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Orianna Build Guide by LadyOfClockwork

Middle The Lady Of Clockwork: We are as One [In Depth]

Middle The Lady Of Clockwork: We are as One [In Depth]

Updated on January 10, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LadyOfClockwork Build Guide By LadyOfClockwork 182 4 6,123,691 Views 151 Comments
182 4 6,123,691 Views 151 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LadyOfClockwork Orianna Build Guide By LadyOfClockwork Updated on January 10, 2018
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Summon Aery
The Ultimate Hat
Gathering Storm

Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection


LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Me and Ori

-Hey guys! My name is Dee and this is my Orianna guide.
I started playing Orianna at the start of season 4 just before she became part of the season 4 "meta" and I really fell in love with her and her playstyle. I really wanted to know everything about her. I'm still playing her with all my heart and I'm willing to share all I know about Orianna with you guys so you can improve and become a better Orianna player-


Orianna has a quite unique play style due to her unique skill set which allows her to control her other abilities with her Command: Attack. This is one of the things that makes her so fun (but hard) to play. She is really fun, really unique, really rewarding but really hard to master. So if you're struggling a bit with her, it's OK!

I can't tell you how to play Orianna because you'll have to figure out your own way of how to play her. What I CAN do is giving you all the tools and information you need to know in order to learn Orianna so you can master her in your own way. Let this guide be your guide line and see how far it gets you.

Now that that's out of the way, Enjoy my guide! And let me know if I taught you something. GL on your journey to succes! (^_^)/ x-Dee

-Before I'm starting with all the other things I'd like to tell you why you should play Orianna. She has a lot of positives. But, like every other champion in the game, she also has some negatives you should be aware of in order to master her-


+ Her passive is strong in lane.
+ Great utility for the team.
+ Great wave clear.
+ She can turn team fights into her favor with her ult.
+ She scales really well throughout the game.

- You need to keep track of your ball.
- Using too much abilities will blow your mana.
- Doesn’t really have a decent escape.
- Weakness against burst and gap-closers
- Missing your ult can devastate a teamfight.
- Hard to learn, harder to master.

Her passive Clockwork Windup is really strong in lane because it makes it easier to last hit and combined with Command: Protect it's the perfect way to harass your enemy without blowing too much mana. Her kit brings a lot of utility for her team as well since she can speed up and shield everyone she wants. If she has some items her waveclear is just amazing and she'll be able to defend towers really easy. Her Command: Shockwave can really be a game changer if she hits it right. She scales really well throughout the game because she has a good/safe laning phase, a great midgame because that's the point her abilities will start to hurt a lot and her late game is by far the best because the utility and constant AoE damage she brings into a team's environment is just really strong.

Losing track of your ball can be really critical in teamfights which can result in missing most of your abilities. You also really need to pay attention to the ball's leash range as, when it exceeds the range, it will return to Orianna what can result in missing an Ult if you didn't pay attention. Her only escape is her "W", which is a really good ability, but not a decent escape as champions with a gap-closer like Vi's Q and Xin Zhao's E will still be able to get to her. Command: Shockwave is Orianna's most powerful spell which can even turn a lost game into a victory because she's able to pull 5 man into one place while dealing a lot of damage onto their carries. If you miss it, you'll automatically lose the most chance to win a fight since the potential to lock up most enemies into one place, while blowing up carries, is just gone.

She's hard to learn because you have to "master" her ball. Every single spell of her will be controlled by it and can be used in a lot of different ways. It will take you a decent amount time to figure that thing out. "Mastering" the ball is only a basic thing. Mastering Orianna is a different story. You'll have to pay attention to a lot of things at once which can take a decent time to get used to. Its not only about "the ball's" positioning but yours also. Keep track of its range while trying not to get in a difficult spot where you might get hurt yourself. Try to understand her role, what she's capable of and how you can grow.

These things will come with time, practice and experience. On top of these things you'll always find a way on how to improve your way of playing her and another way improve those things as well. But in the end she's really rewarding, very fun to play and definitely worth the struggle!

-Before we dive into "how to play" Orianna i'd like to tell you more about her runes and summoner spells that will offer more different ways of playing her.It doesn't matter if you want to be a bit supportive, afk farm and trying not to die or just want to go balls crazy. For every playstyle and situation there is a rune, you just have to know your way-

The primary path will be the path that is basically always the same in most matchups. The best choice for your primary path would be the "Sorcery" route. This offers Orianna everything she'd wish for. From aggressive tools to some defensive helpfulness with utility on the other side to victory, you can get a long way.

SUMMON AERY: Aery is a great choice for Orianna. Not only does she deal damage, but she'll also enhance your shield on allies, making you somewhat more supportive. Just the downside is that you can only use Aery either way and only if she is on you. You can shorten her travel time by walking towards her.
ARCANE COMET: Arcane comet isn't a bad choice for Orianna, however, it's not the best due to the fact that it can be easily dodged and has somewhat of a high CD early on. You can shorten its cd if you hit an enemy with your abilities.
PHASE RUSH: This could also be a good choice if you need some catch potential or more kite potential as you can easily proc it with 2 spells and an auto attack. This can work out great if you're getting ganked or chasing an enemy.

NULLIFYING ORB: This is a good choice whenever you think you'll be struggling against a certain champ or the enemy team has a lot of magic damage. The shield you'll get will let you deal a bit better with burst.
MANAFLOW BAND: This Manaflow band is actually a great way to manage your mana during the laning phase. It basically gives you a free ability and some of your mana back every 60 seconds. Just the downside is that 60 secs cooldown, but that doesn't make it any less helpful.
THE ULTIMATE HAT: If you are aiming for using your ultimate more often from mid to late game then the ultimate hat will make sure you can. I would not recommend this if you are aiming for the early game as it will not do that much for you during that stage of the game.

TRANSCENDENCE: Trenscendence is really useful when you are aiming for a fast 40% cooldown reduction.
CELERITY: If you are someone that struggles with dodging skill shots then this rune might help you out. Not only does it help you with dodging, but it also goes nice with your Command: Dissonance whenever you speed yourself up.
ABSOLUTE FOCUS: This is a risky one, but, in a match up where you'll feel very comfortable this rune is just great. Especially if you manage to be untouched (or not more than just a little) most of the time. The downside is that, if below 70% HP, the extra damage will be gone and this rune just does nothing until your HP is above it again.

SCORCH:This rune will give you some more dominance in the early game by adding a little damaging burn effect on your "next" ability once every 20 secs.
WATERWALKING:Wakerwalking is a good rune for someone who roams a lot due to the movement speed you get in the river. If you're one that roams a lot then this is one to pick up.
GATHERING STORM:Gathering storm is just an amazing rune if you're aiming for late game. The longer the game goes the more AP you gain.


So, for the secondary path you have many different options. Depending on what need you can go for aggressive runes, defensive runes, risky runes or even rule bending runes which will change your gameplay completely.

Cheap Shot is a good choice because if you use your Command: Dissonance on an enemy and follow up with an auto attack or another damaging ability it'll do some extra damage. This synergyzes with your ult as well.

If you're gonna be aggressive you might be attracting some people of the enemy team. There, the Ghost Poro might help you out by giving you some vision in a bush you summon it in.

Another great choice would be the Eyeball Collection as Orianna should be able to easily get those stacks together.

Triumph is a rune that can really make a difference between life and death. It's much like the old Dangerous Game , but just a little stronger because you get more HP and 25 gold on a takedown. Since Orianna is great at participating on takedowns she can really make good use of it.

Then you have Coup de Grace which is actually great on her as well, because you'll be doing more damage against low HP targets. If you happen to be against an HP stacking tank-ish team then you could change this out for Cut Down, because this will allow you to deal more damage against champions with more HP than you have.


Even thou taking the resolve tree isn't ideal in most of your match ups, sometimes however, it can really help you out by just having that little more defense.

Whether it's against Zed or Leblanc, or anyone you truly struggle with during the laning phase. If you ever feel the need of a little more armor or magic resist, then Mirror Shell or Iron Skin (Depending on what you need) might take the sharp edges off of their all in.

Taking Revitalize can also help you out as it will amp your shield a little and it even gets a little stronger while below 40%hp. It also gives you a bit supportiveness!

One get out of jail free pass? Perfect Timing will really help you out if you need some stalling time to complete your Zhonya's Hourglass. Also by getting this rune, the overall cost of Zhonya's will be reduced. This would be ideal in a match up where you want to rush it. You can also swap this out with Biscuit Delivery if you feel like you want to stay in lane longer but you're struggling against poke.

Magical Footwear will just give you a free pair of boots so you can focus on your primary items first without having to worry about that. However, if you're in a match up where you need your boots early, I wouldn't go for this as you won't receive the boots before the 10 minute mark. For all those who enjoyed having 45%CDR on Orianna so much Cosmic Insight will make that still happen.

-Of course there are other ways you can go and I think it's even better to have more than just one set of runes because this will open up some more fun and different ways of playing with her. Maybe you want to figure out yourself but here are some Idea's-


Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter
The Ultimate Hat

+18 Ability power
By going for Domination as your primary path you'll be having more power during the laning phase and it lets you deal some great damage in small bursts. As for you primary path Sorcery would be the best choice to combine with Domination because they compliment each other. Taking this page will require you to play aggressive so taking it in a lane where you can't be aggressive will not be ideal.

Electrocute is a pretty strong keystone for Orianna and she'll be able to easily proc it with Command: Attack + Command: Dissonance and an auto attack or a hit from Command: Protect. This can lead up to some amazing poke. However, due to it having a cooldown you won't be able to frequently proc it. Therefor you should try to proc it whenever its off cooldown for its full potential.

Out of the 3 runes the first tier has to offer Cheap Shot would be the best choice as it synergizes great with your Command: Dissonance. Then, for the second tier, Eyeball Collection would be the choice as Orianna can really benefit from the stacks, which will eventually grant you 30 Ability power. As for the last tier going for Ravenous Hunter would be the best choice.

On to the Sorcery route. You really want to take the The Ultimate Hat because this will allow you to use your ultimate more often when nearing mid/late game. If you usually run into problems with your mana you can always swap this out for Manaflow Band. Because we are aiming for more early lane domination Scorch would be perfect.


Biscuit Delivery
Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight
The Ultimate Hat
Gathering Storm

+27 Ability power
The Inspiration path will allow you to hit your power spike a bit earlier because you'll have a chance to earn more gold than your opponent. Also this rune page requires some more aggression because you'll have to use your auto attacks in order to make it count.

The keystone for this route has to be Kleptomancy. Whenever you use an ability on your opponent and follow up with an auto attack it'll grant you gold. As Orianna, you really want to use your auto attacks in combination with your spells so she can really utilize this keystone. Sometimes it'll give you some useful extras, like a Health Potion or a Mana Potion.

For the first tier, depending on the situation, you can never go wrong with Perfect Timing. This will give you the ability to get out a tricky situation and you'll save yourself some money on completing Zhonya's Hourglass. If you are more in the need of some health sustain then Biscuit Delivery will keep you healthy. For the second tier, the best option will be Magical Footwear because it'll save you money on your boots and give you Boots for free. However, when you'll be in a situation where you want early boots you can swap it out for Future's Market. For the last tier you want to take Cosmic Insight because you get a little CDR on everything.

For the Sorcery secondary you want to take Transcendence because it'll help you to reach the 45% for Cosmic Insight. Of course you want to take Gathering Storm because you'll never know how long your game will be.

-It's also very important to take the right summonerspells for the right game, because you can't always go aggressive when it's better to go for a spell that can save your life or you might want to make a play. Here are the options-


Flash is an absolute must on Orianna because it will increase her survivability. Since Orianna doesn't really have an escape besides her Command: Dissonance (which is only a slow/speed up), having Flash will definitely help you out of some nasty situations. It also opens up an extra possibility to make a play or secure a kill.
Finishing touch!

Ignite is an aggressive summoner spell and will allow you to finish off your enemies easier and secure kills by taking away the last bit of HP they have. Ignite is also very good against champions with inbuilt sustain, spell vamp and life steal (think of Swain , Vladimir, even Akali and ADC's) because it will reduce the healing they get .

One for the team!

Heal is a great defensive item that can save not only you, but an ally as well. On top of that it'll also grand you a nice amount movement speed that can also help you out if you're finding yourself out of position. The downside is that Ignite will lower its effectiveness so make sure you use it when not ignited.
Burst survivor!

Barrier is a great choice for surviving heavy burst damage + Ignite since the ignite will just tick from your Barrier rather than your HP. It works great in combination with Command: Protect and you can use it to bait or outplay your enemy also. It's also helpful if you just start to play Orianna.

Exhaust is a very effective summoner spell against assassins since it will reduce the amount of damage they deal and give you a chance to survive their burst. It will also completely shut them down in teamfights because of that. Exhaust is also useful against hyper carries as it will also reduce attack speed.

Be free little one!

