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Viktor Build Guide by Daedralus

Middle [Season 8] The Glorious Evolution Taking Place

Middle [Season 8] The Glorious Evolution Taking Place

Updated on October 12, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Daedralus Build Guide By Daedralus 231 18 4,619,712 Views 121 Comments
231 18 4,619,712 Views 121 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Daedralus Viktor Build Guide By Daedralus Updated on October 12, 2018
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Hello fellow summoners and welcome to my Viktor guide! I have been preparing this guide for some time now and have worked hard on it. Please note that this is technically my first guide so don't go too hard on me :). All feedback is very much appreciated as I will take them to note to improve my guide even more! Leave this out for a while and let me introduce myself! My name is Daedralus and I am currently in Platinum Tier! I have been playing Viktor for quite some time now and climbed the SoloQ ladder with him! Here is my guide with the hopes of it being the first detailed guide for the reworked Viktor!
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+ Insane Burst Damage, AoE
+ AoE Stun
+ Godly at Farming and Tower Defending(explained later)
+ Gains AP Per Level With Passive, Out-Scaling All Other Mages
+ Can Evolve All 4 Abilities and Gain Very Useful Buffs
+ Death Ray has no cast time which means it can be casted while running for surprise turn-around bursts
- Mana Hungry
- Squishy, Can be Bursted Down
- Lacks Mobility
- CC Hurts Viktor a Lot
- Hard to Master
- Missing Skill Shots Will Hurt
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Very Short Summary

I have decided to make this chapter in case that you do not really want to scroll and read the whole thing. First, who is Viktor? Although some might say he is an easy to play champion, I truly disagree. Positioning, timing and accuracy of your spell casts are all very important, as 3 out of 4 of your abilities do have a cast time, which means you can die or get stunned before being able to cast them. This is why you must know your limits while playing Viktor and never dive in head first while chasing someone for example, as you are prone to turn-arounds as much as you can do them yourself.

Laning Phase Trading

With Siphon Power, you have a strong advantage versus melee opponents. During laning phase, if you have take the advantage by doing Auto Attack> Siphon Power>Empowered Auto Attack, and afterwards, instead of the normal auto attack, Death Ray either initially or after the Siphon Power combo. I recommend using Death Ray after as it has range, which means you will most likely be able to hit your opponent even after they use any sort of blink or jump.

Handling Ganks:

When the enemy jungler comes for a gank, you should use Gravity Field in a way, that blocks their path so that if they keep running towards you, they will get stunned. If both champions can jump on you, you might also want to consider waiting for them to do so, so that you can stun them both since they made the mistake of clumping together on top of you. If thats the case and both get stunned, and you see that it is possible to kill them, Death Ray + Chaos Storm + Siphon Power should possibly scare them to start running away, of course if they don't die in this process =)


When it comes to itemisation, you must know that not all games require the same items. Which means, you should build according to your game. If you are against a healing champion, you should go Morellonomicon, Zhonya's Hourglass for heavy burst champions, Rylai's Crystal Scepter to slow down enemies for a higher chance for a double hit from your Death Ray and etc. So the best build really depends on your team and the enemy team and how to synergise with your team, while countering theirs.

Rest of the Game

After the laning phase is over, and even during this time, you should try to aid other lanes to get more kills. Viktor is strong and all when he can hit every skill, but if he misses any important skill at a critical time, he is likely to die as he won't have anything available for quite some time. I honestly think Chaos Storm should have a lower cool down as compared to other mages, it really isn't that available. So try your best to get fed. If you get 1-2 kills, you will be doing decent damage. But get a triple at bot with a counter gank, and the game can be over there and then. As Viktor, if you get a full item ahead of your opponent, you will be out-damaging them really hard. With that said, that is pretty much what you should do in summary. Check the individual chapters for more detail in each phase and more!
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Detailed Patch 6.9 Update!

