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Fiora Build Guide by Berzerk

AD Offtank Fiora - A Double-Edged Sword

AD Offtank Fiora - A Double-Edged Sword

Updated on July 6, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Berzerk Build Guide By Berzerk 1055 73 8,554,940 Views 323 Comments
1055 73 8,554,940 Views 323 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Berzerk Fiora Build Guide By Berzerk Updated on July 6, 2014
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Hello Everyone berzerk here. I am a Top lane main in Lol. Some of my favorite champions to play are Wukong, Fiora, and Jayce. In this guide I will be teaching you how I plsy Fiora.

Season 4 updates will be added overtime a little busy with college atm
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Pros and Cons

Pros / Cons
+ Great Burst Damage
+ Great Tower destroyer and farmer
+ Can do a lot of damage early game
+ Ultimate is awesome and She has a French accent
+ Skills take little mana usage unless spammed
- Squishy
- No reliant escape mechanism
- If you start to do really well will get focused
- Requires player to play smart to maximize abilities
- Using Blade Waltz can make you be somewhere you don't want to if used uncorrectly
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My masteries for Fiora are a traditional 21-9-0 offensive build that focuses on increasing her damage output while making her a little bit tankier early game. this set allows you to pressure the early game to build up an advantage and hopefully snowball to your lategame. If you are in a hard lanematchup OR if you need to be a little bulkier a 9-21 set is also a good alternative.

Example offensive page:

Example Defensive Page:

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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush



Phase Rush
  • Greater Mark of Armor Penetration: I take these marks to increase my early game damage by bypassing enemy armor. Thanks to my AD quints as well as the 15 AD Riposte gives you, you can get the ArPen marks and still deal lots of damage.
  • Greater Mark of Attack Damage: These marks are fine substitutes to the above marks. If you have ArPen quints or expect to buy lots of early ArPen then these will work fine for you and will compliment the AD that Riposte gives you.



Phase Rush
  • Greater Seal of Armor: These seals provide some very important early game armor that is useful all game long. They will help protect you from physical damage and minion damage during the laning phase and until you buy Guardian Angel. Pretty much a staple seal for top laners and there are no other seals that I would recommend.



Phase Rush
  • Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: I take these glyphs to better protect myself against the AP carries in early/mid game. This will help if you get ganked by the enemy mid or if you are going against an AP top.
  • Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist:I find these runes to be a viable choice top lane especially if the enemy has an AP mid that won't roam that much or if there is no AP carry on the enemy team which is becoming popular lately.



Fleet Footwork
  • Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage: I recommend these quints to compliment your marks for more early game damage to further help you with harassing and increase your chance of winning the lane.
  • Greater Quintessence of Armor Penetration: Take these when facing champions with heavy armor like Malphite and Nasus. They will help go through some of you armor. If you take ArPen marks then do not take these quints because you need early AD.
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Summoner Spells


For my two summoner spells I choose Ignite and Flash. I find these to be the best two spells for Fiora. Since Fiora does not have too much of an escape move besides Lunge I think that Flash is the best fit. I use Ignite for early game kills and every once in a while later game kills. Ignite is great for First Blood or securing a kill that could lead to your lane being able to take a turret or save yours.


This spell is one that I would definitely substitute Flash with. While I do not find it to be as useful sometimes to how I play tons of other players use it so if you do not like to use Flash then I would recommend Ghost as its substitute.
Fiora is a great solo top champion. So if there is a Jungler on your team you might have to Solo Top depending on what your team decides. So in cases in which you have to go back and heal or to buy your items the quickest way back to your turret is to use this spell on the turret and in 4 seconds you are back. I would substitute this for Ignite in this instance.

This spell is a very good spell however it has taken a little bit of a hit in Season 3. Exhaust will slow an enemy champion's movement speed by 30%, reduce their attack speed by 50% (which is huge when used on AD carries), reduce their attack damage by 30% (down from 70%) and reduce ability and item damage by 30% for 2.5 seconds. That is a lot of time being crippled like that so use Exhaust when you need it and on AD carries in teamfights.
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Fiora's Skillset


Duelist [PASSIVE]

Fiora regenerates Health over time each time she deals physical damage. Striking champions will cause this effect to stack up to 4 times. This is actually a pretty good passive. It provides Fiora with natural sustain in lane by auto-attacking, using Lunge or using Blade Waltz on enemies. This combined with life steal makes it hard to push you out of lane.


Lunge [Q]

Fiora lunges at her target dealing physical damage. She can then use this skill again within a couple of seconds at no cost. This skill is your gap closer and means of escape at the same time. It will deal physical damage on impact and grant a stack on Duelist. Use this to catch enemies and to run away from your enemies.


Riposte [W]

Passively gives +15 attack damage to Fiora then an additional +5 every time the skill is leveled up. Fiora parries the next basic attack and reflects magic damage back to the attacker. Works on monsters, champions, and large minions. This skill is very useful to deflect damage back to your attacker. It can save you life and damage your opponent at the same time. Depending on the champion you can deflect the champions main source of damage which is nice. Some things that can be deflected are Crushing Blow, Parrrley, and Decisive Strike.


