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Nocturne Build Guide by Shark of Void

Jungle How to plunge the world into darkness with Nocturne!

Jungle How to plunge the world into darkness with Nocturne!

Updated on June 28, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shark of Void Build Guide By Shark of Void 57 3 96,055 Views 5 Comments
57 3 96,055 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shark of Void Nocturne Build Guide By Shark of Void Updated on June 28, 2023
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Runes: Usual Bruiser or Assasin

1 2
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Flash + Blue Smite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Gustwalker Smite

Gustwalker Smite

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

How to plunge the world into darkness with Nocturne!

By Shark of Void
Hello everyone!
I am NaaFEARi. My highest elo is the Grandmaster. Here is my Nocturne guide!

If you want to back to ToC, click on Nocturne's blades at the end of the section

I'll tell you what I like/dislike about this champion.


  1. Nocturne is easy to learn

  2. Universal and unique ultimate

  3. It is difficult to counter jungle him

  4. I like its design and especially the Hextech skin

  5. He is strong in the early game


  1. Bad in Late game

  2. It's hard to get back into the game if you're behind

  3. Zhonya's Hourglass counters him very much

  4. He can't kill an enemy quickly like an assassin

So, if you want to add Nocturne to your pool, I'll show you the examples of pool with Nocturne:

This is the best pool for Nocturne for the following reasons:

1. All these heroes are easy to learn
2. Fiddlesticks deals magic damage, and Nocturne deals physical damage, so you can adapt to the type of damage your team needs
3. Rammus is a tank, so if your team needs it, you will also adapt
4. All these champs good in teamfights
5. Fiddlesticks is good against Rammus, Nocturne is good against Fiddlesticks, Rammus is good against Nocturne

If you want to be a Two Trick Pony, then the following pool will suit you:

1. Lillia deals magic damage, and Nocturne deals physical damage
2. Nocturne is bad against tanks, and Lillia is good against tanks
3. They're both good at teamfights
4. Nocturne and Lillia are easy to master champs, so you can quickly master both

Now that you have decided on the pool (or OTP), I will tell you about the best role and heroes for the second role.

support is the best second role for jungler because:

1. You don't have to kill creeps
2. You also need to "gank" (roam)
3. You also have to keep an eye on the vision

The best heroes for the Nocturne mainer:

1. Pantheon has absolutely the same playstyle as Nocturne: Press the ult and kill an important target
2. Pantheon is good when you have an agressive ADC like Draven, Samira, Caitlyn, etc
3. Soraka is good when you have an hyper carry like Kog'Maw, Vayne, Jinx, etc
4. Also these champs are easy to learn)


+ Strong at the early game
+ Nocturne is difficult to counter jungle
+ Easy to master
+ Good in teamfight with blinding with Paranoia
+ Powerful 1 vs 1
+ Has target fear
+ Has a spell shield, a very useful thing


- Weak at the late game
- Bad if fall behind
- Zhonya's Hourglass counters him very much
- Deals AD damage
- Kiteable
- Can't kill the target quickly
Lethal Tempo gives a lot of attack speed, which makes it easy to duel for a Rift Scuttler with most champs. Also, since you will have more attack speed, as your Umbra Blades will heal you more and you will deal more damage at the early game with Duskbringer's AD boost than with Conqueror. I advise you to buy Blade of the Ruined King and Wit's End, because it will be effective with Lethal Tempo.
However, the Conqueror is more powerful in mid-late game, where healing and AD from it will be more profitable than the attack speed from the Lethal Tempo. The main reason why I take Conqueror even in the Assassin build is in patch 12.10, after the general hardening it became difficult to one shot, so the Conqueror is more effective for almost any assassin.
Triumph will give you more chances to survive after a dive, restore HP well in teamfight and gives you more gold for killing.
Legend: Alacrity gives you an attack speed that allows you to clear camps faster, deal more hits, thereby winning more duels, and also use Blade of the Ruined King and Wit's End more often.
Since Nocturne cannot kill the target quickly, you will definitely lose hp, so Last Stand will help you win duels in a seemingly losing situation. Also, this rune goes very well with Sterak's Gage.
Eyeball Collection gives us AD after killing. The more you kill, the more effective this rune is. Useful for snowball.
If we can use the ult more often, then we make a bigger impact in the game. Just imagine the situation: you couldn't use Paranoia without this rune, and as a result, the enemy adc shot your entire team. If you pressed the ult, he would has to come to a dangerous distance, which would put him at risk.
The attack speed in these runes is always more advantageous than adaptive damage. The second one takes damage, since we are not a tank. I also advise you to always take armor in the third slot, since all the camps in the jungle cause AD damage.
FLASH: is the most important spell in the game. It helps you from escaping nasty situations and also for chasing and killing enemies whenever ​you can't reach them.
IGNITE: will help you better duel and cope with even the most difficult opponents, but it is worth taking only if the enemy adc is immobile or you have someone to kill him.
GUSTWALKER SMITE: when activated, it slows enemy. Gives you movement speed after exiting the bush or after killing a large monster. Useful for clearing, escaping and hunting.
MOSSTOMPER SMITE: when activated, it slows enemy. Gives shield and durability, useful if you are against immobile champions or heroes wifh a lot of CC.

