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[10.1] General ARAM Guide (Lengthy)

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Champion Build Guide
TL;DR (AKA: I'm in Champion Select...HELP!!!):
Presence of Mind in the Precision Tree (unless you have a form change ulti e.g.
Shyvana, ...), if this is that case and you are in Champion Select already, take
Conditioning and
Overgrowth in the Resolve Tree instead of the Precision Secondary Tree.
Sample Runes that should work on most Champions:
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force, FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Summoner Spells:
Support (take
Ingenious Hunter instead of
Ravenous Hunter)

Sample Runes that should work on most Champions:
Domination Tree: |
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Precision Tree: |
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Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force, FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Summoner Spells:
Melee: |
![]() |
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Ranged: |
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Support (take

Quick Access
Tank: | Tank Runes | Tank & Bruiser Builds | Tank & Bruiser Start |
Mage: | Mage Runes | Magic Damage Builds | Magic Damage Start |
Support: | Support Runes | Active Item Support Builds | Active Item Support Start |
Assassin: | Assassin Runes | Assassin Builds | Assassin Start |
Fighter: | Fighter Runes | Tank & Bruiser Builds | Tank & Bruiser Start |
Marksman: | Marksman Runes | On Hit Builds | Crit Builds | On Hit Start | Crit Start |
Vi On-Hit
Tank Vayne
Recent Change List for ARAM
(Past Change List)
On-Hit DPS
Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace
Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter
Minor Runes:
1-10% CDR
+ 6 Armor
+ 8 Magic Resist
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Runaan's Hurricane
Blade of the Ruined King
Ninja Tabi /
Mercury's Treads
Last item is optional/situational, I usually prefer either:
Wit's End (Because, you are actually able to get an auto attack off during your Q, since your attack speed is really high)
Essence Reaver for CDR / Mana for Muramana
So...why/when do you go On-Hit over Letality/Crit?
Lethality will still out burst the On-Hit build...which means it is still better into squishy teams that you are able to burst fully. But...generally the On-Hit build will provide more utility (healing) & out damage the Lethality build after a couple seconds in combat (if I had to estimate...maybe ~3-5 seconds rough estimate...I'll double check in practice tool later).
Some things that are really important to note in the On-hit build:
Piercing Darkness will give you one hit/stack of
Press the Attack & applies On-hit effects, so the normal Auto-Q-Auto will fully stack
Press the Attack (I still have to double check this, but I believe it also applies a stack to everyone hit by
Piercing Darkness)
Piercing Darkness is reduced by 1 Second On-Hit
Piercing Darkness cast time is reduced by Attack Speed
Absolution/Relic Cannon passive is On-Hit as well
Senna can gather mist from each target every 4 seconds, which will be easier to get with the on-hit build, since you have attack speed for Autos and
Piercing Darknesses.
Presence of Mind
Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace
Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter
Minor Runes:
1-10% CDR
+ 6 Armor
+ 8 Magic Resist
Gargoyle Stoneplate
Titanic Hydra
Frozen Mallet
Black Cleaver
Sterak's Gage
Ninja Tabi /
Mercury's Treads
Still have to try it out a bit, but the idea around it is basically to
The Show Stopper into the entire team and
Gargoyle Stoneplate up to...8k health I believe. While stacking
Black Cleaver on the entire team with
Titanic Hydra (General Combo: Auto-
Pit Grit-
Knuckle Down-
Pit Grit-
Titanic Hydra-Auto, should fully stack
Black Cleaver on a target or multiple targets). The build is also meant to mesh with Heart of the Half Beast (2nd part of
Pit Grit), and
Haymaker. You will basically become an unkillable monster for the team (between
Sterak's Gage,
Haymaker shield,
Pit Grit health restoration, and
Gargoyle Stoneplate) that sticks to a target after ulting in.
Some notable things that changed since the last guide update (9.13 - 10.1):
Presence of Mind - still "good" after the changes, adds to max mana pool & still gives 10% max mana refund on takedown...honestly still better than
Triumph on most champions...but if
Triumph ever gets changed, still have to look at it again. (the Active item build has more incentive now, with the nerf to
Presence of Mind) Mana/energy is usually important on most champions...without resources, most of the time champions can only auto attack and use Summoner Spells...think it is still covered in the Runes section.
Umbral Glaive - another lethality item with CDR on it...pretty great on summoner's rift & decent on howling abyss...since no wards and all. Still useful into trap champions like
Teemo, but won't activate if you have
Oracle's Extract active. (this passive was taken/removed from
Duskblade of Draktharr) Also, it should be noted this item costs 500 less gold (2400 gold) than the other lethality items.
Spear of Shojin - removed (pretty sad about this one...especially with
Sett's release)
Edge of Night - changed into a Passive instead of an Active (also components to it changed)
Sanguine Blade - is back...and looks a little different (do not recommend buying on ARAM...)
Shurelya's Battlesong - components changed to be more shielding/healing instead of AP...great for the Active Item build
Stormrazor - Gives Crit again...I really like going this now regularly in Crit builds (something like
Infinity Edge ->
Stormrazor, or
Essence Reaver ->
Infinity Edge ->
Stormrazor). Really great that it gives attack speed and crit.
Kleptomancy removed ->
Prototype: Omnistone (still not sure about this one, generally wouldn't recommend over choosing a keystone that best fits your champ)
Conqueror changed - generally take this keystone if you are melee and aren't going
Aftershock. (or
Lethal Tempo)
Rapid Firecannon &
Statikk Shiv changed - Shiv cannot crit, but bounces more & Rapid Firecannon does not charge faster. (raises the value of
Stormrazor &
Runaan's Hurricane, since both aren't really great...the range on
Rapid Firecannon is still useful for poke and kiting if really necessary though)
Locket of the Iron Solari - better flat shielding, still good in the Active item build if needed against burst.
Brawler's Gloves was removed &
Zeal was changed to include
Cloak of Agility & got a cost increase to 1400. Crit strike went up by 10% & Attack speed down by 3%.
Biscuit Delivery also changed, but nothing too noteworthy for ARAM purposes.
...a bunch of champion changes/re-works & releases. I'll probably be working on this section & researching/testing a bit more, but really wanted to push out the
Senna section. Hope you guys have fun with it! Really glad to hear people still read the guide & want it updated, good luck & have fun!
On-Hit DPS
Senna Build


Minor Runes:
1-10% CDR
+ 6 Armor
+ 8 Magic Resist

Last item is optional/situational, I usually prefer either:


So...why/when do you go On-Hit over Letality/Crit?
Lethality will still out burst the On-Hit build...which means it is still better into squishy teams that you are able to burst fully. But...generally the On-Hit build will provide more utility (healing) & out damage the Lethality build after a couple seconds in combat (if I had to estimate...maybe ~3-5 seconds rough estimate...I'll double check in practice tool later).
Some things that are really important to note in the On-hit build:





Sett Theorycraft


Minor Runes:
1-10% CDR
+ 6 Armor
+ 8 Magic Resist
General Build:

Still have to try it out a bit, but the idea around it is basically to

Some notable things that changed since the last guide update (9.13 - 10.1):

...a bunch of champion changes/re-works & releases. I'll probably be working on this section & researching/testing a bit more, but really wanted to push out the

Hey all, LReign here.
My peak % on whatismymmr was ~0.66% of top, for ARAM, and over 7200 ARAM games played (across 4 accounts). Just thought I'd share my perspective, understanding & opinions, and what I have learned so far from playing the game mode. (not just solely what I am seeing)
Why do I enjoy playing ARAM over Normals and Ranked?
- I enjoy playing a wide range of champions, whereas in Ranked you usually spam 1-3 champions repeatedly.
- In general, there is less flaming. (Woo!)
- It's easier to make plays/coordinate when everyone is in the same place at the same time.
- Less farming and more fighting.
- More dynamic & reaction based. (since you react to enemy champs/team comps & different build routes)
I had run into Meteos (L - think this was right before C9 went to Worlds for the first time...seemed like a pretty chill dude -

