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Miss Fortune Build Guide by Doody_tco

ADC Miss Fortune - Road to Mastery 7

ADC Miss Fortune - Road to Mastery 7

Updated on May 2, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Doody_tco Build Guide By Doody_tco 85 8 281,352 Views 16 Comments
85 8 281,352 Views 16 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Doody_tco Miss Fortune Build Guide By Doody_tco Updated on May 2, 2023
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Runes: Arcane Comet

1 2 3 4 5
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Presence of Mind
Coup de Grace

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal



Ability Order Ability Order (Critical Strike)

1 2

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Miss Fortune - Road to Mastery 7

By Doody_tco

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Hello! I'm Doody_tco!
I have been playing my main Miss Fortune since I joined the game last year. I have over 300K XP with Miss Fortune, the reason of this low number of XP is that I played other champions to understand how they may be a threat to Miss Fortune and how to avoid getting killed. 200 XP are enough to comprehend how to play Miss Fortune not just in Summoner's Rift, but also in other modes too. By following certain rules regarding runes, spells and builds, I managed to do my job as an ADC to CARRY the team. I also helped coaching many players in playing Miss Fortune. In this guide, you will find all the necessary information to reach mastery 7 as well as carrying the team to victory! :)
Miss Fortune is a very strong AD Carry, although she does not scale well and not self-sufficient in protecting herself compared to other marksman, she does great job in poking the enemy in early game with her Double Up ability and Love Tap passive, plus, she does a splendid job in late game with Bullet Time after buying couple of items. Not to mention that she builds passively movement speed which gets her quickly in and out of combat. On top of that, Miss Fortune is the only marksman with a very wide ultimate that damages the entire enemy team instead of targeting just one. Finally, Miss Fortune is an easy to play champion, just by following few tricks, you will understand why is the enemy team tend to ban her.
High mobility
Great split-pusher
Enemy minions do not tank abilities
Miss fortune builds passively movement speed with Strut which helps her secure a kill or escape the enemy which makes up for the lack of abilities that can save her from the enemy. With the same ability, she increases attack speed which helps her push waves, kill dragons and take down turrets. Moreover, when using an ability on the enemy, no matter how many minions are in Miss Fortune's way, she can still cast it on the enemy.

Support dependent
Easily interrupted ultimate
Mid-range of auto attacks
Because Miss Fortune cannot protect herself with abilities as stun, root, airborne, etc. it makes her quite dependent on her support to survive most of the threats. Also, even if her ultimate Bullet Time is her sunshine especially during team fights, it can be interrupted by moving, or by abilities such as airborne. Moreover, her auto attacks range is not long which makes her vulnerable to take damage when facing wider range marksman.
Keep in mind that what is needed for Miss Fortune is survivability since she is squishy and she does not have the abilities to protect her from burst. The best way to survive is balancing between the damage dealt and sustaining health through using sufficient runes and building the right items. This plan is achieved by letting the offence (damage and attack speed) represent 80% and leave the other 20% for healing and shielding.

|Range: - | Cooldown: - | Cost: - |

This passive can help clear the wave or kill enemies faster compared to other AD carries, this simply goes by hitting a minion or an enemy once and then hitting the other target once and hit again the first target and so on. It is easy with minions but it requires a lot of focus against champions. When an enemy champion is a threat to Miss Fortune's team, do not make use of this passive, just focus on the threat through auto attacks or simply through Bullet Time. With Love Tap, turrets can also be targeted, activate Strut and switch between turret and minions next to it will do for Love Tap. It will spike more in the enemy base by switching between the two turrets that protects the nexus which will make the nexus vulnerable and makes it so for the enemy team.
|Range: 500 | Cooldown: 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 | Cost: 43 / 46 / 49 / 52 / 55 |

The first ability to activate and the last to level up, Double Up can be used to kill a minion that is out of reach (not losing farm is important), or to secure a kill. Miss Fortune can draw many first blood with this ability. However, casting this ability stops auto attacks for a second, thus, reducing damage, so it should not be used unless necessary. Double Up is also a great poke since its range is wider than Miss Fortune medium range of auto attacks, therefore, it can be used in advantage against champions with wider range as Caitlyn.
|Range: None | Cooldown: 12 | Cost: 30 |

The second ability to level up after Double Up (depending on the situation) and the second to level up after Bullet Time, this ability's passive grants Miss Fortune movement speed up to 95, and active 100% attack speed. As said, it is important for Miss Fortune to be mobile since she doesn't have many options to save her from death as well as increasing the damage rate per second to kill quickly and carry the team. The key point is to activate this whenever hitting enemy champion, hitting a turret, dragons, or Nashor Baron. Thanks to Strut, Miss Fortune is able to deal a lot of damage and increase the chances to kill especially with Press the Attack as the main rune. Also, make sure to use Strut while in base and going to a destination so Miss Fortune can reach it faster. Absolute Focus as well as Overheal synergies with Strut.
|Range: 1000 | Cooldown: 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 | Cost: 80 |

This ability can be used in three ways; either prevent an enemy from escaping so it makes it easier for the jungler to get them; your support to poke or land a skill shot on them, or for Miss Fortune to reach them and kill them; to slow the enemy to protect Miss Fortune or a teammate to keep them out of reach and prevent a possible death; or to grant vision when unsure if an enemy is hiding in that bush. There is actually another special use of this ability, when the enemy team is below 3% and out of reach, hitting Make it Rain will secure the kill without the need to reach the enemy as well as securing a minion that is out of reach. It is not recommended to use this ability for any other conditions like poking because it consumes a lot of mana, and Miss Fortune needs mana to engage and survive.
|Range: 1450 | Cooldown: 120 / 110 / 100 | Cost: 100 |

Once the ultimate is ready, the enemy team will be cautious to avoid damage dealt by Bullet Time and/or interrupt it. When used, Miss Fortune should stop moving or the ultimate will be canceled -unless someone is approaching Miss Fortune from other position and surviving a possible death is required-. There are 3 methods to use Bullet Time, the first is to kill, do not hesitate to use it against a 1 HP champion, do not use it if killing an enemy is not ensured; the second is to protect the nexus or turret from a huge wave of minions which can save some time for teammates to reach Miss Fortune or until they respawn; the final option is to protect Miss Fortune from a high chance of death. The last method is the worse as it means Miss Fortune is not in a good position to engage because most likely it means the enemy is fed. This ability reaches its full potential when having champions like Amumu or Neeko by Miss Fortune's side where their ultimate will CC the enemy for few seconds.


When going for lethality, the first two abiities you need to level up Make it Rain and Double Up, this grants you maximum poke in laning phase as well as slowing the enemy when necessary. However, after level 8, you'll need to have increased mobility beacuse it'll soon be mid game where you need to rotate more and face the rest of the enemy team, and since Miss Fortune does not have abilities to root or stun the enemy, then mobility is her best bet to survive. Therefore, when you hit level 9, max Strut and Make it Rain prioritizing the latter.


Building critical strike means Miss Fortune is going to depend on autoattacks more than hitting abilities that synergies with lethality items. Therefore, the first ability you need to max is Strut, it increases movement speed which helps kiting and increases auto attack speed, (the first to max after Bullet Time of course). The second ability to max is Make it Rain to help you escape an enemy or just to slow them for other aggressive purposes. You may level up Double Up before maxing Strut until level 6 to increase poking damage.

