well other than Glacial Path so hitting skillshots should be easy.

A VERY easy lane for a Ziggs player, Fiddlesticks' range on his abilities is appalling compared to Ziggs, the only ability he could possibly hit you with is Reap, unless you overextend that much. Just remember that Fiddle can surprise you with Crowstorm from the fog of war.

Again, this could be a skill matchup, but I find that Ziggs dominates Swain, his Decrepify and Torment abilities are fairly short range, just try to avoid Nevermove and throw down Hexplosive Minefield when Swain activates Ravenous Flock, try to deny him farm if he is low on mana so he cannot restore any with Carrion Renewal.

Skill Based Matchups:

Cassiopeia has a deceptively long range with Noxious Blast and Miasma, but her Twin Fang and Petrifying Gaze are much shorter, if you can stay out of range and harass in the lane, you'll do fine. A good starting item set is Boots and Health Potion, upgrade to Sorcerer's Shoes ASAP to dodge Noxious Blast more easily.

Veigar can do well against most AP carries in lane and team fights with Primordial Burst, deny farm if possible with Bouncing Bomb to prevent him from stacking AP early, and stay out of range of a possible Event Horizon which could easily kill you if Veigar has level 6. It might help if you replace Will of the Ancients with Rylai's Crystal Scepter for more health to have a chance of living through his burst, if you do, he has little left to use.

Dark Sphere has a similar range, cooldown and similar damage to Bouncing Bomb, they both also have a delay, they both have a slow and a knock-back. Try to avoid Dark Sphere at all costs, even if that means standing back and using Bouncing Bomb to farm if you're behind. Syndra can suffer similar mana problems to Ziggs, if they play agressive, wait for them to burn their mana, then attack.

This is a skill matchup based on how well you can dodge Dark Binding, if you're hit, use Satchel Charge and explode it when you are free of the snare, do this especially if she is level 6 and can follow up with Soul Shackles, also, don't attempt to snipe a Morgana as her Black Shield can absorb most if not all of the damage, so you're wasting your ultimate.

Like Morgana, it depends on how well you can dodge Arcanopulse. Be very careful when Xerath has locus of power activated as he can easily out-range you, with the exception of mage chains which you could stay out of range of while bombarding him with bombs. Like with Cassiopeia, start with Boots and get Sorcerer's Shoes quickly.

Mordekaiser is a very short range champion with no crowd control. Because he is a melee champion, it is very easy to deny him farm with Bouncing Bomb, and using this with Short Fuse can lead to some serious early game damage without putting you at too much risk. Just be aware when Mordekaiser has his Iron Man shield up, otherwise your abilities will be useless.

Viktor's abilities are short range with the exception of Death Ray, which is very slow moving and not very hard to dodge. If you stay out of his range, he can't stun you with Gravity Field or harass you with Power Transfer. Be careful of the silence from Chaos Storm it can stop your burst and prevents you from triggering Short Fuse. He is also very easy to zone with Hexplosive Minefield

This could be a hard matchup, her Lucent Singularity is very long range, her Light Binding can stop your escape with Satchel Charge, and her Final Spark isn't very easy to dodge unless you have preemptively placed a Satchel Charge or have flash up. Try to bait out her Prismatic Barrier before harassing her, the shield can block a lot of damage as it can be applied twice.

Your early game will be a breeze against Gragas, you can bully him out of lane with Short Fuse and Bouncing Bomb as he is a melee champion. But be careful when he starts hitting higher levels like 6, 9 and 11, he can easily combo you down if you aren't careful and he has decent mana sustain with Drunken Rage. Also beware of his Explosive Cask which can throw you away from Satchel Charge if you are escaping.
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Harder matchups explained

Difficult Matchups:

Playing Akali can be a pain, once Akali hits level 6 and learns Shadow Dance, she has exceptional mobility and can dodge your bombs very easily. It isn't too bad however because you can easily hit Akali while she is in her Twilight Shroud due to all of Ziggs' abilities being AOE.

Diana is very similar to Akali, but a lot more annoying early game as she can harass you easily, her durability also makes her hard to harass due to her Pale Cascade. At level 6 when she learns Lunar Rush, there isn't much you can do except hope that she doesn't attack you, also try to gank other lanes for kills.

Twisted Fate definitely isn't as bad as Akali or Diana, but he has very long range damage with Wild Cards, good mana sustain and crowd control with Pick A Card, and great global map presence with Destiny. I would suggest taking Teleport with Ziggs if you're against a TF, it gives you map presence as well, or you can heavily push your lane when TF uses Destiny.

Ziggs is a very squishy champion who Katarina can easily decimate once she hits level 6, her high mobility with Shunpo also makes it difficult to land harassment. The only way Ziggs can cancel Death Lotus is by using Satchel Charge underneath Katarina, the knockback can cancel channeled abilities. If you play well enough, you COULD beat Katarina.