If the enemy team has some hard CC you might want to consider taking Cleanse. This spell will allow you to get rid of stuns/slows that could be fatal for you. If you ever get stuck in Event Horizon, get stunned by Syndra's Scatter the Weak or you get caught for whatever reason, Cleanse can set you free and will allow you to re-position yourself or make your way to safety. Does not cleanse a suppression like Infinite Duress, Nether Grasp or Impale.

Teleport is great if you want to have some more impact on the early/midgame. This spell makes it very easy to punish the enemy for an overaggressive move since it will allow you to go from one place to another. If the enemy is overextending you could look for an opportunity to teleport from behind. This will most likely result in outnumbering or scaring off the enemy. Note that more can play this game and be aware of the fact that the enemy can also have a Teleport

Whether it's to run for your life or to catch up to someone, Ghost can be a great summonerspell. Not only does it allow you to re-position yourself much better and much faster, it'll also increase your kite potential and chase potential by a mile. This will come out handy when you're playing against an enemy that also has Ghost or when going on a roam.

-The second thing you want to know is all about her abilities. As I said she has a really unique skillset, which can be difficult to get used to. All of her abilities are controlled by her Command: Attack and will sometimes be a bit confusing. But let's go a little further on that-



This will allow Orianna's basic attacks to do bonus magic damage. If she attacks an enemy more than once this damage will increase, stacking up to 2 times.
  • This is great for harassing your enemy with your autos without blowing too much mana.
  • This will make it easier for you to last hit minions.
  • Scales with AP

Orianna commands her ball to go to a location (where it stays) dealing (less) damage for every additional enemy it hits.

Even thou it doesn't do as much damage as your W you really want to max this first. The reasons for this are because it controls the mobility of your ball. The cooldown is much lower than your W's and it costs almost half the mana. The more you're able to move your ball around the more damage you'll be able to do.
  • Great for farming.
  • Great for harassing.
  • You can use it to zone enemies.
  • You can use it to scout out bushes and un-warded paths.



Orianna commands her ball to release a pulse of energy damaging/slowing all enemies it hits and speeding up you teammates.

You want to max this second because it will increase your damage by a lot. Not to mention the movement speed buff you get on level 5 (40%)
  • Great for farming.
  • Great for wave clearing.
  • You can use it as an escape for you or your teammates to get away safely or you can use it to catch enemies.

Orianna commands her ball to attach itself onto you or a teammate, giving a shield and some extra defense stats to the person its on.

Last but not least you want to max her E. The level 1 shield should be enough to keep you alive from early, through midgame. It sure gives you some nice stats with the extra armor and magic resist it gives you, but you really need the damage early in the game.
  • Great tool to survive, to soak up some damage.
  • You can give it to someone who is about to engage.
  • Great and easy way to get your ball back to you.
  • It also does damage to every enemy it goes through on its way.
  • It gives her very powerful trading on level 1 together with Clockwork Windup.



Orianna commands her ball to unleash a shockwave damaging all enemies in its radius and pulling them towards her ball after a short delay.

You want to put a point in R whenever possible because this is the most powerful ability Orianna possesses. It doesn't only do a lot of damage but it can also catch the whole enemy team in it.
  • Great for initiations. (If attached to the initiator or by surprise)
  • Could save your or someone else’s life when getting chased.
  • Can cancel channeling abilities and with good timing you can singly handed cancel ults from Warwick, Malzahar and Galio.

-Now we know what we need to, before we start playing her, we can start thinking of what items we should take in order to get through the game. The most common way to build Orianna will be: Mana regen + cdr Item -> Boots -> Damage Item -> Magic penetration -> Defensive item -> Situational Item. Just keep in mind that you should not build completely based on what lane you're facing. Take a look at the whole picture before you decide what's best to buy. Here are a few examples of situational builds and the standard build I use for Orianna-

The Standard Build.
The Build vs AD.
The Build vs Heavy AP Comb.
The Build vs AP Assassin
The Supportive Build.

-Since every game will be different you won't always go for the same standard build path. In this section you'll find the build paths for different situations. Of course there are times that you can't afford your items and we all like to press our advantage by getting expensive stuff when we have the ability to do it. But these are just guidelines to help you get the most out of your laning phase-

This will be the standard start for most of Orianna's matchups. By getting a Doran's Ring you'll be provided with 60HP, which would be enough to take 1 more ability from your enemy. You'll be granted 15AP to make your spells more effective and you'll be blessed with some a little mana sustain(50% from your base mana regen extra (3 mana per 5 secs) and 4 mana per minion kill) You want 2x Health Potions because they'll keep you healthy until you need to back. Last but definitely not least you need the Stealth Ward in order to keep yourself safe.
This start can really be helpful when facing someone with a lot of skillshots (like Brand, Xerath or Lux) that can become fatal when getting hit too often or on the wrong moment. By getting Boots this early you can prevent taking a lot of damage. Due to the movement speed the boots give you, maybe in combination with you'll be dodging skillshots with more ease. Next to the boots you'll have to take 4x Health Potion because, if you do get hit, they allow you to stay in lane longer by sustaining you back up. Then again, you want the Stealth Ward for free wards.

This would be the goal to aim for when backing the first time. For this you'll need to earn a minimum of 1275. You want a Lost Chapter because it'll give you some nice mana sustain each time you level up and 25AP. You could also go for a Fiendish Codex instead of the Lost Chapter if you rather have some CDR, but it's advisable to take an extra Doran's Ring to have atleast some form of mana sustain. You want the Boots because it'll bring you to your destination a little faster. You also want a Control Ward other then the regular trinket wards, these also deny enemy vision and last much longer.
This will cost you a little more than the standard start (1475), but, even thou it'll set back your damage a little, the Catalyst of Aeons could really help you out if you're struggling against poke champs (like Xerath and Ziggs) and even help you survive against some bursty champions ( Fizz, Diana). It'll grant you some extra survivability due to its sustain each time you use an ability(health) or are getting damaged(mana) and due to its health, so you can take some more hits. If you have enough money you should get boots for the movement speed. Otherwise you could always use some extra Health Potions and Control Ward.
It's not always necessary to rush Zhonya's Hourglass, but atleast get a Seeker's Armguard. With the cost of 1675, this buildpath is by far the most expensive, but it's definitely worth it. A Seeker's Armguard is really effective against ad champions as its armor will lower the amount of damage you get and can prevent you from getting bursted. Getting a second Doran's Ring here will give you some extra survivability by adding another 60HP and another 15 AP, but it serves more as an income for your mana as you wont have any until you start building Morellonomicon.

-These are the core items that you should focus on, getting atleast 4 of them, in every single game. The order of buying these items isn't as important because every single game will be different as you'll meet a lot of different situations. You'll even meet situations were you'll have to swap out some of these items or even get a different 6th item to lead your way to victory. Buying the right item on the moment you need it will be best way to go to-

The Sorcerer's Shoes will allow her spell's to do more damage since it gives you 18% magic penetration and the +45 movementspeed will help you position yourself better in teamfights or incoming ganks.

As Orianna you're really mana dependent, you like CDR and you definitely want damage. No better way to go than going for Morellonomicon! Not only does it give you what want, like mana sustain + CDR and damage, but it will also apply grievious wounds when enemies are below 40% HP. This will be handy against champs with inbuilt sustain, summonerspell Heal and life stealing ADCs.

Rabadon's Deathcap is the best item for Orianna since her base damage isn't that high. Getting this item will result in her abilities doing a lot of damage and her utility being even more effective. It will also make all your items stronger by adding 35% ability power on top of them so Morellonomicon will give her 135 ap, Rabadon's Deathcap will give her 162 ap, Zhonya's Hourglass will give her 94 ap and Void Staff will give her 108 ap and then we haven't even spoken about your 6th item.

Void Staff is the item she needs to make every spell count when your enemies are buying magic resist. With this item she'll be able to even take a nice chunk of HP from tanks. The best time to get this item is after you completed your second or third item (besides boots). At this point your enemy might or might not (yet) have bought magic resist and you still want to keep your damages going. It's ok to take this item even before the enemy has bought magic resist because you'll be delaying the full amount of damage she could've done if you get it when they're already stacked with MR.

Zhonya's Hourglass is one of the best "survival" items to get in the late game. The fact that it allows Orianna to turn into a statue for 2.5 seconds is just amazing. Whenever you're in danger you can just activate it to make your enemies waste some cc or high damage spells or wait out your own cooldowns. It will also help you survive certain spells like Requiem and Mega Inferno Bomb, it will negate the damage from Death Mark, Hemoplague or stop Ignite, burn effects ( Blaze) and bleed effects( Hemorrhage).

-Situational items are the items you buy whenever you need them that aren't one of the core items. Because every situation will be different you won't always need the same item and therefor they're called situational. It's very important to take an item depending on what situation you're in-

This item will increase your kite potential and deal with your squishyness by adding a great amount of health. Whenever Command: Dissonance is on cooldown you can use your Command: Attack and Command: Protect to hit your enemy to keep them on a distance until it's up again. This way they won't be able to kill you that easily as you'll also be able to take some more hits due to the health you have.
This is basically the Statikk Shiv for mages. With this item it becomes very easy for you to re-position yourself, whenever you're out of position, as it gives you a great amount of movementspeed. When combined with Command: Dissonance you'll be very hard to catch. It will also do some aoe "splash" on top of using your spells on an enemy when fully charged which prioritize up to 4 champions when getting hit by an ability.

Even thou this item doesn't offer you the great utility that Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Luden's Tempest do, this item can definitely help you out in lanes were you really need some sustain in order to not get poked out of lane and therefor should be picked up very early, unlike Rylai's and Luden's, since it takes 10 minutes to charge up the stacks that give you more health, more mana and more AP.

Despite the low AP it gives you, Athene's Unholy Grail would be a great option if you're really behind and struggling. Not only will it give you some much needed defensive stats, but it will enable an opportunity for you to extra support the ones on your team that doing better, since you'll be able to heal them with your shields. Building up blood charges shouldn't be a problem for you at all.
Seraph's Embrace is just a great item on Orianna because it gives her a lot of mana + AP and the shield it gives her makes her almost unkillable if she combines it with Command: Protect and Barrier. The downside of it is that you'll have to buy the tear very early since it take a decent time to charge which can set you behind.
Liandry's Torment can be a great choice. Not only will it give you some more health for more surviveability, but it'll also give you some magic pen which will be good, if your opponent has some magic resist, and a small burn effect on your abilities that deals magic damage based on current health. Liandry's Torment is most effective against enemies who are stacking a lot of health and in combination with CC.

Mercury's Treads could be taken if you're facing a comb with lots of cc. If you're somehow getting caught these boots will allow you to escape nasty situations a little faster since they reduce the cc's duration (Knockups are an exception). You could also consider taking these if your facing a lane that involves Burst and CC, think of Annie, Syndra and LeBlanc, to survive one of their attacks.

If you find yourself in situations where Mercury's Treads just aren't enough, because the enemy team is still able to take you out, you could consider taking a Banshee's Veil. If the enemy is able to get to you this item will block 1 of their spells (if you're lucky it can be a cc ability) and will prevent you from getting bursted down by apc's. This item can also be taken if you're facing a team with a lot of AP.

Everfrost can be a great defensive option if you're in the need of more health. Much like Rod of Ages it can be helpful against poke or burst. The difference here is that you don't necessarily have to get it very early and you'll get a nice active that deals damage and can help you kite.

-This section will probably the most detailed section of this guide. Here you'll read about farming, the use of your abilities, warding, zoning and much more. It's basically the whole package of Orianna's gameplay, including useful tips and pictures-


In the early game you want to be focused on your laning phase, because that's where it all starts. Orianna has a strong, but also a safe laning phase. Her passive allows her to trade very easily and Command: Protect makes it very safe to do as it will allow her to negate some/most of the damage she gets from her enemy while trading. This is also the stage of the game where her passive is the strongest (since you can abuse it on level 1) and her abilities are the weakest so make sure you make good use of her auto-attacks.

Orianna really has an easy time farming, compared to other mages, due to her Clockwork Windup. A farmed Orianna is just as dangerous as a fed Orianna and not dying means you're spending more time in the game, what will result in having more farm, more kills and assists. This also means that you'll have more gold.

-If your enemy isn't in lane and you don't feel like going to base yet you could push out the lane and go for your raptors. This way you'll make your enemy lose farm/XP and, by the time you've finished your camp, the waves just start in the middle again and you can go back to farming without having to overextend-

Tips to improve farming
✔ Try to last-hit as many as possible
The more minions you kill, the more money you'll have. Last-hitting means that you kill the minion just before it dies. It's the best to get most of them with your auto-attacks. This way you'll end up with more mana and you can stay in lane longer. Using Command: Attack for the ones you won't be able to get with your auto-attacks is fine too. It's also a way to kill more minions at once if there are more than one dying.
✔ Bot-games/Custom games
The best way to practice/improve your last-hitting is to play a custom botgame without runes, masteries, items, bots and try to get at least 70 cs (out of 114) in 10 minutes. Once you reach that try to raise the goal by getting it up to 80 or 90 and add a bot for some pressure so you can practice harassing while last-hitting as well (while not losing any cs). Asking a friend to help you out in a 1v1 custom game can also help you improve.
✔ Farming under the turret
The one thing that you can't always avoid is that you have to farm under the turret. Try to practice this as well if you're struggling and keep these things in mind:
  • Melee minions at full HP take 3 hits before they die. Hit them after the second turret shot.
  • Caster minions at full HP will take 2 hits. These are a little harder to get since 1 hit will leave them with just too much HP to get them. You want to attack them once before the 1st turret shot strikes and attack them after to get the kill.
  • Siege minions at full HP will take 6 hits. Let the tower hit them 5 times then AA to get it. Using your Command: Attack when you know it will kill him is also fine since you really want that minion.