A typical combo to use when you build lethality. Use Make it Rain to slow the enemy and ensure catching them up with Double Up. This deals great damage in laning phase especially when Arcane Comet hits after Make it Rain. This also deals a greater damage after building your mythic and will be your main combo to deal damage when you don't plan on using Bullet Time.

The main, most crucial and probably the only mean to escape an enemy since -as mentioned- Miss Fortune cannot immobilize an enemy. You will use this when an enemy chases Miss Fortune or a jungler ganks in lane. Slow them with Make it Rain then increase movement speed with Strut so the enemy does not catch Miss Fortune with their ability. You SHOULD NOT panic, because you need to use this exact combo and NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND, otherwise, Strut passive will be put on cooldown and Miss Fortune will lose movement speed advantage.

A typical combo to use when building critical strike. When Miss Fortune starts auto attacking the enemy they will probably try to escape, so slow them with Make it Rain, then use Strut to increase movemen speed and attack speed and keep auto attacking them until Miss Fortune kills them, finish them if they use Flash with Bullet Time, or at least them use their sums if Bullet Time is not ready for use yet. Even if they chase Miss Fortune, keep using this comob and kite them back to safety (your team or your turret).

When getting used to play Miss Fortune, you will find that this is the most common combo you will use to deal damage or kill an enemy. Whether you build lethality or critical strike, use Make it Rain to slow the enemy and prevent them from escaping Bullet Time. You can also use this combo to steal objective, where Make it Rain grants you vision when the enemy team denies your team vision, and Bullet Time to steal objective and maybe even kill an enemy who is in dragon or baron nashor pit.

Use this combo if an enemy uses Flash to escape Miss Fortune or even if they are close to Miss Fortune but not close enough. Get closer to them with Flash, follow with Make it Rain > Bullet Time combo. You can also use this combo to escape an enemy who chases Miss Fortune, Flashing away from them which grants Miss Fortune a safe distant, slow them with Make it Rain and then use Bullet Time, their health will reduce enormously and they will back off on their own.

A typical combo to use especially in laning phase when the enemy marksman or support escapes with very low hp. Flash to reach them and use Bullet Time to kill them. You can also use this combo if Miss Fortune health is low and her mana is low as well and have enough to use one ability and a teammate is nearby. Flash away, if a teammate keeps them busy, use Bullet Time to damage them and help either your teammate kills them or Miss Fortune kills them.

✿ It is not recommended to start the game by leveling up Make it Rain, it will not help much with the farm, also it will be the only source to poke until level 2 which takes long to cooldown as well as it consumes a lot of mana.

✿ Use Make it Rain to poke when Miss Fortune mana is full, which is a very rare case. If the case applies, make sure that the enemy jungler is not near bot lane to gank. After all, there is no option to save Miss Fortune but Flash which should only be used in critical cases.

✿ Use Make it Rain to help your CC support land their CC, or after the enemy get CC to prevent them from running away and let Miss Fortune land the auto attacks.

✿ To ensure the kill from Bullet Time, make sure to let the enemy team to use Flash so they do not escape.

✿ A good combo to secure a kill is Make it Rain and Bullet Time. Make it Rain slows the enemy, Bullet Time does the necessary damage.

✿ To escape the enemy, use Make it Rain first, and then use Strut. This way, the chances of Miss Fortune to be reached are low. Doing the opposite will means higher risk of Miss Fortune to get damaged which will rest the passively build movement speed of Miss Fortune, therefore, she will be as good as dead.

Double Up is the last ability that should be used during lane phase or team fight. Use Strut -if necessary- when Bullet Time, and prior to that use Make it Rain to prevent the enemy from escaping or reaching Miss Fortune. Double Up should be only used to kill an escaping target that is out of range.

✿ During fights, use less of Double Up and Make it Rain, these two stops auto attacks for 1-2 seconds which reduces the damage dealt by Miss Fortune.

✿ Use Bullet Time to steal a dragon or Nashor Baron. In case of stealing Nashor Baron, make sure Miss Fortune does not die to keep the buff.

Bullet Time can be used from behind walls. Doing so from this unique position, will keep Miss Fortune out of reach as well as take the enemy by surprise which will ruin any of their possible plans.