Youmuu's Ghostblade is the best myth for Nocturne, because it gives us all the necessary characteristics, namely attack damage, lethality, ability haste and move speed. Also, of all the mythical items, it gives the most of attack damage. I explain: since we are not playing the assassin's build against tanks and bruisers, we do not need % damage with Eclipse, flat damage with it more profitable for Nocturne.

This is the best legendary item on Nocturne as an assassin. This is the strongest combo of a Youmuu's Ghostblade and a Prowler's Claw, after using Paranoia, your target will have no chance to escape, because your auto attack will slow, and you can still add Gustwalker Smite!

Take these boots against a team with a lot of AP or CC. I advise you not to buy shoes for you unless you have an urgent need to buy them. It is better to buy damage and kill the target right away than to try to catch up with it from the speed of movement with boots.

Take these boots against a team with a lot of AD or Auto Attacks. Also 98% of jungle damage is physical and the passive applies to almost all jungle monsters.

Take this item only when you have been heavily fed (5+ kills). It will give a great potential for snowball and will allow you to use ult more often, so you will have more influence on the map.

A great item against strong mage. The shield will allow you to take more damage, and additional vampirism will allow you to recover during the time the shield protects you.

This very useful item will give you time to kill enemy carry in team battles. After killing Carrie, you will even stop receiving some of the damage you received earlier, so you can kill someone else. A versatile item, but more useful against heavy AD teams.

Take this item in those rare cases when the enemy carry greatly restores health and none of your team can reduce this heal to him.

An excellent item for punching targets with a large number of health and armor. If the enemies have little healing, feel free to take this particular penetration, since it is larger than with the Mortal Reminder.

What could be better than a shield from magic? Two shields from magic! If you are up against a carrier with annoying control, buy this item, so you will block as many as 2 enemy spells with this item and your Shroud of Darkness.

Take this cheap item against enemies with lots of shields or with a Immortal Shieldbow.

Gives the attack speed, but 5 AD less than that of Goredrinker. Useful against mobile heroes, as you can slow them down with an active skill. Weaker in teamfights than Goredrinker.
Gives 5 AD more than Stridebreaker, but has no attack speed. Take it against immobile heroes, as you will be able to survive longer due to healing with an active skill. More useful in teamfights than Stridebreaker just because of this healing.

Take these boots against a team with a lot of AP or CC. Just the same, it is important for the browser to have a shoe, so always buy the one you need after the mythic item.

Take these boots against a team with a lot of AD or Auto Attacks. Also 98% of jungle damage is physical and the passive applies to almost all jungle monsters.

A very useful item in the current realities of tank-meta. Reduces enemy armor by 30% for your ENTIRE team, so always buy this item against a large amount of armor. It also gives you movement speed, which will help you catch up with the enemy.

Also an anti-tank item like Black Cleaver, but aimed at the enemy's health. Buy it against a large number of HP, you will not regret it! The attack speed will allow you to use Umbra Blades more often, therefore, heal more often, and in a place with vampirism you will be very hardy in any conditions. Slowing down will allow you to catch up with the enemy.

