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Top [Archived] Ye Olde Pantheon Top

Top [Archived] Ye Olde Pantheon Top

Updated on September 26, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Swuft Build Guide By Swuft 1691 57 9,654,326 Views 208 Comments
1691 57 9,654,326 Views 208 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Swuft Build Guide By Swuft Updated on September 26, 2019
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Pantheon
    Pantheon vs. Non-Tank
  • LoL Champion: Pantheon
    Pantheon vs. Tank/Offtank
  • LoL Champion: Pantheon


Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


1. A Brief Introduction

2. Pros & Cons

3. Rune Setup

4. Spell Choices

5. Skill Explanation

6. Build Paths
7. Laning Breakdown

8. Objective Strategy

9. Teamfights

10. Matchups

11. Hall of Fame

12. Conclusion
: Look for this icon throughout the guide! It will always be accompanied by interesting info!


Hello, and welcome to my Pantheon guide! My current summoner name is Swuft, and I've been playing Pantheon off and on since Season 2. I am currently ranked Diamond 5 in SoloQ, and I had a combined 65% winrate with Pantheon over the past 3 ranked seasons.

I credit Pantheon as being the one champion that helped me climb out of low silver/high bronze. This guide is intended to help others do the same. We all know what it feels like to be stuck at a certain rank, and I am confident that Pantheon can help get you over that hump and to the next level like he did for me!

Pantheon is a high damage AD Caster who specializes in skewering his opponents and snowballing fast. A high poke laning phase combined with strong engage helps make him one of the most oppressive and dangerous laning champions in the game.

Many people believe that Pantheon is best suited to the jungle, so you rarely see him top anymore. I disagree with this view wholeheartedly. In the toplane, Pantheon can completely dominate opponents and is great at stalling for your team's hyper-carries to get rolling. With high targeted poke, a stun and a semi-global ult, he is a fun champion to play and can help get you out of your Ranked losing slump or even carry you to the next division like he did for me.

In this guide, I will go over the 3 different builds I use on Pantheon and give you as much advice and insight about him as I can. Please select which you want to see at the very top left corner of the guide. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments!

: This guide won the prize for best Toplane Guide in the S7 Mobafire Guide Contest, a prize in the S6 ::Mobafire Guide Contest, and a prize for fantastic visuals in the S9 Mobafire Guide Contest as well! ::Thanks for all the support!

Like all champions, Pantheon has his strengths and weaknesses. Here are a few of the most notable pros and cons for the Unbreakable Spear.

The Good

+ Massive lane bully
+ Easy farming
+ Targetable stun
+ Great roaming with ult
+ Can snowball hard
+ Few counters in lane
Pantheon has very few hard counters in lane due to high, targetable ranged harass. He is a great pick against any champion that is slightly squishy or has a subpar early game, and punishes enemy mistakes hard. His poke is some of the best in the game, and if Pantheon gets a lead in lane he is oppressive to play against.

The Bad

- No innate sustain
- No reliable escape
- Relies on doing well in lane
- Relatively mana hungry
- Rough damage/tank tradeoff
Due to his lack of innate sustain, Pantheon relies greatly on avoiding ganks/bad trades to do well in lane. Because he doesn't have a reliable escape, however, he is very easily ganked. If you can't get ahead in lane, it is hard to catch back up.

The Ugly

Pantheon's greatest weakness is time, as his damage falls off quite a bit late game when everyone has armor. As shown in the graph, if a game continues past 35min you enter the Sad Zone and your % chance of winning drops dramatically. Simply put, end games quickly by snowballing your lane and then pushing objectives with your team.

: Although Pantheon falls off late game, he can still peel back for his own ADC! P.S. Old Urgot was the ugliest champion ever;sorry Urgod :3

With the recent rework, it is still unclear which Keystone will be optimal for Pantheon. My belief is that Conqueror will be the best, but it is possible Electrocute may remain as the go-to mastery page. Keep an eye on this section as time goes by, as it will likely be updated!

Your Runes choices should be dictated by the benefits the Keystone tree gives you. I.E. the Conqueror tree (Domination) gives you more sustained damage, while the Aftershock tree (Sorcery) gives you more survivability when you engage. Domination and Sorcery runes are shown as secondaries, respectively, but these are more flexible and can be adjusted to the enemy team compositions.

Conqueror is a great Keystone for Pantheon, as your empowered W gives you 4 stacks of it. Also gives nice true damage.
Triumph lets you heal off takedowns and stay alive longer in fights.
Legend: Tenacity gives you tenacity and allows you to stay active in fights
Coup de Grace helps you finish off enemies or steal kills, getting the snowball rolling

Taste of Blood gives you sustain in lane, letting you win trades you otherwise might not
Ravenous Hunter gives you a bit more sustain; can be swapped for Relentless Hunter for roams if needed.

Aftershock should be taken only if you are facing a hard lane matchup or if you need to scale as an engage offtank for your team mid-lategame.
Demolish can help you take down Turret Plating for extra early game gold.
Bone Plating lets you absorb poke in lane, giving a bit more survivability.
Overgrowth makes you more beefy lategame, and scales with your health items.

Absolute Focus helps your poke stick in lane and scales decently lategame.
Gathering Storm is the ultimate scaling rune, and gives you free AD as the game goes on.

Bonus stats can be changed according to matchups: armor for an AD toplane, MR for an AP toplane, HP for a poke toplane etc... Take 2 Adaptive Force and 1 HP if you are looking to maximize early pressure.

See the "Matchups" section for more specific information on runes for Pantheon's common opponents in the toplane. Expect this section to evolve over the next few months as people begin to figure out the newly reworked Pantheon!

Flash is a must have on almost every champion, and Pantheon is no exception. This summoner spell allows for escapes and engages alike, and will prove invaluable in every game. It can be used to get in range for the killing Comet Spear/engage or to make a, ahem, "flashy" escape over a wall. I'm so sorry.

I take always Ignite on Pantheon for one simple reason: he needs early kills. Since Grand Starfall is basically a Teleport, Ignite helps you cement or gain an early lead and snowball games. When combined with Corrupting Potion, Ignite can burn down health on enemies surprisingly fast.