I'll be updating the guide pretty regularly as I figure things out when playing on new patches (TL;DR as well), though the core of the guide will likely remain the same.
Any comments and other forms of feedback are appreciated!
[8.24] It's back! Phew...finally everything is formatted again. Let me know if you see anything I mis-formatted, or didn't format in the new version!
Any follows or other support is appreciated! m(_ _)m
Twitter - Probably one of the best places to keep up w/ stuff outside of ARAM (Champion concepts/stories, ideas, likely app development stuff in the future, ...)
Discord Server Link
*Sample Runes Below (categorized)
Marksman Runes
Mage Runes
Tank Runes
Fighter Runes
Assassin Runes
Support Runes
This section is just a summary of Runes that I feel are very strong in ARAM. I'll provide a list of Rune Pages that I use at the bottom of the section.
If you glanced over the TL;DR section, you had probably seen
Presence of Mind up there. "Why is this rune so important?" you may be asking, if you don't already know.
Presence of Mind reduces the Player's Ultimate ability cooldown by 10% on kill and ASSIST. (t-the Assist part is pretty important...I'm not sure if you could tell...b-by the...capitalization part) Since fights happen so often in a small corridor, in ARAM, it is likely that you will get an assist on every enemy in each teamfight. (unless you died without getting an ability off) This means, even if you die, by the time you respawn, your ultimate will at least be 50% off cooldown already. (which is a huge advantage if the enemy is not also running
Presence of Mind) If you fight again soon after getting to lane, the enemy has to wait for the +50% difference gap in timers, or risk completely losing the next teamfight.
The +20% maximum mana refund on kills and assists is really just a bonus (but also overloads the rune...since it is like 2 runes in 1), but may additionally mean that
Lost Chapter, or
Tear of the Goddess, or other mana regen items and
Clarity could be skipped without running out of mana (which optionally frees up an item slot for a stronger item). (if you get an assist on every enemy in a teamfight, that is +100% maximum mana...which means you are ready for the next teamfight already!) I would still recommend getting a mana item on mages (
Rod of Ages,
Tear of the Goddess,
Lost Chapter,
Abyssal Mask) though, so you can take a summoner spell other than
Clarity, and additionally synergize with the % max mana refund, which
Clarity does not offer.
Having ultimate abilities up quicker, or the ability to spam ultimate abilities off cooldown (e.g.
Trueshot Barrage,
Mega Inferno Bomb), or having potentially 2 ultimates up in one teamfight messes with the balancing of the game quite a bit.
Edit: Nerfed to 10% max mana & 6% ultimate cooldown reduction (will update this portion)
Edit 2: Changed to 10% max mana & up to +500 max mana & +50 max energy (will update this portion)
Another rune that is probably overpowered on ARAM that I feel has flown under the radar a bit is the
Ingenious Hunter rune.
This rune is amazing on support champs (
Janna, ...), because usually if you rush
Redemption at the start of the game with
then only 750 gold is needed to complete
Redemption, which can be used for AOE healing on a ~72 second cooldown for the rest of the game (if fully stacked
Ingenious Hunter). This makes a huge difference to have some healing against a team that has no healing.
Other notable item actives include
Shurelya's Battlesong (54s CD),
Mikael's Blessing (72s CD),
Hextech Rocketbelt (24s CD),
Zhonya's Hourglass (72s CD)
If there were a 3rd tier of strong runes, it would be likely include
Ultimate Hunter (lower CD ultimates),
Dark Harvest (very strong at "winning more", easy to apply & activate),
Aftershock (flat stats, and AOE dmg), and
Relentless Hunter (easier dodging & engaging, also works well with movement speed buffs),
Ravenous Hunter (spell/ability healing, item damage healing), and
Legend: Tenacity (30% tenacity, especially good on tanks that have CC or lots of dmg,
Mercury's Treads,
Unflinching & abilities such as
Heart Zapper can increase tenacity as well).
Arcane Comet and
Summon Aery are pretty good keystones, the rest of the tree is either utility based, or have high barriers to being useful, or "does not do enough" ARAM anyway (when compared to other trees). The entire Domination tree either offers damage or healing (at least one on each row) without very high gates to activating each rune. The Precision tree is also similar in that sense to Domination.
One more thing worth mentioning is that
Triumph is traded off for
Presence of Mind. Why do I feel that
Presence of Mind is generally worth taking in most scenarios over
Triumph? This is because I feel that having more damage is worth more than having more health. You can always "dodge that one extra skillshot" or "position better to not get hit," but you can't "make yourself get your ultimate up faster" or "make yourself have more mana." You have more opportunities with having damage, having your ultimate up faster, or having more mana (while not sacrificing a summoner spell to do so). It's fairly good on peeling tanks (
Maokai with no mana likely won't do too much...unless you are AD
Maokai I suppose), and if you are playing a squishy carry and an assassin, or tank, or the entire enemy team runs through your frontline to kill you and you don't have are probably dead and won't be able to get an assist or kill to even get the %missing health heal from
Triumph ( can still get the ultimate cooldown from
Presence of Mind when you are dead though).
There is generally a way to play better to keep yourself healthy, and there are also other runes that provide a way to heal
Ravenous Hunter,
Legend: Bloodline,
Taste of Blood,
Fleet Footwork. Most of these runes are good or decent, and can easily be fit into the rune combination (they are also all in the Precision & Domination tree which makes things MUCH easier). While, to get more mana, the options are
Manaflow Band (which is 1% missing mana over time), take
Clarity, or
Biscuit Delivery, which means you either have to forfeit a summoner spell, or go the sorcery or inspiration tree (which are less valuable at the moment in ARAM).
Similar to the mentality when playing ADC from behind, you keep itemizing more damage items instead of building defensive, so that you can keep up in damage to the enemy ADC even though you have less gold (you have the opportunity to do the same amount of damage by playing better...except in this situation you do more damage instead of equal). From my point of view, there is always a way to play better to not need the %missing health (it feels similar to allowing yourself to play less well, while sacrificing opportunity to deal damage...but if you keep putting yourself in the scenario with the opportunity to improve, you will improve). Why should you stop using spells when you are chunking 2-3 of the opponents, just to conserve mana? If you keep hitting the enemy with spells, shouldn't you keep using spells and mana? If you have
Presence of Mind though, you will get refunded mana for killing these 2-3 opponents when their HP hits 0, and can continually keep chunking the enemy team in a cycle,
Triumph won't allow this to happen (and if you take
Clarity, you cannot reactively
Barrier or
Heal when you are inevitably jumped on by the enemy team...because they will see you as a giant threat).
Triumph bad? No, if it were buffed or
Presence of Mind were nerfed, it should be considered. Just as it my opinion
Presence of Mind is better in most general scenarios.
Legend: Bloodline instead of
Legend: Alacrity to avoid building more lifesteal items, or lifesteal items earlier than needed (for on-hit users, especially those getting
Blade of the Ruined King first or have % max health damage in their kit, you can go
Legend: Alacrity instead)
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force, FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Investing in Early-Mid Game
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force, FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: 1-10% CDR (or +9 Adaptive Force), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
If you can easily activate
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: 1-10% CDR (or +9 Adaptive Force), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force (or 1-10% CDR), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
If you need a second engage and don't need more defensive stats
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force (or +1-10% CDR), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force (or 1-10% CDR), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force (or 1-10% CDR), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force (or 1-10% CDR), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force, FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
If you can easily activate
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force (or +1-10% CDR), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
If you need a second engage and don't need more damage
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force (or +1-10% CDR), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
If You Expect Drawn Out Fights With Your Comp
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force, FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: 1-10% CDR (or +9 Adaptive Force), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: 1-10% CDR (or +9 Adaptive Force), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Test Support Runes (Mage):
Glacial Augment
Stat Runes: OFFENSE: 1-10% CDR (or +9 Adaptive Force), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Marksman Runes
Mage Runes
Tank Runes
Fighter Runes
Assassin Runes
Support Runes
This section is just a summary of Runes that I feel are very strong in ARAM. I'll provide a list of Rune Pages that I use at the bottom of the section.
Presence Of Mind
If you glanced over the TL;DR section, you had probably seen

The +20% maximum mana refund on kills and assists is really just a bonus (but also overloads the rune...since it is like 2 runes in 1), but may additionally mean that

Having ultimate abilities up quicker, or the ability to spam ultimate abilities off cooldown (e.g.

Edit: Nerfed to 10% max mana & 6% ultimate cooldown reduction (will update this portion)
Edit 2: Changed to 10% max mana & up to +500 max mana & +50 max energy (will update this portion)
Ingenious Hunter
Another rune that is probably overpowered on ARAM that I feel has flown under the radar a bit is the

This rune is amazing on support champs (

then only 750 gold is needed to complete

Other notable item actives include

Next Strongest Runes
If there were a 3rd tier of strong runes, it would be likely include

Sorcery Tree?

Triumph vs.
Presence of Mind
One more thing worth mentioning is that

There is generally a way to play better to keep yourself healthy, and there are also other runes that provide a way to heal

Similar to the mentality when playing ADC from behind, you keep itemizing more damage items instead of building defensive, so that you can keep up in damage to the enemy ADC even though you have less gold (you have the opportunity to do the same amount of damage by playing better...except in this situation you do more damage instead of equal). From my point of view, there is always a way to play better to not need the %missing health (it feels similar to allowing yourself to play less well, while sacrificing opportunity to deal damage...but if you keep putting yourself in the scenario with the opportunity to improve, you will improve). Why should you stop using spells when you are chunking 2-3 of the opponents, just to conserve mana? If you keep hitting the enemy with spells, shouldn't you keep using spells and mana? If you have




Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force, FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Investing in Early-Mid Game



Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force, FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist


Stat Runes: OFFENSE: 1-10% CDR (or +9 Adaptive Force), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
If you can easily activate



Stat Runes: OFFENSE: 1-10% CDR (or +9 Adaptive Force), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist


Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force (or 1-10% CDR), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
If you need a second engage and don't need more defensive stats


Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force (or +1-10% CDR), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist


Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force (or 1-10% CDR), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist


Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force (or 1-10% CDR), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist


Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force (or 1-10% CDR), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
assassin role


Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force, FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
If you can easily activate



Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force (or +1-10% CDR), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
If you need a second engage and don't need more damage


Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force (or +1-10% CDR), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
If You Expect Drawn Out Fights With Your Comp


Stat Runes: OFFENSE: +9 Adaptive Force, FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist


Stat Runes: OFFENSE: 1-10% CDR (or +9 Adaptive Force), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist


Stat Runes: OFFENSE: 1-10% CDR (or +9 Adaptive Force), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Test Support Runes (Mage):