✿ You do not need to use Make it Rain on the center of the enemy target, sometimes it is recommended to use it in front of the enemy, this way, the enemy will be forced to walk in Make it Rain and thus their movement will be slowed, or will walk around the ability which elongates the trip, and thus providing the same impact as if they were hit by Make it Rain. However, if the enemy is almost out of reach of Make it Rain range, do not use it, save the mana and the ability.
Arcane Comet: the recommended keystone to pick for Miss Fortune when building lethality.
Sorcery is also great as it empowers Miss Fortune abilities and snowball in lane phase, and scale better in mid game and be more useful in teamfights. Do not choose Summon Aery for Miss Fortune. As for Phase Rush, it can be useful if the enemy comp has at least 2 champions with slowing abilities, but it is better to pick Arcane Comet and learn to dodge skillshots and keep distance.
Nullifying Orb can be useful to Miss Fortune against heavy AP team or if there is a threat ap enemy champ. It is better to learn dodging skillshots and empower Miss Fortune with other secondary runes though.
Manaflow Band is useful since you will depend on using abilities a lot especially Make it Rain that consumes a lot of mana. It is the first and most ideal secondary rune to pick when going with Sorcery keystone.
Nimbus Cloak helps when using summoner spells to escape an enemy or reach the enemy to secure a kill. It is best to pick Manaflow Band to increase mana regeneration and depend on Strut for movement speed.
Transcendence supports casual use of Bullet Time. Along with Ultimate Hunter and Axiom Arc, Bullet Time cooldown will drastically decrease as well as decreasing the cooldown of other abilities that may be useful.
Celerity works well with Nimbus Cloak, summoner spells like Ghost or Heal, walking over the scuttle ward, with abilities of other champions that increases movement speed such as Yuumi's Zoomies, and with items such as Phantom Dancer. Yet again, depend on Strut for movement speed and choose other secondary rune for better empowerment.
Absolute Focus is the second recommended rune to pick after Transcendence, you need however to dodge skillshots and position Miss Fortune well, and keep her health above 70% so you snowball in lanning phase, and deal extra damage in teamfights.
Scorch, when picked with Absolute Focus, Miss Fortune will deal the greatest damage in lane phase and deny the enemy a lot. It may also help in securing a kill. However, it does not scale well in mid and late game, so do not pick it unless you're facing a late game champion as Vayne.
Waterwalking is useful in teamfights that usually happens for objectives when fighting for Baron nashor or dragon. However, it will not be useful in other places in the map. Therefore, even though the river is one of the most dynamics place on the map, it is the least recommended option among other runes.
Gathering Storm is the most recommended secondary rune in Sorcery tree, it scales with both AD and AP abilites of Miss Fortune and spikes and make her stronger in late game. It may not be useful in the first 10 minutes of the game but later on, it outscales Waterwalking and be more useful than Scorch.
Pick domination runes when building lethality.
Dark Harvest: Unbelievably strong with Miss Fortune if played safe and right. Dark Harvest lets Miss Fortune damage scale greatly during the game and spike in late-game. Dark Harvest.
Electrocute: aggressive keystone that gives Miss Fortune advantge in lanning phase and scales as the game goes on. Many of the mentioned combos supports activating Electrocute. Depending on your game style, pick between Electrocute or Dark Harvest.
Cheap Shot increases the damage taken from Bullet Time, Double Up or auto attacks after using Make it Rain. The most recommended secondary rune to pick. Items like Stormrazor activattes Cheap Shot effect.
Taste of Blood is not an optimal rune for Miss Fortune because the amount of heal it grants is not decent and it does not increases the damage throughout the game. It is preferable to buy life-steal items if you are looking for healing option.
Sudden Impact is not useful to Miss Fortune whatsoever unless you pick Teleport as a spell and it still would not be useful as the other two options.
Zombie Ward denying an enemy ward will grant a zombie ward that grants vision and increase AD, which can be done through a Oracle Lens, Control Ward, or place a Stealth Ward or Farsight Alteration and deny a Control Ward. It is preferable if you leave this option for your support to take care of.
Ghost Poro grants additonal vision after your Stealth Ward dies. The advantage of this rune is that it provides a vision for another minute after the ward is dead, which can save Miss Fortune from a possible gank while pushing the lane. This is preferable for the support role too.
Eyeball Collection is the recommended secondary rune and the most aggressive option as it grants additional AD compared to the Zombie Ward and Ghost Poro when done with Eyeball Collection.
Treasure Hunter grants Miss Fortune the opportunity to have more gold when she kills or assists in killing an enemy, enabling her to get more items and be stronger in the laning phase, thus, more poke, more damage, higher chance of killing and carry the game earlier.
Ingenious Hunter the least recommended rune since Miss Fortune does not use items that require haste. Do not pick Ingenious Hunter.
Relentless Hunter is not the first option to think of thanks to the passive of Strut, Miss Fortune already increases her movement speed during the game. Relentless Hunter should be considered along with Cleanse against a heavy CC bot lane to avoid getting hit by the CC ability.
Ultimate Hunter increases the haste of Miss Fortune's ultimate Bullet Time which increases the chances of using Bullet Time more frequently. Pick Ultimate Hunter if you won't pick an ability haste rune such as Transcendence.
Precision is recommended when building critical strikes.
Press the Attack: increases damage dealt with auto attacks(especially if your support can CC decently) as well as during team fights since Miss Fortune can make an enemy champion vulnerable to her teammates. This rune spikes after building an attack speed item.
Lethal Tempo: a strong keystone that synergies with a critical strike. The increase in attack speed means more chances of dealing critical hits, and the increased range means more aggressiveness and more safety. If you do not feel like going for Press the Attack, try Lethal Tempo, it is strong.
Overheal starts granting a shield after building a life-steal item or if you built Doran's Blade as a starter item. It is not as good as Triumph or Presence of Mind. It is the least recommended secondary rune.
Triumph is a real-life savior, especially if Miss Fortune has been ignited or when facing "toxic" enemy champions, especially in botlane such as "brand" or "teemo." Just keep kiting and fighting and you will not regret not dying, and you will enjoy using the extra 20 gold after the fight.
Presence of Mind fills a decent amount of mana even if Miss Fortune gets an assist. Since you will probably depend on auto attacks, you may pick Triumph and make use of Miss Fortune abilities smartly. Pick Presence of Mind if you think the enemy will not build items such as Demonic Embrace or Liandry's Torment, or you will not face champions such as Darius, Teemo, etc.
Legend: Alacrity will give Miss Fortune the lead in dealing more damage through auto attacks and taking turrets faster. Through building damage-oriented items such as Infinity Edge, the increased her attack speed, the higher the chances to kill the enemy, and the more useful Miss Fortune will be in team fights.
Legend: Tenacity can be used to reduce the slow effects from enemy champions. However, if Miss Fortune has a rough lane does not kill enemies, Legend: Tenacity will be pretty much useless. Just keep your distance, play safely and aggressive. Legend: Tenacity is the least recommended secondary rune.
Legend: Bloodline is mostly strong in late game. You may pick it if you do not plan on building life-steal items such as Blade of the Ruined King or Bloodthirster. You may pick it with Ravenous Hunter and Taste of Blood for life-steal. It is preferable if you go for Legend: Alacrity.
Coup de Grace is most most recommended option. Miss Fortune poke level damage is very high in laning phase, thus, espeicially with the help of Press the Attack when your jungler ganks. It is also useful in teamfights when everyone is damaging the enemy, Miss Fortune can take most of them -if not all- down with Bullet Time.
Cut Down is an option to consider along with building items such as Lord Dominik's Regards when playing against a tanky team where the enemy champions have more health than Miss Fortune. Do not pick this rune if the enemy team is filled with squishes.
Last Stand is as effective as Coup de Grace, but it is preferable if you keep distance and play aggressively rather than be vulnerable where you focus on staying safe rather than kiting.
    Attack speed can be useful to Miss Fortune. It is recommended though to go for adaptive force for increased damage and increase attack speed from Legend: Alacrity and Strut.
    Ability haste is the the third option to think of after adaptive force and attack speed, Miss Fortune. Pick the previous mentioned options and let Transcendence ido the job of increasing ability haste.
    Consider picking it against heavy AD team or a AD champion threat such as Vayne.
    Good against heavy AP team.
    Not so useful. Pick armor or magic resist instead.
Flash is used for two main reasons, either to secure a kill, or escape an enemy. It can be used next to wall to flash to the other side, which is something Miss Fortune does not have it in her kit as Caitlyn's 90 Caliber Net or Ezreal's Arcane Shift. Be extra cautious when Flash is on cooldown.
Good for increasing health and mobility temporarily, and for saving a nearby ally. Therefore, it can be used the same way as Flash for reaching or escaping an enemy (especially with the help of Nimbus Cloak). Use it preferably before Miss Fortune gets Ignited or after Ignite effect wears off.
A selfish option to pick compared to Heal that can save both Miss Fortune and a teammate. Barrier can be more useful than Heal as the latter effect reduces if affected by Ignite. Moreover, the amount of shield gained from Barrier is decent compared to the health gained from Heal.
Pick Cleanse if Miss Fortune faces a heavy CC comp. Ever been against Morgana and Lux in one lane? or Sylas and Amumu? Do not pick it if you have Morgana by your side to protect you with Black Shield. However, it is best to learn dodging skillshots and pick some other spell.
Ghost should be used aggressive option to chase an enemy to kill them and kite them. With Nimbus Cloak and Celerity, along side with Strut, and Youmuu's Ghostblade, Miss Fortune will be the new Rammus xD. Play agggressive with Ghost since Miss Fortune will take down the enemy and escape quickly.
Picking Teleport is a bit tricky because Miss Fortune is squishy and should rely on spells that keep her safe. When picking Teleport you should push lane so you can help a teammate or help taking objectives such as rift herald. You may also pick it if you have a rough lane and you will be forced to recall.

DORAN'S BLADE| Basic option
the basic starter item that grants extra health and 8 AD, even though the amount of omnivamp is not a decent yet it scales with as you build more items.

LONG SWORD| Extra damage
This is my usual pick, it grants more damage, and it is 100 gold less than Doran's Blade, the omnivamp can be replaced by buying 1 or 2 extra Health Potions.

It does not grant additonal damage, however, it allows using abilites more in laning phase and be more aggressive. It is a good option if you choose lethality build.