Orianna's Clockwork Windup in combination with her Command: Protect is the thing that makes her laning phase so strong. It will enable a way for her to deal a lot of damage in small trades, while also taking less damage from the enemy. Just be careful doing this because your auto-attacks cause you to draw minion aggro as soon as you hit your enemy. If you don't pay attention to this you might end up hurting yourself more than you'll hurt him.

Make sure that you always combine her abilities with auto-attacks. This is because in this stage of the game her abilities, and with that I mean her Q + W poke, really don't do as much damage as you think and will be somewhat of a mana sink if you use this combo too often. The way you should use this combo is to slow down the enemy so you can easily follow up with your auto-attacks. If you can't get close enough to follow up, I'd recommend to just not use this combo to 'chunk' some HP as it will rather just 'chunk' your mana.
✔ Combine abilities with AA's
To get the best out of your early game damage try to combine your abilities with auto-attacks. This will not only result in maximum damage but will also help you understand her playstyle and can help you manage your mana.
✘ Don't use your Q+W combo before level 8
Doesn't matter if you use it for harass or wave-clear. If you can't clear the caster minions with Q+W+E, then Q+W does not enough to use it as poke. Orianna really has low base damage on her abilities what makes this combo just to weak for the amount of mana it costs. Once you'll reach level 8 I assume you'll have better items and a second point in Command: Dissonance for sure. You'll notice that it's easier to wave-clear and these 2 abilities really start to hurt.
✔ Be careful with minion aggro
When you attack your enemy with auto-attacks his minions will start attacking you. This can result in, you, taking more damage then you deal on your opponent. Don't try to harass with auto's if your enemy is standing behind his caster minions. This will result in you walking through his wave and taking a lot of minion aggro once you've attacked him. Try to stay behind your melee minions when harassing with AA's. This way, if you drew minion aggro, you'll only have to walk back a little to lose it.
✔ Be careful with accidentally pushing lane
How do you accidentally push your lane? Well, you might not always notice, but if you use your abilities through the minion wave, the enemy's minions will die faster because they took more damage then yours, which can cause your wave to start pushing if your minions don't take an equal amount of damage. This also happens if you draw minion aggro.

Due to her ball being the center of all her abilities Orianna can easily dictate the enemy to where he can or can't go without taking harass (with its positioning) and will force the enemy to play around it. Mostly you'll place the ball between or behind the enemy's minions in a way that, if the enemy steps forward to farm, he can easily get hit by Command: Attack. This, in particular, is very good against melee champions.

- This can also be used to completely zone out low HP enemies, denying them farm/forcing them out of lane as they should be afraid to come closer because of the threat of getting hit and die. Note that, while doing this, you'll have to be very cautious as this will definitely attract the enemy jungler and/or support-

Here is the thing. As Orianna you really don’t have any reasons to push your lane. If you push your lane you’ll be ending up overextending and that leaves you very vulnerable for ganks. Since you don’t really have an escape besides your W Command: Dissonance (what isn’t even a real escape like a dash or a stun or something) you’ll be ending up most likely wasting your flash if you get ganked and that’s a thing you can only do once every 5 mins. You'll also have a chance that the enemy will freeze the lane at his side. Just don’t push if you have no reason to.

-Pushing means pressure, means you’ll be attracting other enemies, means you’ll be in danger-

What is a good reason to push?
✔ Your enemy isn't in lane
If your enemy is dead, went back to base or went for a roam and it's too late for you to follow up then it's a good time to push. This will cause your enemy to lose farm and XP. It will also give you an opportunity to deal a great amount of damage to his turret or the enemy jungler will cover his lane to prevent that, which means that your team doesn't have to worry about getting ganked for a short period of time.

Tips to avoid your lane from pushing
✔ Reset the wave when it's pushing
If your lane DOES start to push towards your enemy you want to reset the minion wave. This will avoid having the enemy wave in an unfavorable position (under his turret) and will avoid that you'll be overextending. You do this by pushing even harder so the enemy's turret will clear the wave and the wave will start in the middle again.

✔ Positioning the minion wave
The best way to position the enemy minion wave is just outside your turret range. This way, if your enemy wants his farm, you'll make him overextend. If you run out of your own minions while you were having your lane in a favorable position you could try resetting it again, you can Command: Protect yourself to soak up some minion aggro and clear all minions (with abilities). Be careful with the enemy laner, if he's near you, because he might see a chance to take advantage of it. Don't try to do it unless you have a bunch of pots left.

It's very important to keep your lane warded. Wards provide vision and vision can help you to stay alive during your laning phase and prevent your death. A ward gives you an opportunity to see where your enemy is/goes if he walks past it. This can tell you that you're fine or that you should back off. With this information you'll also be able to warn your teammates if you see someone going towards them. It can tell you when it's okay to be aggressive or when you should play a little safer if you don't know where your enemy is.
Due to the fact that they have no timer, Control Wards can almost last forever, when placed right. This means that, if you put it in a spot where it'll be hardly noticed, it can basically stay there all game (until found or you place another one). On top of that they reveal wards and deny their vision. So, if your jungler comes in for a gank, he won't be seen until he reveals himself.
Regular wards are just the wards you get from your Stealth Ward, which is your yellow trinket. Even thou you can have 3 wards placed on the map, it'll only allow you to store 2. This means that you have to think about placing your wards wisely as its cooldown on early levels is somewhat high. You could choose placing 2 at once but, if it's not necessary, 1 at a time would be the best. This way you'll never be left without a ward.
These wards are more risky to place as they will require you to walk through enemy territory. This means that the possibility to die is bigger, but in return they can give you a lot of information about your enemies. Even thou it's not ideal for you to place them, as it's a pretty long walk, but whenever the enemy laner isn't in lane you could push, place and be back in time for a new wave of minions.
Tips for a safe laning phase
✔ Safest way to position yourself in lane
The safest way position yourself during the laning phase is close to your warded side. This will give you enough time to react if the enemy jungler is coming from the un-warded side and you can retreat if you see him coming from the warded side. If you ran out of wards or your wards have expired the safest way to position yourself is close to your turret, but so that the enemy's minions are just outside of it's range so you don't get trouble with farming.
✔ Ward around your lane
In the midlane there are many different ways for the enemy jungler to gank you. Make sure that you don't only ward in the river but also around the entrances of your jungle. This way you're not only helping yourself but also your own jungler, so he also knows there is an enemy somewhere in his jungle. A lot of times your jungler will also ward around the entrances of his jungle.
Warding spots
- From blue side's perspective-



- From red side's perspective-

-Ward placement is very important as it will give you control of a certain area on your map, providing information that can affect your decisions. During your laning phase you mostly want to know if the enemy jungler is coming for a gank, so placing wards that give you enough time to react when getting ganked would be the best option here-
I usually don't ward these bushes unless I want one them to be ward free so my jungler can gank from there. Mostly, if I see an enemy past one of my other wards and I'm not sure if that enemy is hiding in the river bushes, I back off and use my Command: Attack from a safe distance to check if someone is in there. However, whenever my jungler wants to gank, I make sure that one of the bushes has a Control Ward so that it's safe for him to come and gank me.

These are nice spots to place your Control Wards, because they can tell if an enemy is near or entering your jungle. This way you can expect a gank from inside your own jungle and maybe warn other lanes, even your jungler, if the enemy jungler is hovering in or around your side of the jungle. It's less likely for the enemy jungler to check these spots for wards and therefor they can sit there being hardly noticed.
I mostly put a regular ward in there because I feel that a control ward doesn't last that long in there. Most supports that roam from bot lane to mid lane know that there must be a ward in there (doesn't matter if it's a regular or a control ward). Anyway, anyone that walks past that bush will be seen and you'll have enough time to react.

The reason I put a ward behind that wall instead of inside the bush is because of champions like Vi, Lee Sin and other champions with gap-closer that can reach you from that distance. Also, if I put the ward in the bush I can see it if someone walks past it, but I can't see what happens behind that wall. It also reveals a bit more of where the enemy jungler could be heading. This will allow me to tell my team if they have to be careful and give them enough time to react.

These wards are more risky and could hurt you if you get caught placing them, but they give you some amazing map control. The reason I put a Control Ward inside that bush instead of a bush closer to the lane is because nobody ever expects it to be in that bush. Anyway, these wards aren't only great for you but for your team as well as they can make decisions much easier if the enemy jungler gets spotted on the top side of the jungle. Since it'll take you some time to get there, if you want to put some deep wards, the best time to place these is when the enemy laner isn't in lane. This will allow you to push your lane, place the ward and not even losing anything as the lane will just reset.


In the mid game you'll mostly (slowly) start to group up in order to take objectives such as dragons and towers. This is the stage where Orianna is starting to get really powerful. Since taking objectives mostly result in team-fights, Orianna is a huge threat for everyone that faces her due to the fact that she can CC a whole team with one Command: Shockwave and deal a lot of damage with it at the same time. Her enemies also know this and, with the thought of getting caught in the back of their minds, Orianna can easily zone them with her Command: Attack. This threat automatically increases if she also has teammates that have good synergy with her Command: Shockwave on top of that.

So, one of your main objectives should be taking down the tier 1 midlane turret. By doing so you'll be enabling your team a big piece of map control/pressure and make decisions from there. You'll be able to get more vision in or around their side of the jungle that will give you information of their movement. Because your enemy loses their turret it wouldn't be safe for them to get that far up without having any close protection of their tower.

You could decide to freeze the lane, depending on what your team is doing, so that the enemy laner has to overextend to farm or you could push the lane to take other objectives. This will also give you an opportunity to roam to another lane to get their objectives as well (If they aren't taken already). From this point on you should be teaming up with your team more frequently to take other objectives such as dragon and slowly start heading for tier 2 towers together.

Team fights mostly happen when you're starting to group up for objectives such as dragon or turrets. If your team has a strong engage, like Amumu, Vi or anyone that can get in the middle of the enemy team with ease, you could choose to make use of the ball-delivery-system by simply giving them your ball with Command: Protect and look for an opportunity to use your Command: Shockwave. It's also very important, while team fighting, to keep moving your ball with Command: Attack and not losing sight of it.

✘ Don't always immediately ult
If you're using the ball-delivery-system it might happen that you need to re-position your ball after your initiator has engaged. You want to take a good look at where your ball carrier has engaged and where most people are clumped up. Sometimes it'll even be useful to keep it if you really need to peel for you and your ADC to get enemies off of you.
✔ Good shockwave ✘ Bad Shockwave
Hitting your Command: Shockwave doesn't mean it's a good one. What makes the difference between a good or a bad shockwave is the amount of enemies you catch and, more importantly, if you catch their carries. For example: You only hit 1 person which happens to be a tank, so you basically missed your ult. But if that person is one of their carries your ult is Ok, because it turned into your favor. A good ult is when you catch at least 3 people in it.
✔ Pay attention
If someone from your team gets caught or someone has low HP the enemy team might start chasing. Most of the time when people chase they don't pay attention to their positioning and start clumping together. This might be a good time to throw your ball between them an use your ult to turn things around.

Role in team fights
Orianna is a utility DPS mage. Her role is to get as much damage done as possible while also aiding her teammates. After you've used your Command: Shockwave your "burst-potential" is gone and you want to start peeling for anyone who needs it. Mostly you'll try to help the support with peeling for yourself and your ADC. If nobody is trying to get to you or your ADC you'll have to try keeping your front line alive. As long as they are alive, you have time to deal damage.

Positioning in team fights
Orianna's positioning in team fights is really important. You want to be close enough to get your damage done, but you don't want to be too close in order to get taken out yourself. Keep in mind that since you're one of the main damage dealers of your team it'll be mostly likely for the enemy team to take you down. The best way to position yourself is to stay on a place where the enemy can only go through your front line to reach you. An other option would be to hide behind an obstacle (if your team's positioning allows that) to make it even harder for the enemy to reach you.