Stat Runes: OFFENSE: 1-10% CDR (or +9 Adaptive Force), FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Starting Items / Buying Item Order
The general tip/principle for buying items is to "spend the most possible gold when you back." This applies to ARAM as well. It is usually so you have the most amount of stats when you get into your next fight.
Another part of this statement is to "buy the hardest components first, if you are able to." Such as,
B. F. Sword (1300 gold) vs.
Dagger (300 gold). If you die with with 1300 gold and buy a
Zeal, and then in a minute die with 400 may regret getting that
Zeal since now you don't have the option to get the
B. F. Sword you had passed up earlier (and could have bought the
Dagger portion of the
Zeal with this back/death).
That is why I usually start
B. F. Sword + 2
Health Potion if it is a part/component of my build, and I am buying an item that requires it later (within the first 1-3 items).
Pickaxe +
Boots +
Health Potions instead for
Essence Reaver.
Such as
Infinity Edge
Another principle is to "buy your stacking items first." (i.e.
Tear of the Goddess
Rod of Ages) This way it'll be stacked...before the game is over.
If I start this route usually I pick up:
For tanks (and most melee champions), especially ones with engage, or who look for picks, I usually start with upgraded boots +
Cloth Armor. Is it dangerous? Yup. If you get hit, there isn't really a way to heal aside from health relics...everything will stick, so good luck! I do this because I really value the speed advantage over enemies (more likely to get engages or followups), both boot upgrade passives & the flexibility in next item purchases.
For Assassins usually I value the early lethality/flat armor pen (since most enemies don't have very much armor at the beginning of the game), so I grab
Serrated Dirk +
Boots. (No potions, so careful on which engages you pick to follow)
For On-Hit users, usually I start either
Vampiric Scepter or
Pickaxe +
Boots +
Health Potion w/ the rest of the gold.
For Active Item Support users, as stated in the prior section:
Another part of this statement is to "buy the hardest components first, if you are able to." Such as,

That is why I usually start

Such as

Crit Start

Another principle is to "buy your stacking items first." (i.e.

If I start this route usually I pick up:
Mage/Magic Damage Start




Tank & Bruiser Start
For tanks (and most melee champions), especially ones with engage, or who look for picks, I usually start with upgraded boots +

Physical Assassin Start
For Assassins usually I value the early lethality/flat armor pen (since most enemies don't have very much armor at the beginning of the game), so I grab

Magic Damage Assassin Start


On-Hit Start
For On-Hit users, usually I start either

Active Item Support Start
For Active Item Support users, as stated in the prior section:

*Sample Builds Below (categorized)
Tank & Bruiser Builds
On Hit Builds
Crit Builds
Magic Damage Builds
Active Item Support Builds
Assassin Builds
Item purchases can normally be figured out during the loading screen, before the game starts. They are based around the idea of "What does your team want to do?" and "What does the enemy team want to do?"
* Just as a side note, because I hear it pretty often, building items from the other damage type (AD champions building AP, or vice versa) does not change the damage type the ability applies, even if the ability scales with Ability Power or Attack Damage. If the ability says it applies physical damage, it'll still apply physical damage even if AP is built.
When your team lacks magic, or physical, or ranged DPS (damage per second) and there are
tank or
fighter champions that build tank items on the enemy team. (would be the simple answer) If there are no innate options in the champions kit to switch damage types (such as
Miss Fortune
Make it Rain), then On-hit could be taken for a ranged magic damage option, or Crit/lethality for a physical damage option.
If you are against a team with all squishy ranged champions (with no
tank or
fighter champions). The only time an alternative damage type is necessary, is if everyone (or 3-4 people bought multiple tank items for that damage type)...which has happened before. These people should be treated as tanks.
Usual Bruiser & Tank build that I build against mixed damage team comps:
Some things to be mentioned before bringing up actual items:
If your team has no tanks or frontline, 99% of the time, it is correct to buy Resistance & Defensive items before buying your first damage item. Reason being, "if you aren't alive you can't deal damage" (...unless you're
Sion or
Karthus) & at the same time "if there is no frontline, it is much harder to navigate a team comp properly, especially as a ranged champion" which then puts the burden of playing properly on random players, which is another random variable that has to be relied on. But, if you are the frontline, then the random ranged carry can get away with playing less well, since you will control which fights are taken/engaged or counter-engaged, and move the burden of taking the correct actions onto yourself (e.g. peeling for backline, or diving their backline, ...).
Defensive items are largely based on what champions the enemy team has. (
Abyssal Mask being a bit of an exception)
The main 3 Tank Magic Resist items to be kept in mind are:
Something to keep in mind with the armor items is that the Cold Steel Passive (attack speed reduction on being hit with an auto attack) is a part of
Randuin's Omen and
Thornmail, but not
Frozen Heart (although
Frozen Heart applies the same amount of attack speed slow as an aura)
The 3 Tank Armor items to be kept in mind:
In my opinion, half-tank items on bruisers/tanks (e.g.,
Maw of Malmortius) should only be built in situations where:
1) You are are the only source of that type of damage (physical or magical), and your backline cannot deal with the tanks on their team otherwise
2) You are in a "damage race" with the enemy after rushing the backline (i.e. You cannot tank their damage, and the only way to win the fight is if you kill them before they kill you)
3) You need QSS (
Quicksilver Sash) because of all of the
Crowd Control the enemy team has.
4) Your team is ahead and you are trying to close out the game as fast a possible, by getting damage faster than the enemy team can build resistances.
As far as damage items, they follow roughly the same rule as
Summoner's Rift. Except if you are going the on-hit items,
Blade of the Ruined King or
Vampiric Scepter should be built on first buy.
Some honorable mentions for the on-hit builds include
Phantom Dancer (for damage reduction, while also providing attack speed which fits with the build and type of damage output),
Essence Reaver (keeps other abilities up, such as
Bio-Arcane Barrage, and
Righteous Fury),
Ninja Tabi (usually the go to for boots, since
Wit's End already provides magic resistance), and
Mercurial Scimitar (for sticky situations)
EDIT [8.24]:
Death's Dance might also be a good addition for on-hit users, if you need "lifesteal" with some burst prevention, and CDR. (especially on users that have % max health damage in their kits)
Unless you plan on not auto attacking very often, or don't plan on getting 100% crit, usually you will be going
Infinity Edge first item if you are going for a Crit build, because
Infinity Edge is now gold efficient and the passive grants quite a bit of power.
Zeal items are also not gold efficient stat-wise and likely shouldn't be bought first.
Essence Reaver has less AD, and the passive is worth a little less due to running
Presence of Mind, but, if you are playing a poke champion or someone that values Cooldown Reduction very highly, then get
Essence Reaver it'll likely be worth the -20 AD loss. Likely the reasoning for getting
Essence Reaver before
Infinity Edge would be something like "I need poke early and need DPS later." (i.e. Playing
Varus on a heavy magic damage team with no DPS & you're against a bunch of tanks)
After getting AD and Crit chance, Attack Speed and more Crit chance usually complements very well. Pretty much all of the
Zeal items have some sort of role they fulfill.
Essence Reaver or
Infinity Edge depending on which you didn't buy first.
Likely either another
Essence Reaver or
Zeal Item, depending on how much more Attack Speed or finished
Zeal item passive you need.
Remember that if you grab a lifesteal item, you're either passing up on/delaying a
Zeal item, or a
Last Whisper item.
Make sure to check if the enemy has bought armor before buying
Last Whisper or other armor penetration items. (armor penetration items are not always necessary, especially in ARAM, where the entire team could be squishy/non-tank champions)
Executioner's Calling can be bought buy itself if only the healing reduction (grevious wounds) is needed, also make sure your team mates haven't already bought
Morellonomicon, since healing reduction may not be necessary if that is the case.
From my experience, if the enemy team knows that they need to kill you, they will paint a giant target on your head that says "kill at all costs". (They probably will when they notice that you are the hardest to kill and dealing the most damage) They will start rushing through your entire team to kill you, which means you need defensive boots, even if just for the stats.
I am a bit biased towards
Seraph's Embrace and
Rod of Ages since they give the most defensive options and raw AP stats. Usually only 1 item is necessary, some champions buy 2. (e.g.
The 2 items that I usually end up picking from Options is
Liandry's Torment (check enemies' item builds, & if enemies stack HP, there is much more benefit from this item) &
Morellonomicon (great for cutting healing & flat magic penetration, for squishy champions).
Veigar regularly buys
Warmog's Armor as his last item, since the passive activates on its own during late-game.
Since I regularly run both
Predator +
Ingenious Hunter +
Presence of Mind on
Kennen (if don't need to go on-hit), the build is a bit special...and sometimes hard to manage.
...the main problem with this build is that...there are potentially 6 active items which could be a little hard to manage. The main benefit is that, there are many ways to force an engage (
Mark/Dash, or
Predator +
Shurelya's Battlesong +
Hextech Rocketbelt), but the damage will likely be a bit low, even though the execution likely has to be pretty high. This sort of build could work on
Annie as well.
If doing this build
Ingenious Hunter is vital.
When should you build
If you need more single target burst, this is your item. You get a small crit on your first auto, and get a speed up for chase/escape afterwards.
Lord Dominik's Regards?
In most situations, you aren't going to be assassinating the tank...unless you are constantly left in a situation where you and the tank are the only ones left alive, or the entire team consists of mainly tanks. In situations where you are actually aiming to assassinate the tank, you likely won't need
Lord Dominik's Regards because, you are assassinating him for not building any armor, so the rest of your team can push forward faster.
Mercurial Scimitar?
You are buying this item because they keep trying to stuff your engage before you get your burst off.
Death's Dance?
You are likely buying this for 1 of 2 reasons. 1) similar to where you are buying
Mercurial Scimitar, your engage is getting stuffed, but it's not crowd control, it is damage & you are getting insta-killed.
Death's Dance should keep you alive long enough to get your burst off, unless you are going in too early, before the enemies blow a few spell. 2) the fights are prolonged, and you can make use of the physical damage "lifesteal" (Edit: All damage types after patch 8.24)
Maw of Malmortius?
Usually, I buy this item in situations similar to
Death's Dance...but I can make use of the magic resist (lots of enemies do magic damage)
Black Cleaver?
Honestly...I rarely buy this item, unless the champion synergises with it very well (e.g.
Lord Dominik's Regards fits tank killing very well, and
Stormrazor fits killing squishy targets very well.
Black Cleaver works well with both of these items, but usually should not replace either. The CDR definitely will help you with getting rotations up faster though.
Blade of the Ruined King?
If you get into a situation of prolonged fighting with a health stacking enemy (pretty rare), this item could cause you to win. The active can also be used as a surprise burst near the end of the fight.
Edge of Night?
If you are not already 100 => 0 squishy enemies, you can get this item for more burst. (also, if
Mercurial Scimitar isn't doing enough)
Usually AP assassins prioritize (flat) Penetration stats, since squishies are usually the targets.
Enemy builds should always be checked, no matter which role you are playing.
Assassin role
Sometimes assassinating a
tank is correct (if you are the only damage of that type magic or physical, and the
tank is stacking only one type of resistance armor or magic resistance), since your backline will be able to push up faster, and may not be able to deal with the
tank if not. (also,
Zhonya's Hourglass or
Stopwatch targets may be difficult to kill)
Checking enemy builds is especially important when playing
mage , since
Liandry's Torment will be more effective early if the enemies are rushing health,
Oblivion Orb/
Morellonomicon rush is great if the enemy team is not buying or planning on buying any magic resist soon, and
Void Staff might be necessary if their team has many tanks and are stacking magic resist. The order depends on what the enemies are planning on buying as their next items.
Ninja Tabi should absolutely be rushed, like 2nd buy, if the enemy team is a bunch of AD assassins (or are buying lethality, e.g.
Wukong). If the enemies snowball on assassins, then you won't be able to deal damage...likely for the rest of the game, so to prevent that, buy
Ninja Tabi early. If it still isn't enough go
Phantom Dancer afterwards for the % damage reduction.
Magic Resist and Armor depend on the enemy comp heavily. Also, sometimes champions can go alternative builds, and the type of damage will change based on the build (e.g.
Guinsoo's Rageblade +
Wit's End damage is heavily magic, versus
Infinity Edge +
Runaan's Hurricane which would be heavily physical), which should always be watched.
Usually, for active item supports, generally my builds are pretty similar, unless there are a large amount of
assassin role ...which could mean a
Zhonya's Hourglass should be included in the build, or
Knight's Vow or
Locket of the Iron Solari should be rushed. (also an early
Oracle's Extract could be useful for your ally carries, since you will be putting the target over your head instead of theirs...since they can't run past you)
If you are fighting against a team heavy in one damage type, stacking that type of resistance could mean they could never kill you before you/your team kill them. (and you will be able to rush damage items faster) Also, if they have
Malzahar...likely the
Nether Grasp is coming for you if you keep diving, so an early
Quicksilver Sash could prove useful. (if you buy it early, you can use it more often)
Tank & Bruiser Builds
On Hit Builds
Crit Builds
Magic Damage Builds
Active Item Support Builds
Assassin Builds
Item purchases can normally be figured out during the loading screen, before the game starts. They are based around the idea of "What does your team want to do?" and "What does the enemy team want to do?"
When to be Flexible in Builds
* Just as a side note, because I hear it pretty often, building items from the other damage type (AD champions building AP, or vice versa) does not change the damage type the ability applies, even if the ability scales with Ability Power or Attack Damage. If the ability says it applies physical damage, it'll still apply physical damage even if AP is built.
When your team lacks magic, or physical, or ranged DPS (damage per second) and there are

