Hello and welcome to my guide for
Hello dan selamat datang ke panduan saya untuk
I am
Valhaem, a Garena LoL player from Singapore in SEA, and I have mained
Evelynn ever since very early 2015. Although I am only Silver I (Silver II as of 04/03/2016), I have gathered a lot of experience as a 1-year long
Evelynn main, and in light of my recent achievement of 1 million mastery points on Evelynn, which I obtained on 01/03/2016 (see
here for the match results), I have decided to write and publish this guide (it will be my first and most probably only guide!), as well as an
AMA on Reddit. Do check the AMA out!

Click here to see my profile and 1 million mastery points in Evelynn!
- Updated as of 13/03/2016.
This guide has been updated for Version 6.12 as of 28/06/2016.
At this point, I must admit that my personal life has become too hectic for me to be able to regularly update this guide, so I will only update it once every month or two patches unless there is a major patch that demands for adjustments to my
Evelynn builds, in which I will try to update the guide as soon as possible.
Returning back to the patch itself,
Evelynn's builds largely experience nominal buffs as
Blade of the Ruined King and
Hextech Gunblade have a smoother build path due to the lower combine cost of
Bilgewater Cutlass.
Natural Talent
providing a bit of flat AD and AP at the start of the game is a great boon to
Evelynn's early game regardless of builds pursued. AP Evelynn experiences early-game buffs on
Veteran's Scars
and mid-late game nerfs due to
Everfrost's reduced mana spent-to-health conversion. AD Evelynn is slightly nerfed due to
Fervor of Battle
but is otherwise largely unaffected. Otherwise, builds do not change here.
Offense Stats
Attack Damage:
Attack Speed:
Attack Range: |
54 - 113
0.625 – 1.008
Melee (125)
- Evelynn's base attack damage is average early game, but rather good late game. This is one of the factors that especially makes AD Evelynn strong late game, and this makes the already effective
Sheen line of items even better on her particularly in the late game.
- Evelynn's attack speed growth is also a strong point. Having 1.008 attack speed in late game is no joke on a champion without additional attack speed from items or masteries, especially when taking down turrets.
Defense Stats
Magic Resist: |
531 – 2061
9.8 – 19.2
26.5 – 91.1
32.1 – 53.4
- Evelynn's defensive stats are fair. She is still squishy, but with
Greater Seal of Armor she has 100 armor in late game, which is decent.
Utility Stats
Movement Speed: |
316 – 1030
8.1 – 18.3
- Evelynn's movement speed is slightly lacking for a jungler, but this can be compensated for the fact that non-AD Evelynn can invest points into
instead of
for added mobility thanks to
not proccing on
Hate Spike.
Hover over the tooltip to see what does the skill do.
Innate - Shadow Walk
Shadow Walk is Evelynn's signature tool, and this is the one skill that sets her distinct from other champions. With permanent invisibility up her sleeves, enemies will have to frequently buy
Vision Wards to warn themselves of
Evelynn's locations. However,
Vision Wards are themselves visible to all and are much easier to remove compared to conventional wards from
Sightstone and
Stealth Ward.
Q - Hate Spike
Hate Spike is
Evelynn's core DPS tool and is one of her defining features.
AP builds rely on this spell a lot for magic damage thanks to the
55% AP scaling and low cooldown (1.5 seconds between casts) on this skill. The spammability of
Hate Spike also benefits
Evelynn, whether she builds
AD (helps with
Sheen procs or
AP (
AP Evelynn's main source of damage at all times). It is a short ranged skill, so
Evelynn has to build tanky as she will be regularly using this skill in fights.

Tips & Tricks
- The cooldown of
Hate Spike is quite low, giving her a good sustained presence in teamfights and allowing her to make use of many items very effectively:
Rylai's Crystal Scepter lasts for 1 second on Hate Spike, so enemies are permaslowed, allowing AP Evelynn to kite melee champions such as
Nasus and even
Rylai's Crystal Scepter can be coupled with
Liandry's Torment to burn through enemy champions’ hit points, which is particularly useful against champions that stack hit points, such as
Dr. Mundo.
Hate Spike grants
Luden's Tempest 10 stacks per cast. Coupled with her regular, erratic movement, and
Dark Frenzy,
Evelynn is capable of proccing
Luden's Tempest more than once in camps, and even more frequently in ganks and teamfights. This also helps her burst in deleting squishy targets. The splash effect from
Luden's Tempest are also useful in proccing
Rylai's Crystal Scepter and
Liandry's Torment; the former allows Evelynn to slow down entire groups of champions in one
Luden's Tempest.
Sheen effects such as
Lich Bane,
Trinity Force and
Iceborn Gauntlet can be regularly activated. Such effects are a must have for Evelynn, as each of these allows her to deal better burst damage, gain significant mobility, or defense and crowd control effects, respectively.
- Although
Hate Spike is autotargeted, it can be dodged as it is an autotargeted skillshot. This is done by side stepping, or by running away from the end of the line of spikes. Normally, the latter happens when attempting to cast
Hate Spike from maximum range towards a fleeing enemy, so try to avoid missing
Hate Spike by speeding yourself up first as
Evelynn before casting
Hate Spike.
W - Dark Frenzy
Dark Frenzy is Evelynn’s main mobility, escape and ganking tool. In ganks, Evelynn can open up with
Dark Frenzy, or walk in and save
Dark Frenzy for enemy slows to help her press her attacks or escape. The cooldown refresh on
Dark Frenzy helps her further in this aspect, making her a difficult champion to pin down and a harder champion to evade and escape from.
E - Ravage
Ravage is
Evelynn's main burst tool when stacking
AP, and her main DPS tool when building
AD. For
AP builds, the
100% AP is a
huge scaling, and makes her really bursty. For
AD builds, the bonus attack speed is very useful in helping you land more attacks and saving you a few inventory slots from attack speed items.

Tips & Tricks
- Despite the straightforward use of
Ravage, there are actually a few shady mechanics behind it, some of which players may be unaware of:
Ravage is able to critically strike in addition to applying on-hit effects. However, the critical strike chance is separate for both hits.
Ravage can miss. If
Evelynn loses vision of the target being
Ravaged, the animation and sound effects will proceed, but the actual spell (i.e. damage and steroid) will not be applied, nor will the cooldown and manacost be expended.
- Once
Evelynn casts
Ravage, it is very difficult to avoid the damage unless, as explained in the previous point, her target goes out of her vision. While the initial cast range of
Ravage is 225 units, the effects of
Ravage can be felt from as far as 450 units away from
Evelynn's casting position.
- A possible and common misconception of
Ravage is that it adds stacks to
Guinsoo's Rageblade. This is untrue, as
Ravage does not add stacks to
Guinsoo's Rageblade, but
Ravage will proc the on-hit effect from
Guinsoo's Rageblade twice (or thrice if
Evelynn has 6 stacks on
Guinsoo's Rageblade if she has fully stacked up.
- On the other hand,
Ravage fully adds stacks and applies
Fervor of Battle
on-hit, granting her 4 stacks and proccing it twice in one cast.
R - Agony's Embrace
Agony's Embrace is
Evelynn's primary opener for teamfights. The %HP shred softens up enemy champions for the rest of the team, the massive slow pins them down and gives your allies time to position themselves for their own combos, and the shield buys you some time to burst the enemy carry, or adds on to your bulkiness by enhancing your meat-shield functionality.
In this guide, I am outlining three separate builds for
Evelynn, all of which serve different purposes although they will be related one way or another. They are
AP Evelynn,
AP-Hybrid Evelynn and
AD Evelynn, and each of them has unique strengths and weaknesses that must be mitigated carefully when deciding which
Evelynn to build for the game.
AP Evelynn specializes in magic damage, and is able to derive two playstyles here. She will typically build
Stalker's Blade,
Rylai's Crystal Scepter and
Abyssal Mask. From here, she can evolve into a tanky and mobile assassin, employing
Dead Man's Plate for mobility and
Lich Bane for burst, or into a disruptive and teamfighting mage, employing
Iceborn Gauntlet or
Frozen Heart, and
Rabadon's Deathcap,
Liandry's Torment or
Everfrost for sustained damage as well as to allow for more aggressive gameplay.
Go for this build and orient towards burst when:
> You want to burst carries down
> You want to be able to easily travel from place to place with Dead Man's Plate
= Your team needs a magic damage assassin to burst enemy carries
< You are willing to sacrifice access to physical damage
< You are willing to trade sustained damage for burst damage |
Go for this build and orient towards sustain when:
> You want to play a more sustain-oriented aggressive playstyle, or want to play an ability-based aggressive role
> You want to focus on magic damage while retaining good mixed damage
= Your team needs a magic damage character but already has an assassin
< You are willing to trade burst damage for sustained damage
AP-Hybrid Evelynn plays out roughly similarly to AP Evelynn in terms of her roles. One stark difference, however, is that AP-Hybrid Evelynn opens up new offensive routes previously unavailable to AP Evelynn as she gains a unique strength in the ability to do early invades, and her early game burst is superior to most. This, however, comes at the cost of the viability of a utility-based route due to the damage-heavy demands of this build.
There are two tracks that an AP-Hybrid Evelynn can take. She can become a mobile assassin, employing the burst of
Titanic Hydra to delete crucial targets from a fight, and the regeneration of
Warmog's Armor to recuperate from fights and supplement the damage from
Titanic Hydra. Alternatively, she can become a damage and sustain based fighter, employing
Hextech Gunblade to provide healing and a slow to catch out certain targets, and
Rod of Ages for mana, durability and more sustain in teamfights.
Go for this build when:
> You want to focus strictly on damage
> You want to invade the enemy jungler
> You want to be able to express both physical and magical damage in one build
> You want to be able to switch between burst and sustain damage within one given build without too much difficulty
< You are willing to sacrifice utility
Orient towards burst if:
= Your team needs an assassin to burst enemy carries but already has equal proportions of physical damage and magical damage
> You want to be able to easily travel from place to place |
Orient towards sustain if:
= Your team needs more frontline (e.g. your team's Support is a Lux, Nami, Soraka, or Karma, all of which are squishy supports)
> You want to be able to survive through teamfights while utilizing a fierce playstyle
AD Evelynn specializes in physical damage, but because of this she is almost always built strictly as a fighter due to poor burst capabilities when going AD. Her
Fervor of Battle
can synergize two ways - one, with solely autoattacks, whereby items such as
Enchantment: Bloodrazor,
Blade of the Ruined King and
Titanic Hydra come into play - and two, with autoattacks and spells, whereby items such as
Enchantment: Warrior,
Trinity Force and
Sterak's Gage are more prominent. Finally, AD Evelynn takes
Exhaust for dueling (especially when combined with
Skirmisher's Sabre) and crowd control, but because the effects are not restricted to her, she gains some utility with the ability to use
Exhaust to peel for her carries.
Go for this build when:
= Your team needs a source of physical damage
> You want to mix damage with a bit of utility
> You want enhanced dueling power (i.e. combine the effect of
Exhaust and
Skirmisher's Sabre)
< You are willing to sacrifice potential burst and any possibility of specializing completely into utility
Build Enchantment: Bloodrazor if:
> You like insane attack speed steroids
= Your team needs a physical damage focused jungler |
Build Enchantment: Warrior if:
> You value a more mobile physical caster style of gameplay
= Your team has a well balanced mixture of physical and magical damage and you happen to be on AD instead of AP-Hybrid
As a general thumb of rule,
- AP and AP-Hybrid builds oriented towards burst are great at deleting high-threat targets from the game.
- AP and AP-Hybrid Evelynn builds oriented towards sustain is an excellent frontline for any team.
- AD Evelynn is useful for brawling, early skirmishes and mobility.
This section outlines the rune pages for AP Evelynn, AP-Hybrid Evelynn and AD Evelynn.
AP Evelynn

