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Rengar Build Guide by Dream Orbit

Top [11.23] Leave Only a Trail of Bodies - Top Rengar Guide

Top [11.23] Leave Only a Trail of Bodies - Top Rengar Guide

Updated on November 28, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dream Orbit Build Guide By Dream Orbit 215 12 260,633 Views 23 Comments
215 12 260,633 Views 23 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dream Orbit Rengar Build Guide By Dream Orbit Updated on November 28, 2021
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Second Wind

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



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Champion Build Guide

[11.23] Leave Only a Trail of Bodies - Top Rengar Guide

By Dream Orbit
Ability Explanation

UNSEEN PREDATOR (Passive): While in brush, basic attacking causes Rengar to leap towards his target. Leaping to enter combat generates 1 Ferocity. At 4 Ferocity his next ability is empowered. Casting an empowered ability grants 30 / 40 / 50% (at levels 1 / 7 / 13) bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds. Whenever a unique champion is killed within 1.5 seconds of taking damage from him, Rengar's attack damage is permanently increased.

As you can see, Rengar’s passive can be divided into three different parts:
The first one, is that your range increases from 125 to 725 when in a brush. Some things to note about this: this effect lasts for 0.25 seconds upon exiting the brush, this allows you to jump much farther than normal. I recommend that you get some training on the practice tool to get used to it. You can leap over walls (including Anivia’s wall) but not over other abilities like Veigar’s E. Leaping over traps such as Teemo´s R or Jhin’s E STILL activates them. Also, the speed at which you can jump repeteadly depends on your attack speed, this is why taking the attack speed shard is important, and why I usually prefer taking Legend: Alacrity over Legend: Bloodline.
The second, is that if you jump while at 0 ferocity, you gain an additional ferocity stack. This is extremely important and you want to abuse it as much as possible. Another thing worth noting is that if you precast your empowered Q and then jump out of a brush or your ult, you still gain that additional stack, this allows you to perform the TRIPLE Q COMBO, which is your maximum damage one-shot combo. Be aware that you will lose your ferocity stacks if you stay out of combat for 8 seconds, you can see this cooldown on the passive icon.
And the last part, Bonetooth Necklace, is that you get additional permanent attack damage when a unique champion dies whitin 1.5 seconds of taking damage from you. It’s not necessary that you get the kill, you only have to deal any kind of damage to them and if they die within the next 1.5 seconds you will get the stack. This includes damage from Ignite, from grievous wounds or from red buff passive. The damage increase that you get from every stack is the following: 1 trophy: +1% bonus attack damage. 2 trophies: +4% attack damage. 3 trophies: +9% attack damage. 4 trophies: +16% attack damage. 5 trophies: +25% attack damage. However there is still one last stack you can get, and it can only activate when playing against an enemy Kha'Zix. Once you have all of your five stacks and Kha'Zix has three abilities evolved, an event called “The Hunt Is On!” will begin. If you manage to kill Kha'Zix when this event is active, you will get an additional 36% attack damage. However, if Kha'Zix is the one to kill you, he’ll be able to evolve his last ability.

SAVAGERY (Q): Rengar's next two basic attacks within 3 seconds gain 40% bonus attack speed, with the first also becoming unstoppable, gaining 25 bonus range and dealing 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+0 / 0.05 / 0.1 / 0.15 / 0.2% attack damage) bonus physical damage. EMPOWERED ACTIVE: Savagery's bonus physical damage is modified to a total of 30−240 (+0.4 attack damage) (based on level) and grants Rengar 50−101% bonus attack speed for 5 seconds (depending on level).
There’s really not much to say about this ability. It’s basically an empowered auto attack that gives you attack speed steroids. It’s an AA reset, so make sure to abuse this to get the max amount of damage in the least possible time. This is also very useful when destroying wards, since you can auto-Q-auto recently placed wards without having to waste your Oracle Lens. Remember that since it counts as an auto attack, it will have no effect when you’re blinded by Teemo and it won’t get trough Jax’s E.

BATTLE ROAR (W): Rengar lets out a battle roar, dealing 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+80% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies, increased by 65−130 against monsters (depending on level), and healing himself for 50% of the damage he's taken in the last 1.5 seconds. This is increased to 100% of damage taken versus monsters. EMPOWERED ACTIVE: Battle Roar's magic damage is modified to a total of 50−220 (+80% of ability power) (depending on level) and additionally cleanses Rengar of all crowd control.