You can choose all three items for lethality and critical strike builds. They all have their pros and cons. For instance, Doran's Blade will be sold in late game to build the final item, on the other hand, Long Sword helps building the first item fast, (either Noonquiver or Serrated Dirk when the flow of the game is good, Vampiric Scepter in the case of forced back, Tear of the Goddess can be used just to grant mana, or keep it until you build Manamune and so on.
Basic potion option at the start of the game. Although these potions are cheap, they consume a lot of money that can be saved to build necessary items faster. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy Health Potions each back, learn to dodge abilities with Strut passive. Build a life-steal item first if healing is necessary.
Needed during early and mid game if you think Miss Fortune will be poked frequently. You will not need to spend money everytime you go to base on Health Potions and regenerates health faster. You may consider picking Refillable Potion instead of three Health Potions if you pick Long Sword as a starter item.
This elixir is necessary when the game between two teams is even. Elixir of Wrath increases AD for 3 minutes which in return increases the DPS and help win the game. Many forget about buying this elixir, yet it is a real game changer. Purchase and use this elixir right before building the final item.
Pick Elixir of Iron instead of Elixir of Wrath when you need extra durability especially from Assassin s to survive lethal damage or if there isn't a teammate who will tank the enemy damage. Elixir of Iron increases health and tenacity making it more of a defensive option.
This is Miss Fortune's prior choice of boots especially if building critical strike items. These boots increases the attack speed and movement speed. With Strut passive, Miss Fortune gets extra movement speed and attack speed for kiting compared to other marksman.
Preferable to purchase these boots when going for lethality build. It will be quite useful since Miss Fortune will be ability dependent and will require casting Make it Rain and Bullet Time more. If you are going for crical strike build, go for Berserker's Greaves instead.
Build these boots when the enemy team consists of 2 or more AP champions with a lot of immobilizing abilities. You may consider picking Cleanse for extra protection and building Maw of Malmortius as well. If the enemy team is balance, see the course of the game, if the enemy AP champion is a threat and not the rest of the team, then purchase these boots.
Same as Mercury's Treads but it is meant to be purchased against AD champions. Again, see the course of the game and decide whether to purchase these boots or not. Remember, your first choice should always be Berserker's Greaves, if the enemy team is full AD or full AP, then priortize buying ordinarily Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads.

Your prior choice in 95% of the times when building lethality. It grants armor penetration which ensures burst damage and increased movement speed for both passive and aggressive game style.

Good for increased ability haste which grants more poke with Make it Rain and more use of Bullet Time. Its passive can keep Miss Fortune safe from enemy who tries to immobilize her..

Least recommended option. It is more preferable to use for melee champions. You may use it to chase a bothersome enchanter. But it is better to build Youmuu's Ghostblade for this purpose.
The main and most recommended item against tank team. Build it as a second item after Eclipse to penetrate the armor and deal more damage. You may also build Youmuu's Ghostblade right after to position well, escape the tank and deal more lethal damage.
An item rarely to build on Miss Fortune that is usually build on bruisers yet its effect against tank benefits the whole team and not just Miss Fortune. If there is another AD champion in your team and there is no bruiser, build Black Cleaver for extra damage.
The most recommended item against heavy AP team or against an AP threat champion. If you have to build just one item between these 3 choices. Make Maw of Malmortius your first choice.
Similar to Edge of Night except you need to activate it to get rid of immobilizing effect. Build first Quicksilver Sash since it can be used before complete building the item. DO NOT build it against airborne.
Though it does not provide magic resist, it grants a shield that can save Miss Fortune from skillshots when she has to dodge many from the enemy team. Try to use it to trade with a mage or Assassin . Do not do it alone against a tank. Good against airborne.
With this item, you do not worry about spam using of your abilities, and most likely Miss Fortune will not run out of mana during team fights. It also grants a great amount of damage. One of the most recommended builds.
The benefit of this item that Miss Fortune gains a huge reduction on Bullet Time by just assisting in a kill. Make sure you use her abilities on squishes so this item passive takes effect.
A must against champions with healing abilities or against champions who build healing items such as Samira. Its traits are more useful when building lethality compared to Mortal Reminder.
A great item for lethality builds those synergies with all the mentioned abilities combos yet it shouldn’t be your first option. Build it if you are certain that you are in no need of other legendary items.
Build this against champions with bothersome shield ability such as Lulu. You will not need this item if such criterion does not apply on the enemy team and it would be better to pick another legendary item.
Almost one of the core items I build on Miss Fortune since it helps securing a kill and granting gold. Always try to fit The Collector in your build in a way or another for bursting damage.
Good item for chasing and escaping an enemy, and for roaming. It is the item with greater lethality amount. If the enemy team comp is balanced, consider building Youmuu's Ghostblade as the second or third item.
A pure defensive item that you need to build if the enemy team executes Miss Fortune first and she is the carry. It is recommended to build it after building damage items. But if things are getting out of hand. You may need to build it as the third item.
Generally good especially against late game AD champion as Vayne. If your team does not grant enough CC or does not include a tank, then build Randuin's Omen.
Good against heavy AD comp. However, just as in the case of Randuin's Omen, it is best to build items that deal damage since Miss Fortune is the carry and leave the defensive choice be someone job.

Compared to other Noonquiver mythic items, it grants additional AD and attack speed. Also, it deals true damage every third attack, i.e., burst damage and taking down tank faster.

The great trait about this item is the shield it grants when the health drops below 30% which is great to survive burst damage, especially from champions as Ryze or Veigar.

The great trait about this item is the shield it grants movement speed which means you have the option to be option to catch up with a dead target, or escape from a deadly shot.
This item is recommended against tanky champions like Garen or Malphite. It is especially if there are two or more tanks in the enemy team. This item can be good but not as effective if the tanky enemy builds life-steal items such as Blade of the Ruined King or Bloodthirster, etc. nor it is effective against champions as Darius that can heal with Decimate. In such case, build Mortal Reminder along with Lord Dominik's Regards.
The only attack speed item that grants life-steal and good versus tank. If the build of Miss Fortune does not include any life-steal item (i.e. Immortal Shieldbow or Bloodthirster) and you do not plan on building Lord Dominik's Regards, then building Blade of the Ruined King is recommended. However, it is recommended to build both Lord Dominik's Regards and Blade of the Ruined King if the enemy team consists of two tanks.
Grants a shield when taking AP damage as well as increasing ability haste which means, a closer time to cast Bullet Time. This item is a priority when the enemy support builds AP as Lux especially if another champion in another lane deals AP items.
Unlike Maw of Malmortius that grants 50 AD, Wit's End increases the attack speed, and instead of granting a shield, it grants movement speed for two seconds which enables Miss Fortune to escape the enemy especially if her Strut passive is on cooldown.
This item is a good item against enemies with threatening abilities (does not work on Malphite, Yasuo, Yone or any champion that can airborne). It is a great option when playing against Ashe to avoid her ultimate or other champions such as Seraphine or Morgana.
Not only it grants movement speed, this item is great in reaching or running away from the enemy, by hitting a random minion or a monster in jungle, this item will grant ghosting effect. If another attack speed item is built, it is recommended to not build this item.
Although this item does not grant movement speed, it slows the enemy once hit, if Miss Fortune is carrying a game, enemies will run away from her, this item will prevent them from doing so. It can also save Miss Fortune from death by hitting the enemy once to slow them and run away.
This item is great in poking enemies that Miss Fortune cannot get in a close range with such as Amumu. However, the range of this item increases for just one hit and requires building another 100 stacks to increase its range again for another one shot.
This is the greatest attack speed item that is recommended for Miss Fortune, it helps in clearing the wave fast, moreover, in team fights, Miss Fortune damages more than one champion, and with a life steal item, it generates health faster.
Good against champions with healing abilities or against that life-steal items. In addition, Mortal Reminder increases attack speed. If it is not used for anti-heal purposes, it is recommended to use other attack speed item.
When building Kraken Slayer, the first option to think of for life-steal is Bloodthirster, not only it grants more life-steal than Immortal Shieldbow, it adds an extra shield that absorbs damage. When considering building a life steal item, Bloodthirster wins over Blade of the Ruined King.
In many cases, the enemy team reaches Miss Fortune due to bad positioning, and once dead and watching how the team fight goes, your team loses and it is noticed how vital Miss Fortune is. Build Guardian Angel is a necessity, if the enemy team targets Miss Fortune first, with this item, they will be busy with your teammates and Miss Fortune can do her carry job.
The item that deals the greatest damage among other items. This item can be built after building the first mythic item if you plan on dealing damage rather than healing for sustain or The Collector for burst damaage. This will make Miss Fortune deal critical damage each hit.
An item that makes Miss Fortune survive burst, especially from wild mid-laners such as Ahri or from junglers as Evelynn. Even in team fights, if all of your teammates are hitting one tanky champion, the one that will get the kill is Miss Fortune.
When facing a heavy AP team as Zoe, Zyra, Diana, etc. this item should be built as soon as possible, also, if Kha'Zix is in the enemy team, this item should be a core item especially if he is camping bot so escaping death would be possible.