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These are crucial as they are the runes that define AP Evelynn as an AP caster.
AP Evelynn desires to have some early game strength, so these runes are the best way to go for her.
AP Evelynn is designed to have a solid early jungling clear. Because of this, AD is better than penetration for early game clears as Hate Spike scales better with AD than AP, and magic penetration does not quite help with jungle clears as monsters already have 0 MR.
These are quite standard for Evelynn in general; .
AP-Hybrid Evelynn

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These are crucial as they are the runes that retain AP-Hybrid Evelynn's AP-based nature.
Early game, AP-Hybrid Evelynn has solid burst thanks to Greater Quintessence of Ability Power and Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration. Furthermore, she does not rely on CDR to do her role, and none of her other runes augment her late game in any way. Hence, Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power are the best glyphs to take for most of the time.
That being said, these can be swapped with 9 Greater Glyph of Ability Power if you are prepared to compensate a weaker late game with a stronger early game (i.e. you must take advantage of the extra 11 AP in early game with these runes).
9x Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration
This is the trademark of AP-Hybrid Evelynn that distinguishes her from AP Evelynn, as these runes will really butcher enemy laners and junglers alike, thanks to the combined dual penetrations from these runes and the Precision mastery - Evelynn's armor penetration and magic penetration are 12 and 9 at Level 1 and scale up to 17 and 14 at Level 18, respectively. Even Lee Sin can be bursted down with these if caught in his own jungle!
These are crucial for survival in the jungle as monsters deal physical damage and mitigating damage done will help your sustain in the jungle.
AD Evelynn

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These are crucial as they are the runes that define AD Evelynn as an AD bruiser.
AD Evelynn relies heavily on attack speed throughout the whole game, from jungling to skirmishing and teamfighting. The early attack speed will help you as AD Evelynn to clear jungle camps more quickly with Hunter's Machete and Ravage.
These are crucial for survival in the jungle as monsters deal physical damage and mitigating damage done will help your sustain in the jungle.
This section outlines the mastery pages for AP Evelynn, AP-Hybrid Evelynn and AD Evelynn.
AP Evelynn

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Ensures that you are more painful and are able to do a job well done. Can be replaced with
Expose Weakness
if you want to share the damage with allies instead.
This makes Evelynn more dependent on crowd control effects for damage rather than kills - stabilizes her impact in the game in the event she is behind. However, if you are feeling confident,
Bounty Hunter
is an equally (and potentially, more) powerful option to
This is to allow Evelynn to recuperate from jungle camp to jungle camp
This is for extra durability in the jungle, damage-wise
This is for extra durability in the jungle, health-wise
This is to reduce the cooldown of Exhaust and Smite, allowing you to gank more frequently and clear camps more quickly. Can be coupled with Ionian Boots of Lucidity to reduce summoner spell cooldowns by 25%.
*: This mastery is personal preference; swap this with Perseverance if you prefer bonus regeneration to reduced cooldown on utility spells.
This is to minimize the impact of crowd control on Evelynn and allows her to dish out her own crowd control or help her reach enemy carries
AP-Hybrid Evelynn

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AP-Hybrid Evelynn's sole role is to provided damage for the team. This extends her role as a potential team carry, so
Bounty Hunter
allows her to rack up damage against her opponents to the best of her abilities.
This helps Evelynn travel between the base, lanes and jungles faster, allowing easier access to ganks and invades
As Evelynn has few masteries in the Resolve tree, she has to compensate with another way of sustain in the jungle
Amps up Evelynn's kill and post-fight clean-up potential; this is one of AP-Hybrid Evelynn's carry-defining traits
Armor penetration helps Evelynn with jungle clears, dual penetration is really crucial for invades as most junglers do not have enough bonus armor to completely mitigate the dual penetration
Adds a third hybrid scaling for Evelynn and the burst is real in this one
AD Evelynn

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AD Evelynn uses autoattacks more frequently than AP or AP-Hybrid Evelynn.
procs on autoattacks and Ravage and not Hate Spike so it is also more useful for her jungle clears.
As Evelynn has few masteries in the Resolve tree, she has to compensate with another way of sustain in the jungle
This is to allow Evelynn to recuperate from jungle camp to jungle camp
This is for extra durability in the jungle, damage-wise
More attack speed equates to more attacks which is more useful for AD Evelynn than ability damage
Bonus AD is obviously for autoattacks, and remember that on Ravage 1 AP acts as 1 AD
AD Evelynn has the capacity to carry; at 5 kills she deals 5% bonus damage (most noticeably on auto-attacks), so don't be afraid to take kills with AD Evelynn
One of AD Evelynn's sole purposes is to act as a source of physical damage, so 7% armor penetration is useful in helping out with this
Significantly improves Evelynn's dueling and sustain damage. Hate Spike and basic attacks add 2 stacks each, while Ravage adds 4 stacks. 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 ( Ravage resets your autoattack timing) = 8 (+2 extra;
Fervor of Battle
can only hold 8 maximum stacks)
Core Summoners
Smite is the most crucial summoner spell to Evelynn. Without it, it is extremely tough to survive the jungle as it gives you access to Hunter's Talisman and Hunter's Machete, both of which are viable, essential choices to jungle sustain for Evelynn. In addition, Smite has the lowest cooldown amongst all summoner spells and is the only summoner spell to function on a charge mechanic, and this is what sets junglers apart from laners. From securing objectives to facilitating kills and pressing the attacks in teamfights, Smite is an extreme useful summoner spell to have, and Evelynn would be very different without it.
Viable Choices

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- AP Evelynn makes use of this to prevent enemy threats from killing crucial members of your team, or pin enemies down and soften them up for the kill in ganks and teamfights.
- AD Evelynn makes use of this defensively to flee from enemies or mitigate damage done to her, and offensively to pin enemies down and soften them up for the kill in skirmishes and duels.
AP-Hybrid Evelynn couples this with Skirmisher's Sabre and Red Buff (if she has it) to help her finish off enemies and succeed invades on enemy junglers.
Players beginning Evelynn may use this, irregardless of builds pursued, as a means of offense by catching up to enemies for last hits, or as a means of defense by flashing over walls or avoiding skillshots.
Non-viable Choices