This ability is what makes Rengar so broken. How well you can use this ablility is what determines how good you are with Rengar, so it’s important that you learn when to and when not to use it. Its got a relatively long cooldown on the early game so DO NOT WASTE IT. Its your main tool for trading, try to time it so that you heal as much as possible. With your normal W you can only heal damage that you took recently, but using your W and your empowered W immediately after will heal you for more health that you initially had. This double-W combo will be the one that you use the most in trades. Also, its important to be aware of your enemy’s CC, and cleanse it effectively. Some tips for certain champs is that you can use your emp-W to get out of Mordekaiser’s ult, and also if you use it while you’re airborne Yasuo WILL NOT be able to ult you. This is because when you use it, you effectively cleanse the airborne effect. You still won’t be able to move tho, but you can use your Flash to escape if necessary.

BOLA STRIKE (E): Rengar throws a bola in the target direction, dealing 55 / 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 (+0.8 attack damage) physical damage to the first enemy hit and slowing them for 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90% for 1.75 seconds. EMPOWERED ACTIVE: Bola Strike's physical damage is modified to a total of 50−305 (+0.8 attack damage) (depending on level) and roots its target for 1.75 seconds.
Same as your Q, this ability is pretty simple to understand, but that doesn’t mean its not important to learn how to use it, as it is your only CC option. It has a 0.25 seconds cast time which you can cancel with your Flash, simply use your E and use your Flash immediately after. You can also get rid of the cast time by using it mid-air while you're leaping Try it a few times on the practice tool to get used to it. If you and your team are chasing an enemy, most of the time its better to root him with your emp-E rather than using your emp-Q, especially if its not a target you can oneshot.

THRILL OF THE HUNT (R): Rengar activates his predatory instincts, becoming camouflaged after 2 seconds for 12 / 16 / 20 seconds. While active, Rengar gains 40 / 50 / 60% bonus movement speed and vision of the nearest enemy champion within 2500 / 3000 / 3500 range, revealing them for the duration of the ability. Rengar can leap without being in brush during this time, dealing 150% of his total attack damage and shredding 12 / 18 / 24 of the target's armor for 4 seconds. Attacking or using abilities ends Thrill of the Hunt. Eyes appear over the head of the target Rengar gains vision of when Rengar is within 1600 range of his target. Enemies within 1200 range of the target champion will also see the eyes above the target's head. The cooldown for Thrill of the Hunt begins after Rengar loses his camouflage.
This ability is what makes Rengar be Rengar. There’s nothing better than watching an enemy champion desperately trying to escape as you hunt them down. Once you turn 6, you want to use your ult as much as possible, you can use it for duels, to escape ganks, roam mid or bot, etc. One of its most important features is that it gives you vision of the closest enemy champ, so you can use this to get vision control if your team is doing Herald/Baron or Dragon. One thing to note is that you get vision of the nearest champion within 2500/3000/3500 range, but they don’t know that you used your ult until you’re at 1600 range from them (you can know that they know when they have eyes upon their head). Be aware that using any damaging abilities will end your ult, but using any kind of ward, Flash, Teleport, or pre-casting your Q will NOT end it.
  • The MOST important thing when fighting Aatrox is to dodge his Q ( The Darkin Blade). For this reason I almost always rush boots against him, it makes it a lot easier. He also heals a lot with his passive ( Deathbringer Stance), so getting grievous wounds early is a good idea.
  • Once he gets a couple of items + steelcaps you won't really be able to 1v1 him unless you're pretty fed or he just sucks. If he tries to all-in with his ult ( World Ender), most of the times it’s better to just root him with your 4-stack E or run away with your ult and back off until his ult runs out, unless you're 100% sure you'll win. You have more damage than him in the early game so try to use that to your advantage.
  • Recommended runes: Conqueror/ Lethal Tempo- Triumph- Legend: Alacrity- Last Stand- Bone Plating- Revitalize.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Long Sword/ Doran's Blade.
  • He's pretty tanky even on the early game, do NOT underestimate his damage. He heals whenever he kills a minion because of his passive ( Carnivore) and almost always starts with Doran's Shield, so getting grievous wounds early is not a bad idea.
  • If he's good, he'll try to predict your jumps to use his Q ( Rupture) so be aware of that. His W ( Feral Scream) is also very annoying since Rengar relies on his abilities for trading, so try to cleanse the silence if possible. After 6 he becomes considerably more difficult to fight, and it's pretty much impossible to 1v1 him in late game, so you should just focus on other targets.