Burst of Speed [E]

Fiora gains additional attack speed. Each basic attack or Lunge she lands during this time increases her movement speed. This stacks up to three times. Killing a champion fully refreshes the cooldown while assists reduce the cooldown by half. This is your attack speed steroid. It will allow you to get more auto attacks in during trades while stacking Duelist very quickly. Activate Burst of Speed before go in with Lunge so that way when you land Lunge you gain the movement speed boost.


Blade Waltz [R]

Fiora dashes around the battlefield, becoming untargetable in the process, and striking random enemy champions 5 times. Each strike applies on-hit effects. This is a very cool ultimate. It can be used to kill targets that have gotten away from you and stop enemies from using any of their skills on you all while dealing a lot of damage. You will initially hit the first target you choose then you will hit other champions within a radius of the first target. You will end at the first target if they are still alive.

Blade Waltz is very powerful in teamfights as well as in 1v1 fights. It is mainly used as a finisher or to turn the tide of a fight if you are losing it. Life steal will activate for every hit you make with the ultimate as well as put stacks in Duelist. If taking tower aggro activating Blade Waltz will make the tower stop attacking you. Make a note though that if a target goes stealth then your ultimate will stop even if you are in the middle of your animation. You also will not be able to break leashes like Decrepify or Bountiful Harvest.
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Skill Sequence

Skill Sequence #1

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

> > >

Maxing Riposte first will give you the greatest increase in damage and defense in the laning phase causing you to have a bigger presence during the early game. This skill should be maxed by level 9 for 35 bonus AD and a short 6 second cooldown. Burst of Speed get maxed second to increase your DPS by level 13. Lunge is maxed last. At levels 6, 11 and 16 be sure to put points in Blade Waltz.

Skill Sequence #2

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

> > =

I recommend this sequence if you are doing plenty of damage early game with a maxed Riposte and your items. This would occur more often against a squishy team. As stated before Riposte is a must first max and so after that you can afford to alternate putting points in Lunge and Burst of Speed to lower Lunge's cooldown faster while sacrificing a little bit of DPS. You will have maxed Burst of Speed by level 17 and Lunge by level 18. As always put points in your ultimate at levels 6, 11, and 16.
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OR Sight Ward

space To start off I take Cloth Armor and 5 Health Potions and then proceed to top lane. This is a good start to top lane as most of your opponents are AD and some armor to stop them is always nice. Plus it allows surviving more early trading and Fiora is a pretty powerful level 1 and 2 fighter thanks to Riposte. Of course getting 5 Health Potions helps for lane sustain. space

space The Rejuvenation Bead will provide some health regen and will build into Tiamat. Along with that I take 5 Health Potion for more sustain and 1 Sight Ward to protect myself against enemy ganks. space


space Picking up one of these items will provide you with some nice sustain per auto attack and will give you a little AD boost. Getting 2 is normally unnecessary and if you are punishing your lane you do not even have to get one if you do not need to. space

space Get these to increase your movement speed by 25. This will help with dodging ganks as well as running away or catching up to your enemy laner. Try to get this and The Brutalizer in the same trip. space

space Getting an early The Brutalizer will greatly increase your damage and presence in lane. This item will provide 25 attack damage and 10% CDR and 10 ArPen. Thanks to this item being built into a much better item now it's definitely worth getting early game for Fiora. space

space This item will build into Bloodthirster and it great for early game. You gain 10 more AD as well as some lifesteal to compliment the healing that Duelist already gives you granting some very nice sustain in lane as well as helping during trading with the enemy laner or jungler. space

space After increasing your damage it is time to further increase your movement speed and increase your tenacity. Getting Mercury's Treads is the item to get for this. Since Fiora has nothing to protect her from CC besides Blade Waltz she needs the CC reduction that these boots provide. They also give you some Magic Resist. If you need to you can replace these boots with Ninja Tabi. space


space An excellent item on Fiora. It provides some nice life steal as well as 75 AD and 15 health regen. It also has a nice passive that will have your auto-attacks dealing splash damage to enemies around you which makes clearing minion waves extremely easy. It also has an active that amplifies what the passive does for a short duration. This item is very good for split-pushing and exceptional if the enemy likes to cluster together in teamfights. Activate this item while using your ultimate and you will heal a lot and deal lots of damage to every enemy near you. space

space You already have The Brutalizer built and now it should be completed. The passive has been remade as well. It will now shred 7.5% armor of a target you hit and will stack up to 4 times. This means that if you get all 4 stacks you will shred through 30% of their armor. The effect will stack off over auto-attacks as well as Blade Waltz. You will also get the CDR and attack damage that The Brutalizer gives you and 250 health. Great item. space

space This item will provide you with a great amount of AD and lifesteal. This is probably your most important item to get. Between Black Cleaver and Bloodthirster combined you will be dishing huge amounts of damage mid game. You will get 70 AD and 12% lifesteal to start and then once you stack it up by killing minions, monsters, or champions you can get it up to 100 AD and 18% lifesteal. The lifesteal will proc with Blade Waltz and will compliment Duelist exceptionally well. space