Only take Teleport against hard counters of Pantheon, or against enemies who you need to follow when they roam from top. The new extended cooldown and channel duration of Teleport makes it even less desirable to use as, and should only be taken if you are a new Panth player. More details in the Matchups.

: Once you become more experienced with Pantheon, you will rarely use Teleport.

Order of Skills
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
0 Q W E Q Q R Q E Q E E E R W W R W W

On Pantheon it is imperative to max Comet Spear first, as it provides the greatest amount of harass and kill potential in the early/mid game with a 100% AD ratio. Since it has such a low cooldown, you will be whittling down the enemy's HP bar in no time.

Alternative Choices Level 1-3
Generally speaking you want to go Q>>W>>E in the first three levels as it allows for a Level 3 all in. If you can tell you won't be able to kill your opponent until Levels 4-6, however, you can go Q>>W>>Q then grab E later for maximum early poke.

If you get shoved into your turret before Level 3, consider taking Q>>E>>W to farm more easily under turret using Certain Death.

Why not grab R at Level 11?
By not putting a second point into your ultimate until Level 13, you are able to finish maxing out both Q & E. This gives you the greatest increase in damage output, as another point in your ultimate only results in a slightly increased range and slightly lower cooldown.
Ability Description

Mortal Will
After attacking or casting spells 5 times, Pantheon's next ability becomes Empowered. Empowered abilities are granted bonus effects/damage/range etc... The number of stacks on this passive is shown beneath your mana bar.

Mortal Will is Pantheon's passive. On paper it may not seem like much, but knowing which empowered spell to use at which times is critical to mastering Pantheon.

In lane it is not very difficult to activate this passive. Between poking with your Comet Spear and farming, it should be up most of the time. When you have this passive active and all abilities up, enemies will be unsure of what your next move is as you can disengage, engage or poke better than normal.

If you plan to engage or disengage at any point in the game, be aware of how many stacks (autos and spells) you will need to cast to activate this passive. If the enemy has an ability that registers as an auto attack, this can mean the difference between life or death in a fight.

Tips and Tricks
  • Keep track of how many stacks you need to activate this
  • Your Empowered W auto will stack this 3 times
Ability Description

Comet Spear
Tap/Hold: Pantheon thrusts/hurls his spear, dealing 75/115/155/195/235 (+100% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage.Damage increased to155/240/325/410/495 (+200% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage against targets below 25% HP. Range increased to 1000 units.

Damaged increased by 20 (+13/level) (+100%AD) and slows by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2.5sec.

Cooldown: 10/9.5/9/8.5/8s
Cost: 45 mana all ranks

Comet Spear is Pantheon's poke and execution skill. This ability has great AD scaling, increased even more when empowered against low health targets, and slows when empowered. General practice is to max this skill first, for waveclear and poke.

In lane Comet Spear is devastating. Enemies will usually attempt to hide in minions to avoid this, as it does less damage after the first target. Make sure to punish them if they step outside the wave. DO NOT CHARGE THIS ABILITY. Using the charged version DOUBLES the cooldown, reducing your poke significantly. Wait for the enemy to go for CS then tap your Q on them at close range.

An Empowered Comet Spear does significantly more damage and will slow enemies hit. Stacking your passive and waiting to poke with an Empowered Q is the best use of your mana most of the time.

This ability has a low CD, which can cause you to run out of mana quickly if you're not careful. A general rule of thumb is spam it on enemies when you have an odd number of skill points in it (1,3,5). Learn the range of this ability, as you can queue the ability similar to an Ahri E now by using the Comet Spear > Flash to cancel the Q throwing animation and surprise execute unaware enemies.

Tips and Tricks
  • Q-Hold > Flash will cancel part of the throwing animation
  • Q-Tap reduces CD by half
  • Q-Hold is an execute when enemy is below 25% HP
  • Empowered Q slows enemy
  • Does less damage after first target
Ability Description

Shield Vault
Pantheon dashes to a target enemy enemy, dealing 60/80/100/120/140 (+100% Ability Power) physical damage and stunning them for 1 second.

After dashing, Pantheon's next auto strikes 3 times for 45% damage each. These hits apply on-hit effects and stack your passive.
Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9s
Cost: 55 mana all ranks

Shield Vault is a targeted stun, bringing some much needed CC to Pantheon's kit. In lane, this ability doubles as both your hard engage and hard disengage. It's most important use is stacking your passive and Conqueror when the Empowered version is used.

Be aware you can jump over any wall using this ability, provided you have vision of an enemy on the other side. You can also jump over walls onto jungle camps, making an escape.

As mentioned above, an Empowered W will cause your next auto attack to strike 3 times, applying on-hit effects for each strike. If you don't auto attack the target of your W, you will retain the empowered AA effect for a maximum of 4 seconds. The empowered AA will stack both your passive AND Conqueror, making it an extremely strong engage tool.

Tips and Tricks
  • Empowered W activates on-hit effects
  • Once you jump onto an enemy, you have no other escape
  • If grabbed by a Darius or Blitzcrank, stun them then run away
Ability Description

Aegis Assault
Cast in a direction for 1.5s. During that time, you are immune to damage from that direction and deal physical damage equal to 100% AD of your AD to all enemies in that direction. At the end of the duration or upon reactivation, deal 55/105/155/205/255 (+150%AD) in the same direction

Lasts 2.5s, and deals physical damage equal to 166.6% AD
Cooldown: 22/20.5/19/17.5/16s
Cost: 80 mana

Aegis Assault is a channeled ability that does damage in a cone infront of Pantheon. It also provides an avenue for escape from enemies or means of diving enemies under tower.

In lane, this ability has a hefty cooldown. Be careful and choose your opportunities to use it when an enemy attempts to burst you. Its damage early isn't that much considering its cooldown, so it is best used to negate enemy damage isntead. Late game, try and hit as many enemies with this as possible. This applies stacks of Black Cleaver's armor reduction, meaning you can quickly shred through an entire team's armor. If you use W>>E, the enemy will be unable to dodge most of your E's damage.