Jarvan IV

-Of course there are other great champions that go well with Orianna but I listed these champions because they all have Ultimates that can CC multiple targets at once, which will give you a perfect setup to hit your Command: Shockwave-

Honorable mentions


When entering late game, somewhere around 30-35 minutes, you'll be having most of your core items complete and might even have full build. You'll also be grouping more frequently, so you and your team can siege a lane. This means you'll be taking down (remaining) turrets and/or inhibitors. You might even want to set up for baron, the elder dragon or baiting them to fight in choke points. Anyhow, Late game is the stage where Orianna really starts shining. Her ability to constant deal damage with Command: Attack is just great and her ability to speed up allies/slowing down enemies and shielding everyone that needs it, while also damaging enemies with it, is just amazing. This is also the stage of the game that your Command: Shockwave can make or break the game. Hitting a good ultimate will mostly be rewarded with a victory while, missing your ultimate can really throw it away.

Due to the natural zoning ability of her ball and her waveclear, Orianna is a great champion for sieging. If you place the ball between the turret and the wall, you'll be forcing your enemies to play around it. Meaning, they have to respect the ball's placement, otherwise they'll end up in a bad place.
-The ball is impatient-
Tips for sieging
✔ Always make sure that the area around you is warded
Really, don't try to siege without vision. It's really easy for the enemy to get to you from different directions, if you don't have vision. Having vision can tell you whether you should retreat from the turret or even tell you when you can make a potential pick. The ball can also provide vision if you place it in an area where you want the vision. Not that, when doing this, you'll lose your zoning potential.
✔ Don't become a pick
If you're facing a team that can easily make picks, not only do you have to watch their positioning, but yours as well. That one Charm or Cocoon that just hit you, could be crucial. In the lategame it can really cost you some major objectives, if not the game. If you die, the threat of getting caught in Command: Shockwave instantly disappears and your team has to retreat.
✔ Use the ball wisely
If you're having a team that can tower-dive with ease, the threat of getting caught by her Command: Shockwave becomes bigger. This will make the ball's zoning power more effective. Unless your team sees a chance to dive, keep your shockwave to increase chances of successful taking down a tower.

From the enemy's side, the only way to stop your siege is to engage. While disengaging certainly isn't her strongest point, you can also use her Command: Shockwave to interrupt their engage or still effectively zone the enemy's carries if you manage to keep the ball near them. While your team is dealing with their frontline, their backline can only see and wait for the ball to leave them alone.

-Even thou every match up is different, you basically start and build most match ups the same. Orianna doesn't really have a very hard counter due to her Command: Protect which increases her survivability by a lot because of it's shield and the defensive stats it gives you. Just note that I can't tell you how to play your match ups. I can only give you guide lines of how to deal with them by telling you how I would play them. Maybe you'll find an other way along the process that works for you-

Hey guys! I'm currently expanding this section/making it more in depth. Unfortunately for me I wasn't able to finish this before I updated this guide for Season 8. That is why some of the match ups have more explanation than others and I'm really working on getting this done as soon as possible. I've decided to leave it like this so you guys know what you can expect and how the whole thing is going to look like. I didn't want to take away the little information there is incase someone needs it. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and confusion (^_^)/

AHRI - the Nine-Tailed Fox
| MEDIUM HARD | or |

-Play time's over-
This is more of a skill based lane. If Ahri knows the matchup well, this lane can be somewhat difficult for Orianna. The thing with Ahri is that most of her abilities are skillshots which she needs to land in order to get her damage off. The first levels her spells will do more damage than yours and will make trading with her a little difficult if Ahri hits her abilities.

Most Ahri players will try to hit you with the double Orb of Deception damage, sometimes followed with an auto attack or two. However, her auto attack range is shorter than Command: Attack's range, which makes it easy to hit/zone her if she tries to farm. Since Command: Protect will allow you to block a big part of her damage, you'll have a slight advantage before level 6. To avoid getting hit by her Orb of Deception it's best to keep moving. This way it'll be harder for her to hit it.

Once she hits level 6 this lane will be difficult for you. Her Spirit Rush gives her the ability to re-position herself very easily and can use it as a weapon and escape. At this point dodging her abilities will be more important than ever. Here, most importantly, you'll have to dodge her Charm. If she misses it there is a very good chance you'll win the trade because she mostly relies on hitting her full combo to kill you. Staying in lane without minions will leave you vulnerable for her all-in as you have no minions to take the Charm so, if your wave dies it's best to back off.

If you are really struggling with dodging her skill shots then you might want to consider early Boots or even Celerity because the bonus movement speed can really help you dodge her abilities. If you are struggling with mainly her damage you could choose to take Nullifying Orb or consider taking an HP item, such as Rod of Ages or Everfrost, as the HP will let you deal easier with the burst.

AKALI - the Fist of Shadow
| MEDIUM | or |

Before level 6 Akali is fairly easy to lane against. It's very important to make her fall behind by denying her as much farm as possible. You'll do this by constantly harassing her when she wants to come for a last-hit. You want to extend the time she needs to get her Hextech Gunblade, because as long as she doesn't have this Item she'll be weaker then you since she's not able to sustain that much through your attacks.

You can easily harass her with Command: Attack and your auto attacks whenever she comes for a last hit. Just note that due to her Twin Disciplines and, most likely, her boots + pots start, she has the ability to sustain right up. This will make her a tough cookie to force out of lane.

If you're not pushing you'll be forcing her to come further up the lane. This will leave her vulnerable for ganks. Her only escape at this point is her Twilight Shroud, which sometimes can be baited by going aggressive on her.

Level 6 is a point where Akali really gets scary as she'll be able to do a ton of damage without you getting a chance to escape. It's best to play with a little more caution and only fight her when you know you can handle her. If she uses her Shadow Dance to get to you and do her combo, she'll be most likely waiting in her Twilight Shroud until her cooldowns are back up again. You'll have a small window to get her before she's able to jump on you again.
-Honor is the blade's edge-
Command: Shockwave will cover the whole area of her Twilight Shroud, while she's in it with her Shadow Dance on cooldown, react quick and move your ball to the center of it and pull off your combo. If you wait too long, she might be able to dodge it with another Shadow Dance.

If you think you are going to struggle with her post 6 you should take Nullifying Orb or Mirror Shell to have a little more defense. On top of that, rushing an HP item like Rod of Ages, Rylai's Crystal Scepter or Liandry's Torment will increase your chance of survival because you'll be able to take more damage since your HP bar is bigger. However, since Akali has that ridiculous sustain, some form of heal reduction is recommended whether it's Morellonomicon, Ignite or even both. This will higher the chances for you (and your team) to kill her.

ANIVIA - the Cryophoenix
| MEDIUM | or | |

-I will be reborn-
If played right, Anivia can be a challenge to lane against and on top of that her passive Rebirth will basically grant her a second life which makes her harder to kill also.

In lane she'll mostly try to hit you with her Flash Frost to follow up with her Frostbite as it will do double the damage when hit by a spell first. This actually hurts a lot, so dodging it would be your main focus here. Since it travels quite slow, you'll get enough time to react to it. You can always use your Command: Dissonance to dodge it if you're afraid you won't be fast enough. Once she misses her Flash Frost you'll have a great chance to trade. The best way to dodge her Flash Frost is to keep distance. The further it has to travel, the easier it is to dodge. If you keep moving, eventually she'll have to predict your movement. What mostly works is walking up or down constantly.

Anivia does have a hard time farming under the tower, so what you could do is push in and back off. However, against Anivia, it's the best not to overextend. This, because a well placed Crystallize can easily cut you off, will make you extremely vulnerable for ganks. Also, a good Anivia will try to get her passive popped under the tower. Best is not to dive her if you won't be able to kill her because, if she revives, she'll have a chance to block your path with Crystallize.
Once she hits level 6 she'll become a little more annoying. With her Glacial Storm she'll be shoving waves like there's no tomorrow. It's also a very easy way for her to apply her double damage Frostbite as she'll just pop in right beneath you and repeat. Be careful, since Glacial Storm also slows you, she can easily follow up with her Flash Frost and Frostbite together with a beautiful (mostly annoying/ super stupid) Crystallize. Meaning you're either dead or barely alive with no summonerspells, if she can pull it off.

We all have our weaknesses and (most of the time) she sure is one of mine. What I find helpful when laning versus Anivia is taking Celerity and/or picking up early Boots. Mercury's Treads might be helpful since they will allow you take reduced CC and give you magic resist. If you're mostly struggling with her Glacial Storm + Frostbite damage you could consider getting Rod of Ages or Everfrost as they will give you a bit more survivability and a little sustain.

ANNIE - the Dark Child

Before level 6, Annie won't really be a threat to you as she'll use her abilities mainly to farm. If she has her passive Pyromania up, she'll sometimes try to harass you with her Disintegrate and Incinerate.

The thing you have over Annie is range. This puts you in an advantage during the laning phase. If Annie walks up to you with her stun you should back off and throw down Command: Attack + Command: Dissonance. If you did let her come close there's a good chance she'll hit you with Incinerate after you get stunned. Her Disintegrate has a travel time. This will give you enough time to react with Command: Protect and soak up some damage. Of course, the best time to fight her is when she has just used her stun.

Also, be careful with her Molten Shield. With this ability she'll be able to trick you and make you believe she'll only has 3 stack of her passive. So, when she'll throw her Disintegrate at you you'd think this will be her fourth stack but, while it's traveling, she can activate Molten Shield, which will be the fourth stack, making her Disintegrate stun you. While, a lot of times it'll be used as an easy stack, this ability will actually hurt quite a bit if you use your auto attacks while it's active.
-Don't make me hurt you!-
Level 6 is the point that Annie really gets dangerous, because she’ll be able to burst you down in seconds without having a chance to do something about it. If she has her stun up, at this point, you should be very careful. However, Annie is very immobile. Meaning, if you let her push and make her overextend, asking your jungler for help would be a good option. Not only will she puts herself at risk if her flash is down, but the threat of getting "flashed Tibbers" will be gone until it's up again.

While laning versus Annie is relatively easy, I'd suggest taking Nullifying Orb because her all-in on level 6 will wipe you off the map. Barrier might be a good choice as it will offer you a good survival chance from her burst. If you are getting stunned more often than you want, you could take Mercury's Treads as they will shorten the stun duration and give you some magic resist as well. The one thing Annie
players find annoying is Banshee's Veil so, if you're really struggling I'd suggest to pick that up. Another option would be taking an HP item.

AURELION SOL - the Star Forger
| MEDIUM | |
-You will know your place-
For you this match up will be fine. The thing with a good Aurelion Sol player is that he'll mostly push, raom and set your teammates behind.

Due to his passive Cosmic Creator it's very easy for him to farm as it will execute minions below a certain amount of HP. Note that this is also an easy way for him to push. On top of that his Astral Flight will amplify his pushing power. Due to his Singularity it's very easy for him to go on a raom. Don't bother following him because you will definitely be late. At this point, what you should do is just hard push the wave and get a gold lead over him. Even thou his Singularity makes him very mobile to get across the map, Aurelion Sol, himself, isn't that mobile. A lot of times, due to his pushing nature, he'll be far up the lane. This will be a good opportunity to ask for a gank.

As long as he's in lane you should be careful for his Breath of Light. If you get caught by it he'll mostly activate his Astral Flight and, even thou your Command: Protect can soak up some damage, this actually hurts. Luckily for you, this ability travels fairly slow and you'll have a good chance to dodge it, especially due to Command: Dissonance. I just have to note that the stun area (I don't even know how to put it) of his Breath of Light will get bigger, the further it travels, until it reached it's limit.

When he has his Falling Star on level 6 he becomes a bit more difficult to kill since he has the ability to knock you back and walk away or even kill you when he manages to catch you in a full combo with it.

If you think you're gonna have trouble dodging his Breath of Light. You could take Celerity on forehand or just buy some early Boots. If that isn't enough then Rod of Ages might be helpful because it'll give you a little sustain and survivability. As for his roams, I don't think you can do too much about them other then hard push and try to get as much damage done as possible to his tower. Teleport might help you to counter a few of his roams, but just keep in mind that its CD is way higher than Aurelion his Singularity

AZIR - the Emperor of the Sands
| MEDIUM | or
Overall I think this is more of a skill based matchup. Azir can be somewhat annoying as his Arise! and Conquering Sands give him the ability to poke and farm from a long distance and will make good use of that.

In the early game he'll outpoke you. So it's not really worth to take his harass when attempting to harass him. Best thing to do is just farm and use your Command: Protect to soak up some incoming harass. If you position yourself right he shouldn't be able to kill you with his soldiers. Even thou Azir can be a lane bully, his laning phase is actually the weakest. You could ask your jungler to help you out a little and set him behind.

The thing you should look out for is his Shifting Sands + Conquering Sands combo. This combo will enable him to engage on you from a far greater distance since he can move his soldiers while traveling with Shifting Sands. Post level 6 this combo can become really scary when he's getting a gank. He'll be able to sweep you from under your tower to the middle of the lane when he adds his Emperor's Divide. So, you either have to burn your summonerspells or you are one dead cookie.

-Your emperor shall return-

I don't think you'll have too much trouble with laning vs Azir, you just have to keep your distance from his Shifting Sands. If you do happen to have a little trouble with his Shifting Sands, maybe, getting a Catalyst of Aeons might help you out a little.