Although it performs the same functions as with the assassin, but now it will not be so profitable, since you will not be able to kill the target quickly and not get all the damage. I still advise you to buy it against AD teams.

Just Grievous Wounds, but for the bruiser. Buy against a large amount of healing, but I do not advise you to improve it immediately, it is better to improve it as a 6 item.

I'm sorry for the tautology, but I promise, she's the only one here, but by adding this phrase, it disappears, right?), so the tautology will only be in shoes. A great item against strong mage . The shield will allow you to take more damage, and additional vampirism will allow you to recover during the time the shield protects you.

If you have mixed damage against you, feel free to take a Sterak's Gage! The shield will allow you to survive from any type of damage for longer, but for this item to be effective, you need more health items..

Although this item is worse against mages than the Maw of Malmortius, but it gives you more damage to the enemy. I advise you to buy it together with a Blade of the Ruined King and a Lethal tenpo for greater efficiency.

And now I'll show you the skills of Nocturne and some interesting interactions!

Every 14 seconds, Nocturne's next attack strikes all nearby enemies for 20% of his physical damage and restores 15βˆ’40 (+15% of ability power) per target hit (depending on level).

Nocturne's attacks reduce this ability's cooldown by 1 second, increased to 3 against champions and jungle monsters.

Use this combination to hide the auto-attack animation and deal damage faster with Unspeakable Horror, so you will win a few milliseconds, which can rarely, but sometime help you.

Nocturne throws a shadow blade which deals 65 / 110 / 155 / 200 / 245 (+0.75 per bonus attack damage) physical damage, leaves a Dusk Trail, and causes champions who are hit to also leave a Dusk Trail for 5 seconds. While on the trail, Nocturne ignores unit collision and has 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% increased Movement Speed and 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 additional Attack Damage.

Use this combination to finish off the fleeing enemies. Unfortunately, Nocturne's Duskbringer is one of those skills that cannot be used before the Flash to speed up the application, so it is Flash + Duskbringer.

As you can see, diskbringer did not shift, but the Nocturne did it. This is a very rare combination, useful against Jinx's Super Mega Death Rocket!, Ezreal's Trueshot Barrage, Draven's Whirling Death etc to dodge and finish them off. Well, or just dodge and continue the pursuit.

Always use this after returning to base! believe me, if you exit it faster, even for a few seconds, it can greatly affect the game. Believe it or not, I even won a game once thanks to this trick, having managed to jump and save my carry from the enemy Master Yi.

Passive: Nocturne empowers his blades, permanently gaining 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 % attack speed.

Active: Nocturne creates a magical shield for 1.5 seconds which will block the next enemy spell that hits him. If an ability is blocked by the shield, his passive attack speed is doubled for 5 seconds.

If Shroud of Darkness is active when Nocturne re-casts Paranoia to dash to a target, it'll stay active until Nocturne reaches his target.

Since the Dragon's auto-attack counts as a skill, then you can use Shroud of Darkness to gain additional attack speed when fighting it. A useful feature that speeds up the killing of the Dragon at times.

Use this trick to kill the Rift Herald faster. So you will save 5 seconds, and you already know from my guide how important this is for me.

Use Shroud of Darkness to dodge the Rift Herald's enhanced attack and lose less health when killing him, while doing it faster, as you also gain attack speed!

Nocturne plants a nightmare into his target's mind, dealing damage each second for total 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 260 (+100% of ability power) over 2 seconds and fearing the target for 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 seconds causing them to run away from Nocturne with impaired movement if they do not get out of (465) range by the end of the duration. Nocturne also gains massively increased movement speed when moving toward feared targets.

Nocturne's Unspeakable Horror is a unique skill. And its uniqueness lies in the fact that NOTHING but distance can break this chain. As an example, I showed you Shaco's Hallucinate, but you can imagine both Master Yi's Alpha Strike, and Rek'Sai's Void Rush, and so on.

