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Kayle Build Guide by Bonkk

Top The Just and Righteous Kayle Guide

Top The Just and Righteous Kayle Guide

Updated on August 12, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bonkk Build Guide By Bonkk 27 1 83,611 Views 4 Comments
27 1 83,611 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bonkk Kayle Build Guide By Bonkk Updated on August 12, 2023
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Runes: Standard Runes

1 2 3 4 5 6
Lethal Tempo
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

The Just and Righteous Kayle Guide

By Bonkk

Greetings summoner!

I hope that you're doing well in your climb this season.

Welcome to my Kayle guide!

A short description of myself before we proceed with the guide. I am Bonkk. I play in the Philippine server, having downloaded and played league while we were stuck in the horror that is the Garena server.

I'm a fairly new player actually, having started playing during season 10. I'm a top/support player with Sion as my main as well as a variety of other support and mid champions.

You can search for my accounts in My username is: Bonkk, and TMG Gobu. I look forward to helping others improve their gameplay, while also improving myself along the way :)

I poured my heart and soul to doing this guide, so hopefully you’ll enjoy it.

“Each bullet is a piece of my soul, each shot is a piece of me.” -Khada Jhin

Kayle is a duo-role flex pick (top and mid) hybrid damage scaling hyper carry.

Her playstyle resembles a marksman, when building crit items, but becoming a late game battlemage when building AP.

She is flexible in her items and build paths, being able to build both AP and AD items.

The great thing about Kayle as a hypercarry is that compared to other late game carries she has a lot of utility to help the team in ways other than just damage. Other carries don't usually have as much utility considering the amount of damage she deals late game.

On her abilities, she has hybrid resistance shred, slow, heal, speed up, and a 2-3 second targeted invulnerability on her ultimate.

The only drawback to all this power and utility is her needing resources and time to scale up to reach that point. She has a really weak early game, basically a cannon minion, but has a really strong late game, arguably one of the best, to make up for her weakness early on.

+Very strong late game scaling
+Relatively easy to play
+Very high solo carrying potential
+Still has relevance even when behind, high utility champion
+Duo role flex pick
+Good waveclear by midgame
+Very strong level 1, one of the strongest in the game
+Flexible items builds and rune setups
+Very strong teamfighting
+Good splitpushing power
+Can play a supportive role in the team
+Deals hybrid damage
+Somewhat beefy and can tank a bit of damage (AP and AD bruiser build)
Kayle is a very strong solo queue champion, basically becoming a late game insurance for your team.

-Really weak early laning
-Gets bullied by strong early game champs
-Squishy (Crit and on-hit build)
-EXP and gold reliant
-Weak trading pre-6
-Melee form pre-6
-Many bad matchups early
-Player needs to be proficient in kiting
-Low impact in the early game(especially pre-6)
In order to balance her and prevent Kayle from becoming too overpowered, she is cursed with a very weak early game, having low damage and overall impact around the map and for the team.

Press The Attack/Lethal Tempo//Fleet Footwork

Lethal Tempo

The Standard on Kayle.

Lethal Tempo synergizes well with Kayle’s auto attack reliant playstyle and makes you a menace in extended fights.

This rune also scales the hardest out of all the other alternatives and gives the highest DPS boost. This is a pure offensive combat rune, so you have to play safe pre-6 when you’re weak since this keystone doesn’t offer any form of sustain or utility.

You are able to cheese the majority of top lane champions level 1 with this rune, as Kayle has one of the strongest 1v1 in the first level.

Another synergy this rune has with Kayle is with her passive Divine Ascent which is pretty much like a mini- Lethal Tempo on its own, granting ramping attack speed.

Press the Attack

Great alternative to Lethal Tempo.

Press the Attack actually used to be the standard on Kayle before the Lethal Tempo rework. But with the advent of the newly reworked adc items, Lethal Tempo became even more preferrable due to the attack speed those items grant which makes stacking Lethal Tempo very quick.

Press the Attack is an early game focused rune and makes you come online quicker, as your short trades are much stronger with this keystone equipped.

Once you become level 6 and ranged, you can bully melee champs pretty hard with this rune. For me this is a matchup dependent rune if I want to poke and bully my enemies early on.

You can double down on early game power to try and snowball by taking Press the Attack and building strong early game items like AD items such as Kraken Slayer or Blade of the Ruined King, or balance it out and go for late game power by building AP items and using the rune to make up for your lacking early game damage.

Fleet Footwork

Early game sustain and survivability keystone.

Take this rune against extremely difficult early game matchups, poke matchups, lane bullies or against champions that you can’t allow to give a lead to.

There’s no point in trying to scale for the late game if you can’t even reach the late game, and as such, Fleet Footwork is an amazing keystone to stop you from dying in lane and prevent your enemies from snowballing out of control.

The entire purpose of this rune is to make you stay alive to soak gold and exp for you to reach your level 11 and 16 power spikes safely.

Do take note though that you are sacrificing the damage that Press the Attack and Lethal Tempo offers in exchange for early game sustain.

This is like the opposite of Lethal Tempo, a purely offensive rune that offers no utility or sustain, whereas Fleet Footwork offers nearly no offensive stats but focuses on early game lane sustain.
Overheal Shield rune. Excess healing from your lifesteal items or your W Celestial Blessing becomes a small shield on top of your health instead. This is the hardest scaling rune out of the alternatives in the same line, since the shield amount in the early game is pretty miniscule, but can be noticeable in the mid-late game. Lifesteal items/ Legend: Bloodline is highly recommended to pair up with the overheal rune, since you need to be at max health for this rune to have any value.

Triumph Additional gold and a heal on every kill/assist. This rune would require you to have kill participation to have value, though it can come in clutch during very close fights where not having the rune would result in a death. This is the standard rune in this line, especially if you cannot reliably poke your enemies in order to proc Presence of Mind consistently.

Presence of Mind Mana sustain rune. This rune has a similar effect to a Doran's Ring mana regeneration effect. Poking enemies would give you a small boost in mana regeneration, and kills/assist result in a triumph effect, but instead of a heal, you get some mana back instead. This is a very good rune for laning as more mana=more heals on your W celestial blessing, as it eats up quite a bit of mana, and so having presence of mind allows you to stay in lane longer.
Legend: Alacrity Scaling attack speed rune. This is the standard in this line of runes as it boosts Kayle’s dps since Kayle is an auto attacker and additional attack speed is always appreciated, though can be substituted with Legend: Tenacity or Legend: Bloodline depending on what you need.

Legend: Tenacity Scaling anti-crowd control rune. Can be taken when the enemy has a lot of crowd control.

Legend: Bloodline Scaling lifesteal rune. When you don’t have any form of early sustain in your items, such as when building Nashor’s tooth into Guinsoo’s rageblade. This rune can be beneficial in those cases, since those items grant a ton of attack speed already so alacrity would be a bit redundant and the lifesteal this rune grants would be way better value. Also grants an additional 85 health when fully stacked.
Coup de Grace Additional damage on low health enemies. The standard in this line of runes, and you can never go wrong with it. Works well in conjunction with the missing health percentage damage on your E Starfire Spellblade.

Cut Down Anti-tank rune. Deal extra damage against enemies with higher HP than you. This can be a great rune when facing up against health stacking enemies and you yourself aren’t building much health

Last Stand Deal additional damage when you are on low health. This can be a good alternative rune if you have lifesteal/sustain and a bit of tankiness on your items and the enemy cannot burst you down to zero quickly enough to where you will be able to stay below 60% health but not die in order for the additional damage from the rune to kick in.

Phase Rush

Phase Rush

Take this rune against Nasus or other extremely difficult match up. Do a quick Q-AA-E combo whenever he uses his W Wither on you to proc Phase Rush and run away.
Manaflow Band For mana sustain to help alleviate some of Kayle's mana struggles in the laning phase.
Absolute Focus Additional damage while above 70% health. A greedy rune that requires you to stay healthy. Works the same way as the new Bloodthirster passive. Only take this rune if you have some form of lifesteal on your items and if there aren’t any enemies that can immediately burst you down to low HP, else this rune wouldn’t be active most of the time, thus being of less value.

Celerity Mobility rune. Additional movement speed from movement speed buffs. Synergizes really well with Kayle’s W Celestial Blessing and passive Divine Ascent’s zealous movement speed buff.
Gathering Storm Scaling adaptive forces rune. Infinite scaling rune that grants more AP/AD the longer the game goes on.

Manaflow Band

For mana sustain to help alleviate some of Kayle's mana struggles in the laning phase. If you haven't equipped Presence of Mind in the precision tree, Doran's Ring+ Manaflow Band is a good alternative.


Mobility rune. Additional movement speed from movement speed buffs. Synergizes really well with Kayle’s W Celestial Blessing and passive Divine Ascent’s zealous movement speed buff. This is a good secondary rune if you need the extra movement speed on your W Celestial Blessing.

Absolute Focus

Additional damage while above 70% health. A greedy rune that requires you to stay healthy. Works the same way as the new Bloodthirster passive. Only take this rune if you have some form of lifesteal on your items and if there aren’t any enemies that can immediately burst you down to low HP, else this rune wouldn’t be active most of the time, thus being of less value. This is a good secondary if you're going for on-hit or AD build, making you play like a glass cannon with very high damage but low survivability.

Gathering Storm

Scaling adaptive forces rune. Infinite scaling rune that grants more AP/AD the longer the game goes on.