✧ Assassin ✧
Against: a major threat. You need to have an enchanter by Miss Fortune side to protect her. If you do not have an enchanter, then build Immortal Shieldbow in hope it saves Miss Fortune. Build armor items if needed.
With: it is always a pleasure to have an Assassin in your team since they can easily access backlane, execute the carry and leave safely. If the ally Assassin carries, then try to play around them and cast Make it Rain when needed.

✧ Fighter ✧
Against: fighters are strong engagers, usually they have CC abilities and increase their health whether with items. Do not duel them even if their KDA is 0/12, they'll probably win. Consider building armor penetration and anti-heal items.
With: When the fighter engages, please do follow their call with Make it Rain and Bullet Time combo, trust their calls even if their health gets lower.

✧ Mage ✧
Against: they deal a burst of damage and most of them -if not all- can CC your carry. If they carry their team, build magic resist item especially Maw of Malmortius. Let them use Zhonya's Hourglass first and then kill them with Make it Rain and Bullet Time combo.
With: since most mages have CC ability, help them cast it on enemy by castin Make it Rain to slow the enemy, when they immobilize them successfully, cast Bullet Time.

✧ Marksman ✧
Against: Their damage level is supreme whether they build AD with or lethality. Their weak point is their squishiness, therefore, make sure to bully them in laning phase and deny them xp gain whether they are strong early game or in late game.
With: you know the drill of being a marksman, use Make it Rain to slow the enemy and enable your ally marksman auto attack the enemy or cast their abilities.

✧ Enchanter ✧
Against: Not dangerous themselves, but they can be dangerous when they sustain and their powers to their carry. Always focus them first so they will not be a problem. If no one builds anti-heal item then build it, you may consider building Serpent's Fang just for the enchanters.
With: playing with enchanters can be tricky but they will certainly carry Miss Fortune. Be aggressive and they will follow your call and make you win.

✧ Tank ✧
Against: just like fighters, you do not to get in a duel with tanks. It is essential to build armor penetration item against tank. Please do not forget that you should never focus tank in team fights.
With: Similar to fighters except they deal less damage and they tank more damage. Position in the back line when they engage, if they immobilize the enemy, use Make it Rain and Bullet Time combo.
























































































Unexpectedly, this stage is the most important stage of the game, it decides whether the wave will be pushed fast, slowly, or frozen and the items to be built. First and foremost, it is important to understand who is against Miss Fortune and which abilities they have for better positioning and poking. The first ability to level up for Miss Fortune is Double Up, with this, the first six minions cannot be missed. Moreover, Miss Fortune can poke the enemy marksman and support behind their minions.

Understanding the movement of marksman, support and jungler in this stage is as crucial as not missing any farm. For instance, if Miss Fortune is facing Morgana, you can bait to see her responses of catching Miss Fortune with Dark Binding, that gives a hint on what kind of threat she causes, is she out next to minions or hiding in the bushes waiting for an opportunity? Is she prone to poking or not? How can she deal with tanks?

The same can be said about the marksman, for example, is Jhin tries to land his fourth hit on Miss Fortune? Does he use Deadly Flourish whenever Miss Fortune has been hit by any of the teammates or by his Dancing Grenade? This can tell if Miss Fortune can poke while farming, or should be cautious with the farm. The same can be applied on the enemy jungler, is he camping bot lane? or is he camping other lane?

Where to ward in early game?

Therefore, according to the movement of support, marksman and jungler, the strategy to be followed during the laning phase until it is ended will be decided. Keep in mind that the major threat to Miss Fortune is the enemy support first, the AD Carry will be in the same situation as Miss Fortune's, focusing on the farm, the second threat is the possible ganks from mid laners and junglers. Therefore, the strategy that should be used in each condition is as the following:

The enemy team is pushing but they are not a threat to Miss Fortune: speaking of any ADC with a support such as Yuumi (watch out of Vayne and Yuumi combo, it is unbelievably deadly), Miss Fortune can get a kill or double kill with the help of her support without the need of jungler's help. You should let them push the wave by killing the minion with just one shot instead of keep hitting it until its dead, let the minions do the job for Miss Fortune, meanwhile, you can either:
  • Poke the enemy and let them lose experience since they will try to play safe and not farm properly; or
  • Give them sense of hope and do not poke them to let them push and get them after they push.

The enemy team is pushing and they are a threat to Miss Fortune: enemies such as Vel'Koz, Brand that will poke Miss Fortune under her turret, you should try to focus on pushing the wave and making use of Love Tap, and the first ability that should be leveled up after Double Up is Make it Rain not Strut to prevent possible deaths. It is crucial though to save mana in this case and not use Make it Rain frequently even if Presence of Mind was chosen. Use their pushing action to Miss Fortune's advantage and ask the jungler -politely- to gank bot lane. A good jungler will make use of this opportunity when they are done with their task at hand. In case the jungler will not help, ask the midlaner to gank, they will push the wave and come to help. Know two things though:
  • A jungler may not camp botlane because they have better plans for other lanes, find the enemy ADC is evasive and hard to gank such as Lucian with Relentless Pursuit, or simply the jungler is new to the role and will seem as if he/she is trolling. In this case, wait until level 6 and ask for a possible help before taking down elemental dragon as the jungler should be there in either cases. There is no need to flame the poor jungler or compare him/her to the enemy's.
  • The ally midlaner is losing to the enemy midlaner. In this case, DO NOT in any way ask the midlaner to camp bot as they will feed the enemy bot lane champions and they will take the lead over you in lane. Keep in mind that if the enemy mid laner pushes the minions wave, they will probably gank botlane, and there is a high chance that the enemy bot laner will join the party by switching their position from defensive to offensive. Thus, it is preferable to be ready for such ganks and havee Bullet Time ready.
Keep in mind that a nice top laner might ask you to ward to join the party with Teleport and help you take down the enemy. However, in case no one wants to help bot lane, focus on playing safely, have a large wave of minions that will take the damage for Miss Fortune and simply not die. If Miss Fortune cannot kill, she should not feed the enemy because that will highly impact team fights later. And remember, if the KDA of Miss Fortune is 0/0/0, she can still get fed later during team fights with Bullet Time and carry the team, but it is not possible when the number of her deaths increases.