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Evelynn has no use for Ghost as she already has Dark Frenzy as a source of bonus movement speed. Players looking for enhanced mobility on Evelynn should opt for Flash instead as it opens up plays that are otherwise unavailable without Flash.
Evelynn's Dark Frenzy is already able to remove slows. Furthermore, she is normally built tanky so she should not aim to be able to remove crowd control, but rather to survive crowd control instead.
Agony's Embrace has superior shielding effects to Barrier, particularly when it hits multiple enemy champions. Don't forget that Agony's Embrace can be used defensively; the shield is provided irregardless of why you cast Agony's Embrace at specific situations, so don't waste a slot on a redundant spell.
Theoretical Choices

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Currently, the AP Evelynn build can be established to orient towards providing utility thanks to Exhaust and Tracker's Knife. Heal could be useful to help allies run away or save them from otherwise lethal situations. At the present, however, Exhaust has better utility as it has more effects than Heal, so a Heal- Smite combo remains untested.
The other untested combo would be Teleport- Smite. While effective on champions such as Master Yi, Hecarim, and Udyr, the effectiveness of Teleport on Evelynn is not known so far as she does not have solid split-pushing capability or crowd control effects as compared to the other aforementioned junglers. It is no doubt, however, that Teleport will provide Evelynn with map-wide mobility thanks to the ability to travel long distances instantaneously with this.
AP Evelynn
Ability Sequence |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
- AP Evelynn maximises her skills in a standard manner, prioritizing on
Hate Spike, followed by
Ravage and then
Dark Frenzy. Finally, she adds levels into
Agony's Embrace where possible.
- This is done to maximise her magic damage output, and then her overall damage output.
Dark Frenzy is maxed last as
Ravage adds more power than
Dark Frenzy for each level taken.
AP-Hybrid Evelynn
Ability Sequence |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
- AP-Hybrid Evelynn's skill sequence has a rather unorthodox manner. Instead of prioritizing on one ability at a time, AP-Hybrid Evelynn initially splits her focus onto two abilities, namely
Hate Spike and
Ravage. After getting both abilities to Level 5, she returns to the normal skill track by maxing
Dark Frenzy last. Finally, she adds levels into
Agony's Embrace where possible. This is done for two reasons:
- Firstly, it optimizes her build as a hybridized build, while maintaining some of AP's influence in her build. By Level 10, AP-Hybrid Evelynn gets 105% attack speed from
Ravage, which is only 15% less than AD Evelynn at Level 10 but 45% more than AP Evelynn. She also deals 50% AP from
Hate Spike, which is only 5% less than AP Evelynn at Level 10 but 15% more than AD Evelynn. Assuming you followed the skill sequences shown here for each of the three
Evelynns, this graph will show you the damage contribution from your AP to
Hate Spike, and this graph will show you the bonus attack speed you get from
Ravage, at different champion levels. Compare the contributions for AP-Hybrid Evelynn to those of AP and AD
- Secondly, this reduces the mana tax of
Hate Spike as an additional 6 mana cost, per level and per cast, really makes a difference in
Evelynn's mana pool in teamfights.
- Just like AP Evelynn, however,
Dark Frenzy is still maxed last as
Hate Spike and
Ravage still add more power than
Dark Frenzy for each level taken.
AD Evelynn
Ability Sequence |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
- AD Evelynn maximises her skills in a standard yet unusual manner, prioritizing on
Ravage, followed by
Dark Frenzy and then
Hate Spike. Finally, she adds levels into
Agony's Embrace where possible.
Hate Spike is maxed last, rather than second, for three reasons:
- Firstly, AD Evelynn builds have to solidify its role as a physical damage dealer, but since
Hate Spike is a magic damage skill, AD Evelynn will find less use in
Hate Spike for this reason.
- Secondly, an additional 6 mana cost, per level and per cast, really puts a huge tax onto
Evelynn's mana pool, even with
Shadow Walk. We do not want to run out of mana just because we are attempting to proc
Trinity Force or
Iceborn Gauntlet as we still need to cast
Ravage for attack speed and
Dark Frenzy for mobility. Hence, we
Hate Spike last so that AD Evelynn can cut down on manacosts, proc more
Sheen effects and pump out more DPS with
- Lastly, AD Evelynn is different from AP Evelynn as her true power lies in autoattacks, rather than
Hate Spike. Because of this, she has an even smaller damage range. Maxing
Dark Frenzy second, rather than last, gives her that extra movement speed needed for her to land more autoattacks as
Evelynn's attack animation is rather swift when amplified with attack speed.
Burst Route
Sustain Route

Sustain Route
Iceborn Gauntlet provides mana and 20% CDR, both of which are essential to help you spam
Hate Spike in teamfights. The armor is also nice in reducing physical damage, and the Spellblade effect bumps your DPS up to further mix your damage. When against AP-heavy team comps, replace this with
Wit's End to remain DPS-relevant and become more resistant against magic damage.
Abyssal Mask to amplify the magic damage from
Hate Spike. The MR helps to protect against enemy magic damage. Replace this with
Zhonya's Hourglass against AD-heavy team comps.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter is mandatory for AP Evelynn, whether you are headed for the burst route or the sustain route. The HP is helpful in making you more durable in fights, and the passive is for added flavor as the duration of the slow rivals the cooldown of
Hate Spike.
- Hextech GLP-800] when coupled with a fully stacked [[Strength of the Ages grants 600 HP. The mana is quite handy to prolong your fighting capabiliteis, and the active is useful for damage and briefly enhanced CC when coupled with
Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Replace this with
Rabadon's Deathcap if the enemy team has a less tanky composition and/or you need to focus more on the enemy carries, or with
Liandry's Torment if the enemy team has a tankier composition and your team does not have any other AP than yourself.
Stalker's Blade is quite helpful for a sustain-oriented AP Evelynn build as the speed steal really helps you in your disruptive role. With lots of movement speed and slows, it becomes quite hard to pin
Evelynn down, particularly when she is rather tanky with
Strength of the Ages
and slightly resistant to CC due to the MS slow resist and Tenacity from
Enchantment: Runic Echoes is mandatory for AP Evelynn because of the 60 AP and
Luden's Tempest passive, which helps in finishing off enemy champions and clearing jungle camps.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity is very useful for sustain-oriented AP Evelynn builds.
can couple with the passive from these to reduce
Exhaust cooldowns to 158 seconds from 210 (and 179) seconds, and
Smite charges to 56 seconds from 75 (and 64) seconds. Finally, the 10% CDR helps you cap out at 40% CDR to spam
Hate Spike for damage and slows.
Burst Route
Sustain Route

Sustain Route
Hextech Gunblade fully benefits
Evelynn, and is the main powerhouse that makes sustain-oriented AP-Hybrid Evelynn builds viable. With AD, AP, all-rounded sustain and a ranged soft nuke with added slows, there are fewer items that an
Evelynn can ever want to build. The passive is particularly useful here as the sustain allows you to last longer in teamfights, technically increasing your durability.
Rod of Ages is crucial for AP-Hybrid Evelynn builds as you will not have any other source of mana sustain for teamfights. At 10 stacks,
Rod of Ages grants 800 mana, which is very handy in allowing you to cast more
Hate Spikes in teamfights, and the 500 HP is also crucial in making you more durable and more difficult to take down in teamfights, particularly when used in tandem with
Hextech Gunblade.
Iceborn Gauntlet is pretty handy for sustain-oriented AP-Hybrid Evelynn builds. Tbe extra mana complements
Shadow Walk by amping up her stealthed mana regen, giving her more mana over time for every teamfight. Also, the
Sheen effect is nice to have, both in terms of its damage capabilities and its utility from its slow.
Spirit Visage's signature in sustain-oriented AP-Hybrid Evelynn builds is the passive, which improves the healing from
Hextech Gunblade by a lot. In addition to this handy feature, the MR helps to protect against magic damage, and the hit points are really useful in the durability it provides you with for teamfights.
Spirit Visage may be freely swapped with
Randuin's Omen when fighting AD-heavy team comps.
Skirmisher's Sabre is mandatory to make AP-Hybrid Evelynn builds really painful for the enemy team, and to help out with dueling thanks to the active's damage reduction. The true damage over time is also a nice complement to the extreme hybrid penetrations from AP-Hybrid Evelynn's Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration and
Enchantment: Warrior is strong on sustain builds as AD is applied on autoattacks, which are more frequently applied as compared to
Hate Spike, which uses AP. However, the true power of this enchantment lies in the 60 AD; the power of the raw stats boosts
Evelynn's early game and fills in the gap created by
Rod of Ages as the latter needs time to fully stack up and provide its full benefits.
Boots of Swiftness is mandatory for AP-Hybrid Evelynn builds as the movement slow reduction helps in your immediate movement by minimizing the impact of slows on you.
On-Hit AD Route
Direct AD Route