Skip this chapter if you feel comfortable with Viktor since his rework as I only explain in detail what has changed with him and everything that has changed in his builds and play styles with it!
Spoiler: Click to view
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Since Viktor got a rework on his Q, Siphon Power, he now deals extra damage on his next auto attack. From this reason, Lich Bane is now officially viable from my point of view. However, we will still max our Death Ray first as its our real damage and has range. [
You don’t really have much of an option since you cannot sell it. Besides, why would you want to sell it? This item is epic. Pay 1000 gold and get an upgrade whenever you can! I personally get it at late mid-game but this item can be bought in flexible time periods. Just don't forget it is one of your primary major items!
This item, in the past wouldn’t be that viable for Viktor. Now with Siphon Power’s passive effect, the additional damage from Lich Bane is now definitely viable. Other than its burst potential, it also gives mana and some movement speed which also helps Viktor’s down sides a bit more. Get this item straight after Hex Core MK-1
This item is going to be your item to buy later on. Now as you get +6 AP per level, Rabadon's Deathcap excels at giving an out-scale potential.
Another important item as of the 120AP it gives and the passive that will save your life time to time. Those pesky Zed's can get quite annoying…
If you have read my old guide, you know what Im going to say here. Magic Penetration is very important for Viktor as it will allow Death Ray to annihilate your enemies easier.
Movement speed + magic penetration. Perfect for Viktor.
Covers some mobility issues and strengthens Death Ray. Don't forget Viktor is all about the Death Ray as first damage output!
Not the item I would pick if Im going good but if your falling behind a caster, this item is to be your choice. The AP it gives, the mana regen, the cool-down reduction and its passive of giving 15% of mana back is amazing. But do note that if you prefer this item for mana, with the new hex core upgrades you get mana each time with the addition of Lich Bane. In the games I had so far, I actually lost my mana issues from mid-game. Viktor rework has also balanced his mana!


Are you fighting against a pesky Dr. Mundo? Does your opponent have heal? Well with this item, you can prevent those pesky healers as of Soraka also quite very annoying with this item. Grevious wounds isn't all! You also get 80 AP, 20% CDR for Death Ray spam house and mana regeneration! Isn't it awesome? Yes this item is quite good on Viktor but prefer to my example full build items if you are not facing champions that can heal or regenerate massively.
The new item... Is it good? Yes! With Lich Bane's passive move speed and your boots, as well as the Alacrity enchantment if you have it, this item can bring you decent amounts of move speed. Adding masteries and stuff and blah blah blah... but on to the point. 120 AP is definitely awesome on Viktor. The more damage you can deal with Death Ray, the more help you can do for your team. Now here comes the passive. If you can manage to pull off a 4 man Chaos Storm or a Death Ray, while having the passive explode on their faces will deal insane damage. Overall, I think that Luden's Tempest might even be better for Viktor compared to Deathfire Grasp as it can have much more power to Viktor's burst as well as turning it to an AoE burst.
After recent updates and changes, I have found this to be the most viable item for Viktor after his timer changes. This item will help you slow down enemies so that you can hit the following waves of Death Ray and Chaos Storm much easier as well as slow down enemies furthermore to increase the chance of stunning someone in your Gravity Field. Overall, this item is perfect as it allows Viktor to reach his full capability by slowing down enemies to bring the rest of his abilities on. Later, when you upgrade your hex core a second time for Siphon Power upgrade, you will now be slowing down your enemies with the initial cast and gain move speed. It is actually pretty broken in terms of chasing people as you can constantly slow them down and gain speed for yourself. THIS ITEM IS A MUST BUY FIRST!!
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Now this section is a bit tougher since these runes are new for me as well. But from what I have read for each rune, I chose the ones at the top of my guide due to the following reasons:

: Think of this as the old thunderlords. The combo remains the same where Q+AA+E easily procs this and can also be easily done level 1 with AA+Q+AA.

: Only viable choice among the 3 options in this line. The health restoration is definitely a bonus and will help you stay in lane longer.

: More AP always helps. Compared to the ward options, I believe this is more reliable as Viktor should go for his late-game steam-rolling power scale.

: I take this quite literally only for Zhonya's Hourglass. Viktor has high cool downs and this 2.5 seconds can be critical for turn arounds. It is preferable to have this item ready more often.

: Very useful as it further increases Death Ray poke damage, making it worth casting every time.

: One of my biggest complaints with this champ is his ult. Luckily, this brings your ult CD to around 40 seconds at level 16 which is amazing!

: Free CDR when your build doesn't really go for 45% which is great! More lasers!

: Viktor already scales from passive, so why not even more! Also gives more of a reason to get rabadon!

: Reduced CD on everything means useful things sooner!

: Save money on boots and have it for even better stats! How great is that?

Other options are of course quite viable, but until further testing, I am sticking to these for now.