If you are against a team with all squishy ranged champions (with no

Tanks & Bruisers
Usual Bruiser & Tank build that I build against mixed damage team comps:

Some things to be mentioned before bringing up actual items:
If your team has no tanks or frontline, 99% of the time, it is correct to buy Resistance & Defensive items before buying your first damage item. Reason being, "if you aren't alive you can't deal damage" (...unless you're

Magic Resist Items
Defensive items are largely based on what champions the enemy team has. (

The main 3 Tank Magic Resist items to be kept in mind are:
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Armor Items
Something to keep in mind with the armor items is that the Cold Steel Passive (attack speed reduction on being hit with an auto attack) is a part of

The 3 Tank Armor items to be kept in mind:
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THE health item
In my opinion, half-tank items on bruisers/tanks (e.g.,

1) You are are the only source of that type of damage (physical or magical), and your backline cannot deal with the tanks on their team otherwise
2) You are in a "damage race" with the enemy after rushing the backline (i.e. You cannot tank their damage, and the only way to win the fight is if you kill them before they kill you)
3) You need QSS (

4) Your team is ahead and you are trying to close out the game as fast a possible, by getting damage faster than the enemy team can build resistances.
On-hit items
As far as damage items, they follow roughly the same rule as



Some honorable mentions for the on-hit builds include

EDIT [8.24]:

Crit Builds
First Item Crit Core
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Unless you plan on not auto attacking very often, or don't plan on getting 100% crit, usually you will be going

Second Item
After getting AD and Crit chance, Attack Speed and more Crit chance usually complements very well. Pretty much all of the

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Poke/Tower Damage
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Third Item

Fourth Item
Likely either another

Lifesteal Options
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Remember that if you grab a lifesteal item, you're either passing up on/delaying a

Armor Penetration Options
Make sure to check if the enemy has bought armor before buying

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From my experience, if the enemy team knows that they need to kill you, they will paint a giant target on your head that says "kill at all costs". (They probably will when they notice that you are the hardest to kill and dealing the most damage) They will start rushing through your entire team to kill you, which means you need defensive boots, even if just for the stats.
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Magic Damage - Mage Builds
Mana Item
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The 2 items that I usually end up picking from Options is

Kennen Build
Since I regularly run both

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Last Item:
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...the main problem with this build is that...there are potentially 6 active items which could be a little hard to manage. The main benefit is that, there are many ways to force an engage (

Active Item Support Build
If doing this build

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AP Active Item Supports Options
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Tank Active Item Supports Options
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Test: Mage Active Item Support
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Assassin Role
General AD Assassin
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When should you build

If you need more single target burst, this is your item. You get a small crit on your first auto, and get a speed up for chase/escape afterwards.

In most situations, you aren't going to be assassinating the tank...unless you are constantly left in a situation where you and the tank are the only ones left alive, or the entire team consists of mainly tanks. In situations where you are actually aiming to assassinate the tank, you likely won't need

You are buying this item because they keep trying to stuff your engage before you get your burst off.

You are likely buying this for 1 of 2 reasons. 1) similar to where you are buying

Usually, I buy this item in situations similar to

Honestly...I rarely buy this item, unless the champion synergises with it very well (e.g.

If you get into a situation of prolonged fighting with a health stacking enemy (pretty rare), this item could cause you to win. The active can also be used as a surprise burst near the end of the fight.

If you are not already 100 => 0 squishy enemies, you can get this item for more burst. (also, if

General AP Assassin
Usually AP assassins prioritize (flat) Penetration stats, since squishies are usually the targets.
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Builds & Enemy Builds
Enemy builds should always be checked, no matter which role you are playing.

Sometimes assassinating a

Checking enemy builds is especially important when playing

Magic Resist and Armor depend on the enemy comp heavily. Also, sometimes champions can go alternative builds, and the type of damage will change based on the build (e.g.

Usually, for active item supports, generally my builds are pretty similar, unless there are a large amount of

If you are fighting against a team heavy in one damage type, stacking that type of resistance could mean they could never kill you before you/your team kill them. (and you will be able to rush damage items faster) Also, if they have

Skill Sequence
Although in Normal and Ranked games there is a generally accepted order for leveling and maxing skills, in ARAM skill order leveling is a bit more situational.
Although in Normal games, if you play
Janna support, usually you either max your W (
Zephyr) or E (
Eye of the Storm) first. In a situation where your team has no waveclear (no way of killing minions quickly before they crash into tower), then sometimes it makes more sense to max Q (
Howling Gale) first on
Janna, even if there are many champions that scale with AD on your team and would benefit from your E (
Eye of the Storm). Early wave clear & momentum is way too important to forfeit.
Another situational example, is if your team has enough waveclear, and you are playing
Illaoi. You have the option of maxing Q (
Tentacle Smash), but E (
Test of Spirit) could be better. If the enemy team is stuck under tower, then
Tentacle Smash likely won't reach without drawing tower aggro. Whereas
Test of Spirit (lvl 1 E: 25% => lvl 5 E: 45% damage transfer) benefits from the enemy team being under tower & is easier to hit, and will transfer even more damage than
Tentacle Smash would since your teammates can help damage/kill the spirit.
If you load into the game with
Malphite and there are 5
marksman on the enemy team
Ground Slam might be the most beneficial ability for your team. After
Unstoppable Force-ing into the team,
Ground Slam-ing would significantly cut the enemy team's damage output (if they are not already all dead).
In another situation, if you load into the game with
Malphite and there are 4 Physical Damage champions on the enemy team,
Brutal Strikes might be the most beneficial (especially since taking Precision tree secondary provides an attack speed bonus). It'll provide adequate damage output while making yourself tankier, so that your team can output even more damage while you are soaking up the enemy team's damage. (and if the enemy ignores you, then you can keep auto attacking and
Ground Slam to cut all of their attack speed)
Situation based on your team
Although in Normal games, if you play