space space

space This item gives 40 more AD and 35% ArPen to go along with the AD and ArPen stats given by Black Cleaver. Between these two items you should have absolutely no issues going through enemy armor and should be dealing a lot of damage in teamfights. space

space After all that damage and lifesteal has been built time to get some resistances. Getting an additional 50 armor and 30 Magic resist this will make you tankier and able to withstand a little more punishment allowing you to go in and do your damage. Along with the resistances you get a "Revive" every that has a 5 minute cooldown. If you die you will be revived with 30% of your maximum health and mana. Very useful for finishing off fights. space

space This item is useful when facing an AP heavy team or when having to deal with a fed AP carry or late game threats like Karthus and Anivia. You gain always valuable AD from the item as well as MR. The item is a tad expensive which is why for Fiora it is best bought for later game. This item also provides a nice shield after you lose a certain amount of health from magic damage. space

space This item is one of the best new items they have put in the game. It is an upgrade for Quicksilver Sash You get everything from that item and its active as well as 60 AD. This item is amazing on Fiora for the AD and when you are facing a CC heavy team. You also gain a 50% movement speed bonus for 1 second when you use the active as you are not a ranged champion. space

space This item is still very useful even though it has gone through some changes from Season 2. Along with giving armor and health this item will also reduce an enemy's attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 10% if they just hit you with one basic attack. That is a very useful passive against those AD carries. The active will slow enemies movement speed by 35% for 2 seconds. Replace Guardian Angel with this item. space

space space
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Gameplay: Early, Mid, & Late Game


This image shows your overall safety in different sections of the solo top lane. Make a mental image of this in your head so when you are in game you can properly determine how safe you are.

  • Green Zone: This is the safest zone for you to be in. You can avoid enemy ganks easiest in this zone so a primal zone for farming.
  • Orange Zone: This zone is the neutral zone for solo top lane. Both champions are susceptible to ganks by the enemy. So farm and attack with caution.
  • Red Zone: This zone is the most dangerous for you to be in. It shows that you are winning your lane. However this puts the enemy in their safe zone which means you are very open for an enemy gank. Tread carefully when in this zone and make sure to have wards if you plan on sitting in this zone.
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Match-ups: A-H

General Build



Playing against Akali:

Early on Akali is not very strong. You need to use this as an opportunity to put her behind quickly. Be aggressive and call for ganks before she reaches level 6. Her only main source of damage before 6 is her Q Mark of the Assassin. Do not let her hit you with repeatedly with no retaliation. If you do you are setting yourself up for a tougher lane.

Once she hits level 6 lane with caution. Her damage output increases greatly with Shadow Dance. If you try to ult her all Akali has to do is to throwdown Twilight Shroud and it will cancel your ultimate. To counter this buy a Vision Ward and place it in lane so that way you will be able to see her when she goes invisible. If you are having trouble then try to freeze the lane and try and call for ganks.

  • Avoid standing in Twilight Shroud so that way you do not get slowed.
  • If you attack Akali past her minions save a Lunge and Flash for escape maneuvers.
  • Shutting down Akali is a major accomplishment and really needs to be done. Fed Akali often leads to a loss for you.


General Build



Playing against Cho'Gath:

Early game Cho'Gath is a push over for Fiora. Be aggressive early on and do not let up. Try to zone him early and put him behind. Getting first blood or just the first kill in lane against him will go a long way. Once Cho'Gath gets Feast things could turn a little more difficult though. This ability does true damage. A compotent Cho'Gath will use Feast on minions to increase his size and health. When he is not doing this he can use it to finish you off when you get low. The best way to stop this is too try and use Blade Waltz before he uses Feast so that you can possibly kill him before he can kill you.

In lane dodge Rupture as much as you can. This synergies well with enemy ganks especially those who have CC like Amumu. If you get caught it could mean your death as he will then silence you will Feral Scream leaving you unable to do anything to get away besides moving. Since Fiora has no reliable escapes getting away might be hard. To help this buy wards all the time and have at least the river warded.



General Build



Playing against Darius:

Playing against Darius should end up in your favor should you play the lane correctly. Darius's passive Hemorrhage is a damage over time (DoT) bleed effect. So it does some damage to you for a few seconds after Darius is done attacking you. Your passive is a slight counter to that. Duelist regenerates your health when you auto-attack. Whenever you fight Darius make sure to auto attack as much as you can so you can counter his passive. Also if you win the fight however you are dangerously low find the nearest minion and attack them to try and save your life.

Crippling Strike intensifies Darius's next auto-attack so when you see him drag his weapon and it is "lit up" make sure to have Riposte ready to deflect his auto-attack. When he uses Apprehend try to avoid getting pulled. However if you do get pulled retaliate and trade back with him. If you both get low use Blade Waltz before he uses Noxian Guillotine so that way he cannot use it and dunk you. Whatever you do though do not let Darius get a lead in lane. If you do it might lead to a hard recovery.



General Build


Dr. Mundo

Playing against Dr. Mundo:

Early game Dr. Mundo is very weak however he is a big pain in the butt. He will use his Infected Bonesaws to harass you and farm from a distance. If he hits a target with his cleaver he will get half the health cost the ability uses refunded back to him. So try your best to dodge them to avoid damage and to stop Dr. Mundo from getting any health back.