Second Wind

Sustain rune. For HP regen against poke matchups. This rune in combination with Doran's Shield should make you survive most poke matchups.


Scaling defensive runes. Gives you flat and percentage armor and mr at 12 minutes. This is the standard secondary rune together with Overgrowth when your main rune is in the Precision tree, and especially gives more value with the AP build, granting you a lot of survivability to be able to dish out your damage. This rune makes you double down on delayed early power for stronger late game scaling.


Infinite scaling health rune. Default secondary rune along with Conditioning.


Anti-crowd control rune. This is like the tenacity version of the Last Stand rune, granting additional tenacity the lower your HP is. This rune also works well and synergizes with the Last Stand rune and is most suitable to builds with some form of survivability/lifesteal in order to not die at low health which is where the rune shines .

Legend: Alacrity

Attack speed rune. This is the standard in this line of runes as it boosts Kayle’s dps since Kayle is an auto attacker and additional attack speed is always appreciated, though can be substituted with Legend: Tenacity or Legend: Bloodline depending on what you need.

Legend: Tenacity

For tenacity to lessen the duration of CC. If you need tenacity and went with the Phase Rush primary rune then take this.

Legend: Bloodline

Scaling lifesteal rune. When you don’t have any form of early sustain in your items, such as when building Nashor's Tooth into Guinsoo's Rageblade. This rune can be beneficial in those cases, since those items grant a ton of attack speed already so alacrity would be a bit redundant and the lifesteal this rune grants would be way better value. Also grants an additional 85 health when fully stacked.

Coup de Grace

Additional damage on low health enemies. The standard in this line of runes, and you can never go wrong with it. Works well in conjunction with the missing health percentage damage on your E Starfire Spellblade.

Cut Down

Anti-tank rune. Deal extra damage against enemies with higher HP than you. This can be a great rune when facing up against health stacking enemies and you yourself aren’t building much health.

Last Stand

Deal additional damage when you are on low health. This can be a good alternative rune if you have lifesteal/sustain and a bit of tankiness on your items and the enemy cannot burst you down to zero quickly enough to where you will be able to stay below 60% health but not die in order for the additional damage from the rune to kick in.

Magical Footwear

Free boots at 12 minutes. Kills/assists reduce this timer. The magical footwear boots also give an extra 10 movement speed in comparison to regular boots. This is a good rune since it saves you 300 gold and you don’t really need the early movement speed from rushing boots early, unless of course the enemy has skillshots you need the movement speed to dodge with, in which case you shouldn’t be taking this rune.

Biscuit Delivery

Lane sustain rune. Very lane focused rune that gives you Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will at 2, 4 and 6 minutes into the game which works like a health+mana potion, though restoring more HP/mana the lower you are on HP/mana. This is a good rune when going for the inspiration tree secondary, as the biscuits can make you stay in lane longer, allowing you to soak more resources in order to scale to your power spikes faster.

The standard. A short ranged emergency blink on a 5 minute cooldown. Can be used to escape, chase, reposition or make flash ult plays. Take this spell in all games.
For map control and laning. This summoner spell makes laning more forgiving, as you can use it to go for a free recall whenever you get too low and can't fix the wave without dying. Teleport is also good for objective control and split pushing. This summoner can also be used to respond to a fight breaking out and you're too far to walk to the fight, though in the early game you would much rather stay in lane as Kayle to continue soaking up gold and EXP especially when you don’t have your ult Divine Judgment available, as your impact would be quite minimal unless it is a really close fight, or you do a clutch save using your ultimate Divine Judgment on an important carry. This is the most consistent summoner spell for Kayle.
Movement speed summoner. Duration extends for every kill/assist. This is good for extended mobility, allowing you to cover more distance over a longer period of time. This is more of a combat focused alternative in comparison to teleport.
For early game dueling and anti-heal. Can take in certain close matchups wherein the extra kill pressure from ignite can help turn the lane in your favour through early kills and pressure.

Divine Ascent

Mini lethal tempo. Grants additional attack speed for every auto attack up to a maximum of 5 stacks, in which you gain another effect, zealous. When at max stack you gain an additional 10% movement speed.

Additional effects:

Level 6: Arisen- Kayle becomes ranged. Gains about the same range as Lucian(525 range).

Note that you will gain ranged penalties on items (i.e. 9% current hp on-hit damage on Blade of the Ruined King instead of 12%), and Lethal Tempo auto attacks will only grant 1 stack now instead of 2.

Level 11: Aflame- At 5 stacks, your auto attacks launch an AoE wave together with your normal auto attacks and your E Starfire Spellblade active also becomes AoE.

Your AoE waves can also crit and has a separate chance of criting, meaning that sometimes when your auto attacks will crit, your waves won't, and sometimes when your waves crit, your normal auto attacks won't, though it is also possible for both to crit at the same time.

Level 16: Transcendent- You gain the permanent effects of 5 stack Kayle passive, granting AoE waves on your auto attacks and gain additional range and movement speed.

This is the biggest power spike for Kayle, and should be what you're aiming for in most games.

Radiant Blast


Kayle's main wave clearing ability pre-11.

This AoE ability slows and shreds armor and magic resist, making this a great opening ability when fighting.

This ability is probably the highest impact ability in skirmishes and fights early on into the game, especially pre-6, as you would mainly play for utility and play a more supportive role for your team in skirmishes due to your weak early game damage.

Celestial Blessing


Grants a heal and speed up for you and a select ally.

The heal and speed up from this ability becomes pretty significant once you have some AP items.

This ability is your main form of lane sustain in the early game, though be careful not to cast this ability too much, as it eats up quite a bit of mana.

Starfire Spellblade


Ability active empowers your next auto attack to grant extra damage based on the missing health percentage of the enemy.

Once level 11 this ability gets an upgrade and the active effect becomes AoE.

You can also use this ability on turrets to finish off enemies that you wouldn’t have been able to reach for a final hit to secure a kill, due to the AoE damage splashing on them when you E on the turret.

Divine Judgment


Kayle’s iconic ability.

Grants a 2.5 second target invulnerability, and deals AoE damage after the invulnerability duration.

Q max ability leveling sequence. This is a waveclear focused ability leveling, granting additional early damage to your Q radiant blast which is an AoE ability to help clear waves faster. This is usually recommended on crit build, on-hit build, or tanky AD build.

E max ability leveling sequence. This is a dueling focused ability leveling, focusing on maxing E for its on-hit damage passive and execute ability active. You would usually take this when going for an AP build,on-hit build, or when rushing Kraken Slayer first item.

A variation of the E max ability leveling sequence. This sequence gives a nice balance of both early waveclear and dueling power, putting 3 points into Q radiant blast, then maxing E starfire spellblade after level 6.

Make sure to set your abilities to quick cast in the settings. This will enable you to do combos more efficiently.


A simple and quick auto attack into E starfire spellblade auto attack reset. Can be used to proc Press the Attack or Phase Rush fast for a quick 3 hit combo.


Q-AA-E- Open up with Q Radiant Blast into an auto attack- E Starfire Spellblade auto attack reset. This is a quick 3 hit combo that can almost insta-proc Press the Attack for a strong short trade, or phase rush to run away from Nasus once he uses his Wither on you.


Open up with Q Radiant Blast to shred resistance, dealing more damage and slow enemies to prevent them from escaping the AoE damage from your ultimate Divine Judgment, then following up with an auto attack- E Starfire Spellblade auto attack reset for a full ability rotation combo.

This combo can be used when you're out of position/in the middle of the enemy team, using your R Divine Judgment to prevent the incoming damage the enemy would immediately use on you once they see you out of position in order to mitigate the maximum amount of damage.

The only drawback to this combo is that there is a small cast time on your Q Radiant Blast, so you can’t really afford to use this combo in every game or every situation depending on how much and how instantaneous the enemy’s crowd control is, so sometimes you have to go with the alternative of not using your Q Radiant Blast as the opening ability. You can also add in your W Celestial Blessing for the movement speed to chase enemies running away from your ultimate Divine Judgment AoE circle when the damage is about to drop.


If you aren’t able to open up with Q Radiant Blast like the combo above, or are unexpectedly out of position and got caught out, then this is the next most efficient alternative, using your R Divine Judgment first to mitigate the most damage when your enemies start to drop all their abilities on you, then using Q Radiant Blast once you’re able to cast spells and attacks while under the influence of your ultimate Divine Judgment, in order to slow and shred their resistance to further increase the damage you deal through your auto attacks, E Starfire Spellblade, and ultimate Divine Judgment AoE damage. You can also add in your W Celestial Blessing for the movement speed to chase enemies running away from your ultimate Divine Judgment AoE circle when the damage is about to drop.

R- Flash

Catch enemies by surprise with the Flash range extension on your ultimate. You can pull this off Flashing just when the AoE damage on your ultimate Divine Judgment drops, catching enemies off guard.

Guinsoo's Rageblade

Highest damage mythic item. Can be built on both AP, AD and on-hit Kayle. This item boosts the DPS of any Kayle build due to the massive amount of attack speed it grants, giving a total of 57% attack speed with full stack passive and applying on-hit effects twice every 3rd attack. Though do take note that while this item gives Kayle the highest damage out of all the mythic items, it does trade off survivability in exchange for the damage. This is a full offense no defense item, as it does not grant any form of survivability at all, basically making you a glass cannon which is why lifesteal items such as blade of the ruined king, bloodthirster, and immortal shieldbow is highly recommended. This is also the mythic to buy when going up against tanks. Blade of the Ruined King and Guinsoo's Rageblade should make you melt through tanks quite easily as Kayle, and if they are health stackers you can add in Lord Dominik's Regards for even more anti-tank power or Serylda's Grudge against more mobile champions.