On-Hit AD Route
Blade of the Ruined King works on an on-hit based AD Evelynn for a few reasons:
- The attack speed and lifesteal are essential for
Evelynn's sustained damage, allowing her to heal back from attacks,
Fervor of Battle
and attack more frequently.
- The on-hit effect complements with
Fervor of Battle
by shredding the hit points of enemy units, making them softer and softer until
Fervor of Battle
really begins to kick in and mutilate them with constant autoattacks from
Ravage and
Evelynn's autoattacks.
- The active is very useful for chasing and fleeing; it functions very similarly to
Stalker's Blade, and is just on a longer cooldown and deals %HP physical damage rather than flat true damage.
Titanic Hydra is a very nice item to have on AD Evelynn as the added HP and HP scaling supports and encourages on-hit based AD Evelynn to build towards and play a tanky role. Finally, the active is also nice to have as it pumps up your initial upfront damage significantly.
Maw of Malmortius's is great on AD Evelynn for a few reasons. Despite not granting attack speed, it grants armor penetration, which improves the damage of
Fervor of Battle
Blade of the Ruined King and
Titanic Hydra. Lifeline is also a handy passive against burst mages such as
LeBlanc and
Brand, while magic resist protects against magic damage in general. Finally, Lifegrip encourages on-hit based AD Evelynn to play aggressively in teamfights.
Dead Man's Plate may seem to be an odd recommendation coming from me as I don't normally recommend this item in sustain-based builds. However, it is actually very useful for on-hit based AD Evelynn builds as Dreadnaught provides
Evelynn with mobility, and Crushing Blow complements
Titanic Hydra's active by massively slowing her initial target. The bonus HP also adds on to
Titanic Hydra's build, and the armor is handy against physical damage.
Stalker's Blade is crucial on on-hit based AD Evelynn builds. While technically
Skirmisher's Sabre could be a viable alternative,
Stalker's Blade movement speed steal will be more appreciated here as it helps with
Evelynn's sticking power, which she needs to land more autoattacks.
Enchantment: Bloodrazor is practically icing on the cake for on-hit based AD Evelynn. Unlike
Blade of the Ruined King, the %HP shred on this enchantment is based on maximum hit point capacity, not current hit point levels, hence the shred is much more consistent and stronger. The attack speed also helps you take down enemies, turrets and objectives very quickly; on-hit based AD Evelynn can solo dragon with just this!
Boots of Swiftness is mandatory for AD Evelynn builds as the movement slow reduction helps in your immediate movement by minimizing the impact of slows on you.

Direct AD Route
Trinity Force still synergizes very well with AD Evelynn, despite the recent nerfs and the replacement of AP with CDR. The
Sheen effect is strong, particularly when coupled with
Sterak's Gage, thanks to
Evelynn’s high base AD. The
Phage passive also helps with chasing, and the stats from
Zeal are useful in allowing autoattacks and
Ravage to critically strike.
Randuin's Omen is pretty handy for sustain-oriented AD Evelynn builds. The hit points add to your teamfighting durability and the armor is useful against physical damage. The active is also helpful in pinning down enemies, and the passives are useful against autoattackers and adds additional protection against critical strikes.
Randuin's Omen can be freely swapped with
Spirit Visage when fighting AP-heavy team comps.
Maw of Malmortius further amps up your physical damage thanks to the AD and armor penetration, making it even harder for enemies to build against your already well-mixed damage. The MR helps to protect against magic damage, and the shield can potentially save you from what should have been a lethal
Primordial Burst from
Veigar or
Summon: Tibbers.
Maw of Malmortius can be freely swapped with
Iceborn Gauntlet when fighting AD-heavy team comps.
Sterak's Gage is the epitome of a tank's anti-burst tools. The hit points grants durability during teamfights, and the passive shield helps to protect against critical burst spells, such as
Death Mark, and the shield even scales with your hit points. The added base attack damage also helps in improving the damage from
Sheen items, such as
Iceborn Gauntlet and
Trinity Force; as a result the latter is used in this build and the former in the other build thanks to the synergy between the two items.
Skirmisher's Sabre is mandatory as AD Evelynn's main source of damage comes from autoattacks, which also proc the true damage over time from
Skirmisher's Sabre. While
Stalker's Blade is a viable alternative, it is not as strong as the strengths that
Skirmisher's Sabre accumulates during teamfights.
Enchantment: Warrior is mandatory for AD Evelynn as the raw stats it provides a power spike for AD Evelynn, increasing the damage done by autoattacks and
Hate Spike considerably.
Boots of Swiftness is mandatory for AD Evelynn builds as the movement slow reduction helps in your immediate movement by minimizing the impact of slows on you.
Part I: Jungling Routes

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Part II: Jungling

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Part III: Anti-Counterjungle Strats

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Evelynn, you may expect certain enemy junglers (i.e.
Lee Sin,
Elise and
Xin Zhao) to commonly attempt invades on you. If they succeed, you will find that it is harder to enter the game proper if you do not come back with a good gank. Below are a few strategies to overcome this problem:
- When starting on Blue Team's
Red Brambleback,
Evelynn has to stay vigil on the buff timers.
- Before actually taking the
Ancient Krug's camp, check when your buff timers show as below:
- Now, hug the wall on the
Ancient Krug's side and place your ward on the opposite bush, as shown below:

This will help you greatly by informing you when to run away from enemy invading junglers, if they do choose to invade while you are taking the
Red Brambleback.
- When on the Red Team, do not immediately take the
Blue Sentinel after starting
Gromp Instead, hug the wall on the
Blue Sentinel's side, and place a ward on the other side of the wall, as shown below:

This will help you greatly by informing you when to run away from enemy invading junglers, if they do choose to invade while you are taking the
Blue Sentinel.
Hate Spike can be used to check for the presence of invading enemy junglers, particularly on Red Team's
Red Brambleback. Below is a demonstration of this tactic:

If an enemy jungler is hiding in a nearby bush, the
Red Brambleback camp will walk towards the enemy jungler instead of towards you. The images below will show you what happens, and how:
Part IV: Maximizing Jungle Buffs

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By now, you should have realized that
Smite-ing large monsters (except for the
Rift Scuttler,
Dragon, Rift Herald and
Baron Nashor) provides extra buffs or effects for you.
Using these buffs, however, is especially critical for a sustain-oriented AP Evelynn build with
Tracker's Knife, as the greatly shortened cooldown on
Smite, thanks to
Ionian Boots of Lucidity and
, and the fact that
Tracker's Knife does not upgrade
Smite means that you will always be
Smite-ing objectives as well as large monsters, and you will receive special buffs from the latter. I have written a table below to outline the effects of the jungle buffs and how to maximise their use:
Large Monster |
Buff Effects |
Maximizing Buff Effects
Your first attack after Smite-ing and every 6th attack thereafter stuns monsters and minions for 2 seconds. The next attack on an enemy turret consumes the buff to deal true damage based on your level. |
Best used for pushing and jungle camp clears. If a wave manages to touch the enemy turret, always try to land at least one autoattack for the bonus true damage.
You regain 20% of your maximum health. |
Can be used when you want to return to farming after a fight, or skirmish, or when you are at critical HP levels while clearing your jungle.
You gain a buff for 90 seconds. Upon being seen by a ward or Vision Ward, you will be warned and gain Magical Sight for 10 seconds, whereby enemy wards become visible to you. |
This is practically Oracle's Alteration (an upgraded Oracle's Lens) for junglers, the only noticeable differences being traps are not detected or disabled, and wards are not disabled.
Enemies that attack the buff holder will be poisoned on-hit for 2 seconds. |
This is a jungler's closest to Corrupting Potion (both buffs will stack), but the damage only triggers if you are attacked. Best used in ganks whereby enemies tend to retaliate with basic attacks, or in jungle camp clears for obvious reasons.
You regain 20% of your maximum mana. |
As a mana-based champion, it is common to run out of mana as an Evelynn, even with Shadow Walk. Do smite the Blue Sentinel early if you are low on mana, especially to partially make up for the mana forfeited if you give the Blue Buff to a laner.
Spawns a spirit that moves towards the center of the region of the jungle the Wolves were Smited at. Whenever enemy champions enter said region, the spirit chases them, pinging before heading over and when said champions are spotted. |
One of the most critical jungle effects in the game, this one is primarily a vision tool that informs your team of the enemy's presence. It can be used if you are fearful of an invade when taking the Blue Sentinel, or if you are ganking a lane will be away from the Blue Sentinel for extended periods of time.
As a jungler,
Evelynn will always have to contend with enemy junglers for ganks, in-game presence, as well as objectives taking, especially
Rift Herald and
Baron Nashor. Depending on who is the opponent jungler,
Evelynn may have a easy time or hard time doing her job on Summoner's Rift as a jungler herself. The opponent jungler is typically someone who is either
easy prey, a
manageable threat,
tough to fight,
best left alone, or
very hard to face.
In this section, champion matchups will only detail enemy junglers as these are the true factors that will determine
Evelynn's percentage of presence in the game.
Common Enemy Junglers