The enemy team is letting you push and is not a threat to Miss Fortune: this is the case where the enemy realize the threat Miss Fortune can cause or they have already witnessed with a kill. This is the case of inexperienced enemy bot laners. In this case, Miss Fortune along with her support can poke the enemy under their turret to death as well as taking the gold from the turret plating before they fall. Moreover, going back to base to get items without defending your turret is easy. Make sure though to ward the mentioned bush in the river to avoid possible ganks. Make sure to save Make it Rain for such cases to ensure escaping safely and then Strut to increase the movement speed. Make sure the wave is pushed when you are about to do elemental dragon.

The enemy team is letting you push and is a threat to Miss Fortune: this is when the enemy team are not able to get Miss Fortune so they plan to take her down under their turret with some strategies, this can be as deadly as Blitzcrank with his Flash or Overdrive, Rocket Grab and Power Fist combo, with the turret hitting Miss Fortune, this will be an easy kill for the enemy. And even if Miss Fortune luckily escapes with Flash or Ghost there is a high chance that the enemy will reach her and kill her. Moreover, Miss Fortune will be prone to ganks. Read the enemy movements for this case, if they seem defensive and they are switching to offence, then their jungler is near and Miss Fortune should fall back immediately.

Since it is recommended in this guide to buy [long sword as the first item along with two-to-three Health Potions, make sure to get back to base with at least 1800 gold or maximumly 2200 gold. In the case of 1800 gold, get Noonquiver and Cloak of Agility to be built later as Kraken Slayer or Immortal Shieldbow, and 2-3 Health Potions. In the case of 2200 gold, buy in addition Boots to be built later in the game. In case of forced back, this means Miss Fortune is having a hard time sustaining her health, this can be known from the very first seconds, try to play extra cautiously to get 1100 gold and get Vampiric Scepter, Boots and 5 Health Potions.

Remember, it is the priority to focus on the farm and use Double Up to not lose any CS. It is ok if the enemy keeps pushing and makes Miss Fortune lose farm, there will always be a chance to make up the loss farm during mid and late game, also, do not worry about the enemy team pushing the lane, they will get fed up with the boredom and go to help their jungler or mid laner, make sure however to ping it to your teammates to act precautious, or simply follow them to the fight place and get possible kills. However, it is recommended to leave this until Miss Fortune reaches level 6 and ping your teammates to leave it be until it is time for Bullet Time.

What is the impact of my support in early game?

If the flow of the game is going good, Miss Fortune will have the mystic item built, Kraken Slayer to deal extra damage, Bloodthirster to sustain health, and building the third item and boots item; or Immortal Shieldbow to survive the burst of damage that is caused by the enemy team; The Collector for burst damage and the building the third item along with boots. The enemy turret will be on the verge of destruction or destroyed. In games when both are even though, it will be usually the mystic item and either Boots of Swiftness against CC botlane such as Ashe and Lux, or building the second item. The enemy turret would be in best case scenario destroyed up to 50%. In the worse case scenario, the first item would not be built yet and your turret will be the one to be destroyed, and in worst cases, your turret will be destroyed and the enemy team is either ganking other lanes or waiting to take Miss Fortune down by surprise. If you are losing, keep patience, mid and late game could be the chance to gain more gold, and comeback the game.
This is the stage where the actually carry of Miss Fortune begins, start to lead if she is way back or was not able to carry at all. Based on the results of the early game stage, there will be three scenarios for Miss Fortune during mid game stage. Here are the scenarios and what to do in each case:

The enemy turret of bot lane is destroyed or about to be destroyed: If the enemy turret is on the verge of destruction, Miss Fortune at this point can dive the enemy under their turret -with the help of her support even if it was not destroyed and get out alive from it. Make sure after the turret is destroyed to clear the wave of minions to make up for the lost health and get more gold for the third item. If the built mystic item was Kraken Slayer, get The Collector, if it was Immortal Shieldbow, get any of the attack speed alternatives such as Runaan's Hurricane.

In this case, if the enemy team is pushing to your turret, get back to lane and defend the turret, push the wave of minions and then it is situational to do one of the following:
  • Do elemental dragon whenever a drake is about to respawn even without the help of your jungler. This will not only be useful for you, but also useful for the whole team. Make sure that the enemy's jungle is warded to escape if the enemy approaches. Or, if you know where the enemy team is (i.e. the enemy jungler is top lane, the bot lane champions are dead, etc.]] then Miss Fortune can solo drake without any risk.
  • Keep pushing bot lane, specifically if Miss Fortune is winning her lane hard, make sure though that your support is warding the enemy's jungle to escape any possible ganks. If the enemy team is freezing the minions wave, roam the enemy jungle and kill the jungle monsters, they will grant Miss Fortune gold, experience, a blue or red buff if available, and even a possible kill if one of the champions are roaming there.

Miss Fortune is even with the enemy team in bot lane: the plan in this case will not change as much as in the early game stage. Yet there will be changes based on the rationale of the game. Meaning, sometimes the enemy marksman and support scale better in mid and late game. In that case, try to poke hard with Double Up, Make it Rain and Bullet Time. It is important to make the enemy lose experience and gold, make sure to not use Make it Rain when you are unsure where the enemy jungler is. As this ability, and Bullet Time will be the key to saving Miss Fortune and her support and Miss Fortune has a chance to secure a kill. Hopefully, in this case, the jungler and mid laner have some time to spare and gank your lane.

Miss Fortune has lost the first turret: this is the case where Miss Fortune and/or her support are using recall frequently to avoid death due to low health. Miss Fortune would probably not have enough gold and experience because of the heavy poke from the enemy bot laners. In this case, freeze the wave of minions, and track the movement of the enemy bot laner:

  • If they are still pushing bot lane, probably one of your teammate will join bot lane to help you without your pings, in this case, regaining the condition of the lane can be possible. Make sure to not lose anymore experience or gold.
  • If they cannot be seen anywhere, be extra cautious as they might be in your jungle taking down the monsters. Ask your support to properly ward the jungle. If unsure about the location of the enemy (in most cases a brush), do not hesitate to use Make it Rain to have a vision.
  • If they are in mid lane and trying to take down mid lane turret: push the wave at least to the river. Careful if an elemental dragon is about to respawn, as the enemy most likely will plan to go to drake and notice Miss Fortune's presence, and thus, go to kill her. If they are still pushing mid lane then:
  • Ask the support to go help mid lane, take down enemy turret with the help of Strut and join mid lane too.
  • If the case of mid lane is critical, let the minions wave at the river push to turret and go with your support to help in mid lane. Your support can distract the enemy from Miss Fortune.

When joining the mid lane, it is time for team fight. Ensure the enemy do not know your location with Control Wards or with Oracle Lens and take them by surprise with Make it Rain and Bullet Time. Miss Fortune can actually do great combo with some mid laners such as Diana with her ultimate Moonfall. So plan this in advance on your way to mid laner. You can push mid lane instead of going back to your lane. If the jungle is warded and the enemy knows your movement, the plan to take them by surprise will fail, simply join your mid laner and wait for the opportunity in backlines to get them with Bullet Time.