Kill him early on because once Dr. Mundo reaches level 6 and acquires Maximum Dosage he will become extremely hard to kill. His ultimate provides a huge amount of health regen which can just heal him back from all the damage you did. Whenever you engage in a 1v1 fight with him be careful. Between Infected Bonesaw, Heart Zapper and Blunt Force Trauma Dr. Mundo can stick with you constantly while dealing out an unexpected amount of damage. Also the more health you cause Dr. Mundo to lose the more attack damage he will get whenever he activates Blunt Force Trauma. Late game try to keep him off of your carries as he is great at getting to them and shutting them down.



General Build



Playing against Gangplank:

This match-up is probably one of the best match-ups you can get when playing as Fiora. Fiora wrecks Gangplank in lane whether it be Critplank or Bruiserplank. I already say to max Riposte first but in this match-up it is crucial. Max it and lower its cooldown to its lowest so that you can parry everyone of Gangplank's Parrrleys. Since this is his main source of damage if it can't hit you then he cannot harass you effectively. Remove Scurvy will heal Gangplank for a certain amount. When in a 1v1 fight save Ignite until after he uses Remove Scurvy.

Raise Morale will increase his attack damage and movement speed. He will most likely use this in a fight and to get away. Most likely he will not max this skill first so luckily the attack damage increase will not be that much to truly make a difference. Cannon Barrage is a global ultimate so warn your teammates when he reaches 6. He will also use it in a 1v1 fight. Use Blade Waltz to negate any damage and the slow from Cannon Barrage. Like Darius his passive will do damage over time to you. To counter this auto-attack minions to activate Duelist.



General Build



Playing against Garen:

Garen is a very strong early game opponent and can give many people headaches. His damage from Decisive Strike is huge early on and he can zone his enemies quickly because of this. You have a tool to stop that in Riposte. You need to max it first. Riposte will stop the damage from Decisive Strike however you will still be silenced. You want to get as many early game ganks and kills on Garen as possible. However between the speed boost from Decisive Strikeand the bonus in defense from Courage will make that difficult. So make sure to co-ordinate with your jungler very well and you both go in together. Preferably a jungler with CC will be the best choice.

Garen's most known skill Judgment A.K.A "Spin to Win" will most likely be maxed first. Whenever he starts spinning towards you try to jsut walk away to avoid taking as much damage as you can. You avoid this skill then Garen will not have to much to hit you with anymore besides his ultimate. His ultimate though can be countered in a 1v1 fight. Like Darius his ultimate is used as an execution move. However it does not use true damage but a base damage and bonus damage depending on how much health you are missing. So when you both get low, like Darius, try to use Blade Waltz before he can get off Demacian Justice. Hopefully you kill him.



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Match-ups: I-N

General Build



Playing against Irelia:

Irelia can turn the tides of a game if given the chance to. However without farm it is hard for her to do that. Therefore it is your job to shut her down early and to avoid giving her as much free farm as you can. Early on you dominate her in terms of damage. Therefore use this to your advantage. If you feel uncomfortable being aggressive then get your jungler to gank early and kill her. If you can zone her early she will have to rely on Bladesurge to last hit effectively. Bladesurge makes her lunge to a target although if she kills a unit the cooldown will refresh so keep that in the back of your head.

Hiten Style gives her sustain in lane and when maxed give her good strength in the laning phase. Not only does she get sustain her auto-attacks deal true damage while it is active. This is what makes her hurt so much. Be cautious at this stage of the game even if you are destroying her. Avoid Transcendent Blades. They are skillshots so constant movement will cause her to miss. If you eat all four blades it will hurt. The cooldown is shorter than your Blade Waltz so remember this. It also gives Irelia back health from Hiten Style if you get hit. Watch your health in compared to hers for Equilibrium Strike. If you have more health then her you will be stunned. If not you will be slowed.

  • Go after Irelia early. She cannot take your AD in the first few levels.
  • Irelia is strongest in lane from levels 7-9 when Hiten Style gets maxed so be cautious.
  • Never let Irelia get a lot of free farm time. Even if behind all she needs is some time to farm and she can become a terror once again.


General Build


Jarvan IV

Playing against Jarvan IV:

Known as somewhat of a counter to Jarvan IV you shouldn't have a hard time in this match-up. More commonly seen in the jungle Jarvan IV is tough champion whose job is to get in the middle of fights and do his thing. He has too skills Golden Aegis and Demacian Standard that make him tankier by themselves. Golden Aegis provides a shield to protect from damage increasing based on the amount of enemy champions nearby. Demacian Standard provides armor to him passively. Depending on how the lane goes it is possible that you might need to buy an early The Brutalizer to get past some of that armor.