Aatrox is one of the toughest champions to face as Evelynn. Blood Well gives Aatrox a second life, and if unprepared you may have to run or risk dying to kill his second life. Later on in the game, thanks to Sated Devourer, Aatrox will butcher with the insane DPS from Blood Price, and he himself becomes very hard to kill thanks to the insane healing from Blood Thirst. Your best bet against him is either building AP-Hybrid Evelynn and invading him at his Red Brambleback, or building AP Evelynn, buying Frozen Heart and inhibiting him with Exhaust. |
Amumu is easy to tackle as Evelynn, provided he is not fed. Firstly, he is not a mobile jungler. Secondly, he is very reliant on Blue Sentinel for jungling clears. And finally, he is a strict magic damage dealer and only has mitigation against AD characters. In the event Amumu gets fed, however, you may have to build towards AP Evelynn and orient yourself towards a sustain-based build with Athene's Unholy Grail or Mikael's Blessing and Abyssal Mask, kiting him with Hate Spike and Rylai's Crystal Scepter while steering clear off the range of Curse of the Sad Mummy. Alternatively, you may prevent this by going AP-Hybrid Evelynn and invading him at his Blue Sentinel in the early game; this will really cripple his early game clears if you succeed, but it will not be easy to invade him because of Tantrum.
As Evelynn, Diana is a manageable threat to face, although by no means is she an easy pushover. You will find that as a jungler she is bursty, durable (thanks to Pale Cascade and mobile (thanks to Crescent Strike and Lunar Rush) as well. When fighting her as AP Evelynn or AP-Hybrid Evelynn, be sure to go for the sustain route. AD Evelynn is also able to fight Diana; you just have to get your items. |
Ekko is a relatively easy jungler to tackle as Evelynn. Build towards an AP-Hybrid Evelynn, orienting towards the Anti-Burst route and invade him at his first Blue Sentinel. In ideal situations, he will have just taken his Blue Buff, and will therefore be at critical HP levels, making it a great opportunity for you to finish him off and steal his Blue Buff. If he does get fed, however, you will have to move carefully around Timewinder and Parallel Convergence, and monitor his Chronobreak’s spirit to prevent it from nuking you for tons of damage.
Elise is not an easy opponent to handle as Evelynn. Her mobility with Rappel will catch you off-guard as it is infamous for being able to see and rappel to enemies across walls; this is particularly dangerous as Evelynn as she is fragile if caught, thanks to Elise’s Venomous Bite in Spider Form. Your best bet is to go for the sustain build on AP Evelynn, as the added tankiness prevents Elise from immediately killing you if you get caught, and Frozen Heart will help to mitigate the attack speed from Skittering Frenzy. Finally, beware Elise's Spider Queen as her spiderlings have rather nasty DPS, especially when coupled with her own Spider Form. |
Mirror matchups as an Evelynn are easy to handle. In this scenario, your best bet is to build either AP Evelynn or AP-Hybrid Evelynn, the former for tackling her in late game with the help of Rylai's Crystal Scepter, and the latter for invading her at her buffs for early game with the help of Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration, Precision and Ignite. The most important spells to watch out for are Dark Frenzy and Agony's Embrace. Save your Dark Frenzy for her Agony's Embrace, and save your Agony's Embrace until she uses Dark Frenzy to flee.
Gragas is a pesky but otherwise manageable opponent. Body Slam will be Evelynn’s worst irritant here, thanks to it being both a dash and a knock-up skill, meaning Gragas has good mobility and crowd control, making it hard for Evelynn to chase, or worst still, run away from Gragas. However, Barrel Roll and Explosive Cask can be juked; these skills simply require an input from Dark Frenzy to manouvre around and evade. In this matchup, your best builds are AP Evelynn or AD Evelynn, the former has to focus into a sustain route to shred Gragas' hit points with Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Liandry's Torment, and the latter has to orient towards Blade of the Ruined King for the same purpose. |
Graves is one of those champions you don’t want to face as an enemy jungler when you play Evelynn. His recent rework has transformed him from an already bursty champion into a monstrosity that is practically able to thrive in any role (except for Support). New Destiny and End of the Line are very painful as these will chip away chunks of your already mediocre hit points away, and Collateral Damage is an extreme finisher that he can use to murder you. Smoke Screen is also annoying as the blind makes you unable to hit enemies with Hate Spike and Ravage. Your only hope to fight Graves is to build AP Evelynn and orient towards the sustain route, kiting Graves with Rylai's Crystal Scepter along the way in skirmishes and teamfights and relying on Frozen Heart to protect you from his immense physical damage.
Hecarim is an easy jungler to face, but a difficult champion to pin down. Look at all that movement speed! That is practically his only tool against you as that is what makes Hecarim hard to catch. Your only concerns when fighting Hecarim is to look out for Onslaught of Shadows and Devastating Charge, as these are the two tools that help him disrupt your flow of battle or escape from your clutches, although making him burn these spells for the latter purpose is quite worth it. Any build is feasible against Hecarim, so just build according to the rest of his team as well as your own. |
Jax is a difficult opponent to fight. Regular Leap Strikes make him a rather sticky fighter, and Counter Strike’s ability to parry all incoming attacks render AP-Hybrid Evelynn less effective and AD Evelynn useless against Jax. Even burst-oriented AP Evelynn builds will have problems with Counter Strike as it parries on-hit effects, such as Lich Bane, when it parries primary attacks. Counter Strike is also annoying due to its stun, which can keep Evelynn off her tracks, and finally, the passive on-hit effect from Grandmaster-At-Arms will devastate you once Jax is equipped with Sated Devourer, and its active component is effective at countering Evelynn’s mixed damage. Your only hope against Jax is to build a sustain-oriented AP Evelynn. Get Frozen Heart (and Randuin's Omen if Jax snowballs out of control) and inhibit him with Exhaust, then use Hate Spike in tandem with Rylai's Crystal Scepter to pin him down and kite him. Finally, immediately use Dark Frenzy either when he uses Counter Strike or after he does so, to run away from the stun or to mitigate his follow-up from the stun itself.
Jarvan IV is a relatively easy opponent to face as a jungler, but can be rather annoying to face in teamfights. While his kit is specialized in dealing and mitigating physical damage, your Greater Seal of Armor will protect you against him, and Hate Spike makes you a mixed damage dealer rather than a physical damage dealer, furthering your strengths against him. When fighting him, the only spell to look out for is Cataclysm, as this will pin Evelynn down into a very small zone. Any build is feasible against Jarvan IV, so just build according to the rest of his team as well as your own. |
Kayle is initially very weak and fragile, but later on in the game she can get out of hand if she builds Sated Devourer, thanks to Righteous Fury and Intervention. This remains the case despite recent nerfs to the interaction between ranged junglers and Sated Devourer because Righteous Fury makes Kayle a ranged champion and grants her bonus damage on-hit. Watch out for her Reckoning and save Dark Frenzy for when she uses this spell. When she hits Level 6, always take into consideration that she can use Intervention to prevent you from getting kills, or pair it up with Reckoning and Righteous Fury to pummel you away while rendering you helpless against her DPS, invulnerability and slow. There are two ways to fight a Enchantment: Devourer-oriented Kayle. AP-Hybrid builds are good for countering her early game by invading her at her buffs after taking your Raptors. Alternatively, a sustain-oriented AP Evelynn is effective at lowering her DPS with the help of Frozen Heart. However, as mentioned before, always be wary of Intervention, and prepare to switch targets when she uses it. Finally, Kayle is only threatening if she builds Enchantment: Devourer. Kayles that build Enchantment: Runic Echoes are very easy to handle due to her lack of game presence.
Kha'Zix is not an easy opponent to manage as Evelynn. Leap gives him some serious mobility, allowing him to close in onto your allies, or run away from them when he is low. Taste Their Fear is threatening if he catches you alone in the jungle without your allies, and Void Assault throws your Hate Spike and Ravage on disarray, preventing you from hitting him with the former, and disjointing the latter. The best way to catch him is to build towards a burst-oriented AP Evelynn, or go for AP-Hybrid builds and invade him at his Blue Sentinel. This way, either he is vulnerable to you, or you make him fall off easily with a fatal invade. |
Kindred is another champion that Evelynn will have difficulty managing. Firstly, she is a ranged jungler, so she is able to kite you easily and make it harder for you to land Hate Spike and autoattacks on her. Secondly, Mark of the Kindred will constantly apply active pressure on you. You will have to guard your camps and the Rift Scuttlers fiercely, lest you let her accumulate her stacks, and you will also have to beat her to ganks. Will she gank marked targets? Will she actually gank a different lane? These are strategies you have to predict when fighting a Kindred. Finally, Lamb's Respite is one of the most painstaking abilities to manouvre around. While the generally best counter-tactic is to stay within the region until the duration ends, this will buy time for the rest of Kindred’s team to home in on you and your team, and there is a good chance that she will out-sustain the heal that both of you will get from Lamb's Respite, putting you off any possible edge over her. To fight Kindred, itemization is not important, but strategizing is. Tackle her directly at her Mark of the Kindred marks, or apply indirect pressure by camping a lane and hope that her team will divert her to said lane while you make your move to another lane and throw her off her tracks by asserting your map presence in the lanes.