Miss Fortune has lost bot lane hard: this is the worse case scenario for Miss Fortune, this is the case where Miss Fortune has died 3 or more times. Do not feel frustrated, sometimes this happens because of 1vs3, 1vs4, 2vs3 and 2vs4 where the enemy team have 1 or more tanks and dive Miss Fortune under turret, where Flash, Ghost, Heal or any other summoner spell are not enough to save Miss Fortune and ensures a kill. This is not your fault. All you need to do is to ensure that bot lane is not taken down to the turret that protects the inhibitor, ask your support to support another teammate to save the game. Do not engage with confidence since Miss Fortune will feed and strengthen the enemy team. Your best bet is to push the wave of minions maximumly to the river level and join team fights only with Bullet Time. If lucky, Miss Fortune might secure few kills and comeback, if that is not the case, then Miss Fortune is strengthening a teammate that will carry the game thanks to the damage of Miss Fortune. DO NOT GO 1VS1 by any chance (unless you are against a Yuumi, careful with the plans of Yuumi though, they are quite deceiving).
Again, the results of this stage depends on the results of mid game. If your team did exceptionally good or the enemy team did very bad they will probably surrender and there will be no late game and vice versa. Sometimes, it does not need the whole team to win their lanes, sometimes it just takes Miss Fortune to win hard to make the enemy team fears her gain of gold and build and surrender the game (ff). Sometimes they do not surrender, sometimes none of these cases applies. In late game, here are the other possible scenarios:

Miss Fortune is winning the game along with her team: this is the chance were you can get Miss Fortune her mastery token, Miss Fortune KDA should be as good as 7/0/11 (there is no general rule to the KDA though as it depends on many factors). In this case, leave all team fights because they will win without Miss Fortune and farm the jungle, not only your but your enemy's as well along with the minions in lanes. Keep increasing the number of CS as much as possible, and higher than any other players, this will guarantee at least an S token. Build the final items which includes Berserker's Greaves, Mortal Reminder, Infinity Edge, or any of the situational items. Make sure you contribute to the destruction of turrets and kill 2 or 3 more enemies as the damage that Miss Fortune deals counts in getting the S and thus mastery token. When full-built, Miss Fortune can solo Nashor Baron. If an enemy tries to take down Miss Fortune, do not uses any of the abilities except for Strut and simply auto attack the enemy, Do not go 1vs1 with any of the top champions especially if it was late game champion such as Kayle, she will shut Miss Fortune down.

Miss Fortune is winning the game because she is carrying the team: this is the case were Miss Fortune is a game changer, i.e. your team are even with the enemy team or losing without Miss Fortune. In this case, do not join team fights, this will give the enemy team a sense of hope to fight to win the game. Meanwhile, seek the mastery token by taking the farm of enemy and your jungle. Doing otherwise will make the enemy team realize that they cannot win against Miss Fortune and surrender. This is not preferable. Let the flow of the game go as it is and collect more gold for your items. If it starts to get critical for your team like the enemy team reaching to your inhibitor. Get back to collect the necessary items, and carry the game to win. It is ok to be selfish if you know that you can get two birds with one stone: get the mastery token, and carry the game.

Miss Fortune and her team are even with the enemy team: this is where Miss Fortune becomes the star of the team and carry the team. Changing the course of the game to winning can be happening in team fights. Always stay in back lane, wait for one of the teams initiate a fight, preferably if the enemy team do a mistake, let it start 4vs5 and hit Bullet Time. Keep in mind that the enemy team is most likely waiting for Bullet Time and are being cautious, thus, let the two teams begin the fight so the noises of their abilities will distract them from noticing Bullet Time. Do not worry if the enemy team are being extra cautious and a team fight never initiates, it will always occur in elemental dragon. Make sure to hide in a brush and wait for the team fight to begin and take the enemy team by surprise. Do not let the enemy team escape by using Make it Rain and Strut to chase and kill them. elemental dragons are the ones that gives your team the advantages to win. If however you see that your team makes a mistake, ping your teammates who have the chance to save themselves and RUN AWAY.

Miss Fortune and her team are losing to the enemy: this is the case where the enemy team has reached your base and they are denying Miss Fortune first. This is the time for Elixir of Wrath and build Guardian Angel, if necessary, sell Kraken Slayer and get Immortal Shieldbow instead. This way, even if the enemy targets Miss Fortune, she can still get revived while the enemy team is busy with your team. Do not buy Guardian Angel if Miss Fortune is the last to die because it will be useless. Once Guardian Angel has been used, sell it and get another item to deal more damage, this item can be Infinity Edge, or use Edge of Night against heavy ap. If 5 minutes has passed and your defenses are going well, buy again Elixir of Wrath and use it, and rebuy Guardian Angel. This way, with proper positioning of your teammates ( tanks and Assassin s in front lane) Miss Fortune will carry. Remember to not hesitate to use Bullet Time to clear the huge wave of minions that will destroy the turrets that are defending the nexus, or even use it to defend the nexus and prevent the enemy team from approaching.

Miss Fortune cannot carry the game anymore: this is as mentioned, might not be your fault, it is probably the enemy team planned on denying Miss Fortune from the first place. If your team can do well in team fights but the flow of the game has stopped, check the map to know the location of the enemy team and split-push. Let your team do the team fighting, Miss Fortune will be the least needed teammate as she will feed the enemy. Make sure to focus on building damage and attack speed to split push faster with the ability of Strut. If the team is losing, then try one team fight with Bullet Time, if you win, then keep pushing with your team, if you didn't win analyze the situation of loss. In other words, if your team did a mistake that is why you lost, avoid the mistake and repeat. If your team however, lost and you all did nothing wrong, it is recommended to surrender (ff). Do not troll or go AFK if your team does not want to surrender, fight until the very end. Read the enemy and try to help your team movement and items. After all, there is no actual loss in this game. Oppositely, such games will teach you how threatening some champions can be to Miss Fortune and how can you plan to not let them take you down in another game.

Is it possible to carry a game when Miss Fortune lost in early and mid game?

✿ It is preferable to get Miss Fortune a premade support. After all, due to lack of disabilities that Miss Fortune can do, a good support is the key to help Miss Fortune carry the game to win.

✿ Always keep 50% of mana filled to save yourself or a teammate, even if Miss Fortune is below 50% health, Make it Rain can help your teammate.

Miss Fortune should never engage first and should never be in the front line, make sure your teammates take the initiate.

✿ Build boots item after building the third item, thanks to the passive and active of Strut, Miss Fortune can build speed during the game and can build an attack speed item before building Berserker's Greaves.

✿ After building Kraken Slayer, an attack speed item Runaan's Hurricane for example, and Bloodthirster, Miss Fortune can solo elemental dragon. So if the jungler is busy somewhere, the first turret in bot lane is destroyed and the wave is pushed, do not hesitate to solo elemental dragon.

✿ It is important to read your enemy to find a quick plan to stick to. For instance, enemy Swain will always be looking for an opportunity to grab Miss Fortune and poke her to at least 50% from that grab. However, if enemy Swain looks hesitant and not as confident, know that the threat level of Swain on Miss Fortune is very low and Miss Fortune can farm and poke normally.

✿ Do not stay in lane when Miss Fortune have 2200 gold or more. recall and make use of the gold before the enemy arrives and kills Miss Fortune. Also, do not stay in lane if Miss Fortune is alone under turret and the enemy support and marksman are pushing along with the minions, they can and will dive Miss Fortune under her turret. If running away is impossible, use Bullet Time to clear the minions wave so the enemy fall back out of fear of getting hit and killed by turret. If the turret have 1 plate or it is 30% away from being destroyed and nothing can be done about it, then leave the turret, Miss Fortune's life is more important than a turret, feeding the enemy is the least thing you need to do.

✿ Remember that there is a plan you should stick to, the main aim is to focus on the farm, the higher the farm rate, the higher the chances to win. Stick to the basics, do not die, take the enemy turret down, keep farming the minions in lane and jungle, stay back in the back line in teammates and take the enemy team with Bullet Time, get more items to deal more damage to turrets and enemy and win the game.