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There are 4 Summoner Spells that are truly viable to Viktor. Flash, Teleport, Ignite and Barrier.
Your gonna take it. You lack mobility and will need to have better escaping potentials. Can also be used for surprise engages on the enemy lamer but make sure they don't have their Flash or any other kind of escape ability up! In about all your match-ups, Ignite here will be your buddy to combo with Chaos Storm and augment: aftershock's passive towards Death Ray. Other than that, you might want to use it on champions that can heal them selves so you can prevent some healing and use Death Ray after its cool down for the kill! This is my personal preference and I use this spell almost every game. However, if you are not used to playing Viktor, I will recommend you pick Ignite instead of this spell for better kill potential. As a mage, teleporting into the wrong spot can lead to an instant death so you must be aware of how much damage you can deal and take in very short times and bursts to be able to do better Teleport plays and even backdoors. (Yes Viktor can xPeke easily with a Lich Bane build)
Whenever you face a champion that can burst you down very fast like Zed, Syndra or Fizz, that is the only time you are to take Barrier. It will save your life and give you enough time to kill them as their abilities are now on cool down!
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Skill Sequence

Before we go into a bit more detail into the skill sequence, you must know that Viktor is to be played based upon Death Ray. Some people intend to max Siphon Power however I will tell you why this is a mistake soon.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
This is me talking to newer summoners towards Viktor. First of all, you should know he's a mage. This means he will be squishy throughout the game, but will deal insane damage. So it is always wise not to get near enemy champions, but rather use Death Ray as it can be cast from safe distances. Maxing it doesn't only give an advantage of range but damage as well increases a lot, making it easier to kill and clear waves with a single blow. Other than that, I always augment my Death Ray first. I recommend this to everyone since with a double hit to anyone pretty much in the early phase of the game will do serious amounts of damage to them. This will allow you to burst them down later on and that is where your Siphon Power would go in. Before that, allow me to begin Siphon Power from the beginning. It has perhaps the same range as your auto attacks so it is not very safe in the means of range and might get you killed for coming too near the enemies.

This is one of the reasons not to rely on Siphon Power as well as the fact that you won't be able to hit your empowered auto attack all the time. So this ability is quite a gamble and thus better left to early harassing and farming but opening the spot for Death Ray to do the safe damage. Once your enemy is low enough for you to kill, that is when you actually would prefer to run to them just to cast this ability then to follow up with your other spells. I hope you understand why your Death Ray is superior over Siphon Power now even with a 1-2 second longer cool down. Another important thing to also mention is the amount of targets. I left this to last so its remembered more but think about it. One Death Ray can take out a whole wave and possibly hit an enemy champion if positioned well. While Siphon Power can only focus one target so it can only kill up to 2 targets with the help of its passive next empowered auto attack. So basically Death Ray if used correctly can dish out huge advantages to both harassing/killing the enemy as well as farming at the SAME TIME! Read the next chapter: How To Use Lazer Correctly for more information on proper usage examples on Death Ray.
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How To Use Lazer Correctly

During laning phase, you will need your mana many times. So I will talk about 3 very important things of how you should use your Death Ray properly. I will add videos whenever I can but I do not have a recording device so I still have to figure out a way to record my games. I do promise they will be here soon!

Firstly, you should try and aim Death Ray off the enemy minions so even if you do not hit the enemy, Death Ray will kill those minions granting guaranteed gold, XP and mana back with Doran's Ring's passive.

Second of all, don't just walk to your opponent and use Death Ray. That is so totally predictable. Cast it rather when your faking to go a bit back or going sideways to ward or something.

Last of all, try to bluff your intention of using Death Ray to make it seem like if your going to farm. Go ahead and aim for the minions. Your enemy will eventually come to farm and that is when you are to start Death Ray of your OWN minion that your enemy has TARGETED. This about always gets me a hit on them.
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Upgrading Your Hex Core

As I have mentioned before, with the new Viktor you can upgrade Prototype Hex Core 3 times for 1,000gold each to gain more AP, mana and more AP per level. You also get the passive of being able to upgrade one of your skills. Siphon Power, Gravity Field or Death Ray. Chaos Storm is upgraded automatically upon upgrading all the other spells unlike Kha'Zix which you can only upgrade 3 of his skills excluding the hunt quest rewards.
Now here is where it is important that you clearly have to understand. Viktor is still the Viktor it used to be. His primary damage source is still Death Ray and it is still the ability we will be focusing on. So when you get Hex Core MK-1, upgrade your Death Ray for the still amazing passive you get that fires of an almost instant explosion that can deal 40% more of the damage you already dealt if the laser hit before. If it didn't, you basically get another go at hitting the laser which I must say happened to me during my games. Now your Death Ray has more damage and besides, the unique passives of your other spells are rather utility things now and do not surpass the damage of Death Ray's upgrade.Afterwards get Hex Core MK-2 and upgrade your Siphon Power with it. You don't get any extra damage, but with the speed boost you will be able to run and chase enemies by simply using the ability on them or even a minion to get away safely. Your last upgrade when you get the Perfect Hex Core is to be on Gravity Field. Its passive is to send any stunned unit to the center which isn't super helpful. It just allows you to hit all the units inside and doesn't grant any other extra effect. That is the sequence of Glorious Evolution; Death Ray > Siphon Power > Gravity Field & Chaos Storm automatically.
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Fights in Jungle