Lee Sin is an opponent that is hard to control, but only if you do not play aggressively. Despite the trend that his abilities heavily favor his early game, he is actually weak pre-3, when he only has four abilities to play around, and will be left at low HP levels after taking camps. A normal Lee Sin will always start with Sonic Wave and Resonating Strike, so at Level 2 he will lack either Safeguard and Iron Will, or Tempest and Cripple. However, once he hits Level 3, and completes Enchantment: Warrior, he gains an extreme power spike that opens the gates for him to begin snowballing. Make use of his weak pre-3 by going AP-Hybrid Evelynn and invading him at his buffs after Ancient Krug or Raptors, and be cautious of said power spike by keeping up your ganks on your lanes to maintain your impact levels in the game and working with your laners to defuse his ganks and stop him at his tracks. |
Master Yi is an opponent that is next to impossible to control as Evelynn once enough time has passed. Despite his weakness in the early game due to a lack of items and Sated Devourer, Level 6 grants him access to Highlander, which eventually becomes the sole reason why he is very hard to kill thanks to its passive and interaction with Alpha Strike. This is the point where he commonly begins snowballing too, so it is very difficult to keep him out of the game. Because of this, he will always be able to slash his way back into the game no matter what. So, as Evelynn, what you can do is go for the AP-Hybrid build, and invade him at his Red Brambleback immediately after your Raptors or Gromp. Get the drop on him, and look out for future chances to invade him again. Force him to burn summoner spells, or steal his camps, and best yet, kill him, but beware Vision Wards in his jungle. This way, you delay his farm, and you buy your allies more time to farm up and be more resilient to Master Yi’s ganks by delaying his Level 6. The only other way is to build towards a sustain-oriented AP Evelynn, with a focus into Tracker's Knife to ward your lanes against him, and Frozen Heart to mitigate his attack speed in late game. Make sure you are not caught alone by him if you are in this build as you lack the dueling power to fight him.
Nautilus is one of those enemy junglers best left alone. His sheer durability and crowd control makes it very tough to fight him, whatmore when he is surrounded by allies. However, everything about him (except for Titan's Wrath) is quite slow as they take time to cause their effects. So be sure to use Dark Frenzy to juke Dredge Line to prevent getting hooked, and to evade Riptide to prevent getting slowed and damaged (multiple waves from one Riptide will deal accumulative although diminished damage to you). Lastly, never ever be in range for Staggering Blow as the stun has a decent length, and brace yourself if you are the main target of Depth Charge as this spell is unavoidable if you don’t have a Banshee's Veil, and even then you may not have the slot or the viability (i.e. your role demands) to build it. If building against Nautilus, AD Evelynn is your best bet. Blade of the Ruined King and Trinity Force are equally viable options as the %HP shred and the mobility from the two items respectively are equally viable weapons to fight Nautilus. He is quite slow, and quite chunky, and he is one lumbering beast. |
Nidalee is an easy champion to prey on as Evelynn, as long as she does not get kills to snowball on. Shadow Walk obscures your location from Nidalee, giving you time and space to avoid her Bushwhack traps, allowing you to get the drop on her and prevent her from maximising her damage on you with Javelin Toss. Because Javelin Toss’ damage is inhibited, this reduces the damage from Takedown as you get to keep more HP. Finally, when she is unable to proc a Hunt on you, either from Javelin Toss or Bushwhack, she will not be able to Prowl on you, Pounce will not have reduced cooldowns when targeted at you, and Swipe deals generally negligible damage here. Definitely build a burst-oriented AP Evelynn or AP-Hybrid Evelynn to make Nidalee-flavored instant popcorn today!
Nocturne is Evelynn's worst (literal) nightmare. Unspeakable Horror is very hard to run away from. If you fight him, the fear effect will take place, and Nocturne is really attracted to feared creatures. If you run away, he will shred you away with Umbra Blades and use Duskbringer to catch up with you. Shroud of Darkness is very messed up when it comes to countering you. The issue with it is not that it blocks Hate Spike, but the fact that it grants Nocturne an attack speed steroid is really scary, especially when coupled with Umbra Blades and the fear effect from Unspeakable Horror. Finally, Sated Devourer on him means he is going to really dominate the game and outclass you in every way possible. Your only hope to fight him is to do so with allies; allow the tanks to pin Nocturne down while you do your dirty work. If building against him, AP Evelynn can orient towards the sustain route, building Frozen Heart and Randuin's Omen if necessary; AP-Hybrid Evelynn should also orient towards the sustain route, Hextech Gunblade and Randuin's Omen are two critical items needed, and AD Evelynn is also a wholly viable option against Nocturne no matter what build you go with her. |
While Nunu is one of those champions you don’t exactly want to fight, he is actually a manageable threat. Despite Ice Blast being on a low cooldown, Dark Frenzy is able to cleanse the immense slow, so always save Dark Frenzy for Ice Blast. Repeated assaults of Ice Blast will accumulate on you, but the cleanse from Dark Frenzy gives you time to retaliate against Nunu & Willump while Ice Blast goes on cooldown. Wards are important against Nunu & Willump, whether you use Stealth Ward or Tracker's Knife, as Consume is practically a second Smite for Nunu & Willump, and the Absolute Zero in a brush trick is a rather infamous, yet lethal one. Always ward up your camps and bushes around the river, as Nunu & Willump is a good camp stealer, and the trick as aforementioned can pose a threat to you and your allies. When itemizing against him, always build orienting towards sustain, whether you build AP Evelynn, AP-Hybrid Evelynn, or AD Evelynn, as Nunu & Willump is not easy to burst down, whatmore with Rod of Ages and other equally possible tanky items.
Olaf is a relatively easy champion to fight, but there are other better priorities than invading an Olaf. In the middle of true damage from Reckless Swing, the slow and range from Undertow, the healing from Tough It Out, and immunity to disables from Ragnarok, Olaf makes for an excellent duelist against Evelynn and other close ranged bruisers in general. However, don't invade him as his sustain will catch you off-guard, and believe me, you do not want to try. In the event that you do wish to fight him, go for a sustain-oriented AP Evelynn or AP-Hybrid Evelynn build. AD Evelynn is also a viable route for this purpose, but you have to be tanky enough to fight him if you build AD. |
Pantheon is a relatively manageable threat. He is not as mobile as you are, so the chances of bumping into him is low and rises only when ganking or taking objectives. His kit, however, can pose a threat against you. Always autoattack him first before using Ravage in order to remove Aegis Protection and prevent him from blocking half your Ravage, and use Hate Spike before downing Aegis Protection. If his Aegis Protection is back up or he uses Aegis of Zeonia, do the same thing unless you managed to successfully expend Ravage on him. Finally, watch out for Grand Skyfall and get ready to run away from the area of impact, and beware the damage done from Spear Shot and Heartseeker Strike. If itemizing against him, any build will do but AP and AP-Hybrid Evelynn are two preferred choices here as Pantheon still tends to lean towards squishy.
Poppy is another one of those junglers best left alone. She is too tanky to be taken down, and she is also rather disruptive to Evelynn. Even though you are immune to Steadfast Presence thanks to Dark Frenzy being a movement speed steroid and not a dash, the rest of her kit does not bode well for you either. Hammer Shock is to Poppy what Hate Spike is to Evelynn, and it does some serious damage. It is also imperative that you manouvre around Poppy to deny her any chance of pinning you to the wall with Heroic Charge. Finally, Keeper's Verdict serves to totally push you out of your offense with the sheer potential of that HUGE knock back. When fighting her, AD Evelynn is your best bet as Poppy is somewhat immobile and not difficult to hit. |
Quinn is a difficult opponent to fight. She is ranged, she is even more mobile than you, and she is burstier than you can ever be. Practically, she outclasses Evelynn in a lot of areas. In the middle of her Vault, Harrier procs and Blinding Assault, it is difficult for you to be able to hit her without taking some serious damage yourself. Her combo and Harrier become even more threatening once she accumulates critical strike, and if she builds Sterak's Gage you can say farewell to any hopes of bursting her down. Finally, Behind Enemy Lines gives her some serious roaming power, allowing her to reach any location with ease. She may also couple this with Heightened Senses to ambush you at your camps if you are caught farming. Building AP-Hybrid Evelynn with Hextech Gunblade into Sterak's Gage and Iceborn Gauntlet is your best hope against Quinn. Durability and slows will buy you time to fight her, and your sustain will also be able to help you recover from her vicious attacks. Quinn is actually not difficult to burst, but it is her own damage and easy access to it that defines her as a threat.
Rammus is also one of those junglers best left alone. He is not too painful to fight, but he makes up for a lack of damage with decent crowd control and immense durability to physical damage. Evelynn is actually able to outrun Powerball if she has Stalker's Blade and Rylai's Crystal Scepter to couple with Dark Frenzy, but she will not be able to catch up to Rammus either. Ravage will proc Defensive Ball Curl twice, but Hate Spike will only be affected by the bonus MR from it. Puncturing Taunt is only deadly if combined with Soaring Slam and/or the presence of Rammus' nearby allies. Try not to itemize against Rammus as his decent-only crowd control and lack of damage means he should be a low-priority target when combined with his extreme durability. If you have to do so, however, go for a sustain-oriented AP Evelynn, and build MR against him (don't build armor, Rammus deals mainly magic damage) |
Rek'Sai is a difficult opponent to face. Even though Rek'Sai does not commonly build damage, she can still be rather painful because of Furious Bite's potential to deal 240% AD true damage at Level 5 and 100 Fury. Unburrow has a low casting time too, so if she combines this with Tunnel for an opener, you will suffer a lot of damage as Rek'Sai proceeds to shred you with Queen's Wrath while you are knocked up no thanks to Unburrow. Finally, Tunnel provides her with a lot of mobility, and the tremor sense she gains while Burrowed can detect you through Shadow Walk, ruining any hopes you have of sneaking up onto her team while Rek'Sai is nearby. When fighting her, any itemization route oriented towards sustain builds will do, but the AP-Hybrid route is the best one to go thanks to the healing from Hextech Gunblade and the attack speed slow, HP and armor from Randuin's Omen.

