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This build has been archived by the author. They are no longer supporting nor updating this build and it may have become outdated. As such, voting and commenting have been disabled and it no longer appears in regular search results.
We recommend you take a look at this author's other builds.
Not Updated For Current Season
This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page
I Will Review Your Guide
Build Guide By jhoijhoi
Build Guide By jhoijhoi Updated on May 23, 2012
Did this guide help you? If so please give them a vote or leave a comment.
You can even win prizes by doing so!
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Thank You!
Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue
creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community.
Conditions of Entry
Conditions of Entry
HOWEVER: There ARE some requirements. Myself and the other reviewers do NOT want to waste our time on unappreciative authors.
- Author must have +100 Posts
- Guide must have been run through a spell and grammar check
- Must have read my guide about making a guide
- Author must be over Summoner Level 25
- Author must comment on ONE GUIDE from each reviewer they request a review from!
- Author must have +100 Posts
- Guide must have been run through a spell and grammar check
- Must have read my guide about making a guide
- Author must be over Summoner Level 25
- Author must comment on ONE GUIDE from each reviewer they request a review from!
Q: How does this system work?
_____A: // This is a TRADE system. If you request a review from any of the above reviewers, you MUST comment/vote on one of their guides. It's a review/vote for review/vote. In all cases (especially if the reviewers don't have guides) please +rep anyone who reviews your work if you feel they deserve it!
With this Reviewing Shop, I am aiming to draw publicity to new guides that deserve it, and help those that need it. With your request I am asking you to show me your best, and in doing so, be rewarded with a +Scout Point if your guide and your progress impresses me.
* I will be completely honest in my opinion
* I will not downvote or upvote until I have received a response from my review, and I see you have dropped your opinion of one of my guides in the comment section * I will review your request as soon as physically and mentally possible * At the completion of my Review, I will post my verdict of your guide here, along with my review (verdicts are featured below) You must use this format below for submitting a guide for review, otherwise I'll ignore your request. People who just drop their links here will be completely ignored. |
space |
Summoner Level:
Post Count (at time of request):
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES/NO
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES/NO
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed:
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed:
What I'd like you to focus on:
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with:
Guide Link:
Post Count (at time of request):
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES/NO
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES/NO
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed:
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed:
What I'd like you to focus on:
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with:
Guide Link:
What do *I*, personally, expect in return? Read/vote on any of my Champion Guides (in accordance with the Trade System), +rep me if you appreciate my work, and a simple thank you would be lovely ^^
- Please only submit one guide per request.
- Please do not request a review on a champion who has not been released. I would also prefer to read only guides published on MobaFire.
- If I read your guide. And you have not read the links I have supplied in this post. I will literally asplode. And you will be charged with my death. And your guide will never be reviewed. Because I would be dead. Just saying.
- Please only submit one guide per request.
- Please do not request a review on a champion who has not been released. I would also prefer to read only guides published on MobaFire.
- If I read your guide. And you have not read the links I have supplied in this post. I will literally asplode. And you will be charged with my death. And your guide will never be reviewed. Because I would be dead. Just saying.
Common Things I Repeat In Most Of My Reviews
List of Reviewers
In addition to reading my Guide about Making a Guide (which is a mandatory requirement before requesting a review), please remember that each reviewer you request a review from requires you to read (or at least +rep them) one of their guides in return :)
If one of these reviewers decides to review your work, they will say something like, "Hi, I'm reviewing your guide based upon your request for a trade at jhoijhoi's review shop. For my review I would like (insert favour here, guide/+rep/etc), thank you."
Please also visit the below review shops. I truly recommend having a look at these other alternatives. These reviewers have their own conditions.
Reviewing Guidelines
Every week we get a new reviewer or two. I just thought I'd post up a few quick guidelines to help you in your endeavour to help others.
1) Please introduce yourself as a reviewer from jhoijhoi's Review Shop. Please use a similar clause to this: "Hi, I'm reviewing your guide based upon your request for a trade at jhoijhoi's review shop. For my review I would like (insert favour here, guide/+rep/etc), thank you." Please do not ask too much of the requester in return for your one review.
2) Keep your language polite and formal. Never degrade someone for their work. Keep your comments constructive. Instead of, "Clarity is **** on Soraka" say, "I don't believe Clarity is necessary on Soraka, as her Infuse gives her mana, and it has no mana cost."
3) You do not need to write a 1000 word essay every time you review. A review of 50 words can be just as enlightening. You may structure your review any way you want. Some people find it easier to go over the core things like, masteries, runes, summoners, skill order and items, before going over the actual guide.
4) Please never feel obliged to review every single request. Only review those that catch your eye, and only when you feel like it :)
5) Have fun ^^
2) Keep your language polite and formal. Never degrade someone for their work. Keep your comments constructive. Instead of, "Clarity is **** on Soraka" say, "I don't believe Clarity is necessary on Soraka, as her Infuse gives her mana, and it has no mana cost."
3) You do not need to write a 1000 word essay every time you review. A review of 50 words can be just as enlightening. You may structure your review any way you want. Some people find it easier to go over the core things like, masteries, runes, summoners, skill order and items, before going over the actual guide.
4) Please never feel obliged to review every single request. Only review those that catch your eye, and only when you feel like it :)
5) Have fun ^^
Q: Your question here.
_____A: // My answer here.
Q: Can become a reviewer?
_____A: // Absolutely! If you'd like to join the system of "Trade", please say so (in the comments section, or via PM), and I'll list you up as a reviewer.
Q: Why did you move your review thread here?
_____A: // Because this will be easier to maintain. You probably don't realise the amount of effort is put into my review thread - at least here I will be able to easily navigate everything in order for me to showcase my verdicts. Additionally, many people don't visit the forums, so this is a better tool for new authors. My old review thread reached over 100 pages, and if you're curious to see how it ran, click here for the jump. Furthermore, I was actually the first MobaFire member to exceed the limit of characters in a forum post, which is why I decided to move my review shop to the guide format, which has no character limits :)
Q: Can I request a re-review?
_____A: // You certainly may! I am aiming to help your guide become the best it possibly can be, and I will willingly read guides again after my original advice has been taken. When I review a guide more than once, you will see "EDIT:" to signify any further recommendations/comments. Any re-review requests need to be submitted in the required format.
Q: How often will you be reviewing?
_____A: // I am a full time university student, so I can't guarantee your request will be undertaken immediately. However, I am not the only reviewer on MobaFire and many of the previous requesters will drop in from time to time to have a look at some of the current requests. The other reviewers will review when they can, sometimes they will review your work before I, personally, can, so please try to alter the guide to reflect their feedback so I don't have to repeat things in my own review.
Q: *FREAKS OUT* I don't have 100 posts, I'll never get there, aisydgabhsdaoshd review my guide now!!!!
_____A: // How about no... if you post a request for your guide to be reviewed, and you don't have 100 posts, I will simply ignore it. How do you get 100 posts? It's ****ing easy. Excuse my French.
- THIS IS A TRADE SYSTEM. First go and comment on some guides of the reviewer you hope to have look over your work. If you "pay" them in advance, they will be more inclined to review your guide.
- Comment on the top 10 guides that are there for the champion you have written a guide about. Make sure your comments are fair and constructive. Upvote when you can.
- Head over to the MobaFire forums and introduce yourself in the Introductions and Matchmaking forums. Reply to all comments.
- Once you have 25 posts, visit the Signature and Art forums and request a signature for your guide :)
- If you still haven't hit 100 doing the above, check out the Build & Guide discussion forum and make a thread about your build - ask for feedback about the build itself, not the guide. Reply to all comments.
- Explore the General Discussion and Off Topic forums.
- If you don't have 100 by now, you're doing it wrong.
Current Review Request List
This list will not be frequently updated, but is more a location for reviewers to find requests in an easier manner. I will remove your request from this list at the end of every month, during of which your guide should have been reviewed. Please don't hesitate to request a rereview if you would like one! :)
This month to month update will mean that your guide is up for review for an entire month before it is taken down, meaning there are more chances your guide will be reviewed by more authors. How neat is that! ^^
Note: The below reviews are not in order of request! Compiling these quotes took a long time, and I jumbled up the order when new tabs opened in different locations.
Summoner Level: 22
Post Count (at time of request): 44
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Annie
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: To further improve my guide and get more votes
What I'd like you to focus on: Everything
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone
Guide Link:
Summoner Level:30
Post Count (at time of request):about 180
Spell & Grammar check completed: Yup
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: More then once :)
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed:Nocturne
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed:Because i really give a lot of effort in my guides, i need a review from someone with experience :3
What I'd like you to focus on:Everything globally
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with:Everyone!
Guide Link:Click here for it :)
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 198
Spell & Grammar check completed: Yes
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: Yes
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Warwick
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Got a lot of trollvotes a while back when I got really high in the top 10 WW builds and my rating dropped from 86% to 79%, none of the votes giving a reason. Want to compensate the lost rating and want someone to actually tell me what's good about my guide and what's not good about it, what could be improved. ( Aside from the countering section, I know that needs improved. )
What I'd like you to focus on: The actual gameplay when I teach how to play in mid against mages, and how to keep on playing as a squishy melee in late-game. I don't care for things like "zomg, get starks noob, better than the black cleaver".
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Jhoijhoi's already voted on my guide, so anyone but her. ^^
Guide Link: Click me!
Hey, if oyu guys dont mind, I'd love if you'd re-read my guide since I think it changed a little...
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): dunno, over 350?
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES (ofc)
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Wukong
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Impove, do u like the "style"?
What I'd like you to focus on: Errything u can find!
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: erry1
Guide Link:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 1, joined the site 3 days ago with the idea to build more guides so still have to get this started
Spell & Grammar check completed: yes
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: based my guide on it
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Warwick
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: It is my first ever guide and I would like to know if it is easy to read and build logically
What I'd like you to focus on: If it is easy to read and if it looks good
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: My guide got 1 comment out of 1000 views so far, so every comment is good.
Guide link: Here.
Summoner Level: 30(Over 1k normal game wins and Gold ranked player)
Post Count (at time of request): Only 33 right now :(
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES although not perfect
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES, many times
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Master Yi
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I think it has potential of being in top guides
What I'd like you to focus on: If I'm missing some info or if I'm going too much in details, are the paragraphs too long? etc. Just opinions!
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Literally anyone, already reviewed some of the reviewers' guides but I don't mind doing it again!
Guide Link:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 290
Spell & Grammar check completed: <YES>
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: <YES>
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Kennen
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: More feedback! My first, competitive, seriously serious guide.
What I'd like you to focus on: Viability, visual appeal, gameplay, and possible improvements.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone.
Guide Link: Click Here
Summoner Level: 30 (on EUNE)
Post Count (at time of request): 1400 something
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES/NO
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES/NO , many times :3
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Miss Fortune
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I redid a few chapters and i'd like to see if there's anything more that needs to be done
What I'd like you to focus on: The content..
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Everyone and Anyone
Guide Link: Click
Summoner Level: 30, mikuroo is my smurf
Post Count (at time of request): 170 ish?
Spell & Grammar check completed: Yep
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: Yep
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Karthus
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Because it is new and I want it to be the best it can be! :)
What I'd like you to focus on: ..Everything? I dunno whatever you feel.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone haha uhmmm jhoijhoi missmaw psiguard maybe?
Guide Link: My guide! Hope you enjoy!
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 47 I think?
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Fiora
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Because it's new, it's my first guide, and I want to see if I can improve anything.
What I'd like you to focus on: Everything! Anything that could be better explained or detailed.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone
Guide Link: Fiora - The Definitely Deadly Duelist
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 302
Spell & Grammar check completed: Yes, afterall I'm European and we pride ourselves for our superior literacy (yes I'm taking the piss).
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: Yes
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Shen
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: To receive some feedback and perhaps formatting suggestions.
What I'd like you to focus on: Quality of content, I'm aware the presentation is somewhat lacking.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone an' everyone, the more the merrier.
Guide Link:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 340
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Irelia
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Getting downvoted a lot, maybe because of trolls or what not. Simply like to know what else I can improve on.
What I'd like you to focus on: champion matchups section, own opinions on how the champ works against Irelia
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: anyone, i am open for reviews, says so in my sig too :D. btw thanks for the sig pic again:D.
Guide Link: Irelia - She Likes You
i believe it is here?