Best well rounded AP mythic for Kayle. Offers AP, health, ability haste and omnivamp, all of which are stats that are beneficial to Kayle. The additional true damage on the passive also works well against champions building magic resist. This is the standard item for AP Kayle, and offers a nice balance of damage and survivability due to both the HP and omnivamp it grants, in contrast to Guinsoo's rageblade which is your other AP mythic option which focuses more on damage alone.

Trinity Force

Well rounded AD mythic item. This is the AD mythic to get when looking for a good balance of damage and survivability. This item gives health, ability haste, and a spellblade passive. You should also build this item if the enemy has a lot of burst damage that would normally do lethal damage if you instead went for a more damage-focused mythic item like guinsoo’s rageblade, as the health this item grants you makes you pretty beefy, in conjunction with the overgrowth+conditioning rune combo. Blade of the ruined king+trinity force is pretty much the AD equivalent of the Nashor’s tooth+riftmaker item combo.


Mobility crit mythic. The Kayleforce technology. This is a good crit item when you need the mobility via the Galeforce active when the enemies are slippery or if they have an important ability you need to dodge. This item offers good well rounded stats for a crit mythic and is a solid first item.

Infinity Edge

Big crit damage spike item. This is the equivalent to an AD/crit version of Rabadon’s Deathcap except that it’s a mythic. This item grants additional crit damage, which is the only item in the game to do so. Infinity edge offers damage and nothing else, no attack speed, ability haste or any form of survivability or sustain, so this can only really be a good buy as a 2nd item on crit Kayle.

Nashor's Tooth

Core item on AP Kayle and a good addition to on-hit Kayle. Provides nearly everything that Kayle needs in an item: Attack speed, AP, ability haste, and an additional AP on-hit effect on top of your E Starfire Spellblade. You’re building either this or Kraken Slayer as your first item on Kayle, as both are quite strong 1 item powerspike(though Kraken Slayer is arguably a stronger item rush especially when it comes to dueling and overall damage output early).

Rabadon's Deathcap

Highest damage item power spike on AP Kayle. Grants the highest amount of AP, and the item passive grants a percentage increase based on your total AP. Buy this if you need more damage and nothing else, as that’s pretty much the only thing this item offers, though there is a bit of an increase in healing as well due to your W celestial blessing scaling off of AP. 1v9 item. Highly recommended if you’re ahead, or if there aren't too many threats on the enemy that can burst you down fast.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter

Great item that offers AP, health, and a passive that slows enemies on all your abilities, and yes, that includes your AoE auto attacks. The rimfrost passive is amazing once you get your AoE auto attacks at level 11 with full stack passive, or permanent AoE attacks at level 16. And not only that, the 400 health it offers is pretty huge especially for an AP item, and the item is dirt cheap too. I highly recommend building this as 3rd item instead of Rabadon's Deathcap if you're really behind as Kayle, otherwise I would normally build this as my 4th item. Riftmaker in conjunction with Rylai's Crystal Scepter and conditioning+overgrowth runes will make you pretty durable and beefy. When the late game rolls around, you shouldn't fear getting one shot by assassins and should make you an extremely safe champion, coupled with your ultimate Divine judgment, W celestial blessing heal, and omnivamp from riftmaker. If you want even more safety and durability, buy Zhonya's Hourglass as your last item.

Lich Bane

Spellblade AP item. Grants a lot of pure offensive stats to Kayle along with a bit of ability haste and movement speed. The spellblade passive also synergizes well with Kayle, as she casts abilities in between her auto attacks allowing her to proc the spellblade passive pretty frequently.


Magic penetration anti-shield AP item. Also grants health. You're either getting this or Void Staff when the enemy is building magic resist. This item grants a bit of survivability with the 200HP it grants, and it is a better buy than Void Staff if the enemy has champions that has shields, causing the magic penetration from this item become stronger. This item also grants more flat AP than it's alternative, though Void Staff has more flat magic pen, and whichever one to buy depends on whether the enemies have shields and how much magic resist items they have.

Void Staff

Magic penetration item. Can be built as 3rd or 4th item if the enemy team is stacking a lot of magic resist. This is cheaper than your other magic penetration alternative Shadowflame. Void Staff can be better buy if you're simply after the magic pen for damage and can't really make use of Shadowflame's anti-shield passive and don't really need the extra health it grants.

Zhonya's Hourglass

Safety item. Offers good defensive stats for a mage item, and can be a good buy against an AD heavy enemy team comp. Stasis active can also save you and come in clutch in certain situations and allow for outplay potential.

Wit's End

Anti-magic AD item. This is Kayle's best magic resist item, due to both the on hit passive and the attack speed it grants, since your only other choice on Kayle is Banshee's Veil, which is an AP item but does not give synergize well with Kayle's kit the way Wit's End does. The extra movement speed after every auto attack is also very useful, further helping you kite and keep proper distance away from the enemies.

Kraken Slayer

AD crit/on-hit item. Offers very nice offensive stats: AD, crit, attack speed and a single target auto attack empowering passive that ramps up damage when attacking the same target. Very strong 1 item power spike, I would even say that this is the strongest first item for Kayle out of all the mythic and legendary item options. This item is very flexible due to the fact that it can be built on both AP and AD setups due to the hybrid scaling on the item’s passive. This item can allow Kayle to start fighting enemies on equal standing and have kill pressure(though it depends on the matchup) as early as level 6, which is very early for Kayle, especially in comparison with every other first item. Kraken slayer is a good addition to AP, crit, or on-hit builds, boosting your single target damage by a lot and making you spike really early if rushed.

Blade of the Ruined King

Anti-tank lifesteal AD item. Great first item for Kayle when going up against tanks, bruisers and other health stacking champions. The stats the item provides are very good overall and having it as a first item is really good due to the lifesteal which allows you to stay healthy in lane in order to further help you safely scale and farm. The movement speed steal also works very well on top of Kayle’s W celestial blessing movement speed buff and Q Radiant blast slow which makes kiting a tad bit easier and allows you to better space against opponents. Strong 1 item powerspike, allowing you to duel certain matchups.


Lifesteal crit AD item. Grants additional AD when you're above half health, basically a more forgiving Absolute focus effect, but on an item. This is your go-to lifesteal AD item when not building blade of the ruined king, but can be built together. This is a higher risk lifesteal item than immortal shieldbow, but more rewarding, as you gain additional damage when maintaining the 50% HP threshold for the passive. This is normally built as a 2nd/3rd or 4th item, as it does not grant attack speed.

Immortal Shieldbow

Lifesteal crit AD item. Anti-burst lifeline shield. This is like a poor man’s bloodthirster and can be built as a substitute when behind since this item is cheaper and safer than bloodthirster. This is also a much safer alternative to bloodthirster due to not requiring above 50% HP for the additional damage on passive, and the lifeline shield it grants which can save you from certain death against high burst damage enemies.

Statikk Shiv

Waveclear AD crit item. Offers well rounded offensive stats with the main selling point being the passive, which can nearly 1 shot the entire minion wave. This item is a double edged sword when rushing it, as the pushing power can work against you as it would be impossible to pull off a freeze with the energized passive perma 1-shotting the minion wave. I don’t really built this too often, as I don’t really find that Kayle struggles with waveclear, if I need extra waveclear power I would normally put 3 points into Q radiant blast or even max it first, which would be enough waveclear for me. The other AD items seem more suitable than statikk shiv on Kayle.

Phantom Dancer

Attack speed and movement speed crit AD item. Usually built as 2nd, 3rd or 4th, this item doesn't offer a lot of damage, but instead offers a lot of attack speed and movement speed which can complement your other higher damage dealing items. This is also a cheap item, so it can be built as a second item if your behind as crit Kayle.

Serylda's Grudge

AD Armor penetration item. This item provides good stats, though lacks attack speed(none of the armor pen items do).The one thing that is amazing about this item is the passive bitter cold, which works the same way as the slow from the Rylai’s Crystal scepter passive, slowing enemies on your abilities, which also works on your AoE auto attacks once you get 5 stack passive on level 11, or the permanent AoE auto attacks at level 16. You can pick this up as your 2nd, 3rd item or 4th item, as long as you are above level 11 in order to fully utilize the synergy between the item’s passive and your AoE auto attacks. This is like the AD equivalent of Rylai’s crystal scepter minus the 400 health. You’ll pretty much pierce through the enemy’s armor items with the armor pen this item provides alongside the hybrid resistance shred from your Q Radiant Blast.

Lord Dominik's Regards

Anti-tank armor penetration AD crit item. A good substitute for Serylda's grudge as an AD armor pen item when facing up against health stacking enemies. The Giant slayer passive works the same as the cut down rune, granting additional damage against enemies with higher max HP than you. Do not build health items when going for this item.


Movement speed item. Buy this on your first back if you’re against a champion with a lot of skillshots that are dodgeable by sidestepping, as the additional movement speed will help with dodging.