The damage immunity is a classic Riot overtune. 1.5-2.5 seconds of invulnerability blocks ALL DAMAGE, including tower shots, from a direction. This means a level 3 dive in toplane with your jungler guarantees a kill if you take tower aggro first. Expect this to be reduced to damage reduction, or a flat amount of damage blocked, in the future.

Tips and Tricks
  • You are invulnerable to all damage from a direction you choose
  • Take aggro under a turret for a free kill with your jungler
  • Reactivate quickly for a faster burst combo
  • Manage its long CD carefully
Ability Description

Grand Starfall
Pantheon begins channeling and, after 2 seconds, leaps into the air. He then blinks to the target location and plummets down 2.4 seconds later, crashing up to 5500 units away over a large area and dealing 300/500/700 (+100% Ability Power) magic damage to enemies in a line (down to 50% at the edges). Instantly readies your passive, Mortal Will.

Cooldown: 180/165/150s
Cost: 100 mana

Grand Starfall is a semi-global ultimate that is great for roaming to other lanes, contesting objectives or simply returning to your own lane. This is the ability that allows Pantheon to effect the entire game if he gets ahead.

In lane, this ability is useless. Unlike other Top champions Pantheon's ultimate cannot be used in combat, meaning his Level 6 powerspike is very weak. When you get this ability you should immediately look to roam Middle to try and get a kill. If you need to back after getting it, use it to return to lane and kill your laning opponent.

Late game, this ability can change the tide of fights. Use it to zone an enemy team away from an area, to initiate a fight or to get to a fight if one is already happening. Enemies will have to flee from the area or risk being chunked by the huge base magic damage. If a fight is already happening or the opposing team is already taking dragon/baron, use it directionally to end up in the enemy backline.

When aiming this, try to predict where the enemy will go, as it has a total cast time of 4.4 seconds (the landing zone is visible to the enemy for 2.4 seconds). Be aware this ultimate can be canceled by any form of hard CC, but YOU cannot cancel it once you start channeling.

Tips and Tricks
  • Ward the enemy jungle so you can ult to the enemy jungler if they appear with low HP
  • This uses lots of mana, so make sure you have enough mana to combo upon landing
  • Instantly readies your passive when used
  • If in a fight and the enemy has no CC, use this to escape
  • Yell "SPARTAAAAAA" when landing on the enemies' faces

: How well you use Grand Starfall can determine whether you win or lose a game!

Long Sword stands for an auto-attack.
Boots stand for movement.
Mortal Will + ability = Empowered ability.

For most combos, you will want your Q or W to be empowered. Empowered Q is a great way to poke or execute, Empowered W is a great way to engage, and Empowered E is a great way to disengage or dive.


Deny Combo

Tap -> ->

This is what you want to do whenever your enemy walks up to farm a minion. If you don't feel comfortable getting close enough to AA, just tap Comet Spear. Try to hit the enemy first with your Q, as it will do more damage

Hard Deny Combo

Tap -> -> -> Tap

Use this combo when you want to severely punish an enemy who is trying to get a creep. The final Q should be empowered with your passive and Conqueror.

Basic Panth Combo

-> -> -> ->

This is Pantheon's bread and butter combo. Use your Comet Spear before stunning the enemy, as after you use Aegis Assault it will be back up again. Make sure to AA between your Shield Vault and Aegis Assault, otherwise you could lose the chance of having your last Comet Spear critically strike.

Death From Above

-> -> -> -> ->

This is your ult combo. Position your ult to pass through as many enemies as possible and end up near the enemy carries (if you are ahead), then engage with the Basic Panth Combo. If the enemy is on the very edge of your ult when you land, do not try to walk up. Instead, immediately stun them to prevent escape.

Pantheon must sacrifice tank and survivability to reach his maximum potential as a champion. In both builds detailed below, I focus on items that will help you achieve this. That being said, to actually complete these builds and succeed you will most likely have to do well in lane. Here I provide two builds, one for when facing a non-tanky opponents in lane and another for facing tanky opponents in lane.

I will briefly mention some defensive items that are most useful on Pantheon. The rationale for these will be mostly explained in the Matchups section, however.

As Pantheon, a bursty AD Caster, you need several stats which are listed below in order of importance.

Attack Damage>>Armor Pen>>Cooldown Reduction>>Health

Building items with these statistics will allow you to do well in almost every situation. Although others can be purchased, you will not be playing Pantheon to his
full potential if you do so.

The items in this build path assume you are winning your lane, as Pantheon beats most champions in lane. For more detailed build paths, find your specific enemy laner in the Matchups section. Follow this build if you are facing a lane opponent who is not tanky.

Starting Items

Corrupting Potion
This is really the only viable starting item for Pantheon. Because you will be harassing the enemy so often with your abilities, you need the Mana Regen this item gives. Additionally, the burn damage active increases your poke nicely.

Warding Totem
Allows you to ward the river to prevent early ganks. Also allows you to ward lane brush, in case the enemy tries to hide in them to avoid your harass. Has a long cooldown early so be smart about its placement. Works on a charge system, storing up to 2 wards at a time.

First Buys

Serrated Dirk
This should be your first item in 99% of games. It gives decent AD and good ARP, and provides a large damage spike for you. Ideally you will be able to buy this on your first back (1100g); if not, get 2x Long Sword instead.

Boots of Speed
Buy these on your first back if you have 300g left after Dirk, or just whenever you have the extra gold. Pantheon has the highest base MS in the game, so you can afford to delay buying these for a bit. If you do buy them early, don't feel obligate to upgrade them right away.

Control Ward
At 75g, this is an item you should buy whenever possible. When placed in the river brushes, it allows you to see incoming ganks easily. It also disables nearby enemy wards, which clears a path for your own jungler to gank.

Core Items

Youmuu's Ghostblade
Building out of your early Serrated Dirk, Youmuu's gives a huge powerspike with its CDR, AD and Lethality. This should be bought as your first full item if ahead or the enemy is not buying armor. The active is also very useful for chasing down enemies.