  • Recommended runes: Grasp of the Undying- Demolish- Second Wind- Revitalize- Nullifying Orb- Transcendence.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
  • Quite possibly the worst matchup for Rengar top. I just straight up ban him everytime.
  • Because his passive ( Hemorrhage) benefits from long fights, the way you'd want to play against him is with short trades, but the thing is, he won't let you do that. Once you go in on him there's no going back. He'll slow you with his W ( Crippling Strike) and as soon as you cleanse it he'll just pull you back with his E ( Apprehend). If he's bad, he'll start the trade with E+W, in that case just double-W and run away. So that's it, this matchup is not about how good you are, but about how bad he is.
  • Your goal in this lane is to just SURVIVE. Do NOT risk your life for cs and play behind. Wait for your jungler, tho be careful, because if your jungler is a champ whose early game is bad, you might end up giving Darius a double kill and that would be the end.
  • Recommended runes: Conqueror- Triumph- Legend: Alacrity/ Legend: Bloodline- Last Stand- Bone Plating- Revitalize.
  • Recommended summs: Flash- Teleport.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Shield.
Dr. Mundo
  • So, this guy just got reworked. But, nothing has changed too much, so the plan is pretty much the same compared to the old Mundo.
  • His Q ( Infected Bonesaw) is pretty much the same, try to dodge it the best you can, trying to stay behind minions whenever you jump into the wave to avoid getting hit. His W ( Heart Zapper) is a bit different, lasts for up to 4 seconds and stores some of the damage he receives as gray health, which he heals after the W wears off. However, he only heals a portion of it if he hits only minions or monsters, and heals ALL of it if he hits a champion, so I’d say its better to stay away from him when he activates it. His E ( Blunt Force Trauma) pushes minions back if he kills them with it (kinda like Sion’s E), so try not to stay behind minions with low health. Oh btw, his passive ( Goes Where He Pleases) only activates with hard CC, so your regular E doesn’t trigger it, only your 4-stack E. His ult ( Maximum Dosage) stays pretty much the same except he heals a portion of his missing health at the start.
  • Again, get grievous wounds early to counter his heals, do your best to dodge his Q and you’re good to go.
  • Recommended runes: Grasp of the Undying- Demolish- Second Wind- Revitalize- Taste of Blood- Ravenous Hunter.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
  • She's a very strong duelist, so you have to be careful with any move you make. Getting grievous wounds early is recommended.
  • At level one, engage only if she already used her Q ( Lunge). At level 2 assuming she went for E ( Bladework), try to double-W her Q+E combo to heal it all off. Be ALWAYS careful with her W ( Riposte) because it will block all of your damage and it'll also stun you if you use your 4-stack E while its active. Once she's 6, I prefer to root her or run away with my ult if she ults me with Grand Challenge and just go back when it runs out. If this isn't an option or you just wanna fight her, try to stick to a wall so she doesn't get to pop all of your vitals.
  • Recommended runes: Grasp of the Undying- Demolish- Bone Plating- Revitalize- Taste of Blood- Ravenous Hunter.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
  • Very annoying to deal with, but not too hard of a matchup.
  • Ideally, you want to be attacking him constantly to avoid his passive ( Perseverance) from activating, which has an 8 second cooldown. His Q ( Decisive Strike)’s silence is very annoying, so try to cleanse it with your 4-stack W whenever possible. Try to E him AFTER he's used his Q since it removes slows. His W ( Courage) is his most important cooldown. When he uses it, he gains a shield for 0.75 seconds and reduces incoming damage by 30% for 2 seconds. It's important that you keep track of this ability so that you don't attack him during this time because your attacks will do nothing to him. It has a 23 second cooldown early, don't forget it! His E ( Judgment) will reduce your armor if you get hit 6 times, so be aware of that and try to avoid it. Play safe after 6 because his ult ( Demacian Justice) is very dangerous and it does damage based on missing health. Get grievous wounds early to counter his sustain if necessary.
  • Recommended runes: Conqueror/ Lethal Tempo- Triumph- Legend: Alacrity- Last Stand- Bone Plating- Revitalize
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
  • Gnar is very annoying but I wouldn't consider it a hard matchup tbh.
  • All of his abilities in Mega Gnar form are skillshots, so I recommend that you get early T2 boots to make it easier to fight him. If the enemy jungler also has some form of CC, it may be better to get Mercury's Treads, unless you're confident that you can dodge it or cleanse it effectively with your 4-stack W. Its normally better to engage when he is in Mega Gnar form since he is slower and can't kite you. As long as you dodge his Q ( Boomerang Throw) and don't get caught by his full level 6 combo, you should be fine.