Summoner Level:30
Post Count (at time of request):104
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES/NO
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES/NO
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Lee sin
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: My guide is pretty high at the ratings and i want to improve it and make it better
What I'd like you to focus on: On whole guide
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with : jhoijho , PsiGuard or any other reviewer who got spare time.
Guide Link:Three Lanes of Lee Sin- Jungle , Solo , Mid.
Feedback on guides and +rep guaranteed
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 100 :)
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Kog'Maw
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I want some more publicity firstly, but secondly I really want to improve my guide as much as possible. I think I have all the basics and intermediate steps down, but I want to be able to get some more detailed advice on my guide or build!
What I'd like you to focus on: I would like you to focus on the overall quality of the guide. That being: how well you understand it, how appealing it is, how easy it is to read, etc. I would also like any other type of information your can give me about Kog'Maw!
I am willing to trade reviews with: Anybody willing :D
~ Guide Link ~
Summoner level: 30
Post count: 145
Spelling and grammar check: Yes of course
Read jhoijhoi's guide making guide: Yes one of my favorites
Champion of guide: Warwick
Why I want a review: I've made a tremendous amount of progress in updating my guide in the past month and I feel it's really become a solid Warwick resource. I am however, always up for constructive criticism and tips on coding that could make it a better guide. I haven't been able to play in the past month as well so any tips or changes since the Lulu patch are definitely appreciated.
What I'd like to focus on: Any aspect you see fit I suppose, probably the strategies and organization mostly. The later chapters might need more work as well, whatever you see fit.
Who I'll trade reviews with: All of you if you like. JhoiJhoi, Psiguard, and MissMaw are the writers I'm probably most familiar with.
Guide link: Magic DPS Warwick
Rep and Feedback on your guides always guaranteed, have posted before on a few already. Thank you very much in advance for any help and feedback.
Summoner Level:30
Post Count (at time of request):2309
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES, to the best of my abilities!
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES, its soooo good.
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: My general tanking guide
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Devil Child, I'm about to give up on it, and a reminder as to what it still needs.
What I'd like you to focus on: Anything, voice, ideals, etc.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone
Guide Link: Tanking Guide!
Thanks, I'll try to toss a hand when I can!
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 126
Spell & Grammar check completed: Yes
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: Yes
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Annie
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I'd love tips and any suggestions to help improve.
What I'd like you to focus on: The content overall, specifically if theirs a chapter I should add or if I should add more information somewhere. Any tips are welcomed.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone that I own the champion for, unless there free this week. Otherwise I'll wait till there free then exchange a review. Willing to +rep as well for the effort of looking at my guide.
Guide Link: Elegant Annie; Ruthless Tibbers
Summoner Level:30
Post Count (at time of request):206
Spell & Grammar check completed:YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide:YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Mordekaiser
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I want feedback on things that could be improved, and because I don't want this guide to get lost
What I'd like you to focus on: how to make it easier on the eye, what could i add
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: JEFFY40HANDS or anyone who has the time
Guide Link:here
Edit: I would like jhoijhoi to review my guide
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): lots
Spell & Grammar check completed: Mhhmm
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: Yep
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Caitlyn
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: To see if my guide actually deserves the spot I'm in or rather, is on-par if not more than "better" work.
What I'd like you to focus on: Just overall goodness
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Everyone
Guide Link: Thar we go.
Summoner Level:30
Post Count (at time of request): 100!
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Twitch
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: To make any possible improvements to my guide; To get my twitch guide (hopefully!) acknowledged by some experts!
What I'd like you to focus on: My degree of Clarity in the following sections: Importance/placements of ult, and farming:ranked
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: anyone!
Guide Link:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 280
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Caitlyn
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: To get FAMOUS :DDDDD
What I'd like you to focus on: Dunno, ur the one to decide :D
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: jai, or psi maybe?
Guide Link: Janitsu's caitlyn guide "One Shot. One Kill"
Summoner Level:30
Post Count (at time of request):142
Spell & Grammar check completed:YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide:YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Master Yi
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Expert opinion
What I'd like you to focus on: Content and format
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: jhoijhoi
Guide Link: here
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 100
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Vayne
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: For any criticism or some things that I can add to the guide to make it even better
What I'd like you to focus on: Anything you see I can work on
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone
Guide Link: The Night Hunter
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 110
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Gangplank
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Trying to increase traffic on the guide, and fix whatever needs it.
What I'd like you to focus on: Anything that needs changing (within reason)
Guide Link: Ganplank-Pirate for a Day
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 108
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES/NO YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES/NO YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Anivia, the Cryophoenix
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I would like to get reviews from people who know the difference between a good build and a good guide. I want my guide reviewed, not necessarily my build.
What I'd like you to focus on: Addition and Subtraction of sections in my build. What am I missing, what could I lose for the sake of simplicity. Find my faults so I can improve the guide.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: I usually review anyone who reviews my guide, but sometimes I miss a few. Anyone who says they are reviewing in regards to this review guide will have a review from me.
Guide Link:Anivia: When hell freezes over...
Summoner Level: 28
Post Count (at time of request): 102
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Kennen
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: To Improve It
What I'd like you to focus on: Anything and Everything
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone
Guide Link:
Hi, Hi jhoijhoi :). I was wondering if you could review my lux guide! I'm trying to find some more responses on it.
Summoner level : 30
Post count: Way over 100
Spell and Grammar check : Done... Always done...
Read jhoijhoi's guide making guides: Thats been done for 8 months at least :P And i always look back at it for reference.
Champion of Guide would like Reviewed: Simple Lux :P
Why i'd like this to be reviewed: Many have told me postivies about my item choice, while others have not. I want an opinion on that personally, and just to improve the guide in general.
willng to trade Reviews: I do reviews all the time :) Just send me in the direction you want me to do it!
thanks again Jhoijhoi! +1 in advance :)
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 101
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Fiora
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Pounding the pavement for feedback, also always want to improve it
What I'd like you to focus on: Content i.e. do I have good reasons for not running her tanky DPS, do I do a good job explaining item choices, etc. Also any feedback you can provide about matchups would be fantastic.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Everyone!
Guide Link:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 102
Spell & Grammar check completed: Yes
Read JhoiJhoi's Guide Making Guide: Yes
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Olaf
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I feel like you could help me make a clear picture of a competitive Olaf guide and allow my guide to help beginner Olaf players even more.
What I'd like you to focus on: Anything that needs clarification, if I need to add something or delete something that is irrelevant. See if my guide actually helps people understand Olaf better.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: jhoijhoi (:
Guide Link: Link to my Olaf Guide
This month to month update will mean that your guide is up for review for an entire month before it is taken down, meaning there are more chances your guide will be reviewed by more authors. How neat is that! ^^
Note: The below reviews are not in order of request! Compiling these quotes took a long time, and I jumbled up the order when new tabs opened in different locations.
Month: April to May > Will Update in June
Spoiler: Click to view
ThisistheRightBuild wrote:
Summoner Level: 22
Post Count (at time of request): 44
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Annie
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: To further improve my guide and get more votes
What I'd like you to focus on: Everything
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone
Guide Link:
RealmriderX1 wrote:
Summoner Level:30
Post Count (at time of request):about 180
Spell & Grammar check completed: Yup
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: More then once :)
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed:Nocturne
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed:Because i really give a lot of effort in my guides, i need a review from someone with experience :3
What I'd like you to focus on:Everything globally
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with:Everyone!
Guide Link:Click here for it :)
Vapora Dark wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 198
Spell & Grammar check completed: Yes
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: Yes
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Warwick
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Got a lot of trollvotes a while back when I got really high in the top 10 WW builds and my rating dropped from 86% to 79%, none of the votes giving a reason. Want to compensate the lost rating and want someone to actually tell me what's good about my guide and what's not good about it, what could be improved. ( Aside from the countering section, I know that needs improved. )
What I'd like you to focus on: The actual gameplay when I teach how to play in mid against mages, and how to keep on playing as a squishy melee in late-game. I don't care for things like "zomg, get starks noob, better than the black cleaver".
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Jhoijhoi's already voted on my guide, so anyone but her. ^^
Guide Link: Click me!
Xiron wrote:
Hey, if oyu guys dont mind, I'd love if you'd re-read my guide since I think it changed a little...
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): dunno, over 350?
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES (ofc)
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Wukong
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Impove, do u like the "style"?
What I'd like you to focus on: Errything u can find!
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: erry1
Guide Link:
giantzombie wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 1, joined the site 3 days ago with the idea to build more guides so still have to get this started
Spell & Grammar check completed: yes
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: based my guide on it
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Warwick
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: It is my first ever guide and I would like to know if it is easy to read and build logically
What I'd like you to focus on: If it is easy to read and if it looks good
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: My guide got 1 comment out of 1000 views so far, so every comment is good.
Guide link: Here.
DarkPercy wrote:
Summoner Level: 30(Over 1k normal game wins and Gold ranked player)
Post Count (at time of request): Only 33 right now :(
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES although not perfect
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES, many times
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Master Yi
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I think it has potential of being in top guides
What I'd like you to focus on: If I'm missing some info or if I'm going too much in details, are the paragraphs too long? etc. Just opinions!
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Literally anyone, already reviewed some of the reviewers' guides but I don't mind doing it again!
Guide Link:
tehAsian wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 290
Spell & Grammar check completed: <YES>
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: <YES>
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Kennen
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: More feedback! My first, competitive, seriously serious guide.
What I'd like you to focus on: Viability, visual appeal, gameplay, and possible improvements.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone.
Guide Link: Click Here
Summoner Level: 30 (on EUNE)
Post Count (at time of request): 1400 something
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES/NO
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES/NO , many times :3
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Miss Fortune
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I redid a few chapters and i'd like to see if there's anything more that needs to be done
What I'd like you to focus on: The content..
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Everyone and Anyone
Guide Link: Click
Mikuroo wrote:
Summoner Level: 30, mikuroo is my smurf
Post Count (at time of request): 170 ish?
Spell & Grammar check completed: Yep
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: Yep
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Karthus
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Because it is new and I want it to be the best it can be! :)
What I'd like you to focus on: ..Everything? I dunno whatever you feel.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone haha uhmmm jhoijhoi missmaw psiguard maybe?
Guide Link: My guide! Hope you enjoy!
Jpikachu1999 wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 47 I think?
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Fiora
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Because it's new, it's my first guide, and I want to see if I can improve anything.
What I'd like you to focus on: Everything! Anything that could be better explained or detailed.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone
Guide Link: Fiora - The Definitely Deadly Duelist
Zell wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 302
Spell & Grammar check completed: Yes, afterall I'm European and we pride ourselves for our superior literacy (yes I'm taking the piss).
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: Yes
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Shen
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: To receive some feedback and perhaps formatting suggestions.
What I'd like you to focus on: Quality of content, I'm aware the presentation is somewhat lacking.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone an' everyone, the more the merrier.
Guide Link:
A Chubby Baby wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 340
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Irelia
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Getting downvoted a lot, maybe because of trolls or what not. Simply like to know what else I can improve on.
What I'd like you to focus on: champion matchups section, own opinions on how the champ works against Irelia
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: anyone, i am open for reviews, says so in my sig too :D. btw thanks for the sig pic again:D.
Guide Link: Irelia - She Likes You
i believe it is here?
smiLiwaT wrote:
Summoner Level:30
Post Count (at time of request):104
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES/NO
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES/NO
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Lee sin
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: My guide is pretty high at the ratings and i want to improve it and make it better
What I'd like you to focus on: On whole guide
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with : jhoijho , PsiGuard or any other reviewer who got spare time.
Guide Link:Three Lanes of Lee Sin- Jungle , Solo , Mid.
Feedback on guides and +rep guaranteed
TheSavior wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 100 :)
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Kog'Maw
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I want some more publicity firstly, but secondly I really want to improve my guide as much as possible. I think I have all the basics and intermediate steps down, but I want to be able to get some more detailed advice on my guide or build!
What I'd like you to focus on: I would like you to focus on the overall quality of the guide. That being: how well you understand it, how appealing it is, how easy it is to read, etc. I would also like any other type of information your can give me about Kog'Maw!