Edge of Night
This is an all around good item for Pantheon. Build as your 2nd or 3rd main item: 2nd if ahead and they have a spell you want to dodge, 3rd if against a tanky laner. The active, a temporary Banshee's Veil, allows you to completely negate the first spell that hits you when active. This is great against targets with one hard CC ability ( Vayne, Xerath etc..) and allows you to stick to them much better.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity
These are your first choice of boots. They allow you to spam your skills even more, and combined with Cleaver and Youmuu's they give you 40% CDR. Only get other boots in specific situations, such as Mercury's Treads against high CC/high AP teams or Ninja Tabi against high AD teams. If you plan on buying Maw or Duskblade, make sure you buy other Tier 2 boots as you will have too much CDR.

Guardian Angel
Now that GA gives AD, it is best to purchase as a third or fourth item (unless you need to absolutely hard carry late game). This means that you should only be getting it if really ahead, as the build path is not very beneficial to Pantheon. Since it no longer gives MR, you will also need to purchase either Merc Treads, Edge of Night or Maw at some point if the enemy has a AP threat.

Situational Items

Black Cleaver
Gives every stat Pantheon needs. The passive, which reduces armor when dealing physical damage to enemy, will allow you to shred through any armor the enemy might have mid game. Buy as your first full item, before Youmuu's, if your laning opponent is rushing armor and will be really tanky later.

Lord Dominik's Regards
This is an all around very strong item for Pantheon. Generally, this should be your 3rd or 4th buy if you are against a primarily squishy team. There are very few circumstances where you will not want to buy this in extended games.

Mortal Reminder
Similar to Lord Dominik's, but trades some of the % Armor Pen for heal reduction. Against high healing enemies ( Vladimir, Swain), grabbing an early Executioner's Calling and finishing this item later can be useful. Heal reduction is applied off ALL physical damage, including your abilities. Buy this if the enemy has a dangerous sustain tank; otherwise, Lord Dominik's is better.

Maw of Malmortius
If an enemy mage is out of control or the entire enemy team is AP, get this item. The 10% CDR it gives allows you to replace Ionian Boots of Lucidity with Mercury's Treads and still hit 40% overall. Can buy an early Hexdrinker and finish this later.

Death's Dance
If you don't want to build Guardian Angel, pick this up. It gives lots of AD plus some sustain. The passive is also nice as it reduces the amount of burst you take and lets you survive a little bit longer in fights. Combined with Maw it makes you surprisingly hard to kill in fights.

Duskblade of Draktharr
With the changes to this item, it is a viable replacement for Youmuu's. The upfront burst from an auto can help execute enemies if you catch them by surprise from a bush. Get this if your opponent has very few movement abilities, or if you are going full glass cannon; otherwise, Youmuu's will still be better as it allows you to chase down your opponent.
: There are some more defensive items are listed in the Off/Tank Build Section!

The items in this build path assume you are winning your lane, as Pantheon beats most champions in lane. For more detailed build paths, find your specific enemy laner in the Matchups section. Follow this build if you are facing a lane opponent that is tanky.

Starting Items

Corrupting Potion
This is really the only viable starting item for Pantheon. Because you will be harassing the enemy so often with your abilities, you need the Mana Regen this item gives. Additionally, the burn damage active increases your poke nicely.

Warding Totem
Allows you to ward the river to prevent early ganks. Also allows you to ward lane brush, in case the enemy tries to hide in them to avoid your harass. Has a long cooldown early so be smart about its placement. Works on a charge system, storing up to 2 wards at a time.

First Buys

Serrated Dirk
This should be your first item in 99% of games. It gives decent AD and good ARP, and provides a large damage spike for you. Ideally you will be able to buy this on your first back (1100g); if not, get 2x Long Sword instead.

Boots of Speed
Buy these on your first back if you have 300g left after Dirk, or just whenever you have the extra gold. Pantheon has the highest base MS in the game, so you can afford to delay buying these for a bit. If you do buy them early, don't feel obligate to upgrade them right away.

Control Ward
At 75g, this is an item you should buy whenever possible. When placed in the river brushes, it allows you to see incoming ganks easily. It also disables nearby enemy wards, which clears a path for your own jungler to gank.

Core Items

Black Cleaver
Gives every stat Pantheon needs. The passive, which reduces armor when dealing physical damage to enemy, will allow you to shred through any armor the enemy might have mid game. Buy as your first full item, before Lord Dominik's, if you are even or behind in lane. This will ensure you have a strong mid game powerspike.

Lord Dominik's Regards
If you are able to kill the enemy laner early, rush Pickaxe into this after Serrated Dirk. Against champions with huge armor pools like Malphite and Rammus, this will keep an early snowball rolling. Be careful rushing this against Offtanks, however, as it will make you squishy and vulnerable to their damage.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity
These are your first choice of boots. They allow you to spam your skills even more, and combined with Cleaver and Youmuu's they give you 40% CDR. Only get other boots in specific situations, such as Mercury's Treads against high CC/high AP teams or Ninja Tabi against high AD teams. If you plan on buying Maw or Duskblade, make sure you buy other Tier 2 boots as you will have too much CDR.

Youmuu's Ghostblade
Building out of your early Serrated Dirk, Youmuu's gives a huge powerspike with its CDR, AD and Lethality. Against tanks this is a 2nd or 3rd item, providing more Lethality to keep shredding that armor.

Edge of Night
This is an all around good item for Pantheon. Build as your 2nd or 3rd main item; it gives Lethality, AD, HP and a good active. The active, a temporary Banshee's Veil, allows you to completely negate the first spell that hits you when active. This is fantastic against targets with one hard CC ability ( Vayne, Xerath etc..) and allows you to stick to them much better.

Defensive Options

Randuin's Omen
If the enemy ADC is ahead and building crit or the enemy team has Yasuo, this should be your tank item purchase. Although it gives less health than Deadman's, the reduced crit damage can be invaluable and it's active/AS slow passive is very nice too.

Dead Man's Plate
An "offensive-defensive" item. Gives a good amount of armor, and more HP than Randuin's. Its passive is also remarkably useful, as it increases your movement speed greatly over time and gives a slow on your next auto. Buy this if you need a bit of survivability in addition to increased roaming ability, and the enemy team is not building crit.