BRAND - the Burning Vengeance
| EASY MEDIUM | or |

-The inferno begins-
Brand is actually not that hard of a matchup. His full damage combo relies on hitting 3 spells to make you Blaze, which will deal an extra burst of damage. Since his key abilities, Pillar of Flame and Sear are skillshots you have a good chance of winning trades if you dodge them.

Pre level 6 he'll mostly try to harass you with his Pillar of Flame. Which can be quite annoying if you keep getting hit. To avoid this you could choose to take Celerity or go for a Boots start. Doing this will give you some extra movement speed which will make it easier for you to dodge the Pillar of Flame. The extra movement speed will also help you dodge his Sear.

Sear is the most important one to dodge because, if you get hit by one of his other abilities before Sear hits you, you get stunned. This can be painful if he follows with another ability to reach max Blaze stacks. It also can be dangerous if Brand is getting a gank from his jungler. His Sear can be blocked, so, standing behind minions will also avoid you getting hit.

Another thing you have to be careful of is his Conflagration. This is an easy way for him to stun you if he gets in your range without being able to hide behind minions. He'll mostly throw his Sear and, while it's traveling,
he'll use his Conflagration to stun you off guard.This gives him a guaranteed hit with his Pillar of Flame which will do extra damage because you are ablaze. Also, you'll have to watch out with Conflagration's ability to spread. It's not only an easy way for him to clear a wave, but also an easy way to hurt you while you are trying to farm. He'll mostly use his Pillar of Flame on minions followed by Conflagration and you'll see it spread. Keeping distance from brand and minions is adviced.

Post 6 you should avoid fighting him when minions are around or at least at a distance. Otherwise, if he uses his Pyroclasm on you, you'll ave a good chance of getting hit multiple times. Same goes for getting a gank. Be careful if you're both below 50% health.

If you're having trouble with Brand even with movement speed then you could chose to pick up a Catalyst of Aeons. If you get caught, the extra health it gives you will lower his chance to kill you. Also, as for teamfights, while it seems a little strange to go for an armor item, aiming for Zhonya's Hourglass will make you able to avoid getting damage from his Pyroclasm. If you are really in need of magic resist, then Banshee's Veil can help you out as well.

CASSIOPEIA - the Serpent's Embrace

This will be a skill match up. It's not necessarily a hard lane but, if you're facing a good Cassiopeia it sure isn't an easy one.

The thing you should watch out for is her level 2. Believe it or not but she has the ability to kill you. If you get hit by her Noxious Blast she'll mostly try to follow up with her Twin Fang. If you are close enough for her to follow through you'll have a good chance she'll blow your flash. However, she'll only try this if she knows she can kill you because it will blow her whole mana pool. So, the early levels, it's important to keep your distance, try to dodge her Noxious Blast and back off instantly when she hits you with it.

It's very easy for her to push her lane due to her Noxious Blast and Miasma being AoE damage. So, a lot of times she'll be overextending if she does this. This will leave her vulnerable for ganks because she is very immobile. Asking your junlger for a little help can be a good thing.

Post level 6 you have to be very careful with her and her Petrifying Gaze because, if she hits it while you are facing her, you'll get stunned and most likely end up dying. She might even try to attempt a Petrifying Gaze Flash to stun you off guard. Best thing to do is to not constantly face towards her and walk back and forth if you want to farm. This will make it a little easier to dodge the stun part.
-Do not tempt a viper-
If you want to all in on her you have a good chance of winning unless you get stunned. So, you have to try to predict when she will use her Petrifying Gaze on you. Also Petrifying Gaze has a small delay and you can see it when she's about to cast it. It might be a little hard at first, but after a few match ups against Cassiopeia turning away from her gets easier.

The thing I can advice is getting some form of early movement speed, whether it's Celerity or a Boots start, to dodge her Noxious Blast. Her Twin Fang also heals her when she is using it on a poisoned target, getting a Morellonomicon will lower her chance of surviving with the lowest bit of health due to her healing. If you are struggling with her damage you could consider taking an item with health so you can take a little more hits. The last thing I'm going to say is: Never try to fight her while you are poisoned.

CHO'GATH - the Terror of the Void

-Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom!-
Laning, versus Cho'Gath, itself isn't the hard part of this matchup. What makes it hard is that he is fairly hard to kill if he uses his passive wisely.

Pre level 6, Cho'Gath shouldn't have the ability to kill you and will be mostly focused on farming. Which I suggest, you should too. Due to his passive, Carnivore, he has the ability to heal himself with every minion he kills. This makes trying to poke him a possible waste mana.

Even thou he won't easily kill you pre level 6, a thing you should watch out for is his Rupture. If he hits it he'll often have the possibility to follow up with his other abilities. However, he needs to hit his Rupture to trade effectively. A well timed Command: Dissonance can avoid you getting hit. Getting early boots or even starting Boots will help you dodge his Rupture. If you are getting hit while he is getting a gank there's a good chance you'll be dead.

A thing to note here is that Cho'Gath has fairly high cooldowns and high mana costs early on. Unless Cho'Gath can farm with his auto attacks he'll run out of mana really fast. What you can do is trying to force him to farm with abilities by auto attacking him for every minion he is trying to kill. Use your Command: Protect if you'll get hit by Rupture to waste more of his mana.

If he misses his Rupture make sure you punish him for it. Also, Cho'Gath has no mobility. What you can do is make him over extend and ask your jungler for a gank. Maybe try to bait out his Rupture and Feral Scream for a higher chance of getting him. What you don't want to do is push him under the tower. This will work in Cho'Gath's favor and make you very vulnerable for ganks. If Cho'Gath runs out of mana you can easily zone him by standing in the minion wave with Command: Attack behind his minions.

Once he hits level 6 you have to be very careful. If you stay in lane with 50% health there is a good chance you'll be dead if he hits his next Rupture. He'll be able to follow up with his other abilities and eat you with his Feast, which just deals a ridiculous amount of damage due to it dealing true damage. The stacks that he gets from Feast make him harder to kill as well due to the health he gets. Because Cho'Gath has no mobility he is really easy to kite. Items like Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Everfrost can really help you with this. Also the health they give you can be very helpful against his Feast. Liandry's Torment could be a good choice here as well as it'll allow you to deal better with his health stacks.

If you are really struggling with dodging his Rupture then taking Celerity or a Boots start might be a good choice. If that isn't enough getting Banshee's Veil will help you at least dodge one. Morellonomicon or Ignite can be helpful against his heals.

DIANA - Scorn of the Moon
| HARD | or |

Diana can't really kill you before level 6 and, if you play it right, you might even have the upper hand. The moment when Diana gets scary is when she gets her Lunar Rush and, with that, the ability to burst you down.

Before level 6, because she is melee, you can easily auto attack her if she is trying to go for farm. However, her Pale Cascade will allow her to soak up some damage. So, best is to wait it out before trying to hurt her. You really want to deny her farm and delay her items. Harassing her as much as possible with your auto attacks and zoning her with your Command: Attack might lead to, her, farming with her Crescent Strike.

Since her Crescent Strike is a ranged ability, she can use to farm from a distance or to harass you. Often Diana will try to hit you with her Crescent Strike while aiming for farm. Your Command: Protect will block it's damage in the early levels. Forcing her to farm with her Crescent Strike will lead her to run out of mana. This will force her to either take free harass or out.

Diana also has no escapes. Making her overextend by simply trying to freeze the lane will leave her vulnerable for ganks. Be careful when doing this after level 6. Since she isn't able to do anything in her own lane she'll often go to an other lane to get something from there.
-They leave me no choice-
Once she hits level 6 she'll have the ability to dash towards you due to her Lunar Rush. On top of that it'll also let her deal some great burst damage and even has the ability to kill. From this point it's very important to dodge her Crescent Strike because getting marked will let her reset her Lunar Rush, which means she can dash twice. Walking towards Diana when she casts Crescent Strike often makes dodging easier.

Sometimes she'll try to use her Crescent Strike on minions and wait you to get close to them. Then she'll ult towards them and use her Moonfall to slow you and follow up with auto attacks until her Crescent Strike is up again or walk away to bait your summoners or ult. With a Lunar Rush reset it'll be easy for her to get out as well if you are trying to punish her for this.

Another thing to be careful about is her passive Moonsilver Blade. After level 6 it's important to count her auto attacks because its very painful. She'll often attack minions twice to get her passive ready to hit you with Crescent Strike and Lunar Rush. The best thing to do is back off until her passive attack runs out or she uses it on minions.

What can help you in this match up is the Nullifying Orb. Also getting an item with health, like Rod of Ages or Everfrost, can lower your chances of getting bursted as you'll have more health. Banshee's Veil can also be useful because it can mess up her Lunar Rush reset and the magic resist will make sure her damage gets reduced by a little. Exhaust will be a great choice to take as well since it'll reduce her damage by a lot.

EKKO - the Boy Who Shattered Time
| MEDIUM HARD | , or |

-Time to start some trouble-
This is somewhat a harder lane because, due to his kit, he can be aggressive before level 6. With his Timewinder he can easily clear waves and get some poke of off you and his Phase Dive gives him the opportunity to get close to you. Best in this match up is to focus on farm and items.

On the first levels you can easily harass Ekko with your auto attacks and Command: Attack every time he tries to farm melee mode. Mostly he'll throw his Timewinder to return the favor. If you walk a little side wards towards him there is a good chance you'll dodge it. Your Command: Protect can soak up the damage of its first hit, so if you do get hit make sure to get away from where you were you got hit because Timewinder will return to Ekko and can hit you for a second time. However, a thing to note is that when you try to dodge Timewinder, Ekko can reposition himself with his Phase Dive or Flash to change the return angle of it. This can be dangerous when you are low on health.

A lot of times he'll throw out his Timewinder to shove the wave under your tower to make you lose minions. His Timewinder has a fairly long range and can hit you from behind your minions. Best is to make him chose between pushing/farming and poke.
His Phase Dive is a dangerous one because he gets the opportunity to dash to you. This, together with his passive and Timewinder can really take a chunk from you. If you keep your ball close to you and shield yourself whenever he uses Phase Dive you'll be able to soak up some of his damage.

A thing you should watch out for is his Parallel Convergence. Ekko will throw a projectile which will create an area on the ground, detonating if the projectile hits the area. If you see it getting thrown at you, make sure you leave the area as fast as possible. If you get hit by his Parallel Convergence you'll get slowed. If you get hit by it while Ekko is in it as well you'll get stunned. Don't let his distance fool you because he can use his Phase Dive to get in the area. On top of that he'll also gain a shield. Sometimes Ekko will use this to farm safely. That will be the moment to punish him for it.

His Chronobreak will allow him to teleport back to where he was 4 seconds ago. You should keep in mind that with this, he'll be able to dive you really easy. Therefor it's advisable to never say in lane with little health if Ekko. Another thing to note is that you can see his movements due to the hologram following him. This can also tell you if Chronobreak is up. When fighting Ekko it's very important to stay away from the hologram because it's damage can be devastating. If you have ignite, make sure to apply it before he uses his Chronobreak. This will lower the heal he gets from it.

In this match up I can really advice movement speed. Taking Celerity and picking up early Boots can really help you out with dodging his Timewinder and Parallel Convergence. If you are having trouble with his burst then a health item like Rod of Ages or Everfrost can help you out because you'll be able to take more hits. Also Exhaust will lower his damage by a lot.

FIZZ - the Tidal Trickster
| MEDIUM HARD | or |

Fizz is just extremely annoying to lane against due to the fact that he can dodge your abilities with his Playful / Trickster. Before level 6 you have the ability to keep him under control but whenever he gets his Chum the Waters he'll be the scariest thing.

Before level 6 Fizz doesn't do too much. Even tho his Nimble Fighter will let him take less damage from auto attacks. You can easily harass him with as much auto attacks as possible and hit him with Command: Attack whenever he is trying to farm. This will leave him no choice but to farm with his abilities. Punish him whenever he does this.

Due to his Urchin Strike it's very easy for Fizz to get to you, get some auto attacks off while having Seastone Trident active and back off with with Playful / Trickster. Do not underestimate his damage because he has the ability to kill you from level 3.

If he uses his Urchin Strike to get to you, make sure you shield yourself with Command: Protect and kite away from him. If he has his Seastone Trident active, his auto attacks will be empowered and apply a bleed. If you are bleeding for more than 2 seconds, the damage of Seastone Trident is tripled. Therefor I'd recommend to not have extended fights with him.
-One jump ahead of you-
Whenever he gets Chum the Waters he'll mostly get out of your control. Best thing to do is trying to stay at a safe distance. Chum the Waters has a fairly long range , but by staying at a safe distance you'll have some time to react before it hits you.

Also, don't ever try to use your Command: Dissonance or Command: Shockwave on him whenever his Playful / Trickster is up. Due to the fact that he can dodge those you should just keep them until he used it. At most I'd use Command: Dissonance to retreat from him rather than hurt him if his Playful / Trickster is up.