I am willing to trade reviews with: Anybody willing :D
~ Guide Link ~
CombatJack1 wrote:
Summoner level: 30
Post count: 145
Spelling and grammar check: Yes of course
Read jhoijhoi's guide making guide: Yes one of my favorites
Champion of guide: Warwick
Why I want a review: I've made a tremendous amount of progress in updating my guide in the past month and I feel it's really become a solid Warwick resource. I am however, always up for constructive criticism and tips on coding that could make it a better guide. I haven't been able to play in the past month as well so any tips or changes since the Lulu patch are definitely appreciated.
What I'd like to focus on: Any aspect you see fit I suppose, probably the strategies and organization mostly. The later chapters might need more work as well, whatever you see fit.
Who I'll trade reviews with: All of you if you like. JhoiJhoi, Psiguard, and MissMaw are the writers I'm probably most familiar with.
Guide link: Magic DPS Warwick
Rep and Feedback on your guides always guaranteed, have posted before on a few already. Thank you very much in advance for any help and feedback.
Rudmed wrote:
Summoner Level:30
Post Count (at time of request):2309
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES, to the best of my abilities!
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES, its soooo good.
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: My general tanking guide
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Devil Child, I'm about to give up on it, and a reminder as to what it still needs.
What I'd like you to focus on: Anything, voice, ideals, etc.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone
Guide Link: Tanking Guide!
Thanks, I'll try to toss a hand when I can!
Lilpwninprincess wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 126
Spell & Grammar check completed: Yes
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: Yes
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Annie
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I'd love tips and any suggestions to help improve.
What I'd like you to focus on: The content overall, specifically if theirs a chapter I should add or if I should add more information somewhere. Any tips are welcomed.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone that I own the champion for, unless there free this week. Otherwise I'll wait till there free then exchange a review. Willing to +rep as well for the effort of looking at my guide.
Guide Link: Elegant Annie; Ruthless Tibbers
VKZ95 wrote:
Summoner Level:30
Post Count (at time of request):206
Spell & Grammar check completed:YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide:YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Mordekaiser
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I want feedback on things that could be improved, and because I don't want this guide to get lost
What I'd like you to focus on: how to make it easier on the eye, what could i add
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: JEFFY40HANDS or anyone who has the time
Guide Link:here
Edit: I would like jhoijhoi to review my guide
Moonedge wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): lots
Spell & Grammar check completed: Mhhmm
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: Yep
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Caitlyn
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: To see if my guide actually deserves the spot I'm in or rather, is on-par if not more than "better" work.
What I'd like you to focus on: Just overall goodness
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Everyone
Guide Link: Thar we go.
utopus wrote:
Summoner Level:30
Post Count (at time of request): 100!
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Twitch
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: To make any possible improvements to my guide; To get my twitch guide (hopefully!) acknowledged by some experts!
What I'd like you to focus on: My degree of Clarity in the following sections: Importance/placements of ult, and farming:ranked
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: anyone!
Guide Link:
Janitsu wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 280
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Caitlyn
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: To get FAMOUS :DDDDD
What I'd like you to focus on: Dunno, ur the one to decide :D
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: jai, or psi maybe?
Guide Link: Janitsu's caitlyn guide "One Shot. One Kill"
Palthios wrote:
Summoner Level:30
Post Count (at time of request):142
Spell & Grammar check completed:YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide:YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Master Yi
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Expert opinion
What I'd like you to focus on: Content and format
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: jhoijhoi
Guide Link: here
Simplifyx wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 100
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Vayne
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: For any criticism or some things that I can add to the guide to make it even better
What I'd like you to focus on: Anything you see I can work on
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone
Guide Link: The Night Hunter
Fulundry wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 110
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Gangplank
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Trying to increase traffic on the guide, and fix whatever needs it.
What I'd like you to focus on: Anything that needs changing (within reason)
Guide Link: Ganplank-Pirate for a Day
Infectious Lepar wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 108
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES/NO YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES/NO YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Anivia, the Cryophoenix
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I would like to get reviews from people who know the difference between a good build and a good guide. I want my guide reviewed, not necessarily my build.
What I'd like you to focus on: Addition and Subtraction of sections in my build. What am I missing, what could I lose for the sake of simplicity. Find my faults so I can improve the guide.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: I usually review anyone who reviews my guide, but sometimes I miss a few. Anyone who says they are reviewing in regards to this review guide will have a review from me.
Guide Link:Anivia: When hell freezes over...
Vitigam wrote:
Summoner Level: 28
Post Count (at time of request): 102
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Kennen
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: To Improve It
What I'd like you to focus on: Anything and Everything
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Anyone
Guide Link:
Arcana3 wrote:
Hi, Hi jhoijhoi :). I was wondering if you could review my lux guide! I'm trying to find some more responses on it.
Summoner level : 30
Post count: Way over 100
Spell and Grammar check : Done... Always done...
Read jhoijhoi's guide making guides: Thats been done for 8 months at least :P And i always look back at it for reference.
Champion of Guide would like Reviewed: Simple Lux :P
Why i'd like this to be reviewed: Many have told me postivies about my item choice, while others have not. I want an opinion on that personally, and just to improve the guide in general.
willng to trade Reviews: I do reviews all the time :) Just send me in the direction you want me to do it!
thanks again Jhoijhoi! +1 in advance :)
RCIX wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 101
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Read jhoijhoi's Guide Making Guide: YES
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Fiora
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Pounding the pavement for feedback, also always want to improve it
What I'd like you to focus on: Content i.e. do I have good reasons for not running her tanky DPS, do I do a good job explaining item choices, etc. Also any feedback you can provide about matchups would be fantastic.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: Everyone!
Guide Link:
Vern wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 102
Spell & Grammar check completed: Yes
Read JhoiJhoi's Guide Making Guide: Yes
Champion of Guide you would like Reviewed: Olaf
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I feel like you could help me make a clear picture of a competitive Olaf guide and allow my guide to help beginner Olaf players even more.
What I'd like you to focus on: Anything that needs clarification, if I need to add something or delete something that is irrelevant. See if my guide actually helps people understand Olaf better.
Who I'm willing to trade reviews with: jhoijhoi (:
Guide Link: Link to my Olaf Guide
General Guides
Spoiler: Click to view
leaguesdf's Trinity Force + Atmog's Tanking Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: I keep getting hit with fantastic guide after fantastic guide in this review shop. This guide is beautiful aesthetically, and the author has went to great lengths to explain not only the current metagame in the US, but the reason why those three items synergise so well together. Terrific guide. Edit: As far as I can tell, the author doesn't seem to have updated the guide since I last saw it.
Possible Improvements: However, there are a lot of improvements to be made. At times I felt as if the author "slacked off" when writing or coding/formatting the guide. Some parts are impeccable, and others left me feeling as if the author didn't care. I really enjoyed this guide, and I definitely recommend it to players who are sick of tanking and want to dish out some damage :) Edit: Guide still needs an aesthetic rehaul.
Searz's Rune Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: A very helpful, and useful guide about Rune Purchasing. I honestly wish I had seen this guide before I had went ahead and bought a full page of Attack Speed Runes when I hit level 20. Edit: General guides don't really "age", so this guide is still viable.
Possible Improvements: I find the guide is a bit dry to read, and a tad non-aesthetically pleasing. This is most likely due to the lack of images to break up the text. Some coding, like Indents, would go really nicely with your ranking system, and the guide could do with some more colour. Using the new embedding system would be great too, to emphasis those generic "Caster, tank, dps" rune selections. Just think about how you could make your guide more fun to read. Edit: Guide could do with an aesthetic facelift. More than anything I'd suggest adding the icon coding for the runes mentioned in order to provide full comprehension.
Panglot's Warding Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: A very useful and helpful general guide about warding that should be a mandatory read for all new LoL players. Very well presented and comprehensible.
Possible Improvements: Author needs to work on their grasp of the English language. There are grammatical errors all throughout the guide, and it makes it hard for readers to understand what the author is trying to convey. Additionally, they could edit all the images to be the same size and add a border to each image or something in order to improve the aesthetics of the guide. Otherwise, great guide.
L1LShadow's General Tanking Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: A great general tanking guide that explains almost every single thing one would like to know about tanking. Edit: Guide has been ARCHIVED.
Possible Improvements: The formatting, coding, colouring and other visual aesthetics of this guide astound me. I'm very pleased by how fun this guide was to read. In terms of improvements: a general jungle section would be good. With a route drawn up, and some quick tips about it. A section on initiation would be very good too, as it is normally the tanks who initiate a fight. Otherwise, fantastic guide!
Khazem's General Solo-Top Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: The guide is a nice quick reference for those unfamiliar to the current meta of "solo top". Edit: Guide is up to date with the current meta.
Possible Improvements: However, I felt as if the guide was lacking in explanations. The author didn't explain how this meta evolved (roaming > support + bot), and what one would most likely face solo top (ie mainly tanky DPS). The guide also lacked aesthetic visuals to keep the reader interested all the way throughout. I'd also be careful of which guides are recommended, as guides quickly fall out of date etc and may be hard to keep track of. Good idea, good start, looking forward to improvements. Edit: Some aspects of the guide aren't very visually appealing.
theBMB's Item Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: A valuable addition to the General Guides of MobaFire, containing information of items that many people would find useful. Edit: Guide is up to date with the current patch.
Possible Improvements: Another section that reveals which item turns into what would be really cool to see. I think that the guide is one that every new player should read. The author has clearly spent a lot of time on this guide, and I'm surprised it hasn't received more attention. +1 Edit: Guide is a bit wordy in some places, going into detail in a roundabout way.
Rudmed's General Tanking Guide
Date: 9th of November, 2011
Verdict: A nice introductory lesson to being a tank. Edit: A revised, more serious edition, but still needs a bit more work. Edit: This guide is a fantastic resource for new tank players. The commandments are rules that every player should read. The guide shows an insight to the tanking gameplay that can only come from experience. Edit: I like the ideas of the guide, I just feel as if the author needs to work on appropriate language styles and more aesthetics.
Possible Improvements: Needs to work on grammar and what sort of tone the guide should convey (more authoritarian would be good), some images would be beneficial. More champion examples - Galio, Jarvan etc would be great. Edit: There still aren't any images, formatting is a bit of an issue, other examples of tanks would be nice, but not necessary. A jungling section is almost required due to the current US meta of tanks in the jungle. The author also still needs to work on his spelling :P Edit: The guide has completely improved since the last time I saw it. It is a lovely read. Edit: The guide now almost has aesthetics down pat, the author now needs to work on adding more content to the guide, more knowledge, more information. Walls of text aren't good, but I feel as if the guide could have more depth to it. Edit: I feel as if the author needs to remove the champion specific chapters and cheat sheets as these detract from the "general tanking" aspect of the guide. The guide is in a good place right now, but it definitely has more potential.
B-Wong's General Ranged Carry Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: Very short, to the point, lacks any solid information. Seems to be a placeholder until the author decides to write more. Edit: Guide has been ARCHIVED.
Possible Improvements: The guide was clearly published without the author going into much/any effort at all. Possible improvements include writing up more general ranged carry information. What is their role in a team fight? Which lane should they take? Are they entitled to buffs? Basically this general guide is so general someone playing DotA could probably use it. I could probably use it as a shopping list at Woolworths. Seriously though, the author needs to put in more effort. If he himself doesn't take his own guide seriously, why would the reader?
Spoiler: Click to view
Bryun's Akali Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: A good start, has potential. Edit: A very much improved Akali guide, which pleases the eye to read. The author shows knowledge of Akali, and the screenshots are a fantastic resource. Edit: Guide is one of the best and in-depth on MobaFire.
Possible Improvements: Needs to work on repetition, the too-abundant colours, maybe some more gameplay tips/a more extensive gameplay section. Edit: Perhaps a more in-depth gameplay section. Other than that, guide is perfectly fine.
theBMB's Akali Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: A in-depth Akali guide with a lot of information about gameplay, which gives essential information about how to play her. Edit: Guide has been ARCHIVED.
Possible Improvements: More colour, coding and images would be great. Some video gameplay would be beneficial. Perhaps a section about Akali's combo would help new Akali players. If you want more publicity on your guide, you might want to archive your guide until another Akali free week and release it again.
AngelPixe's Akali Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: The author certainly knows what she is talking about, as the gameplay section of the guide is very well informed. The guide itself is aesthetically please to a certain degree. Edit: Guide is still very nice, and it has definitely improved since I last saw it. The guide is currently "Fresh" however, and there's no telling if the guide has been abandoned or not.