Guardian Angel
Now that GA gives AD, it is best to purchase as a third or fourth item (unless you need to absolutely hard carry late game). This means that you should only be getting it if really ahead, as the build path is not very beneficial to Pantheon. Since it no longer gives MR, you will also need to purchase either Merc Treads, Edge of Night or Maw at some point if the enemy has a AP threat.

Death's Dance
If you don't want to build Guardian Angel, pick this up. It gives lots of AD plus some sustain. The passive is also nice as it reduces the amount of burst you take and lets you survive a little bit longer in fights. Combined with Maw it makes you surprisingly hard to kill in fights.
: An early rush of Lord Dominik's Regards can help you win lanes against tanky opponents!

So you want to play Pantheon? Well you've made it this far, so don't turn back now! I said earlier that Pantheon can help you get out of your ranked losing slump; that is only true if you fully embrace him as a champion, from abs to spear to pizza feet. Oh, and don't forget the calves carved from rock. Never skip out on leg day.

Below is a breakdown of the most important aspects of laning as Pantheon. Master them all and you will succeed. First I'll go over some basic principles, including some detailed information on warding, then we can dive into a level-by-level breakdown of laning phase.

Pantheon is one of the, if not the, strongest laning champions in the game. In order to maximize the effect you have on a game, you must win lane and get kills early.

Having the right mindset going into each game is incredibly important, and honestly should be talked about in every guide. As a Pantheon player, however, you need more than just the standard positive attitude and all that blablabla. You are a motherf*cking Spartan. When you walk into the top-lane, that lane is YOURS.

It doesn't matter who you are against: during laning phase, YOU are in command of everything north of the Baron pit. Nothing happens unless you let it happen. Here are three easy steps to crushing your opponent in lane.

Step one for dominating as Pantheon is learning to deny the enemy farm in lane. Pantheon's kit and style rewards those who are super aggressive early in the game. Project this aura of aggressiveness into the game by constantly poking with your Comet Spear and just generally bullying your opponent in lane whenever possible.

Basically, every time there isn't a creep for you to last hit you need to be poking the enemy down or feinting like you're going to poke then back off. Make them scared to get near their creeps, and their farm will plummet.

When they do step up to farm, PUNISH THEM. This is easier against melee opponents, since you can stand back in your own wave and just Comet Spear them forever. Remember: this is YOUR LANE. They can't farm if you don't let them.

There are two possible outcomes if you correctly deny the enemy in lane. One, they come out of lane with dramatically reduced farm because they were zoned off the minion wave during laning phase. Win. Two, they die multiple times in lane because they continued farming as normal and ate all of your poke. Win.

Either way it goes, you should come out top. If there is one thing you should take away from all of this, it's "Stomp lane, win game". Building a strong lead early is critical.

: Using Comet Spear on an enemy champion will no longer draw minion aggro!

Step two for crushing your lane is demoralizing your opponent. What this amounts to, essentially, is making them feel useless in lane. A tilted enemy is an easy victory. If you have been correctly denying them farm in lane, this should be easy to do as they will already be behind in gold.

An essential component in the demoralization of your opponent is controlling the location of the minion wave in your lane. After the first two waves, which you want to shove as hard as possible so you can get Level 2 first, ONLY LAST HIT while your opponent is in your lane.

Good wave control freezes the lane in one place, preferably close to your tower. Your opponent won't be able to approach the minions without opening themselves to harass or a gank, while you will be safe from ganks yourself. This means easy farm for you and no farm for them. Yay!

If your opponent backs or dies and they don't have Teleport to get back to lane, look at the wave. If your minions are pushing,shove the wave to their turret. If it's pushing to you or frozen, back immediately so you can buy and return the same time as your opponent. An enemy minion wave with 3 more minions than your wave will shove to you slowly.

The other major component of demoralizing the enemy is emoting. It can be as simple as flashing your champion mastery emote after killing them or just spamming laugh while they are forced to stand helplessly away from the minion wave.

Yes this actually works and causes them to tilt more, and no I am definitely not telling you use this strategy; that would be disrespectful. I am simply alerting you to its effectiveness... Its extreme effectiveness...
: In Ranked, anything that helps you win and doesn't break the Summoner's Code is fair game.

Now that we have have denied our laner farm and demoralized them with wave control, it is time for the final step in the process of winning lane: destruction. As I mentioned earlier, you must play aggressively in lane if you want to win. Look to kill your opponent whenever possible and snowball your lane even more.

Once you've put your laner far behind, they will be looking for every opportunity to catch back up quickly. Often, this will mean calling for a gank. In order to snuff out all of their remaining hope, make sure to ward the river bushes. A Control Ward will help nicely here.

At this point if a jungler does happen to gank, you may be able to get a double kill. If you see an enemy jungler appear toplane, quickly decide whether you can fight. If you cannot, run back towards your turret. If you can, focus the squishier/lower HP one first and then deal with the other. At the very least, you will trade kills.

It is also important for you to spread the destruction top to other lanes. Look for opportunities to roam into mid, bottom or even the enemy jungle. By helping other lanes you can ensure they win their lanes too.

Be aware of who the enemy jungler is, too. Are they a farming jungle, or a ganking jungle? This will dictate how likely they are to help top once you begin stomping. If they appear to be ganking you a lot, temper your aggression if you cannot see them on the minimap or in another lane.

: Be sure to abuse the huge kill potential Ignite gives you. When it is up, you always win duels.

Warding is a very important and oft overlooked part of the game. A well warded lane can quite literally make the difference between life or death, so there is no excuse for you not to know how/where to ward.

In this brief section I will go over the two types of warding that occur in the top lane: Offensive and Defensive. Defensive wards mostly involve ensuring that an enemy jungler can't sneak up on you, while offensive wards give you an opportunity to contest objectives or invade the jungle.

The legends for each diagram is as follows:

Safe zone when you are on the Blue side, danger zone when you are on Red side.
Safe zone when you are on the Red side, danger zone when you are on Blue side.
Semi-Danger Zone for each side.
Range of vision for ward placement.

Defensive warding is meant to keep you safe from ganks, allowing you to play very aggressively in lane.