  • Recommended runes: Grasp of the Undying- Demolish- Second Wind- Overgrowth- Taste of Blood- Ravenous Hunter.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
  • Gwen has been gaining popularity over the last few months, and people are starting to have a better idea on how to play her.
  • I wouldn’t usually recommend fighting her level 1 since the extra AS and range she gets from her E ( Skip 'n Slash) makes her really dangerous. Once you’re level 2, you can start trading more consistently with the help of your W. When she uses her Q ( Snip Snip!), try not to get hit by its center since it does true damage. Since her passive ( Thousand Cuts) gives her passive lifesteal and she usually rushes Riftmaker, consider getting grievous wounds early to counter her sustain. Once she has her W ( Hallowed Mist) it becomes harder to fight her, since it gives her bonus armor and MR, but most importantly because it makes her untargetable to anyone outside the mist, meaning you won’t be able to jump on her if it’s active. The slow from her ult ( Needlework) is very powerful, and its range is also very long, so always keep it in mind if you’re gonna fight her.
  • Recommended runes: Conqueror/ Lethal Tempo- Triumph- Legend: Alacrity- Last Stand- Bone Plating- Revitalize.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
  • This is a bit of a skill matchup, a good Irelia can be a real headache.
  • Her Q ( Bladesurge) gives her lots of sustain so I recommend that you get grievous wounds early. Avoid fighting her when her passive ( Ionian Fervor) is fully stacked because it will deal a TON of damage. Keep an eye on your minions: a good Irelia will manipulate your wave to create a path of low health minions so she can get to you with a fully stacked passive in an instant. Always fight her if there are no minions nearby since she won’t be able to stack her passive so easily. Her W ( Defiant Dance) reduces incoming physical damage by 40-80% so don't waste your damage on her during this time. Try to dodge her E ( Flawless Duet) the best you can or cleanse it if possible. If she ults you with Vanguard's Edge, you can either stay and fight if you think you can win or run away by cleansing the slow from her walls and running away with your ult or Flash if necessary.
  • Recommended runes: Conqueror/ Lethal Tempo- Triumph- Legend: Alacrity- Last Stand- Bone Plating- Revitalize.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade/ Long Sword.
  • As pretty much all of Jax's matchups, it all revolves around his E ( Counter Strike) and how well he can use it. He'll most likely take it at level 1, so you can try to bait it by jumping to a minion near him and running back to a brush immediately, and then continue the trade once it runs out.
  • For some reason most Jax players will want to fight you over and over again, I guess in most cases is because they've never seen a Rengar top and they think they can beat you easily, but once they learn how high your damage is they'll probably stay under turret the rest of the lane phase. Because this matchup depends entirely on his E, I like to put a few early points on my W to reduce its cooldown, this way I'm able to trade better and more consistently. Another option is to root him when he activates his E so he can't use his Q ( Leap Strike) on you, and then simply engage once its over. Once he gets a few items it'll be more difficult to fight him and he's pretty much impossible to 1v1 when he's full build, so keep that in mind.
  • Recommended runes: Grasp of the Undying- Demolish- Bone Plating- Revitalize- Taste of Blood- Ravenous Hunter.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade/ Long Sword.
  • Very skill-based champ, has plenty of damage so be careful. Rengar and Jayce share some similarities; they’re both burst champs and they both rely heavily on their abilities for trading and dueling. However, Rengar has the upper hands in two ways: he doesn’t use mana, and he has a lot more sustain.
  • If you see he uses his abilities for farming, punish him immediately. An ideal trade against jayce would be: you jump on him, use your Q and E, he uses all of his abilities to burst you, and you just go back using your double-W, healing all of the damage he did. This way, you both lose a similar amount of health, but because you have a lot more sustain than he does, you win the trade. Repeat this a couple of times, and he’ll be low enough for you to kill easily.
  • Recommended runes: Conqueror/ Fleet Footwork- Triumph- Legend: Alacrity- Coup de Grace- Second Wind- Revitalize.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite/ Teleport+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade/ Long Sword.
  • Kayle's early game is REALLY weak; she has no mobility, no mana sustain, bad waveclear, the list goes on. However, her late game is no joke, so your work against her is make sure she doesn't get into the game, set her back as much as possible.