Jarvan IV can throw down Demacian Standard in an area. It reveals the area and he can use Dragon Strike to pull himself to the flag that was thrown down. Any enemies in the path are knocked up. He can use this to put you out of position when the enemy jungler comes to gank so be careful. After level 6 he will use Cataclysm in fights. It does damage while trapping you in an "arena". You can get out of it easily by using Lunge on a nearby enemy or minion or you can just use Flash to get out of it. Jarvan IV has no sustain and has high mana issues early game. Use this to your advantage and push him out of lane early and zone him. Make him go out of mana and out of potions while you sit there and regenerate health from minions and him by auto-attacking.



General Build



Playing against Jax:

Jax is a very powerful late game monster and has the potential to take on whole teams when he gets his items. There is an argument about whether Jax is a true counter to Fiora or not. I believe that he is however you can with this lane match-up if you can outwit Jax. Counter Strike will cause Jax to dodge any incoming attacks. If you use Blade Waltz BEFORE he uses Counter Strike he can just use it to stop your ultimate dead. You need to bait him into using Counter Strike prematurely or using it on your auto-attacks. If you cannot do that then it will be rough after level 6.

Once reaching level 6 Master-At-Arms makes Jax much more powerful. Between that and a fully maxed Empower at level 9 can give out devastating burst and overall damage. Leap Strike will cause Jax to stick with you when you are trying to get away. So try to have a Lunge ready if the fight goes bad to try and get away. I will re-iterate, if you cannot outwit Jax to use his Counter Strike before you ult it will be a very hard lane.

  • Harass Jax early. You have the favor in lane Pre-6 especially if you can get some ganks.
  • Try to bait Jax to use Counter Strike on your auto-attacks or Lunges so that he can't use it to stop Blade Waltz.
  • This match-up relies heavily on outsmarting Jax. If you feel that you cannot do this then do not pick this match-up if you can avoid it.


General Build



Playing against Jayce:

This match-up totally comes down the skill level of the both of you. Fiora has the tools to beat Jayce however you have to know when to engage and disengage effectively if the enemy Jayce is of equal or better skill than you. Jayce has no sustain. You do. Jayce does burst damage. You have the sustain to get back your health especially with the recent nerf to Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate. You need to know when to use Riposte It is best used to counter the amplified auto-attack that Jayce gets when he switches from hammer stance to cannon (ranged) stance and vice versa.

Lightning Field / Hyper Charge provides mana regen when Jayce auto-attacks in hammer stance. If he goes out of mana deny him from auto-attacking minions to get mana back. You can also use Riposte for Hyper Charge however I recommend you only use it for his stance changes. To The Skies! / Shock Blast will be used along with Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate to harass you from afar when Jayce is in ranged stance. Try to dodge as many of these as possible to lower his harass and to make him go out of mana faster. His combo is great. So is yours. You have sustain. He doesn't. Use this to your advantage and may the best player win in this lane.



General Build


Lee Sin

Playing against Lee Sin:

Fighting against Lee Sin will once again come down to the skill level of both players and how well they know their champions. Most of the time Lee Sin is found in the jungle and only those that have a decent skill level of Lee Sin take him top lane. So more than likely you are not facing a first time Lee Sin (however it might happen). Lee Sin can use Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike to lunge to you and deal damage and use Tempest / Cripple to slow you and decrease your attack speed. Then he can just get away with Safeguard / Iron Will to an allied ward, minion, or champion. This can all happen in a matter of few seconds so you have to be vigilant.

If you attack Lee Sin first he can use Safeguard / Iron Will to shield himself and then use Tempest / Cripple to slow your movement speed and attack speed leaving Burst of Speed to be rendered useless. Therefore only use Burst of Speed after Tempest / Cripple's effect wears off. Iron Will in Safeguard / Iron Will will give Lee Sin armor and lifesteal and spellvamp. This will give your passive a run for its money. Dragon's Rage will kick you back while dealing damage. If Lee Sin walks in front of you be prepared for him to kick you backwards sometimes into his team or a turret.

  • Avoid getting hit with Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike as much as you can to stop Lee Sin from lunging to you and doing damage.
  • A skilled Lee Sin excels in being slippery to catch. Their ability to "ward jump" and fly around the lane/fights should help you determine the skill of your enemy.
  • Tempest / Cripple will slow your movement speed and attack speed by a very high amount. Save one Lunge to come back into the fight for when the debuff ends.


General Build



Playing against Malphite:

Malphite is an extreme counter to Fiora probably the number one counter to her. He has a slow, an attack speed debuff, and builds pretty much nothing but armor. These things wreck Fiora. Ground Slam is an area of effect (AoE) skill that lowers the attack speed of enemy champions around Malphite. At max level it will decrease your attack speed by 50%. This pretty much renders Burst of Speed useless. While you are attacking he can just use his passive Granite Shield to absorb some of your damage. So a shield and a attack speed debuff. Things do not look good against this guy.

Seismic Shard will be Malphite's main harass move from a distance. It slows you while giving Malphite a movement speed boost giving him the ability to get closer to you to use Ground Slam. Malphite has some serious mana issues early game and before he buys a Philosopher's Stone and Glacial Shroud. Therefore use this for a level 2-4 gank by your jungler to try and kill him. Otherwise you will not be able to kill him after that. Malphite builds armor like crazy in addition to the bonus he gets from Brutal Strikes so you will need early ArPen to do ANY damage at all. At level 6 be cautious and ward for enemy ganks because his ult Unstoppable Force synergies extremely well with ganks as he will lunge forward and knock you up into the air. Personally avoid this match-up at all costs if possible.