In the diagram to the right, you can see the three zones of safety. If you do not have the river brush warded, DO NOT go past the yellow zone unless you see the jungler in another lane. Ideally, no matter which side you are playing on (Red or Blue), you will have each brush warded 95% of the time. The easiest way to do this is purchase one Control Ward and place it in the brush furthest from your turret, using Stealth Ward to cover the closest brush.

If you can't/haven't bought a control ward, the general rule is toward the bush furthest from your tower and closest to the enemy jungle so use your Stealth Ward to do that.

: A Control Ward is only 75g! Don't be afraid to carry an extra if needed.

Offensive warding is meant to give your team opportunities to make picks on roaming enemy champions and the enemy jungler.

In the diagram to the right, you can see several possible warding spots in the Red side jungle. Usually it is only viable to ward these spots as a top laner once you have Farsight Alteration, which allows you to place a long distance ward, due to missing farm.

Placing offensive wards can be risky with Stealth Ward, as you must walk blindly into the enemy jungle to place it in the first place. Note that Farsight Alteration reveals less Fog of War than Warding Totem.

Make sure you have a Control Ward in one of the defensive ward locations if you go to place an offensive ward to ensure safety from ganks upon return.

In the diagram to the left, you can see several possible warding spots in the Blue side jungle. Usually it is only viable to ward these spots as a top laner once you have Farsight Alteration, which allows you to place a long distance ward, due to missing farm. Also shown on this map are ward locations around Baron Nashor which can be utilized to keep an eye on enemy movement through that area.

Note that you may also use Stealth Ward in the brush located within top lane. Only do this if the enemy is trying to dodge your harass by sitting in them.

: Farsight Alteration unlocks at Level 9. Don't forget to switch to it; it's free!

Pantheon is an extremely dominant and lane reliant champion. Of all top laners, he has arguably the strongest pre-level 6 harass and kill potential in the game.

Due to the need for a strong laning phase, I am going to provide an in-depth analysis of Pantheon's early levels. Everything you do should be aimed towards starting your snowball early on, which then transitions to getting your team snowballing after you get Grand Starfall.

This information is intended to be for laning phase in general. If you want information specific to a certain matchup, check out the Matchups section. Below "Level" tells which level the analysis is geared to, "Power" tells you what your strengths are, and "Analysis" provides more information.



Analysis and Advice


Poke: Ok
Engage: Low
Kill: Low
Since you start Corrupting Potion begin poking the enemy right away. Stop when around half your mana bar is gone, unless you want to use a potion, to ensure you have reasonable mana for Level 2.

If you last hit most of the first minion wave, you will hit Level 2 off the first melee minion from the second wave, so shove the wave as hard as you can with AA's early. This is one of the only times you want to push the minion wave.

Do not engage hard to get into extended trades; you want your health to be as high as possible for an all in Level 2-3. If the enemy is a ranged champion or also has high harass, duck in and out of the lane bushes as you last hit to avoid their poke.


Poke: Ok
Engage: Ok
Kill: High
When you hit Level 2, immediately determine whether or not using Shield Vault and engaging can get you the kill. If so, go in when you have your passive stacked and use Ignite. If not, pop a charge of Corrupting Potion, continue poking and wait for Level 3.

Begin slow pushing the wave. If the enemy jungler started at their top buff, they could gank you around 2:45-3:15 so ward up in the river. Use Corrupting whenever necessary, but save at least one charge for Level 3.

Continue to avoid hard engages. If they go onto you, stun them and kite away, using Comet Spear to punish if they try to CS. If they begin hiding in the lane brush while not farming, throw a ward in the one nearest to the minion wave so they can't hide.


Poke: Low
Engage: High
Kill: High
If the enemy is below half HP when you hit Level 3, pop Corrupting Potion and go in with everything. Most of the time this will result in a kill. If they aren't that low, poke a little and look for a chance to engage. Don't be afraid to flash for a kill if needed. DO NOT fight in a huge wave of their minions.

If your opponent tries to engage now, fight them. You should be able to win most trades with a full rotation of your abilities, but be aware that it will cost a lot of mana to do so. If you get ganked, look to kill the jungler if they are low otherwise run/flash away.

Since you will still only have 1 point in Comet Spear, your poke will be pretty bad this level so conserve mana if possible. Even if you force them to back and don't kill them it's a win, because when they get back you should have a level advantage. Continue slow pushing the wave.


Poke: Ok
Engage: Ok
Kill: High
With another point in Comet Spear your poke will pick up again. If you haven't gotten a kill yet keep harassing, denying and looking for the opportunity. Even if you blew Ignite for nothing earlier you can still get a kill.

If the enemy used their Flash already or they happen to overextend, go all in. Make sure to keep the river warded as the jungler could swing by at some point. If you can get a friendly jungle gank during this time it's basically a guaranteed kill.

If you are low from bad trades or harass, determine whether you can stay safely until Level 6. If not, go back because it's not worth giving up a kill. If you can, play a bit safer and farm.


Poke: High
Engage: High
Kill: High
If you somehow haven't gotten a kill yet, this is your chance. Your poke will be huge now, especially if the enemy hasn't backed yet, as Comet Spear gets a huge base damage boost with 3 points in it.

At this point, the enemy should have no potions left to use. This means every Q you land will be damage that is not healed. Play very aggressive and go for a kill; if you haven't gotten one already this is your last clear chance to snowball in lane.

If you are ahead and have kills/items already, deny the enemy farm harder than usual to delay them from getting Level 6 (usually their power spike).


Poke: High
Engage: Low
Kill: Low
90% of champions are able to out duel you once they hit Level 6, even if they are a bit behind. This is because they gain a combat skill at Level 6 and you don't. If you haven't gone back to base yet, do so immediately and look to Grand Starfall back into lane for a kill.

If you hit 6 after just returning to lane, instantly look to ult mid lane. Mages will be very squishy still, and most of the time this will end up being a kill for somebody on your team. Your poke will still hurt most laners, so focus more on that than hard engages until the enemy is low enough for an all-in kill.