Plated Steelcaps

Armor and anti-auto attack boots. This is a good defensive boot to buy when facing up against heavy AD team comps. You can rush tier 2 boots early if you need the additional movement speed in order to kite or dodge important enemy skillshots. These boots have even more value against auto attack reliant enemies, such as marksmen due to the 12% reduced damage from auto attacks.

Mercury's Treads

Magic resist and tenacity boots. This is a good defensive boot to buy when facing up against heavy crowd control or AP team comps as the boots grant tenacity which reduces the duration of crow control inflicted on you. You can rush tier 2 boots early if you need the additional movement speed in order to kite or dodge important enemy skillshots.

Boots of Swiftness

Slow resist boots. Take this if the enemy comp has a lot of strong slows, and few hard CC, such as if the enemy has Ashe and Nasus, or if against mobile champions and you need the additional movement speed, as this boot grants 60 movement speed instead of 40 movement speed from the other tier 2 boots which can help you catch up or get away from other faster champions, or use the movement speed to help you side step and dodge abilities. You can rush tier 2 boots early if you need the additional movement speed in order to kite or dodge important enemy skillshots. These are also the cheapest boots.

Sorcerer's Shoes

Magic penetration boots. These boots give flat magic penetration. You can rush tier 2 boots early if you need the additional movement speed in order to kite or dodge important enemy skillshots. Can be a good buy against enemies that stack a lot of magic resist really early into the game when building AP, as this is realistically your only good magic penetration item that you can possibly get in the early game. You can think of these as damage boots.

Berserker's Greaves

Attack speed boots. The standard offensive boots for Kayle. You will be building these boots in most games, as attack speed is a very beneficial stat for Kayle, boosting your total damage output. You can rarely go wrong with these boots. You can rush these boots early if you need the additional movement speed in order to kite or dodge important enemy skillshots. These boots have the best synergy with Kayle's kit.

Doran's Ring

Offensive AP starter item. Offers AP, health, and mana regen. Choose between Doran's Ring , Doran's Shield or corrupting potion when looking for sustain in a starter item. You would want to take doran’s ring if YOU are able to occasionally poke/damage the enemy for the item’s mana regen passive. The item helps alleviate a bit of your mana problem due to the increased mana regen effect every time you poke/damage an enemy through your abilities or auto attacks. Doran’s ring also synergizes really well with presence of mind, as they both have similar mana regen effects, and with Kayle more mana=more health sustain, as you can convert the mana you gained into health via your W celestial blessing, which is really important on Kayle, as lane sustain is very important in order to safely scale up.

Doran's Shield

Defensive starter item. Offers health and health regeneration. Take this against difficult lane bullies and poke champs as you gain some HP back with the enhanced health regeneration on the item’s passive whenever you take some damage from enemy champions. This is really good against damage over time champions, such as Teemo and Cassiopeia. Second Wind and Doran's Shield should make you survive most lanes.

Corrupting Potion

Sustain/poke/mana regen starter item. This is an all around good starter item for Kayle, it's a great starter item if you want a good mix of both poke damage and sustain.

Doran's Blade

Offensive AD starter item. This is a good starting item if you aren’t in a super difficult match up and are able to fight the opponents. Doran’s blade offers AD, health and a small amount of omnivamp. This is also the item to buy if you are looking to cheese a level 1 fight as this is a good dueling item.

Long Sword

Offensive AD starter item. This a more greedy first item compared to the alternatives, as this only grants offensive stat and nothing else, though it makes you spike faster due to faster item completion if your first item builds off of a long sword.


Extra gold AD item. Take this if you’re in a lane where all you will be doing is farming. Cull start can be taken in difficult match ups where you can’t duel the enemy, reliably poke to proc doran’s ring mana regen, or if the enemy themselves don’t poke you much to proc doran’s shield health regen. This item also grants a tiny bit of sustain, granting 3 health per auto attack.

Dark Seal

Snowball item. Buy this against Sion or some other champs that die a lot, or if you're snowballing and winning lane hard. Can be upgraded to Mejai's Soulstealer if you're feeling greedy and are able to obtain and maintain the stacks. This item and Mejai's Soulstealer is a pretty safe item on AP Kayle, as you would be quite beefy, have a lot of sustain, and overall are very safe and unlikely to die and lose stacks.

Refillable Potion

Buy this whenever you have some odd 150 gold to spare, the earlier the better as it gives more value in the early game due to the champions having smaller health pools. You can't buy this item if Corrupting Potion is your starter item.

Blasting Wand

The most ideal first back item on AP Kayle/when rushing Nashor’s tooth. The flat 40 AP it grants helps you deal more damage and sustain through lane easier, as the additional AP also grants stronger heals via your W celestial blessing. Always buy this when you have 850 gold on your first back if you don't have any other specific counter items to build early on.

Fiendish Codex

Ability haste AP item. First back alternative to Blasting wand when recalling with 900 gold.

Recurve Bow

Attack speed component item. Good first back when recalling with 700gold. You are buying this for the attack speed, though the additional on-hit damage is also nice. Do not buy recurve bow+berserker greaves together on your first back if you recalled at around 1800 gold, as you would have a lot of attack speed but no flat damage stats to back it up, unless in situations where the additional movement speed from tier 2 boots is needed and recurve bow is the only thing you can afford.

Oblivion Orb

Anti-heal AP item. Good early purchase on your first back if your laning up against a champion with a lot of healing like Aatrox, Warwick, Fiora, etc…

Executioner's Calling

Anti-heal AD item. The AD alternative to oblivion orb if you’re going for an AD build path.


Mini Guinsoo's rageblade. Grants attack speed and damage on-hit effect. Build this as the first component item if you have spare 1200 gold when going for Guinsoo's rageblade. Also has a ramping attack speed passive, working similarly to Kayle’s passive divine ascent, and lethal tempo, granting additional attack speed for every auto attack up until a maximum of 3 stacks.

Vampiric Scepter

Lifesteal AD item. Best first buy when recalling with 900 gold and are building towards a blade of the ruined king first item, making you sustain and go through laning a bit easier.


Attack speed and AD item. Most ideal component item to buy first when building towards a kraken slayer or any other noonquiver-based legendary as first item.

Kircheis Shard

AD energizing item. This item grants you a mini fleet footwork passive, occasionally granting additional magic damage and healing you once you get full stacks on the item’s energized passive. You can stack up the energized passive by moving around and attacking. Kircheis shard is a nice early item that grants a bit of sustain and damage, and can be a good buy if you only have 700 gold when recalling, since sustain is very helpful for Kayle’s early laning.

Hearthbound Axe

AD, attack speed and movement speed item. Best overall component item for trinity force/phantom dancer. Grants very good overall offensive stats for Kayle and a passive that grants movement speed after every auto attack. When going for Trinity force first item, hearthbound axe is a great first buy, as it has more value early on, as Kayle would still be melee pre-6 and doesn’t get the ranged penalty on the passive movement speed buff on the item(20% movement speed for melee vs. 10% movement speed for ranged).

Which build should I choose?

Which build you choose depend on a few variables, and you must decide based on these factors: Your team comp and damage type, your enemy team comp and your enemy laner.
Here are my thoughts on each build and which items to build.

Ability Power

Kayle's most optimal build path if team has a good balance of mixed damage due to Kayle having stronger AP scaling that AD scaling.

Kayle Most Optimal Build(Full AP)

The standard and Kayle’s most iconic build.

This build path offers the highest damage in the late game, spiking way harder than any other builds at level 16.

AP offers better utility as the heal and movement speed buff from W Celestial Blessing scales off of AP.

The AP build also offers quite a bit of survivability due to the stronger heals and the AP items offering health ( Riftmaker, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Shadowflame), there’s also the option to buy Zhonya's Hourglass for an added layer of safety, which further adds to your beefiness and safety during the late game together with your ultimate Divine Judgment, omnivamp( Riftmaker), and the scaling rune combination of Conditioning+ Overgrowth.

If you want to exchange survivability for more damage, you swap out Riftmaker in exchange for Guinsoo's Rageblade, sacrificing survivability for higher damage output.

If you do decide to build Guinsoo's Rageblade, adding in a Blade of the Ruined King, Bloodthirster, or Immortal Shieldbow in your AP build isn't a bad idea, as you don't have the survivability(omnivamp and health) that Riftmaker would've granted you.

Attack Damage

There are 3 main ways to build AD Kayle.

There are 3 main ways to build AD Kayle, and all are viable build paths since Kayle is flexible and has hybrid scaling, so you are not limited by the confines of a single build path. Since Kayle is an auto attack centric champion, crit and on-hit builds are very strong on Kayle and have their own advantages in/against certain team comps. The AD builds also all spike in power way earlier than the AP build. The AD builds make you pretty strong in dueling post-6 with 1 item, whereas AP builds would require you 2-3 items to be noticeably stronger than a lot of the meta toplaners when going even.


Marksman build. You mainly rely on your auto attacks to deal the bulk of your damage.

This can be good if the enemy team doesn't have a lot of assassins that can quickly burst you down, as the crit build makes you extremely squishy since it basically turns you into a pseudo-marksman.

Crit build has pretty good early power, making you have kill pressure in as early as 1 item.

You can exchange Galeforce for Kraken Slayer if the enemy laner is immobile or if you need more dueling power in exchange for the mobility active of Galeforce.