If you are having trouble with Fizz's damage I'd recommend taking Nullifying Orb. It might sound like a stupid idea to take an armor item versus Fizz, but taking Zhonya's Hourglass can really destroy his one shot potential and there for I'd recommend taking Perfect Timing. Also putting a second point in Command: Protect on level 4 can't hurt either as it will up your stats a bit. Due to his Playful / Trickster you might not have a chance to exhaust Fizz. Therefor, taking Barrier might be a better choice.

GALIO - the Colossus
| MEDIUM| or |

-It's punch o'clock-
Galio can really be a pain in the butt with his Winds of War and his natural tankyness. This will make him somewhat harder to kill.

In lane he'll mostly use his Winds of War to push the lane or poke you. Often he'll look for both so stepping away from your minions might make him choose. Command: Protect will be able to soak up its initial damage, but Winds of War can really hurt if you stay in place after you get hit. Optimal would be to keep walking around and try to dodge it or get out of it when you get hit asap.

He'll often try to get to you with his Justice Punch. He'll dash towards you and, if it hits, you you'll be knocked up. If you stay at a safe distance you'll have time to react because you see it being cast. Backing off or walking to the side from where you standing might be a way to dodge it. Early movement speed or Command: Dissonance will make dodging easier.

Mostly after casting Justice Punch he'll follow up with his Shield of Durand. This for 2 purposes. First, If he activates it, he'll receive reduced incoming magic damage. So, if he misses his Justice Punch, he won't be punished too hard for it. Second, if he reactivates it he'll taunt all enemies in it. If he did hit his Justice Punch there is a good chance you won't be going anywhere.
Just be careful when he is getting a gank because he can combine his Shield of Durand with flash for a guaranteed hit. The passive of his Shield of Durand generates a shield for him after 12 seconds of not taking damage. This will make it even more annoying to kill him because, unless you want to break through it every time again, it'll force you to hit him atleast once with your auto attacks or abilities before its up.

If Galio has his Hero's Entrance make sure to let your team know. This way, when there is a fight happening, they can expect him to ult in from that point on. Always let your team know when Galio is missing so they at least know that they can expect him.

If you are struggling with dodging his abilities then taking Celerity or starting Boots can really help you out. Due to, him, being that tanky there isn't a high chance you'll kill him so you can afford giving up the ability power for movement speed. Of course you'll be struggling with his tankyness so getting early magic penetration is being advised. Liandry's Torment would be a great choice here because it'll give you some more health for yourself as well.

HEIMERDINGER - the Revered Inventor
| EASY | or |

Orianna deals fairly easy with Heimerdinger in lane since he will be focused more on pushing and farming rather than poking or killing you. This doesn't mean he can't kill you.

You don't really have to worry about his H-28G Evolution Turret in the early levels. This ability will mostly push the lane. You can easily destroy these with your auto attacks and Command: Attack. If the H-28G Evolution Turret turns on you you can use Command: Protect to negate the damage and get out of range. Due to its pushing nature Heimerdinger will often overextend. Because he is immobile, this will leave him vulnerable for ganks. But be careful, as Heimerdinger can easily turn ganks around due to his turret's placement. Destroying his turrets will really lower is damage output.

A thing you should be careful of is his CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade. This can work 2 ways. If you get hit by its edge you'll get slowed and if you get hit by its center you'll get stunned. This will give him a reset on H-28G Evolution Turret's beam and the opportunity to follow up with his Hextech Micro-Rockets. His Hextech Micro-Rockets can really hurt you if you get hit by all rockets. However, these can be blocked by minions.
-I theorize... your defeat!-
Once he gets level 6 his UPGRADE!!! will allow him to upgrade one of his abilities. You'll have to be a little more careful from this point on. UPGRADE!!! in combination with Hextech Micro-Rockets can kill you if he has gone back for items already. He'll mostly use this combo if you got hit by CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade to make it easier to hit. Another common UPGRADE!!! he uses is his upgraded H-28G Evolution Turret. This can really do a lot of damage when getting ganked or in teamfights. Don't underestimate its damage.

I can recommend taking Celerity if you are having trouble dodging his CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade. Due to him pushing all the time you're forced to clear waves with your abilities. Taking Manaflow Band can help you out a little. You can also go for a Tear of the Goddess as you'll be able to stack it without any problems. Because you might get mana problems there is a chance you'll need to back while Heimerdinger still pushing. Taking Teleport will prevent him from dealing too much damage onto your turret and will make sure you won't be missing too much exp.

JAYCE - the Defender of Tomorrow
| MEDIUM | or |

-I'm going to enjoy this-
Jayce's damage is a combination of poke and burst. In ranged form he'll have the ability to put out some amazing poke damage and his melee form gives him the ability to burst you down. Overall this is a skill based match up and mostly comes down on how well you know the lane. I think the best way to play this lane is just focusing on farm and trying not to die

Against Orianna, Jayce will most commonly be in his Cannon Stance (Ranged Form). This way he can avoid getting harassed too much and it will also increase his defenses. Shock Blast is his poke tool. He'll either push waves with it or poke you if he gets the chance. Even thou Shock Blast will be blocked by minions, if you stand too close to minions you'll still get the damage. His Acceleration Gate will power up his Shock Blast by giving it more speed and more damage and a bigger blast. This gate will also be his escape

What makes Jayce scary is his his Hammer Stance (Melee Form). It's important that, when you are half or low on Health, you keep your distance at all times. His strategy will most likely be to poke you down with Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate and will try to use his melee combo to get some good damage on you or kill you.
If he switches to Hammer stance he'll mostly follow up with To The Skies! to get to you followed by his other abilities. If he does that, what you could do is using Command: Protect, Command: Dissonance and Command: Attack and try to back off while attacking. This might be the best shot at returning the favor.

So, if you are really struggling with dodging his poke then Celerity and a Boots start might help you out. The extra movement speed will make it easier for you to dodge his Shock Blast and the extra Health Potions will help you staying in lane a little longer. It's always adviceable to buy some extra Health Potions when laning against a poking champ. Getting an extra point in Command: Protect can also help you out.

KARMA - the Enlightened One
| MEDIUM | or |
Karma can be annoying with her poke. In the early levels she'll have more damage than you and she'll have the ability to force you out of lane. Later in the game, Orianna will have the upper hand.

Since Karma can heal up with her Renewal (which is Mantra + Focused Resolve, trading will be in her favor the first few levels. A lot of Karma players will start with their Inspire to go aggressive with their Renewal once they hit level 2. Because Inspire also gives a shield, she'll be able to soak up some of your damage and due to the healing of Renewal she'll mostly come out almost untouched.

Once she hits level 3 Karma can get really annoying. She'll have the ability to poke you down with her Inner Flame and can even burst you down with Soulflare if you get stuck in her Focused Resolve.

A lot of times she'll just shove the lane with her Inner Flame because it's relatively easy to dodge. Inner Flame and Soulflare can also be blocked by minions, so taking cover behind them might help you out. Just make sure you're not standing too close to them. Also, you'll hear whenever Karma activates her Mantra. This can alarm you for when she's about to use her Soulflare and give you a small window to back off.
-We must all make our choices!-
Her Gathering Fire will lower her Mantra's cooldown if she damages you with her abilities or auto attacks. If you can deny her from getting free hits on you after she used Mantra you can control her a little due to, her, having higher cooldowns.

I think the most important thing of this match up is not letting Karma get too close and trying to dodge her Inner Flame and Soulflare. Getting Celerity and taking a Boots start will help you dodge these and the Health Potions can help you sustain through it.

KARTHUS - the Deathsinger
| EASY | or or |

-Rest in peace-
Because Karthus has no crowd control or burst, he must be one of Orianna's easiest matchups.

Early on he'll most likely be focused on farming to get his items. He'll mostly use his Lay Waste to farm. But, if he gets a chance he won't be hesitating to use it on you. If you can dodge his Lay Waste you can easily harass and zone him with Command: Attack.

You should be careful of his Wall of Pain (It's not called wall of pain for no reason). If you walk through it, your magic resist gets reduced and you'll be taking more damage of his abilities. You'll also get slowed, making it very easy for Karthus to hit his Lay Waste. Your Command: Protect can absorb some of the damage but not all of it. This can be dangerous when getting ganked so make sure you'll always have your lane warded.

His Defile will create an area, under him, on the ground that deals magic damage per second. This, together with his Death Defied, makes Karthus a really good candidate to be in the middle of a team fight. Since you'll have the ability to keep him at a distance, in lane, he'll hardly use this unless he wants to hard push the lane.
After you kill Karthus you'll trigger his Death Defied. This will allow Karthus to use his spells for a short amount of time. Be careful for this as he'll be able to get some good damage off on you ( if not kill you) if you don't pay attention to this.

It's very important to, once Karthus gets his Requiem on level 6, let your team know. This way your team will be notified that they have to play a little more careful. Even thou this ability will mostly be used whenever Karthus is in his Death Defied or out of sight, if you see him use it while he isn't dead, you can easily cancel it with your Command: Shockwave.

I think the key thing for this matchup would be dodging his Lay Waste. Taking Celerity or buying early Boots will lower the chances of, you, getting hit by it. Zhonya's Hourglass can completely avoid you from taking damage of his Requiem. Shields will also absorb a great deal of it. If you think you'll be able to hit late game and you can afford the investment in Tear of the Goddess (If you're not behind that means) then Seraph's Embrace might be your answer.

KASSADIN - the Voidwalker
| MEDIUM HARD | or |

Pre level 6 Kassadin doesn't really have the ability to kill you and will mostly be farming for his items. It's very important that you delay those items and pressure him so that he can't get fed of your side lanes due to his roam potential from level 6 on.

Because Kassadin is melee you should have an easy time harassing him with your auto attacks. Since his Null Sphere is a shield that can absorb magic damage, hitting him with abilities will lower your damage output. You can try to take it down with your auto attacks (because your auto attacks partly deal magic damage) before hurting him or just wait out it's duration and punish him for having it on cooldown. He can use his Null Sphere offensively as well but with good timing your Command: Protect can absorb its damage. Just make him regret that he used the damn thing.

His Nether Blade basically is an empowered basic attack. Unless he can get to you he won't really hurt you with it. After level 6 you should be careful with this as it can really burst you down. I don't think you can do too much about that tho.

You shouldn't be using too much of your abilities while near Kassadin. Every ability that will be used (doesn't even matter of it's your or his ability) will charge his Force Pulse, which will give him an AoE damage dealing slow if he reaches 6 charges (is this a correct description?). Anyway, before level 6 he won't do too much with it besides, either, using it to push the lane or keep it in case he gets ganked.
-Your magic is powerless against me!-
You shouldn't be using too much of your abilities while near Kassadin. Every ability that will be used (doesn't even matter of it's your or his ability) will charge his Force Pulse, which will give him an AoE damage dealing slow (is this a correct description?) if he reaches 6 charges. Anyway, before level 6 he won't do too much with it besides, either, using it to push the lane or keep it in case he gets ganked.

Because Kassadin doesn't have any mobility before level 6 it's very easy for your jungler to gank him. You should ask for one because it can be a chance to set him behind.

Once he gets his Riftwalk he'll get scary and I mean not just for you. The thing here is to keep him low on health. If he uses his Riftwalk to get to you, with proper timing, you can use your Command: Protect to shield some of his damage and follow up with Command: Dissonance. Because he used all of his cooldowns he'll mostly walk away. Just follow him with your auto attacks. Then he can decide to use his Riftwalk away from you or turn on you. If he turns on you, you just ult him.

After this point its just very important to always let your team know Kassadin is missing. Most likely, if he can't get anything against you, he'll go to a place where he can.

KATARINA - the Sinister Blade
| MEDIUM | |

-Why? Because I can!-
This is mostly a skill base lane. If Katarina knows the lane you're going to have a harder time. Her all-in before level 6 is actually pretty strong and can deal a load of damage, if not have the ability to kill you if she hits her full combo.

In the early game you really want to try to delay her items and set her behind. Because Katarina is melee she has to come in your auto attack range to farm, which makes her vulnerable for getting hit by your auto attacks. Honestly, you should use them as much as possible. If you start Command: Protect on level 1 you can easily abuse your auto attacks against her without taking too much damage. This might force her out of lane or farm from a distance with her Bouncing Blades. However, due to most Katarina players starting Boots + Health Potion she will be a little harder to force out of lane.

If Katarina hits level 2 she becomes a little scary if you don't know what she is capable of. At this point she'll be able to get in your face and dodge your abilities or even kill you on level 2. A lot of times she will throw her Bouncing Blades in a way that, if you want to last hit a minion close to her, you have to be near the dagger on the ground. This will leave her the opportunity to get you because she can easily use her Shunpo on that dagger (or you if you're on the dagger to even deal more damage) and either get you very low or kill you.
Another thing you have to be aware of is your ability usage because a good Katarina will go for you as soon as your abilities are on cooldown. Basically, what you want to do is wait for her to Shunpo on you, rather than taking the risk that she'll dodge your abilities and kill you because of that. If she uses her Shunpo on you, you'll guaranteed be able to hit her with your spells as she has no way of dodging them for a short period of time. However, if she picks up a dagger, a big part of the cooldown from Shunpo will be refunded.