If you are very far ahead in items, you can often force the enemy completely out of lane by freezing the minion wave. If you are far behind still look to roam, but call for a gank because you are going to need help at this point if you have no kills.

An important aspect of Pantheon's early levels is knowing how to trade with the enemy. In nearly all matchups, Pantheon has the advantage in trades early if you stay away and use your Comet Spear (poking/harassing). Where you can run into problems, however, is when the enemy wants to jump on to you and force fighting.

Champions like Renekton, for example, need to get close to do damage. You, on the other hand, never want to full engage unless you are certain you win trades or get a kill. If the enemy ever decides to jump on you, it is imperative that you stun them with Shield Vault and back off.

By using this strategy of "Poke-Poke-Run", you can whittle the enemy down until they are low enough to kill with a single all-in. It will also keep your healthy, allowing you to go for those all-ins without a risk of dying. An added bonus will be royally pissing off whoever you are playing against. Prepare yourself for the salt in All-Chat. Also, if you see one of the Honeyfruits spawn in the river (shown on minimap) go take it. It heals a lot of health and mana.

Even though Pantheon is not very good at taking towers, you should always try to take the enemy turret as soon as possible. Now that there is a Turret First Blood, you can get extra gold for being the first to take a tower. After the enemy's outer top turret goes down, look to roam into the other lanes and enemy jungle to shove objectives. Return top whenever you need to.

Fortunately, if you get far ahead in lane, you will be in a position to one combo both the enemy ADC and mage. This allows you to, for example, ult bot and get two kills then help your team take a dragon. Never forget that the enemy ADC is a walking money bag. Remember that you will fall off later, so do everything you can early to cement your teams lead. If you/your team is behind, still look to roam and snowball other lanes.

Choose to gank lanes where it will make the most difference. If your midlane is 0/3/0 and your ADC is 0/0/0, a gank bot has a better chance than of snowballing your team than a gank mid. Additionally, if you have the enemy jungle well warded, you can sit in a bush and wait for the enemy jungler to come along. This can work well if you have good vision and are smart about positioning.

The more you can invade other lanes, the more disruption you cause. The more disruption you cause, the more likely you can close out the game early. Just don't roam so much that your enemy laner catches back up.
You say Miss Fortune, I say MY fortune!

: You can also roam to contest objectives like dragon. Your ultimate is very good around the ::Dragon and Baron pits.

One thing that changes as you climb the ranked ladder is the focus on objectives. In lower elos, it is not uncommon to see a team blow a lead simply because they don't take those dragons or turrets. Plainly: objectives win games, not kills. You could be up 20 kills, but if you don't take towers or Dragons you can end up losing.

In this section, I will be talking about how you can help your team take these all-important objectives from the island that is top lane. I am talking about objectives before Teamfights because there are often opportunities to take them before people group up together.

Before you go to contest an objectives, ask yourself three questions. One, does my team have a reasonable chance of getting the objective? Two, does my team need my help to fight at or take said objective? Three, can I make it there in time to contest the objective? If the answer is yes to all three, go help.

Normal Spawn: 2:30
Elder Spawn: 35:00

Dragons are, in my opinion, the most important early objective in the game due to power each buff gives. After level 6, Pantheon is able to help contest drakes due to the range of his ult, so don't be afraid to help.

Be aware that if you go to Dragon your enemy laner may also come down, so if your team can't win a 5v5 it may be better to stay top. If you choose to stay top and your enemy laner has Teleport, watch for them trying to teleport to the drake and use Shield Vault to cancel it.

Good times to get a dragon include the enemy jungler being dead, enemy bot lane being dead or the enemy jungler appearing top lane. If you are ganked, let your team know they can take a dragon for free.

: Dragon types spawn randomly, and stack up to 3 times each. Killing Elder Drake gives TD burn ::and amplifies these buffs.

Spawn: 9:50
Despawn: 19:45

The Rift Herald grants a trinket that can be picked up once the Herald is slain. While in your inventory, the buff grants Enhanced Recall. If activated, the Rift Herald will be summoned after a few seconds of channeling. After the Rift Herald is summoned, it will attack minions in lane and charge at nearby enemy turrets doing true damage to them. This will continue until it is slain by the enemy team.

Although much different than the previous iterations of the Rift Herald buff, this buff allows Pantheon to easily take down turrets if he gets it. This can be used to either quickly shove toplane or pressure another lane, depending on where you summon it.

Look to take this buff every game, especially if you are ahead. Getting a gold lead through kills combined with the siege power the summoned Herald grants can quickly end games if your team groups and shoves. Ideally, summon the Herald in a lane the enemy will have trouble defending. This can net your team some easy gold by taking down a Tier 1/2 turret in a matter of seconds.

: Attacking the Herald from behind while its eye is open does a lot of bonus true damage to it!

Armor/Magic Resist: Varies
Health: Varies

Due to being an AD caster with rather low attack speed and mediocre base AD, Pantheon falls rather flat in the turret taking department. This being said, since you will be killing your opposing laner so often it is possible for you to take down the turret quickly.

With the new Turret Plating mechanic, you can double down on kill advantages by getting bonus gold if you are around the turret when a Plate breaks! Try to never miss this, as it's extra gold that can help you snowball. Just be aware of where the enemy jungler is if you decide to try and take one after getting a kill.

Always group up with your team, as that is how you will push the easiest as Pantheon. Additionally Lethality applies to turrets, so late game you will actually be able to take them down solo pretty fast. If you got really fed in lane, don't be afraid to stay and push top for a bit. If you draw more than one enemy top to stop your push, your team can easily take other objectives on the map (like Dragon!).

One strategy for taking down the first enemy top turret fast is getting your jungler to gank after you've made top waste their Teleport and/or Flash. After getting a kill off the gank, get your jungler to help you shove to tower and take it down quickly. Turret First Blood gives a nice bit of gold if you get it!

: Grand Starfall allows you to quickly join a fight in another lane if you are splitpushing!

Spawn: 20:00
Respawn: 7:00

This is objective becomes increasingly important as the game progresses. You must coordinate with your team to take this and always be sure you will get it if started. A bad Baron call can quickly bring the enemy team back into the game.