Kennen is a very annoying champion to play against with Mark of the Storm, this can constantly stun you while Kennen uses his abilities, and an AP with short cooldowns goes horribly with crowd control as it prevents you from dealing as much damage as possible. Kennen has good harassment in lane as well as high mobility with Lightning Rush so he can dodge your abilities easily.

Another generally annoying champion to play against, the key is to be paranoid (in my opinion), stay away from your minions if Malzahar has tagged one of them with Malefic Visions, try to get a Hextech Revolver early to keep yourself sustained in lane against Malzahar's harass, he can restore mana through Malefic Visions, also, try to avoid his voidling from Summon Voidling. If you're expecting a full combo from Malzahar, try to place a Satchel Charge before he can use Nether Grasp on you, and hope it explodes early to cancel the channel.

This can be a difficult lane if you aren't careful. Nidalee has good sustain through Primal Surge and great poke with Javelin Toss, stay behind your minions to avoid it, and stay back when minions are pushed to your tower to give yourself a better chance of dodging the javelin. When she hits level 6, she can roam with her Aspect Of The Cougar, and dodge some of your abilities with Pounce. It will be hard to kill her, and even harder to not be killed.

Anivia is questionable, she has great poke with Flash Frost and Frostbite, and great pushing potential with Glacial Storm. When being attacked, try to save Satchel Charge until after Anivia has used Crystallize, the wall can either block you from the charge if you place it ahead of you, or you may be unable to knock yourself over it, just keep that in mind. Also, don't attempt to snipe her when she has Rebirth ready, it is wasting an ultimate.

Brand an easily nuke down a single champion, he has good poke with Pillar of Flame and a great stun if he manages to hit Sear, both of these can make a Ziggs player struggle. Just stay back and take any opportunities to take minions, your best bet is to farm out the lane and stay away from Brand, because giving him one kill can easily lead to another, and everyone hates a fed Brand. Try to compromise between staying behind minions (to avoid Sear) and staying away from them (to prevent Pyroclasm from bouncing)

He may be a shorter range caster, but do not under-estimate him. Transfusion and Tides of Blood give him incredible sustain, especially with a Hextech Revolver, they can inflict a lot of damage to you as well. His passive Crimson Pact, gives him health based on AP, and AP based on health, he can become very tanky and still deal a lot of damage because of this. Sanguine Pool can also dodge most of your burst damage, mainly Mega Inferno Bomb.

Zyra is annoying to play against, her plants from Rampant Growth can push lanes easily, offer good harass and decent crowd control with a slow. Her Stranglethorns offers a large knockup and a good boost to damage, if centered around Ziggs, he is very unlikely to escape it unless a well placed and timed Satchel Charge is used (the knockup from Stranglethorns can stop the knockback from Satchel Charge.

When you face ... you're screwed

Leblanc devastates all squishy AP carries in the early game, it is hard to stand away from minions as her Distortion can quickly blink her to you and she can easily halve your health bar. There aren't many champions that can stand toe-to-toe with Leblanc, your best bet it to sacrifice damage early and grab health and magic resist to live through her burst. Her main weakness is her farming, she has little area of effect abilities and low base damage, try to push to her tower to stop her farming.

An AP carries worst nightmare, Fizz. His Playful / Trickster and Urchin Strike abilities offer heavy mobility and damage, making it almost impossible to play against him. Chum the Waters is a great damage tool and cannot be avoided once the fish hits you, like LeBlanc, just buy some health and magic resist early to try and live, it might also be an idea to take Exhaust to nullify his burst damage.

If these hard matchups couldn't get any worse, meet Kassadin. He has great magic resist per level, a 3.5 second silence with Null Sphere, mana sustain with Nether Blade, and high mobility with Riftwalk, everything that stops a Ziggs is part of Kassadin, his mobility makes abilities hard to land, his silence makes it impossible to use abilities, and Nether Blade can let him harass you again, and again... and again... and again. Try to kill him early game while he has no Riftwalk and a short silence, it might just help you.

Pre-level 6, facing Ahri isn't too bad, just stay behind minions to avoid Charm and try to dodge Orb of Deception, once Ahri hits level 6 though, your lane becomes a lot harder. Ahri's Spirit Rush grants her powerful mobility, if she uses this while you are trying to damage her, she can easily dodge your abilities, all I can say is, try to burn Spirit Rush and attack when it is on cooldown.

And you thought they would give you a break, Talon is a horror story of a lane, he has an instant blink with cutthroat so he can dodge all of your burst, the silence that comes with it can stop you anyway, he has high burst damage once he hit level 6 with Shadow Assault, his sustain is poor though if he doesn't have any life steal, harass him while he is like this to force him away from your lane for about 30 seconds (much more useful than you might think)

Compared to Talon, Fizz and Kassadin, Orianna is like being a millionaire, but she can still own a Ziggs. She can harass you from safety with her ball, and with as longer range as you, her speed boost with Command: Dissonance and sheild with Command: Protect can help her survive against your harass. Like Talon though, she has no outright sustain, try to poke her when possible and push out her lane to make her waste mana on minions due to her mana problems (even with Chalice of Harmony sometimes).