  • In lane phase your damage is far greater than hers so she can't really kill you on her own unless you screw up REAL bad, still that doesn't mean that you should underestimate her or overextend too much. Once she's level 6 she becomes harder to kill for obvious reasons, so try to keep her ult ( Divine Judgment) in mind especially if you're gonna dive her or something like that. Once she has full build there's no chance you can win a 1v1 unless you catch her off guard without her ult.
  • Recommended runes: : You can take any rune against her and still win, so it's better to look for her team comp to see what to go for .
  • Recommended summs: Teleport+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade/ Long Sword.
  • Kled is a bit of a tricky matchup. He has very high damage and is also very tanky late game, so be careful.
  • He normally takes Q ( Beartrap on a Rope) at level 1, so be aware of it and try to dodge it. If you do get hit by it, try to get away from his radius so that you don’t get pulled back, since it’ll do more damage and it will also apply grievous wounds which is bad news for your W. Once he gets level 2 he becomes a lot more of a threat because of his W ( Violent Tendencies). Since it’s a passive ability, he’s not going to level it up until he attacks you (unless he’s bad ofc). NEVER engage on him if he has his W because he’ll win every trade, always wait until he uses it on minions.
  • Once he has his ult ( Chaaaaaaaarge!!!), he can use it either to follow up ganks or roaming to other lanes, so try to keep the river brush warded and always let your team know if he’s missing so that they take precautions.
  • Recommended runes: Grasp of the Undying- Demolish- Bone Plating- Revitalize- Taste of Blood- Ravenous Hunter.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite/ Teleport.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
Lee Sin
  • Not really a hard matchup. He lacks the damage to kill you early game, so the biggest threat against Maokai, same as every other CC tank, is getting ganked, so try not to overextend, and keep constant vision in the river.
  • His passive ( Sap Magic) gives him a lot of sustain so get grievous wounds asap. The most annoying thing about laning against Maokai is having to deal with his E ( Sapling Toss). The saplings do a lot of damage even on the early game and he can constantly spam them on the brushes, and unlike Teemo’s traps they can’t be destroyed, so you’ll have to do your best to escape from them. If you go into a brush and there’s a sapling there, jump to a minion, and if your reaction was quick enough they shouldn’t be able to reach you.
  • Recommended runes: Grasp of the Undying- Demolish- Second Wind- Revitalize- Taste of Blood- Ravenous Hunter.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
  • Nocturne top has been a trend for a while now, even being played by high elo pro players in Korea. However, I really don’t see him as too much of a threat for Rengar.
  • His passive ( Umbra Blades) periodically boosts his auto-attacks making them deal damage to all enemies around him and healing him depending on how many targets he hit. Although you can get grievous wounds early to counter this, I personally don’t think it’s necessary most of the times since the heal isn’t that significant early game, but consider it if you’re having trouble against him. A curious thing about his passive is that because of the AOE damage, he can’t freeze waves, which gives you a wave advantage. Avoid fighting him in the shadow from his Q ( Duskbringer) since he gains bonus AD on it. His W ( Shroud of Darkness)’s passive gives him attack speed, while its active grants him a spell shield. Something VERY important about this spell shield: it DOESN’T block your Q, which makes this matchup a lot easier. It can, however, block your W and E, so try to use them after he’s used his shield so that you don’t waste any damage, and also because he gains extra AS if he blocks an ability. His E ( Unspeakable Horror) puts a mark on you and makes you flee if you stay on his range for 2 seconds. It’s VERY important that you cleanse the fear, since it’s his only source of CC and it lasts for very long, giving him the upper hand in a 1v1. His ult ( Paranoia) is very annoying in teamfights since it blinds you completely, and he can also use it to roam to other lanes, so remember to ping when he’s missing to let your team know.
  • Recommended runes: Conqueror/ Lethal Tempo- Triumph- Legend: Alacrity- Last Stand- Bone Plating- Revitalize.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade/ Long Sword.
  • Pantheon can give you a very hard time in lane, for a single reason: he’s one of the few champions who actually outdamages you early game.
  • There are two main ways of figting against Pantheon: the first is going for an assassin build, trying to match his damage and killing him in lane. The advantage of this is that you actually outscale him mid-late game (assuming you two are even ofc). But the main risk is feeding Pantheon, which can lead to a pretty bad situation, since he can then start to take his advantage to other lanes with his roams with Grand Starfall.
  • The second way, which I go for most of the time, is going for an off-tank build, maxing W first. This way, you might not be able to kill him, since you lack the damage, but he won’t be able to kill YOU either. Also, since you’ll be maxing W first, your waveclear potential is increased immensely. This, again, gives you two options: taking the wave to his turret again and again, not letting him roam, or freezing the wave and only pushing when he roams, taking the turret with the help of Demolish. The choice is yours.