Nocturne reduces the sight radius of all enemy champions and removes their ally vision for 6 seconds, this includes champions, minions, wards, towers and clairvoyance. He can then launch himself at an enemy champion (2500 / 3250 / 4000 range), dealing 150 / 275 / 400 (+1.2 per bonus attack damage) physical damage.

As you did not lie to you in the description of the Shroud of Darkness, but you can use ALL the skills during the flight with Paranoia. I advise you to ALWAYS do this with Duskbringer and Unspeakable Horror, because you will do more damage with R, since you will get an AD boost with Duskbringer before hitting. Also, if you start casting Unspeakable Horror earlier, then the enemy will be scared earlier too.

You can interrupt the use of Paranoia with a Flash. But before that, ask yourself: why did you use the ultimate at all to interrupt it?! So you will weaken for a while. So never use Paranoia without analyzing the situation, so that you don't have to lose two important abilities to correct your mistake.

As you can see, damage with Paranoia counts as a skill, so it's not blocked by Jax's Counter Strike or Shen's Spirit's Refuge or Nilah's Jubilant Veil or Teemo's Blinding Dart.

Look, Banshee's Veil, Sivir's Spell Shield and Edge of Night allow you not to get Nearsightedness when activating Paranoia! Be aware of this, when you are using ultimate is in teamfight, an enemy Assassin or mage will be able to see everything if he buys a spell shield.

But! A magic shield like Morgana's or Kassadin's doesn't have that effect. You need to know this too)

You can use Paranoia not only to get close to the target, but also for damage.

You can use Paranoia to reduce the enemy's vision and save your ally. From the example you can see how Kai'Sa couldn't use Killer Instinct on Sett, so he survived.

As a good jungler, you have to do your clearing as quickly as possible to save seconds and spend them efficiently.

I also like to use the strategy of stealing murk wolf or raptors of the enemy more, so we can take 3/4 of the ENTIRE jungle if the enemy did not guess our intentions.

If you know that your enemy will use the strategy shown above, then this will help you get half of the jungle, and not lose 3/4 of the jungle. It consists in the fact that you farm half on your side, and half on the opposite side, near the enemy. And to understand that the enemy will use exactly the upper strategy, put the ward on your buff. I will tell you about where to put your first ward a little later.

A good jungler when clearing NECESSARILY needs to kite camps to do it faster. In the first example, I kill blue sentinel without it, and in the second I kite. As a result, you can save 3-4 seconds, and in total for all 6 camps it is 15-20 seconds! now you understand how important this is.

Invade is when you are at the first level, having strong lvl 1 heroes (preferably with control, Morgana, for example), the whole team goes into the enemy jungle to kill enemies. Even if you did not kill the enemy, you will place a vision, which is also beneficial.

You need to look at the map in every game when you start killing the first camp. Look at which of the laners came to lane first, and then the jungler (mostly) started from the side from which they came later. So you can roughly predict the route of the enemy jungler and use this information to your advantage. Also look at the number of minions the enemy jungler has. 1 camp = 4 units on this indicator. So you can understand where he cleared and where he didn't. Thanks to this, you can use "Counter jungle for farm" strategy, more about it further.

Counter jungle is a strategy that allows you to deprive the enemy of the farm, while taking it for yourself. It consists in the fact that you farm camps on the enemy side of jungle. When to use this strategy:
1. When you know that the enemy jungler is on the other side of the map.
2. When you have nowhere to gank.
3. When you have nothing to farm in your jungle and don't have enough experience/gold to level up.

Yes, it's a risky strategy, but very effective, since you won't let the enemy gank on your allies, so it's good for them too. Use it for the same reasons as the previous one, but to get the kill. To find the enemy more effectively, use my advice about "Jungle Tracking". Also, to understand who you can kill 1 on 1 and who you can't, see the section "Detailed Matchups".

After that, back to base and buy Oracle Lens.

Gank is when you come to your ally's lane and help him kill the enemy (but even if you didn't succeed, it's still gank). Before gank, see what your enemy has. Maybe he was spending Flash or an important defensive skill (like Vladimir's Sanguine Pool), this will make it easier to kill. Remember the main rule: if the enemy is fed, and you are not, then you do not need to help your loser laner! So you'll just die together. Also try to gank enemies against whom it is easy to do this, or if your laner has CC. If you are not 70% sure about killing, it is better not to gank, but farm.