You can also take any of the Last Whisper items ( Lord Dominik's Regards, Mortal Reminder, Serylda's Grudge) to build into armor penetration/anti-heal if needed.

Late game power is also pretty decent, but you are more reliant on your team's tanks to frontline for you.

Positioning is even more crucial with this build due to how squishy you are.

AD On-hit

Very high damage AD build.

This is the anti-tank alternative to the crit build if you the enemies have a lot of armor/health stackers and you need to provide attack damage on your team.

You're still a bit squishy with this build, but more durable than the crit build due to the early sustain and a small amount of resistances this build provides.

If the enemy doesn't have any magic damage, you can swap out Wit's End in exchange for an early Guardian Angel or Immortal Shieldbow for added survivability against AD champions.

You can also take Kraken Slayer first item if you don't need the anti-tank properties or lifesteal the Blade of the Ruined King provides early on, exchanging it for added early power.

Guinsoo's Rageblade can be delayed as a 3rd, or even 4th item depending on the situation of the game, but never buy it as a 1st item as it is too weak on its own, only providing some on-hit effects and attack speed.

Serylda's Grudge can be substituted for Lord Dominik's Regards if you are up against champions that build a lot of HP, or Mortal Reminder for champions with a lot of sustain.

Tanky AD

The tanky AD build also has its strengths, being a close AD alternative to the AP build which makes you a bit beefy just like its AP counterpart.

Blade of the Ruined King and Trinity Force item combination should be a close AD equivalent to Nashor's Tooth and Riftmaker.

This build path grants a lot of survivability and can be a good build if your team is lacking AD damage, but you also need the survivability the items grant, such as when facing off against a lot of assassins or burst damage champions.

If the enemy doesn't have any magic damage, you can swap out Wit's End in exchange for an early Guardian Angel or Immortal Shieldbow for added survivability against AD champions.

A slow push is used to slowly build up a big minion wave then crashing it all at once on the enemy.

This can be good for setting up kills, dives, roams, and recalls.

For diving, this will help in the sense that the minions will help you kill the enemies since there are multiple of them, and the enemy attacking you will make the minions take aggro against them, and in the early game minion auto attacks hurt. Trading 1 for 1 under the enemy’s tower with a big slow pushed minion wave also puts you really ahead, since both of you are even from killing each other, but you are denying the enemies a big amount of gold and experience due to the tower killing the minions without the presence of the enemy while you yourself aren’t losing much and the enemy minion wave will bounce back and push towards you once you arrive in lane, resulting in you gaining an advantage by having a minion wave advantage. Since slow push waves are big, the amount of resources you are denying is also big.

To execute a slow push, make sure to only last hit and make sure your wave has 1 more minion than the enemy minion wave.

After executing a slow push, your on a timer until the enemy minion wave reaches your tower and you start losing minions, though with a slow push you are given way more time than a fast pushed wave, due to the tower and enemy minions dealing with a larger quantity of your minions, so a slow push is good to pull off post-6 when you want to recall then walk to assist taking dragon.

A fast push/shove is basically as the name implies, pushing the wave as fast as possible.

You want to fast push the minion waves whenever the enemy recalled, roamed or died, so that you can deny them gold and experience while they're not there to collect it since the tower would be killing the minions without your them being there to last hit and soak the exp.

You also want to fast push if you yourself want to roam, ward or recall so you'd have ample time to come back to your lane without losing too many minions due to your tower killing them while you were away.

So you'd want to fast push when either you or your opponent laner is leaving the lane.

You can also use a fast push to break an enemy’s freeze by crashing your minions waves into their tower, preventing them from maintaining your wave’s 4 minion advantage needed to maintain a freeze.

Freezing occurs when you manipulate the minion wave to stay just outside the perimeter of your tower and maintain it there.

To execute a freeze, make sure that the enemy’s wave has 4 more minions than yours and only last hit the minions, do not mindlessly attack them.

When the wave is too big(i.e. Enemy wave has 5 or more extra minions) you can thin out the wave by killing the surplus minions.

For champions without killing or zoning pressure on you, especially without strong waveclear, freezing is superbly advantageous as they will be struggling to break your freeze, putting them in a dangerous position where they’ll be vulnerable to ganks, while putting you in a safe position that’s hard to gank.

As they attempt to last hit minions, you are protected by your tower and are free to harass and contest their CS.

You can maintain the freeze by always having the enemy's wave have 4 minions more than yours.

If you fail to maintain a freeze by having 4 extra enemy minions, this will turn your wave into a slow push, in which you can reset the wave by shoving it or slow pushing depending on the situation.

Kiting or orb walking, is a very important mechanic in the game that everyone should learn. It is not an ADC exclusive mechanic, even mages, bruisers and tanks can benefit very well from kiting.

This mechanic is most important on marksman champions, and Kayle having most of her damage come from auto attacks, kiting becomes a vital skill to have in order to maximize your damage output and survivability.

Let’s first start with our settings. Check your settings and see if you have any attack move or attack move click controls enabled, on default it should be set to A for your attack move and shift right click for attack move click.

You can set it to whatever you feel is a comfortable and quick hotkey, I see some people setting it to left click, and others to some other mouse button.

Learning to kite can increase your damage output, and make you survive better in fights, as standing still while auto attacking can make you a sitting duck for the enemy skillshots.

For the most optimal performance in ranked games, try to integrate kiting exercises routine to warm yourself before your first game of the day.

Below are some quick kiting warmups you can do while waiting in lane or while queueing up for a game:

Practice tool dummy

League of Kiting

Level 1

Kayle has one of the strongest dueling in the first level.

Some people might not know this, but you can cheese level 1 kills with Kayle in a lot of matchups.

Simply start E Starfire Spellblade and start auto attacking your enemies to death, then using the ability’s active to finish them off when they get low, as it is an execute ability dealing additional damage based on missing hp.

When done correctly, you can use this early level 1 strength to gain prio and control over the lane for the first 3 waves in order to set up a slow push for either a cheater recall or help your jungler with scuttle if you think it’ll be contested.

This is one of the only moments in Kayle’s laning phase wherein you have prio over the lane as after this you would just have to chill and play passively, farming safely under tower(preferably holding a freeze), just scaling up towards your powerspikes.

Level 2-5

Try to set up a slow push towards your enemies to pull off a cheater recall if the matchup isn't too incredibly difficult. Don't die trying to do this, but don't be afraid to take damage, as we'll be backing if we succesfully do a cheater recall.

To do this, we must only last hit the minions, but make sure that your minions wave has a small advantage over the enemy. Try to zone the enemies from your wave,again, do not be afraid, because if the enemies try to trade with you while you have a minion advantage in the early game, they will most likely lose that trade.

Once the third minion wave is about to arrive and meet, shove the wave and crash it to your opponent's turret as fast as posssible then recall. Buy any items from the cheater recall items list from above. Now you have a 1 item, and possibly health and mana advantage over your enemy laner.

After level 1, whether you've succesfully pulled off a slow push into a cheater recall or conceded lane, you'll still want to play passively in most matchups, focusing on just staying alive and taking what CS you can without getting chunked too hard. Nearly all toplane matchups have better level 2 & 3 powerspikes than Kayle. So your main goal for now is just to stay alive because dying would delay your scaling.

Level 6

Once you reach level 6 you become ranged.

At last, you finally start to feel like a champion again.

You have around the same range as Lucian, so with the ranged auto attacks you can start poking your enemy laner and even kite down immobile champions quite well, as you also have your Q Radiant Blast's slow and W Celestial Blessing's movement speed buff to help you lock on to and kite the target and maintain a safe distance.

You also unlock your ultimate Divine Judgment, which is a really strong ability especially when used on a win condition, ensuring their safety for around 2 seconds.

Level 9-14

When mid game comes around, and you should be around level 9 to level 11 by this time with your first item at the very least if you didn't int your lane, and towers should start falling now, whether thats your enemies' or your own, tier 1 towers should be gone by now, further opening the map up.

Always remember to keep your farm up and always look to CS or have something to do. Never stand idle while the game is going on, there is always something to do. Try not to force a coinflip fight if there are no objectives on the map, just focus on farming safely and CS'ing

At this point, you're aiming to hit your level 11 powerspike if you haven't yet, which is when you get your AoE auto attacks, so look to constantly get solo exp by sidelaning.

You can also start taking the enemy's jungle camps after shoving waves once you get level 11 which gives you your AoE auto attacks making taking jungle camps way faster, which further puts you ahead in farm while denying the enemy jungle resources.

Avoid needlessly grouping and sharing exp with your team, but do consider grouping when you see team fight angles whenever objectives are up and contested, especially if your team has a single fed carry or a win con which can make use of your lifesaving ultimate Divine Judgment.

But when you're team has surely no chance of winning a fight, and whether or not they are forcing it, you are way better off just continuing to farm in the sidelanes and split push, at least trading by gaining the minion waves and possibly towers, and jungle camps in exchange for losing dragon, and possibly a few teammate's deaths.

Do not forget to place down wards as much as possible and buy control wards. Try not to have 2 wards in your inventory at the same time unless you're planning to use it at the same time when an objective is spawning.

Level 15-18

You want to be more cautious in the late game since making mistakes at this point is even more punishing due to long death timers and objectives having an even bigger impact on the game.

During this time you should have, or be close to having your passive Divine Ascent's strongest form at level 16, which grants you longer range than your level 11 form, extra movement speed, semi-low ultimate Divine Judgment cooldown, and A LOT of damage regardless of your which build path you took.