The thing that makes Katarina so scary is her Death Lotus. If not for you then certainly for your team. After level 6 Katarina will constantly be looking for "free kills" and it's very important that she doesn't get those. Therefor you should always let your team know when she is MIA.

Due to her Voracity, which refunds 15 seconds cooldown on her abilities for each enemy champion she has earned a kill or assist on, she has the ability to clean up a teamfight like no other can.

LEBLANC - the Deceiver
| MEDIUM HARD | or |

Laning against LeBlanc can be tough because she will be stronger than you and she'll have the ability to kill you in the early game. You basically want to play as safe as possible and farm as good as you can to get an advantage and try not to die.

LeBlanc will mostly start with her Shatter Orb because this can help her out with farming or trying to poke you since it has a low cooldown and a low mana cost. hit. Starting Command: Protect can absorb all damage from the level 1 poke.

On level 2 you should be careful while standing near your minions. She probably has leveled her Distortion, which will mark any enemy she hits with it. Mostly she will try to hit both you and the minion wave to get the most out of her passive. Her Shatter Orb will bounce to all marked enemies and trigger her Sigil of Malice. This can actually deal a ton of damage. So, backing off while you are marked might be a good idea. She can also try to use her Shatter Orb first to follow up with her Distortion.

Her Ethereal Chains will give her the ability to lock your movement. This can be dangerous when she is getting a gank or when you are low on health. Her Ethereal Chains can be blocked by minions so standing behind them will make it harder for her to hit it.
-Looks can be deceiving!-
However, due to her Distortion she can position herself in a way where she can get you with it. Also, her Ethereal Chains can trigger her Sigil of Malice on its own. So, even if she doesn't hit you with her Distortion, she'll be able to do a lot of damage.

Due to the way her Mimic works she'll have a lot of different ways to kill you. Her Mimic also has the ability to deceive you because it'll create a fake version of her cast ability and she'll have the option to cast a clone called Shadow of the rose that will spawn anywhere she casts it and walk to the nearest target to create the illusion that it's her. So, don't go crazy if you, at one point, face 3 of her.

If you're really having trouble with her burst then a health item might help you out as she'll have to burn through more health in order to get you down. The magic shield that Nullifying Orb gives you might be crucial to survive her all-in. Also taking a Banshee's Veil might be helpful because it can prevent her from trying to flank and combo you when trying to siege with your team. As for your summoner spells, a good choice could be Barrier or Exhaust.

LUX - the Lady of Luminosity
| EASY MEDIUM | , or |

-Hope you like rainbows!-
Because Orianna and Lux have so much in common this will mostly be a skill based lane played to the strengths you have over each other. Due to her having a long range on her abilities she'll be able to be at a safe distance from you. The most important thing in match up will be dodging her Light Binding.

Lux will mostly start the lane with her Lucent Singularity. When you start Command: Protect on level 1 you'll have the ability to absorb the damage she does with it. Her Lucent Singularity will also be her main harass tool. A lot of times she'll try to use it on both the minion wave and you. By keeping a distance from your minions you'll have to make her choose between hitting farm and hitting you. Be careful tho, because this will also make it easier for her to hit her light binding.

Her Light Binding will snare you and she will mostly combine it with Lucent Singularity and, maybe, an auto attack. While Command: Protect might absorb some of the damage, when going for shorter trades Lux will mostly have the upper hand. When extending these trades, you'll mostly come out on top because Lux her cooldowns are way higher than yours and your auto attacks deal more damage than hers.
Getting hit by a Light Binding might be dangerous when she is getting a gank. If you're stuck you're stuck. Her Lucent Singularity will also slow you, making it easier for her to land her Light Binding. Here you kind of have to expect her to throw it to have a chance of dodging it. Her Light Binding can be blocked by minions, however, due to its ability to hit 2 targets it might be best to stand behind multiple minions rather than 1.

Another thing you have over Lux is that your wave clear is much more efficient as Lux doesn't have the ability to wave clear without having to use all of her abilities. She also has more trouble with farming under the tower. So, shoving her in and backing off might be an idea to set her behind.

If you get caught by her Light Binding whenever she has her Final Spark you might be in serious trouble. It allows her to unleash a burst of damage with the possibility to kill you. Even thou you have your Command: Protect, sometimes it might not be enough to save you. Also, whenever she isn't in lane you should warn your side lanes. Due to Final Spark having a ridiculous long range she has the ability to snipe someone from a far distance.

One thing you shouldn't underestimate is the shield she gets from her Prismatic Barrier. It might not seem a lot at first and it travels not that fast but, on return, she'll get double the shield value. In team fights, if she hits both parts of Prismatic Barrier on her allies they also gain a refreshed double the value shield. This can absorb a lot of damage.

if you are having trouble with dodging her skill shots then Celerity or early Boots might help you out. The extra movement speed will help you out by a mile. If you are having trouble with her burst damage on level 6 you could consider taking Nullifying Orb or, depending on your enemy team, you could take Perfect Timing as your secondary to go straight for Zhonya's Hourglass. This will destroy Lux her ability to oneshot you with one combo. Banshee's Veil could be taken as well because she has to use an ability to get rid of the spellshield before she'll be able to combo you. Cleanse might also be a good option here as it will allow you to release yourself from her Light Binding before her Final Spark will finish.

MALZAHAR - the Prophet of the Void
| EASY MEDIUM | or |

-Mortality is weakness-
In most cases Malzahar will just be focused on farm and getting his items. Therefor this lane shouldn't be too hard for you. Once he gets level 6 he'll be a bit more scary because he'll have the ability to get you low without being able to do anything about it.

Before level 6 he'll mostly be focused on farm with his Malefic Visions. This, combined with his Void Swarm will make it very easy for him to push the lane. Due to the duration of his Malefic Visions being refreshed and some of his mana getting restored whenever he kills a target with, he can almost stay in lane forever.

If a target dies, Malefic Visions will affect the closest target. If you see a minion that is dying from his Malefic Visions it's better to back off because it can deal a lot of damage, especially when combined with Void Swarm.

His Void Swarm will mainly be used in combination with his Malefic Visions because they will do more damage against minions that are affected. Also, his Void Swarm will always prioritize damaging affected targets. This will give Malzahar some form of control over them. You really want to kill these.
Due to the nature of his kit, Malzahar will push the lane. Sometimes this will leave him overextending. Since he has no mobility he is very vulnerable for ganks, however, his Void Shift will grant him a shield that makes him immune to crowd control and will block damage. As long as he has it up there is a good chance he'll get away with it. Luckily for you, you can easily take it down with an auto attack or Command: Attack.

His Nether Grasp is an ability you should watch out for, especially when he is getting a gank. Due to it suppressing you, you can't do anything during his ult. This can result in dying if he gets a gank from his jungler. Because of the suppression, taking Cleanse will not help you in this match up. If you manage to get his Void Shift down, with good prediction, you can cancel his Nether Grasp on your own with your Command: Shockwave if you manage to use it right before he ults you.

One thing that can help you in this match up is going for a Banshee's Veil. This will at least prevent him from trying to Flash/Combo you due to, you, being able to block an ability as well. Also, taking Mercury's Treads will lower the duration of being suppressed. Taking Nullifying Orb might also be a good choice in this match up because it's shield can make a difference between living or dying. Because he constantly shoving the wave into you, you have to be able to manage your mana and have atleast some form of mana sustain to shove it back without being starved. Manaflow Band can really help you out.

MORGANA - Fallen Angel
| EASY MEDIUM | or or |

-I'll have my revenge-
Morgana is one of those match ups that can just win the lane by clearing waves and push. The thing with Morgana is that she needs to hit her Dark Binding on you in order to make her other spells effective. It's not necessarily a hard lane but constantly being pressured can be annoying.

The thing you should mainly watch out for is her Dark Binding if she sees an opportunity to hit you with it she'll try. If you get hit, it's easy for her to follow up with her Tormented Shadow. This can really take a large chunk of your health, however, you have your Command: Protect to absorb some of her damage. Her Dark Binding will only prevent you from moving, since it's a root. You'll still be able to use your abilities to hurt her if she comes close. You can use the minions to block her Dark Binding and, if she misses it, you should punish her for that.

Her Tormented Shadow is what makes laning against her so annoying. It'll give her the ability to push the lane with ease. This will force you to counter push. Don't underestimate its damage because, if she hits you with her Dark Binding and then follows up with her Tormented Shadow it just hurts and the lower your health is, the more it hurts.
Morgana is one of the few champions that can get away with constantly pushing and/or overextending. This due to her Black Shield. Her Black Shield is one of the most annoying things to play against because it'll give her the ability to dodge your Command: Shockwave completely. On top of that it will make her extremely hard to gank. However, her Black Shield has a really long cooldown and the best thing, before using your Command: Shockwave or when getting a gank, is to bait it out.

Her Soul Shackles is an amazing team fighting tool. Just like your Command: Shockwave, her Soul Shackles can devastate a teamfight. The difference is that she has to place herself in the middle of the fight if she wants to achieve the same. The problem is, she can. On top of her Black Shield making it very hard to CC her, her Soul Shackles work extremely well with Zhonya's Hourglass.

If you are struggling with dodging her Dark Binding taking Celerity will make things easier for you. Since Morgana is great at pushing, you want to have some form of mana sustain to counter push without getting in too much trouble. Morellonomicon would be the best choice as it will let you deal with her Soul Siphon as well. Getting a Banshee's Veil will help you with her damage and a chance to soak up one of her Dark Bindings. A Nullifying Orb could help you out as well if you're expecting too much trouble. As for summonerspells, you can never really go wrong with Barrier and Teleport could come out handy when she forced you out of lane.

SWAIN - the Master Tactician
| MEDIUM | or |

Swain isn't really a big threat for you. His ability range is really short compared to yours, which makes it very easy for you to punish him whenever he comes too close. However, when he catches you with Nevermove, he'll hit you with Torment and some basic attacks. He might even use Decrepify, if he didn't use it to land his Nevermove. This combo can hurt if he manages to pull it off. Whenever he's level 6 he might look for an opportunity to kill you. The only way to do that is hitting his Nevermove first.
Punish him whenever he tries to come in range, but make sure you dont get punished yourself.
Always keep ignite for his Ravenous Flock. This will increase your chances of killing him.
Keep moving to avoid getting hit by his Nevermove. The damage you'll get will be hideous.

SYNDRA - the Dark Sovereign
| MEDIUM HARD | or |

This lane is really a skill match up, only does she have a little more advantage due to her Scatter the Weak. Before level 6 she'll try to bully you with here Dark Sphere and her Force of Will. If she lands her Force of Will she'll follow up with Dark Sphere. You can soak up some of her damage with Command: Protect. You could try to harass her but, i'd suggest just focusing on farming and dodging her abilities would be best, because if she sees a chance she'll just use Scatter the Weak to stun you, followed up with her other abilities if you come too close. After level 6 she becomes much more scarier as, if she lands her Scatter the Weak, she might be able to blow you up in seconds.
If she misses her Scatter the Weak it would be a good time to punish her, as she'll be vulnerable for a decent amount of time.
Getting boots as quick as possible will give you a better shot at dodging her abilities.
Even thou the armor stats are completely useless, getting a zhonya's hourglass will increase your survival chance as you'll be able to negate her Unleashed Power damage completely.
Don't try to chase her. Just like you, she can use her abilities while walking.
Her roams are very effective. Make sure you ward enough and always let your team know where she's heading and, if possible, follow her.
Also be careful for getting ganked. Ganking for Syndra is pretty effective and will mostly result in a dead Orianna.

TALIYAH - the Stoneweaver

One of Taliyah's strengths is that she can easily get you out of position if she manages to hit her Seismic Shove on you. She'll mostly make sure that her Unraveled Earth is placed right beneath it so that you'll instantly get damaged when you get knocked right over it. If she gets the chance, whenever she has no minions, she'll mostly use her Threaded Volley also. This can leave you a little hurt. With her Weaver's Wall she can easily cut off anyone's path and ride along with it for the perfect roam.
Keep walking to avoid getting hit by her Seismic Shove and Threaded Volley, getting early boots can help you with that.
She'll lose a lot of her burst potential if she misses her Seismic Shove. So punish her whenever she misses it.
Always stay behind minions to avoid getting hit by her Threaded Volley.
Make sure to stay out of her range when going for team fights. If she manages to hit her Seismic Shove on you, you might get in an awful position you don't want to be in.