Possible Improvements: The only thing that lets down this guide is the author's loose grasp of the English language. I'm positive that her guide would be absolutely fantastic if it was written in her native language, but at the moment it's a bit of a struggle to read due to syntax and grammatical errors. Other than that, great guide! :)
KoH_pHresh's Akali Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: A good build, but only an average guide. Edit: Author takes suggestions at face value and is working on improving their guide. Edit: The guide is currently "Fresh" however, and there's no telling if the guide has been abandoned or not.
Possible Improvements: Needs to look at colour, coding, grammar, spelling and other general aesthetics. Author needs to look at the other guides on this site to see what works/what is wanted in a guide. Needs better organisation too. Edit: Author still needs to work on coding, but has improved their guide a whole lot since I last saw it. There needs to be a gameplay section, and the guide needs a little bit of cleaning up, but this guide is very quickly turning into a better guide. Well done, Koh, and keep up the good work!
PsiGuard's Alistar Guide
Date: 6th of November, 2011
Verdict: An extremely in-depth guide about Alistar and his playstyle which details almost everything one would want to know about the champion! Edit: This guide has been completely reformatted to fit the author's current style. It's a fantastic guide, and definitely deserving of a recommendation once an Alistar free week comes around ;)
Possible Improvements: Just because Searz does it, doesn't mean we should ^^ Explain abilities - if the author quickly checks out my Ashe guide, they'll see that my Ability Explanation section is very versatile. In it I am able to convey a large amount of information that I did not want to have in my gameplay section. Possible improvements include: Fixing up coding (column structure), adding in a screenshot of the walls Alistar can Headbutt enemies through, and walls which are thick enough to prevent that, tidying up the item sections in his guide. Edit: Still would like to see the walls Alistar can Headbutt people through. A jungle section would be interesting (seeing as you listed Cloth Armor + pots in your guide). A "full tank" Alistar build would be a great addition, but not necessary. Great guide :)
Kirluu's Alistar Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: An extremely in-depth and well presented/laid-out guide that keeps your attention almost all the way through-out. The author clearly knows what they are talking about in terms of Alistar Playstyle. Edit: Guide has EXPIRED.
Possible Improvements: The guide lacks general aesthetics amongst its walls of text, deterring the reader from deciphering the wealth of knowledge the author has compiled. The situational items section could be expanded upon - for instance, I know it is quite common for Alistar to buy Heart of Gold or philosopher's stone early on, especially if they are slotted into the "support" role bottom. The centred text grated on my nerves, but that's just personal preference. Loved the guide, +1.
Freddy Shopan's Jungle Amumu Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: An absolutely delightful jungle Amumu guide that is completely and utterly aesthetically pleasing and well written. Extremely in-depth. Edit: Great guide.
Possible Improvements: I don't think I have any ^^ I really like the idea of the build. The only thing I can think of is some video gameplay of ganking/using Amumu's abilities. Great guide :)
Jebus McAzn's Amumu Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: Absolutely Fantastic Amumu Jungling Resource. Edit: Guide is "Fresh" - no telling if the author has chosen to abandon the guide.
Possible Improvements: More recent screenshots, adding colour/coding to walls of text, maybe a new section about Twisted Treeline?
da_neo's Annie Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: A very detailed and mathematically backed AP Annie guide with plenty of tips and tricks. The author certainly knows the in's and out's of Annie and her bear Tibbers ;) Edit: Extremely visually and aesthetically pleasing, and absolutely the best resource for Annie players. Edit: Still the best Annie guide on MobaFire.
Possible Improvements: Not very many as the guide is somewhat visually pleasing. Needs to work on formatting (centring icons), and possibly making the graphs more attractive (Microsoft Excel allows for fanciness). The videos are very entertaining, and the gameplay sections are extremely informative. Edit: The amount of effort the author has put into this guide is outstanding. This guide can only improve with time, like an aged and very expensive wine ^^
Trophycase's Ashe Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: A very simplistic and yet extremely informative Ashe guide. Edit: Guide is rated as "Fresh" - no telling if the author has abandoned the guide.
Possible Improvements: Needs a summary, possibly some videos of gameplay, some proof of success with this guide.
Spoiler: Click to view
Orochinagi's Blitzcrank Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: A comprehensive Blitz guide, that covers the basics and more. Lots of scenarios are explained, and the tips given are great for all levels of Blitz play. Edit: Guide has decayed to STALE.
Possible Improvements: There needs to be more colour/coding throughout the guide to make objects, champions, abilities and spells stand out. Some more colour would be beneficial. Some screenshots (like of the range of Rocket Grab) or videos of gameplay (hooking someone to the tower, fisting and killing them) would be cool to see. A screenshot of the walls Blitz can grab over would be great for new Blitz's.
VoiD's Brand Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: This guide is a long and thorough read of Brand gameplay and the correct situational items and summoner spells. Edit: Guide has decayed to STALE.
Possible Improvements: The author could improve his guide a lot. At the moment I believe has has over-formatted his guide - there are too many subheadings and the columns don't mesh well with each other due to that. I also think his masteries are a tad off, and he could utilise the BBCoding more often in his guide, especially the embedding masteries/items/runes code, which I detail in my guide about making a guide.
Spoiler: Click to view
Jebus McAzn's Caitlyn Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: A very in-depth and detailed Caitlyn guide. Everything you could possibly want to know about Caitlyn and more. Great guide. Edit: Author still needs to work on aesthetics.
Possible Improvements: This guide isn't for someone who can't stand walls of text, or can't sit still for a long amount of time. The amount of information in this guide is phenomenal, it is fantastic. However, the huge walls of text are also a down point of the guide, as it needs a lot more colour and images to make it readable in one sitting.
IceCreamy's Caitlyn Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: This is a nice and simple Caitlyn guide with most item, rune and mastery choices explained. It is a good starting reference for the AD carry. Edit: Author has not yet updated the guide to reflect feedback.
Possible Improvements: This guide could be more in-depth than it currently is. The author has endeavoured to cover gameplay of mid and duo bottom lane, but hasn't really covered either to do them justice. This is a good guide to read if you aren't up to reading longer guides, but the guide content could be expanded and improved.
FiniteParadox's Cassiopeia Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: A decent Cassiopeia guide. Edit: Guide has decayed to FRESH.
Possible Improvements: Needs some serious reorganising, as the content is haphazard and each section is almost irrelevant to the next. Not a bad guide for a beginner though ^^
GrandmasterD's Cho'Gath Guide
Date: 9th of November, 2011
Verdict: The best Cho'Gath guide on MobaFire. Possibly the best guide on the site. Details, in great depth, the viable paths Cho'Gath can run (mage, tanky, jungle, AND Dominion), and completely covers every single possible thing, EVER, you could want to know about Cho'Gath. If I could +rec a guide twice, I would with this guide.
Possible Improvements: Beyond those listed in my very short review, I believe the finishing touch on this guide would be a Twisted Treeline section. That's the only aspect of League of Legends gameplay the author has not covered, and it will truly be the most informative guide on MobaFire with this addition ^^
Khazem's Lane and Jungle Cho'Gath Guide
Verdict: This is a impressively in-depth Cho'Gath guide that covers everything about Tanky DPS Cho that one would like to know, and also details how to be sucessful in the jungle. The information is conveyed in a highly pleasing manner, and the written knowledge is exceptional.
Possible Improvements: This guide is already one of the better guides I have read on MobaFire and my only suggestion is to somehow neaten up the jungle section where the jungle creeps are explained, as this is the only unaesthetically piece of your guide.
PotatisFarfar's Cho'Gath Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: An in-depth AP Tank Cho'Gath Guide. Edit: Since I last viewed this guide, the author has fixed up almost all of his grammatical and spelling errors - it is a much better guide as a result.
Possible Improvements: Author really needs to work on his grasp of the English language. He also needs to consider if his guide is up to scratch with the other recommended guides - needs to be structured more neatly. I don't have any more suggestions for improvements, as the author has obviously spent a lot of time making this guide as informative as he possibly can :)
Symphunny's Jungle Cho'Gath Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: This isn't really a Jungle Cho Guide, as it doesn't detail a jungle route, and the rune selection is a tad weird. But the author has spent time trying to make the guide visually pleasing. EDIT: An improvement from the last time I saw it, but still needs a little more work before it becomes a truly exceptional guide. Edit: Guide has been ARCHIVED.
Possible Improvements: The author needs to work on the aesthetics of the guide and there are some spelling and grammatical errors. The item build and situational items are standard for Cho'Gath, and the author has the right mindset about warding and ganking, but the guide lacks actual depth. EDIT: The author needs to work on the organisation of the guide. Aesthetics are pretty good for the moment, and the jungle routes are covered very thoroughly.
Aharan's Corki Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: A bare-bones Corki guide that tries too hard to cater for too many different builds, thus it doesn't focus on any build with enough depth. Edit: A solid Corki guide that covers two main builds, and the playstyle for both. Edit: Still a VERY impressive Corki guide. This is a must read.
Possible Improvements: The organisation needs to be tidied up, as does the coding and formatting. The guide is screaming for colour. Some sections just seemed like waffle and didn't seem necessary. The guide/build isn't bad, but it isn't great (though admittedly it is better than some of the Pro guides out there). It seems like the author could try a little bit harder with his guide to make it 100x better :) Edit: The guide has certainly improved since I last saw it, proving the author is dedicated to making his guide better. It is now comprehensive and well-written. The only improvements I can think of are adding screenshots of the build working, and videos of gameplay.
leaguesdf's Corki Guide
Date: 10th of November, 2011
Verdict: An extremely in-depth Corki guide. It literally covers every single thing you could want to know about Corki, his possible laning partners, and his roles in teamfights. This is *the* Corki guide one wants to read if they want to succeed.
Possible Improvements: However, this guide is astronomically long-winded. I feel as if there is a lot of content repeated throughout the guide, and a more condensed version of the information conveyed would be a fantastic development. Aesthetics are average and could do with some improvement.
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Adeori's Jungle Evelynn Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: Possibly one of the most aesthetically pleasing guides I have ever seen in my life. Everything is virtually perfect with this guide, and I absolutely love what the author has done with it. Edit: Author has a half-finished guide; has still not added the promised jungle section.
Possible Improvements: As the author has accidentally published this, there isn't an established jungle section as of yet, and I am keenly awaiting the map, steps and advice the author will write for this section. Love the guide, it's fantastic :)
ARedFeather's Evelynn Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: A very in-depth guide about Roaming Eve. Edit: Currently the #1 Eve guide on MobaFire. It is up to date with the current meta, but the guide rating is "Fresh".
Possible Improvements: Unfortunately this guide is out-dated, and the champion is soon getting a remake as well, sending this guide further into obscurity. However, the guide is extremely well-made, and almost all of it can be salvaged. Improvements include possible video gameplay, some screen shots of the success with this build. Formatting, colour and coding are all virtually impeccable.
DeadlyTricks' Evelynn Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: A good Evelynn guide that details the three main ways to play her. Edit: Guide has decayed to STALE. It also has two Hextech Gunblades, which no longer stack spell vamp.
Possible Improvements: The formatting is a tad messy, more colour is needed, some coding would be beneficial. Else-wise, the author has clearly put in a good amount of time in this guide.
Blydden's Ezreal Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: Absolutely fantastic Ezreal guide. Extremely in-depth, and very explanatory of every possible aspect of Ez gameplay. EDIT: The guide is a useful read for Ezreal players, but it seems to be lacking in something, I'm not sure what. Edit: Guide has been significantly improved since I last saw it, but the guide still is a tad too colourful. Author seems to be working hard on dimming it down though, so that's great.
Possible Improvements: Very desperately needs colour, coding and some more aesthetics. Videos of gameplay would be great. A great guide, informative to the max - but very unattractive without colour and wikicodes. EDIT: It needs videos! I would love to see some Ezreal action. Also, it seems the author has taken my suggestion for colour a little too seriously - it is now a kaleidoscope of colour and font alterations that cause readers to glaze over what is written. I suggest visiting Hahano's Jungling 202 guide to grasp an idea of good use of colour.
Wintermord's Ezreal Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: A solid AD Ezreal Guide with very useful information regarding Trueshot Barrage. Edit: Guide doesn't seem to have changed since the last time I saw it - it is still a tad lacklustre in terms of guide aesthetics. Content is rather in depth.