Warding and having vision control is much more important in the late game, as having the knowledge and information of the enemies can literally change the tide of the game, and sometimes even decides the victors.

You also wanna pay extra attention to enemy's cooldowns during this part of the game because we want to exploit every and all points of weakness in the enemy to close the game out, and ability downtime is one of these windows of vulnerability.

Flash is an easy starting point if you haven't gotten used to tracking enemy's cooldown in your games yet. It is on a 5 minute cooldown with no Cosmic Insight rune.

Blue Side Starting Wards
Try doing a deep ward through enemy's krugs camp and placing a ward through there to see which side the enemy jungler started on. If it's too risky due to the high possibility of enemy jungler starting red, having strong level 1 like Lee Sin, or if you see them invading through topside, then better do a defensive ward on your junglers blue buff instead. A defensive ward is also suggested if against an invading jungler such as Kindred.
Red Side Starting Wards

You want to do a similar thing too when starting red side, but with this side you are less likely to do an offensive starting ward, as you don't have the krug camp ward trick in this side of the map. Again, watch out for invades and strong level 1 champions, and do a defensive ward if the threat is too high.

Control Ward Placements
Place control wards in areas in which it would survive the longest, or would spot a flank from an invis champion like Twitch and Evelynn. But look to replace it if there is an important objective coming up, such as in choke points and fog of war pockets.

Blue Side Offensive Wards

You want to place wards around these areas if you're: ahead, taken the enemy tower, even but with lane prio.
Blue Side Defensive Wards
Place wards around these areas if you're: behind, lost tower, even but with no lane prio, or if the enemies have strong ambush champions that sit around in bushes such as AD Sion, Gangplank and Rengar.

Red Side Offensive Wards

You want to place wards around these areas if you're: ahead, taken the enemy tower, even but with lane prio.
Red Side Defensive Wards
Place wards around these areas if you're: behind, lost tower, even but with no lane prio, or if the enemies have strong ambush champions that sit around in bushes such as AD Sion, Gangplank and Rengar.

In teamfights, Kayle usually plays behind the front lines, looking to dish out as much damage as possible, while providing utility and protection to the team. The way you play out teamfights is also dependent on which stage of the game you are at, as the amount of impact Kayle has on a teamfight at level 6 is way different than the amount of impact she has at level 11 as she scales very strongly with levels.

Early Game Teamfights

In the early game, you can’t really do much in regards to team fighting and skirmishes, you would much rather stay in lane and focus on farming. So while other top laners might teleport or walk to botside when first dragon spawns, most of the time you can’t match the impact they bring to the teamfight unless you do a really clutch ult, but most of the time you stay and take plates, waves and setting up the minion waves for your recall and when the enemy laner comes back, which is the more consistent play.

Mid Game Teamfights

When mid game comes around and you find yourself in a situation where you're grouped for a fight, play like an ADC and start attacking front to back. At this point of the game you're still quite squishy no matter the build, so be careful with your positioning and stay behind your tanks and frontliners, while avoiding getting caught by the enemy's tanks and frontliners' CC.

Take a quick read at the "ultimate usage" section for more information regarding how to use your ultimate in a teamfight, but basically you want to use it to mitigate as much damage as possible, instead of panic using it AFTER you get hit by the damage.

It is also in this stage wherein you will start to ult yourself instead of your allies now that you are transitioning into playing mostly for utility in the early game to be more on damage in the later stages of the mid game.

Mid game is like the transition stage for Kayle, where you will notice her spiking in power pretty hard during the later stages of the mid game and becoming really strong when nearing level 16.

Late Game Teamfights

Late game is where Kayle shines.

Teamfighting in this stage of the game, you have to play like both an ADC and an enchanter, as you have properties of both.

But even with the strength of late game on your side, you still can get caught pretty easily if you misposition, though it is more forgiving on Kayle due to your ultimate Divine Judgment's invulnerability.

Just like mid game you wanna play front to back like an ADC especially if you're going for the more squishier builds such as on-hit or crit.

The full AP build can allow you to play more aggressively forward, as you are tankier and have better sustain, though don't overdo it as you aren't a frontline tank that can soak up a ton of punishment.

How to use your ultimate?

Deciding who to use your ultimate on is a very important decision making skill when playing Kayle, as it is your most impactful ability and can sometimes singlehandedly win a teamfight when used correctly.

Knowing when, who, or how to use your ultimate is crucial. Kayle's ultimate Divine Judgment is a game changing team fighting ability, being able to protect a VIP target on your team by providing single target invulnerability.

The most optimal way to use your ultimate Divine Judgment is on a diving champion that really gets deep into the enemy team, as it gives both offensive and defensive value by mitigating a lot of the damage the diver might have received while also getting near the enemies for the AoE damage to reach them.

You want to use your ultimate Divine Judgment BEFORE the damage hits you/your ally. Try to think about the important abilities the enemy has before a teamfight starts and be ready to cast your ultimate Divine Judgment on whoever you want to protect just as their about to receive the damage.

Do not panic press R. Sometimes you just gotta die if it seems like using your ultimate Divine Judgment is not gonna save you, especially in the early stages of the game due to the long cooldown of the ability early on.

But ultimately(pun intended) it comes down to who’s fed on both teams. If your team’s ADC is ahead, and the enemy has a strong assassin who can easily burst them down, then you should prioritize protecting them, or whoever is the win condition is on your team.

But if it’s your bruiser jungle who’s really fed and is mostly self-reliant like Viego or Bel'Veth, then you should adjust accordingly and play for damage mitigation, using your ultimate Divine Judgment when your frontline engages and when the enemies are about to retaliate and drop all their abilities on them.

Objectives are high priority targets in the game that give you advantages in the form of gold, exp, vision, buffs, map control, and sieging power.

Securing these are usually much more important than the number of kills you get in a game, as teamfights and the general flow of the game revolve around contesting, trading, or fighting for these objectives.

When contesting objectives, you have to think about and consider various factors on the preparation and on the actual fighting. You have to ask yourself which of the teams is stronger in a teamfight/skirmish? Which team is stronger as of the moment? Who’ll be stronger later on? Should we contest this objective? Is it an even fight? Numbers advantage, or disadvantage? All of these and more, are deciding factors as to who wins and loses, and while you might not be able to think about all of these in the spur of the moment in your games, you should regularly practice it so that it becomes a habit so that it becomes second nature and you can very quickly decide whether it’s worth fighting or not.

Whenever your team wins in a teamfight, killed 3 or more enemies at the same time and are healthy enough or wiped the entire enemy team, look to take as many resources and objectives as possible.

Jungle Camps
Counter jungle as much as you can by the mid-game if possible, such as when the enemy jungler/top or both are dead, your super ahead, or if your jungler is looking to invade, as this not only gives you or your jungler additional farm, but also denies the enemy jungler resources.

Kayle can clear camps pretty fast once you become level 11 due to your AoE auto attack waves, so look to clear enemy topside camps once you fully shoved the minion wave up to their tier 2 tower, though beware that doing this is a lot riskier if you’re behind, but nevertheless still possible if you can sense when and where they’ll collapse on you(if at all).

Take an Oracle Lens to clear wards to make sure they don’t see you taking camps.

You can also take your jungler’s blue buff if neither your jungler or midlaner needs it, as Kayle can utilize the cooldown reduction and mana regen very well from the buff.

When you or your team killed 3 or more of the enemy in at the same time, or emerged victorious in a teamfight and there are no other objectives to take, look to shove all the waves then decide to either counter jungle or take towers depending your team’s tower taking speed and the enemy’s respawn timer.

Rift Scuttler
Rift scuttler is a very important objective early on, and as a toplaner, you should look to help your jungler contest and secure scuttle at around 3:30 if both junglers are pathing topside and will end up in a fight against scuttle, though be careful and know when to concede, such as when the enemy has very strong early game strength, as Kayle is pretty weak in the early levels.

Look to set up a slow push if you can, to force the enemy toplaner to choose between helping contest scuttle and lose a ton of minions, or stay in lane and give the enemy the numbers advantage.

If either one or both of the junglers are pathing bot, then there is no need to contest scuttle, simply cheater recall instead.

This objective not only helps in the sense that you’re helping your jungler gain gold and exp, but it also gives vision(!!!) and a small aoe movement speed buff which benefits everyone.

Later on in the game if your jungler isn’t taking the scuttle crab, take it yourself, as it is additional vision for your entire team which becomes all the more impactful the later the game goes on.

You and your team should look to take towers whenever you can, as this gives you gold and opens up the map to your team's side, allowing for better counter-jungling, deeper minion wave crashes, and more sidelane pressure.

Destroy this structure to make super minions spawn which can provide pressure to an enemy's lane without you being there.

Try not to take inhibitors down very early if you can't end the game or secure baron to end the game, since if the enemies have good wave clearing abilities, they can farm the super minions which provide more gold than regular minions, allowing them to possibly make a comeback.

Dragon is usually gonna be the first objective that both teams are gonna fight and contest over, as fights for rift scuttler happens way less due to the scuttle crab nerfs, splitting it into 2 small crabs in the early game instead of 1 regular sized scuttle.

Dragons give a permanent buff to you and your team, up to a maximum of 4 dragons secured, in which you gain the power of Dragon soul which gives a way stronger permanent buff, and gives your team periodic effects.