Another situational example, is if your team has enough waveclear, and you are playing

Situation based on enemy team
If you load into the game with

In another situation, if you load into the game with

Summoner spells have an innate 40% cooldown reduction on ARAM.
Generally, the 4 Summoners that I see often are:
The 3 summoner spells that I use most are
Heal, and
Mark/Dash is especially useful for melees that have a difficult time engaging (e.g.
Darius), or champions that could use it as a second engage tool (e.g.
Amumu)...which basically turns into the majority of the melee champ pool.
Barrier should be noted as having a lower cooldown than
Heal, and will likely be up for every teamfight, whereas
Heal may not. But, I usually take
Heal to help allies out of sticky situations, and put the burden of having longer summoner spell downtimes on myself.
Ghost and
Exhaust and good to consider as well (e.g. using
Hecarim, or
Rammus, or some other champion that either benefits from movespeed or needs to stick). Usually, for general defensive spells,
Barrier or
Heal is better, since you do not need to be in range of an enemy champion to use it, and is effective for damage from multiple different sources. But, as with supports,
Exhaust could prove to be useful, if there are assassins on the the enemy team, and you know that you have to keep someone else on your team alive.
So, why not
Cleanse has the potential of being a dead summoner spell (and
Quicksilver Sash can be bought reactively), since you do not get to see the enemy team before the game begins.
Clarity feels like overkill with
Presence of Mind, if anything and early
Tear of the Goddess should be enough...skipping
Barrier seems like a pretty important summoner to give up in exchange.
Ignite could be good...if defensive options like
Barrier weren't as strong, although if
Ignite had a similar or less cooldown, it might be used as some sort of regular damage rotation as soon as it is off cooldown. (Grievous Wounds isn't as important, since
Morellonomicon is bought pretty regularly)
P.S. Be careful with
Mark/Dash, it feels like there may be a delay after inputting the Summoner Spell command & when the spell is launched (meaning if you move your mouse shortly after pressing the
Mark/Dash it may go in a different direction than intended)...could just be me though.
Generally, the 4 Summoners that I see often are:
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The 3 summoner spells that I use most are

Ghost and Exhaust?

Clarity, Cleanse and Ignite?
So, why not

P.S. Be careful with

One thing that I keep seeing repeated when ARAM is brought up anywhere is "there is no way we could win, their team comp was just better than ours." I mean...the nexus didn't explode as soon as the game probably is a chance to win. (harder, but not impossible)
In all honesty, ARAM is pretty RNG heavy, but it is more-so based off of teammates and the way the team plays than anything else...there has only been ~1 game out of the 1000s of ARAM games I have played where I recall our team comp not being able to deal enough damage no matter how long our team tanked for.
If no one on the team is willing to follow up on engages (e.g. 5-man
Unstoppable Force, or 4-man
Elastic Slingshot), or one Player clearly is not listening to pings (such as CD for ulti pings & engaging early), then these are pretty strong indications of poor team synergy...another sign is if everyone is flaming each other. Much like Ranked or Normal games, either just continue playing the game, or do your best to calm everyone down & get them on the same page.
How well the team has to coordinate to win depends on how difficult your team comp is to navigate in comparison to the enemy team comp. If your team has lots of hard engage, and the enemy team has heavy poke, then the onus is on your team to make something happen quickly. If your team has 4 poking champions and 1 tank, and the other team must hit the engage, your responsibility is to make sure that they don't hit their engage or
Recognizing strengths/weaknesses is heavily important as well. If your team is ulti-reliant...then turtling until 6 without receiving too much damage is pretty important. (aka. don't force engages unless there is a free catch on an enemy)
Poke, Healing, and Pick/Catch Strengths are usually pretty straightforward. Things get pretty complicated when the enemy team has heavy AOE + long-duration Crowd Control ultis, or invulnerabilities. In these sorts of situations, they need to be baited out and re-engaged, or nullified (e.g.
Whimsy on
Intervention). Or, if the enemy team has lots of disengage, you could either aim to one-shot the disengager, or hold some engage tools and re-engage after. Generally, you'll know what you need to watch out for when you know what all the champions do.
In all honesty, ARAM is pretty RNG heavy, but it is more-so based off of teammates and the way the team plays than anything else...there has only been ~1 game out of the 1000s of ARAM games I have played where I recall our team comp not being able to deal enough damage no matter how long our team tanked for.
Team Synergy
If no one on the team is willing to follow up on engages (e.g. 5-man

How well the team has to coordinate to win depends on how difficult your team comp is to navigate in comparison to the enemy team comp. If your team has lots of hard engage, and the enemy team has heavy poke, then the onus is on your team to make something happen quickly. If your team has 4 poking champions and 1 tank, and the other team must hit the engage, your responsibility is to make sure that they don't hit their engage or

Recognizing strengths/weaknesses is heavily important as well. If your team is ulti-reliant...then turtling until 6 without receiving too much damage is pretty important. (aka. don't force engages unless there is a free catch on an enemy)
Poke, Healing, and Pick/Catch Strengths are usually pretty straightforward. Things get pretty complicated when the enemy team has heavy AOE + long-duration Crowd Control ultis, or invulnerabilities. In these sorts of situations, they need to be baited out and re-engaged, or nullified (e.g.

Other Tips & Tricks
- The safest place to stand at the start of the game before the minions spawn is not the brush in the middle of the map. If you are standing there alone and 5 enemies facecheck the brush, or
Mark/Dash to you, you will likely have to blow
Flash immediately to live. The safest place to stand, is the area right above your outer relic, just enough to see the gap between the two bushes in the middle of the map. If done correctly, you will see any
Mark/Dash coming from the enemy bush, and anyone entering your bush. The only way to sneak into the bush is: 1) stealth abilities/passives, 2) coming to the middle of the map faster than you (e.g.
Devastating Charge), 3) going through the wall.
- Pushing is important, especially at the start of the game. (The first wave usually decides which team has push advantage, basically for the rest of the game unless something happens) As with laning phase, pushing opponents under tower means that there is more room to angle and shoot skillshots. Conversely, dodging & shooting skillshots though enemy minions is much harder under tower (since there are minions). Pushing is also important to pressure enemies to clearing the minions, else potentially forfeit the tower.
- If you get
Teemo and the enemy team buys
Oracle's Extract put
Noxious Trap on all edges of bushes. The enemy team has to walk into the bush in order to clear them (the traps just appear as outlines & cannot be cleared from the outside of the bush), which means that someone is tanking a hit. If the enemy refuses to clear any of them, you know for sure that no one has entered/is sitting in those bushes. You can also use them similar to
Yordle Snap Trap when in combat (predict where the enemy is moving or standing, and place one there)
- When it hits 6-item late game, buy
Oracle's Extract if you have the gold for it, even if there are no stealth enemies or traps (
Noxious Trap,
Bushwhack) on the enemy team. This will help with checking bushes, since bushes do not have to be walked into to see if there is an enemy (a red outline will appear when there are champions sitting in bushes & you are outside of the bush). It is also a sort of insurance policy, since backdoor champions may try something sneaky.
Oracle's Extract will reveal Invisible champions, this includes
Talon's R
Shadow Assault,
Shaco's Q
Mark/Dash will reveal Invisible champions as well, and make them visible/targetable for damage dealers, and can be used in other ways, such as following enemies after they attempt to use abilities when escaping
- You'll probably learn that there are multiple ways to use abilities, which probably differ from Summoner's Rift, just as an example using
Twisted Fate
Destiny to counter
Thrill of the Hunt, or
Shadow Assault, or not having to walk in to facecheck an opponent sitting in a bush.
- Abilities such as
Shadow Step or
Master Yi's
Meditate can be used for healing if you know there will be no fighting soon.
- If you are an
assassin role and are against
Karthus buy
Edge of Night, and as soon as you see the
Requiem light appear above your head, pop
Edge of Night and
Requiem will be shielded. (need to be out of combat)
- E max first
Event Horizon on
Veigar should be considered. Stun Duration 1.5 => 2.5 & CD down by 4 sec.
- Health relics restore health and mana twice (once on pickup & once as an AOE)
- In past patches when Poros started in the brushes in the middle of the map, feeding them your
Poro-Snax would cause them to stare at you from outside the brush, which would give away your position for the rest of the game whenever you sat in a brush. If you hold your
Poro-Snax they will sit in the brush next to you instead. Personally, I do not feed the Poros for this reason.
Mark/Dash can be used to check brushes without having to walk into them (make sure to send the spell down the middle of the brush), but be careful of the very corners of the brush, sometimes the spell doesn't reach the corner closest to you.
- ARAM is slightly different in terms of
Flash usage. On Summoner's Rift, there are situations where you can escape a gank by
Flash-ing a wall, or
Flash-ing an ability. But, in ARAM, you should not be
Flash-ing to just stay alive. Unless you are making a huge play, or you are the carry and the fight is about to break out, just hold your flash for the next play and take the death (even if you are alive and
Flash out, you'll be at low health for the next fight...which will lead to either lower damage output or getting
Flash-ed on by an enemy and dying), and avoid the same thing happening again next time. (unless your team is going to lose a lot for you dying, like 2 towers...or the game)
- Usually it's pretty wrong to run into the enemy to die just to buy items, unless it is an execute. This is because, "what is the difference of dying now versus dying in the last teamfight?" the enemies still get the gold for the kill like they would if you died last fight. In addition, since you are dying, your team has to forfeit the map and the enemy gets to either push for free, or win the next teamfight for free. Usually, if you cannot execute, the next best thing to do is to bait the enemy team into overextending, causing them to lose the fight.
Fiddlesticks can hit
Mark/Dash on an enemy champion, then channel
Crowstorm and immediately take
Mark/Dash into the enemy team. (if the marked target dies, you cannot dash in by the way)
- If you
Mark of the Kindred an enemy frontline or engage champion as
Kindred, they will be forced to not play their champion properly, or
Flash out, else they will feed you marks repeatedly.
- If you are playing a carry, don't forget the possibility of running forward instead of backward when you are getting dove. Sometimes it is safer to be in the middle of or right behind your frontline than running behind your tower. (especially late game)
- One thing I try to do when playing
Ashe is, in between auto attacking an enemy near a bush,
Hawkshot any nearby bushes. Enemies often try to kite into bushes to lose vision and force you to walk into them. Another thing to note is
Hawkshot will give you assists now, so you could technically shoot them across the map when you spawn to get assists if fights break out.
- Reminder:
Guardian Angel (which makes
Perfect Timing a bit less valuable on AD champions if you're not building
Gargoyle Stoneplate) and
Zz'Rot Portal are not available on this map.
GOOD LUCK CRUSHING YOUR ENEMIES WITH YOUR NEWFOUND KNOWLEDGE! ...but seriously, thanks for reading the guide, especially if you had read through the whole thing and made it this far. If you have any questions or feedback feel free to either leave them here in the comments section, whisper on Twitch, tweet/DM on Twitter, or YouTube, I would be happy to answer them and will get back to you as soon as possible. Again, any comments and feedback are appreciated!
This is the end of the guide.
This is the end of the guide.