Here are the best positions to use Paranoia on lvl 6:


I'll make a reservation right away that you need to help push not only after the gank, then if your ally can't do it and he needs to go to the base (as in the example). Well, as it is, help the ally to push after the gank, or if he needs it, so he can quickly and safely return to the base, the enemy will get fewer minions, and you will get gold and experience.

You can repeat gank the enemy if he uses Teleport, but do this only if you are sure that you will not feed the enemy. Unfortunately, this is rarely done on my elo, so I recorded an example with my friends and it may look stupid, but it's just an example)

In teamfights you can play different styles, let me tell you in order:
1. Assassin - you wait for the enemy to spend the main skills and then use Paranoia and fly at the enemy carries in order to kill. If you manage to kill 1 or even 2 carries, then you have completed your task as an Assassin .
2. Initiator - this is a very rare role, most often performed by you if you play through the fighter build. Your role as the Initiator is to enter the enemy's carry and make sure that he spends Flash, as well as the defensive skills of his support. In the best case, you will even manage to kill the enemy carry.
3. Defender - you perform this role only if you do not need to perform the first two roles, or you have fed the enemy heavily, and you cannot perform the first two roles. Here you use Paranoia to reduce the enemy's vision and prevent him from killing your carry, if the enemy approached your carry, then use Unspeakable Horror.

Now I will show you the dragon's buffs, from the best to the worst for Nocturne.

The best buff for any Assassin , as the more damage, the more chances to kill the target or even kill more targets.

A great buff that will give you more influence on the map with Ability Haste and more damage for battles with attack speed.

The best buff for the Bruiser Nocturne, but also for the Assassin in third place. Additional tenacity is always useful, because if you get rid of control faster, then the enemy will not run away as far as if you were without tenacity.

This is some part of the full tenacity, therefore it is lower than the Chemtech buff, and even an increase in movement speed will not increase the place of this buff, but it may be good for an Assassin .

Additional protection will allow you to live longer and cause more damage, useless for an Assassin , but just right for a bruiser.

Useless in any fights, unfortunately.

Now I will show you the dragon's soul, from the best to the worst for Nocturne.

This is the best soul for Nocturne, as it will be impossible to escape from you, you will be able to sell the shoe and buy even more damage!

Almost the same soul as the previous one, but slowing down the enemy, not speeding you up.

The best soul for a Bruiser Nocturne, allowing you to live in a teamfight for a very long time. It's not bad for an Assassin either, but still the damage would be better.

A good soul for a bruiser and an Assassin , will allow you to live longer in teamfights.

A good soul for poking an enemy with a Duskbringer.

It's useless, it's only necessary against poking teams.

Click on the champion icon to move to the matchup.


I recommend you to counter jungle him, as you can easily duel him, like all tanks.

I do not advise you to take Lethal Tempo here, as his Tantrum will be quickly cool down.

Try to use Shroud of Darkness to evade Bandage Toss.

If you are an Assassin , then buy Edge of Night to make it easier for you against him.

In teamfights is not a priority goal for you.

If your fear is used during his flight to Bandage Toss, then he will be interrupted.


In this matchup, you DEFINITELY need to counter jungle the whole game so that Bel'Veth doesn't get the stacks Death in Lavender.

Always use Shroud of Darkness to avoid her Above and Below or Endless Banquet.

Use Unspeakable Horror only after she spends Void Surge, as she will easily break chain with you.

Try to win as early as possible, as she is getting stronger by the minute.

Priority goal in teamfights, if fed.


Use Shroud of Darkness to evade her Crescent Strike and and put her Lunar Rush on recharge if she used it immediately after Crescent Strike.

She clears quickly, so take care of your jungle.

You can easily duel her, so try to provoke her to it by doing "Counter jungle to kill".

An important goal in teamfights, but because of her Zhonya's Hourglass it's useless for you to focus it.

If she is going to full AP, then I advise you to buy Edge of Night.

Dr. Mundo

A difficult matchup, even if you counter jungle him early but you have to do it.