  • As for Pantheon’s kit, his Q ( Comet Spear) does huge damage so heal it with your W whenever possible. His W ( Shield Vault) is a stun. However, be careful if you’re planning to cleanse it, since it’s usually better to save your Ws for healing his burst. Always wait until you receive the most damage to get the best out of your W. His E ( Aegis Assault) makes it so that he can’t take damage from the direction he’s using it, so you’ll have to wait until it runs out or get behind him to engage.
  • Recommended runes (assassin): Conqueror/ Lethal Tempo- Triumph- Legend: Alacrity- Last Stand- Bone Plating- Revitalize.
  • Recommended runes (off-tank): Grasp of the Undying- Demolish- Bone Plating- Revitalize- Taste of Blood- Ravenous Hunter
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite/ Teleport.
  • Recommended starting items: Long Sword/ Doran's Shield.
  • Poppy can give you a hard time if you don't know how she works, so it's important to learn to trade effectively against her.
  • Always be aware of her passive ( Iron Ambassador), when she throws the buckler try to step on it to destroy it if possible. Her Q ( Hammer Shock) does damage based on your max health and it's her main source of damage, so the best time to heal with your W is after she uses it. Her W ( Steadfast Presence) stops all dashes, and this includes your jumps, so try to bait it before trading by jumping to minions near her. It has a 24 second cooldown on level 1. Her E ( Heroic Charge) stuns you if you get hit against a wall, and since you'll be in the brushes most of the time it may be hard to avoid the stun, but remember that you can cleanse it if you're in trouble.
  • Recommended runes: Grasp of the Undying- Demolish- Second Wind- Revitalize- Taste of Blood- Ravenous Hunter.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
  • Kind of an annoying matchup, Quinn has very good damage but is very squishy, which gives you an advantage.
  • Usually when you jump on her she’ll just spam her abilities on you and get back. Her full combo can do a LOT of damage, especially if she has Electrocute, so it’s important that you heal it with your double-W. Be careful with her Q ( Blinding Assault) since you really can’t do anything while you’re blinded. Once she has level 6, she can roam around the map really quickly, so be aware when she’s missing and let your team know so they keep an eye open.
  • Recommended runes: Fleet Footwork- Triumph- Legend: Alacrity- Coup de Grace- Second Wind- Revitalize.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Shield.
  • Kind of an easy matchup if you ask me. Your damage is far greater than his early game so try to abuse him as much as possible.
  • When trading with him, try to save your four stacks so you can cleanse the root from his W ( Rune Prison). If you see he tries to roam with his ult ( Realm Warp), try to root him with your 4-stack E to avoid it. He relies heavily on mana, so if you see he doesn't have much left you can push the lane to his tower, since it's hard for him to farm without his abilities.
  • Recommended runes: Fleet Footwork- Triumph- Legend: Alacrity- Coup de Grace- Second Wind- Revitalize.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Shield.
  • This is a pretty hard matchup in my opinion. Shen is pretty tanky and still does a fair amount of damage, so you have to be careful.
  • His passive ( Ki Barrier) gives him a shield that lasts for 2.5 seconds after he uses an abiity, so pay attention to it and avoid attacking him when his shield is up so that you don't waste any damage. His Q ( Twilight Assault) is his most important cooldown; he calls his sword to him and empowers his next 3 basic attacks so that they deal a percentage of your max health. This is his main source of damage so it's important to heal using your W after you get hit by it. Also, avoid standing between him and his sword, because if the sword goes through you, you'll be slowed and his Q will do even more damage, while also gaining bonus attack speed. His W ( Spirit's Refuge) creates a zone that blocks all basic attacks and of course this also includes your Q, so always keep this in mind when going for an engage, and try to bait it out if possible. His E ( Shadow Dash) is a dash that taunts you if it goes through you, so be careful if you're near his turret or you might end up getting a few turret shots. Keep in mind he can E+ Flash to extend its range!
  • His ult ( Stand United) is very annoying, since the shield its pretty big and it can turn the tides of a fight very quickly. If you see he's channeling his ult, try to cancel it with your 4-stack E. If you're not able to cancel it, you can push the wave under his turret and try to get a few plates. Shen will most likely rush Plated Steelcaps+ Bramble Vest against you and after that you really can't kill him easily unless he messes up, so most of the time it's better to look for roams around the map after pushing the wave; Shen has a pretty weak waveclear so you can take advantage of it. I recommend that you get Serpent's Fang late game to counter his shields.