On-Hit/Attack Speed
(From Change Log - Patch 9.5)Primary:


Stat Runes: OFFENSE: 10% Attack Speed, FLEX: +6 Armor, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist
Max Order

Against Heavy AP/Magic Damage



Boots (

Sample End Game Build:

Short Vid Sample (No Audio):
Sorry, missed recording the Penta from Bilgewater Event
Tried the build on

(From Change Log - Patch 8.26b)Pulled from Past Change List for ARAM & Here is a recent short vid (May 30th 2019)
(Dec 24) 8.24 Update - TheoryCraft: "Tank"

Runes run were (

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Summoner Spells: |
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If you are snowballing and want to snowball harder, but don't need too much defensive stats. Will also give you stronger chase-down with your ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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General armor item, active slow great against melee for kiting & crit damage reduction great against other ranged marksmen. |
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General MR item, will additionally amp your %max health damage healing. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Very useful for single target cc, or long lasting stuns (i.e. ![]() ![]() |
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If you are really confident and want to build another damage item, this will give you stronger 1v1 dueling & amp your attack speed up from 3.13 (with ![]() ![]() |

But...the damage isn't what makes the build really's that you are removing the main weakness of ranged

In addition to health and resistances (and delayed damage from

If you are looking for a power spike damage-wise usually at 3 items (

Champions to watch out for:
Champions that do not die (i.e.

Champions that can snowball on you (i.e.

Champions that can keep you from auto-attacking/cc you (but you do have

Also, your wave clear likely won't be the greatest.
Guide Change Log - Starting from 9.1
- Pulled Tank
Vayne into the TheoryCrafts section - May 30
- Added 9.10 to Change List for ARAM section - May 15
- Moved 9.9 - 8.14 portions to bottom of guide - May 15 (TODO: still have to pull out theorycrafts and move them to different section)
- Created Theorycrafts section - Moves On-hit/Attack Speed Vi into it - May 20
- Added 9.9 to Change List for ARAM section - May 1
- Added 1 new item set to Support section, and update runes section to include the
Electrocute and
Predator since the keystone/rune changes stayed, and a new Active Item Support rune option - May 11
- Added 9.8 to Change List for ARAM section - Apr 17
- Added 9.7 to Change List for ARAM section, and added little to Intro section - Apr 3
- Added EDIT section to 9.7 on Change List for ARAM section - Apr 11
- Added 9.6 to Change List for ARAM section - Mar 21
- Added 9.5 to Change List for ARAM section - Mar 7
- Added Quick Access - Starting Items & Vi edit in 9.5. Change List Section - Mar 9
- Added 9.4 to Change List for ARAM section - Feb 20
- Added list of melee champions with AP ratios &
Conqueror section - Feb 21
- Added
Conqueror Hotfix to Change List - Feb 23
- Added to Runes Section (Assassin) & Edit 2 to
Conqueror hotfix (will update Quick Access w/ Starting Items link on next update) - Feb 26
- Added to Change List for ARAM (9.3 Section) & ...numbers edit - Feb 5
- Formatting, numbers, and added some bullet points - Feb 6
- Removed the
Stormrazor section, as it is no longer relevant after the changes to the item & some wording clarity added (going to have to update the Crit Section again later) - Feb 7
- Changed the Crit Items section, added in the component changes to
Essence Reaver &
Phantom Dancer in the Change List for ARAM section, and edited the Starting Items section - Feb 10
- Added to Other Tips & Tricks, and added an Edit to Change List for ARAM (Scheduled PBE
Essence Reaver change) - Feb 14
- Added to Runes Section (Marksmen), updated Armor, MR & Adaptive Force numbers in Runes section, and added a Reminder to Tips & Tricks Section - Feb 20
- Added to Change List for ARAM (9.2 Section) & some formatting cleanup - Jan 24
- Added a TheoryCraft for Sylas - Jan 27
- Added an edit to Sylas portion - Feb 3
- Added Guide Change Log (Hi!) - Jan 8
- Added to Change List for ARAM (9.1 Section) - Jan 8
- Added Starting Items/Buying Items Section - Jan 8
- Added a few edits to the Change List for ARAM - Ornn section & Hail of Blades - Jan 11
- Added a few edits to the Marksman Runes section - Jan 11
Past Change list for ARAM (From 8.14 onwards)

First Package Spawn Time: 8:00 -> 5:00
ARAM Package Cooldown Time: 240 -> 150

3200 gold -> 3300 gold

Likely a good thing for ARAM, but a nerf for Summoner's Rift. You can always start

60 -> 70 Armor
If you are not up against Lifesteal or Healing Champions (i.e.

Sorry for the delay, been sucked into TFT and uploading a few vids to YT. Also, starting to work on a TFT guide/reference thing. Hope you are enjoying TFT as well!
Link: Google Doc

Not too many changes this patch. Sorry for the delay, been working on some other stuff. Also, TFT should be hitting PBE soon, may push some video stuff onto YouTube!

Doesn't really affect anything
No Rune Updates
Just a bunch of Champion adjustments, since there isn't much in this patch, I'll list the ARAM specific adjustments.
One in specific that might need to be looked at still, is probably



Unfortunately, no item, rune, or ARAM updates this patch. Mostly just Champion buffs, nerfs, and bug fixing.
Pulled the Tank Vayne Theorycraft out of the past change log section, added a short vid & stuck a link in the Quick Access section though!

If I get her in ARAM I will likely try out the test mage support build. (and might try out

Test: Mage Active Item Support
(slightly altered)
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Test Support Runes (Mage):



Stat Runes: OFFENSE: 1-10% CDR (or +9 Adaptive Force), FLEX: +9 Adaptive Force, DEFENSE: +8 Magic Resist

Phantom Hit - Every 2 attacks -> Every 3 attacks
Armor Penetration: 6% (+0.5% per level, max 15%) -> 15%
Magic Penetration: 6% (+0.5% per level, max 15%) -> 15%
Pretty big nerf to rageblade users, probably needed though. Likely will start trying out crit

ARAM Changes:

Death Timers at 18: 40 seconds (from 45 seconds)
Turret Damage Changes: Champion damage to turrets increase after 18 minutes, maxing at +25% at 30 minutes (from 15 minutes, 15% at 25 minutes)
(if linear: 25% over 12 minutes = ~2.08% per minute, roughly 14.58% at 25 minutes)
Minion Wave Frequency: Minion waves spawn faster after 18 minutes, maxing at 13 seconds between waves at 30 minutes (from 15 minutes, 15 seconds at 25 minutes)
(if linear: 1 second per minute, 18 seconds at 25 minutes)
Starting seconds between waves: 25 seconds
Minion Movement Speed: Minions speed up after 18 minions
Early opinion, these changes are likely okay...might be harder on champions that need a lot of expensive items. Minion waves seem to spawn less frequently until 28 minutes, and tower damage seems the same up until 25 minutes. (unless I did the math wrong somewhere)
And more champion changes.
No real big changes aside from the



Bonus Armor (same calculation for MR, except with BONUS MR instead):
70 + (0.5 BONUS Armor, up to 80-150 based on level) when immobilizing an enemy champion
Old: 70-120 based on level
Damage: 10-120 based on level + (0.04 Max health)
Old: 10-120 based on level + (0.03 Max health) + (0.15 BONUS AD) + (0.1 AP)
The changes give tanks a bit more Resistances during activation. If you are taking this item on a non-tank, you are likely taking this for the initial 70 resists given, still great if you are trying to not get bursted as soon as you engage, though don't expect too much out of the detonate damage anymore since there are no AP and AD scaling on it now.


Makes secondary

What's being kept from the last patch?