Possible Improvements: More images, some coding (ie: Doran's Blade as opposed to Doran's Sword :P). Maybe some screenshots of the range of Ez's abilities.
SSgtHugin's Jungle Ezreal Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: A very interesting guide for a very interesting concept. Written well, and informative in the places it needs to be. Edit: Guide has been ARCHIVED.
Possible Improvements: Some organisational issues (needs to format sections to look neater, move some sections around). Pretty much everything about Ez in the jungle is covered in this guide ^^
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Rys Aberdeen's Fizz Guide
Date: 1st of December, 2011
Verdict: An in-depth Fizz guide that covers more than you need to know about the champion, detailing experience and gold per level/in game time, and I definitely recommend reading this guide.
Possible Improvements: Personal opinion, but I despise three things in a guide; paragraphs of centred text, paragraphs of italicised text and multiple cheat sheets. This guide is the victim of two of these pet hates. The guide is already aesthetically pleasing, but does have an air of redundancy about it, as a lot of the text could be cut down. The visual appeals falters somewhere in the middle of the guide, as the author seems to have given up at that point.
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Palthios' Garen Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: A very extensive, and extremely well-written AD Garen guide. Everything is well explained and lovingly documented. Edit: Guide is incredible and very very very cute. I just +rec'd.
Possible Improvements: However, this guide consists of walls upon walls of text. The author needs to spend some time making this guide readable to the average citizen who is easily distracted by youtube videos and puppies.
lefze's Garen Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: Not a bad Garen guide, but not the best either. Edit: Guide seems to have been improved since I last saw it. It also seems unfinished, with chapters that contain little to no information.
Possible Improvments: I strongly recommend reading over my guide about making a guide. I grow weary of repeating myself a thousand times, so from now on, if the author has clearly not read that guide, I will just copy and paste this statement.
Gwadzila's Multiple-Build Gragas Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: A decent guide that reveals the versatility of Gragas. Edit: Guide has decayed to FRESH. Guide is still hard to follow, due to the excessive amounts of chapters, but the author does try to cover all aspects of Gargas gameplay, so kudos for that. I'd advise looking at GrandmasterD's Gho'Gath guide for an idea of how to correctly display multiple builds.
Possible Improvements: Needs colour, coding, rearranging and organisation. More tips on general playstyle. No "Skills" section that explains Gragas' abilities. The guide may be too vague as the author is trying to cover too much information - and doesn't convey the same amount a normal, one build guide would do.
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masterxiao's Irelia Guide
Date: 2nd of December, 2011
Verdict: This guide is fantastically in-depth and the build is perfectly viable. I love the amount of information this author has included in the guide, and I'm glad they're up to date with the recent patches. I especially enjoyed the Champion section, and I believe a lot of players (regardless if they play Irelia or not), will/can learn a lot from this section alone. Loved the guide, was an immediate +1.
Possible Improvements: I realise Irelia's passive is awesome - but I still find Flash necessary on most champions. It can be used both offensively and defensively, and a Flash stun can guarantee a kill. Other than that, the guide could do with a few images and some video gameplay. Great guide overall.
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Scrax's Janna Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: An in-depth and well-written Support Janna guide. The information is coherent, neat and is definitely worthwhile reading, as it details virtually everything and anything you could want to know about Janna. Edit: Guide has decayed to FRESH. Guide is extremely in-depth and extremely unaesthetically pleasing.
Possible Improvements: However, the guide is severely lacking in aesthetics. It gives little to no visual pleasure. The guide is also structured in an odd way, which could lead to confusion. Otherwise, a highly recommended guide ^^
SinJustice's Jarvan Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: A very detailed and in-depth Jarvan guide that covers every possibility bar jungling. Edit: Guide has decayed to FRESH.
Possible Improvements: This guide is extremely aesthetically pleasing and highly informative. I literally have no suggestions for improvement besides adding in a section about Jungle Jarvan, as that is possibly the only thing that the author did not cover in his guide. Other than that, maybe a screenshot of walls Jarvan can... leap(?) over. Videos of gameplay would be sweet. Is Jarvan viable in the Twisted Treeline?
Sacull_Kinslayer's Jarvan Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: A very in-depth Jarvan guide that explains all of his abilities in exquisite detail. Recommended read. Edit: Absolutely fantastic guide.
Possible Improvements: Needs some colour and serious reorganisation/removal of redundancy. Needs some coding (columns to make lengthy sections more attractive). You really need a jungling section, as Jarvan is a great jungle tank.
Bryun's Jax Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: A very simplistic Jax guide. Edit: The aesthetics have been improved, and the guide is now very easy to read. It is still minimalistic. Edit: Guide has been ARCHIVED.
Possible Improvements: Needs expansion, currently it is more of a bare bones, "this is Jax" guide, needs more depth. Edit: While this guide certainly looks fantastic, it does need some more depth in terms of Jax gameplay and when to use his abilities... some quick tips about standing in a wave of creeps so they proc your dodge abilities... stuff like that ^^
Chesswinner's Jax Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: This guide is extremely minimalistic and very bare-bones. Edit: Guide has been ARCHIVED.
Possible Improvements: The author definitely needs to add colour, coding and images to his guide if he wants people to read it. At the moment it is clear he hasn't spent much time on it beyond writing the text, and other Jax guides outshine his simply due to the fact that his guide is very unaesthetically pleasing. I suggest for the author to archive his guide until a Jax free week, and in the meantime pretty the guide up.
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Kusoku's Katarina Guide
Date: 2nd of November, 2011
Verdict: This is a very in-depth and well presented Katarina guide. I thoroughly enjoyed the formatting and the layout of the guide information. A must-read for those who wish to learn almost everything there could possibly be to learn about the assassin. Edit: Guide author listens to feedback :) Edit: A fantastically in-depth Katarina guide that is truly amazing to read. This guide covers everything, and I mean everything, you could ever want to know about Katarina and team composition. The tips and tricks are worth their weight in gold and all the mathamancy is really helpful in proving points. A wonderful guide, I had no criticisms.
Possible Improvements: The guide organisation seemed a bit off in some places, and the formatting gets better the closer you get to the end of the guide (? why?). This is a great guide and it has fantastic potential. I don't think the author can do much to improve it beyond my suggestions and the suggestions/feedback from commenter's. Edit: - no criticisms. Perhaps the guide could do with a few videos of gameplay and a Hall of Fame section. Otherwise, I cannot think of anything that would further improve the guide (besides replacing use of the float code with columns).
Wrath's Katarina Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: Extremely informative Kat guide. Very detailed and in-depth. Edit: Centred paragraphs of text D:
Possible Improvements: Needs to really work on organising the information in the guide into relevant sections. Needs some coding (ie, make Shunpo into Shunpo), needs some colour. Great guide though! Really informative, you really learn a lot by reading this. However, its layout at the moment makes your information conveyance redundant quite a few times and often confusing with paragraphs saying "use your ult when you feel the time is right" when you haven't even described the ult o.O
Bloofyre's Kayle Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: A very aesthetically pleasing guide that incorporates almost all of the attributes of a great guide. Certainly a different way of looking at Kayle beyond the "ult = support" mindset. Edit: Guide has decayed to STALE.
Possible Improvements: The author has clearly spent a lot of time making their guide look fantastic (utilising two guide formats, well done :P). I cannot suggest much to improve as the guide is very well done. Some videos of gameplay, some screenshots of success with the build/guide, some Kayle artwork for the hell of it. The only other thing I can suggest is looking around at the other Kayle guides and checking to see what they have which you don't, and then making those sections for your guide.
XxStarkxX's Kayle Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: An interesting AD/Magic Damage Kayle Guide. Edit: Guide has EXPIRED.
Possible Improvements: It's short and sweet. This isn't a guide, it's a build ^^ There's not much to improve on, as there is not much to improve on, haha. As it is right now, the guide is perfectly fine. If the author wanted to devote more time to it, I'd suggest having a look at some of the recommend guides in my first post to get an idea of how they could expand/improve with their guide :) If nothing else, have a look at my guide about making a guide.
Whated's Kennen Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: This is more of a Build than a Guide. However, the items, runes and masteries all suit an off-tank Kennen well, so the author has succeeded in that regard :)
Possible Improvements: Guide needs an update (rating is only Fresh), and it needs a bit of an aesthetic rehaul. The items chapter needs the most work, as it is the most awkward to look at. Additional chapters detailing Kennen gameplay and Kennen's abilities would be fantastic.
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Ruin Sage's LeBlanc Guide
Date: 1st of December, 2011
Verdict: A well written and aesthetically pleasing LeBlanc guide. The only questionable choices I saw was Mejai's and Clarity in the cheat sheet. I'm unsure as to what elo this guide is targeting. Edit: The guide is very detailed and nicely aesthetically pleasing. The author clearly knows how to play LeBlanc, and is possibly the reason why I hate LeBlanc so much ^^ My main concern is the Mejai's Soulstealer inherent within the core build. I would recommend to the author not to include this in the cheat sheet, as it will no doubt lead to downvotes from the general public. A fun guide to read, I enjoyed the author's writing style. There is not much need for improvement. More video gameplay examples would be fantastic. As it is, the guide covers everything you would need to know and more. I am disappointed that my two reviews of this guide were virtually identical, meaning the author possibly didn't change anything...
Possible Improvements: The author needs to reconsider his summoner spell choices and his item choices. Everything else in the guide is perfectly fine and quite reasonable. Edit: A fun guide to read, I enjoyed the author's writing style. There is not much need for improvement. More video gameplay examples would be fantastic. As it is, the guide covers everything you would need to know and more.
JakofAllSpaydes Lee Sin Jungle Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: A good short guide about items useful on Lee Sin. Edit: Wow, this is an entirely different guide from that I remember. It is very in-depth, covering jungling opponents to ganking and is a very nice resource for new and old Lee Sin players. Edit: Still a very good guide, contains a lot of information that players can learn from.
Possible Improvements: Guide needs to focus more on the gameplay aspect, and cleaning up the aesthetics. Replace all the images with real wiki code. Good guide so far, though :) Edit: The guide is nicely in-depth now, all I can recommend is trying to improve the aesthetics of the guide, make people want to read it all in one sitting. Tremendous guide :)
Ssyrak's Leona Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: This is an extensive and very well-written Leona guide. It is absolutely incredible and an asset to MobaFire guides. Edit: This guide has been +rec'd.
Possible Improvements: I don't think I have anything to say. This guide is fantastic. The author just needs to update the guide, and it'd be +rec worthy :D
Meji's Leona Guide
Date: 10th November, 2011
Verdict: A fantastically in-depth Leona guide that goes far and beyond what is necessary to convey in a guide. From covering latency to why Leona needs gold/10, this guide is the ultimate Leona resource. Edit: The author has taken on almost all of my suggestions, and the guide looks fantastic. Content is also very good.
Possible Improvements: I found the guide, while aesthetically pleasing in most parts, fell off in others. This is probably due to the influx of text next to images that didn't sit well together/flow aesthetically. I've given tips on how to fix/alter this, so all in all the aesthetics is a minor issue. This is a great guide :) Edit: I have no further suggestions for improvement on this guide.
ChefoSLR's Leona Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: A solid off-tank Leona guide that the author clearly has put a lot of time and effort into. Edit: A very well-written and aesthetically pleasing Leona guide that focuses on two builds: Tanky or Support. I enjoyed reading this guide and recommend it to Leona players, old or new. Edit: A great Support Leona guide!
Possible Improvements: I think the author needs to work on their grasp of spatial grammar and have a look at their guide from a new perspective. Do the columns really suit that much information? The guide is certainly in-depth enough, so the only other suggestions I could make are adding in some more images for visual relief. Is Leona even a viable pick? Edit: The author has taken all suggestions to account and with the re-release of their guide, MobaFire will welcome another great guide writer to the community. Again, the only things I can think of are more images (coming soon, the author assures us), and some screenshots/videos of gameplay. Nice guide!
Guiken's Leona Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: This is an extensive and very well-written Leona guide. Edit: Guide has decayed to STALE.
Possible Improvements: The author has the depth and knowledge down pat, they now just need to work on the aesthetics of the guide in terms of colour, coding, formatting and adding in images for visual relief. The author should also try to condense some of the information in the guide. The only other thing that has irked me about the author's guide is the lack of structure.
Palzm's Leona Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: A solid Leona guide that focuses on an off-tank build. Edit: Guide has decayed to STALE.