  • Recommended runes: Grasp of the Undying- Demolish- Second Wind- Revitalize- Taste of Blood- Ravenous Hunter.
  • Recommended summs: Flash- Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
  • Very annoying to deal with, but not as bad of a matchup as you'd think. Fleet is very important in this matchup since it makes the early damage from his Q ( Poison Trail) pretty useless. Watch out for his W ( Mega Adhesive) since it stops you from jumping, and be really careful near his turret since he can use his E ( Fling) on you.
  • If he starts doing proxy you can just go after him since you beat him easily, just make sure that you can actually reach him. For example, if you don’t have ult but you know he has his, it’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to kill him even if you root him with your 4-stack E. Remember not to chase him for too long because that never ends well. Also, if he does start doing proxy, you can counter it by doing proxy yourself. Because of this, it’s usually good to go for Ironspike Whip and put a few early points in your W to make waveclear a lot easier.
  • Recommended runes: Fleet Footwork- Triumph- Legend: Alacrity- Coup de Grace- Second Wind- Revitalize.
  • Recommended summs: Flash- Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
  • A pretty easy matchup, Sion doesn't really have the damage to kill you in the early game, all he can do is farm until he's tanky enough to not worry about you.
  • However, that doesn't mean that you should be completely unaware of him. His Q ( Decimating Smash) can be very dangerous, especially if you're getting ganked, so it's important that you dodge it. When he casts his W ([Soul Furnace]]) it may be best to back off until it wears out since the explosion does more damage than you'd think. His E ( Roar of the Slayer) reduces your armor and it's a powerful slow, so try not to stand behind your minions or he'll use them to hit you. When he ults with Unstoppable Onslaught, you can try to stand behind walls to dodge it, or cleanse the slow if you can't dodge it. Also, don't stand near him when he dies, because he does huge damage.
  • Recommended runes: Grasp of the Undying- Demolish- Second Wind- Overgrowth/ Revitalize- Taste of Blood- Ravenous Hunter.
  • Recommended summs: Flash- Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
  • Another easy matchup, your damage is way greater than his early game, so it's all about abusing your sustain against him in trades.
  • He'll try to hit you with his Q ( Chain Lash) by predicting your jumps, for example, by aiming to a low health minion that you're about to last hit, so keep that in mind. His W ( Kingslayer) is a powerful heal and it increases with missing health, so you can get grievous wounds if you're having trouble killing him because of it, although it's usually not necessary. There's not much to say about his E ( Abscond / Abduct) other than try to dodge it, and be careful since it has more range than it may seem. Once he's level 6 he can steal your ult even if you're not level 6 yet, and he can use it to roam to other lanes so let your team know when he steals it.
  • Recommended runes: Conqueror- Triumph- Legend: Alacrity- Coup de Grace- Taste of Blood- Ravenous Hunter.
  • Recommended summs: Flash- Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade/ Long Sword.
Tahm Kench
  • This is a really easy matchup if you know what you're doing. A lot of people get scared because it's Teemo, but you gotta remember that YOU ARE Rengar. He's the rat, you're the cat. You're the hunter, and he's the hunted. It's as simple as that.
  • PLAY AGGRESSIVE, do not let him push you under your turret, trade as much as you possibly can because you'll win every trade. The only real thing to watch out on him is his Q ( Blinding Dart), since your Q are auto attacks they will also get blocked when you're blinded. If you see he uses it to farm punish immediately. When he uses his Q on you, although you can cleanse it, it's usually better to wait until it wears off an then continue the trade with Q, or root him with your 4-stack E.
  • Once he's level 6 he'll start putting his Noxious Traps everywhere so get Oracle Lens if you haven't already done so. DO NOT jump on his traps because you WILL activate them, so just walk up to disarm them.
  • Recommended runes: Fleet Footwork- Triumph- Legend: Alacrity- Coup de Grace- Second Wind- Overgrowth/ Revitalize.
  • Recommended summs: Flash- Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Shield.
  • Not a very common pick, but a formidable opponent. Trundle has a very strong 1v1, so you’ll have to play cautiously.