Champion adjustments (individual buffs/nerfs)
Poke damage reduction (changed to 1000 distance, from 900)
Rune adjustments

Minion & structure damage changes (Champions start with 0% additional damage to structures, 15-25 minutes scaling up to 15% damage, 15-25 minutes minions gain up to 425 movement speed)


Total Cost: 2400 -> 2900

Attack Speed: 40 -> 50
Magic Resist: 40 -> 50
(NEW) Movement Speed: 5%
On-Hit Damage: 42 -> 15-80 (levels 1-18) (the wikia states the the damage scaling isn't linear, will likely have to check)
Heal for the amount of On-hit damage dealt by Wit's End (33% effective for ranged) - "When below half health" not stated on Patch Notes, but stated in client-EDIT Updated Patch notes to include
Magic Resist Shred/Gain removed
This really changes the identity of

This item is a lot worse on marksmen on-hit champions...will likely start trying crit after

With the upcoming structure damage entire team of tanks might just take a tower or 2 by itself w/ just


Still would take on ulti-reliant champions, if not taking

All of the other ARAM changes were mentioned in the previous section (9.6), but will likely update again later after trying them out for a bit.


ANYWAY, just some early thoughts, likely will update again after trying out a few games.
EDIT (Early thoughts after a few games):
The individual champion buffs/nerfs seem to feel pretty good. Though, with this many changes happening all at one time, it may be a little difficult to judge how effective each individual change is. Some of them may be a bit much, but overall pretty good.
The minion changes seem pretty good, and waves seem to catch up to your team pretty quickly to take towers. The champion damage to structures though, in combination with the minion changes...feels pretty unhealthy, there have been games where my 1st-2nd death had resulted in 2-3 towers being taken off one push. A similar problem happened where if I ever died, the game would likely end off the next push (since I was the main DPS on the team), even if I died on their side of the map & still had towers up...this felt REALLY bad since I was sitting on 8k gold with only 3 items and tier 1 boots.
The poke reduction feels great, though may be a bit heavy at 15% reduction (especially if the champion is already receiving individual nerfs). (non-ultimate & damage over time abilities though, so abilities like

At this point, I'm pretty indifferent about the bans (maybe slightly against), if it makes the majority of people happy, personally I'm okay with it sticking around.

A build I like doing with

Might update again later if I have anything else to add or missed. Anyway, thanks for reading & GL HF!

Probably the build I will immediately try if getting Ezreal in aram is:

Charges: 6 -> 3
Base Damage Bonus: 4% -> 6%
Additional Damage Bonus: 1 -> 3%
Starting Cooldown: 240 seconds -> 180 seconds

The REALLY interesting thing announced was:
Honestly, can't wait...for most of the changes. Slated to drop middle of 9.7, likely still subject to change.
- Bans - Honestly...I'm not sure about this the moment anyway. It kind of feels like the "R" from ARAM is being messed with. But, this could be a good preemptive move, in case there is an imbalanced champion that is released later.
- Champions deal increased damage to towers - 0:00-15:00 (10%) & 15:00-25:00 (linear increase to 30%), I'm not really sure about these changes either, since it might be a bit harder on scaling champions (or if you manage to get ahead on a late game champion, likely a lot more punishing) that comes to mind is
- Poke Reduction (if >900 units) - Awesome
Barrier removed, "Backtrack" introduced: Gives small shield and pulls you back in the direction of your fountain, shorter distance for ranged (not sure if invulnerable or untargetable). Great!
- "Mariner's Vengance" introduced - instead of reviving like
Guardian Angel, you gain 50% base health & 30% max mana & all basic ability CDs, but you die in 4 seconds still. I...don't really like this item, if the owner died when their base health hit 0 instead of being invulnerable, it would be great. For reference,
Undying Rage is 5 seconds of invulnerability. ARAM might turn into a mess of everyone buying this item...though can't say for sure until trying the item.
Warmog's Armor changed for max health healing to missing. woo!
Ghostwalkers are back with a few adjustments
- Rune Adjustments (
Triumph &
Presence of Mind nerfed woo!...don't think the
Presence of Mind nerf was hard enough though) a number of runes & Champion adjustments.

Likely need to re-test again, probably not as strong anymore. Not a go to for melee champs.





Attack Speed Growth: 2.5% -> 2%

110/85/60 cooldown -> 120/100/80 cooldown
150/300/450 (1.4 bonus AD ratio) -> 150/325/500 (1.1 bonus AD ratio)
No longer deals 25% reduced damage to secondary targets & secondary targets knocked back by 350 over 0.75 seconds (from 250 over 0.25 seconds)
Sorry for the delay on this patch

(early opinion: likely could be one of the best melee assassin & fighter runes for ARAM, because of how fast you can usually stack it & drawn out teamfights being often...if you aren't immediately focused after killing your target, could also be pretty good on low CD mages & diving tanks that aren't running

EDIT2: Have also heard that

- No longer has the requirement of staying in combat for 4 seconds to activate.
- First Basic Attack against an enemy champion changed to Damaging Attacks and Abilities
- Duration: 3 seconds (refreshing for melee champions when damaging an enemy champion) -> 3 seconds (8 seconds for melee)
- 6-35 AD (levels 1-18) -> 3-15 Adaptive Force (levels 1-18) stacking up to 5 times 15-75
- True Damage: 20% -> 10% (+ healing for that amount) 5 stacks required
- Damage over Time abilities can only add a stack once every 5 seconds

List of Melee Champions that have AP ratios:

Lots of champion, VFX, and Animation changes.
Also, Kayle & Morgana teasers shown (for next patch? 9.5). GL HF!
This section may be a bit long, due to all of the crit item changes. Will likely be referencing the Wikia for all of the old descriptions and numbers.
I would like to preface this by saying, you now need 4 crit items to hit 100% crit instead of 3 items due to the

2 Items (IE + Complete Zeal item) 9.2 vs 9.3:
200*.6 = 120% + (100 * .4) = 160% damage on average (Patch 9.2)
225 * .5 = 112.5% + (100 * .5) = 162.5% damage on average (Patch 9.3)
3 Items (IE + 2 Complete Zeal items) 9.2 vs 9.3:
200*1 = 200% damage on average (Patch 9.2)
225 * .75 = 168.75% + (100 * .25) = 193.75% damage on average (Patch 9.3)
- It was noted in the patch notes that significant power shifts would be made on a champ-by-champ basis, so some marksmen may still be getting buffs.

- These changes were meant to be a nerf from the +50% crit damage version, which is fine, though it should be noted that at +50% crit damage: 4 Auto attacks = a Crit auto attack from passive damage & at +25% crit damage: 8 Auto Attacks = Crit auto attack from passive damage. This may seem obvious, but just wanted to point this out.
- Old
Infinity Edge stats for comparison (from patch 7.9): 3400 gold, 70 AD, 20% critical strike chance, +50% damage on critical strikes. (3250 gold in AD & Crit Chance stats)
- 9.3
Infinity Edge gold value provided by stats: 2800 gold in AD (35 gold/AD * 80 AD) + 1000 gold in Critical Strike Chance (40 gold/Crit Chance * 25 Crit Chance) = 3800 in stats alone, which means the item is gold efficient and can be bought on its own

- New
Essence Reaver is better by itself at 1 item, but Old
Essence Reaver provided 3% maximum mana on critical strikes & 30% CDR after a completed Zeal item. Additionally it was 70 AD instead of 60 AD, but was 5% crit chance less (20% crit chance). It should be noted though that the +20% CDR doesn't look like a Unique passive, which means you could technically build 2
Essence Reavers for 40% CDR. (maybe you could try this on
Jhin...something like
Infinity Edge,
Rapid Firecannon, 2
Essence Reaver, if you aren't doing the lethality build)
- EDIT: The balance team probably noticed, the 20% CDR will be a unique passive starting next patch...unless they change their mind.
- 9.3
Essence Reaver gold value provided by stats: 2100 gold from AD (35 * 60), 533.3333333 gold from CDR (26.66666 * 20), 1000 gold from Crit Chance (40 * 25) = Total gold value of 3633.333333333 gold, which means the item is gold efficient
- 7.9
Essence Reaver gold value provided by stats: 3400 gold, 70 AD, 10% CDR, 20% Crit Chance (3516.66666 gold), at 30% CDR (max stack passive) (4050 gold)
Infinity Edge -> Zeal Item ->
Essence Reaver is likely strong on most ADCs that build crit (as I believe I had heard as well from Phreak in one of his videos)

- Changed from a dueling item to an anti-burst item. Probably pretty good between levels 1-9 & good with
Rapid Firecannon since the movement speed passive isn't restricted to 550 range.

- A lot better now when bought in response to enemies buying armor, since the total armor penetration on this item is doubled rather than being thrown largely on the completed item.

Current Crit Passive removed,
ENERGIZED passive added: Basic attacks & movement generate Energized stacks & at 100 stacks your next basic attack deals 65 magic damage and slows for 40% decaying over 1 second,
STORM passive added: Your Energized effects are 30% more effective and slow for 40% decaying over 1 second.
- This is not a first purchase item anymore
- I believe I had heard STORM affects
Fleet Footwork as well (so healing should be increased, and movespeed). The other 2 Energized I believe are
Rapid Firecannon and
Statikk Shiv,
Rapid Firecannon's range is likely also increased, and the number of bounces on
Statikk Shiv.
- I'm not sure how much you would want this item over a lifesteal item, a crit item, or a
Last Whisper item since item slots are highly contested.
- This item does not provide crit chance.