Possible Improvements: The guide is very aesthetically pleasing and pretty knowledgable. My only complaint to the author is that they have too many builds listed, and it's a better idea to have one main guide, and just list alternative items/builds in the guide itself. Good work so far and I'm glad the author can handle trolls well. That is a sign of a great guide writer :)
DirtyScumbag's Leona Guide
Date: 11th of November, 2011
Verdict: A quick and easy guide to read about the first female tank in LoL. Edit: Guide has EXPIRED.
Possible Improvements: Needs colour, coding and formatting. Some sections are in the wrong place relative to the flow of the guide. The author has clearly spent some time and thought out most sections, so their guide is very good compared to other new guide makers :)
koksei's Lux Guide
Date: 10th November, 2011
Verdict: This guide is more of a very detailed build. The author explains everything, but not very in-depth, often leaving you wondering whether you have actually learnt anything new besides the build itself. It is a good attempt, and the author is very receptive to feedback, which is a great sign.
Possible Improvements: The guide aesthetics can be improved, mainly through list format and other ways of displaying information. Content is lacking, and yet everything is explained. I'm not quite sure why reading the guide made me feel like I hadn't learnt anything - maybe the author just needs to rewrite certain sections to make them more comprehensive.
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PsiGuard's Malphite Solo Top & Jungle Guide
Verdict: Possibly one of the best guides I have ever seen on MobaFire. Contains a nice mix of coding, formatting and thick paragraphs to appease even the most nitpicky person. Absolutely love this guide :D
Possible Improvements: Comparatively, your Situational Items section is really bulky and uninteresting. Maybe try some new formatting here, to make it more appealing to read.
Piksel's Malzahar Guide
Verdict: A decent Malzahar guide that is heading in the right direction towards being highly rated. Edit: An extremely attractive and very in-depth guide about Malz. I highly recommend reading this guide.
Possible Improvements: This is a guide that will not only help you play Malz, but learn him as well. Concise and to the point, I enjoyed reading this, and I did learn quite a lot. Needs to work on colour allocation, and coding. Need some image, maybe some screenshots of the build working. Edit: A fantastic improvement from the last time I saw it. It is very visually pleasing and fun as hell to read. I absolutely loved this guide. The only suggestion I have to the author is to archive it and release a new version that doesn't have stupid and uncalled for troll votes.
Goffterdom's Jungle Master Yi Guide
Verdict: A FANTASTIC Jungle Master Yi guide that covers anything and everything you could possibly want to know about the melee DPS champion. I absolutely loved the amount of information and depth this guide managed to convey. I have never outright rec'd a guide before this guide. I congratulate the author on such a beautifully written and structured guide.
Possible Improvements: The guide is already phenomenally good, but videos of the jungle route would be awesome. Some videos of gameplay and some screenshots of build success would be nice too. Great guide.
Zoki's Master Yi (Lane) Guide
Verdict: A nicely presented Master Yi guide that covers a lot of the basics, but not enough of the stuff that will actually teach new Yi players the ins and outs of the melee champion. Edit: Guide has improved since I last saw it, but not enough in the ways that I suggested.
Possible Improvements: The author has worked really hard in making the guide aesthetically pleasing, and on this aspect, it doesn't fall short. Now the author needs to work on making the guide a little more in-depth. The gameplay section is the shortest and least informative section in the whole guide, and this chapter would have to be greatly improved before I felt comfortable giving this guide the recommendation it deserves. Edit: The gameplay aspects of the guide are still not in-depth enough. As noted earlier, a player can read about Yi and his abilities, runes, masteries, item choices - great. What the guide needs is more detail about the actual gameplay aspect of the guide. That means fleshing out the tips and tricks under each ability and adding more gameplay sections to the guide.
Nickname's Master Yi Guide
Verdict: A very in-depth Master Yi guide that covers anything and everything you could possibly want to know about the best Back-doorer in the game. Edit: VERY MUCH IMPROVED since the last time I saw it and reviewed it. Definitely deserving of a +1, and the build is an interesting take on Jungle Yi.
Possible Improvements: The author shows great initiative by already have a section for Dominion, and I approve of this ambition whole-heartedly. The only downfall of his guide is the English language barrier, as a lot of his sentences seem off, and are only incorrect through silly spelling errors and weird syntax mistakes. The author needs to read over his guide out loud (or make someone read it out loud to him) and see where the mistakes are. Or, write it in German (?) and Google Translate it for his guide. This guide is really good though! Edit: I didn't like the use of the BBCoding for the item sequencing - I think it made the guide look a little too "clunky". Other than that, it's a pretty awesome guide and should help a lot of Yi players!
TheJohn's Mordekaiser Guide
Verdict: This is a good Mordekaiser guide which covers all possible items Morde could ever get. Edit: Wow, I am extremely impressed by the changes in your guide due to feedback. Thank you very much for listening. Your guide is very much more aesthetically pleasing, but I am sad that you have deleted so much of the gameplay content which made your guide more in-depth. I am close to recommending this guide as a vet.
Possible Improvements: But that doesn't mean it's a great guide. It is a little messy in terms of organisation, and there isn't a gameplay section because the author is trying to write three guides in one, so it's not as in-depth as it should be. I'd suggest only listing the alternative builds, or if the author desperately wants to keep it, they should reorganise their guide so it's more comprehensive ^^ Edit: The author has taken feedback very seriously and their guide has turned out tremendously improved. As such, I only have a few suggestions. Videos of gameplay would be great, some more tips and tricks, a more in-depth gameplay section. Otherwise, fantastic guide!
VKZ95's Mordekaiser Guide
Verdit: A VERY in-depth Mordekaiser guide that not only gives you a good build for the Twisted Treeline, but explains alternative items well. EDIT: A terrific guide! There are only a few changes that could made to this guide, but it certainly is the best Twisted Treeline guide I have ever read.
Possible Improvements: The author needs to spend some time making the guide aesthetically pleasing. Have a look around at the other guides in this thread and see if you can implement some changes to make it nicer to read. I struggled to read your guide because I grew bored too fast. While you have a lot of good information, I feel as if people are just going to skip everything in your guide due to it not grabbing the reader's attention. Visual changes are not hard to make, pop into my guide about writing a guide and have a look at the various ways in which you can enrich a bland guide :) EDIT:Wow, I literally have no feedback. The guide is great, I can't remember what it looked like before, but this is one of the best guides I have read. Very simple, to the point and just... is great. I really enjoyed just *reading* this guide, cruising through all the text, not finding anything to pick on.
Bellator's Mordekaiser Guide
Verdit: A decent Mordekaiser guide that revolves too much around the snowballing item, Mejai's Soulstealer (which suggests average elo gameplay?).
Possible Improvements: Reorganisation of chapters, merging of some chapters for coherency, possible reconsideration of mastery tree set up. The guide is well written, and I was impressed at the beginning of the guide. The visual aesthetics of the guide falls flat in the items section, which looks lopsided. Some images to break up the text would do nicely.
ShadowNet's Mordekaiser Guide
Verdict: A well-written and amusing Mordekaiser guide. Edit: A very aesthetically pleasing and extremely well presented guide that covers almost everything about Mordekaiser you could possibly want to know. However, the author does not have a Skill Explanation section. Edit: +rec
Possible Improvements: The author's attempt at videos is admirable, but they need to be fine-tuned. I think the lack of spell vampirism is a bad idea. I found nothing else wrong with this guide, and it was a good, enlightening read :) Edit: Love the reworking you have done, every section looks fantastic (besides the tips and tricks section). The only other thing I could suggest is having a look at the top Mordekaiser guides and considering what they have in their guides that you don't. What could you include to make your guide even more fantastic?
Nameless Bard's Morgana Guide
Verdict: A solid Morgana Guide
Possible Improvements: Needs more time spent on the aesthetics of the guide. More information needed for gameplay and for the item choices. Needs more tricks and tips - this guide told me how to build Morgana, but it didn't teach me how to play her.
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Lugignaf's Jungle Nasus Guide
Verdict: A viable way to play Jungle Nasus. EDIT: A complete rehaul of the guide since I last saw it about a week ago. Author still needs to work on the way he displays information. EDIT: This is a good Jungle Nasus guide, there isn't much to cover about Jungle Nasus, as his playstyle is very similar to lane Nasus. But all the information you need about it can be found here.
Possible Improvements: Needs more colour, needs a quick grammar check. Needs some more situational items. Very good skills explanation section - a new Nasus player would learn a lot from it. EDIT: Would like to see some screens of how this build/route has favoured in PvP games. Looking forward to viewing the guide once it has been unarchived :) EDIT: This still stands - would like to see some screens of sucess, and would also like an updated video with the runes the author suggests in the guide. I disagree with some item/rune/mastery choices, but that's because I prefer a tankier Nasus. Perhaps lists of alternative items/runes/masteries would be a good idea for people who feel the same way.
Khazem's Nasus Guide
Verdict: An absolutely fantastic Nasus guide. One of the better ones I have seen on MobaFire. No one will ever replace Hyfe in my heart, but this is a really good effort!
Possible Improvement: The chapter organisation is a bit off, and some screenshots of success with this build would be good, even some videos scattered here and there for us kinaesthetic learners :) Otherwise, great guide. I can't upvote is, as my housemate, Patch, already has.
th3BlackAngel's Nidalee Guide
Verdict: A fantastic Nidalee Guide with all the information you could possibly need when learning her. Edit: A tremendous effort towards making a complete guide to Nidalee gameplay. This guide is easy to read, has great aesthetics and is written really well.
Possible Improvements: Not very many. What walls can Nidalee jump? What about play style in the map, The Twisted Treeline? Should Nidalee ever be the Support in a game? Columns need to be fixed (not a pressing issue). Could do with some more colour, but not necessary (only if you want to be on par with new guides). Great guide, very well formatted, very well organised. Loved the videos and screenshots. A quality compilation of Nidalee information :) Edit: Organisation of chapters is still a bit weird, and covering TT play would still be an awesome idea. I really like this guide and wish there weren't so many other great Nidalee guides too :/
Xaioli's Nidalee Guide:
Verdict: Great Nidalee resource!
Possible Improvements: Section about the Twisted Treeline, more colour/coding, more paragraph breaks!
PsiGuard's Jungle Nocturne Guide
Verdict: A very detailed and well-written Jungle Nocturne guide. It is aesthetically pleasing and only occasionally deviates towards walls of text.
Possible Improvements: There isn't much to improve with this guide, besides the addition of colour and the possible reformatting of the Viable Items section. Jungle Route maps would be beneficial for the casual reader. A summary/tl;dr section at the beginning of the guide could be beneficial. Additionally, the chapters feel a tad out of order, if nothing else, move Abilities, Skill Sequence and Tips and Tricks together somewhere in the guide so one doesn't have to scroll up or down the guide to remember what was previously written about the skills.
RosePhoenix's Jungle Nocturne Guide
Verdict: A very detailed, well written and aesthetically pleasing guide. It is easy to read, and a good resource for new Nocturne players.
Possible Improvements: The guide is well-formatted, but the images need to be centred. I don't think there is much that can be improved with the guide, as it genuinely very good. An alternative items section would be a good idea, and maybe a video of the jungle route in action. A diagram depicting when Nocturne should go gank a lane would be fantastic!
marisi's Nocturne (Lane & Jungle) Guide
Verdict: This is a nicely in-depth guide to lane and jungle Nocturne, however it could do with a few improvements.
Possible Improvements: The author needs to work on his use of wiki-coding to enliven the guide. He also needs to center all large icons and images to provide aesthetic continuity. The author needs to run the guide through a spell and grammar check, as currently it is a little behind standard. This is a very good effort, but with a little work it'll be even better :)
Xiron's Nocturne Guide
Verdict: A guide that tries to convey too much of the stuff that isn't necessary (excessive patch notes, skin screenshots), and doesn't talk about necessary gameplay - Noc in the jungle, for instance.
Possible Improvements: Listening to advice given in the thread he made about this guide (which had plenty of replies)
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xIPainIx's Orianna Guide
Verdict: This is actually a very well written and pleasing guide to read. The aesthetics are decent, the knowledge is sound, and the item selections are explained in a comprehensive manner.
Possible Improvements: The guide is pretty good as it is, especially the screenshots of gameplay, but I feel as if it lacks something. I'm not quite sure what. Alternative runes, mastery tree set up and more items would be beneficial. +1.