  • Perhaps the hardest counter to you. If possible avoid this lane. Even swap with your mid if you have to.
  • Ground Slam destroys Fiora as it lowers her attack speed for a few seconds leaving Burst of Speed useless.
  • Seismic Shard will slow your movement speed and increase Malphite's by a percentage. This skill will probably be used to harass you the most.

General Build



Playing against Mordekaiser:

Playing against Mordekaiser is a pretty even match-up. This lane should come down to how good you are at farming under your tower and how well the junglers perform on both teams. Mordekaiser is a natural pusher so eventually you will have to farm underneath your tower. This will give you good practice for that. Remember melee minions can take two tower shots and caster minions can take one before you should attack them. Mace of Spades makes his next auto attack do a lot of damage especially on single targets therefore he will use this skill on you most of the time.

Siphon of Destruction is an area of effect ability that will hit minions and you as well if you stand to close to them. Your best chance of harassment without too much retaliation will be to attack when this skill is on cooldown. Lunge in, harass, and Lunge out. Creeping Death can be cast on an ally, minion, or himself. This will increase his armor and magic resistance and will be used to protect himself during trades and to keep a cannon minion alive while pushing. Lastly Children of the Grave will be used when you are low. It will do damage of time for 10 seconds. To counter it use Health Potions or hit minions to use your passive Duelist to gain health.

  • Siphon of Destruction is Mordekaiser's only form of ranged harass. He will also use it to clear minions. Stay away from minions and harass Mordekaiser when this skill is down.
  • The more damage Mordekaiser does the more of a shield he gets from Iron Man. Therefore he is not easy to towerdive as his shield can save him sometimes.
  • Children of the Grave is a DoT ultimate that will hurt you for 10 seconds. If you die while under this ability Mordekaiser will gain a clone of you to do his bidding. It cannot use your skills but it can auto-attack.

General Build



Playing against Nasus:

Nasus is not a very viable solo top right now in this meta. He is easily countered by a lot of top champions. There is a debate on whether he is a counter to Fiora or a pushover. I find him to be a pushover early game and then becomes an issue in lane as the game goes on. He gets like Malphite. He has Wither which will decrease your movement and attack speed. It crushes Burst of Speed just like Malphite does. Nasus will also build a lot of armor just like Malphite.

Nasus gets his main damage from farming up his Siphoning Strike. This means that for Nasus to have relevant damage he needs to spend the laning phase and beyond, farming. This is what makes or breaks Nasus. You need to have him distracted from farming as much as possible. Use early ganks to shut him down early and put him behind. The farther behind he is the longer it will take for him to catch up. Also never towerdive Nasus when he has Fury of the Sands. His ultimate combined with Wither will most likely leave you dead under his turret.

  • Siphoning Strike is where Nasus's main damage output comes from. However for it to be relevant Nasus needs a lot of farm with it. Therefore deny him as much farm as possible.
  • Nasus can either sit there and take your harass or attack you and lose out on farm. Force him to lose out on farm. The less farm he gets the less of an impact he is late game.
  • Do not ever towerdive Nasus when he has Fury of the Sands. This combined with Wither will most likely get you killed.

General Build


AP Nidalee

Playing against AP Nidalee:

AP Nidalee is most commonly found in mid lane however some people do it in top lane although I believe AD is better for top. Be prepared for a lot of dodging and moving around in this lane as you will need to dodge her Javelin Toss / Takedown in human form. It does more damage the farther it travels so try not to get sniped however it will hit minions so you can stand behind them. Her Bushwhack / Pounce will allow her to lay down traps that will do damage to you and grant her and her team vision of you. As AP they will hurt more than AD. They can be seen however so try not to step on them if you can see them.

Primal Surge / Swipe will heal Nidalee for a good amount in human form so be careful when towerdiving her. This ability in cougar form doesn't do too much besides a little damage. It is useless to chase Nidalee. Thanks to her passive Prowl she gets an additional 15% movement speed when moving through bushes. She can just kite you and run away all day so chasing her is a waste of time. Aspect Of The Cougar just changes her from human form in cougar form however a small note on it is that none of her abilities in cougar form cost mana so she usually cannot be chased out of lane by going out of mana.

General Build


AD Nidalee

Playing against AD Nidalee:

The more common way to build Nidalee in the top lane. The difference will be greater and more consistent damage output from her auto-attacks in human form and Javelin Toss / Takedown in cougar form. She can dish out a lot of damage in with this ability and it has a 5 second cooldown so she can use it pretty often. The lower your health gets the more damage it does to you.

So to counter this harass her and try to kill her as much as possible before level 6 with ganks and trades. Your early game damage is very high compared to hers so take advantage. Then when she hits 6 and can use her cougar form you need to use Riposte to stop Javelin Toss / Takedown. She will reflect the auto-attack move but the cooldown on Riposte is higher so make sure to use it when you need it the most.