Rengar is one of the tougher champions to fight once he's fed. In the middle of Savagery and Bola Strike, his swift and deadly attacks will shred Evelynn within seconds, even if she's tanky, thanks to the AD enhancement from Savagery, the attack speed steroid from Enhanced Savagery, and the Ferocity Rengar gains over time from Thrill of the Hunt. This, however, is only the case if Rengar gets a lead ahead of Evelynn, or both are at the same pace, as an Evelynn who is ahead can actually fight Rengar. The AP Evelynn and AP-Hybrid Evelynn builds are the most effective ones against Rengar, the former allows you to combat him late game, and the latter allows you to invade him early game. Orient your build towards sustain if Rengar goes semitank, or towards burst if Rengar goes full-on damage. Finally, try to predict from which bushes is he likely to jump with Unseen Predator, or from which direction is he going to use Thrill of the Hunt, and if he will use the latter on you at all. |
Rumble is a relatively manageable threat to face that has been emerging in the jungle only recently. His early game is not strong, and he is not exactly painful even with Enchantment: Runic Echoes. It is only when he begins accumulating penetration items like Haunting Guise and Abyssal Mask that he begins to become threatening. However, these items are not exactly cheap, and as a jungler, Rumble has to build Enchantment: Runic Echoes first to get that early game ahead. This means that Evelynn has quite a decent breathing space as Enchantment: Runic Echoes is a stronger powerspike for Evelynn than for Rumble. In this scenario, any build works against him as he is not too tanky even with Scrap Shield, however, AD Evelynn is the best build to go as Rumble is rather immobile, and the slows from Iceborn Gauntlet are really useful in pinning him down, and the Phage component of Trinity Force is more than enough movement speed to keep up with Rumble's pace, even through The Equalizer's massive slows.
Sejuani is one of those junglers best left alone. She is quite immobile, but she is also too tanky for you to be able to hope to take down, and she has a mixture of crowd control and HP shreds that is so heavy that you can't simply mitigate with Dark Frenzy. Arctic Assault and Glacial Prison will be your worst enemies here as the former is rather disruptive to your attacks and ganks, and the latter will lock you in place for all of eternity. Finally, Sejuanis are almost always built into Enchantment: Cinderhulk, making it very hard to take her down. Try not to itemize against her as it is not worth your effort and gold, but if you still choose to do so, build either AP Evelynn, orienting towards sustain with a focus in Liandry's Torment and Rylai's Crystal Scepter, or AD Evelynn, orienting towards Blade of the Ruined King. |
Once you see an enemy Shaco, you have every right and responsibility to be fearful, as he is one of the most disgusting scumbags to face as an Evelynn. Firstly, Deceive makes it difficult for you to see where is he coming from. He could Deceive over the wall into your buffs and bypass your ward altogether. Secondly, he can booby-trap your camps with Jack In The Box, causing some serious hurt if you are caught and feared. Finally, Hallucinate and Two-Shiv Poison will slow you down on your tracks if you attempt to catch him as you will be confused on which Shaco is a fake, and which Shaco is the real one, and the slow and damage of Two-Shiv Poison is very painful, particularly if he builds Enchantment: Runic Echoes and goes AP. Your best bet against him is to build towards burst, whether as AP Evelynn, or as AP-Hybrid Evelynn. Trust me, the feeling of making Shaco-flavored popcorn is practically the best one of all in the League of Legends.
Shyvana is a relatively manageable threat to face. Despite the immense DPS she gains from Titanic Hydra and Sated Devourer combined, and the tankiness she gains from Dragonborn and Dragon's Descent, she is not that much of a threat for Evelynn when compared to other champions. However, her skillset when compared to Evelynn's makes her quite a decent rival. Twin Bite rivals Ravage as it procs on-hit effects twice and has its cooldown reduced on every autoattack. Burnout also has a high base damage and provides Shyvana with decent movement speed over time. She is also able to shred HP from targets marked with Flame Breath by dealing %HP damage to targets marked with it. Finally, Dragon's Descent has a knockback component wherein Shyvana flies in a target direction and drags enemy champions with her, a la Lee Sin's Dragon's Rage. When itemizing against her, always build sustain, whether you are playing AP, AP-Hybrid, or AD Evelynn. AP Evelynn can slow and kite Shyvana with Frozen Heart and Rylai's Crystal Scepter, while AP-Hybrid and AD Evelynn can brawl with Shyvana head-on. |
Skarner is one of the tougher junglers to face, although a noteworthy trait of Skarner is that his skillset rival those of Evelynn's in a very similar manner to Shyvana. One of the two most notable differences here is the presence of Threads of Vibration throughout the jungle and the river, which creates a mechanic that requires emphasis on map presence and map control as these spires greatly empower Skarner, granting him movement speed and mana regeneration to spam Shattered Earth. The other most notable difference is how his skillset trades DPS for crowd control when compared to that of Shyvana's. While the slow component of Ixtal's Impact can be dispelled with Dark Frenzy, if you get caught by Ixtal's Impact or get Impaled, your only way out is Quicksilver Sash/ Mercurial Scimitar, and even then you won't commonly obtain these items as you would be more focused on buying tanky items instead. Because of this, your best bet is to build AP Evelynn, orienting towards sustain, as this is the only route whereby you can get Mercurial Scimitar by replacing Abyssal Mask. Do not replace Frozen Heart as you need the armor and CDR to reduce physical damage from Skarner and pin him down more effectively.
Trundle is not an easy opponent to face. In the middle of Chomp, Frozen Domain and Subjugate, expect to have a very difficult duel against Trundle. With your AD Chomped out, your tankiness Subjugated and stolen, and getting caught in Trundle's Frozen Domain, Evelynn will have a tough fight as she is trapped in a disadvantageous position. Finally, Pillar of Ice is such a pain to manage for as the knockback and slow will really cripple your escape if you don't have Dark Frenzy. In this situation, your best hope is to build towards a sustain-oriented AP-Hybrid build. Hextech Gunblade and Randuin's Omen will be your two fairy godparents in this fight as you need sustain and durability to stretch out the fight and buy you more time for Trundle's Frozen Domain and Subjugate to wear off. |
Udyr is a challenging opponent to face. Between his four stances and Bridge Between, the only thing that Udyr lacks that you have is range, and even then this is a negligible deficiency that Udyr can make up for with his speed. Beyond that, the rest of his skillset is very comparable to Evelynn's, and Udyr outclasses her in various areas. Wingborne Storm has more burst and is less costly compared to Hate Spike, and gives Udyr some decent mixed damage. Iron Mantle gives him a bit of durability as well as sustain, both of which Evelynn lacks in her skillset. Blazing Stampede allows him to stun, something which Evelynn does not have at all, and the movement speed bonus stacks with Bridge Between to make his mobility comparable to Evelynn's. To itemize against him, orient towards sustain in your builds. AP Evelynn is able to slow him down with Rylai's Crystal Scepter. AP-Hybrid Evelynn and AD Evelynn also have sustain that can rival that of Udyr's, buying her more time to take Udyr down.
Vi is not an easy opponent to face, but she is not a common pick now ever since other junglers went on the rise back in Season 5. Nevertheless, be wary of enemy junglers who pick Vi, as Vi's skillset has the ability to totally shred and disrupt Evelynn, all the while making Vi herself tanky and mobile. Blast Shield makes her harder to take down, Vault Breaker gives Vi a nice package of crowd control and mobility in one, Denting Blows and Relentless Force allow her to keep her toes in brawling against Evelynn's DPS, and finally Cease and Desist is one of the most disruptive and uninterruptible spells in the game, which allows Vi to outclass Evelynn heavily on its own. When itemizing against Vi, build AD Evelynn and fight fire with fire. You need sustain and durability to fight Vi. Blast Shield scales off HP, and Denting Blows allows her to keep up her attack speed boost, so orient towards Blade of the Ruined King when building against her to shred her HP and keep some of your own attack speed with you. |
Volibear is one of those junglers best left alone. Evelynn will not be able to take down Volibear without allies due to his tankiness and The Relentless Storm, and Volibear's ganks are more threatening than his invade attempts anyway. The main highlights of his threat are Thundering Smash and
. Sky Splitter can be dispelled with Dark Frenzy, but Thundering Smash means someone will always be flipped over to the enemy team unless sufficient crowd control is laid out to buy some time for Thundering Smash to wear off, and