Never fight him after his first item unless you have a one-item advantage.

Your Shroud of Darkness will not save you from it, since the recharge of his Infected Bonesaw is very small.

A dangerous goal in teamfights, but not yours.


It's difficult to counter jungle him, because of his mobility and control, so do it just for the sake of farming.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade any of his skills, but most importantly for Parallel Convergence.

It will not be a problem for you after buying Maw of Malmortius.

An important goal in a teamfight is if he is fed.

If he is fed, buy Edge of Night.


A weak hero in the current meta, she just doesn't have enough damage to kill you.

You can easily duel her, so you can counter jungle all the time.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade her Cocoon.

A useless goal for you in teamfights, so do not pay attention to it if it is not fed.

If you somehow managed to feed her, then buy Maw of Malmortius.


To prevent her from becoming strong, counter jungle her before level 6.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade her Whiplash or Last Caress.

If she is fed, buy Maw of Malmortius.

She is an important goal in the teamfight, but don't try, she will easily get away from you with Last Caress


A very easy matchup for you if you know where he goes. Counter jungle him, and you won't have any problems with the game.

He is strong in teamfights, but since he himself is getting closer to your team, it's better for you to try to kill not him, but enemy carries.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade his Terrify and he will not cause you any problems.


In this matchup, it doesn't matter if you counter jungle him or not.

You can use Shroud of Darkness to evade any of his skills.

An unnecessary goal in teamfights, don't focus it.

I advise you to buy Edge of Night against Gragas.


Don't even try to counter jungle him for kill, he will have more armor with Quickdraw as he stacks it on jungle monsters.

You can't duel him, because he'll kite you with Quickdraw. Because of the same skill, you can't put an Unspeakable Horror. on it.

An important goal in teamfights, if he is fed, try to kill him.


You can easily duel her at early game, so feel free to counter jungle.

Don't stand in the center of her Snip Snip!, evade Needlework with Shroud of Darkness.

Wait until she uses Skip 'n Slash to use Unspeakable Horror.

In the teamfight, kill other targets, you will not be able to kill her there.

Try to finish the game as early as possible, because it is very strong in Late game.


Imbalanced hero in current meta. So, buy Executioner's Calling as early as possible.

In general, do not try to counter jungle him even for the farm, if he sees you, he will run to you and crush you just like a fly.

In teamfights, don't even try to beat him, you won't succeed. Try to kill carry.

Use Unspeakable Horror only after his Devastating Charge and Onslaught of Shadows, otherwise he will easily break the chain.


It's hard to counter jungle him for kill, because of his Friend of the Forest, so do it for farm.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade his Rootcaller, and then you will easily catch up with him and kill him.

I advise for teamfights to buy you Serpent's Fang, since you will focus on carry, whom he will protect.

Jarvan IV

You can counter jungle him for kill, or just like that, but most likely he will escape using Demacian Standard+ Dragon Strike and you will have to use Flash to finish him off.

If he has Ignite, then beware of his lvl 2 invade.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade his Dragon Strike or better Cataclysm.

It makes no sense to focus him in teamfights, focus on carry.


Up to two items, he will not be a problem for you, so calmly kill him 1 on 1 and counter jungle.

When fighting 1 on 1, dodge with Shroud of Darkness from his Counter Strike, and then you easily kill him.

After he gets the second item, you lose to him 1 on 1, even if you have 4 items.

An important goal in teamfights, but it's more profitable for you to kill carry.


I'll make a reservation right away, if there is a beginner on the champ, then this is a 2/10 matchup, but I consider them as if they are masters of their heroes.

Be sure to buy Edge of Night and Maw of Malmortius.

This vacuum cleaner cannot be counter jungled, because when you find yourself in his jungle, it will be empty, and during this time he will clear your jungle.

You can't duel him 1v1, since he uses Exhaust and will kill you with Lay Waste under slowdown.

A very important goal in teamfight, but you CAN'T kill him because he has a Zhonya's Hourglass and Exhaust.

He is very strong in the late game, so finish as early as possible.


It is difficult for you to counter jungle him as he quickly clears jungle.