Faux's Orianna Guide
Verdict: A decent Orianna guide; the author seems to know what he/she is talking about, and a lot can be learned from the gameplay sections of the guide.
Possible Improvements: The author needs to work on their sense of paragraphical space - a lot of the time there are unintentional walls of text, or blimps in paragraphs due to oversized icons. Screenshots/video gameplay would be nice. Over all a very good effort :)
verxx's Orianna Guide
Verdict: A solid Orianna guide that is very easy to read and extremely in-depth about gameplay.
Possible Improvements: The guide is not really aesthetically pleasing, but it is neat and easy on the eye. Some images, formatting larger icons would all be beneficial. A skills explanation section would be fantastic. Reorganising the chapter structure would be good too.
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ZioSerpe's Poppy Guide
Date: 10th November, 2011
Verdict: A good Poppy guide that is a tad hard to read due to issues with paragraphical space. Edit: Slightly better than when I last saw it, but the author still needs to work on guide aesthetics. The content seems fine.
Possible Improvements: Convert your walls of text into respectable paragraphs, with plenty of enter space between ideas - this will make people more inclined to read it. Each enter space is a reward for reading the paragraph before it. Currently you are not rewarding anyone for reading anything :) Get back to me when you've done this much ^^ Edit: Author needs to give the guide a read, out loud. Read every single word and see if all those words are necessary AND pick up the small mistakes throughout.
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Keels' Renekton Guide
Verdict: A very good 3v3, Twisted Treeline Renekton Guide
Possible Improvements: Needs to work a bit on the gameplay aspect, some reformatting, as the all-centred text is a tad irritating.
Beeswarm17's Riven Guide (Lane + Jungle)
Verdict: A nicely in-depth guide that covers both lane Riven and jungle Riven quite well. I loved the injection of humour - it had a wry, self-mocking tone to it that made you sympathise with the author. Guide definitely deserves a higher rating. Edit: This is unquestionably one of the best Riven (/any champion) guide on MobaFire!
Possible Improvements: In terms of improvement, I've already listed how I believe the jungling information needs to be "separate" from everything else and not scattered throughout the guide. There really isn't much room for improvement, as the guide is near perfect. Possibly the author should consider having a look at the top Riven guides and strive to beat their content. Maybe more aesthetically pleasing formatting/imagery would entice more readers. Fantastic guide overall :) Edit: There isn't much room for improvement. I don't like the formatting of the mastery descriptions (looks a tad messy), but beyond that everything is extremely aesthetically enjoyable. I really do suggest to the author to archive their guide and release a new one. With the support of the community your guide could become #1, where it belongs.
chosmochou's Rumble Guide
Verdict: A full-on Rumble guide with incredible detail surround his abilities and gameplay. Fully recommend reading this guide to grasp the intricacies of the Mechanised Menace.
Possible Improvements: k, there is always room for improvement. Your guide could use some colour and definitely some visual breaks of images amongst those walls of text. Screenshots of the abilities and their rage perhaps would be adequate enough to give the reader relief. I also believe the way the author has written the guide is interesting. Not convoluted, but not great either. This is because he has three builds (AP Tank, AP DPS and Support). While I fully approve of the theory crafting he is doing, there's just something about listing multiple builds that I don't like. That said, I don't know how he'd be able to change it to satisfy me lol, so all of this was probably just a ramble about Rumble. As per usual, some videos of gameplay and some screenshots of the success of each build would be great. An alternative items section (hell an items section at all) would be great just for us readers who like to read summations of why items are good for that champion.
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Tol Eressea's Jungle Shaco Guide
Verdict: Absolutely one of the most interesting and well presented guides I have ever read. The build itself is certainly a different take on the normally glass cannon Shaco builds I see, and the reasoning behind the item choices is coherent and mathematically backed. A wonderful guide to read and learn from.
Possible Improvements: As Nighthawk said, maybe a few screenshots would be beneficial. Just simple jungle route ones would be great for people who look up the guide just for a route in champion select and can't afford to watch the videos ^^ Some colour and small formatting edits would increase the aesthetics of the guide. I really enjoyed reading the guide - it's not often that I'm able to read through an entire guide without getting bored at one point :3
Dante's Jungle Shaco Guide
Verdict: Absolutely fantastic jungle Shaco guide. Very well-written and extremely informative about jungling and jungle respawn times.
Possible Improvements: Needs to work on grammar and punctuation (occasionally I'd see something like "and that's it, Then you" - comma should be a full stop. Very minor things). More videos would be awesome. Screenshots of scores you've achieved with this build would be fantastic. Otherwise, great guide, definitely recommend to new (and old!) Shaco players.
Siveo's Shen Guide
Verdict: I really enjoyed reading this in-depth and well-written Shen guide. The author has spent a lot of time perfecting this guide and gathering relevant resources (videos) to enrich the guides content, and I applaud him for his effort.
Possible Improvements: The last few chapters of the guide fell flat in terms of presentation and aesthetic pleasantness. I believe the author could put in a bit more time to the sections mentioned in the review, and flesh these sections out. The guide is definitely a good fall-back for old and new Shen players alike.
Kazega's Dominion Shyvana Guide
Date: 09th of December, 2011
Verdict: The guide is well-written and moderately aesthetically pleasing. The author has produced what looks like a viable build for the Crystal Scar, and has facilitated their guide with video clips of the build in action.
Possible Improvements: I believe the author has laxed their efforts regarding the Skills section. Copy and pasting wiki code is the lazy way out. A well-rounded description of each skill will boost the guide's depth.
Tefached's Singed Guide
Verdict: An in-depth Singed guide that is very humorous and entertaining to read.
Possible Improvements: The author needs to work on making the guide more aesthetically pleasing. The guide is pretty good as it is, and is really fun to read, the only thing it is lacking is visual relief.
Keels' Singed Guide
Verdict: An in-depth Singed guide that seemed to cover the basics of playing him. Guide aesthetics were pretty good in some parts, but subpar in others.
Possible Improvements: Guide lacks a proper structure in terms of chapter organisation, and many of the chapters don't seem to flow because of the different ways of conveying information displayed. Author needs to work a little on making the guide prettier - extra enter spaces after and before headings would be a great start.
Chesswinner's Sion Build
Verdict: An interesting *build* (despite the 69% CDR), but a seriously lack-lustre guide.
Possible Improvements: Author needs to read back over the requirements of a good guide, as his guide does not follow these requirements at all.
NamelessBard's Tanky DPS Support Sivir Guide
Verdict: An interesting concept for a build, but I'm not sure if the author has fully reached the potential of their own idea.
Possible Improvements: The guide is pretty detailed in terms of how to play this unusual role, but in terms of alternative builds/choices, the reader has to guess or use their own knowledge to create what works best without the help of the author (runes not explained etc). I feel that with a little work, this could be a good guide. Not sure if it's viable at high elo play though.
bitpik's Skarner Guide
Verdict: A very in-depth Skarner guide that is really well-written with only a few grammatical and spelling errors.
Possible Improvements: This guide needs a LOT of formatting for it to reach full potential. Columns, list format, centring text, icons and images. This guide can be far better once the aesthetic level of it has risen ^^
Barman500's Skarner Guide
Verdict: I am impressed at how the author has tried to cover every possible aspect of Skarner, however, this coverage is thin and widespread, leaving the guide a little lackiing in the depth it claims it has.
Possible Improvements: The author tries too hard to cater for all gameplay styles of Skarner, and as a result the guide suffers. If the author wishes to keep his guide as a three-pronged resource for Skarner players, then I sincerely suggest that he includes far more content for each style than he has. He also should rearrange the guide as I suggested for more comprehension.
SirSpankALot's Jungle Skarner Guide
Verdict: This guide was written with good intentions, but as many of the comments say, the author has released the guide within days of the champion coming out, and the guide has received a lot of negative feedback due to it. EDIT: A MUCH better guide than I last saw it, it is extremely easy to read (bar minimal errors in grammar) and it is very aesthetically pleasing. A very impressive guide.
Possible Improvements: I'd suggest archiving the guide and submitting a new guide with the same content but updated to how you play Skarner today, as opposed to when he first came out. The guide also needs a heavy spell check - there is no excuse for awful spelling mistakes. Take the effort to install a spell check, it's not hard and I detail it in my Guide about Making a Guide. EDIT: There are not many suggestions I can make for improvement beyond those that are in my review. Additionally, the title is pretty bad (add in capitalisation!). Also, I would PM every single downvoter with a nice query as to whether they would like to view your guide and possibly change their vote. I'm sure many would due to the guide's very apparent growth :)
Confehdehrehtheh's Sona Guide
Verdict: An absolutely fantastic Sona guide, that is in-depth and covers all item possibilities (yes, I've bought Stark's on her before!). I definitely recommend reading this guide. EDIT: A very solid and well thought-out Sona guide that focuses on the utility she brings to the team as a support. It is up to date with the sustain nerf, and the author has clearly considering and even changed the original build to support these changes. Overall a very in-depth guide, the gameplay section would be invaluable to a new Sona player.
Possible Improvements: I have only one: an AP build. The author states that they often buy RoA in a normal game - why not base the guide off this? While Sona is a support, due to the sustain changes, she's not really the spammy healer she used to be, and her damage has been increased - why not capitalise on this and build AP? Archangels and RoA? ^^ EDIT: The guide is in-depth, but not very aesthetically pleasing. A keen reader would be able to read through this, but someone just browsing will not be hooked on the guide through visuals alone. Adding some formatting, colour and centring icons/heads would be a great start and a good improvement to an already fantastic guide.
Freddy's Sona Guide
Verdict: I'm loving the quality of the author's guides. They are fantastically written and very aesthetically pleasing, not to mention coherent and confident. He backs up all choices with reasonable arguments, and there's no reason for a rebuttal. Great guide.
Possible Improvements: Besides weeding out the random missing coding throughout, there really is nothing to improve about this guide. It's really well done. The author could include some video gameplay of Ranked Sona play, or some screenshots of success with the build. While the guide is very visually pleasant, some more images wouldn't hurt ^^
Summoner's Soraka Guide
Verdict: A well thought-out and nicely written Soraka guide.
Possible Improvements: I believe the author should list some other situational items (there are only 7 listed). Mercury's Treads are not mentioned, neither is Soul Shroud or Spirit Visage. Rod of Ages is a possible item for a Soraka who wants AP, but doesn't want to spend gold on a Rabadon's Deathcap. Otherwise a well-rounded guide. Summoner certainly knows what he's talking about with regards to playing Soraka ^^
NamelessBard's AP Soraka Guide
Verdict: A different Soraka approach. Edit: A comprehensive AP Soraka Guide.
Possible Improvements: Needs alteration of colour, maybe some images. Runes need a re-think, and possibly a rethink of the items too. Not your typical support build, so it's hard to get your head around trying to think of Soraka as an AP Mage, not a support bot. Edit: The guide has definitely improved in terms of written knowledge and build purchase, but the author still needs to work on coding, formatting and generally creating a visually pleasing guide that entrances the reader to keep reading :)
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Devilesse's Teemo Guide
Verdict: A well-written Teemo guide, pretty short and to the point
Possible Improvements: Needs some coding, images and colour. Some screenshots of where to place Noxious Traps would be great for new Teemo players. Some general gameplay tips would be beneficial (like mentioning to target enemy carries in teamfights with Blinding Dart to completely shut down their DPS).
Trojan's Tristana Guide
Verdict: A very detailed and in-depth guide about Tristana!
Possible Improvements: There's no section describing Tristana's abilities (when should I use her ult? Should I farm creeps with rapid shot?). Some screenshots of the success of the build would be nice. What walls can Tristana jump over?
UberSkoobz Tristana Guide
Verdict: I didn't like this guide. It was first written in April, and seems to have held the #1 spot since then. I believe it's current lack of aesthetics and in-depth content renders it less than worthy of the #1 spot. I say this because I am exposed to a lot of very, very, VERY good guides that aren't even in the top 5 for their champions. I'm not a fan of guides getting to #1 and not deserving it.
Possible Improvements: The author needs to make a deep commitment and rehaul their guide. It isn't very aesthetically pleasing and it lacks structure and even vital information like the description of Tristana's abilities. I absolutely recommend that this guide is re-written or at least presented better than it currently is.