Rift Herald
Rift Herald is a very strong sieging objective.

Once you or your team secured herald, try to have it placed on the lane who benefits most from an open tower for easier roam set ups for them.

This usually goes to mid lane, to allow for better roams for the mid laner.

Try to ping off your jungler from placing it in your lane, as it makes it a bit more difficult to safely farm and scale up, because the enemies might force you to overextended and get collapsed on when going for minions deep into the enemies' side of the map.

Having the eye of the herald also gives you an empowered recall cutting down the recall time in half, so you might not want to drop Herald immediately so you can utilize this empowered recall.

Whenever you're dropping Herald to take towers and tower plates are still up, look to use it when the tower has 2 and 1/4 plates to ensure that the Herald crash can take the tower out, making her go to the next tower for another crash.

Dragon Soul
Provides a strong permanent buff to your team after securing 4 dragons.

The buffs you receive are stronger than the regular dragons and depending on which dragon soul, may provide healing, movement speed, resistances and shields, damage, or slows.

Elder Dragon
The win-teamfight buff.

Try forcing teamfights once you have this buff, due to the massive advantage in fights you gain after securing this dragon, as it grants true damage burn and 20% HP execute.

Baron Nashor
All around team buff.

Securing Baron Nashor grants your team AD/AP, empowered recall and buffs your minions.

The buffs are mostly used to help siege and take down towers and inhibitors with the help of the Baron-buffed minions. Try to group and force your way through towers as a team when you have Baron buff and are healthy enough to fight.

This is your end goal.

Destroy this and win the game.

K/D/A doesn't matter if you're not closing out games and ending, resulting in -24LP.

If you're playing to win, play to take objectives, with the Nexus being the highest objective of them all.

Champions that synergize well with Kayle are usually champions that can make really good use of her ultimate Divine Judgment, provide utility and boost Kayle's damage, or have strong early game power to make up for the team's weaker early due to the Kayle pick.


These are examples of champions that can provide crowd control, soak damage, and provide peel and protection to the team's carries.

These champions also are great at getting deep into the center of the enemies, making your ultimate Divine Judgment give amazing value to the fight for both its offensive uses(the AoE damage) and defensive uses(damage mitigation via targeted invulnerability).

These champions being the first ones in a fight are amazing at soaking up damage, and with the help of your ultimate Divine Judgment they are able to soak up even more damage, as they are usually the first targets in a teamfight and take the brunt of the damage of most of the enemies' abilities thrown out when a fight breaks out. (more information on how to use your ultimate on the "Ultimate Usage" section)

Outside of the synergy with your ultimate Divine Judgment, these champions also allow you to dish out your damage pretty safely with the help of the crowd control they grant and the damage they take for you, as Kayle plays similarly to mages and marksmen, positioning behind tanks.


These are utility champions that help Kayle and the team through shields, speed boosts, attack speed boosts, heals, crowd control, revives, etc...

These champions also help to protect and peel for your team so that you wouldn't need to waste your ultimate Divine Judgment off of one person's mistake or mispositioning, allowing you to save your ultimate Divine Judgment for another situation or fatal mistakes. Basically these enchanters grants you and your team another layer of safety on top of your ultimate Divine Judgment.

Enchanters can also support Kayle herself because you also benefit a lot from the attack speed, shields and heals these champions offer because let's not forget that you yourself also deal a lot of damage as a scaling hypercarry.

When building one of the tankier builds on Kayle, you can afford to play quite aggressively forward, especially when your enchanter supports are able to shield and heal you from a lot of damage, allowing for more aggressive positioning and making it more forgiving when you misposition, as they help give you more room in case of mistakes.

Squishy Carries

These are the high damage and carry potential champions just like Kayle who can really use the invulnerability her ultimate Divine Judgment offers, especially when facing off against assassin and other burst champions.

They are usually immobile, making them more dependent on their team for protection and have very low room for mistakes in case of mispositioning or getting caught out.

The invulnerability you offer can turn fights around when used on these champions to mitigate fatal damage, as they usually have high damage.

Early Game Junglers

Junglers with strong early power is really nice to have in order to make up for the weak early game your team is gonna have with picking Kayle, making your team comp have a good balance between early power and late game scaling.

These junglers are champions that are self-sufficient and doesn't need too much resources in the early game in order to have an impact on the map.


Aatrox the Darkin Blade
Overall difficulty: 4/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork/ Phase Rush
Suggested items: Berserker's Greaves/ Boots of Swiftness, Morellonomicon/ Mortal Reminder, Rylai's Crystal Scepter/ Serylda's Grudge, Zhonya's Hourglass
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q3, E-Q3, W-Q3, W-Q2-Q3

Akali, the Rogue Assassin
Overall difficulty: 4/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork/ Press the Attack/ Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Mercury's Treads/ Berserker's Greaves, Wit's End, Riftmaker/ Trinity Force
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Tip of Q (applies a slow), Q-AA, E-E2-AA-Q-AA, R-E-E2-AA-Q-AA, W-Q-AA (Q combos inside her twilight shroud)

Akshan, the Rogue Sentinel
Overall difficulty: 4/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork
Suggested items: Plated Steelcaps/ Berserker's Greaves, Zhonya's Hourglass, Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Wit's End
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q-AA-AA, Q-AA-E-AA,

Camille, the Steel Shadow
Overall difficulty: 3/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo/ Press the Attack
Suggested items: Plated Steelcaps/ Berserker's Greaves/ Boots of Swiftness, Guinsoo's Rageblade/ Galeforce, Rylai's Crystal Scepter/ Serylda's Grudge, Morellonomicon/ Mortal Reminder
Key Abilities and combos to beware of:AA-Q, Q2, E, W (Outer edge), R, E2-Flash, E2-W-AA-Q

Cho'Gath, the Terror of the Void
Overall difficulty: 3.5/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo/ Fleet Footwork/ Phase Rush
Suggested items: Mercury's Treads/ Boots of Swiftness, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Blade of the Ruined King, Lord Dominik's Regards, Wit's End
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q3, E-Q3, W-Q3, W-Q2-Q3

Darius, the Hand of Noxus
Overall difficulty: 2.5/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo/ Fleet Footwork
Suggested items: Boots of Swiftness/ Berserker's Greaves, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Blade of the Ruined King, Morellonomicon/ Mortal Reminder, Zhonya's Hourglass
Key Abilities and combos to beware of:Passive, Q (outer edge), AA-W, R, E-AA-W-Q-AA

Dr. Mundo, the Madman of Zaun
Overall difficulty: 2.5/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo, Second Wind
Suggested items: Doran's Shield, Boots of Swiftness/ Berserker's Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Morellonomicon/ Mortal Reminder, Wit's End, Lord Dominik's Regards
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q, E, R, AA-E

Fiora, the Grand Duelist
Overall difficulty: 2.5/5
Suggested runes: Press the Attack/ Fleet Footwork
Suggested items: Plated Steelcaps/ Berserker's Greaves, Morellonomicon/ Mortal Reminder, Nashor's Tooth, Guinsoo's Rageblade
Key Abilities and combos to beware of:Q poke, AA-E-AA, Q-AA-E-AA, W

Gangplank, the Saltwater Scourge
Overall difficulty: 2/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo/ Press the Attack, Second Wind
Suggested items: Doran's Shield, Berserker's Greaves/ Boots of Swiftness, Nashor's Tooth, Riftmaker, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Zhonya's Hourglass
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q poke, E-Q-E (ghost barrel), E-AA-E-Q

Garen, the Might of Demacia
Overall difficulty: 2/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Berserker's Greaves/ Boots of Swiftness, Blade of the Ruined King, Galeforce, Phantom Dancer, Lich Bane
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: AA-Q-E, AA-Q, E, R

Gnar, the Missing Link
Overall difficulty: 2.5/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Plated Steelcaps/ Berserker's Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Serylda's Grudge/ Lord Dominik's Regards, Zhonya's Hourglass
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: W-E-AA-Q, E-R, E-Flash

Gragas, the Rabble Rouser
Overall difficulty: 3.5/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork/ Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Mercury's Treads/ Boots of Swiftness, Wit's End, Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Mortal Reminder
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q3, E-Q3, W-Q3, W-Q2-Q3

Gwen, the Hallowed Seamstress
Overall difficulty: 4/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo/ Press the Attack
Suggested items: Mercury's Treads/ Berserker's Greaves, Wit's End, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Nashor's Tooth
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q, E-AA,

Heimerdinger, the ReveredInventor
Overall difficulty: 5/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork/ Press the Attack
Suggested items: Mercury's Treads/ Berserker's Greaves, Wit's End, Jak'Sho, The Protean, Force of Nature, Turbo Chemtank, Abyssal Mask, Anathema's Chains, Gargoyle Stoneplate
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q, E, R-Q, R-W, R-E

Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess
Overall difficulty: 3.5/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork/ Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Boots of Swiftness/ Berserker's Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade/ Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Zhonya's Hourglass, Serylda's Grudge/ Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q, AA-W, E, R, E-R-AA-W-Q

Irelia, the Blade Dancer
Overall difficulty: 5/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork/ Phase Rush
Suggested items: Plated Steelcaps, Zhonya's Hourglass, Serylda's Grudge/ Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Guardian Angel, Wit's End, Mortal Reminder/ Morellonomicon
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q-Q-Q-Q-AA, E-E-Q-AA