It is difficult to fight him if he is Rhaast, but very easy if Kayn.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade his Umbral Trespass.

Do not focus it in teamfights, in whatever form it is, if the goals are more important.


Up to level 6, you can easily fight with him and counter jungle.

After level 6, if he has improved Taste Their Fear, you CANNOT fight him 1 on 1.

He is an important target in teamfights, but he is very mobile, so it's better to kill carry.


You easily kill them 1 on 1 in early game, so use this for a counter jungle.

You can catch them on your camp on Mark of the Kindred.

This matchup is 10/10 because they make your teamfight game impossible, you can't use Paranoia for kill enemy carry.

Lee Sin

He is strong in the early game, but you are stronger! Easily kill him 1 on 1 on the counter jungle.

Use Unspeakable Horror only after his Safeguard on ward, so he won't run away from you.

You can use Shroud of Darkness to dodge any of his skills, but if you have a good reaction, it's best from Dragon's Rage.

In teamfights, focus on carry, but if Lee Sin is fed, then you can also focus him.


Counter jungle her just for farm, since you won't be able to kill her.

Use Shroud of Darkness only to evade her Lilting Lullaby.

In teamfights, focus her only if she doesn't have Jak'Sho, The Protean.


You easily counter jungle and kill him, he won't run away from you if he hasn't Phase Rush.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Bramble Smash.

Buy Executioner's Calling to reduce his healing.

In teamfights, he is a tank, and tanks are not your goal, so ignore him and kill carry.

Master Yi

You definitely need to counter jungle him so that he does not come forward. If he does not get an advantage, you will defeat him, but if he does, then this matchup will become 10/10 and you will not defeat him in any way.

Buy Executioner's Calling to reduce his healing.

He is an important goal in teamfight on a par with carry, choose by feeding.


You can't counter jungle him, he cleans fast, and 1 on 1 he is stronger than you.

Be sure to buy Serpent's Fang against Indestructible.

Try to dodge Realm of Death with Shroud of Darkness.

You won't kill him in teamfight, beat carry!


Be sure to counter jungle it and it will not cause you any problems in the game.

Buy Executioner's Calling to reduce his healing.

Not your goal in teamfights, kill carry.


A good Nidalee will turn any hero into prey, be careful in your jungle and if you are going to counter jungle her, you definitely need to dodge her Javelin Toss, otherwise you will die!

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Javelin Toss!

Buy Edge of Night and Maw of Malmortius.

In the teamfight, focus on carry, but if Nidalee is fed, then you can also focus her.

Nunu & Willump

Easily counter jungle and kill him.

They focus mainly on ganks, so I advise you to keep an eye on your laners and be ready to help them!

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Biggest Snowball Ever! or Absolute Zero.

In teamfights is a tank, not your goal.


You can't fight him 1 on 1 and counter jungle, focus on ganking.

Buy Executioner's Calling to reduce his healing.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Undertow.

You can't kill him in teamfights, pray that your team can. Kill carry, so it will be easier for your team against Olaf.


You can counter jungle him and even kill him, but the main thing here is that he is not on full hp, but you are on full.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade enhanced Comet Spear this is more advantageous than against Shield Vault. But if he wants to run away from you, then of course, use Shroud of Darkness against Shield Vault.

If he uses Grand Starfall, then you can also use Paranoia to help your team on his gank.

The right goal in teamfight, but carry is better for you.


Almost a complete copy of Nunu & Willump, you can easily counter jungle her, but she will be focused on the ganks, so get ready to help the team.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Hammer Shock or Keeper's Verdict.

In teamfights is a bruiser-tank, not your goal, focus on carry.


This is my preferred BAN. If you still want to play against him, here are my tips for you:

You can't fight him 1 on 1, he's stronger than you.

You can counter jungle him for pharma, as he does it slowly.

Unkillable in teamfights.


I played a lot against this hero and I can say the following:

You can duel him 1 on 1, so it's easy to counter jungle. He is very mobile, so if he decided to run away from you, don't chase far.

Buy Executioner's Calling as early, as possible.

You can focus him in teamfights, but only if he has spent Thrill of the Hunt, since with him he will simply run away from you.