Apotheosis's Trynadmere Guide
Verdict: An amazing Tryndamere resource. Everything you could possibly want to know about Tryndamere is here. It is fantastically in-depth, and should occupy the reader for a good half an hour.
Possible Improvements: The author really needs to add in paragraph breaks if he doesn't want to cut out any of his information. He SERIOUSLY needs some coding/formatting/colour to make his guide more aesthetically attractive. The author should consider removing useless information (like the copy+paste of skill/summoner spell database info), and making a proper Skills Section. A video of the jungle route would be beneficial.
Pozsich's Lane & Jungle Tryndamere Guide
Date: 1st of December, 2011
Verdict: An interesting take on Glass Cannon lane Tryndamere, and a plausible build for jungle Tryndamere. Edit: The author has improved the guide aesthetics to some degree, but the build now looks odd.
Possible Improvements: Guide looks good in some aspects, but falls short in others. The general readability of this guide is somewhat low, but at the same time, the author has tried to present the information in an eye-catching way. I believe the author can spend some time trying to "neaten" up their guide in order to provide the full-fledged satisfied experience one has after reading a well-written and aesthetically pleasing guide. Edit: The guide content and knowledge seems very well-rounded, but the aesthetics of the guide could be improved.
Rudmed's Twisted Fate Guide
Verdict: A good Attack Speed/Attack Damage Twisted Fate Guide. Edit: Since update the aesthetics have changed, and the guide is easier to read. Edit: I am very impressed with the amount of work the author has put in their guide. It's transition from the guide I first reviewed has been huge. This is definitely a recommended guide to read if you're planning on playing AD/DPS Twisted Fate. Certainly the best DPS Twisted Fate guide out there!
Possible Improvements: Screenshots of the guide/build working, some images... not much needs improving, as this guide is pretty much complete and very good for what the author is trying to achieve. Edit: Screenshots of scores is a great addition. Author still needs to work on formatting. Centring icons to maximise aesthetic potential. Also, there might be too much colour in the Skills Section. The only other thing I can think of is that the author has too many sections that are extremely short, so the guide appears longer than it is (not always a good thing for people who can't handle long guides). Good work ^^ +1 Edit: The only thing now I can suggest is finding a correct balance between colour and quickly scanning over the top Twisted Fate guides to see what yours is lacking (if anything). Great work!
Phoenix's Jungle Twitch Guide
Date: 1st of December, 2011
Verdict: A very good read. I really like the idea behind this guide, and I was very surprised to find that it is very viable in normal games. Higher elo players will probably counter his ganks with invis wards, but that's the same issue for all invis ganking champions. Guide aesthetics are good too.
Possible Improvements: There are some aspects of the guide in terms of visual appeal that fall short (summoner spells section for example), and could be improved. Guide content, in terms of knowledge, is fantastic, a new jungle Twitch will find everything they need to learn here. Looking forward to your take on the incomming jungle hotfix.
NinjaGinge's Extensive Twitch Guide
Verdict: An INCREDIBLY long and detailed Twitch guide that covers ALL aspects of Twitch gameplay. There is not a single thing a reader will be able to think about asking because all questions are answered. A fantastically detailed guide.
Possible Improvements: The author has tried to put *too much* information into the guide. It is almost too long to read in one sitting - and there's not even an Abilities section! o.O It's just far too long, readers will just continue to flock to the top rated guide because it is in less depth (comparatively) than the author's. The guide also needs some serious formatting and a touch up in colour to make it on par with newer guides. I suggest reading through the walls of text and looking for paragraphs that can be summarised and displaying in another way.
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Lugignaf's Jungle Udyr Guide
Verdict: A short, and to the point jungle Udyr guide.
Possible Improvements: The guide may be a bit short. It's very succinct, which is great, but the author doesn't really explain Udyr's role in a teamfight, or what he is meant to do and how to do it. Blazing Stampede > Wilding Claw > Blazing Stampede doesn't tell me anything. The jungling section could include a routed map, which would be nice, or a video of the route. The author needs to work on some formatting errors and making his guide a tad prettier. Otherwise, a good guide.
Sear's Urgot Guide
Verdict: A useful Urgot guide, more geared towards experienced players
Possible Improvements: An Abilities section would be great for those of us who haven't played Urgot, or are planning on playing him and using your guide. Some screenshots of the success with this build would be nice. I was expecting a whole heap of graphs demonstrating the damage etc of the situational items, was surprised there were none ^^ Some videos of gameplay would be great. What about starting with a Doran's Ring or Doran's Blade?
Verdict: A short, and to the point jungle Udyr guide.
Possible Improvements: The guide may be a bit short. It's very succinct, which is great, but the author doesn't really explain Udyr's role in a teamfight, or what he is meant to do and how to do it. Blazing Stampede > Wilding Claw > Blazing Stampede doesn't tell me anything. The jungling section could include a routed map, which would be nice, or a video of the route. The author needs to work on some formatting errors and making his guide a tad prettier. Otherwise, a good guide.
Sear's Urgot Guide
Verdict: A useful Urgot guide, more geared towards experienced players
Possible Improvements: An Abilities section would be great for those of us who haven't played Urgot, or are planning on playing him and using your guide. Some screenshots of the success with this build would be nice. I was expecting a whole heap of graphs demonstrating the damage etc of the situational items, was surprised there were none ^^ Some videos of gameplay would be great. What about starting with a Doran's Ring or Doran's Blade?
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Blakhart's Vayne Guide
Verdict: A well-thought out Vayne build, however, the guide itself is a little muddled and not as fine-tuned as one would expect.
Possible Improvements: I suggest utilising some of the templates in my guide about making a guide to boost the aesthetic levels of your guide, and perhaps also re-reading over your work and seeing if your tone of voice is appropriate towards teaching people about Vayne. A little humour is perfectly fine, but if you don't take yourself seriously, why would anyone else? ^^ Overall, a decent effort towards guide making, covers most of the things people would want to know about Vayne. Not happy about maxing Silver Bolts first though.
PsiGuard's Veigar Guide
Verdict: A very in-depth and impressive Veigar guide that covers literally anything and everything you could possibly want to know about him. Excellent guide.
Possible Improvements: I would never *not* run Quints of Fortitude on Veigar due to his uber squish start. Other than that and some small other things I picked up on in my review, this guide is damn near perfect, and it definitely deserves the top spot for Veigar guides :)
Fox Rage's Veigar Guide
Verdict: A good Magic Penetration heavy guide to Veigar. EDIT: Guide has been slightly improved, but mostly for the worst. Perhaps the guide is actually "broken" at the moment, as everything is centred and not at all like it used to be.
Possible Improvements: The chapter order of this guide is all over the place and makes reading the guide a challenge. Aesthetics could be worked on and some images added to break up the text, but otherwise this is a nice and well-written guide to the tiny master of evil :) EDIT: Guide needs a serious format rework. It looks terrible at the moment. I don't know if anything else has been changed, as the centring throws everything out of whack.
Sacull_Kinslayer's Vladimir Guide
Verdict: It's simple, it's informative, it's a really good and interesting read. I literally had no criticism for this guide - the author knows what he's talking about, and he clearly and expressively conveys his knowledge in concise and measured tones. Deceptively simple guide.
Possible Improvements: Needs some screenshots/videos/images. Some sort of aesthetic object to allow the reader to rest his/her eyes. Some video footage of the author playing Vlad and troll pooling away would be great in the skills section.
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Xiron's Wukong Guide
Verdict: This is a glass cannon, pure DPS Wukong guide, and the author has clearly tried to convey as much of his knowledge as possible. EDIT: Incredible Wukong guide. Everything you could possibly want to know about this champion is listed here in an easy to read and aesthetically pleasing format!
Possible Improvements: I think the author should archive this guide, and re-release it, due to all the negative votes he has recieved. It is great to see a guide evolve due to feedback, but I know from experience that the people who have downvoted it will not go back to change their votes. Feel free to request another review here once you release a new guide that isn't covered in negative comments :/ EDIT: Chapter organisation is a bit messy, and the Situational Items chapter is weird, but the rest of the guide is fantastic. Immediate +1.
lithybaer's Wukong Guide
Verdict: A comprehensive Wukong guide with a very solid build.
Possible Improvements: The author needs to work on his sense of paragraphical space. While everything is set out well, there is not enough space between some aspects of his guide, making text seem too cluttered. Entire paragraphs of text shouldn't be coloured, it's a black background, white works best for lots of words. There really isn't much else to be improved, perhaps some videos of gameplay? A nice guide to read :)
Kin's Wukong Guide
Verdict: The guide is cute, and the author seems to have put as much effort into it as they could ^^
Possible Improvements: A lot in this guide could be improved, but I have a feeling the guide isn't meant to be a proper guide, more of a reference for the author. All the author has to do is have a look at the guides I have rec'd in my first post, and maybe he'll have an inkling of how he could improve his guide.
Ikaax's Wukong Guide
Verdict: The author has made a simple and easy to read Wukong Guide.
Possible Improvements: The guide is a bit lacking in colour and formatting. To read, it's fine (your English isn't bad, you could always run it through a spell check), but to look at it's really plain. As a general, quick guide, it does its job.
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TigerJesus' Xerath Guide
Verdict: For a first guide this is fantastic. It is also the best Xerath guide I have seen on MobaFire. The author needs to get some friends to +1 this guide, because it definitely deserves to be the #1 Xerath guide on this site.
Possible Improvements: I can only think that it is rival Xerath guide makers, or people not happy with the build that are downvoting. My suggestion is to create a topic on the forums about Xerath itemization and see if you can create a collaborative build that the general populace would be happy with. The only other suggestion I have is of screenshots of how Xerath can abuse his long ranged abilities (over walls, around corners etc). I have a policy of not rec'ing or releasing guides until the champion is a month or so old, so I can't rec' at the moment D:
Calibern's Lane & Jungle Xin Zhao Guide
Verdict: This is a really comprehensive and in-depth guide that covers every possible item and item build you could use with Xin Zhao. However, the author desperately needs to work on their aesthetics. Edit: Very much improved, a fantastic guide. +rec'd. Simply the best Xin guide around.
Possible Improvements: The guide length and information is impressive, but some parts I literally could not force myself to read due to the centred text and paragraphs of text coloured fluro colours. That's me just being picky, but if anyone else out there is like me, they're gonna look at this guide, see that it's messy in a lot of places and look for a better presented guide. That's the way some people operate. Many people don't seem to understand that guide aesthetics can make or break a guide. Anyway, great guide content, author just needs to work on the delivery. Edit: This guide has improved with leaps and bounds. I only had a few things to say in my review, and they were nitpicks. Phenomenal guide.
Tinolas' Xin Zhao Guide
Verdict: Extremely attractive, very succint and informative guide! The aesthetics of the guide are amazing, and the guide is so short the reader never has a chance to grow bored.
Possible Improvements: What is a positive is also a negative. While short guides are nice, I feel as if the author's guide is a tad too short. Sure, it's pretty - but does he know what he's talking about? Does he *know* Xin? I would like some more gameplay, more tips, screenshots, video gameplay - anything to show that the author can play Xin as much as he can make an attractive guide. Also, no mention of Jungle Xin (completely viable, and absolutely scary), where Xin sits in a team composition - there are a lot of "general" information packages missing. Whilst the guide is incredibly aesthetically pleasing, it doesn't convey much knowledge to the reader.
Hargis2010's Xin Zhao Jungle Guide
Verdict: It's not often that I will immediately +1 a guide. This should be your resource for jungle Xin Zhao. It's interesting, and entertaining.
Possible Improvements: But that doesn't mean it's perfect. Needs some colour, some coding and formatting. The author needs to run the guide through a spell and grammar check to pick up on capitalisation errors. However, the author clearly knows what he's talking about, and the guide certainly reflects that.
Lakapooty's Xin Zhao Guide
Verdict: A guide that, with some improvements, could become a very good guide. EDIT: Still needs a lot of work to reach the standard of the top Xin guides.
Possible Improvements: Colour, coding, re-organising the structure. The author seems to have a firm grasp on how to play Xin. And to be honest his guide is better than some of the "pros" on this site (+90% on guides that have no coding, colour or even any real content). Keep up the good work, Laka. EDIT: Author has taken into account all suggestions, and now just needs to flesh out his guide. The information in it is extremely minimal and needs to be expanded upon.
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