3400 gold

+60 AD
+250 Health
+20% CDR
Essence Flare passive moved here (Your next basic attack after casting your Ultimate for 6 seconds, grants +50% Attack Speed & refunds 20% of basic ability CD on basic attacks)
TL;DR (Crit items): Initial thoughts are that looking at the patch notes...they seem like not bad changes, though not sure if it will shake things up too much. You likely can buy full

EDIT: Jan 26

Based on looking at the kit & hearing some comments on him, I'm guessing that

Probably running (Norms):


Stat Runes: 1-10% CDR, +6 Armor, +8 Magic Resist (or +16 Magic Resist depending on matchups)


Stat Runes: +1-10% CDR, +16 Magic Resist
EDIT3: I was not certain if Self-Heals and Self-Shields were affected by


I originally wanted to try something crazy with

The original build was something like


The rest of the build is fairly standard mage stuff.
Anyway, just some early thoughts. Good Luck, Have Fun!
EDIT2: Forgot to add something, if you run it as a bot laner, you may wanna try

Also, something a bit "cheesy" that you could try is an early level 2 all-in with

Anyway, just another thought. Good Luck, Have Fun!

If the enemy team is not full of squishies, or if grievous wounds isn't needed, I might consider a different item. Still great against squishies though.

Ally Heal Conversion: 300% -> 40-100% (level 1 - 18)
Self-Heal Conversion: 40% -> 40-100% (level 1 - 18)
Changed from instantly falling off after 6 seconds to decays by 2.5% max shield/second after 6 seconds
Still in the same row as

Stacks: 10 -> 20
Lifesteal per stack: 0.8 -> 0.6%
Max Lifesteal: 8% -> 12%
This change is great, if you are

In the

4-12% increased damage -> 4-10% increased damage
Threshold changed: 150-2000 more max health -> 10%-100% more max health
Stat Runes:
Adaptive Damage: 10 -> 9
Armor: 5 -> 6
Magic Resist: 6 -> 8

Don't usually mention individual champion changes, but the

Ornn can upgrade two of his own items for free.
- For each level (14 & after)
Ornn can upgrade one of his allies items.
- Gains additional 10% Armor & Magic Resist from items.
Iceborn Gauntlet
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Blade of the Ruined King
Luden's Tempest added as upgradeable items
EDIT: The Upgraded Items section under the Recommended tab of the shop appears to be gone (at least for ARAM) with this patch, it may be beneficial to create a custom item set for

Aside from the champion & jungle item changes...

Auto attack resets no longer eat a charge
- Could be good in comps that are looking to pick one person off repeatedly, instead of teamfight.
- It gives you the same attack speed increase on the next 3 auto attacks, starting from level 1 when compared to max level
Lethal Tempo. Though, you have to be out of combat to reset the cooldown.
Attack Speed Stat Rune: 9 -> 10%

Added Long Range Ability Pings for

Also, ping information were added for certain abilities:

Some others were listed in the patch notes, dealing with Too Little Mana to cast, or Current Stacks, or Too Little Health to cast & time to unlock other form for

There were also some changes on the HUD dealing with Remaining Duration/Time to Recast on some abilities.
[8.24b Update]

This will likely feel great, especially if you are buying a final item that has

The buffs likely won't be noticeable unless you buy two or more of these items...which could definitely happen with

Riot added back Nexus Blitz, and made all champions available over the holidays in the game mode, GL HF!
Also, Happy Holidays!
(Dec 24) 8.24 Update - TheoryCraft: "Tank"

Runes run were (

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Summoner Spells: |
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If you are snowballing and want to snowball harder, but don't need too much defensive stats. Will also give you stronger chase-down with your ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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General armor item, active slow great against melee for kiting & crit damage reduction great against other ranged marksmen. |
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General MR item, will additionally amp your %max health damage healing. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Very useful for single target cc, or long lasting stuns (i.e. ![]() ![]() |
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If you are really confident and want to build another damage item, this will give you stronger 1v1 dueling & amp your attack speed up from 3.13 (with ![]() ![]() |

But...the damage isn't what makes the build really's that you are removing the main weakness of ranged

In addition to health and resistances (and delayed damage from

If you are looking for a power spike damage-wise usually at 3 items (

Champions to watch out for:
Champions that do not die (i.e.

Champions that can snowball on you (i.e.

Champions that can keep you from auto-attacking/cc you (but you do have

Also, your wave clear likely won't be the greatest.
Anyway, I'll update again if I feel I missed anything! Other than that, Merry Christmas (if you celebrate) & Happy Holidays! GL HF!
(Dec 29) EDIT: I'll try to continue updating with other Theorycraft builds, as I think of them, as thanks for the positive reception of the guide thus far. (some past ones include

Currently trying to think of

Also, early HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thanks in advance if you keep supporting through 2019!
Lots of individual champion changes/updates.
Clone Debuff Visual update - Clones will now have debuffs on them as well (i.e.

Mid patch update: 2 damage per soul (down from 4)
[8.24] Nerfs: Base damage down by 20 at all levels (20-60 from 40-80, for reference this is the same base damage as pre-[8.23]

No longer activates off of procs such as

Likely still the "go to" keystone, especially for mages
Honestly, the bigger change for me is the

Changed from 15% of PHYSICAL damage dealt => 15% of ALL damage dealt (won't remove champions that currently works with

With this change, it brings magic damage & true damage dealers into the

So what NEW users would consider buying this item now?
(Provides anti-burst, healing from all damage types, AD, CDR)
The people who immediately come to mind are

I'll update the list if I think of any others.

Turret plating added to the game, but not applied to ARAM map. I don't believe the minion changes were also applied to ARAM, but have to double check.

200 Gold less (3300 -> 3100)
On Hit damage changed to 15 magic damage on-hit (previously 5 (+0.1 bonus Attack Damage) physical damage + 5 (+0.1 Ability Power) magic damage).
Grants 6.5-15% (based on level) total armor and magic penetration.
No longer grants %Bonus AD and %AP on stacks, still grants Attack Speed on stacks.
Likely will change what types of champs are good with this item. It also should be noted that % of total penetration depends on the user's level. The tradeoff of penetration for extra on-hit damage makes it a bit worse on most current champions that use

Besides the current users, a few that I am less certain may pop up are:

Stat runes
Stats associated with trees removed. Now 3 rows of stat runes take its place. Generally adaptive force (AD/AP) runes and resistance (Armor/MR) runes are best in my opinion, partly due to getting all stats immediately rather than after leveling up.

Edit: Changed/hotfixed from 8 dmg/soul to 5 dmg/soul (only on Summoner's Rift though, ARAM still same at 4), also base damage early lowered by was pretty busted before.
%AP ratio lowered by 5 (20 -> 15)
Souls gained through damaging champions below 50% health, can no longer be obtained through minions.
45 second cooldown, reset to 1.5 on champion takedown.
Now procs off of abilities as well, not only on auto attack.
Higher base damages.
Likely still the best general rune, much better on mages and other champions that frequently use abilities (like poke champions). The main difference between this


AP ratio reduced by 0.2%.
...I still don't really take this often, since there are other ways of healing that don't involve a keystone.

Adaptive force removed.
Changed from Movement Speed increased by 1.5% to Movement Speed bonuses increased by 8%.
Generally worse on most champions, the AD/AP adaptive force gain was a pretty attractive part of the rune.

Base Healing reduced by 1% (2.5% to 1.5%)
Still a good rune. I still really like taking this if I do not have another healing rune other than

Still take

Charge up time reduced by 1 second (4 to 3)
Base damage increased by 25.
This rune used to compete with

Likely, this rune will be useful in comps where your team has really good teamfighting (if the enemy engages on you), but you lack siege (ranged auto attackers). You can continually chip the tower with

Also...take this rune if you cannot use

Moved a row lower.
Duration down by 1.5 (3 to 1.5)
Block amount increased by 10 from levels 1 - 18 (15-40 to 25-50)
Takes to place of Chrysalis, which is now removed
Generally a worse rune now (in ARAM), since competing with runes from a different row i.e.

Changed from 0.2% of max health per 8 minions/monster death, to +3 heath per 8 minions/monster death. (Equal at ~1500 hp on the user)
Additionally gain 2.5% of max health at 120 minion deaths. (rough estimate ~13-15 min)
Generally a much stronger rune for squishy champs than before. If you are a squishy champ running resolve secondary tree, this is a great rune option. (maybe with

Triggers on next 2 basic attacks after using an ability, instead of only 1.
Removed ward item option at 20 minutes.
Could be really broken or pretty underwhelming based on item drop, also open to many different champions now. (such as

From early games, the keystone seems a bit underwhelming. You likely would be better off with a damaging keystone and tree.
Have to double check bounty changes, if they were applied to ARAM.
*Edit: Sorry, just realized I missed a rune.

When shielded you gain 1-10 Armor/MR (based on level), and within 2 seconds of your shield expiring, your next basic attack against an enemy deals 4-21 (based on level) + 8.5% of shield strength + 1.5% bonus health. (No cooldown)
Consider taking this if you are a bruiser/melee carry and have an active shield in your kit (i.e.

This rune works with passive shields, (i.e.

Side Note:

A lot of individual champion changes.

Strong Runes/Trees not affected this patch, but seems like

Slight Camouflage change (Camouflage interaction with turrets adjusted)...though likely won't affect ARAM too much.

Also as a note about the


Lots of individual champion buffs.

Nothing ARAM related this patch aside from Champion specific adjustments...
Added a bit more to Tips section though.
Also, Odyssey: Extraction out! GLHF

Both items should likely still be bought in the same scenarios.


Other runes untouched...Notably



relevant item changes (crit builds section updated)


*Currently it seems

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