Jax, Grandmaster at Arms
Overall difficulty: 2/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork/ Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Plated Steelcaps, Rylai's Crystal Scepter/ Serylda's Grudge, Mortal Reminder/ Morellonomicon, Zhonya's Hourglass, Guardian Angel
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: E, E-Q-AA, AA-W-AA

Jayce, the Defender of Tomorrow
Overall difficulty: 1/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork/ Press the Attack
Suggested items: Plated Steelcaps, Zhonya's Hourglass, Trinity Force, Guardian Angel, Immortal Shieldbow, Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: E-Q (ranged form), Q-AA-E (melee), E-Q(ranged form)-R-Q-AA-E(melee form)

K'Sante, the Pride of Nazumah
Overall difficulty: 1.5/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Berserker's Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Zhonya's Hourglass, Rylai's Crystal Scepter/ Serylda's Grudge, Black Cleaver
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q3, E-Q3, Q3-AA-W-AA, R,

Kennen, the Heart of the Tempest
Overall difficulty: 4.5/5
Suggested runes: Press the Attack/ Fleet Footwork
Suggested items: Mercury's Treads, Wit's End, Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Immortal Shieldbow
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: R, Q-W-E, R-Flash

Kled, the Cantankerous Cavalier
Overall difficulty: 2.5/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork/ Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Plated Steelcaps/ Berserker's Greaves, Zhonya's Hourglass, Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Rylai's Crystal Scepter/ Serylda's Grudge, Blade of the Ruined King
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: W-E-AA-Q, E-R, E-Flash

Maokai, the Twisted Treant
Overall difficulty: 2.5/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Mercury's Treads/ Berserker's Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Wit's End, Morellonomicon/ Mortal Reminder
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: E, Q-W, R

Mordekaiser, the Iron Revenant
Overall difficulty: 5/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork/ Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Berserker's Greaves, Wit's End, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade/ Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Rylai's Crystal Scepter/ Serylda's Grudge
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Passive, isolated Q, R

Nasus, the Curator of the Sands
Overall difficulty: 2.5/5
Suggested runes: Phase Rush
Suggested items: Berserker's Greaves/ Boots of Swiftness, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Rylai's Crystal Scepter/ Serylda's Grudge
Key Abilities and combos to beware of:Q, AA-Q, W, E, R-Q

Olaf, the Berserker
Overall difficulty: 4/5
Suggested runes: Phase Rush
Suggested items: Plated Steelcaps/ Boots of Swiftness, Zhonya's Hourglass, Rylai's Crystal Scepter/ Serylda's Grudge, Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Blade of the Ruined King, Morellonomicon/ Mortal Reminder
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q, E, R

Ornn, the Fire below the Mountain
Overall difficulty: 3.5/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Berserker's Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Serylda's Grudge/ Lord Dominik's Regards, Wit's End, Kraken Slayer
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Passive, R, W-AA, Q-E-AA-W-AA,

Pantheon, the Unbreakable Spear
Overall difficulty: 2.5/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork
Suggested items: Plated Steelcaps, Trinity Force/ Riftmaker, Zhonya's Hourglass, Blade of the Ruined King, Guardian Angel, Immortal Shieldbow
Key Abilities and combos to beware of:Passive, W-Q-AA-E

Poppy, Keeper of the Hammer
Overall difficulty: 1.5/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Blade of the Ruined King, Kraken Slayer, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Zhonya's Hourglass, Serylda's Grudge/ Lord Dominik's Regards,
Key Abilities and combos to beware of:Q(especially the second part), E, R

Quinn, Demacia's Wings
Overall difficulty: 1.5/5
Suggested runes: Press the Attack, Second Wind
Suggested items: Doran's Shield, Plated Steelcaps/ Berserker's Greaves, Zhonya's Hourglass, Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Immortal Shieldbow, Guardian Angel
Key Abilities and combos to beware of:E, Q-AA-E-AA, E-AA-Q-AA, R

Renekton, the Butcher of the Sands
Overall difficulty: 2/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Berserker's Greaves, Morellonomicon/ Mortal Reminder, Zhonya's Hourglass, Guardian Angel, Immortal Shieldbow
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q, E, R, AA-E

Riven, the Exile
Overall difficulty: 3.5/5
Suggested runes: Phase Rush/ Fleet Footwork
Suggested items: Plated Steelcaps, Trinity Force/ Riftmaker, Zhonya's Hourglass, Immortal Shieldbow, Guardian Angel, Serylda's Grudge/ Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: R, Q3, R2, Q3-AA-W-AA-E

Rumble, the Mechanized Menace
Overall difficulty: 5/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork/ Press the Attack, Second Wind
Suggested items: Doran's Shield, Mercury's Treads/ Boots of Swiftness/ Berserker's Greaves, Wit's End, Rylai's Crystal Scepter/ Serylda's Grudge
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Passive, Q(overheat empowered), E, R

Sett, the Boss
Overall difficulty: 2.5/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Plated Steelcaps/ Berserker's Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Zhonya's Hourglass, Lord Dominik's Regards, Guardian Angel
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q-Q-Q-Q-AA, E-E-Q-AA

Shen, Eye of Twilight
Overall difficulty: 3.5/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Berserker's Greaves, Shadowflame, Serylda's Grudge/ Lord Dominik's Regards, Wit's End
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Passive, Empowered Q(passed through you), W, E, E-Q-AA

Singed, Mad Chemist
Overall difficulty: 1.5/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Boots of Swiftness/ Berserker's Greaves, Wit's End, Riftmaker/ Trinity Force
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q, E, R, E-Q, W-E(fling root)

Sion, the Undead Juggernaut
Overall difficulty: 3/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo, Cut Down
Suggested items: Berserker's Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Lord Dominik's Regards, Wit's End, Shadowflame
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Bush Q, No vision fog of war Q, E, R, E-Q

Tahm Kench, the River King
Overall difficulty: 2.5/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Berserker's Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Serylda's Grudge/ Lord Dominik's Regards, Wit's End, Black Cleaver, Shadowflame
Key Abilities and combos to beware of:Q, W, E, R, Q-R

Teemo, the Swift Scout
Overall difficulty: 3/5
Suggested runes: Press the Attack/ Fleet Footwork, Second Wind
Suggested items: Doran's Shield, Berserker's Greaves, Wit's End, Riftmaker/ Trinity Force
Key Abilities and combos to beware of:E, R, Q, AA-Q-AA

Tryndamere, the Barbarian King
Overall difficulty: 1/5
Suggested runes: Phase Rush
Suggested items: Plated Steelcaps/ Berserker's Greaves, Zhonya's Hourglass, Guardian Angel, Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Guardian Angel
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Passive, Q, E, R

Urgot, the Dreadnought
Overall difficulty: 2.5/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo/ Press the Attack
Suggested items: Boots of Swiftness/ Berserker's Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade/ Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Zhonya's Hourglass, Shadowflame, Serylda's Grudge/ Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Key Abilities and combos to beware of:E, R, W, E-AA, Q-E-AA-W

Volibear, the Relentless Storm
Overall difficulty: 4/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Mercury's Treads/ Berserker's Greaves, Wit's End, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade/ Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Zhonya's Hourglass, Morellonomicon/ Mortal Reminder, Guardian Angel, Shadowflame, Serylda's Grudge
Key Abilities and combos to beware of:Q, W, E, R, E-Q-AA-W-AA

Warwick, the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun
Overall difficulty: 3.5/5
Suggested runes: Lethal Tempo
Suggested items: Mercury's Treads/ Berserker's Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade/ Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Morellonomicon/ Mortal Reminder, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Wit's End
Key Abilities and combos to beware of:Passive, Q, W, E

Wukong, the Monkey King
Overall difficulty: 3/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork/ Phase Rush
Suggested items: Plated Steelcaps/ Berserker's Greaves, Zhonya's Hourglass, Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Mortal Reminder/ Morellonomicon, Rylai's Crystal Scepter/ Serylda's Grudge, Guardian Angel
Key Abilities and combos to beware of:Q, AA-Q, E-AA-Q-W, W-AA-Q-E-AA, R, W-R

Yasuo, the Unforgiven
Overall difficulty: 2/5
Suggested runes: Press the Attack
Suggested items: Berserker's Greaves, Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Zhonya's Hourglass, Morellonomicon/ Mortal Reminder, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Shadowflame
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q3, R, Q3-R, E-Q3-AA-R

Yone, the Unforgotten
Overall difficulty: 1.5/5
Suggested runes: Press the Attack/ Fleet Footwork
Suggested items: Berserker's Greaves, Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Zhonya's Hourglass, Morellonomicon/ Mortal Reminder, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Shadowflame
Key Abilities and combos to beware of: Q3, E, R, E-Q3-AA, E-Q3-R-AA-Q-AA-W

Yorick, the Shepherd of Lost Souls
Overall difficulty: 2.5/5
Suggested runes: Fleet Footwork/ Press the Attack/ Lethal Tempo, Second Wind
Suggested items: Doran's Shield, Boots of Swiftness/ Berserker's Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King, Riftmaker/ Trinity Force, Zhonya's Hourglass, Guardian Angel
Key Abilities and combos to beware of:E, W, R, E-W-AA-Q, R-E-W-AA-Q

This is the end. Thank you for reading my guide.
Now go and carry out justice, punishing all the evil Yasuo players on the rift.

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