✿ Do not flame the jungler or other teammates for doing bad, they can be practicing new positions, new champions, sometimes they get unlucky as much as you do. Try to cheer them up, ask them gently to play safely and to not feed. If you are unlucky and your team start flaming, do not flame back, ignore them or simply mute them. Do not let any action in the game tilt you to increase the chances to carry the game.

✿ Wish that your top laner will play Ornn, he will take the mystic items Kraken Slayer and Immortal Shieldbow to another level. Do not worry, Miss Fortune can carry the game regardless, it will just make the game more interesting.

✿ Enemy tank will always be in front line, do not ever focus on the tank, let the enemy members get in good range of Bullet Time and hit it. Also, always let Miss Fortune stand behind her teammates especially.
It was mentioned in early game when to freeze, push are situations where you need to roam to help your teammates especially in mid lane. Although you should leave the roaming job to your support since it is kind of their job where Miss Fortune can stay in lane and gain XP, it wouldn’t hurt to gain an assist or help your teammate have advantage. Make sure to use Oracle Lens to use when going through the river to know if the enemy knows your location or simply clear any threat.

You should push the lane before you roam. Do that to take the river scuttle if your jungler is in top side and you do not want the enemy jungler to be the one granting the vision. Also, push lane when you see your mid laner is under turret, having a hard time farming and being bullied, push your lane help him, let your jungler help as well, farm or invade, or help your top laner. Do this if your midlaner is a late game champion that has carrying potential such as Veigar, or if the enemy mid laner champion will be the problem. Keep in mind that either your midlaner can immobilize the enemy mid laner or your support can, or your jungler if they plan to gank. Otherwise, they will just escape easily since Miss Fortune cannot immobilize the enemy. it is best though to stay in lane and focus on having the advantage that Miss Fortune has of being strong in early game.

The best time for pushing the lane is when it is about time for dragon, the enemy marksman will probably prioritize farming, if their support try to follow you can zone them out, if both try to follow, be a brush fanatic and kill them or at least forcing them to recall. Remember, that objectives are no less important than farm, in fact, taking dragon benefits the whole team, you can always make the farm up, but a lost drake means a stronger enemy team. Here are the traits that dragon, rift herald and baron nashor gives.

✦ Elemental Dragons
Cloud Drake:
Buff: Gain 12 / 24 / 36 / 48 ultimate haste.
Soul: Gain 10% passive movement speed which is increased to +50% movement speed for 6 seconds after casting your ultimate.
Helps Miss Fortune to rotate and roam when needed. It also helps escaping the enemy and kiting them back to your teammates or to your turret. If the enemy team has the buff, use Make it Rain to ensure that the enemy won't escape.

Infernal Drake:
Buff: Gain 4 / 8 / 12 / 16% attack damage and ability power.
Soul: Basic Attacks and Abilities deal 80 (+ 22.5% bonus AD) (+13.5%AP) (+2.5% bonus HP) adaptive damage to the target and nearby enemies (3 second cooldown).
The soul that everyone craves to have. This permenant buff takes the damage Miss Fortune deals in teamfights to another level. Make sure to stay safe so you can deal the optimum damage when you can. If the enemy team has the buff, play safe, make sure they already use their first ability or auto attack on someone else before playing aggressively.

Mountain Drake:
Buff: Gain 6 / 12 / 18 / 24% armor and magic resistance.
Soul: Gain a 200 (+18% bonus AD) (+13.5% AP) (+13.5% HP) shield after not taking damage for 5 seconds.
Not much it adds to Miss Fortune abilities, but at least Miss Fortune will have more durability during a fight. If the enemy team has the buff and depending on their comp, building Serpent's Fang may be essential.

Ocean Drake:
Buff: Regenerate 2.5 / 5 / 7.5 / 10% of missing health every 5 seconds
Soul: Heal for 160 (+ 36% bonus AD) (+22.5% AP) (+9% bonus HP ) and restore 80 (+3.5% maximum mana) mana over 4 seconds whenever you deal damage to enemies.
Another defensive buff for Miss Fortune. If Miss Fortune health is low, she has higher chances to survive death as her HP increases. If the enemy team has the soul buff, you may consider building Chempunk Chainsword or Mortal Reminder.

Hextech Drake:
Buff: Gain 5 / 10 / 15 / 20% attack speed + 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 ability haste
Soul: Gain a chain lightning slow on their next basic attack or ability that deals 25-75 true damage (bassed on champion level), bounces to 3 additonal target, and slows units hit by 45/35% (melee/ranged)(5+% per 1000 bouns health, +1% per 100 bonus AD) for 2 seconds
The strongest soul in my opinion, you need to have this soul for your team to make use of all its pwoerful benefits. You do not want the enemy team to have it and slow Miss Fortune. If they do have it, make sure some other teammate tank it for you and fight afterwards.
✦ Major Objectives

Rift Herald:
SPAWN: At 8:00. Respawns 6 minutes after it has been killed. Disappears permanently at 19:30 (19:50 if in combat). Grants Eye of Herald when killed.
BUFF: Grants the Eye of Herald that can be placed to destroy turrets, inhibitors and nexus. Grants its holder a powerful recalling buff.
Baron Nashor:
hand of baron
SPAWN: Every 6 minutes from 20:00 onward. If not killed, the buff lasts 3 minutes.
BUFF: Obtain hand of baron while alive shown by swirling violet runes. It grants:
- Empowered Recall and nearby allied minions are greatly empowered.
- Gives (12−48 bonus AD) and (20−80 ability power) -determined by the time the Baron
Elder Dragon:
SPAWN: 6 minutes after dragon soul. If not killed, the buff lasts for 2 minutes & 30 seconds.
BUFF: Obtain aspect of the dragon:
- Damaging enemies causes them to burn for 75−225 true damage as default damage over 2.25 seconds (depending on minutes).
- Damaging an enemy champion below 20% of their maximum health blasts them with Elder Immolation after 0.5 seconds, executing them.
You have reached the end of this guide. I thank you so much for taking your time to read it. Do not hesitate to ask me anything about Miss Fortune, I will gladly answer. If you think there is a way to improve the guide please leave comment. And if you do not like something about this guide please comment and tell me to make so I can make it better for all those who seek to know about Miss Fortune, , the bounty hunter. If you are new to Miss Fortune and made it this far then you definitely learned a lot about Miss Fortune in this guide and again, feel free to ask me anything.

Special thanks to everyone who made creating this guide possible, including Making A Guide a guide by jhoijhoi for the super unique codes that made this guide look neat and more attractive, A Guide to Mobile-Friendly Formatting a guide by mowen and Responsive columns guide by katasandra for making creating this guide mobile-friendly in a aesthetic way possible, and for all the people who made creating Ward Map possible and eased it to everyone including me creating these maps.
Keep in mind that the best bet for Miss Fortune to survive against is to learn about different champions. The good thing about Miss Fortune is that she is easy to learn, by following this guide and practice for few games it will become a habit that runs through your veins and you will carry your team easily and hit your Mastery 7 in no time. Do not get frustrated about bad games, they happen all the time, they can be 1vs9 games and the enemy is fed which make it harder to win. Follow the rules suggested in this guide and at least it will not be Miss Fortune's fault for the game loss. Keep practicing and the possibility of carrying the game will increase. Also, please do not steal anybody's pentakill. And remember:

✿ Fortune does not favor fools ✿

✿ Until next time ✿
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