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Match-ups: O-T

General Build



Playing against Olaf:

Olaf is a tier 1 top lane champion meaning that he is very powerful. This is rightfully justified as he can dish out amazing damage while taking in a lot of damage. His main damage comes from Reckless Swing which will do true damage to you. At max it will do 340 true damage to you while being on a 5 second cooldown. There is nothing you can do to stop it and not many champions can fight against it. Fiora is not one of those champions. Even if you manage to get your health back from Duelist he can just use Reckless Swing to hit you again.

Undertow allows Olaf to throw one of his axes and deal damage and slow you if you get hit. This ability does go through minions so you must dodge them by moving around. In top lane this skill is not maxed first normally but you can tell if it is if the damage on it increases without Olaf getting any items. This means he is maxing that over Reckless Swing which would be a good thing for you. Ragnarok makes Olaf immune to CC as well as giving him high boosts in armor and magic res. Very powerful ultimate. Berserker Rage makes Olaf a scary fighter when he gets low on health so be careful when fighting him low.

  • Undertow is Olaf's only ranged attack. Avoid getting hit by this as much as you can to avoid taking damage and to waste Olaf's mana.
  • The lower you get Olaf the stronger he gets thanks to Berserker Rage. Do not underestimate him when he is low.
  • Attack Olaf a lot before level 6 so that way he cannot dodge your team's CC with Ragnarok

General Build



Playing against Pantheon:

Pantheon is a very tough opponent for Fiora especially early-mid game. He can block her attacks and can poke her from afar all day. Spear Shot is Pantheon's main harassment skill. It is not a skill shot so you cannot block it even with Riposte. If maxed he will just poke you down all day. You can try to continue to hit minions to gain health back from your passive and make him go out of mana. This is best done by freezing your lane (keeping the minions as close to your tower as possible without them taking turret shots) and trying to farm there. From levels 1-3 however Pantheon cannot stand your early AD and you should take full advantage of this. With the new jungle you might be left more on your own from 1-3 so be wary of this.

Pantheon's combo will more than likely be Aegis of Zeonia to jump and stun you then use Heartseeker Strike. He will finish off with a Spear Shot and some auto attacks. This can be very deadly especially with jungler ganks so be cautious. If you find yourself getting behind in lane then nicely ask for ganks and some help. Pantheon falls off faster than you do so remember that. Lastly when he hits level 6 warn your teammates as Pantheon can use Grand Skyfall to make an entrance into a fight from a very far distance. Calling MIA when he is not in lane should also be done.

  • Probably one of the few match-ups that I would recommend put more than 1 point in Lunge in the early levels to put more pressure on him.
  • Aegis Protection will block one turret attack as well as an attack from you. Between hitting q + aa + q ++ aa at levels 1-3 Pantheon will not be able to handle it.
  • Early [Ninja Tabi]] and Chain Vest will help you greatly in this lane to handle early game Pantheon.


General Build



Playing against Renekton:

Renekton is an AD caster solo top champion that puts out burst damage and can get pretty tanky just like Riven. He runs on fury like Tryndamere and gains it by auto-attacking. Once he builds up his fury bar to 50% or higher he can use it on his next ability that will make it be a little bit stronger. For example if Ruthless Predator is used with 50% or more fury then it does a little more damage and doubles the stun duration. [{Renekton]] can clear creep waves very fast thanks to Cull the Meek while healing himself for 5% of the damage done. This can be used to push the wave to you for him to go gank other lanes as well as base.

Slice and Dice is a dash move that also deals damage to those in his path. The first dash is slice. If he hits a target he can dash again for dice. A very common combo for Renekton is to slice in and use Ruthless Predator on you to stun you then use Cull the Meek to do more damage and heal himself. Lastly he will Dice out. You can Riposte the damage from Ruthless Predator however you will still be stunned. This match-up will come down to skill level and jungler presence. You are both AD Casters who have a similar build so this is a relatively even match-up.

  • Do not dive Renekton while he has Dominus. If you do you can get killed pretty quickly.
  • Both of you are AD casters. This will come down to skill level of both of you and jungler presence.
  • Renekton runs on fury not mana so the only way to chase him out of lane is to get him low on health. Remember that.

General Build

Bonetooth Necklace



Playing against Rengar:


General Build



Playing against Riven:

Riven is a powerful AD caster who can dish out a lot of damage while being exceptionally tanky. She is quite the lane bully and will not be afraid to get in your face. I find these to be a pretty even match-up with player skill and jungler presence having a big factor in deciding this lane. I would recommend you take Ninja Tabi for boots if she gets too overwhelming. One thing you cannot do is let her roam freely to mid lane to get kills. The moment she gets ahead of you it will be tough to fight back.

Watch out for Ki Burst for great damage output and her stun. She can use Valor to dash to you and use Ki Burst to stun and damage you and use Broken Wings hop away unscathed. She can also swap Broken Wings and Valor to get to you and get away. She is a very mobile champion and has more mobility than you do. Lastly a good Riven will use Blade of the Exile as a finisher when you get low in fights. This would be the best time to use Blade Waltz to prevent her from using it.