You can easily counter jungle her and she won't run away from you if she spends Arctic Assault on jungle monster.

Use Unspeakable Horror after her Arctic Assault.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Permafrost or Glacial Prison.

In teamfights is tanks, not your goal.


You won't catch up with him, so don't try to counter jungle for kill, do it only for farm.

You will easily distinguish the present from the clone, since your Duskblade will remain on the present, as well as Unspeakable Horror, if he did not break the chain.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Two-Shiv Poison.

It's useless in teamfights, not your goal.


You definitely need to get an advantage up to level 6, otherwise she will surpass you. Before her lvl 6 you can counter jungle.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Flame Breath.

Don't fight her after 6 without an advantage, you will lose. She's strong in teamfights, you can't beat her, beat carry.


Don't fight in the range of his Threads of Vibration, and you won't have any problems. Don't counter jangle because of this reason of his.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Ixtal's Impact.

Useless for you in teamfights.


He's very mobile, so you won't be able to kill him on counter jungle.

Evade Rake with Shroud of Darkness, so, he won't be able to activate Blade's End on you until lvl 6!

If you are not a defender, then it makes no sense for you to focus it. Kill carry!


You can't kill him 1 on 1 without an advantage, so counter jungle just for farm.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Chomp, yes, you can!

Buy Executioner's Calling as early, as possible.

Try to kill carry in teamfights.


Very easy matchup for you, you kill him always, so use this for counter jungle and duels.

Warn your allies that he can make lvl 2 gank.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Contaminate.

He will be the right target in the teamfight if he is fed.


In its current state, it does not pose a threat under any of its and your builds. Counter jungle him and kill him!

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Blazing Stampede.

In teamfights, a useless goal for you, beat carry.


She can compete with you in 1 on 1, so counter jungle her carefully.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Vault Breaker or Cease and Desist.

In teamfights, it's not your goal if she's not fed.


Master Yi 2.0, the principle is the same: counter jungle him and you will have no problems, feed him - you will not be able to win.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Heartbreaker or Spectral Maw.

He is an important goal in teamfight on a par with carry, choose by feeding.


This is one of the few heroes capable of defeating us 1 on 1. NEVER fight him! Counter jungle is prohibited.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Sky Splitter.

Buy Executioner's Calling as early as possible.

You can't kill him in teamfight, focus carry.


This is one of the few heroes capable of defeating us 1 on 1. NEVER fight him! Counter jungle is prohibited.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Primal Howl.

Buy Executioner's Calling as early as possible.

You can't kill him in teamfight, focus carry.


You can duel him 1v1, use it to counter jungle!

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Cyclone.

You can focus him in teamfight if he's fed. Otherwise kill carry.

Xin Zhao

You can duel him 1v1, use it to counter jungle!

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Wind Becomes Lightning.

He's strong in teamfight, so focus carry.


You can duel him until lvl 6, use it to counter jungle!

Buy Executioner's Calling as easly as possible.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Elastic Slingshot.

You can't kill him in teamfight, focus carry.


He's very mobile, you can counter jungle, but don't chase him.

Use Shroud of Darkness to evade Death Mark!

Even if he is fed, it will be difficult for you to kill him in teamfights, it is better to focus carry.

If you want to climb, you need a good mindset. Here are some rules to follow:
  • Play for improvement, not for LP
    Stop thinking about LP. Firstly, you worry, afraid of losing them and start making mistakes or playing too passively. Secondly, if you play well, LP will come to you.

  • NEVER blame anyone else but yourself for losing games
    Yes, there are always losing games because of the team, but you can't control your allies. You ALWAYS make mistakes, find and fix them, and there will be fewer losing games.

  • Disable Chat
    If you are not in high elo, then chat is a useless thing. You will be distracted by him, maybe spend time on correspondence, annoying the team even more. All this leads you to defeat, so don't do it!

  • Know when to stop
    Tilted? Mad? Tired? Stop playing. It is better to play 3 games with a good mood and win them than to lose 5 games with a bad mood.
Focus on yourself, and only yourself.

Thank you for reading my guide!

If you have any questions, please let me know about it.

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