Fights in the jungle are quite the same. I just want to mention what you do differently is how you place your Gravity Field. If you place it correctly on narrow places, the enemy has no chance to pass the stun and will either wait it out, or just risk the stun. There is also a proper way for baron nashor and dragon. If you throw down your Gravity Field at the entrance of the monsters, melee champions and even possibly ranged champions that were standing there will be caught or simply stuck inside where the monster is for 4 seconds. This can be used to your advantage if the monster was already provoked, dealing damage to the enemy for you! On the other hand, Chaos Storm is more important here as well. Since the enemy is automatically clumped, try to hit as many targets at the first burst then mark the ADC or APC of whoever is a bigger threat. Death Ray again, try to hit as many enemies you can but focus on the bigger threat.
Some spots to throw in your gravity field:
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It is very important to ward! It is not just Viktor but everyone should ward for the sake of the game going in your tides. Keep both sides of the river warded if you can but buy a pink ward whenever you have enough money and place it on either dragon or baron nashor's side.
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Farming and Early Game + Early Harassing

If you have followed my guide so far, you will deal 55 damage from your basic attacks as Viktor to minions. Whenever you see a minion fall below 55, that is when your gonna go in. This might seem like a super detail, but Im trying to give all the information, at least as much as I can to you guys.

On to laning phase, I must note that you can play aggressively as Viktor. While your farming, if you see that all the enemy creeps are high on health, take the advantage and throw Siphon Power with an auto attack to harass your opponent. They will end up using all their potions to make a future kill quite simple but don't play aggressive against certain champions that can kill you at level 1.
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First Back

For my gameplay of Viktor this part is very important. Whenever I play Viktor I try to get at least 1,000 gold before I back so I can get Hex Core MK-1. The reason this is so important is because the dominance it will give you. Just from this item you will start dealing a lot of damage with Death Ray since if you have read the previous parts you would of upgraded your Death Ray and know why. With just only 1,000 gold you can change the course of your whole lane so please do keep in mind this paragraph but do back if you are very low and risk an easy death. If you have more than 1,000 gold just grab Boots and some pots. If you are super fed and still have more than 700 gold these are your 3 options. Sorcerer's Shoes, Blasting Wand or Sheen if you have enough. If you cannot afford these, simply go for Sheen but never forget wards. Buy them whenever possible! That is an order!
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Ally and Enemy Jungler Ganks

I want to start with the ally jungler first. Anyone that can stun your enemy is perfect for you. Once they are stunned, all you have to do is combo with Gravity Field so this will either waste flash or result them to die of the incoming attacks of your ally and Death Ray, Siphon Power + auto attack and possibly Ignite.
For enemy banks however I must say that about all junglers are melee. Basically throw down your Gravity Field and stand in the middle if you have to. I do not really recommend staying there and dying afterwards but it will make it so that your enemies will try and doge the stun so with smart positioning, place this on their path then simply run away, hug your tower. Afterwards continue being Viktor and Death Ray troll-house!
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Until the end of the laning-phase and everyone starts to team up, your objectives is to get as many kills as you can off the opposing mid-laner. Now that you have more AP and your passive AP per level still continues to give you more and more AP, you will deal a lot of damage no matter what. If your opponent goes base and you have no reason to back, go bot lane or top lane. Roam even if your not that super at speed. Besides one hit from your laser means pretty much death for an ADC as being probably the squishiest in the team. You also have the element of surprise so with a simple combo of Death Ray, Chaos Storm and Siphon Power of whatever order that is more correct for you will get you the double kill. Just make sure you focus the ADC first as long as the support isn't on 1HP or something.
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Late-Game + Team-Fights

If people still think Viktor falls of late game, they are still wrong. Even with all those buffs if they really do think Viktor falls off, I have nothing to say. This is the real Viktor of late game.