I have faced Evelynn many times as Ziggs, and she is stressful to play against, her Shadow Walk not only causes confusion, it gives her mana regeneration to keep her in lane for longer. Dark Frenzy gives her more movement speed, making her able to dodge your bombs very well, and she has a strong slow with Agony's Embrace, don't try to push too much as she can surprise you very easily and stick onto you until you die.
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Playing Ziggs in Game

Early game/laning:

- Your key objective, like almost every other mid-laner, is to get as much farm as possible, while harassing your opponent to stop them getting farm, killing them is a bonus.

- This is made very easy for Ziggs with his AOE abilities, he can fulfill both of these objectives simultaneously, with Bouncing Bomb and Hexplosive Minefield, clearing waves of minions can be very easy, and the AOE can sometimes hit your opponents.

Try to...

1) Harass your opponents by targeting minions with Bouncing Bomb, an on-hit explosion is more likely to hit than a bomb that needs to bounce

2) Be un-predictable, even I find this fairly hard, but don't make it obvious that you're going to try to harass your enemy, or that your jungler is ganking, the enemy will just back away like most normal people would do

3) Push an early tower and roam for kills, I'd recommend this for harder matchups, it puts you at less risk of dying in lane and giving kills to your enemy, it puts your other lanes at an advantage, and it eases the pressure for you jungler, everybody wins (not that you should always do it)

Mid/late game and Team fights:

- Many people at lower levels say that the AP carry should focus the enemy AD or AP carry to shut down their damage, they are WRONG, doing this can put many AP carries in danger of death, if they die or have to escape, a lot of their damage potential is gone

- Bombard your enemies with constant uses of Bouncing Bomb and Hexplosive Minefield whenever they are off of cooldown, save Satchel Charge for emergency escapes

- When the opportunity comes, use Mega Inferno Bomb to hit as many enemies as possible, it can deal a huge amount of damage if you have a lot of AP, it can also be used from a very long distance, so if you're late to a fight or have been pushed out of a fight, it doesn't matter too much if your ultimate is up

- Finally, and most importantly, do not get greedy for kills and use Satchel Charge as a gap closer, about 90% of the time you will either get yourself killed, or not get the kill at all, the knockback can make abilities harder to land while you're in flight.
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Champion Abilities


Nunu and Ziggs

What makes them so good?

Ziggs' Mega Inferno Bomb is very easy to hit while Nunu is channeling Absolute Zero, the slow from it makes it harder to avoid Mega Inferno Bomb.

Nunu's Ice Blast can keep a target constantly slowed, it allows Ziggs to hit his abilities more easily.

Because Nunu is a tanky support/jungler, he can protect Ziggs from enemy champions, allowing Ziggs to deal more damage

Ziggs' Abilities

Champion Abilities


Galio and Ziggs

What makes them so good?

Galio's Idol of Durand can taunt all enemies caught in its area, forcing them to attack Galio, this allows Ziggs a clear shot with Mega Inferno Bomb, both of which have very similar radii.

Bulwark is very useful for champions that tend to get focused in to team fights (mainly the carries), this ability can give Ziggs better armor and magic resist to help him survive.

Ziggs' Abilities

Champion Abilities


Malphite and Ziggs

What makes them so good?

The knockup from Unstoppable Force can make Mega Inferno Bomb almost unavoidable, great for team fights when all of the enemy team are clustered together.

The constant slow offered by Seismic Shard lets Ziggs hit more of his skillshots, increasing his damage output.

Ziggs' Abilities

Champion Abilities


Jarvan IV and Ziggs

What makes them so good?

Jarvan IV offers heavy crowd control, a knockup from a Dragon Strike Demacian Standard combo which can be used twice or sometimes even three times in a team fight, this lets Ziggs land more of his abilities.

Jarvan's Cataclysm creates impassable terrain, if he can trap enough enemy champions, Ziggs area-of-effect spells can inflict severe damage to many opponents.

Ziggs' Abilities

Champion Abilities


Amumu and Ziggs

What makes them so good?

Amumu has two abilities that are crowd control, Bandage Toss, and Curse of the Sad Mummy. If Amumu can tag most if not all of the enemy team with Curse of the Sad Mummy, Ziggs can follow this up with Mega Inferno Bomb for massive damage.

Bandage Toss can offer the same things for smaller fights like 2v2 or 3v3.

Ziggs' Abilities

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Thank You For Reading!!!

You have already helped me in making this guide, giving feedback will be great for me, I'll keep all the changes I do in this section as well as anyone I want to thank for suggestions/feedback! (Including possible grammar mistakes ;))
Have fun playing Ziggs: The Hexplosives Expert!

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