TALON - the Blade's Shadow

Pre 6 you really have a good chance on killing him, due to him lacking damage early on. Just be aware, when he can't kill you, he'll most likely head towards another lane to see if he can pick up some snacks over there. If Talon manages to pick up some kills, he'll be much harder to deal with. Due to his Assassin's Path its nearly impossible to follow him as he'll just jump over walls. Make sure you'll always warn you team if he's missing.
Try to keep your distance as he will most likely use his W Rake towards you if you're close enough. If he misses it go for some harass.
Maxing your W Command: Dissonance will allow you to return the favor. When he jumps in your face with his W Noxian Diplomacy you can really make him think twice about doing that. The damage would surprise you.
Due to his E Assassin's Path he is an amazing roamer and, if he knows his ways, also a great escape artist. Don't really bother to chase him since you won't really catch him.
All-inning him whenever his Shadow Assault is on cooldown will give you a better chance at killing him since he's one escape down.

TWISTED FATE - the Card Master
| EASY MEDIUM | or or |

The match up itself isn't really hard for Orianna. All you have to do is dodge his Wild Cards and be careful of his yellow Pick A Card. You can easily harass him with your ball if he wants to CS and, if he messes up his Pick A Card, you can easily punish him for it. At level 6 things will get a little different as he'll be able to effectively gank overextending lanes, due to his Destiny.
After 6, punish him for not being in lane. Push your lane and deal as much damage to his tower as possible. This was he has to choose between ganking a lane or defending his tower.
After 6, always let your team know he isn't in lane and that they can expect him to ult.
Back off a little when he chooses his gold card from Pick A Card. You never know when he's getting a gank, so if it hits, you might get killed.
If you see him using his ult, you can easily cancel it with your Command: Shockwave.

VEL'KOZ - the Eye of the void
| MEDIUM | or |

Vel'Koz has an amazing range and low cooldowns. He'll be throwing his Plasma Fission from different angles trying to hit you and with his Void Rift he'll be able to clear waves in no-time, hurting you in the process if you take the wrong step. He'll mostly try to build up his Organic Deconstruction stacks which will result in true damage if he has them all. If you get caught by his Tectonic Disruption, his other abilities may follow. This can really hurt you or even get you killed if he's getting a gank. His Life Form Disintegration Ray will apply all of his stacks if you're in there for too long.
Move around minions to avoid getting hit by his Plasma Fission, but don't stand inside of the wave as it'll make you an easy target for his Void Rift. As for his Void Rift you really want to make him choose between farm and poking you.
]More movement speed makes it easier for you to dodge his abilities as all of them are skillshots. Getting early boots wouldn't be a bad decision.
With your Command: Shockwave you can easily cancel his Life Form Disintegration Ray. Saving your ult to cancel his would be the best, unless you know for sure you can kill him.
When missing his Tectonic Disruption, Vel'Koz is very vulnerable. This could be a good time to go for him as his only defense is on cooldown.

VIKTOR - the Machine Herald
| MEDIUM | or |

Viktor will mostly try to bully you with his Death Ray or go for farm. Keep in mind that this is his only long-ranged ability and you have the upper hand if it comes down to range. A smart viktor will mostly wait with his Siphon Power until you go for harass. If you play at a distance he has to walk towards you in order to actually get if off, giving you n opportunity to return the favor. While Viktor has the opportunity burst/poke you down if you let him, in extended or all-in fights Orianna mostly has the upperhand.
If you are really struggling you could consider taking a Rod of Ages.
]Don't try to stand between the minion wave as it's really easy for him to farm and poke with his Death Ray. Make him choose between farm or poke. If he chooses farm, punish him for that. If he chooses poke, punish him either way as his main damage source is on cooldown.
When he tries to go in on you with his Siphon Power, make sure you use Command: Protect before he can get the empowered AA. This will negate its damage and you can return the favor.
If he hasn't upgraded to his Perfect Hex Core yet, his ultimate travels really slow. Walking away from it can really prevent you taking a lot of damage.
Getting early movement speed will not only help you dodging his Death Ray, but will also help you not getting caught by his Gravity Field.
Viktor is really weak whenever his Gravity Field is on cooldown as this is his only defense.
Due to him being having no mobility at all, he's very weak for ganks. Ask your jungler to gank him and set him behind.

VLADIMIR - the Crimson Reaper
| MEDIUM HARD | or |

Vladimir is really annoying to be against if you don't know how to play against him. Most likely he'll start with his Q Transfusion that will drain your hp. Starting with your Command: Protect and predict when he's about to use it will negate its damage if timed correctly.
  • Vladimir has a weak early game so try to deny him as much farm as possible by harassing him with your abilities.
Try to stay out of his range as it will make it harder for him to sustain off of you.
]If you see him using his abilities on minions, go aggressive on him because his abilities have a really long cooldown compared to yours.
Getting a Morellonomicon will reduce the amount he's healing by half when below 40%HP.
] Getting a Zhonya's Hourglass will negate the extra damage Hemoplague causes after 4 seconds. Works much like zed's Death Mark.
Before you try to full combo him, bait out his Sanguine Pool. With this up he'll be able to dodge your combo as he becomes invulnerable for 2 seconds.

XERATH - the Magus Ascendant
| MEDIUM | or |

Xerath's biggest advantage is his ability range and poke. From a distance, he can hit all of his spells on you and only his Shocking Orb gets blocked by minions. This could give you some trouble dealing with him. He'll try to poke you down with his Arcanopulse and whenever you come close he might hit you with his Eye of Destruction. Even thou your Command: Protect can absorb some of his damage, it won't take all of it. Due to his Mana Surge he'll always have more mana than you if you try too much, which can leave him dominating the lane since you're oom. Best thing to do would be focus on farm, keep your mana to protect yourself. Once you get a chance to all-in him (doesn't matter if you're getting help or not) and, if you dodge his Shocking Orb, you got a good chance killing him.
Getting early boots and taking movement speed quints will make dodging his Arcanopulse a lot easier.
]If you see him charge his Arcanopulse there are a few things you could do. If he's in range you could try a Q+W on him (since he's fairly easy to hit) and shield yourself or you could step away from the minion wave so he has to choose between farm or poking you.
If you see him cast his Arcanopulse start walking up or down, but never walk back to your tower. This will give you a better shot at dodging it. Most of the times Xerath will throw his Arcanopulse slightly ahead of you (in the direction you walking) so when you walk the other direction whenever you think he's about to release it, chances are big that he misses it.
] Try to stay behind a minion to avoid getting hit by his Shocking Orb.
Xerath has no mobility at all, which makes him a very easy gank target. Ask for a gank if he's overextending.
In the late-game it's very hard to siege a team with Xerath due to his easy wave clear and annoying poke. If you or an ally finds an opening to initiate you should go for it. Otherwise it's best to ping your team back and rotate to another lane.

YASUO - the Unforgiven
| HARD | or |

Yasuo is one of the most annoying enemies to face when playing Orianna. Reasons for this are the fact that he is very mobile due to his E Sweeping Blade which can make it hard to land your abilities, the shield he gets from his passive when getting attacked and the fact that he is able to stop your ball from moving with his w Wind Wall. Cloth Armor and the 5 pots will help you stay in lane for a while as you will be able to take the damage from his Q Steel Tempest and his auto's and sustain it back up.
His shield from his passive only lasts 2 seconds. Trigger it with an auto attack and wait it out, then you can try to deal some damage to him.
]Maximizing your Command: Dissonance will increase your damage by a lot. Since he's able to move around all the time there isn't a high chance you'll hit your Q+W combo. He'll most likely get in your face to auto you. If he does just shield yourself and press W then continue to auto attack him if he makes his way out.
Always keep moving to dodge his tornado, especially after lvl 6 he will be able to use his Last Breath on you.
]If he misses his tornado it's your chance to get him, because that's when he's the weakest.
Only if you are sure you'll survive try to bait out his ult under your tower. If he ults you and you're still standing press your ult to lock him down and use your w to slow him down.

ZED - the Master of Shadows
| MEDIUM HARD | or |

Zed's main harass will be his Razor Shuriken if you keep moving and dodge them he won't do that much damage. After lvl 6 he will get an insane amount of burst and you don't really want to be close to him with low HP. Since his main harass is a skill shot and you'll be able to dodge it, you don't have to start with Cloth Armor since if he misses it, most of his damage will be gone. Don't rush your Seeker's Armguard immediately but get a Tear of the Goddess and a second Doran's Ring on your first back and maybe a Cloth Armor if you have the money, also consider taking an extra point in Command: Protect on lvl 7 if you're really having trouble dealing with him. This way you'll be able to survive his combo until you can afford your Zhonya's Hourglass. Once you also have completed your Archangel's Staff and it's upgraded into Seraph's Embrace you'll be hard to kill.
Dodge his Q Razor Shuriken to avoid taking damage from it.
Zone him out by harassing him and make him use his Razor Shuriken to hit cs instead of hitting you.
Once his W Living Shadow is on cooldown, Zed is very vulnerable. Try to take advantage of this.
Don't use your ult on him when he's in range to ult you. He'll just dodge you ult with his and, if he does, it won't be pretty for you. If he uses his Death Mark you'll have a 0.5 second window to use your ult before he'll be able to blink to his shadow.
Maxing out your Command: Dissonance will give you a fair chance to kill him when he's trying to fight you.
Zhonya's Hourglass counters his Death Mark completely. Make sure you don't use it to early when you're low on HP because his mark will last longer than your zhonya's effect and will still pop after its effect ends. If your HP is high enough you could choose to activate it once zed comes out of his Death Mark to avoid him to do damage or you could try to kill him (only if you're ahead) and activate it right before the mark detonates. You'll have a 3 second window.

ZIGGS - the Hexplosives Expert
| MEDIUM | or |

Ziggs's advantage is just like Xerath's his range and wave clear. But this lane is somewhat easier to play. Mostly all he does is push. With his Bouncing Bomb he'll mostly try to hurt you while you are in the minion wave, making it a little harder to dodge the damage. With his Hexplosive Minefield he'll mostly try to slow you. This would give him the perfect opportunity to also hit his Bouncing Bomb and/or Satchel Charge. Be careful when your tower has 25% HP or less as his [[Satchel charge] will execute it.
Try to avoid walking over his Hexplosive Minefield. They'll slow you, making it much easier for him to hit you with his other abilities.
If you see him cast his Mega Inferno Bomb, don't stay at the center, That's the point where you take the most damage. More favorable for you would be near it's edge and if you can, just walk out of the circle.
Ziggs is very vulnerable if his Satchel Charge is on cooldown. Try to punish him for using it aggressively.
Even thou the armor you get from Zhonya's Hourglass isn't actually very useful vs. Ziggs. Its active, however, can fully negate his ult damage.

If you find yourself struggling vs other champions as well, feel free to tell me and I'll make an in depth explanation about how to face them.

520 RP
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1350 RP



.. Orianna's real name is Orianna Reveck and that she once was human?
..once they created her, she was originally named "the Clockwork Girl"?
..even thou her ball is seen as a pet, it can't be controlled like one?
..every time Orianna uses an ability, she does a ballet dance move?
..the ragdolls on her "sewn chaos" skin resemble Annie, Summon: Tibbers and a blue caster minion?

There once was a Piltovian man named Corin Reveck who had a daughter named Orianna, whom he loved more than anything else in the world. Though Orianna had incredible talent for dancing, she was deeply fascinated by the champions of the League of Legends. This fascination compelled her to begin training to become such a champion.

It is unfortunate that her sheltered, wide-eyed naivete led her to take unnecessary and dangerous chances which ultimately led to her tragic demise. Orianna's death shattered Corin, driving him into deep depression and an obsession with techmaturgy.

He could not stand the void his daughter's death left in his life, so he decided to build a replacement – one that would complete Orianna's dream of joining the League. What was created is the clockwork killing machine that Corin named after his daughter. Knowing that she was destined to be a champion and seeing the way the times were changing, he created [Clockwork Windup The Ball as her pet and protector. This nearly symbiotic creation uses a different type of techmaturgy, relying more heavily on electricity than clockwork.

Orianna and The Ball now fight as Champions in the League of Legends, using her sometimes misguided morality as a compass. She tries in earnest to fit in with those around her. However, no matter how hard she tries, Orianna can never be human and there is always something unnerving and alien about her. Though she attempts social interaction with other champions in the League of Legends, there are few who can get past her exotic nature. To many, it's as if there's nothing inside, that Orianna is just a soulless clockwork shell – a dangerous and deadly one at that.

However, all along she remains the perfect daughter in her father's eyes.

"Dance with me, my pet. Dance with me into oblivion."


Special thx

-First I'd like to thank Utopus for taking the time to review my guide 3 times. If you also want your guide to be reviewed you should check out his review service.

Also, I'd like to thank JhoiJhoi for creating her guide about how to write a guide. It really helped me a long way.

A last thx goes to Foxy Riven for his table coding guide which really helped me getting my guide look neat-

End of the Journey

I'd really like to thank you for taking this journey with me. Writing this guide has learned me a lot as well. I hope this guide helped you on your way to success of becoming a better Orianna player and I hope you got to know everything you wanted to know about her.

It might happen that I've missed some things so feel free to let me know. Just leave a comment or send me a private message and I'll fix things up for you!

I really enjoyed making this guide and hope you've enjoyed reading it as well.

Thanks again!
Much love,


-One of the winners of the 2017 guide contest-
-TY! Guys ❤-
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