There are many circumstances that enable you to take Baron Nashor, but a few common ones include: 3 or more of enemy dead, 2 or more enemies in the botlane, all enemy inhibitors destroyed, all enemies at Drake, or no enemy wards around the pit. If the enemy tries to take it around mid game, do not commit suicide trying to steal it as you will just be able to defend.

Late game, there are some circumstances where you must contest Baron or lose the game. If this is the case try and get a ward in the Baron pit, then time Grand Starfall so that you land in the pit right before they take Baron. Your passive, Certain Death, allows for easy steals if the enemy jungler is lazy with smite.

: If you get the Baron buff, have your team group up and siege towers with your empowered ::minions.

One last thing to note is that enemy jungle camps display a timer a minute before they respawn. If you pay attention to the enemy jungler's movement on your minimap (or have an Offensive Ward!) you can predict when an enemy jungler will visit the camp. This gives you an opportunity to Grand Starfall on their face. Who doesn't want a free kill and a buff to boot!

Teamfighting with Pantheon is all about killing an enemy carry. As the game progresses, you should be analyzing the enemy team to determine the greatest threat. With my suggested builds, you should be able instantly take that threat out of the game. As the saying goes, "Death is the best form of CC". If you are not far ahead, however, your job shifts to protecting the person on your team who IS carrying. Pretty simple.

Below I will focus specifically on a few aspects of teamfighting that I think Pantheon players need to specifically pay attention. This includes role, basic positioning, and focus.

Pantheon fills one of two roles in teamfights, depending on how far ahead you are compared to the enemy team. You are either an assassin who goes straight for an enemy carry when the opportunity arises, or you are an bruiser who pumps out DPS with Comet Spear and peels for your carries.

To be able to pull off the assassin role, you must either be able to 100-0 the enemy ADC/Mage or be able to do enough to them that they can't re-enter the fight. Knowing whether or not you can do this will stem from how your fights earlier in the game have gone. Pay attention to whether or not certain enemies have Guardian Angel, as other targets may be easier to kill if they do.

If you can't assassinate a carry, protect yours because keeping them alive is how you win. You will still have lots of armor shred, so if an enemy tank charges you should be able to stall and hurt them a lot before they get to your carry. Simply stunning a charging enemy can give your carry enough time to reposition safely.

With max CDR, your stun will have a pretty low cooldown. If you have to peel for your carry, try and save your stun for the enemy that can do the most damage to your carry.
For example, stunning a Leona that has just ulted your ADC is less important than stunning the Talon running towards your ADC.

Unless you can make a free pick on an enemy caught out from their team, Pantheon works best if you stay behind your frontline tanks and infront of your backline ADC/Mage.

You should never be the one to engage fights (the exception is using your ult to cut the enemy escape off); instead, wait for your tanks to go in then make a beeline for the enemy carries.

By positioning in what is essentially the center of your team, you are able to decide whether it is best for you to engage on the enemy or peel back for your carries. By positioning like this, you give yourself the most flexibility and thus the best chance of reacting to whatever happens in the fight.

If a fight happens to break out and you aren't already with your team, be sure to use your ultimate Grand Starfall on the enemy backline to have the greatest impact possible. Remember, it's okay for you to die in fights (even if not preferable) if it helps your team win.

For example, going after the fed enemy ADC and forcing them to Heal/ Flash away from the fight can give your team time to kill the enemy frontline while the enemy backline is zoned away.

If you are able to fill the assassin role, you must assess who the greatest threat on the enemy team is that you are able to kill. Usually you want to go for the ADC or Mage as they do the most damage in fights.

Sometimes, however, it is best to focus targets of opportunity. If an enemy gets caught out, bursting them down fast then turning your focus to the enemy carries can quickly make the fight a 4v5 in your favor. Late game, stunning an enemy who is alone (with your team supporting you) is a kill 99% of the time.

Always be aware of what summoner spells the enemy carries have available. If the enemy ADC is more fed then the Mage but the Mage used his Flash in the last fight, it may be beneficial to focus the Mage first since you know they can't escape. Communicate with your team so that they know who you will be going to kill. Track GA/Zhonya cooldowns of enemies if possible.

If there is a really high priority threat on the enemy team who can kite you out, let your team engage before going for them. This will force the enemy to blow CC abilities on your teammates, allowing you to potentially get a full combo off on the enemy carry.

In this section I will go more in depth with which items I recommend in specific lanes. They are arranged in alphabetical order and hidden under the "Spoiler" tags to save space. I will assume you have basic knowledge of the other champions' abilities in order to keep the explanations as concise as possible.

Please refer to the top of the guide in the "Threats to Pantheon with this Build" area to see who I consider a tank. The guide should be opened by default to the Non-Tanks; you may switch to the Tanks by clicking the second icon at the very top left of this guide.


Thank you for your patience.

Matchups A-H

Matchups I-Q

Matchups R-Z

I personally think my guide is pretty helpful, but don't take my word for it! The proof is in the pudding. Here are some people who followed this guide to great success!

Thanks to Moltenhard for some Platinum 1 >> Diamond 5 stats!

Thanks to MBMx for the stats and the commendation!

Thanks to Patence! Look at those stats!

Thanks to BioBriefing! Great questions and comments. Keep up the good work!

Thanks to Theevo!

Thanks to Lambdacode for the comments and stats!
: If you want to see your stats here, drop a comment in the discussion section with some ::feedback and the picture link!

Congratulations! You have reached the end of my guide to playing Pantheon! Unfortunately, however, this is only the beginning of your journey. I have provided the foundation, but now it is up to you to continue learning and growing as a Pantheon player. To quote a certain champion:

"A true master is an eternal student."

If you have any comments/criticism please drop a note in the comments or send me a PM, and if you liked the guide please drop a +1! If you really want to help out, click the "Tip Author" button underneath the title at the very top of the page. It helps a lot!

Thank you to everyone who helped me with this guide along the way, including:
~jhoijhoi, for her "Guide on how to make a Guide"
~foxyriven for the coding guide.
~IceCreamy for a coding guide
~Everyone who left a review in the comments section
~Surrender@20 for ability images

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