The game is pretty much about team-fights now so I will now tell you what to do. Do not, ever go in front as you are squishy. Stay behind the team, your laser has enough range to get kills from there so don't worry about that. After a few deaths on the enemy team, that is when you can get closer for Siphon Power or other things. On the other hand just work on poking the enemy team with Death Ray, it will really help your team to have the enemy team lowered in HP. With the single win of a team-fight you will probably be able to take down inhibitors and towers and possibly an additional baron nashor.
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Unique Skills

This is a very important thing of Viktor that I must mention for it can be very useful. There will be times that your behind your enemy and will be shoved into your tower afraid of them diving in. Well in these times, work with your laser and take down the coming minion wave so they die before they can tank it. You can even put down Gravity Field to hold the front minions and get all the wave instead of 1-3 surviving the Death Ray. Although I would recommend keeping Gravity Field so when melee champions try and engage the tower, you can place it on them so they get stunned under your tower. However if the case is the opposite and your waiting to dive the enemy, constantly use Death Ray so the enemy falls a bit more back or some even die. It is just awesome how people will fear your Death Ray. Take advantage of it all the time!
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Important Changes After All Upgrades

It is important to mention that after you get your Perfect Hex Core your gameplay can
change a lot. Ill talk about every single ability and what you can do with them now.
Siphon Power, with its new upgrade now grants movement speed. So why just use it on champions? Make sure that you are aware of the fact that you can use this ability on minions and jungle monsters to gain the speed boost and run away or chase your enemy.
Gravity Field, with the new upgrade sends everyone to the middle (also procs Last Breath). On the other hand, if you know that you are about to stun multiple enemies, just wait for them to be dragged to the centre then use Death Ray as it should already be upgraded for its double damage, to many enemies.
Death Ray, with its upgrade now does a sequences explosion after usage. The explosion will deal 40% additional damage if the target was hit before. Means a lot of damage. After you upgrade this ability the way you use Death Ray has to change. From now and on, you should be trying to land the second blast as well and keep in mind, straight shots are easy to dodge. You now have to be more tricky and smart to land both forms of damage but even if you hit only one, don't be sad, its still a lot of damage that is to pay off later on or kill the person even. See How "How To Use Lazer Correctly" for further information for Death Ray usage.
Chaos Storm now travels 20% faster with the upgrade. So feel free to lock it on the target you wish to burst and if they manage to run away, Siphon Power something nearby as it has to be upgraded for Chaos Storm to be upgraded anyway. Use its speed boost to keep your Chaos Storm close so it goes fast and constantly strikes the target. Afterwards, if the target is still alive, you should be eventually able to catch them with a number of Siphon Power uses as its cool down is not that high in these levels which you have all upgrades.
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Penta-Kill With Reworked Viktor!

Here is some screenshots of my 3rd game as the reworked Viktor which I got a penta-kill!
Here is the match overview and chat of that game. See how people loved me for carrying? :D
The Penta-Kill on match history:
Match History version of the Penta-Kill which also clearly shows I was so close to Double Penta-Kill:
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Gameplay Footage

If I am to record some game plays in the future, I am going to add them all here but it won't be in the close future as I will be focusing on the other parts of my guide first.
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Match-up Informations

Now I will give out possible match-ups from viable mid lanes in alphabetical order. I am going to open new chapters so it will be easier to navigate from the top! Now then lets proceed to A!
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Ch-1 Electron Storm Grenade
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Guerilla warfare

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Your Success!

This is where Ill put your success scores and matches that you send me after using my guide. Please feel free to send any footage of you being successful with Viktor even if its one game! I will appreciate it a lot since it is also another way for me to see that this guide is working out!
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Well that is the end of my Viktor guide that I am still working on. I wanted to post my guide as soon as possible so you guys could check out all the things that the new Perfect Hex Core system does. Which I covered over with quite some detail. Well I hope you liked my guide and see it is successful for yourself too, please send me some of your success photos as I wish to use them on my guide. Thank your for that and all comment support in the future. I really am looking forward to some feedback as this is technically my first guide and I am willing to make my guide look much better. Well enough of that, Ill be editing my guide frequently so make sure you follow! Have a nice time with Viktor!
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Special Thanks

Since this is my first guide technically, I still had hard times remembering codes. So I want to thank jhoijhoi for the awesome guide that helped me so much and I will make sure to put the link at the end of this chapter.

I also want to thank my friend. His in-game username is Cptn Nolan and he helped me test a few things out!

Here you go:

Making a Guide by jhoijhoi

Other than that, feel free to add me in-game as well! I will be more than glad to answer your questions and even play with you as long as you are in the EUW server. My in-game name is also Daedralus, hope to see you soon!
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