General Build



Playing against Rumble:

This mechanized menace is a very powerful top lane and like Riven is a giant lane bully. He is an AP top so you will need Mercury's Treads and possibly an early Negatron Cloak if you are having problems. Also starting Crystalline Flask + Health Potions + Sight Ward is a great option. If you know you are facing Rumble (draft/ranked) it would also be wise to take the Greater Glyph of Magic Resist.

Electro-Harpoon will slow you and can hit you twice. However it can hit minions so stay behind your minions. If you do get slowed he will follow up by harassing you will Flamespitter. Then he will just float back with Scrap Shield. He will also gain movement speed when he shields himself so catching him will be tough if you are not quick enough. Do not get caught in The Equalizer. When he uses it use Blade Waltz to avoid taking damage and to try and cause Rumble to retreat.


General Build



Playing against Shen:

Shen is a great tank champion who is usually perma-banned in most elos. He becomes a tank yet can still dish out a surprising amount of damage for a tank. He is known for his global ultimate Stand United which allows Shen to teleport to any ally on the map and shield them. This allows any fight to be turned into the enemy favor. If a fight is breaking out in bottom lane 2v2 he can make it 3v2 by shielding the AD carry.

It is best to attack him in the early levels when he is the squishiest and has less points in Feint. Try to get after him early and get ahead of him. Early level Vorpal Blade also will not hurt as much and not be able to be thrown at you more often. Once he hits level 6 it will most likely just turn into a farm lane. If you know you are going against Shen you might want to take Teleport to counter his ultimate. Lastly avoid his Shadow Dash. He will use it when his jungler comes to taunt you and keep you from getting away.

  • You can take Teleport to counter Stand United. Otherwise make sure to announce when Shen hits level 6.
  • Watch out for Shadow Dash as it will taunt you and cause you to attack Shen leaving you greatly vulnerable to ganks. Save Flash for when the jungler appears.
  • Attack and go after Shen very early it will be your only chance to get some kills and to get ahead in this lane. Otherwise it will just turn into a farm off

General Build



Playing against Singed:

Singed is another one of Fiora's counters. A skilled Singed can absolutely bully Fiora around. If you try to go in and attack he can just turn on his Poison Trail and harm you while kiting around. If you do not go in he will just slow you with Mega Adhesive and Fling you backwards into his Poison Trail. If at all possibilities try to avoid this match-up as more than likely you will lose the lane. All Singed needs is to get Ninja Tabi and a Catalyst the Protector and you won't be able to kill him.

If you are stuck in this lane the best advice I can give is to try and get a level 2 or 3 gank from your jungler and get a first blood kill on Singed while he is not as tanky. Then for the rest of the laning phase do not try and fight him. You will most likely end up feeding or losing XP because you have to base. Singed will naturally push the lane. Because of this play a passive lane and farm underneath your tower. Get farm and get your items as quickly as possible. Make Singed stay pushed too far to leave him open for any ganks. Also try to get a gank from your jungler and your mid laner make it a 3v1 fight.

  • Avoid this match-up if possible.
  • Farm as best you can underneath your tower. Try to leave Singed as vulnerable for ganks as possible.
  • Once he gets Ninja Tabi and Catalyst the Protector do not try to fight him 1v1. You'll lose.

General Build



Playing against Teemo:

This little yordle is going to be a pain in your ***. He is not a counter to you but is annoying none the less. Teemo is a very squishy champion but is also ranged giving him an advantage over you in harassment. His Blinding Dart will blind you for a short duration however while blinded you will not be able to auto-attack which will diminish some of your damage and make Burst of Speed rather useless. Otherwise Teemo has no advantage over you. He has no sustain in lane you do.

After level 6 Teemo practically becomes ungankable thanks to his Noxious Traps. These little mushrooms will provide Teemo with vision right next to the shroom and will litter the bushes with them. He will know if someone comes to gank him if they hit his mushrooms. Therefore try to be creative with your ganks and if need be place some Vision Wards in the bushes so that way you can dispense your lane of the mushrooms. Other than that Teemo has a built in mini- Ghost in Move Quick he will use this to try and get away.



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Match-ups: U-Z

General Build



Playing against Vladimir:


General Build



Playing against Warwick:


General Build



Playing against Wukong:


General Build


Xin Zhao

Playing against Xin Zhao:


General Build



Playing against Yorick:


General Build



Playing against Zed:


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Special Thanks & Summary

Click here for the people who contributed to this guide!


A big thank you to all of you. Thanks to your up-votes this guide is now the Number 1 Fiora guide. Could not have done it without all of your votes and support!

Fiora is an awesome and extremely fun champion and is one that has the abilities to make herself known in every game she plays in. While some of her skills ( Blade Waltz, and Riposte) might take awhile to get the timing down once you do you will be a great asset to your team and have the ability to carry the game.

Like I said please try these builds and see what you think is right and wrong before making any comments. Again I would love to be the top rated guide for Fiora and if this guide is not worthy of it than please give me suggestions to fix it so that it might be. Thank you for reading this guide and hope you have many good games with Fiora to come!!!
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