has some serious damage going on down there. Unlike other tanky junglers, however, it is viable to itemize against a Volibear, your best bet lying in a sustain oriented AP Evelynn. Rylai's Crystal Scepter can be combined with Frozen Heart to prevent him from using or benefitting from Thundering Smash, and with Liandry's Torment to shred away at all the hit points you can expect him to build. Hate Spike is also a safer way to fight Volibear than autoattacks because of Thundering Smash, so take my word for it when I say that it is not worth getting flipped over at all.
Warwick is a relatively easy champion to face. His kit lacks proper crowd control, with the exception of Infinite Duress. Although Eternal Thirst and Hungering Strike allow him to out-sustain you early, and Blood Scent softly facilitates Warwick's clean up potential, Evelynn has her own tools to compete with Warwick in ganks and general gameplay. Dark Frenzy, for instance, is often coupled with Ravage and Hate Spike for the potential burst and clean-up DPS, which Warwick takes longer to do without Infinite Duress, which has a long cooldown and is an ultimate abiltiy. Ravage is similar to Infinite Duress in its ability to proc on-hit effects twice, but is on a much shorter cooldown and yet has comparable scalings. When itemizing against Warwick, it is best to build AP Evelynn or AD Evelynn against Warwick, but always orient towards sustain, and predict who is Warwick most likely to cast Infinite Duress first before settling into a build. If he targets your carries, build a sustain-oriented AP Evelynn and get Mikael's Blessing in place of Liandry's Torment to free your ally from Infinite Duress. If he targets you, orient towards Blade of the Ruined King and replace Maw of Malmortius with Mercurial Scimitar when going AD, and replace Abyssal Mask with Mercurial Scimitar when going AP. |
Wukong is a relatively manageable threat to face, although he is an uncommon jungle pick these days. Learn to predict his movement during Warrior Trickster and you will be able to keep up with him and take him down more quickly. Crushing Blow and Nimbus Strike are pretty much tank and spank abilities to tackle, while Cyclone can be juked if you move around correctly with Dark Frenzy. Your only main problem when facing him arises if he successfully combos Cyclone into Yasuo's Last Breath, or other equally threatening enemy AoE abilities, as Wukong serves as an excellent initiator, with a good mixture of damage, durability and initiation in his kit. In this scenario, AP Evelynn is generally the best build against him, as it is quite fun to dance around a Wukong being chilled in place with Rylai's Crystal Scepter, burnt with Liandry's Torment and weakened with Frozen Heart. Alternatively, the AP-Hybrid Evelynn build is also viable as brawling with Wukong is another one of those enjoyable experiences, as Evelynn proceeds to blast Wukong with Titanic Hydra and Hextech Gunblade, trading blows with Crushing Blow and Nimbus Strike in the middle of Black Cleaver.
Xin Zhao is a champion who scales rather hard over the game, to the point he eventually becomes hard to control when enough time passes. Early game, he is somewhat weak without Sated Devourer, as he does not have the attack speed and the passive to proc Three Talon Strike and Battle Cry's healing more quickly when dueling Evelynn in this stage. It is the late game phase that makes him threatening, however, as Three Talon Strike only requires two attacks to finish proccing, and Battle Cry heals Xin Zhao every 2 attacks rather than every 3 attacks, improving his sustain a lot. Guinsoo's Rageblade increases Xin Zhao's AD and attack speed, as well as the healing done by Battle Cry, making it a nasty milestone for Xin Zhao in every game. Finally, don't forget that he can engage with Audacious Charge and mark him with Challenge to isolate Challenged targeted away from allies using Crescent Sweep, so his teamfight presence is easy to feel too. There are two ways that you as Evelynn can still fight Xin Zhao. Build AP, orient towards sustain and rely on Frozen Heart and Rylai's Crystal Scepter to pin Xin Zhao down with the slows. Alternatively, build towards the AP-Hybrid build, focusing on offensive early invades and orienting towards sustain later on in the game. |
Zac is not an easy opponent to face. He is quite tanky, has plenty of sustain, and is also very disruptive to your flow of combat. Cell Division allows him to pick up blobs of himself every time he casts spells, and it is sometimes risky to walk over to kill his blobs, and it also allows him a chance to revive himself if at least one of the four blobs that spawn upon him reaching fatal HP levels crawl towards his main body make it back. Elastic Slingshot is notorious for its long range and knock up, and Let's Bounce! is one of the most sustainable sources of crowd control amongst all the disruption abilities, at least for the duration of the spell. Because of Cell Division, itemizing against Zac demands lots of mobility to allow you to destroy his blobs safely at all times. Build AP and orient towards sustain, using Liandry's Torment to shred his HP and Frozen Heart to minimize the cooldown of Dark Frenzy, or build AD and orient towards Blade of the Ruined King to shred his HP and get Enchantment: Furor on Boots of Swiftness for the bonus movement speed on-hit.
In terms of playstyle and itemization,
Evelynn is a very versatile champion, with the ability to play literally any role, and build literally any item, and still be effective.
She can take up the role of a
hard carry
, a
soft carry
, a
, or a
She can orient towards
physical damage or
magic damage, while the former is almost always oriented towards sustain damage (
Evelynn has poor burst if going
AD), the latter can be further oriented towards burst
and sustain damage
. She can even build
In terms of herself,
Evelynn is a unique jungler with
unique strengths, the most notable one being her
ability to bypass normal wards due to the invisibility from
Shadow Walk.
Hate Spike is her primary source of magic damage at all times, and the spammability is what gives her such great DPS, and combined with her mobility and the rest of her kit, it also gives her synergy with various items (
Karthus, for example, has
Lay Waste which is on a lower cooldown than
Hate Spike, but he is a strictly AP champion and hence there is a narrower pool of items that synergizes with him when compared to
Ravage further expands on this synergy by proccing on-hit effects, allowing her to build an even greater multitude of items. The fact that the 100% AP scaling on
Ravage is also physical damage, along with the rest of the spell, ensures that
Evelynns with AP items still have some variable of mixed damage in her kit.
- Finally,
Agony's Embrace makes her a good teamfighter thanks to the added durability, and
Dark Frenzy gives her a unique mobility and evasion from skillshots that most other champions will lack.
Evelynn, however, has her own
- She is very fragile, and she falls off easily if behind.
- She has no innate abilities that provide her any defenses or sustain, so her HP tends to fall off more quickly in the jungle than other junglers if she does not clear her camps as fast as possible.
- She is also very reliant on items; while she has a strong early game and late game, her mid-game is quite weak as she still has not amassed enough items to retain her presence in the game, and her late game strengths are only there because she has items. Hence, for
Evelynn, being behind means she builds less items or she builds weaker items, and this will adversely affect her late game presence.
Author's Comments:
Now that you have reached the end of the guide, I hope that you are able to understand
Evelynn's potential in the current meta as a jungler. She is a very fun champion to play, yet there are not too many people who pick her on a regular basis. Do leave a comment in the discussion section and give me your feedback on this guide! I will be updating this guide at least once in a while, so do stay tuned for updates! Thank you and have a nice day.
DISCLAIMER: Time and date follows the timezone GMT+8
- 01/03/2016 - Guide first began development.
- 10/03/2016 - Guide first published.
- 10/03/2016 - Fixed a couple of typos and missing formatting.
- 13/03/2016 - Added more formatting and updated the guide to V6.5.
- 01/04/2016 - Updated guide to V6.6, followed by various changes to the guide, including the following formerly unpublished changes:

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- 20/03/2016 - Added banners to Section Three Evelynns
- 20/03/2016 - Changed skill sequence of AP-Hybrid Evelynn
- 25/03/2016 - Removed extra content page from MOBAFire and replaced all chapter headings with banner versions.
- 25/03/2016 - Updated champion match-up rating for
- 01/04/2016 - Changed Runes and Masteries for AP Evelynn, itemization for sustain-oriented AP Evelynn.
- 01/04/2016 - Overhaul for AP-Hybrid Evelynn, including Runes and Itemization.
- 28/04/2016 - Minor adjustment to burst-oriented AP-Hybrid Evelynn itemization, major partial adjustment to AD Evelynn itemization routes. Updated guide to V6.8; guide was never updated for V6.7 due to lack of significance and time constraints.
- 28/05/2016 Guide is updated directly to V6.10 due to significant changes from my busy life schedule as well as the Mage Update in V6.9 which has resulted in the following various changes to this guide:

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