  • His passive ( King's Tribute) makes him heal every time an enemy unit dies near him, so early grievous wounds is recommended. His Q ( Chomp) is basically an empowered auto attack which slows by 75% and not only increases his attack damage, but also REDUCES yours, making long trades a bad idea. His W ( Frozen Domain) creates a zone in which he gets increased movement speed, attack speed, AND increased healing, so I think it goes without saying that you shouldn’t engage if its active. Try to bait it by faking an engage, jumping to minions neear him. His E ( Pillar of Ice) creates an impassable ice pillar that slows all enemy units around it. The danger in this ability is that he can use it to stop you from returning to a brush after you jump, leaving you vulnerable. His ult ( Subjugate) is a unit-targeted ability which drains a percentage of your max health, armor and magic resist, while also increasing his size.
  • As you can see, Trundle excels at 1v1 duels, so much that even if you play perfectly you might still lose duels. Your best choice most of the times is to put the wave in a position where your jungler can gank easily, since a gank against Trundle usually translates into a kill, due to his lack of escaping choices.
  • Recommended runes: Grasp of the Undying- Demolish- Bone Plating- Revitalize- Taste of Blood- Ravenous Hunter.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
  • A pretty hard matchup in my opinion, Volibear has some high stats and a very dangerous kit.
  • When trading, the most important thing to note is to not fight him for too long, so that he doesn’t get to reset his W ( Frenzied Maul), otherwise he’ll deal more damage and also heal a percentage of his missing health. Keep an eye on his Q ( Thundering Smash and try to cleanse the stun if possible. In order to trade more consistently and avoid his CC, I usually max W first against volibear. Be aware of his E ( Sky Splitter), since it gives him a very annoying shield and does more damage than you’d think. It has a very slow cast time, and you can notice when he uses it because of its particular audio cue.
  • Be extremely careful once he gets level 6 since his ult ( Stormbringer) makes him a lot more dangerous, giving him extra health and range. Also, it DISABLES turrets for 3 / 4 / 5 seconds, so if you end up with low health after a trade/duel and you know he has ult, just go b, don’t stay to farm under turret since your turret won’t save you.
  • Recommended runes: Grasp of the Undying- Demolish- Bone Plating- Revitalize- Taste of Blood- Ravenous Hunter.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
  • Yorick can be pretty though to fight against, since the damage from his minions and his Q ( Last Rites) is quite high, and also becomes very tanky late game. However, you shouldn’t really have too much trouble fighting him in lane.
  • His Q is an auto-reset that deals bonus AD and heals him for 12-82, which is doubled when he is below 50% health. His W ( Dark Procession) creates a wall surrounding a zone for 4 seconds. This wall can be destroyed with auto-attacks, so if you get caught inside of it you can break it with a single auto+Q since it only requires 2 AAs to be destroyed in the early levels. He’ll constantly try to hit you with his E ( Mourning Mist), so do your best to dodge it. If you get hit by it, you’ll be slowed, and all of the mist walkers alive will jump on you dealing a lot of damage, so try to heal it with a double-W.
  • His ult ( Eulogy of the Isles) summons the Maiden of the Mist, which can move and attack by itself. The Maiden’s health and attack scale with Yorick’s; in the early game it’s not that strong so you should always focus it first when dueling Yorick. In the late game, however, it becomes very tanky, so it’s better to focus on squishier targets. Yorick can also send the Maiden to push waves by itself, so try to pay attention to it, as it can take turrets pretty quickly in the late game.
  • Recommended runes: Conqueror/ Fleet Footwork- Triumph- Legend: Alacrity- Last Stand- Second Wind- Revitalize.
  • Recommended summs: Flash+ Ignite.
  • Recommended starting items: Doran's Blade.
Here are some of my thoughts about the new items and runes on patch 11.23. Currently testing Axiom Arc, new Frostfire Gauntlet, new Turbo Chemtank, new Sunfire Aegis, new Force of Nature, new Lethal Tempo, and First Strike. Abyssal Mask is now viable on Rengar. Eclipse changes are VERY good. Yone, Yasuo, Tryndamere and every champ that can abuse Lethal Tempo is broken now.
Lethal Tempo numbers: With AS runes (Alacrity + AS shard) you can get 1,31 AS at level 1; 1,62 with Q and 1,69 with 4-stack Q. At level 18: 1,79 AS, 2,06 with Q and 2,47 with 4-stack Q.
With NO AS runes (Bloodline/Tenacity + AD shard): 1,27 AS at level 1; 1,53 with Q and 1,60 with 4-stack Q. At level 18: 1,61 AS, 1,87 with Q and 2,28 with 4-stack Q.
The extra range that you get with max LT stacks ALSO APPLIES to your Q and jumps, giving you an even longer range when in brush.
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